What if...simba saw scar killed mufasa

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The stars, to your eyes they are diamonds sparkling in the sky but when you see stars, I see a story about a young prince that is about to change his story.

But in a multiverse of infinite possibility.

Is you destiny determined by nature or by the nature of your fate.

Deep in the savanna

The stars turn into a young simba

A young cub is destined to become king

The stars then turned the young simba to adult simba roaring on a rock.

His life was changed when he witnessed his father death who was killed by his uncle.

But what happened if simba saw his uncle killed his father.

Would he run away or would he fight for his father's vengeance.

His story begins on that horrible day, the day his father meets his fate.

Simba lies on his rock, still moping.]

A chameleon hangs down from a branch and starts walking past Simba. Simba's ears perk.

The chameleon does not react. Simba bounds after it.

The chameleon does not react. With a devious grin, Simba pounces, landing just behind the chameleon.

The chameleon runs off. Simba's roar echoes off the walls of the gorge. Simba smiles. There is a deep rumbling sound, and Simba looks down to where tiny stones are pattering at his paws. He looks up uncertainly. A herd of wildebeests stampedes into the gorge. Simba's expression turns to horror.

Simba runs away. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed chase the wildebeests, nipping at their sides.

The last of the herd streams into the gorge. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed pause and pace along the edge of the gorge. Simba continues to run, with the herd steadily catching up. Meanwhile, Zazu perches on Mufasa's shoulder. In the distance, dust rises from the gorge.

"Oh, look, sire. The herd is on the move"

Mufasa looks over his shoulder at the gorge.


" Mufasa, quick" Scar appears, wild-eyed, on a ledge below Mufasa and Zazu, "Stampede, in the gorge. Simba's down there"

"Simba?" Mufasa says in a terrifying tone.

Simba flees the stampede. As the wildebeests close in, he looks over his shoulder in fear.

Simba climbs a dead tree in the middle of the gorge.

Mufasa and Scar rush to the gorge. Zazu flies ahead and swoops over the herd. He spots Simba, with a panicked expression. He flies up to Simba.

"Zazu, help me!"

"Your father is on the way! [Simba slips and barely manages to hold on to the tree.] Hold on!"

Simba clings to the tree for dear life.

"Hurry!" Simba screamed

Mufasa and Scar clamber down to a ledge above the stampede. Both search the gorge below with fearful expressions. Zazu flies up and points at Simba.

"There! There! On that tree!"

Simba struggles to hold on to the tree.

"Hold on, Simba!" Mufasa yelled

A wildebeest runs into Simba's tree, breaking it. Simba nearly falls.

Mufasa jumps into the stampede, while Simba continues to cling to his tree.

"Oh, Scar, this is awful! What'll we do? What'll we do?! Ha! I'll go back for help. That's what I'll do. I'll go back for he–" Scar backhands Zazu, "Oof!"

Zazu hits the wall of the gorge and falls unconscious. In the meantime, Mufasa races alongside the wildebeests. Simba struggles to hold on to his tree. Mufasa pivots around a wildebeest and runs against the stampede. However, a wildebeest kicks him, knocking him over.

Mufasa looks up in desperation at Simba's struggling form. A wildebeest breaks Simba's tree, sending him flying into the air.

Mufasa leaps into the air, catching Simba in his jaws.

Mufasa lands with Simba in his jaws. Scar paces along the edge of the gorge, watching the action down below. A wildebeest runs into Mufasa, causing him to let go of Simba.

Simba tumbles into the midst of the stampede.

Simba stands and looks around in terror. Mufasa emerges through the dust and grabs Simba in his jaws once more. A wildebeest falls to the ground behind him. Mufasa leaps onto a ledge and deposits Simba to safety. A wildebeest catches him from behind, drawing him back into the stampede.

"Dad!" Simba screamed.

Mufasa falls among the wildebeests. Simba searches the stampede with increasing distress. At last, Mufasa leaps out of the stampede and latches on to the edge of the gorge.

Mufasa roars and Simba watches with relief, Mufasa begins to scale the side of the gorge, with Simba watching anxiously from his ledge.

As Mufasa continues to climb, Simba turns and clambers up the side of the gorge.

Mufasa clings to the edge of the gorge for dear life.

Then Simba finally reaches the top but what he saw next was going to change his point of view on Scar.

"Scar!" Scar glares down at Mufasa from the top of the gorge.

Mufasa slips and barely manages to hold on, Simba smiles when he sees scar approaching to help his father.

"Brother, help me!" Mufasa's paws scrabble for purchase, kicking bits of rock into the stampede below.

Simba's heart was racing, Scar glares a moment longer, then rears forward, digging his claws into Mufasa's paws.

Mufasa roars in pain and Simba felt scared.

Scar leans in, grinning evilly, "Long live the king"

Mufasa's and simba's face darkens with horror. Scar heaves Mufasa into the stampede. Mufasa falls, flailing.

He screams falling as simba witnesses scar let Mufasa's fall.

Scar watches as mufasa dies but when he turns around feeling pride in himself, he was shocked when he saw simba looking at him with a worried face.

"Simba" he turns his eyes left and right and tried to act innocent as he feared that simba saw.

"How long have you been standing there" scar asked as he approached him.

Simba just made a horrifying face, " you-you-you let dad died"

"Now simba, it was just a accident" simba backs away from him, tears forming underneath his eyes.

"You killed dad"


"How could you let dad died"

Just then Simba was hurt as he started to cry but then his sorrow turns into anger.

"Simba whatever saw i suggested you keep quiet, if you tell anyone I will do the same with you"

"if it weren't for you, he'd still be alive"

"Simba you have no power over me, Run away, Simba, Run. Run away, and never return"

There that moment had changed, creating an alternate timeline.

Simba could have run but instead he chose to fight his uncle, to avenge his father's death.

But soon he wished he just ran home to tell what he witnessed when his fate was about to change.

Simba is very angry and he runs up to Scar and Bites him.

He pounced on top of him, biting his neck.

"AH" scar winced in pain, he throws him off by shaking him off.

He then pounced on simba and scratches the poor cub everywhere.

He saw simba wasn't moving so he decided to leave him dead.

So he throws him over the gorge, he watches as simba falls to his death, then walks away.

"There something for the vultures to eat, now nothing stands in my way" scar says.

He heads back to pride rock, "Mufasa's death is a terrible tragedy, But to lose Simba, who had barely begun to live"

Scar puts a paw to his forehead in feigned sorrow. The lionesses bow their heads mournfully.

"For me"

Zazu rests a comforting wing on Sarabi's paw, it is a deep, personal loss.

Nala sheds a tear and nuzzles into her mother's leg.

"So it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne" Behind Scar, the shadows of hyenas stretch tall on Pride Rock.

"Yet out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise to greet"

Zazu gasps and looks up, "the dawning of a new era"

The lionesses gasp and look up, Scar bounds toward Pride Rock.

Hyenas slink in among the lionesses, "in which lion and hyena come together"

Scar begins to ascend Pride Rock, "in a great and glorious future!"

From all directions, hyenas stream toward Pride Rock.

Rafiki watches the coronation from afar. He bows and shakes his head.

The scene transitions to Rafiki sitting sadly in his baobab tree. He sheds a tear and wipes it away. He swipes his hand across the painting of Simba, smudging it. The scene transitions to the desert.

Years have past, scar soon was growing weary in searching for a bride to call his queen , to rule by his side.

His chances with Sarabi has gone south, for he wanted someone young, someone fierce, someone like nala.

He was lying in his throne, board out of his mind, when he saw nala passing by, exiting the cave, he smiles mischievously.

So one day, when he was alone with nala, he was grooming her.

Scar was laying down when mala came in, "nala" scar rises up.

"What a unexpected surprise, and my how you grown"

"Scar you have to do something, we are forced to over hunt" nala says.

"Come come now, you must be very tired, sat a sit"

So she sits down and he strokes her chin with his tail.

"Scar you the king and the king controls his army, you have to do something-"

Just then he nuzzled his face against hers, she got annoyed and gets upset to walk away, but he goes up to her and he licks her neck.

Things were moving so fast, then nala starts to get uncomfortable.

She moves away and confronted him, "ah what do you think your doing" nala asked.

"Oh come mala don't you think what's going on, I am king now and I'm going to need a queen to rule by my side"

She prowls towards her, causing bala to back into a wall.

"And since your grown up, I choose you" he asked Nala to be his mate

He tried to mate with her but she runs, he pounced on her, he was harassing her then she slapped him.

"Get off!"

"Ah" he grabs his face then he gets angry, hecsluu it w stalks up to her and he scratched her face, leaving a scar across her right cheek

"Ah" nala screamed in pain as she fell down, scar had her pinned and whispers in her ear.

"You're going to be my bride weather you want to or not"

He then turns her around and nala felt she was scared.

After scar forced mala to marry him, she was given birth to a cub name vitani.

Nala with a scar still on her face, laying, hiding her cub from scar as he was prowling back and forth.

She was sulking and felt trapped, she wanted out so she decided to run away taking vitani with her.

"See what happens when you argue with the king, we wouldn't be able to have our daughter, now excuse me I have important business to run"

As he steps out, nala grabs vitani by her mouth, running away from pride land.

"Mommy where are we going" the cub asked.

She had scars fur but had nala's eyes.

"We're going somewhere far away where that madman won't hurt you"


They traveled for days and when scar found out tha nala and vitani were gone, he ordered his hyenas to find her.

She eventually came across a jungle, "come on vitani and stay close by me" nala puts her down and they walked into the jungle.

But as they approach in deeper, something growled at them.

And out came a Lion with red mane, he was covered in scars, on his nose, eye, below the mouth, around the face, red cheek, they were faded as they looked like years of abused scars.

As he growled at her, she growled back, vitani his behind her mother, terrified.

But then the Lion stopped as he got a good look at her, "nala?"

Then bala recognized him, she was too shocked by words.


Yes it was simba, he was alive, simba was surprised to see nala.

Then she nuzzled herface against his.

"Im so glad your alive, i thought you were dead"

a flashback plays to young simba being thrown off into the gorge.

After scar threw simba for dead, he thought he had killed him.

But now when simba fell, he landed to safely on a tree, he fell down on a bush, Timon and pumba found him and raised him like their own, he became their protector, he was still traumatized from his past.

Nala lets go and as simba stares at her, vitani saw simba, she smile and rubs up to nuzzled his leg.


Simba was shocked as he looks up at nala who was smiling.

Later that evening, he introduced Timon and pumba, while vitani was playing with pumba, simba and nala talked.

"What happened to you, we're did you go, I thought you were dead" nala asked.

Then she saw simba frowned, "I saw scar, he killed my dad"

"What!!" Bala was horrified to hear this news.

"After he threw me and left me for dead, I survived the fall and Timon and pumba found me they taught me to let go of my worries but I was still haunted by my past"

"Simba we need to go to pride rock, we have to everyone"


"You need to come back Simba, scar let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands"


"Everything's destroyed. There's no food, no water, Simba, if you don't do something soon, everyone will starve"

"I can't nala, scar is king now, there is nothing I can do"

"Simba, You're our only hope and if you won't do it for me or for yourself, then please do it for vitani"

He turns to see vitani giving him puppy eyes, but he just sulks.

"I'm sorry nala but I just can't, I'm sorry"

He rubs off to clear his head.

Simba inhales, he was sulking by the pool of water. He looks down at his reflection.

But then suddenly, he sees his reflection is replaced by Mufasa's face.

"Simba" he heard his dad called out, he looks up.


In the clouds above Simba, Mufasa's ghost strides into view.

"Simba, you have forgotten me"

Simba's mane blows in the wind. His expression is pained.

"No. How could I?"

Clouds churn around Mufasa, outlining his head and shoulders.

"You have forgotten who you are and so forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. [sternly] You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the Circle of Life"

"How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be"

Light shines behind Mufasa.

"Avenged my simba, Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true king"

Simba stares in awe at Mufasa, Mufasa's head retreats with the clouds.

"Remember who you are, take back the throne"

Simba chases the retreating clouds into an open field.

"No, please! Don't leave me!"



"Avenged me"

"Don't leave me"

"Avenged me"

Simba sits, The clouds clear overhead, A breeze stirs Simba's mane. After a moment.

He knew what he must do, nala was laying on the ground, sulking with her daughter comforting her.

Then simba approached them, "nala come on, I'm going back"

Nala makes a soft smile and was excited along side with her daughter.

Back at pride land, scar was arguing with sarabi.

"We're not going anywhere"

"Then you have sentenced us to death!"

"Then so be it"

"You can't do that"

"I am the king", Scar sits, holding his head high, "I can do whatever I want"

"If you were half the king Mufasa was, you would nev..."

Scar flips around and backhands Sarabi. She falls.

"I'm ten times the king Mufasa was!"

Simba emerges on a high ledge. Thunder booms, and lightning crashes.

Then simba roars, Scar stares in fear as Simba descends the ledge.

"Mufasa? No", Scar backs away, "you're dead."

Simba approaches Sarabi and nudges her gently.

Sarabi stares up at Simba, "Mufasa?"

"No. It's me" Sarabi's eyes widen.

"Simba!", Sarabi smiles," You're alive? How can that be?"

"It doesn't matter", Simba bends down and nuzzles Sarabi, "I'm home"

"Simba? Simba! Oh, I'm a little surprised to see you... alive.

Just then Simba leaps up and pins Scar, "Murderer!"

The lionesses stare in alarm.

"No, Simba, please."

"Tell them the truth"

"Truth? But truth is in the eye of the beho...

Simba presses a paw to Scar's throat, choking him. Scar speaks in a croak.

"All right. All right! [whispering] I did it"

"So they can hear you"

"I killed Mufasa!" Scar screams in a louder voice.

The lionesses lunge into battle. The hyenas swarm Simba, knocking him off Scar. The lionesses attack the hyenas from behind. Simba fights off the hyenas from the ground, while Nala swats one away with her paw. Timon and Pumbaa charge into the fray.

"The choice is yours, Scar. Either step down or fight"

The scene transitions. Simba runs along the edge of Pride Rock. He spots Scar slinking away. Scar pauses, looking back at Simba. There is a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. Simba chases after Scar, who flees up Pride Rock.

Scar leaps over flames. He runs to the peak of Pride Rock and skids to a stop at the edge, sending rocks pattering to the ground below. He looks over one shoulder. Simba leaps over the flames to join him at the top of Pride Rock.

Simba stalks slowly toward Scar.


"Simba, Simba, please, Please, have mercy. I beg you"

"You don't deserve to live"

"But, Simba", through labored breaths, "I am family.

Scar stands up straight.

"It's the hyenas who are the real enemy, It was their fault. It was their idea"

"Why should I believe you?"

Scar crouches lower as Simba gets closer.

"You killed my father AND FOR WHAT TO TAKE HIS PLACE AS KING" Simba looms over Scar.

What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill your own uncle"

"No, Scar. I'm not like you"

"Oh, Simba, thank you. You are truly noble. I'll make it up to you, I promise, And, uh, how can I prove myself to you?, Tell me, I mean, anything.

"Run, run away, Scar. And never return"


Scar slinks past Simba, who glares at him.

"Of course. As you wish,"

Scar eyes some burning embers at his paws.

"Your Majesty!"

Scar flings the embers into Simba's eyes. Simba recoils.

"Ah!" Simba paws at his face.

Scar leaps on Simba, then Scar and Simba wrestle on the ground.

Scar pins Simba at the edge of Pride Rock. Simba bats him away.

In slow motion, Scar and Simba lunge at each other, battering with their paws. Scar strikes Simba in the shoulder.

Then Simba hits Scar in the face.


Scar hits back in simba's face.

The slow motion stops as Scar hits Simba again, this time knocking him to the ground. Simba looks up. In slow motion, Scar leaps toward Simba.

The slow motion stops as Simba uses Scar's momentum to kick him away and send him flying off Pride Rock.

Scar tumbles down Pride Rock and lands in a heap. Simba looks over the edge. Scar weakly sits up. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed emerge through the flames.

And after scar was eaten by his bench hyenas, Simba walks toward the promontory of Pride Rock. Sarabi and Nala watch from below.

Simba begins to ascend the promontory. Zazu watches in awe. Timon and Pumbaa do likewise.

The rain washes away an animal skull. As Simba reaches the edge of the promontory, he stops and looks up at the stars. The clouds part.

Simba roars and the lionesses roar with him.

The scene shifts to daylight, with the Pride Lands once more fertile and green.

Simba adopts Vitani then he and nala get married.

Elephants trumpet. Zebras, Many animals gather below Pride Rock. Simba, Nala, vitani, Timon, and Pumbaa gaze over the crowd from the promontory. Birds fly around Simba, Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa.

Zazu flies around Simba, Nala, vitani, Timon, and Pumbaa.

Timon climbs to the end of Pumbaa's snout and shakes his arms in victory.

Simba and Nala nuzzle as vitani crawls between their legs then they see Rafiki emerges, cradling a newborn cub.

The cub turns and blinks open its eyes, Rafiki exchanges glances with Simba, Nala and vitani then lifts the cub high to reveal the kingdom simba's new daughter Kiara.

Simba's choice have gave birth to a whole new alternate timeline, what if instead of running away, simba tried to fight his uncle to avenged his father's death.

And from one change, it gave him two daughters.

But kiara is a story for another day, till then I am the guide.

As the day turned into night, paneling up to the stars shaping into a cub, they turn into a women.

And this is....

What if....

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