What if.....the miracle fights back

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At night, in the stars, panning down to The Madrigals house.

This Halloween has brought to you by The Madrigals family, a family with extraordinary powers and special in their own family tore apart by the grandmother of the house but reunited by a very unique girl with no powers, the only one in her family with no gift but had a very special gift, to see what others can't....but for years, abuela alma had took disadvantage of the family and the house, the miracle, the magic, the encanto....but what if...the magic decided no more...what if the magic and casita decided to fight back and it all starts with this member of the family.

Isabela the perfect miracle, the favorite child of the family, now replaced by her sister, mirabel Madrigal the imperfect child but is free of being perfectionist and free to be herself.

But..what if Isabela lost control of her powers...

It all started on faithful morning at The Madrigals casita.

Isabela was walking down the stairs, being her herself as she can be.

Then she saw and heard her tio Felix and Tia Pepe clapping.

She thought they were clapping for her till she turned around to see they were just clapping for mirabel who behind her helping Antonio with something.

"It's our miracle" Felix shout in joy, mirabel did like how her family was now including her but she felt that the attention was a bit too much.

It did made Isabela feel a bit jealous inside, she liked it when she got all the attention.

So what if something inside her created a change in the encanto.

Inside her room and new kind of flower grew, but this flower was a different kind of flower.

It was a sundrop flower but it's torso was a vine like snake and it's mouth grew razor sharp and it went inside the house.

And just like that the miracle was dead inside...and a new threat was born.

The creature slithered in Antonio's room, he was playing with his Jaguar when he saw a shadow creeped up behind him, he made a terrifying face as the plant monster attacked.

The vines grew longer bad stinger, Dolores was walking in the hallway when the vines tripped her.

"OW" she fell grabbing her injured Ankle and saw the vine going into the crack in the house, she frown when she knew it was Isabela's .

Then in Mirabel's room, after coming back from talking to a family who was having family issues.

She noticed the golden flower next to her bed.

"Oh hello there" she bends to admire it, "did Isabela make you" she reaches out or touch it.

But then the flower attacks her.

Later that evening, Isabela was walking, little did she know, she saw about to be in Trouble.

For when she came downstairs she saw her tío, Tia and cousins minus Antonio were glaring at her.

Pepe was holding on to Antonio as he looked scared.

"Isabela " Pepe yelled, "what were you thinking"

"What? What do you mean?" Isabela was confused she didn't know what was going on.

"One of your plants attacked Antonio and your vines tripped Dolores" Pepe explained.

"Whoa hey it wasn't mean" Isabela defend herself.

"Yeah right, you are the only one person with the ability to grow plants" Dolores accused her.

"What I-"

Just then alma interrupted, "Isabela " they see her glaring she was upstairs.

"Why did you know down the portrait of your abuelo Pedro" upstairs the portrait of Pedro was on the floor ripped in half.

"I didn't do it" Isabela was feeling like she was being framed.

Then alma walked downstairs, "just because you aren't the miracle anymore that doesn't mean you should be jealous of your sister"

Isabela was offended but then her mother Julieta was upstairs looking furious.

"Isabela , come here, now" she walked inside Mirabel's room, she felt like she was in a lot of trouble.

She walked inside Mirabel's room, where she sees Luisa upset about something and mirabel on the floor, her arm covered in a bandage but she saw both of her parents angry.

"Why did you attack your sister"

"What i didn't attack her" Isabela tries to defend herself again.

"It was your flower that attack her"

"Mama, please it was accident" Mirabel tries defending her sister.

"No this is really unacceptable, first you eat today's lunch then you hurt your father and wreck Luisa's room and now you attack Mirabel...Isabela I don't know what's going on but you need to control your plants" Julieta was steamed as she grabs lusia's arm and pulled her out of the room with Agustín following.

Isabela was left alone with mirabel, worried what she was about to yell at her for.

"Mirabel you need to understand whatever attacked you it wasn't me" Isabela tells her but then mirabel gets up.

"I know Isabela ...I believe you"

Isabela was shocked, "you do?"

"Look I know you and I never got along but I know you would never hurt me, your my hermana, and I love you for that"

Isabela smiles glad to know that someone believes her.

Then Mirabel starts to look serious, "but I think there is something wrong with the encanto, I Can sense it"

"I keep telling everyone it's not me"

"There something wrong with the miracle and casita and there's only one person who can help us...come on" Mirabel grabs her arm.

"We need to go see tio Bruno, maybe he can see what's wrong with the encanto"

And as they left, a small crack appeared on Mirabel's floor and the flower grew bigger.

The sisters went together to seek answers about the miracle abad it's only their uncle that could help them.

And as they walk together, it was awkward between them, for years they been avoiding each other like the plague.

But now that they put the past behind them, how could they communicate like they did when they were kids.

So Isabella broke the ice, started on a small topic.

"So...what's it like being the family's therapist" Isabel asked Her.

"Huh..oh great, I get to learn something new from everyone"

"So who talks to you"

"Well, i do talk to this rock sometimes" mirabel pulls a small rock from her pocket.

Isabela leans closer to the rock staring at it then she looks at mirabel all weirded out like she was crazy.

Then mirabel leans the rock to her hear like she was talking to it.

"Uh huh uh huh, huh, oh we're just trying to find what's wrong with the magic....what no, I'm not going to abandon Isabel and let her solve it on her own she's my hermana....hey that's not very nice and just because she wasn't kind to me that doesn't mean I should do the same with her"

As mirabel talked to the rock, Isabela realized...that she has lost it, clearly no one talks to her, she's been isolated long enough, except when Antonio talks to her.

So Isabela grabs her hand, takes the rock and rocks it then she grabs her hand and takes her to Bruno.

"Ok after this is over, we are taking you to a real therapist" Isabela says.

"Come on, Roco isn't that bad, he likes listening to me"

"Mirabel...you are talking to a rock that's not normal, I don't want you to go crazy like tio Bruno" Isabela grabs her sister by her shoulders then they were at Bruno's door.

They haven't been there in awhile but we're nervous as they looked at each other then Isabela slowly and nervously knocked on the door...when it was already opened by Bruno.

He looked worried as he looks at both sisters.

"I sense you were coming, is there something you want to tell me"

The two Madrigal sisters looked at each other, they then were in his room, they say down in a circle.

"Tio Bruno something is wrong with encanto again" mirabel told him.

"But I thought you fixed it" Bruno said.

"I did but we don't know what's going on, someone is stressing out, there hasn't been any fight but for some reason Isabel is losing control of her plants"

"What?" Bruno asked.

"Yeah I don't know why it's having, this never happened before, I always had control of my powers" Isabel said as mirabel touches her shoulders.

"This is actually the first time" mirabel says, "Antonio said he stopped communicating with the animals and his Jaguar nearly hurt him, then dolores went dead for a minute then she heard loud ringing in her head and remember when Camilo tried to shape-shift but his face kept glitching" Mirabel reminded Isabel.

"Oh yeah I think so too and don't forget when Luisa broke the piano" Isabel said.

"I see" Bruno was thinking, I see"

He then uses his gift to see in the future, as the room turned green they see horrible visions of casita falling apart, the falling falling apart.

"I see...the miracle, there's something really wrong with it"

"I knew it" Isabela says.

"But what is it"

"It-it-it has enough of it, it's tired of being taking disadvantaged, tired of being abused if it's magic, the miracle and casita...is going to fight back"

"What!" Both girls were shocked and horrified.

"The gift is tired of being unappreciated and used, they're going to attack the family, tonight"

Then Isabela was horrified by this shocking news, she gets up panicking.

"We have to tell the family, we need to warn them that the encanto is fighting back" Isabela said.

But Mirabel had doubts, " but how are we supposed to explain to them that the encanto is going back on us, how are we supposed to explain it to them"

"We'll do it together as hermanas" Isabela puts her hand out for Mirabel.

Mirabel looks at her hand and takes it, "now come on, let's go tell them"

But then mirabel sat down, "actually you go in ahead, I need to sit down for awhile"

"What? But I need you, the family listens to you"

"Isabela you are strong and brave, you can tell the family, do it for me" miracle grabs her hand and Isabela smiles.

"Alright mirabel...for you"

"Now go, save our familia"

Isabela ran out the door and looks back at mirabel smiling.

"I won't let you down Mirabel...I promise"

But after she left, mirabel was feeling a pain in her stomach.

"ah" she feel on her knees, holding her stomach, she wasn't feeling tired, she was feeling sick.

Then Bruno bends down besides her, he was concerned about her.

"Mirabel, i sense you won't be here much longer, are you alright" he asked.

Mirabel looks away, she felt a pain in her heart but smiles, "I won't be around for the family any longer but they need to stay strong for me"

Little did Isabela knew was that the flower that bit Mirabel....was poisonous.

On Mirabel's arm, her veins turned purple and grew up to her elbow.

Meanwhile the family was downstairs when they hear Isabela screaming all crazy, rushing downstairs.


"Huh" Felix sees Isabela.

"The encanto, it's turning against us"

Then alma entered the room, "what is going on here"

"Abuela I figured out what's wrong withy gift, the encanto is turning against us, that's what's wrong with my gift, why all our powers are acting up, the gifts and casita is turning against us, the miracle has decided to not let us take control anymore, the magic is going to fight back"

"Isabela that is crazy talk, this magic and casita has protected this family for a long time it has never changed and it would never attacked us"

"But it's the truth, why else would you think the miracle is going wrong"

"Isabela I think you are just jealous"

"What" Isabela was shocked.

"Just because your sister is the miracle now that doesn't want you should blame the encanto, she's the reason the encanto is saved and this family is back, but you want to hurt it"

"Your not listening to me you stubborn mule"

"Isabela you were always the most selfish ones"

"And who's fault is that"

But before the fight could continue any longer, Bruno came running in a panic.

"MAMA COME QUICKLY" everyone looks up at Bruno who was looking upset.

"Not now Bruno" alma says in a angry tone who was still angry at Isabela.

"But it's Mirabel....she's dying"

Everyone makes shocking and horrified faces, they were upstairs in her room, where she was seen laying in her bed, with Antonio besides her, holding her hand.

She was coughing a lot, she looked pale and she was weaker.

Every surrounded her and Julieta came back hoping to hear her with her food but...her gift just made it worst.

Julieta starts to panic, she was crying, her husband trying to calm her down.

"Julieta why isn't your gift working" alma demand.

"I DON'T KNOW" Julieta yelled at her mom.

Mirabel gets up with a few minutes of her dying breath, "No...it's ok, listen to me, the miracle and casita is going to fight back and it's better this way, you are all strong and unique in your own way and I think it's time you move on without me, Antonio"

Felix pulls Antonio on Mirabel's bed, she takes his hands.

"You were little a supportive little brother to me, the only one who understood me, I will always love you, you stay strong and try to keep this family together ok"

Antonio shed a tear, out of his siblings, he loved mirabel like a sister, now he felt like he was going to lose someone who meant the most to him, it was hard to lose the best kindest and supportive cousin he ever had.

He nod his head, wipes his tears and wrapped his arms around her neck pulling her in a embracing hug.

"Goodbye mirabel...to me, you'll always be my favorite sister"

He lets go and stands next to his parents, "Isabela?" Then she called out for Isabela.

She walks up to her, bending down and taking her hand.

"I-" she coughed which made Isabela's eyes watery, "I need you...to protect this family, everyone, whatever happened it was not Isabela's fault...she is trying to help...Abuela"

Alma walks up to her, bending down, Isabela moving away and alma takes Mirabel's hand.

"I don't blame Isabela, please forgive her, she didn't do anything, promise me that you won't promise me you won't go hard on Isabela or anyone"

"For you mirabel..." Alma says as she cups both of her hands on Mirabel's.

Mirabel smiles the she takes off her glasses, before leaving.

"I want to say thank you, all of you, I have not have been as magical as all of you...but I love everyone of you, thank you...for everything"

And just like that....she was gone, she closed her eyes, her hand fell on the floor, everyone gasped in horror to see that mirabel was dead.

Their miracle was gone, it was hard on everyone, especially Isabela, Mirabel was the only one who beloved her and now that she's gone, who's gonna keep the family together.

"She's gone" Isabela whimpered

The alma got mad, she gets up and storms at Isabela.

"This is all your fault Isabela"

Then Julieta tries defending her, "mama please you promise Mirabel that you wouldn't go hard on them"

"MIRABEL IS GONE and it's all Isabela's fault, it's her fault our miracle is gone, if it were for her, mirabel will still be alive, she killed our miracle"

Then Isabela got mad, "I told you the encanto is turning against us, I can't control my gift anymore"

"You can't control it or is it because you were jealous that mirabel is now the miracle and not you"

Just then the floor starts cracking and the flower monster starts to get bigger.

"The miracle is changing because you are putting pressure again"

"No the miracle is breaking because you can't handle the fact that your sister has become more special then you just because she has no gift"

"Oh please it didn't stop you from telling her she was hurting the family"

"The only one that is hurting the family is you"

Then suddenly the flower popped out of the ground, screeching at them, it was a the size of a Titanoboa.

And just like that, the encanto was now ready to fight back.

Everyone was worried at the plant monster then, it tries to bite them but it bites Alma's neck.

"AH" alma screamed in pain, then they see her getting eaten alive.

They tried to exit casita then it was casita's turn, it breaks down trying to crush everyone inside, then Antonio's Jaguar goes savage, jumping in front of Camilo and Dolores.

"AH" they both dream trying to get away from the savage Jaguar when it attacked them, tearing them to shreds, Antonio watch in horror as his only siblings were gone.

Then Pepe's lighting strikes, zapping at her and Felix, they they both got electrocuted.

It was total chaos then casita broke down before touching Mirabel's hand.

As the casita got destroyed, Isabela was the last of the Madrigal family to survive.

She got up from the ruble, she takes a step back to see casita was destroyed...again but the encanto was still alive.

But then she sees something, she finds Mirabel's glasses, they are what survived the breakdown, she picks them up, holds them close to her chest, then she feel on her knees crying.

"I'm sorry mirabel...I'm so sorry...I let you down"her face was stained with tears, she felt that she lost everything: her home, her family, her gift but most importantly...she lost her sister.

She may have not have been the best or supportive sister...but she loved mirabel...gift or no gift, she loved her sister and no...she felt lost and weak...she didn't know what to do.

When a miracle dies...a new one ignites.

She turned to see a hand reaching out to her, she saw it was Antonio.

Apparently he survived from the destruction of their home...it looked like she wasn't the last of the Madrigal.

Then she look at her late sister's glasses and saw a reflection of mirabel, smiling and waving at her.

Then Isabela remembered what her sister said: protect our family.

Even the smallest flowers in the garden stand tall

Isabela gets up, wipes her tears and puts on a brave face, she takes Antonio's hand and puts on Mirabel's glasses, she punches out the lens before she did...it look like she was going to be the new miracle of the family.

Then she and Antonio hold hands and walk into to town, Isabela didn't know what she was gonna do but...she knew, she was going to do it for her sister.

The sunset shine at Antonio and Isabela walking then it turns to the women in the sky as it became night.

In this universe when a miracle falls...it never dies...as long as there is someone who believes in it...to keep the bravest heroes alive...

I am the guild of these possibilities and this has been a Halloween special...till next time...happy Halloween.

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