Chapter 5: Waiting On A Miracle

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A/n: I felt sorry for Mirabel. She just want to make her family proud and not be the outcast. The chapter is short, but there'll be more soon. Stay tune, shining stars!

Mirabel Singing

Third Person P.O.V

As everyone cheers, POOF! The light of a magnesium flash, everything went super slow motion, except Mirabel who watches in the shadows from the side, trying to keep it together, but failing.

"Don't be upset, or mad at all. Don't feel regret, or sad at all." Then she walks forward to the two families.

"Hey, I'm still a part of the Family Madrigal, along with the Family Estrella and I'm fine. I'm totally fine."

She stands in front of the two families. "I will stand on the side as you shine."

Mirabel trying to be strong, but she failed. "I'm not fine. I'm not fine!"

As Mirabel faces her reality, she finally tells how she really feels.

"I can't move the mountains." She sang as she moves next to Luisa.

"I can't make the flowers bloom." She moves behind Isabela.

"I can't control the fire nor change colors." She moves behind (B/n) and (S/n).

"I can't take another night up in my room. Waiting on a miracle."

"I can't heal or fix what's broken." She stands behind between Julieta and (M/n).

"Can't control the morning rain or a hurricane." She moves next to Pepa.

"I can't grow fruits and vegetables nor change into animals I want." Mirabel glance at (U/n) and move to (Y/n) putting her hand on her shoulder.

"Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain. Always waiting on a miracle, a miracle." Mirabel exited out of Antonio's room.

Mirabel walked downstairs and everything is still slow-motion. "Always walking alone, always wanting for more."

Mirabel dances past the crowd. "Like I'm still at that door longing to shine, like all of you shine."

She turned around and stared up at the magical candle. "All I need is a change. All I need is a chance."

Mirabel sings in front of Abuela Alma's door. It transforms into Abuela Alma holding the candle. "All I know is I can't stay on the side. Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes!"

Recreations of the families' gifts begin to rise as Mirabel dancing. "I would move the mountains. Make new trees and flowers grow. I would control the fire. Change the colors or turn into animals I want."

Mirabel sings as a Casita of light forms. "Someone please just let me know where do I go? I am waiting on a miracle. A miracle!"

She opens the glowing entrance doors back to the courtyard where the two families are standing welcoming her, excited and proud. "I would heal or fix what's broken. Show these families something new."

She dances past the families and ran upstairs to the roof. "Who I am inside so what can I do? I'm sick of waiting on a miracle. Here I go!"

"I am ready! C'mon I'm ready! I've been patient and steadfast and steady!" She's dancing on the roof as the fireworks exploding in the beat of music.

"Bless me now as you blessed us all those years ago, when you gave us a miracle!" Mirabel is back in reality in the courtyard. She is looking back up at the candle.

"Am I too late for a miracle?"  Mirabel stands in the lonely silence of the now empty courtyard.

"The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him." Lamentations 3: 25

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