Chapter 14: A Dying House

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A/n: Here it is, Shining Stars! A new chapter! Again, I am REALLY sorry for a wait. I've been busy and got sick past 10 days but I'm feeling much better now. So, enjoy the chapter and Jesus loves you!

Third Person's P.O.V

"What is going on?!" The voice of Abuela Alma shouted.

Mirabel, Isabela and (Y/n) sit up to find Abuela Alma and Abuela (Gm/n) entering the courtyard. All of Isabela's wild plants had taken over the courtyard.

"What happened here?" Abuela (Gm/n) said, looking around admiring the scene of the plant-covered courtyard.

"Abuela! Abuela (Gm/n)! It's okay. Everything's- We're gonna save the miracle- the magic-" Mirabel tried to explain.

"What are you talking about?" Abuela Alma cried as the plants disappearing. "Look at our home. Look at your sister!"

"Please, just- Isabela isn't happy." Mirabel explained.

"Of course she isn't happy, you ruined her proposal!"

"No, no. She needed me to ruin her proposal and then we did all of this and the candle burned brighter and cracks..."


"That's why I'm in the vision, I'm saving the miracle!"

"You have to stop, Mirabel!" Abuela Alma yelled.

Mirabel stopped and frowned.

"The cracks started with you. Bruno left because of you. Luisa's losing her powers, Isabela's out of control, and (Y/n) almost gone missing because of you. I don't know why you weren't given a gift, but it is not an excuse for you to hurt these families!"

As Abuela Alma continued to blame Mirabel, more cracks formed.

Mirabel's heart nearly breaks as she looks at Abuela Alma. "I will never be good enough for you. Will I?" Mirabel said softly, heartbroken. "No matter how hard I try."

Mirabel's family and (Y/n)'s family enter, having heard the argument.

"No matter how hard any of us tries." Then Mirabel gestures her sisters and her best friend. "Luisa will never be strong enough. Isabela won't be perfect enough. And (Y/n) came with me because she wanted to help. Bruno left our families because you only saw the worst in him."

"Bruno didn't care about these families." Abuela Alma snapped.

"He loves these families! I love these families! We all love these families! You're the one that doesn't care!"


The cracks begins to spread into the town, frightening the people.


"You're the one breaking our home!" Mirabel accused.

"Don't you ever--!"

"The miracle is dying because of you!" Mirabel argued.

Abuela Alma was struck by Mirabel's words. Then a huge cracks rips opens between them and a house started to shake.

"No, no, no!" Pepa exclaimed.

"The candle!" Félix yelled.

A huge crack nearly rips the House in half, shaking all the way up to the window where the candle was and the window is cracked and the candle teetering and fell over.

As everyone tries to get their bearings, Mirabel looks up at the candle and races to save a candle when (Y/n) notices her.

Mirabel calls to the House. "Casita, get me up there!"

Casita pulls a railing from the balcony for Mirabel to use as a ladder to climb to the room.

(Y/n) doesn't hesitate but to run then change into a bird, flying after Mirabel, to help her.

On upstairs, Camilo was running toward the candle. He shifting into different people to dodge the falling debris.

(B/n) uses his power to control the fire, spinning around him as he floats and flies toward the candle. Unfortunately, the cracks reached his door and the door faded, along his Gift. As he fell, Casita uses floor tiles as a slide to catch him.

Isabela tries to use her vines, swinging to reach the candle, but her door fades and her vines dissapears. The House extended wood planks to catch Isabela and lower her to the floor.

Camilo shifted into an male adult and jumped to reach the roof, but his Gift faded and he shifted back to himself as he fell.

"No!" Camilo cried out.

Just in time, (Y/n) (still as a bird) caught Camilo by his poncho and gently puts him down. She shifted back to herself to check on him.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine, Hermosa." He said.

(Y/n) give Camilo a quick hug and change back to a bird to fly back to Mirabel and the candle.

"(Y/n), no!" Camilo shouted in fear, reaching his hand out.

Abuela Alma looking around in fear.

As (Y/n) flies up to the roof, the cracks reached her door as it faded. (Y/n) shifted back to herself as she quickly grabs the roofings next to Mirabel.

"Mirabel! Help!" She called her friend, desperately hanging on.

Mirabel turns and gasped to see (Y/n), struggling to hang on. She reached her hand out to (Y/n) as (Y/n) grabs her hand. Mirabel pulls (Y/n) up as (Y/n) successfuly climbs up to the roof as Mirabel reaches to the top of the roof with her.

"What are you doing? You need to get out of here, (Y/n)!" Mirabel yelled.

"I'm here for help. I'm not leaving you, Mirabel!" (Y/n) argued.

Then they heard a rumble. They look back to see the mountains crack opens just like in Bruno's vision. They looked each other, knowing there's not enough time to argue.

"Let's go!" Mirabel said as they climb back up to reach the candle.

The animals smash out of Antonio's room as the tree fell in the doorway. The animals are rushing out as Antonio watched in fear. The door falls toward him and Félix saves him on time.

"Careful, Antonio! We gotta get out of here!" Félix exclaims as he running out, carrying Antonio.

"Mirabel! (Y/n)!" Julieta shouted, as Castia pushes her to the safety.

"Girls! You have to get out!" Agustín called out to them as he and the rest of the families pushes out of the House to safety.

In the walls, Bruno runs through the corridor. He saves a rat and puts it in his shirt. Then he puts a bucket in his head and rams through the wall, landing on the grass outside.

Mirabel and (Y/n) looks over the side of the House and saw Bruno made it out safety.

"Thank goodness, he's safe." (Y/n) said in relief as Mirabel nodded in agreement and races to the candle.

Outside, Abuela Alma and Abuela (Gm/n) looks up to see the girls clambering across the roof to the candle.

"Girls! Girls leave it!" Julieta calls out to them.

(Y/n) helps Mirabel pushes her up to reach the candle, but falters. Casita supports them in the nick of time.

"Mirabel! (Y/n)! The House is gonna fall!" Félix yelled

"Girls! Get out!" Pepa cries out.

"Girls!" Agustín shouted.

"Girls, please!" (M/n) screamed.

"(Y/n)! Mirabel!" (U/n) yelled.

Mirabel and (Y/n) ignored their families' cries and Mirabel strains to reach the candle while (Y/n) struggling to hold her up.

Mrabel finally grabs the candle. "Got it!"

Just as (Y/n) puts Mirabel down, they looked up and gasped as the tower started collapses towards them. Casita slides them out the way by using the staircase.

As they landed, (Y/n) cries out in pain as she accidently bruised her left ankle by landing too hard.

"(Y/n)!" Mirabel exclaimed as she came to her aid as (Y/n) holding her left ankle in pain.

No time to escape, Castia shields them instantly with the furnitures from the falling debris for saving their lives as the house collapsed.

Mirabel and (Y/n) are covered in dust from destruction and look down to see the candle go out.

"No..." Mirabel whispered in sadness and horror.

Castisa waved with its window shutter for last goodbye before it dies as the furnitures fell to the ground.

(Y/n) and Mirabel sits in the rubble, looking around shocked, disbelief, and sadness.

"Our home. It's gone." (Y/n) whimpered.



Julieta and (M/n) comes to check on the girls.

"Mirabel! Are you hurt? Mirabel?" Julieta cupped Mirabel's face in her hands to check for injuries.

Mirabel shakes her head no, still feeling shocked.

"Are you hurt, (Y/n)?" (M/n) asked as she puts her hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders.

(Y/n) looks down, slighty winced as she show her slightly bruised left ankle.

(M/n) softly gasped as Julieta saw it too in shocked.

"Julieta! (M/n)! Come quick! Guys!" Pepa called from the distance.

"Don't move. We'll be right back!" Julieta told the girls.

"You're gonna be ok." (M/n) told (Y/n) before she left with Julieta.


(Y/n) looks up to see Camilo ran over to her, got on his knees and give her a big hug.

" I almost lost you." He whispered in relief.

(Y/n) didn't say anything but she gently hugs back.

Camilo breaks out from a hug and look at (Y/n). "Are you ok?" He asked as he gently cupped his hand on her cheek.

(Y/n) looks down again, still didn't say anything.

"(Y/n)?" Camilo asked again in worry.

He looks down and sightly gasped as he saw (Y/n)'s slighty bruised left ankle. Camilo looks back up and saw (Y/n)'s single tear fell as she closed her eyes tightly.

"I'm sorry." She whispered in sadness.

Camilo pulled her into his chest for a hug again and kiss her on her head before he puts his chin on her head.

"I'm just glad you're ok, Hermosa." He whispered her as he gently rubs her back.

"Camilo! I need a help over here!" Félix called his son from the distance.

"I'll be right back. Please stay here." Camilo told (Y/n) before he left.

"How could this happen?" Pepa asked in shocked from the distance.

"Everyone okay? Is everyone okay?" Agustín asked the families.

Mirabel and (Y/n) looked over to see Dolores and (S/n) helping Abuela Alma and Abuela (Gm/n) to sits down, who are despondent and in shock.

"Here, Let us us help you. Let us help you." Dolores said.

"Antonio, don't cry, papito, don't cry."

"Are you ok, (B/n)?"

"I'm fine, máma."

"How is this possible? Encanto is broken."

"Our home is gone!"

"What do we do now?"

"My powers are gone! I don't-! What about Antonio? What is he gonna do? And (Y/n)'s hurt!" Camilo said form the distance.

Mirabel looked down in guilt as she heard everything as (Y/n) looked down in ashamed.

As Mirabel began to stand up until she heard a voice. "Take me with you."

She turn her head down to see (Y/n) still looking down. "What?"

"I know you're gonna leave and l feel guilty as you do. I can't stay here with shame." (Y/n) look up at Mirabel in tears. "Please take me with you."

Mirabel stared at (Y/n) for a moment and slighty nodded as she helped her up.

Julieta grabs one of the medicine bottles then turning to find Mirabel and (Y/n) are gone.

"Mirabel? (Y/n)? Girls?! Where are they? Girls!" Julieta called for them.

The two families started to panic and start calling them too. "Mirabel! Girls! (Y/n)!"

"(Y/n)! Hermosa!" Camilo called out, looking around desperately for (Y/n). Afraid that he'll lose or never see his best friend/crush again.

Mirabel carefully help (Y/n) to walk by supporting her balance by holding her hand around Mirabel's shoulders and put her other hand around (Y/n)'s waist while (Y/n) wrapped her arm around Mirabel's shoulders as she limping. Mirabel and (Y/n) reaches the crack that opened up in the mountains spilt in two. They walked through the mountains away from their home and their families behind.

"Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Through the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash." Matthew 7:24-27

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