What if...Darkwing and gosalyn helps santa instead

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Christmas....it's a time of year to celebrate with family and friends.

The women in the sky was watching as snow fell down in the city of duckberg.

But not for this family....

"'Twas the night
before Christmas,
when all through the house,
old Scrooge laid barbed wire,
about Santa he groused.
Armed to the teeth 'gainst
the treetotaling traitor,
that roof‐climbing,
two‐timing winter invader" Della scares the boys with a story.

"Can we please read the normal
version of this poem?" Dewy asked.

"Where Santa arrives on the roof
with such a clatter?" Huey asked.

"That man is not allowed
in our home" Della answered, "He knows what he did"

"But we don't" Louie said.

"The less you know, the better"

"You don't know, do you?"

They were jumped when they heard a loud thump.

In this universe, Scrooge teams up with his Santa Claus, to save Christmas bring webby along...but what happens when Santa teams up with another family to save Christmas, what if he helped another family reunited...what if he meets another girl who was distressed and needed a family of her own.

A star shines bright in the sky, and panning down was gosalyn waddlemeyer, a girl or a orphan to precise, looking for her family.

She was looking at the star, wishing she had a family, that's she ever wanted, to finally be adopted, for a wish that big for take a Christmas miracle but it's all she wants for Christmas, to finally stop being alone, especially on Christmas.

But happens if...

Then was a loud thud on the top, it surprised gosalyn.

"Huh" she grabs her coat and head to the top of the building.

But when she gets outside...she sees nothing, she frowns and goes back inside her room.

But when she gets inside, "AH" she was startled to find that Santa was in her room.

Gosalyn meets Santa...so what if gosalyn helps Santa...but how did it come to this.

About two hours ago, darkwing was taking gosalyn home early on Christmas so he can go early for patrol.

"Ok ready" Darkwing asked as he and gosalyn get off the rat catcher.

But as they get off, gosalyn was looking like...she just got bad news.

"Yeah, do you...do really have to drop me off so early, especially on Christmas"

"Look I know you don't like coming here, but it's the only home you got"

Gosalyn then crosses her arms, "it's not my home...it's a prison and I hate this place, I don't want to stay here, orphanage is closed on the holidays and the adoptions won't be open till two weeks"

"I don't know what you want me to do"

"I want you to adopt me"

"Ugh" Darkwing groaned as he hit his head against the wheel, " this again"

"When are you going to adopt me"

"I told you we'll talk about this later"

"You always say that and whenever I bring it up, you change the subject, I been waiting for you to keep your promise finding my family and I'm tired of waiting"

"I'm doing the best I can"

"I know but for once I just want to be with a family"

"Yeah maybe if you weren't so tomboyish or out assisting me with fighting crime you finally get adopted"

"Well I'm waiting for you to finally adopt you and it was your idea to make me your partner"

"So you're saying that I shouldn't make you my partner anymore"

"No that's not-"

"Apparently what I do isn't good enough"

"No I-"

"Now look young lady it is my job to help those who can't help themselves and if you can't see that then maybe I shouldn't see you anymore, I don't need anymore dead weight bringing me down"

Gosalyn couldn't believe what she heard, she felt down.

"It's not fair to me"

"I can't tarnish my reputation with you in the way, What family would want you as a daughter...I think we're done here...goodby-"

Obviously gosalyn was angry and hurt, she got up and ran inside, not bothering to look him in the eye or even say goodbye.

Darkwing feels bad for what he said, he did mean it like that, it was a slip of his tongue from frustration.

He sighs, laying his head, "just let it go drake" then he takes off.

After gosalyn ran inside, she shuts her door, shaking and trembling from the fight she had...then she fell on her bed crying.

"Santa" gosalyn gasped the look on her face was joyfully and happy, like her fight with Darkwing was a passing and forgetful memory.

"Santa hi...hi-you're here-Santa is here-he's here...Santa Claus is in my room, SANTA" gosalyn was really happy to see Santa.

"Ho, ho, ho!" He chuckles, "What a nice young lady with such holiday spirit"

Gosalyn laughed but then she looked down to see his leg was injured.

She gasped in horror, covering her mouth, "oh Santa...you're hurt...here let me help you" she takes his hand guilds him to her bed and sits him down.

Santa was grateful by gosalyn's Generous hospitality, she rushes to help Santa, she gives him a glass of milk.

"Here you must be thirsty"

Then she grabs the first aid kit, and wraps Santa's leg in a bandage.

"Would you like a cookie" she hands a plate of cookies to him.

Santa chuckles and takes a sarna shaped cookie, "thank you for your kind hospitality and nursery skills"

"Your welcome...so Santa what brings you here"

"Well...I been out in the cold delivering presents and I've been lugging these around"

It was presents for the other kids at the orphanage.

"Would you like to help me" he asked and gosalyn gasped in joy.

They carefully and quietly tipped toed through the halls, passing by the rooms without waking any of the kids up.

Gosalyn was so excited to give Santa a hand, she puts a present underneath a bed and Santa puts one on a nightstand, then they put the last one underneath the orphanage's tree, gosalyn and Santa looked at each other and smiled.

"Well thank you so much for your help gosalyn"

"Your welcome santa"

"Well thank you but I have a sack
of undelivered toys, a busted leg,
and no other options"

Then gosalyn started to frown, "I wish you didn't have to leave so soon"

Santa could see gosalyn didn't wanted to be alone, he makes a down lol but then he smiles as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she looks up at him.

"Say gosalyn with my leg injured, I have no time to deliver the presents, I could use some help and with your coat On won't you fly my sleigh tonight?"

Gosalyn then smiled with gleefully, "I love too"

They were out on his sleigh, after gosalyn gets dressed, she wore a purple fur parka coat, get giddy, looking excited.

But nothing got her more excited when she saw the original eight reindeer.

"Are they-?"


"Now let's just take my sack full of toys and hope the children are okay with Christmas coming late this year"

"Don't worry Santa with us working together, we'll be sure to save Christmas"

"That's the spirit...now let's go...ON DASHER DANCER PRANCER VIXEN-" he mushed his reindeers and gosalyn joins in.

"ON COMET CUPID DONNER BLITZEN and RUDOLPH" they both shout and took off.

Gosalyn screamed in joy then when they went high in the air, gosalyn's face was filled with joy, her heart was racing, seeing the northern lights brightened her, she forgets everything about Darkwing like he doesn't exist to her.

But Santa could see the look her face when they fly, she was happy and her happiness brought him joy to make her happy.

But there was a reason while Santa brought gosalyn along and visited her, he saw the fight she had with Darkwing.

He knew what she needed, a night with a positive role model.

"Enjoying the ride, see the stars, we're a shooting star now, not every child gets the opportunity to get to ride with Santa and help him deliver presents"

"It beats staying at the orphanage being alone"

"You're never alone on Christmas, why I say you're one of the luckiest girls in the world"

"If I'm so lucky, why doesn't drake or anyone wants to adopt me"

"I know what happened...I'm sure drake didn't meant what he said some things were uncalled and I think he just needs some space"

"Oh please, sant you don't have for nice for him, he's a self centered self ego jerk who only cares about himself...I don't need him"

"You know why I deliver toys"

"To spread joy to others" she asked.

" i do it to help get people through the winter, by warming their hearts and remind them their never alone, people like you who are going through a hard time need a little love and cheer"

"‐Ho, ho..." but then the wind gusts blows harder.

"Oh! It's so cold...the weather huh?"

But then he saw gosalyn hugging herself for warmth, the parka wasn't working, he reaches behind him, pulls out a blanket and wraps it around her.

"You can warm any hearts
if yours is an icicle from the anger your in, you see this gosalyn"

She looks out to see the ocean and narwhals dolphins and whale came out splashing.

"This is a gift, a great big present wrapped in oceans and mountains and the northern lights are the bow to tie it up all for good men and women and children, I remember when I saw it when I was riding with my father in a sleigh like this in the cold...what ever happens gosalyn just remember you are never alone when you are surrounded by the people you love"

Gosalyn was touched by Santa's speech, "thanks santa"

"It's what i do sweetie, i try to spread
a little joy this season...you'd can trade a moment's warmth and a good cup of cheer for a gift or two but all you'll really need is the heart...it's the coal that warms your homes and hearts"

"Santa if I may asked why being me along, you could've get any one to help you so why me?" She asked.

"It's what i do, i take the ones who lose hope on a Christmas adventure to make them smile again"

"Are you Sure you want to choose me...wouldn't I just held you down"

"What? Now what kind of idiot told you that"

He sees her frowning as he remembers the fight.

"Oh right...well you are just a special as any ordinary girl I ever met"

"Couldn't you ask Mr. Mcduck to help you, I mean he is an adventurer"

"Oh Scrooge mcduck, yeah we go back but I think don't think he'll wanna help me...besides I been checking my list and I checked it twice and you been really good all year...sure you had some mishaps but you learn to help others, you are kind and generous to those in need and If they behave tonight, you might get an extra gift
Later on" he hands her a purple wrapped presents.

"Oh thanks santa...I'll open it later"

Santa looks at her then they arrived at the first house.

"Let me show you something"

As they get inside, they see a boy sleeping underneath the tree, he was waiting for Santa Claus.

Santa adjusted gosalyn to put the first present underneath the tree.

And as she does, she quickly runs as the little boy wakes up and he smiles when he sees his present form Santa.

Gosalyn and santa were watching from behind the window.

"You see there's nothing
quite like the joy of a child on Christmas to keep you warm on the coldest night" then Santa places a hand on gosalyn's shoulders.

"You see there will always be hope when you least expected"

Gosalyn then looks back at the boy who got a puppy for Christmas and she smiles, it made her smile to see that she spread cheer to another kid.

A true kindness of goodwill act always sparks another...Santa gives gosalyn the greatest girl, spending joy to others.

She climbs through chimneys, sneaking through windows, bringing presents for everyone...it made Santa very happy to see she was getting into the spirit of Christmas, he smiles at gosalyn.

But what happens when a certain...caped cursader...finds gosalyn with Santa.

Darkwing was pushing a robber to the ground as he tries to rob a home, he had him tied and when he feel down, darkwing pins him to the ground, about to punch him.

But then he sees someone jumping from a rooftop.

"Huh?" He was curious and follows them.

When he gets to the top, he was shocked to find it was gosalyn, she was jumping in Santa's sleigh.

"Gosalyn" he gasped.

She was smiling as she sat next to Santa, they both laughed.

He didn't even cared that it was Santa, he was still concerned about gosalyn's wellbeing.


Gosalyn jumped as she was terrified, she turns around shocked to see Darkwing.

"Hey" she waved not even smiling.

"What are you doing here"

Then Santa gets up, carefully and gets between them.

"Don't blame her, I brought her along, I asked her to come along with me to help me deliver presents with my leg in fractured" he shows him his broken leg.

"You can't take a child on an adventure...it's too dangerous"

"I was just trying to help him" gosalyn told him.

"You can't be here it's too dangerous"

"Why do you care!" Gosalyn yelled at him.

Then Darkwing takes her hand, "I'm taking you back home to the orphanage"

But fear got the best of her and frustration, she wasn't going to spend another night alone.

So she pulled her hand away and ran up to Santa, Santa wrapped his arms around her.

"You can't tell me what to do, you're not my dad remember"

Gosalyn reminded him of the fight, "now look young lady...we'll talk about this later"

"But the children, the presents...I have to save Christmas" Santa told him.

Darkwing looked down at gosalyn to see the angry disappointed look on her face.

"Ugh fine, but I'm going with you, after this you stay away from gosalyn, I can't trust you"

"You're the one to talk" Gosalyn said.

This causes Darkwing to frown, he could see she was still mad at him.

So the duck knight teams up with Santa to save Christmas...but it was only obligation...see through out the night on patrol, darkwing regretted his actions, he couldn't focus so he got hurt...he needed a chance to make this right.

They were dropping off presents at Boyd and doofus,gosalyn puts a present in Boyd's stocking and when Darkwing tries to put doofus present but they were disgusted by his stocking, they looked at each other weirded then Darkwing puts the gift underneath the stocking then they left.

They went to Fenton next, but gosalyn stopped Darkwing and pointed out the room was booby trapped so she triggered the booby traps then Darkwing threw the present next to him.

Then they went to Launchpad's, where he was slouching sleeping on the couch, snoring really loud, gosalyn puts a present next to him and kisses his cheek.

Then during the next delivery, as Darkwing was giving a present to gyro, when he saw gosalyn on Santa's lap, he was bouncing her and she was laughing.

The way gosalyn was bonding with Santa made Darkwing angry inside...he was feeling jealous.

"Ok we down to our next present" gosalyn says as she grabs a purple present.

"Take a look at the tag" Santa tells her.

She looks down on the tag and saw it was a gift for her.

"It's for me"

"The same one i gave you...open it...go on open it, you'll like it"

So as gosalyn opens it, she was in gasped when she saw it was a new hockey gear, "keen gear, it's what I always wanted...the new might ducks hockey gear, thank you Santa...thank you so much" gosalyn was really happy, she hugged him real tight.

Santa looks down at her, he smiles and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close but much Darkwing's dismay.

He was angry at Santa, gosalyn seems to like him more then Darkwing.

He couldn't blame her, she was still angry at him, and she had ever right to...all she ever was a family but Darkwing couldn't see that in her..will he play dad.

They traveled everywhere, Beijing, Rome, Egypt, Tokyo, Paris, New York and Rome again.

"Wait, Rome again?" Darkwing asked.

"I deliver the gifts
in alphabetical order"

"Why don't you do it by country?"

"Oh, that would be
more practical"

"But We're running out of time
to save Christmas!" Darkwing was really angry at Santa.

"Don't you worry...We have all the time we need thanks to...The Feliz Navidiamond and in your culture gosalyn, Feliz Navidad...A legendary gem that can slow time for one night a year"

"Wow...I thought it was just a myth" gosalyn was impressed as she looks at the diamond.

As fate would have it, at that very moment, gosalyn would finally get her wish...to be adopted.

"You know gosalyn" santa asked as she turns to his direction.

"Yeah...we really do, we make the pretty dynamic duo"

"Hehehe, yeah" they arrived to the last house, he hands gosalyn the last present for gosalyn to deliver.

"Huh gosalyn why don't you deliver the last present and when this is over...what would you see that I adopt you"

She stops and her eyes open wide in shocked, the same as Darkwing.

She turns around to see Santa smiling at her, she couldn't believe what she heard...Santa wanted to adopted her as his daughter.

"Really? You want to adopt me"

What do you say gosalyn...would you like to be apart of my family"

Gosalyn's face was speechless, she was rabidly breathing, then she ran to Santa hugging santa, Santa returned the hug back.

But Darkwing wasn't feeling happy, in fact, he was beyond jealous and angry, he was feeling grieved, heartbroken, sorrowful.

Gosalyn was being adopted...by Santa Claus, why did he care all of a sudden.

He wanted gosalyn gone and to a good home...so why does he feel so...sad.

After gosalyn felt, Darkwing was felt alone with Santa, he was crossed, trying not to show how upset he was.

"Darkwing!" Santa tries to reason with him but Darkwing was angry.

"What do you want? Let me guess you're going to rub it in my face how gosalyn is your daughter now and how I'll never see her again because if so...fine"

"Darkwing there's no need to be jealous...she cares about you too"

"Wha-jealous" Darkwing was offended, "jealous me? I'm not jealous I'm don't care if you bond with her"

"Darkwing I see how you look at her when she is with me, you can play hero all you want but deep down, you love her as your own daughter, your just afraid you won't be good enough for her but you are, I see what a great team you are"

"Bah, it's already too late now, she's already being adopted by you, all because I let my stupid ego get the best of me...I could never make her happy not after everything"

"She loves you too! Despite everything, she talks about you"

Want comforts Darkwing by touching his shoulder.

"I got a present for you" Santa then hands him a purple box.

Drake opens it and the first thing he sees is a a letter from gosalyn, he reads it.

"Dear Santa, I know it's not much but all I want for Christmas...is for drake mallard to be adopt me, it's all I ever wanted to have a family and sometimes I see him as my own father, I just want him as my family, he works really hard to find my family but the truth is...he is my family...I don't know but if you can...can you have drake adopt me- from gosalyn"

After reading the letter, darkwing felt bad, all gosalyn wanted was for him to be her dad and all he did was abandoned her...and on Christmas Day.

He looks up to see Santa making a sincere face.

"You see she talks about you, she always talks about you, you'll all he talks about and you know she can be yours too"

Darkwing also finds in the box, the papers to adopt gosalyn.

"The choice is yours" Santa hands Darkwing a pen.

Darkwing takes the pen and he looks down at to where his name is supposed to go.

Though our hero's destiny...it was his decision to change the story...what will he choose.

After delivering the presents, gosalyn feel asleep, Santa and Darkwing drive gosalyn back home the orphanage.

Santa carried her in his arms and he lauded her in bed, darkwing and Santa look at gosalyn nuzzled with her present.

"I hope you made the right decision"

The next morning, gosalyn woke, she was feeling refreshed and happy knowing that she was finally adopted but when she looked around...she sulked when she saw she was still in the orphanage.

"Ugh I should've known...it was all a dream"

But just then, one of the nuns came in, looking excited.

"Oh gosalyn i got some good news, you're finally getting adopted, there's a nice men here who wants to see you"

Gosalyn was confused and after getting dressed, she walks downstairs and she was shocked to find...

Drake, he waves at her as she was surprised to see him.

"Isn't this amazing, he's an actor, gosalyn must've really excited, you see her face"

"I see" drake said.

"Well gosalyn you should probably pack now"

After they left, gosalyn and drake approach each other.

"What are you doing here" gosalyn asked.

Drake frowns then he gets one one knee, bending down to her.

"I'm adopting you" he shows her adopting papers, he signs his name and he is now her legal guardian.

Gosalyn was shocked, "what?"

"Yeah, I thought you would be happy"

"But what about you said yesterday"

"I was wrong ok...I was wrong, look I realized how much I needed you then you needed me, your my daughter now, we're a team, we need each other...isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yes I did-I do...but is this what you wanted...to have a daughter who brings you down, wouldn't that tarnish your reputation and do you even want me as your daughter"

Just then drake place his hands on his shoulders, pulling her closer.

"You never brought me down...in fact quiet the opposite, you build me up, you make me stronger when I tried to give up, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be-Darkwing wouldn't be here and we both need you, I rather risk my career for you, unless you don't want-"

"I do-but only if you're sure about this"

"I never been Sure in all my life....so what do you say gosalyn...do you want to be my daughter"

After awhile, gosalyn's eyes gets watery then she fell, hugging him, he wrapped his arms around her.

"Come on" he kisses her forehead, "let's go home"

After gosalyn packs her bags, they walk out where everyone waves bye to gosalyn.

And that's when One Christmas miracle leads to better hope...all thanks to the work of Saint Nicholas.

Panning up, Santa clause takes up to the stars where the guild was watching him.

"They sure make a great family...don't they" Santa asked the guild.

They sure do and to this I wish you all a goodnight, merry Christmas to you and your loved ones and hope yours has the most joyous holidays...I am the guild and this has been a Christmas special of...what if.

merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.

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