What if...merryweather left her sisters

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In the story of sleeping beauty, the animated one not the live action.

In a far away land, long ago, lived a king and his fair queen. Many years had they longed for a child and finally their wish was granted. A daughter was born, and they called her Aurora, you all know her as sleeping beauty.

A gust of wind blows the doors to the castle open. Lightning and thunder roar, as King Stefan, Queen Leah, and the three fairies watch with horrified amazement. Maleficent appears in a ball of fire, followed by her pet raven.

Then a evil queen name maleficent put a cursed on her.

"But, before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel... (She swirls her hand around the orb on her staff, depicting visions of monsters and a spinning wheel.) And die! (The last image shows Aurora on her death bed"

The king feared for his daughter's life so he had 

Stefan and the Queen at a balcony looking down towards the fairies carrying the baby away.

His daughter raised by three fairies, flora, fauna and merryweather.

You noticed how flora has always bossed her sisters around, always telling them what to do.

Especially merryweather, it's not easy being the eldest.

She never lets merryweather take a chance to say anything or let say anything what's on her mind, or asked what she thinks for all that matters.

But in another universe, one choice could change everything.

So what if...merryweather has decided she has any enough of flora bossing her around, she was done letting her sister take control of her.

What if....merryweather runs away

It all started on aurora's sixteenth birthday

the Good Fairies had planned a party and something extra special for her surprise.

[The camera turns downward. The fairies sit over a book of dresses.]

Merryweather: Well, now, how about this one?

Flora: This is the one I picked.

Fauna: Oh she'll look beautiful in it.

Flora: Now I thought a few changes here...

Merryweather: Aha.

Fauna: Don't forget a pretty bow...

Flora: Yes, and there's the shoulder line.

Merryweather: We'll make it blue.

Flora: Oh no, dear, pink.

Merryweather: But...

Flora: Of course, we'll need a few pleats

Merrywearther frowns as she was being ignored....again

Fauna: Yes, but how are we going to get her out of the house?

Flora: Oh, I'll think of something.

[Briar Rose comes down the stairs and finds the fairies]

Briar Rose: Well, and what are you three dears up to?

Merryweather: Up to?

Fauna: Up to?

Flora: Up to? Eh, eh, eh, we, we, well, we, we...

Merryweather: Want you to pick some berries.

Flora: That's it, berries!

Briar Rose: Berries?

Fauna: Lots of berries.

Briar Rose: But I picked berries yesterday.

Flora: Oh, we need more, dear.

Fauna: Lots, lots more.

Flora: Yes!

[The fairies push Briar Rose out of the house]

Flora: Now, don't hurry back, dear.

Merryweather: And don't go too far.

Flora: And don't speak to strangers.

Fauna: Goodbye, dear!

Merryweather: Goodbye!

Flora: Goodbye!

Briar Rose: Goodbye!

[The fairies close the door and get back inside.]

Merryweather: I wonder if she suspects.

Flora: Of course not, come on. Will she be surprised!

Merryweather: A real birthday party.

Fauna: With a real birthday cake.

Flora: Yes, and a dress a princess can be proud of

Merryweather: I'll get the wands.

Flora: Yes, you ... the wands?

Fauna: Oh, no.

Flora: No magic!

Merryweather: But the sixteen years are almost over.

Flora: We're taking no chances.

Merryweather: But, I never baked a fancy cake.

Flora: Oh, you won't have to, dear.

Fauna: I'm going to bake the cake.

Merryweather: You?

Flora: She's always wanted to, dear, and this is her last chance.

Merryweather: Well...

Fauna: I'm going to make it fifteen layers with pink and blue, forgive-me-nots...

Flora: And I'm making the dress.

Merryweather: But you can't sew, and she's never cooked!

Flora: Oh, it's simple.

Fauna: All you do is follow the book.

Flora: [directs Merryweather to stand on a chair] Up here, dear. You can be the dummy.

Merryweather: now flora i think it would be best if we use our magic

[Flora throws a sheet of pink cloth above Merryweather and begins cutting with a pair of scissors. Fauna has laid all the ingredients for the cake before her.]

Fauna: [reads from the book] Flour, three cups. [searching] Cups, cups, cups, cups, cups... [finds three cups of different sizes and uses them to pour flour into the bowl] One, two, three.

[Flora has cut a circular hole into the sheet]

Merryweather: What's that for?

Flora: Well, it's got to have a hole in the bottom.

Fauna: That's for the feet to go through.

Merryweather: It's pink!

Flora: Oh, lovely shade, isn't it.

Merryweather: But you gave her that last year, I wanted it blue, don't you think I could have a chance at the dress

Flora: Now, dear, we decided pink was her color.

Merryweather: You decided, you never ask us about our opinion

But flora didn't listen to her

Fauna: [still reads from the book] Two eggs, fold in gently. Fold? Oh, well. [puts two eggs into the bowl and starts to fold them in. We hear their shells cracking.

Merryweather is completely hulled into the pink cloth.

Merryweather: I can't breathe! [Flora cuts the cloth open at the top. Merryweather takes a look at the dress from the inside] It looks awful.

Flora: That's because it's on you, dear.

She scolds at her and crossed her arms, frowning.

Fauna: [at her cake] Now, yeast. One tisp. Tisp?

Merryweather: One teaspoon!

Fauna: One teaspoon, of course.

Flora: [measures some size of the dress] Oh, gracious. How the child has grown.

Merryweather: Oh, it seems only yesterday we brought her here.

Fauna: Just a tiny baby.

[Merryweather loses a tear]

Flora: Why, Merryweather!

Fauna: Whatever's the matter, dear?

Merryweather: (sensitively) After the day, she'll be a princess, and we won't have any Briar Rose.

Fauna: Oh, Flora!

Flora: We all knew this day had to come.

Fauna: But, why did it have to come so soon?

Flora: After all, we've had her for sixteen years.

Merryweather: Sixteen wonderful years.

Flora: Good gracious, We're acting like a lot of ninnies! Come on, she'll be back before we get started.

As the fairies were making a bit of a mess, merryweather was getting impatient.

Inside the cottage. Fauna it lighting the candles on the cake, which starts to melt down. She tries to hold it with a broom.]

Fauna: Well, what do you think of it?

[Merryweather is still standing as a dolly in a bad joke of a dress.]

Flora: Why, it's a very unusual cake, isn't it?

Fauna: Yes. Of course it'll be much stiffer after it's baked.

Flora: Of course, dear. What do you think of the dress?

Fauna: Well, it's not exactly the way it is in the book, is it?

Flora: Well, I improved a bit! But perhaps if I added a few more ruffles. What do you think?

Fauna: I think so. What do you think, Merryweather?

Merryweather: [struggles out of the dress, which falls to pieces] I think we've had enough of this nonsense. I think we ought to think of Rose, and what she'll think of this mess. I still think what I thunk before. I'm going to get those wands. [She goes off to fetch the wands, as the cake melts completely into a pile of sludge.]

Fauna: You know, I think she's right.

Flora: merryweather right, (laughs" she doesn't know what's good

Merryweather: (returning with the wands after hearing what flora said about her) Here they are, good as new (she grunts"

Flora: Ah-ah-ah! C-C-C-C-C-Careful, Merryweather! Quick, lock the doors. Flora, you close the windows. Oh, block up every cranny. We can't take any chances! And now, [to Flora] you take care of the cake,

Merryweather: While I...

Flora: Clean the room, dear, And I'll make the dress.

Merryweather: but I want to make the dress

Flora: now merryweather, you have terrible taste in gowns, I mean blue really such a boorish color

Merryweather: [shortly gets angry but then starts cleaning up] Come on, bucket, mop, broom. Flora says, clean up the room! [they immediately start to sweep everything clean]

Flora: And now to make a lovely dress, fit the grace of fair princess. [works another sheet of pink cloth with her wand]

Merryweather glares at her

Fauna: Eggs, flour, milk! [the ingredients come walking] Just do it the way it says here in the book. I'll put on the candles. [the cake starts to bake itself]

[Everything proceeds smoothly and quickly, but then Merryweather sees the dress.]

Merryweather: Oh no, not pink. Make it blue. [she makes it blue]

Flora: Merryweather! Make it pink. [she makes it pink]

Merryweather: Make it blue. [makes it blue]

Flora: Oh, pink. [makes it pink]

Merryweather: Blue.

[This time, Flora stands before the dress and gets blue herself. They start fighting over the color. The camera turns to the fireplace, where blazes of color go through the chimney. We see the house from the outside, and Maleficent's pet raven, who sees the fireworks. Inside the house, the 'war' continues, until they both hit the dress at the same time, with the result that it looks like two cans of color were emptied on it]

Flora: Oohhh! Now look what you've done!

She rushes over to her and takes the wand.

Flora: merryweather if you won't stop this foolishness, then just leave, your ruining the party, go clean now

Flora pushes the broom in her hand, then
Merryweather has finally had it.

Merryweather: no!

She throws the broom on the floor and flora turns around.

Flora: what did you say

Merryweather: I had it with you, always bossing us around, telling us what to do, not letting have a chance to say something or hear my opinion

Flora: i don't always push you around, tell her fauna

Fauna: well-uh you do seem to make all our decisions for us and not telling us what we think

Flora: you don't know what your talking about

Merryweather: see even fauna says so

Flora: now see here Merryweather I am the eldest you will do as I say weather you like it or not

Merryweather: you know I HAD ENOUGH

she stormed out to the door, both flora and fauna watched.

Flora: where are you going

Merryweather: I'm leaving, when you learn to stop being so bossy then I'll come back

Flora was stuttered it she agreed with it as she and fauna goes to the door.

Flora: alright fine leave, you won't survive one day without us

Merryweather: good

Flora: fine

Merryweather just continues to storm into the woods.

Flora: but just know, if you come crawling back crying to us, I'll say I told you so

Fauna saw the fight.

That one fight, that one fight had changed everything

After maleficent was defeated, flora and fauna waited for Merryweather to come back.

Fauna saw flora looking through the woods, waiting.

Fauna: flora it's been months, don't you think that Merryweather would come back if you just apologized to her, I mean you are kinda bossy

Flora: nonsense, if I know Merryweather she just pretending to leave so I could admit to her I was wrong, you see she'll come back soon

Time has past as days turned into months, flora walked outside, holding a bowl of fruit.

She placed it on the ground.

Flora: don't mind me Merryweather I just thought I could bring you some food in case you hit rock bottom

She was hoping to find a poor Merryweather covered in mud, twigs in her hair, and clothes torn up.

But later when she went to check on the food it was gone, she smiled.

Time passed on again and soon, flora was starting to miss Merryweather.

One year later, fauna and flora went into the woods to find Merryweather.

Flora was searching through the woods.

Fauna: oh flora it's been years don't you think it's time you admit your mistakes

Flora: of course not, I'm just seeing if she is doing alright

Just then they heard singing and what they saw next, surprised them.

A tall and skinny women was singing, she was beautiful had black long hair, and she was wearing a blue dress holding a basket.

Flora: oh excuse me young lady we're looking for our sister

It was Merryweather

Merryweather: oh why hello flora

Flora was shocked when she recognized her.

Flora: Merryweather? Is that you?

Merryweather: why this isn't maleficent now is it

She chuckles, her voice had changed too, it was angelic.

Fauna: oh Merryweather you look wonderful

Merryweather: thank you fauna

Fauna was fawning with Merryweather as flora was surprised.

Flora: wha-what happened to you

Merryweather: well after our little fight, I went deep into the wood, I was struggling and was thinking about heading back when it started to rain but then I befriended with these cute little wood creatures, they helped me survive, I then grew taller and lost a bit of weight, come come I'll show you my new home

They followed her to see she owned her own boutiques inside the cabin.

They saw that she was a success, flora felt lost as she realized that she was wrong, Merryweather can take care of herself.

Merryweather: come sit down for a cup of tea

Fauna sat down as she cheered in joy while flora decided to apologize.

She goes to the kitchen to see Merryweather.

Flora: i see you have been doing well

Merryweather: yes

It became quite as Merryweather poured the tea, she then turns around to face flora.

Merryweather: it's not easy bossing people around is it flora

Flora then started to cry.

Flora: YES!!!( she sobs)

She then cries on her sister's shoulders as she hugs her.

Merryweather was surprised but she smiles as she returns the hug back.

The two sisters finally made up, they both let go, holding hands and smiling at each other.

Flora: yes I promise I'm not going to be pushy anymore

Merryweather nod her head and see holds the tray as they walked to the table.

Merryweather: now you must tell me everything that has happened

That fight had changed everything but it still gave aurora a happy ending but it had  flora live in regret, made her realized how pushy she was, how much she needed her sister.

As for me, these are my stories, I observe the alternative changes in the timeline.

The scene changes from to the the cabin to up at the stars, they turn into a women looking down.

I am the guild, toon in next time for another...

what if

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