Chapter 13: What Else Can I Do

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A/n: Hi, Shining Stars! I hope you had a great Christmas and a great New Year! Enjoy the new chapter!

Isabela singing

Mirabel singing

(Y/n) singing

Mirabel and (Y/n) singing

Three Singing together

Third Person P.O.V

Mirabel and (Y/n) enters Isabela's room, but Isabela was nowhere to be found. (Y/n) walks slowly few feet behind Mirabel walks ahead looking around.

"Isa? Hey!" Mirabel said, trying to be sweet as possible. "I know we've had our issues but I'm..." She looks back at (Y/n) who gives her a thumbs up. "...ready to be a better you. So, we should just...hug. Let's hug it out. Eh?"

(Y/n) sighed as she pinched her nose while she shakes her head.

"Hug it out?" Isabela's voice snapped as Mirabel and (Y/n) turned to see Isabela is sitting on her flower bed as her bed is lowering down from above. "Luisa can't lift an empanada. Mariano's nose looks like a smashed papaya." She turns to Mirabel. "Have you lost your mind?!" Then she noticed (Y/n) with a soft smile. "Hi (Y/n)."

"Hey." (Y/n) said, waved softly.

Mirabel continues as her walks closer to Isabela. "Isa, I feel like you're upset...and you know what cures being upset? A warm embrace." Then two vines appear making an X in front of her blocking her way.

"Get out." Isabela demanded as a flower jutted out from a vine, covering Mirabel's mouth. "Everything was perfect! Abuela Alma was happy. Our family was happy. You wanna be a better sister, apologize for ruining my life!"

Mirabel looks back at (Y/n) who shrugged. Then she looks back at Isabela with annoyed looked.

"Go on. Apologize." Isabela said mockingly with a sneer.

The house shakes again, and Mirabel knew she had to try. "" She choked out.

Isabela hummed with a smug look.

"That your life is so great!" Mirabel added.

(Y/n) groans softly as she facepalmed.

"Out." Isabela waved her hand to make the vines drag Mirabel toward the door, but she grabbed onto furniture to stop her momentum.

"Wait! Fine. I apologize!" Mirabel said, surrendering.

(Y/n) came to help Mirabel by grabbing her hands to keep her from being drag away.

"I wasn't trying to ruin your life." Mirabel said, still struggling by holding on to (Y/n)'s hands but letting go as (Y/n) falls backwards, bumping into the vase and grabbing on to it. Again, letting it go. "Some of us have bigger problems, you selfish, entitled princess!"

"Selfish?!" Isabela gasped in disbelief with a scowl. "I've been stuck being perfect my whole entire life and literally the only thing you have ever done for me is mess things up!"

"Please Isa! She's trying to make up with you! Give her a chance!" (Y/n) pleaded.

"Why are you defending her, (N/n)? She's been dragging you into her messes." Isabela said.

"Because she's my friend! I always be there her and help her for her solutions. You're my friend, too and I wanted to help you, too! And Mira never messes things on purpose." (Y/n) argued.

"Yeah! And Nothing is messed up! You can still marry that big, dumb hunk!" Mirabel told Isabela.

"I never wanted to marry him! I was doing this for the family!!" Isabela confessed.


The small cactus pops up between Isabela and two girls. Isabela froze and stare at it while Mirabel and (Y/n) looked up at Isabela, stunned.

"Oh my gosh. Isa. That is a very serious confession." Mirabel said as she stands up. She breathes and extends her arms out for a hug. Okay. Get over here. Bring it here." But Isabela didn't say anything. She still staring at the cactus. "Isa?"

"Isa, are you alright?" (Y/n) asked.

"I just made something unexpected." Isabela reaches out to touch the cactus. As she did, the cactus grew a little larger. "Something sharp. Something new."

Mirabel still holding her arms out for a hug. "Isa, this is the part where we-"

"It's not symmetrical or perfect but it's beautiful. And it's mine." Isabela picked up the cactus, fascinated and started to get excited as she walks away. "What else can I do?"

"Wait!" Mirabel called out, catching up as (Y/n) follows. "Bring it in, bring it in. Good talk. Bring it in, bring it in. Let's walk. Bring it in, bring it in."

"What else can I do?"

"Free hug? Bring it in, bring it in."

Vines grabs Isabela up as Mirabel trying to give Isabela a hug.

"I grow rows and rows of roses. Flor de Mayo. By the mile." Isabela landed on the field of flowers and twirled around.

"I make perfect practiced poses. So much hides behind my smile." She walked down where the flower bush statures looks like her in different poses. She wrapped one of them with her vines and shattered into pieces. Mirabel caught the head, freaking out as (Y/n) started laughing.

"What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment?" Isabela ran her hand along the walls changing colors.

"Do you know where you're going? Whoa!" Mirabel was bombarded by flower pedals.

"What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect? It just needed to be. And they let me be?" As Isabela running around her room as the flowers exploded with pedals, she swings her vine that attached to her bed and leapt on it as her bed going up.

"A hurricane of jacarandas!" Isabela begins to swing her bed around her room. Mirabel was covered by blue flowers and (Y/n)'s hair covered up by (F/c) flowers.

"Strangling figs!" Then the big vine grew underneath Mirabel and (Y/n) and lifted them up in the air.

"Big!" Mirabel clung the vine along with (Y/n).

"Hanging vines!" Isabela swings her vine.

"This is fine." The Mirabel hangs upside down and grabs the vine as (Y/n) grabs another vine.

"Palma de Cera fills the air as I climb. And I push through. What else can I do?" Isabela is standing on the big palm tree as it growing to the roof. Mirabel and (Y/n) grabbed the tree trunk.

Isabela waved her hand to create vines with exotic flowers. "Can I deliver us a river of sundew?"

(Y/n) climbed up to the top first while Mirabel is catching up. One of the flowers snapped at Mirabel as she backed away from it. Isabela and (Y/n) helped her up. "Careful it's carnivorous, a little just won't do."

"I wanna feel the shiver of something new." Mirabel and (Y/n) looks at Isabela, understanding how Isabel feels.

"I'm so sick of pretty. I want something true, don't you?" Isabela looks at the two before she looks down, unhappy.

"You just seem like your life's been a dream, since the moment you opened your eyes."

"Whoa. How far do these roots go down? Whoa." Isabela sits on her knees, sulky.

"All we know are blossoms you grow." Mirabel and (Y/n) sits downs next to Isabel as (Y/n) puts her hand on Isabela's shoulder.

"But it's awesome to see how you rise." They hold their hands out to Isabela which she happily takes them as they rise together.

"How far can you/I rise? Through the roof, to the skies. Let's go!" They made it up to the roof.

"A hurricane of jacarandas!"


Isabela swings her vine to create more beautiful plants while the girls cheering for her.

"Strangling figs!"


Isabela creates even more on the roof.

"Hanging vines!"


They celebrate across the rooftop. Isabela did her cartwheel while the Mirabel and (Y/n) follows her as they are dancing.

"Palma de Cera fills the air as I climb and I push through."

"What else? What else?" They jumped on the growing vine with exploding power to the top of the roof.

"What can you do when you are deeply madly truly in the moment?" As they made it to the top, the yellow powder got on Isabela's dress, but Mirabel and (Y/n) encourages Isabela to keep going to express herself. Isabela smiles and creates more plants with flower powder.

"Seize the moment, keep goin'!"

"What can you do when you know who you wanna be isn't perfect?"

The plants are emerging through the town. One of the plants breaks Mariano's nose again. The abuelas looks at the house and saw Isabela, Mirabel and (Y/n) dancing together on the rooftop.

"But I'll still be okay!"

"Hey, everybody clear the way, wooo!"

Abuela Alma's expression turns to mad with confusion while Abuela (Gm/n) on other hand, she surprised with happiness that Mirabel and (Y/n) are ok and Isabela is expressing herself and getting along with Mirabel.

"I'm coming through with tabebula!"

"With that booyah!"

Isabela's looks are different. She got her hair and her dress messy with all sorts of colors from the flower powders.

"Making waves!"

"Making waves!"

"Changing minds!"

"You've changed mine!"

The girls spin on a ramp of vines, twirling in front of the magic candle.

"The way is clearer 'cause you're here and well, I owe this to you. What else can I do?"

Isabela pulls Mirabel in for a hug and gives (Y/n) a hug as well. Mirabel and (Y/n) realizes the candle has begun glowing brightly and the cracks are disappearing.

"Show 'em what you can do!"

"What else can I do?"

Isabela grabs them and swings around the roof while the plants and flowers exploding with colors.

"There's nothing you can't do!"

"What else can I do!"

They dive down to the courtyard, like kids jumping into a leaf pile. They lie in the pile of flowers, giddy and exhausted.

"You're a bad influence." Isabela said, jokingly as she flicked a flower at Mirabel.

The girls giggled together.

"I'm glad you two are getting along." (Y/n) said, happy that Mirabel and Isabela are getting along.

"Thanks (N/n) for supporting me." Isabela said with a thankful smile.

"Yeah, Thanks for supporting me, too and to make peace with Isa." Mirabel added.

(Y/n) gives Isabela and Mirabel a group hug. "You're welcome. And that's what friends and family do."

"And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?" Matthew 6:28-30

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