Chapter 6: Cracks

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A/n: I am soooo sorry for taking so long. I was busy for the Easter play rehearsals and did the real play at my church last Sunday and the chapter needed to be check. I hope you had a nice Easter. What you guys do on Easter? See you in the next chapter. Jesus loves you!

Third Person P.O.V

Suddenly, there was a clank. A roof tile fell into the courtyard next to Mirabel, broken. Curious, Mirabel kneels her knees and picks up the broken tile from the courtyard ground. As she inspects it, she accidently cuts her hand on its sharp broken edge, dropping it.

"Ow!" Mirabel winces as she looks at her wound on her palm.

Then she notices something on the courtyard tiles below her. The tiles are fritzing out, malfunctioning. Mirabel looks at them, confused.

"Casita?" She said as she reaches out her hand toward the fritzing tiles when...


A small crack on the floor tiles begins to form. Mirabel recoils, afraid.


The crack splinters, growing. They spread the rippling everywhere up the stairs. As the tiles keep fritzing, Mirabel races after the growing cracks, which a ripple past Abuelo Pedro's portrait and Abuelo (Gp/n)'s portrait to the second floor. Mirabel ran upstairs following it. She loses the path for a moment but hears cracks down the hall.

As she glances down the hallway, the cracks pass Isabela's door, nearly extinguishing its magic. Next, they pass Luisa's door and other doors including (Y/n)'s door. They continue toward to Abuela Alma's door and Abuela (Gm/n)'s door and the magic candle.

As the cracks swirl and multiply, the candle grows dimmer and dimmers, along the glowing doors. Mirabel watched in horror as the whole house darkened around her.


Meanwhile, the celebration in Antonio's room was full fiesta mode. On the dance floor, everyone twirled and stepped to the lively salsa music. Pepa dances with Antonio and Félix.

"Come on, Abuela! Tirame un paso. Wepa!" Félix exclaimed as he pulls Abuela Alma to dance. Abuela let loose with a few dance moves, having fun.

(Y/n) dances with Abuela (Gm/n). (Gm/n) noticed her granddaughter is a bit down.

"What's wrong, nieta?"

(Y/n) look up to her grandmother. "I'm just worried for Mirabel, Abuela. I hope she's doing ok during the ceremony. And I hope the ceremony didn't upset her more after she didn't get her gift long time ago."

"Mi amor. I'm worried about her too." Abuela (Gm/n) confessed, putting her hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "We'll find her and talk to her after the party, ok?"

(Y/n) smiled. "Okay, abuela."

Then, there's a tap on (Gm/n)'s shoulder. (Gm/n) and (Y/n) turned to see Camilo.

"May I cut in?" Camilo asked.

"Of course, Camilo." (Gm/n) grinned. She gave Camilo a wink for good luck before leaving Camilo and (Y/n) behind.

Camilo and (Y/n) turn to each other. Camilo smiled at (Y/n) charmingly as reach out his hand. "Shall we dance?"

(Y/n) softly smiles back as she took his hand into hers. Camilo use his other hand to put on (Y/n)'s shoulder while (Y/n) use her other hand to put on Camilo's shoulder, and they started to dance.

As they were dancing, they danced on the spot, side to side, and front to back. Then, Camilo twirled and dipped (Y/n) as she giggled, and Camilo chuckled. He pulled her back up and dance slowly. Camilo look at (Y/n) sincerely and lovingly.


"Yes, Camilo?" (Y/n) said as she looks up to him.

"I want to tell you something." Camilo confessed.

"What is it?" (Y/n) asked, curiously.

Camilo pulls her closer to him as their faces almost touched. "I wanted to say that I lo-"

"THE HOUSE IS IN DANGER!" Camilo got interrupted by the sound of panicked voice as he and (Y/n) back away each other.

Everyone stops dancing and the band stops their music.

Mirabel barged in to Abuela Alma and Abuela (Gm/n), panicked "The House is in danger!"

Everyone stares at her concerned.

"The tiles were falling and there were cracks everywhere...and the candle almost went out." Mirabel exclaimed, breathing hard.

People at the party begin to murmur uncomfortably. Camilo and (Y/n) looks at each other concerned and worried. Abuela Alma looked around noticed this and looked at Mirabel.

"Is it true?" Abuela (Gm/n) asked, concerned.

"Yes. I saw it with my own eyes." Mirabel answers.

Abuela Alma looked at Abuela (Gm/n) as (Gm/n) nodded. Alma turned to Mirabel. "Show us."

Mirabel leads everyone to the courtyard, where the candle dimmed, and cracks had waged their destructive path. But as they arrived and Mirabel adjusts her glasses, there were no cracks in the walls and the candle shines brightly.

"What? No, that's- the cracks were there." Mirabel said, confused looking around.

She turned to Abuelas. "They were everywhere. The house was in trouble, th-the candle was..."

The Abuelas looks at the candle, then back to Mirabel. Abuela Alma is embarrassed and disappointed while Abuela (Gm/n) is still concerned, believed Mirabel is telling the truth. Isabela looks at Mirabel and scoffs. (Y/n) nudges Isabela and gives her a stern look. Isabela just shrugged.

"Abuela, I promised-"

"That's enough." Abuela Alma whispers as she held her hand out to stop, giving Mirabel a pointed look.

"Alma, I believe she's telling a truth." Abuela (Gm/n) whispers. Mirabel relieved (Gm/n) believes in her.

"Not now, (Gm/n). We'll talk about this later." Alma whispers back to her friend.

As the crowd exchanges nervous whispers, Abuela Alma turned to the crowd with a confident smile.

"There is nothing wrong with La Casa Madrigal/Estrella. The magic is strong! And so are the drinks." Abuela Alma said as the crowd laughs, while Abuela (Gm/n) frowns.

"Please! Music! A bailar, a bailar!" Abuela Alma claps her hands to ín.

Agustín motions to Luisa, who quickly brought him a piano to play to smooth over the awkwardness in the room.

As people head back to the party, , (Y/n), and Abuela (Gm/n) glanced over at Mirabel with worry. Mirabel stood there, confused; she knew what she had seen.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

As the sound of the party continued, Mirabel, Abuela (Gm/n) and I joined Julieta in the kitchen. Julieta is making arepa for Mirabel. I'm standing next to Mirabel and Abuela (Gm/n) is standing next to me.

"If it was all in my head, how did I cut my hand?" Mirabel asked as she shows her wounded hand.

"She had a point, Julieta." (Y/n) said.

"She's right. There's something's wrong about the house." Abuela (Gm/n) hummed, agreeing as she nods.

"See? (Y/n) believes in me and Abuela (Gm/n) believes in me, too." Mirabel said, gesturing me and Abuela.

"I would never ruin Antonio's night. Is that really what you think, Mamá?" Mirabel asked Julieta.

"What I think is that today was very hard for you."said.

"That's not..." Mirabel started. "I was looking out for the family, including (Y/n)'s family. And I might not be super-strong like Luisa, or effortlessly perfect like 'Señorita Perfecta' Isabela, who's never even had a bad hair day, but..." she sighs as she leans back on the counter. "Whatever."

I stand closer to Mirabel putting my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Julieta stands closer Mirabel as well. Casita use the counter to deliver an arepa to . Mirabel puts her hand out as Julieta gives her an arepa.

"I wish you could see yourself the way I do." Julieta said as Mirabel eats her arepa. "You are perfect, just like this. You're just as special as anyone else in this family."

As Abuela (Gm/n) and (Y/n) nods in agreement, Mirabel watched at her wounded hand healed.

Mirabel hummed dryly. "Mm-hm. You just healed my hand with an arepa con queso."

"I healed your hand," Julieta responded as she walks her fingers on Mirabel's hand, then squeeze it playfully. "With love for my daughter, with her wonderful brain..."

Mirabel rolled her eyes. "Ugh."

"Big heart..." Julieta continued

"Stop." Mirabel is trying to get away from Julieta's affection

"Cool glasses!" Julieta finished when she played Mirabel's glasses as (Y/n) giggles and Abuela (Gm/n) chuckles.


Then Julieta gives Mirabel a big kiss on her cheek "Ay, te amo, cosa linda."

Mirabel wiggles out of Julieta and facing her with her arm crossed, not letting go of the subject. "I know what I saw."

Julieta sighs. "Mira, my brother Bruno lost his way in this family. I don't want the same for you. Get some sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow."

"You wanna have a sleepover in your room tonight, Mira?" I asked.

Mirabel turns to me with a soft smile. "Sure. We can do that."

"Sleep well, dears. I'll go talk with Abuela Alma." Abuela (Gm/n) said. She kissed me and Mirabel each on our foreheads and walks away.

"Good night." Mirabel and I said at the same time.


When Mirabel and I close at the nursery door, Camilo is front of us near the door.

"I'll give you a minute, (N/n)." Mirabel smiled before she went inside the nursery.

I turn to Camilo with my sweet smile. "Hi, Camilo."

He smiled back. "Hey, Bonita."

"You need something?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. I..." He paused for a moment. "I just..."

"Yes?" I asked patiently.

"I..." He heavily sigh. "I just wanted to check on you to make sure you ok."

"Oh. I'm ok. I'm just making sure that Mirabel is ok and we're having a little sleepover." I replied.

"Ok, Hermosa. Good night and have sweet dreams."

"You, too." I smiled. "By the way, thank you for dancing with me. I had a great time."

"You're welcome." He smiled back.

I walked to him and gave him a hug and he slowly hugs me back. We pulled away from the hug, looking each other bit and I went to the door. I turned and waved at him with a soft smile as he smiled and waved back before I went in.

Third Person P.O.V

Camilo still standing in front of the door. He sighed and started to walk to his room. He's so in loved. He wanted to tell (Y/n) that he loves her, but he's not ready yet.

"Next time, I'll tell her what I feel about her." He said to himself.

When (Y/n) closed the door, she turned to see Mirabel smiling widely.

"He danced with you?"

"You heard our conversation?" (Y/n) asked, wide-eyed.

"Yes, I did." Mirabel said, amused.

(Y/n) playfully rolled her eyes and smiled. "Then, yes. We danced together."

"Oooohhhh. Did he say something to you while you guys dancing?" Mirabel asked, curiously excited.

"He was until you interrupted when you came back to the party."

"Oops." Mirabel winced sheepishly. "I ruined the moment. My bad."

"Oh, that's ok, Mira. I did have fun dancing with Camilo before you came back." (Y/n) said, giving Mirabel a side hug.

"Oh, good." Mirabel sighed in relieved before the girls giggled.

(Y/n) looked at Mirabel sympathy when Mirabel dropped her smile, looking at the floor. "I believed in you, Mirabel."

Mirabel looked back to (Y/n), surprised. "Really?"

(Y/n) nodded with a smile. "Yes. I always believe in you because you're my best friend and I'll be by your side when you needed my help."

Mirabel smiled with her watery eyes and gives (Y/n) a hug as (Y/n) hugged her back.

"Thank you, (Y/n). Thank you for being there for me." Mirabel sniffled.

"You're welcome, Mirabel." (Y/n) said as she patted Mirabel's back.

They pulled away from a hug as Mirabel wiped her tears. "Let's get some sleep."

"Ok, (N/n)."


While (Y/n) is sleeping on the spare bed on other side of the room, Mirabel is laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. She can't stop thinking about the cracks and the candle's dimming flame. She climbs off her bed and goes to other side and started to shake (Y/n) to wake up.

"(Y/n). (Y/n), please wake up." Mirabel whispered. (Y/n) groaned as she started to wake up.

"What is it, Mirabel?" (Y/n) asked, yawning and stretching her arms as she sits up.

"I'm going to the candle and find the cracks. Can you come with me and help me, please?" Mirabel asked.

"Of course. Anything for my best friend." (Y/n) accepted.

"Thank you." Mirabel thanked. "Let's go."

(Y/n) climbs off her bed and follows Mirabel. Mirabel opens her door, she and (Y/n) looks up to the candle where the wall was covered in cracks.

They tiptoed slowly on the roof to get to the candle. (Y/n) change into a harpy eagle to carry Mirabel to the other side where the candle is. (Y/n) change back to herself after she gently put Mirabel down and Mirabel thanked her. As they got closer to the candle, Mirabel rubs her hand along the stucco wall of Abuela Alma's window, confused that there's no cracks. Then, the girls hear the indistinct talking. They peeked through the window and saw Abuela (Gm/n) and Abuela Alma talking.

"Alma, Mirabel is right about the cracks and the candle. She knows what she saw." Abuela (Gm/n) confronted to Abuela Alma.

"(Gm/n), she embarrassed herself in front of us and people. If the candle still dimming and the if the crack still there, she would prove it." Abuela Alma contended.


"I know, I know, but we can't let everyone know if we are vulnerable and if our miracle's dying." Abuela Alma took a deep breath.

"I'm also afraid that we'll lose our home again." Abuela Alma lamented.

"Listen," Abuela (Gm/n) sighed softly. "I know we lost our husbands and our old home. But we have each other. We have a family. Our families. Especially Mirabel. Mirabel is your granddaughter. She's not a burden. The reason why Mirabel is trying to help the others because she loves our families and she loves you, too. Remember, family is home. Think about it."

Mirabel and (Y/n) surprised of Abuela (Gm/n)'s advice and standing up for Mirabel.

Abuela (Gm/n) left Abuela Alma's room. Abuela Alma sighed and walks towards the window. Mirabel and (Y/n) quickly backed away out of sight and lean back the wall. Abuela Alma steps to the window and opens her chatelaine to a portrait of Pedro.

"Ay, Pedro." She sighed sadly. "I need you. Cracks in our casita. If our family and (Gm/n)'s family knew how vulnerable we truly are, if our miracle is dying. We cannot lose our home again."

Mirabel and (Y/n) are listening carefully. They never seen how upset she really is.

"Why is this happening?" Then Abuela Alma look up the stars, with her sad eyes. "Open my eyes. If the answer is here, help me find it. Help me protect our family and (Gm/n)'s family. Help me save our miracle."

The two girls glance at each other and look back up. Abuela Alma kissed her husband's photo and heads back into her room.

Mirabel and (Y/n) stares at the candle with determination in their eyes.

"We will save the miracle." Mirabel said as (Y/n) nodded.


Mirabel and (Y/n) busts into Mirabel's room. They put their dresses on, Mirabel grabs her bag, Casita helps to put their shoes on. Energized, they go to the door, Mirabel grabs the handle, but paused. "Wait."

"What?" (Y/n) asked, tilting her head.

Mirabel turned to (Y/n) and Casita. "How do we save a miracle?"

"I have no idea." (Y/n) shrugged as Casita shrugged too, doesn't have an idea either.

Mirabel thinks for a moment. "I figure out what's happening to the miracle."

Casita moving the door and tiles, asking how she figure out.

"Yeah. how did you figure out what's happening a miracle, Mirabel?" (Y/n) quizzed.

"Oh, I have no idea, but there is one person in one of our families who hears everything about everything." Mirabel said as she takes and looks at a picture of her family and (Y/n)'s family, focus on Mirabel's cousin, Dolores. "So, if anyone would know what's wrong with the magic, it's her."

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope.'" Jeremiah 29:11

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