What if...mirabel discovered her true gift

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A young girl, born with no gift, powers or a miracle, lives with a magical family, trying to help them in the best possible way as she can without a special gift.

The stars show mirabel with a butterfly.

But what if she finally got her gift, what if she discovered her true power.

WHAT IF....mirabel finally got her miracle.

The night turns to day and panned down to San Basilio de Palenque village, in the foothills of the Montes de Maria.

In the event after the movie, mirabel was outside strolling in barichara, helping her family as best as she can to help their people.

Camilo was playing with the kids and Isabela was using her new plant powers to help lift up a cart.

But as mirabel looks around to see her family helping, she often wonders: what would it be like to have a power like her family.

Sure she fixed conflict between her family but she still feels like she's not worthy enough to her family, she wanted to be apart of her family, she wanted to help them as the best way as she can.

She feels empty knowing she's never have a special power like her family, she often wonders: what would my gift would be.

And right there, everything was about to change when Isabela was putting the cart back up, a donkey was near by when Camilo changed his face at the donkey to make the kids laugh.

But much to his surprised, he scared the donkey, causing it to panic and hit the cart before Isabela could tied it.

The cart rolled and when Isabela turned she was shocked to find the cart had disappeared.

Then she saw it rolled down heading towards people.

"Camilo, you idiot" Isabela growled at him

"Sorry" he frowns nervously as he and Isabela ran after the cart.

Everyone panicked and ran out of the way, Isabela used her power to grow a vine with thorns and grabbed the cart.

But little did she know that, Antonio was walking when mirabel saw the cart was heading towards him.

He made a terrifying face then mirabel pushed him out of the way and she gets hit by the runaway cart and the thorns.

"AH" everyone gathered around as they heard mirabel screamed in pain.

"MIRABEL" she heard Isabela calling her.

The whole Madrigal came and saw the horror, including abuela Alma.

Luisa helped pull the cart off but as she does, the family gathers around to see mirabel covering her eyes.


"Mirabel! What happened" Julieta asked as she bends down to her.

"There was this runaway cart and I got hit by Isabela's thorns"

"What were you too thinkingl alma yelled at Isabela and Camilo, "putting mirabel's life in danger like that"

"It was all Camilo's fault" Isabela blamed Camilo, pointing at him.

He gets offended, "me! It was your thorn"

Then alma gets to mirabel, "we need to help mirabel, Luisa get hero inside.

Luisa carried mirabel and rushes her to casita, inside Julieta made mirabel a Arepas, after her eyes were wrapped in a bandage.

And after she ate, everyone waited but nothing happened.

She was blinded by the thorns, it left a cut across both her eyes.

But even though mirabel couldn't see anything right now, she could still hear everyone mutter about her.

"Why isn't she healed" alma asked as she was still angry but mostly worried about mirabel.

"These things take time, mama"

"Shouldn't she been healed already" Camilo asked.

Then mirabel then gets up, "it's ok, I'm sure I just need to get some rest and I'll be better in the morning"

Later that night, Isabela guide mirabel to her own bedroom.

"Uhh Isabela, I don't think my room has flowers"

She couldn't see but she could sense she was in Isabela's room but touch and smell.

"I know but I think it would be best if you stayed in my room for awhile"

"Isabela, look I know you feel bad for what happened, but I'll be ok"

"Uh uh uh, I'm your sister it's my job to take care of you and besides, I feel like I owe you after years of rudeness"

Isabela then guides mirabel to her bed and help lays her bed.

"Isabela, I told you I'm okay" then she saw how sad and sorrow Isabela's face was.

"Shush, it's my fault that your hurt, (and mostly Camilo) I have to take responsibility for healing you, now get some sleep" Isabela tucks her in bed.

"You know I have my own bed right, you could just take me to my room"

"No, it's okay, I have to keep a close eye on you"

"Then where are you going to sleep"

Just then Isabela made a couch made of flowers.

"It's okay, I'll just sleep on the sofa" she lays down and doze of the sleep, "now get some sleep mirabel"

"Night Isabela" mirabel tries to sleep.

"Night mirabel"

And So the next day, everyone was hoping that everything would be okay.

Isabela was resting her head on her bed, she's be waiting for mirabel to wake up.

Then when mirabel got her, Isabela open her eyes and scoot up besides her.

"Mirabel, how you feeling"

"Well rested"

"Well today's the day, let's see how your eyes look"

As Isabela unwrap the bandage, she was getting the shock of her life, when she saw mirabel's eyes.

She gasped, her eyes open wide and face making a horrid look.

"MAMA, COME QUICK" Isabela yelled as she looks back at mirabel looking terrified.

But not as much as scared as mirabel was.

"Isabela? What's wrong? I can can't see"

Then when Julieta and the rest of the family came in and saw mirabel.

They were all shocked and horrified to see a big nasty scar across her eyes, her pupils were white.

As mattered could get worst, alma came in, making the same face before turning angry.

"JULIETA, why didn't you heal her"

"But I did mama" Julieta stuttered.

"Then why isn't mirabel healed"

"This never happen before"

"Obvious you dove something wrong"

"But my cookings always healed mirabel"

"I'm so disappointed in you, you couldn't even heal mirabel"

Before things could get ugly, mirabel stepped in.


Alma turns to see mirabel cupping her hand, "it's okay, these things take slow, My eyes will heal just have patience, until then I guess I'll just have to take small steps"

She steps out of bed and everyone watches as casita guilds mirabel to the kitchen.

So over time, the madrigal family had to deal and help a blind mirabel, it was a real struggle for, especially Isabela.

But mirabel always looked on the positive side of it.

At the dinner table, everyone was feeling miserable for miserable, and when they heard her coming, they quickly changed their faces and put on fake smiles.

As Isabela guided mirabel to the table, she sat between her sister and Antonio.

Even though she couldn't see, she turned her head around everyone as they were all fake smiling, then she takes a spoon bite of her soup, everyone watches.

"Okay, look I know I can't see but that doesn't mean I can't sense you guys are watching me and I know you guys are still upset about this"

She hears everyone groans, "look I know you all are upset but things will get better, I'll heal soon but it'll take time, till then I need you guys to just try to look on the positive side of this, 0k"

Time has passed and mirabel was still blind, everyone was starting to lose faith.

Isabela walked in her room, still looking down and holding something, mirabel was laying on her bed, her face still bandaged.

And when she felt Isabela sat down on the bed next to her.

"Hey Isabela" she pressed her hand on top of hers, "what's wrong"

She couldn't see but she could feel Isabela was upset.

When in her hands, she was holding a very special and different kind of flower it was a Lilly but it was white yellow purple and pink.

"It's been weeks now and you're still not healed"

"Isabela, I know you're still upset about this as much as anyone else but in time I will heal, you just have to patient"

"I grew this flower especially for you, I wish you could see it"

She holds the flower in front of her, "I may not see but I can smell and touch it" mirabel holds the flower as Isabela gives it to her.

She strokes it and Isabela sees mirabel smiling as she takes a sniff of it , "I may not see it but I think it's the most beautiful flower I ever held"

Later on, she was greeted by her grandmother as alma grabbed her hands, she was still laying in Isabela's bed.

"Mirabel how are you feeling"

"I'm feeling fine, abuela, but you know you shouldn't been so hard on mom, Isabela and Camilo, they did tried to help"

"I know but it was their fault that you got blind in the first place"

"Your doing it again, you're shunning the family, you need to know that everyone is doing their best to help me get better and that you shouldn't blame them, I will heal but it will take time, till then I think you should go apologize to everyone "

"Ay your right mija"

"Don't forget to apologize Camilo first, he is my favorite cousin and he feels bad about this as everyone else, after all he is the best cousin there ever is"

"Ok mija, i will"

Just then Isabela came in, guiding mirabel?

But wait if Isabela has Mirabel then who was laying in her bed.

"CAMILO" Isabela screamed as alma looks back, surprised to see mirabel with Isabela then she turns to see the imposter mirabel smiling nervously then alma growls.

"Get out of my room" Isabela yelled then mirabel turned to Camilo as he got up and ran.

"Hey abuela"

"CAMILO" alma yelled as he jumped out of bed and ran passing by a furious Isabela and a snickering mirabel.

"Well see ya girls" Camilo winks at them as he ran from the angry alma that was marching after him.

Later that night, Isabela and mirabel were sleeping.



"Ah" she woke up, feeling spoked.

"Don't worry it's me, Antonio" Antonio whispered.

"Antonio what are you doing, what time is it" mirabel asked.

"It's midnight"

"What are you doing up so late"

"I wanted to see if you were ok"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me"

"I made you something" he hands her a hand sewed stuffed yellow butterfly.

When she touches it, she feels it to recognize it.

"Aw thank you Antonio, it's a butterfly"

"I made it especially for you"

"It's a very wonderful gift"

Antonio then hops in bed with her, "are you going to be okay"

"I told you Antonio, I'll be alright"

"But you haven't heal yet and it's been months"

"All things will heal, you just need to be patient enough"

"You're strong mirabel, even though the darkest days" Antonio snuggles with her as they both fall asleep.

But mirabel was right, cause one day.....she finally healed.

But with a unexpected surprise, at mirabel's room, she door started to glow.

The next morning, mirabel wakes up, she pulls the bandage off.

Then a miracle happened, she gasped as she realized....she could see again.


"Ah" Isabela was sleeping on the sofa when she fell as she got spoke then ran to mirabel.

"I Can see again"

"Oh mirabel im so glad that you're okay now"

But when she turns around, Isabela was still upset to see that she still had the scar and her pupils were still white.

But that's not what's wrong, when mirabel saw Isabela, she noticed something.

"Oh Wow, your-you're purple" she saw a purple aura surrounding Isabela.

"You finally noticed" Isabela laughs.

"No I mean you're-you feel scared"

"Of course I was scared, I was scared that you were never going to heal"

"No, something doesn't feel right"

She gets out of bed, but trips, "ah"

"Mirabel!" Isabela catches her.

"You need to be careful, your still hurt, here" she hands her glasses back.

"Thanks" but as she puts her glasses on, Camilo and Dolores came in.

She takes them off and on, when she puts them on she sees gray visions but without them she sees colorful auras and she can feel emotions.

Then alma came in, "what's going on" she yelled.

"Abuela, you're red, your feeling angry"

"Yes I'm still angry because Camilo made you blind and everyone is bothering you"

"Somethings wrong, I can see without my glasses"

This surprised everyone, "oh that's...good I guess" Isabela says.

But mirabel was still not feeling right, she runs out of the room.

"Mirabel" alma called out to her.

But as she ran downstairs, she saw her mother cooking breakfast, Julieta turns to see mirabel and she smiles.

"Mirabel, you can see" she saw a light blue aura surrounding her mom.

"Mom your blue, your sad"

Then Julieta frown sadly, "yes I was sad because you weren't going to see again but now I'm glad you can see again.

Then she turns to see Luisa looking down, sulking when she looks up at mirabel.

"And Luisa your a darker blue so you're feeling...worried?"

Then suddenly Luisa started to cry as she crushes her sister in a bear hug.

"I am" she sobs, "I been so worried about you"

"Let her go, you big ape" Isabela pulled mirabel away from Luisa.

Then she turns to see Antonio smiling at her, "mirabel, you can see again"

"Antonio, you're a light yellow, you're-you feel excited"

"Yeah, cause I was waiting for you to wake up"

Through all the commotion and yapping from everyone, mirabel's door started to glow really bright.

"MAMA" just then everyone stopped when they heard Bruno.

"You might wanna see this"

They all were shocked and surprised to see mirabel's door reveal her with open eyes holding up her hands....it revealed her gift on the portrait of mirabel etched glowing.

Everyone looked happy as they turned to mirabel.

"Mirabel, you finally got your gift" Isabela cheered for her.

"So what is your gift" Julieta asked.

"Do you feel any different" alma asked.

"Well no, but for some reason, I can see colors and I can feel emotions" she turns around to face her family to see the different kinds of color auras surrounding them.

"Like for example, Tia Pepa your orange-yellowish which tells me your feeling anxious with anxiety"

"Well yes I was so worried that when you got blind I became so stressful about this" she gets anxious, a rain cloud rain on her.

"Camilo, your green and brown, you feel guilty and ashamed"

Camilo looks down, "yeah i feel so bad about making you blind, (even though it was Isabela's fault too)"

"CAMILO" Isabela screams as her aura turns violet pink and attacks Camilo.

"Whatever the case is-" alma says as she glares at Isabela and Camilo while she approached mirabel.

"Now you can help our people"

But mirabel still felt upset.

"But what can i do, all I can do is read emotions, see colorful auras, feel what people are feeling, what their moods are, I'm no help, that's not so much help"

Then she felt Antonio pulling on her skirt, "well you always had a gift of talking to people, understanding their feelings, you helped us out"

"But what good is that for our people" mirabel felt so upset, she ran outside, Isabela ran after her.

Mirabel was outside sitting on some steps, still looking down.

She always wanted to finally know what her gift was, she expected to find what her miracle was.

But not like this.

She felt Isabela sitting next to her, she could see she was violet blue, she was sad.


"Mirabel, you shouldn't be running off like that, you just got your sight back"

After a moment of quietness, Isabela spoke.

"I don't see what the problem is, I thought you wanted to finally have a gift, you know be like us"

"Yeah I did but I'm gotten use to not being magical like you guys, what's so great about my gift, all I can do is see colors-" she looks up to see the different colors surrounding their people, "and feel what emotions you're feeling"

Then Isabela smiles, "well that can be good"


Isabela tried to think of something to cheer her up, "you know whenever I feel down, I always go to my gate den, ever since I opened up, I created new different plants every day, then I grew this one" Isabela shows her the flower she made for her.

"It reminds me if you, you know why....because even though it's not like every other plant, when it blossoms it becomes the most beautiful plant in the garden"

Mirabel looks up at her sister, smiles as she and her sister finally settled down.

"Thanks Isabela" the two then hugged.

"You know, your still a bad influenc-"


"Oh what you know it tr-"

"Shh" Mirabel then let's go as she realized something was wrong.

"Shh shh shh, do you hear that" Isabela listens closely.

"I don't hear anything"

Then mirabel gets up, "it-it's a child, a little girl" she looks up to see a violet blue aura in the sky.

"And I think she's in trouble"

"Come on let's go"

She and Isabela ran outside of town to find a light tan little girl with wolf crazy hair like mirabel, sipping her eyes.

"Hey there what's wrong" mirabel asked.

"I lost my cat Jorge, I was playing with him when I lost him"

"Oh don't worry we'll help you find him" Isabela says as she and mirabel looks around for the cat.

"please help me find him, he belongs to my grandmother, she lives him more then me and if I don't find him, she'll hate me"

"Oh I'm sure she knows you didn't mean to lose him"

Then suddenly mirabel's powers started to kick in as she felt a sense tingling inside her, her eyes looked up and she saw a purple aura, like a trail of smoke, she followed it and it lead them to a tall tree.

There they saw the cat, "Isabela give me a lift"

Isabela grows a long vine and lifts mirabel up.

"Come kitty kitty kitty" she tries to grab the cat but it was too scared.

"Aw don't worry I know you're scared but I promise you, everything will be okay" the cat's aura turned light yellow for calm and jumps in mirabel's arm.

As mirabel got down, she handed the cat back to the little girl where everyone saw and cheered for her and the little girl reunited with her grandmother as an old lady ran to her.

"Francesca" she picks her up and hugs her.

"I was so worried about you"

"I'm sorry I lost tiger and I was trying to find him and mirabel and Isabela helped me out"

"Oh darling you are more important to me then the cat, thank you so much" the old lady thanked mirabel.

"It was no problem" then mirabel saw her family cheering for her then she turns to face Isabela to see her smiling.

She then realized her gift was helpful, so she uses her gift to help out her people.

She sees alma smiling at her, then Isabela hands her glasses and she puts them back on and she and Isabela walked home to celebrate her gift.

She may not be able to need them again but now she finally has her gift.

It turns to night, panning up to the stars to see a lady's head looking down.

Where one accident could create a miracle, this where we end the series, I am the guide and this is.....


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