What if...Tarsus bulba adopted Gosalyn

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You all now the same crime fighting duck of the century, darkwing duck.

The stars shaped to Darkwing duck fighting

He had a partner, a stunt pilot that crashes a lot and a caught with lots of spirits.

But in the reboot series, darkwing and Launchpad meet Gosalyn in a different timeline, helping her find her grandfather.

But what if  she was adopted by a much dangerous force.

What if Gosalyn was adopted by tarsus bulba.

It all started 14 years ago, on this very night, in a lab called: st. canard research facility

In this reimagined story of let's get dangerous, this story takes place before Darkwing goes to saint canard and met gosalyn, before the ramrod.

The stars go down to a research lab, where inside a man's live was at stake.

Inside on the floor was two set of feet near the door way.

"But tarsus it's too dangerous, we can't keep this project up and running any longer, we keep this up, it could tear a hole in reality"

"I don't care how dangerous it is, I won't let you get in my way"

"I can't let you do this"

"You'll give me those blueprints weather you want too or not and I'm not going to let you or some low life GET IN FRONT OF ME AND MY HARD WORK"

"Tarsus wait?"

"I think it's time, we let you go"


Then there was a crack noise and the pair of legs on the left, fell along with a pair of knees and a body fell on the floor.

And entering the room was tarsus bulba himself, he looks around the room to see paperwork.

He finds blueprints for his latest creation, "thanks to you Thaddeus, it could take me years to rebuild the ramrod and get it up and running, now where'd you keep the rest of the notes, hopefully you haven't destroyed all of it"

Tarsus grabs all the papers he needs then he noticed a paper fell on the floor, he puts the rest back on the table, bends down and sees something hiding underneath the desk.


But What if tarsus meet Gosalyn as a baby.

Tarsus finds a egg wrapped in a nest like blanket, he pulls it out and takes a good look at it.

"An egg, so you had a child Thaddeus" he then finds a clipboard containing the information of the egg.

"A granddaughter? Named Gosalyn" he puts the board down and takes a closer look at the egg, he couldn't decide weather to give the egg to the orphanage or kill it.

Then suddenly he saw the egg was hatching and out came a beautiful baby girl, she was crying.

And as Tarus saw her eyes, when he immediately sees her crying, he smiles, for he fell in love with her.

He cradles her in his arms, calming her down, "shh shh it's okay a little one, I got you, don't cry" he wraps her in a blanket.

When she stops crying, she sees his face, smiles and reaches out and grabs his nose and laughs.

"Don't worry I'm going to take very good care of you my little duckling, my....Gosalyn" he exits the room, carrying baby Gosalyn.

And just like that a new possibility was born, What if tarsus killed her grandfather when she was just a egg, but instead of pushing him in the ramrod sending him into different dimension....he kills him.

After he killed her grandfather, tarsus made Gosalyn his daughter but he became a Strict, overprotective and aggressive parent but the aggressive won't come until later on.

Time has passed to now, when she was going to meet Darkwing and the mcduck family and the ramrod has finally been finished.

But how long will tarsus keep his dark secret from Gosalyn.

The mcduck family was waiting outside the lab, when they saw tarsus coming in.

"Scrooge McDuck. What a momentous honor. Ooh, let's take a picture"

"The pleasure is mine, Bulba"

"Ah, call me Taurus, or Terry, or whatever you want. You're Scrooge McDuck. Ah ha ha. And you must be Huey"

"You know me?"

"Junior Woodchuck Robotics Champion four years running? I'd hire you right now if you weren't too short for the lab coats"

"And Louie, huge fan of Louie Inc. Groundbreaking stuff, young man"

"We were really doing good work until a monster tried to kill me"

"You know, I have a grizzled old monster after my money too, but enough about Bradford. Ha ha HA!" Everyone laughs.

"But even he couldn't say no to our top secret project. It promises to change the world"

"Change the world? Is it a terraformer? How do you-"

"Hubert, please. Don't pester the man who's going to make me- us- Scrooge rich"

"Ha ha ha. Wonderful question, you know Scrooge your nephews remind me of a kid of me own, we're both the same you know"

Behind him the door open

"oh and there's someone, I like you to meet " he moves out of the way to reveal Gosalyn wearing a back dress with a black and white stripe skirt, stepping forward in black high heels, "this is my daughter Gosalyn" she walks up next to him, "Gosalyn this is the mcduck family" she lifts her skirt up a bit and does a little curtsy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you mr. Mcduck, I heard so much about you"

In this alternative, tarsus has Gosalyn wearing feminine clothes and she is always quiet around boys because he doesn't want her talking to them.

She was wearing lots of makeup but looked really beautiful and her hair was in a much stylish ponytail.

"She sure is a beauty isn't she lads" the boys were gawking at her.

"Yeah she sure is cute" Louie says, "any chance she's available" dewy eyebrows her.

Gosalyn was shocked then her dad got in front of her, chuckling playfully.

"Oh-" then he bends down making a crazy eye face, "don't even try it, otherwise I'll hunt you in your sleep"

His threat causes dewy to feel terrified as he and his brothers back away.

"I have one myself. I'm eager to see what you've been working on. I'd heard reports of some rather costly setbacks in your lab of late"

"Ah yes, of course. There's no reward without a little risk. But first, I will need something from you"


"The most powerful force in the world. A childlike sense of wonder"

"Mr. Bulba, I take it with me everywhere I go"

"Woo hoo, yeah" huey and Louie cheered except for dewy.

"You guys go on without me, I don't have time for "nerd" stuff. I'm going with Launchpad to do a exclusive interview with His pal, Drake, that is sure to boost my online viewership. We're talking 20, maybe even 25 viewers"

Then gosalyn steps up to him, "that's a shame cause I'm into nerd stuff"

Dewy opened his eyes wide then he slaps his face, regrets saying that, "oh"

"Why would Launchpad's weird buddy boost your ratings?" Louie asked.

"Let's just say he's a real "super" guy"

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you" she holds out her hand and he shakes it.

"Pleasure is all mines" but when he stops shaking and lets go, he looks down, shocked to find in his hand, a paper marked in black: help.

He was surprised at first but then when he looks up at gosalyn, he sees her making a terrifying look as she mouths "help me"

He was now a bit creeped out, "gosalyn come along now" she looks back to hear her dad calling out to her, looks back at dewy and runs to him and dewy just looks back before going to Launchpad.

"This... is... the future! Gentlemen, I give you... the ramrod! Should have put a tarp over it for a dramatic reveal"

"Don't over do it dad" gosalyn pulled on his arm.

"Ohho, this is really something. What is this exactly?"

"The reality altering mechanism powered by a unique circuit key. It-"

"It can makes anything into a reality, don't know how though" gosalyn interrupted him as she thinks while tarsus smiles and place a hand on her shoulders.


"Anything! Everything! What's your favorite food?"



"I heard haggis!"

"Uhh..." the boys yucked in disgust.

"So we use the key to find the right frequency and...

a plate of haggis materializes in the ramrod, Scrooge and louie approaches it and takes a bit.

"Bleh! Ugh! Tastes like socks and bitter regret!"

"That's how you know it's haggis. This contraption could solve world hunger, replace the polar ice caps.

"Pfft, who cares? Set that baby to rubies!"

"This is incredible. Where do the materials come from? Is it a cartridge or quantum dynamics?"

"You know I was wondering the same questions" gosalyn looks up at tarsus.

"Leave it to Huey to literally question how the sausage is made. You taste that? It's success!"

"Oh no, actually it's sheep's bladder"

"H'oh boy" louie groans as both boys rush to the bathroom.

"Yes sometimes I can make some stuff for gosalyn" he uses the ramrod again and a rose  appears, he takes it and hands it to gosalyn.

She takes the flowers and smells it, "you see I build this invention for gosalyn, she has been the reason for my invention, she is very important to me, ever since her mother died in a car accident, I been doing whatever I can to keep her safe, but as she grew-"

A flashback plays of tarsus looking through the blueprints as a toddler gosalyn was jumping around and running then when she gets up on his lab, he looks down at her and smiles.

"She became so full of spirt, so much wondrous"

He picks up his toddler and throws her up and catches, they both laugh, ending the flashback.

"I could never imagine living without her so I kept her from the world, you see mr. Mcduck family matters to me, I could never hurt my gosalyn, she is....my world"

Gosalyn looks back at him, still feeling off about something.

Then later on that same night, gosalyn was walking outside far from the lab when she gets surrounded by these delinquents.

Two dog, three pigs and a muscular duck, "well what do we have here" the duck asked.

"AH" gosalyn screams as she backs into the streets.

"A little doll out of her toy box, what do you say boys we have a little fun" he rubs his hands together as the gang laugh and take up her space.

Then suddenly, she heard a motorcycle passing by and she felt she was being taken, she looks up to see-

"Never fear little miss, darkwing duck has you now" it was the one and only Darkwing.

But her reaction was a bit unexpected for her, "AH" she screams tipping off the road, he nearly cause a crash when gosalyn pushes him away and tries to get off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey-" he stops his vehicle and grabs her hands as he tries to calm her down.

"Shh shh shh shh shh, it's ok, it's ok, I'm not going to hurt"

Then she finally calms down breathing rapidly a she looked in his eyes.

Then when they got out, they were approached by Launchpad and dewy.

"Hey, look I'm going to need you to sign a waiver to be on the show"

"I cant hélice It, you had your first rescue mission" Launchpad jumped.

"guys please your scaring her, are you okay little girl?" Darkwing places his arm around gosalyn as she looks around, confused.

Then guards surrounded him

"Whoa I can explain?" He holds his hands in defense.

"I was just trying to save her" then Scrooge, Huey, Louie and tarsus tan outside to see them.

"Dewey? I thought if any of us would be arrested, it'd be Louie"

"I am as surprised as anyone"

"Gosalyn! are you alright" tarsus reaches out to her and picks her up and holds her tight.

"I can vouch for these two, I don't know the masked one"

"Seriously? I starred in a movie for you. We fought the moon together? You dressed up as me"

"Oh, I know exactly who he is" tarsus approach him as he carries gosalyn, she looks at her dad then at Darkwing.

"A hero! This noble Saint-Canardian guardian risked his life to save my daughter from dangerous delinquents"

"Oh well, it's the least I can do, I wouldn't want the little ones to get hurt"

As mayor of Saint Canard, I've made super crime prevention a priority, and while this is not an invitation for a bunch of other costume yahoos to do the same, heroism must be rewarded. I am proud to present Darkwing Duck with the key to the city"

"Mayor Owlson, I am honored to- woah! eh" gosalyn looks at Darkwing.

There was something about him that she trust

"While we at McDuck Enterprises are changing the world, heroes like Darkwing Duck are out there protecting it and making the world safe for children like my daughter" he slaps Darkwing's back causing him to drops the key on his foot.


"Although, maybe I should keep my key on me for safekeeping, huh?" He, gosalyn and the others laugh. "Ha ha ha ha"

After awhile, things went back to normal, gosalyn was facing her dad as he talks to her, she looks back at Darkwing, grateful that he saved her, she thought he could help her with another problem she was having.


"This is Dewey's hat"


"Fine, I'm trying to figure out how the ramrod works. It makes no sense. How can you create something from nothing? And I know I've seen the circuit on that key before"

"Why would you try to ruin a machine that could make me infinite gold?"

"Because I have to know. Also if you made infinite gold, it would devalue the price of all gold"

"Stop ruining things for me"

"Live from Saint Canard, it's Dewey Dew-night, with our guest, that daring duck of mystery, that champion of right, Darkwing Duck"

"Ooh, alright! I know those guys. We hang out all the time"

"So, DW, got any new projects?"

"Uh, defending the defenseless at every turn, heh heh, also I've got a cookbook. Self-published"

"Excuse me, darkwing"

"Ah" They all screamed when they turned around to see gosalyn coming out of the shadows looking calm.

You! How did you? What did-

"The residue from you smoke bomb contained traces of salt water so I knew you'd be by the bay. Also, he is live-streaming. It was not hard"

"Yah!" Darkwing tries to act professional, "oh it's you again, came to thank your hero"

"Look I don't mean to intrude or interrupt your little interview but I need your help"

Darkwing smiles as he goes to Launchpad's ear, "you hear that Launchpad, a damsel in distress" both he and Launchpad giddy up with excitement.

"Ahem" then he acts professionally again and walks up to her.

"Ok my name is Gosalyn, and I really want your help"

"Sure what do you need little lady" bows in front of her.

"Look there's something wrong with my dad, she's been acting a bit....strange recently, ever since he build the ramrod he started to change, he's not the dad I know, there's something off about the ramrod, i did some Research there is  a flaw in the programming. The ramrod is starting to get unstable and dangerous, Now he's claiming that it's safe to use but it's not, it's actually getting more dangerous by the minute, I can prove it's dangerous, but I need your help to get in his office and finds some answers.

"Whoa, Okay, do you have any proof?

He sees her reaching in her pocket and pulling out a paper about the results of the ramrod being unstable.

"These results show how dangerous it's gettingl

" look I would like to help ya, I would but I can't just break into your dad's office unless I see some real evidence, Listen, I- I feel for you, I- I do, but... he's an upstanding citizen and i can't be caught breaking in, think of what that would do to my publicity, I- I can't risk a my's reputation"

Then gosalyn frowns, "ugh you men are all the same, Some hero. You are! fine if you won't help me, then I'll find someone who can like gizmoduck" she storms off angrily, trying to find the exit.

Leaving him, hurting his precious ego, "wha-well I-go ahead it's not like that hack is going to do anything"

"At least he's twice the hero you'll ever be and he'll probably agree to help him" he was crushed by her words.

"Hey, wait up"

"I don't want to be part of your show, alright?"

"This isn't about my hit show. I, I know what it's like to be kept secrets by someone you care abou, you're scared to find out the truth but the truth isn't always easy to handle. But I do, I know what it means to have someone believe you, to guide you, to walk you through. Let me be your Webby"


"I mean we'll Dewey it"

"Does that mean you'll help me?"

"Let's "Gos" for it, Gosalyn."

"Please stop"

"I know you're gonna say and I can't"

"We gotta at least help her out"

"Bulba believes in me, The city needs me"

"Yeah, and so does she"

"Get it, cause my name is Dewey and I "Dew" things"

"You want to make a difference, right?"

So they went to help her as he was driving above the highway, gosalyn was terrified.

"AH" she screams as she helds on tight to him, he looks down at her, seeing her hold onto to him, clutching his costume, he wraps his arms around her and pats her back, to assure her, she was safe and once she opens her eyes and was amazed to see how beautiful the city looked at night.


"You don't get out much do ya"

"Well no, my dad is super protective of me, he always kept me away from the city, he's been like this ever since mom died"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that" Darkwing felt bad for her.

Meanwhile back at the lab, "Ah, excuse me, Mr. Bulba?" Huey sees him near the ramrod.

"Huey, how can I help you?"

"I have one quick question about the ramrod. How? How can you make something from nothing? Where does the stuff the ramrod makes come from? Is it connected to those accidents you've been having? And how is exactly Gosalyn related to you, she looks nothing like you"

"Hehehehe. Feels like more than one question. Mr. McDuck, maybe these children should be in school. This one sure loves asking questions"

"Aye, I also know how to trust this lad when he smells something fishy. I'd like to see the ramrod plans"

Taurus Growls then he smiles, "Hehehe. Right away, Mr. McDuck"

Foolishly he left the key in the ramrod.

Darkwing and the others arrived outside the lab, they were about to enter the ventilation outside the building when gosalyn stops then.

"Hey what are you doing" she asked.

"Well sneaking in your dad's office, how else are we supposed to get inside"Darkwing says.

"You could do that or-" a minute later they were inside and gosalyn uses a keycard to open the door, they were impressed and looked back at gosalyn.

"How did-"

"Well I am his daughter, I'm allowed to walk in and out as i please, Now fan out. Search for clues"

As they search around, gosalyn climbs the shelf, although knowing her dad, he probably be horrified to see her do so.

She sees a picture of her and tarsus, she was five years old pigtails, cubby cheeks with freckles, in a pink dress smiling at tarsus as he was bouncing her on his knee.

She thought she knew him, she puts the picture facing down and continues to search.

"Right this way" then suddenly they heard him coming.

"Hide!" Dewy says, as dewy hides up the vent, gosalyn hides behind the desk, Launchpad gets behind the plant and Darkwing panicked as he hid in the cabinet.

"Just let me get something from my filing cabinet"

He slams a huge book over Darkwing's hiding spot.

"Here it is"

"Awh, Agh!"

"Those are the ramrod plans?"

"Oh No, n-n-n-no. This is the index. The map will take you to the ramrod plans' room. Where all your questions should be answered"

He gives the index to Huey and Scrooge, he waits for them to leave.

"oh Gosalyn I know your there, come out" he sees her coming out from behind his desk slowly and approaching him.

"Now what did we discuss about going into daddy's office" he asked singingly.

"Let you know first, sorry dad"

"What are you doing here any duckling, shouldn't you be playing with that other kid...dewy"

"I just got some questions about the ramrod, how could you make something out of nothing and I think it might be getting dangerous"

He chuckles then he sighs as he bends down to her, "my little angel, you have a keen sense of wonder and spirit why must you ask so many questions"

"Well I did get it from you" she smiles nervously and rubs her arm.

"That's my girl, you know you remind me of a man I once knew who asked lots of questions, I once had a best friend name Thaddeus of he was a smart one too smart to be exact he just couldn't shut that big brain of his off, then He came to the lab one night, raving about fixing a flaw in the ramrod, and I assured him there wasn't one, but he didn't listen. He tried to reprogram it, and the ramrod... backfired, he even tried to hurt you and couldn't let him hurt my little duckling, my egg-"

Darkwing rubs his head when he sees a picture of Taurus and Thaddeus.

"So I had to fire him and I never saw him again"

"So what happened to him" Gosalyn asked.

"Who knows he could be somewhere far away or worst....dead"

"Sorry dad I'm just so worried about this ramrod, I'm a bit scared"

"Now Gosalyn you know I would never hurt you, you are my daughter after all"

Then Darkwing makes a shocking discovery.

he cups her cheeks, mushing her face in his large hands as her eyes being to get watery.

"I swear you remind me of your mother sometimes, if only she were here to see how much you grown"

"I wish I could remember her, I barely know anything about her, what was she like" he then lets her face go.

"She was in some way like you, beautiful and smart I was very lucky then when I couldn't get any luckier along came you, my Gosalyn" he lifts her beak to face him.

"Sometimes I just wonder and uhh-well people still talk about us and I'm starting to agree, how am I, your daughter"

"I guess some men are lucky, but I do wonder how did I ever end up with a amazing daughter like you"

"I just wish you would tell me what's going on dad"

"Gosalyn I'm your father, would I ever lie to you?"


"That's my hatchling, now why don't you go wait in the car, it is getting past your bedtime" he pushes her gently to the door but she looks back.

"But dad?"

"Ah ah ah, father knows best"

"Yes dad" she goes out the door as he watches her leave.

"Darkwing! What a surprise" he looks back to see Darkwing popping out like a jack in a box.

"Yep, yep, yep, yep. Just making sure your top-secret files were safe. They are-"

grabs a photo of Thadeus, and Bulba.

"Kids these days oh and Hey, um, who's that? Is that the crockpot you were talking about"

"Yes, my best friend, I wish Gosalyn could've meet him"

"Yeah Darkwing", looks at the picture then pulls out another paper, " huh funny thing, he doesn't look like the dangerous crackpot you say he is and it says right here, he has a granddaughter name.....Gosalyn waddlemeyer" Darkwing looks at him suspicious as Taurus felt a sting in his heart, knowing he was on thin ice.

"I wonder if gosalyn know about this, it would be a-shame if she knew who her grandfather is"

Tarsus was threatened by Darkwing, he tried to get the paper back but Darkwing watches it away.

"Ah ah tell me what's going on about the ramrod or I tell Gosalyn"

Taurus then he lowers his anger down and remains calm.

"You know Darkwing, you're just like gosalyn and her grandpa, You both ask too many questions!" Taurus hits Drake, throwing him across the floor.

"AH" then Taurus gets the paper back, "but since you really want to know so badly"

"The ramrod is a device that open doorways to those dimensions. Waddlemeyer May have invented it by accident but he was a fool to shut it down, The Ramrod doesn't create items from nothing, It sucks them in from other dimensions. But those rifts aren't stable and the ramrod is getting unstable....

Then he suddenly heard a small gasped, he turns around to see Gosalyn making a horrified and betrayed face.

"Gosalyn? Sweetheart" he fakes a smiles as he kicks the unconscious Darkwing over, "why don't you go back in the car"

"You said you checked the Ramrod yourself. So is it stable or not?" She asked

"well, of... of course it is" he snaps but as he reaches out or her, he saw how scared she was and sees that she was backing away.

"gosalyn come down it's not what- GOSALYN" she then runs.

She then sees the ramrod key, she sees her dad running after her, she takes it out and electricity from the Ramrod crackles and zaps him, leaving a scar.


She looks back at him, terrified to see his scar and half of his horn was gone, then she runs.

"GOSALYN Get back here!" He catches Gosalyn's arm, "Gosalyn, stop! Or, you'll get hurt"

"You like that wouldn't you" he turns to see Darkwing was getting up.

Then he sees Gosalyn making a run for it, he growls and snarls at Darkwing.

"Do you have anything what you have done, thank you Darkwing"

Meanwhile with Huey and Louie, "I've seen that circuit design somewhere"

"Not everything is a riddle or a problem or a missing mystery" Louie says.

Missing Mystery? Thats it!" He pulls out Isabella Finches journal and puts it together with another paper showing the circuit and exclaims) It's Solego's Circuit. Solego was a mad thinker who believed that every story, every work of fiction, was actually a window into an alternate dimension"

"a device to open doorways to those dimensions. Waddlemeyer must've invented it by accident. The Ramrod doesn't create items from nothing. It sucks them in from other dimensions. But those rifts aren't stable, so that means...

After he pushes Darkwing Launchpad and dewy off, he looks up to see Gosalyn running away, he follows her.

"Gosalyn bring me back The key!" When he grabs her, she breaks the window with her heel.

he sees her going on to a lift, Taurus follows her, causing the lift to go down fast, Gosalyn stops it.

"Gosalyn, stop it right there young lady"

She faced her dad as he tries to approach her, calming her down.

But it was clear that she was afraid of him

"Gosalyn calm down"

"When we're you going to tell me"

"Gosalyn let me explain-"

"Why won't you tell about the ramrod"

"If you could just listen-"

"What is really going on dad"

"Gosalyn please just give me the key and we can talk this down with tea"

"I don't want tea, I want answers"


"What could you be possibly hide from me?, what's going on?, why won't you tell?, why are you keeping secrets from me?, why?"

she pressures him to tell the truth, the he snapped.


Then he saw as Gosalyn gasped in horror, she was so horrified by the truth, her face spelled betrayal and hurt, Taurus then realized what he said.

"Ugh" he pinches the bride of his nose.

"I'm...not....your daughter am i, who are you" she asked as she was still horrified.

he tries to ease her down, "Gosalyn please calm down, let's talk this through" but she was too afraid to be around him, she tries to get away but she slipped and nearly fell off the lift.

"Gosalyn" tarsus runs to grab her when-

"I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the scourge that pecks at your nightmares"

"You are finished"

"No, I am Darkwing Duck!" He punches Taurus.

Tarsus gets up to see Darkwing was helping Gosalyn up and when she smiles at him, he gets angry, gets up and attacks Darkwing.


Gosalyn backs away from the fight then she trips and falls off the building.


Both men looked down panicked, "GOSALYN!" they both screamed.

Darkwing looks at tarsus as he glares at Darkwing.


Then Darkwing Jumps to save her, as she was screaming, darkwing catches her.

"Gotcha!" He tries to get his cape to swoop as they fall.

"Come on, swoop, swoop"

"What are you doing"

"Got to swoop"

Gosalyn sees what hes trying to do, then she ties the ends of his cape to his legs so his cape acts as a parachute.

"Oh boy. I see you. Yeah" he catches them both, "Gotcha!"

"We did it! Yes! All right!" Darkwing cheers as Launchpad puts them both down

"Whoo, that felt good. Another dastardly deviant deposed and defeated, thanks to Darkwing-wah" he falls over his cape.

"Should've untied the cape.

"Amazing! I mean, not as good as the old Darkwing Duck show, but close"

"Thanks, LP"

Then they suddenly remembered Gosalyn as they see ghee approaching him.

"um, thank you"

He smiles at her, "Now, where's that Ramrod key" he asked.

"I-I dropped it when I fell"

"Oh well, I think it's best if you stay with me until Taurus is taking down" Darkwing says as he and Launchpad take her back to the tower.

The camera pans upwards to show Taurus watching them leave, he growls slowly and then he sees the key, he picks it up and goes back inside.

"Dewey! Where have you been?"

"Epic superhero adventure. And you?"

"Our own adventure"

"Reading charts"

"We've got to shut down the Ramrod. The more it's used, the more harder it is to close the dimensional rifts. All of reality could get sucked in"

Doors open to show Taurus standing at the activated Ramrod.

"He's turned her against me, my own daughter against me" he starts to act crazy, No. No. I'm going to change the world! I just need to find a way to stop that ridiculous superhero but first I need to get my daughter back"

"Taurus, shut it down. This doohickey is dangerous"

"Well, then, lets get dangerous" He turns the Ramrod key, activating the Ramrod, a portal opens and Bushroot, Liquidator, Quackerjack, and Megavolt from Darkwing Duck step out as he laughs.

That one thing changed history but with the same results, Taurus secret gets exposed and the ramrod gets more dangerous but this time Tarus uses it to get back what was rightfully his, his daughter.

He was marching back and forth pacing his new army of supervillains.

"Darkwing has kidnapped my daughter, destroy him and bring me back my daughter in one piece"

Outside the city was being attacked by monstrous supervillains.

"St. Canard I can't believe I'm about to say this" mayor owlson says, "but an interdimsional rift has opened, allowing four supervillains from an old tv show to wreck havoc, I urge citizens to stay in their homes, our police force is overwhelmed, but if I understand one of Darkwing duck's multiple catchphrases correctly "when there's trouble call DW" Darkwing st. Canard is calling you now, we need a hero"

Darkwing was watching through the computer, "and don't you worry madam owlson, I'm on the case"

He then types through the computer to find out how he could defeat tarsus, "Darkwing never gives up"

"Ok let's see what we know, these are supervillains with superpowers-" then suddenly he gets a incoming call from Fenton.

"Darkwing this is Fenton, I've been going over-"

"Sorry kinda busy right now buddy, gotta call you back" Darkwing hangs up.

"Oh this is all my fault, every day I wake up and wish the Darkwing duck tv show was real and today that wish came true"

"Pull yourself together Launchpad we'll make it through"

As he works in finding the key to stop the ramrod, he hears gosalyn crying, he sees her hugging her knees, sitting on the floor, she saw how she was so damaged, so he tries to comfort her.

"Hang on a minute"

He sits down next to her and wraps his arm around her.

"Hey you okay"

She wipes away a tear and looks up at him, "well considering the fact that I just found out that I'm related to a killer who killed my only family, so no everything I we've believed was a lie, was my whole life been a lie"

"I'm sorry About what happened with your dad and grandfather" he was not doing a good job of cheering her up.

"But a wise person once told me, when you fall, get knocked down or hurt, you always get back up and I promise I'll take down bulba for you"

She looks back at him again, "so, ahem anyway are you going to be okay after this"

"I'll be fine"

"So what's going to happen to you when we defeat your dad"

"I'm probably going to sent to a foster home until someone takes me or until I'm old enough to take care of myself"

Darkwing felt guilty then Gosalyn got up, "look I want to help take down dad, let me come with you"

"Nah it's too dangerous, you could get hurt"

"I already been hurt enough already and besides who knows a lot about dad then me, I know dad better then anyone else"

Darkwing was about to hesitate again when....

"In my experience children are the most daring adventurers in a family: and that's what we need, an adventure family"

Darkwing and gosalyn looked at each and then they head out.

And after escaping a giant robotic clown and a tidal, gosalyn has proven herself to Darkwing, even in a dress she was a fighter, he saw himself in her, a much younger version of himself, he felt connected with her.

They head back to the tower, "we're getting close i can feel it, I thought being repeatedly splashed in the face by a giant fist would be more refreshing-AH" he Tripped and got back up.

"You two get some rest, I have some work to do"

"Ok DW"  Launchpad jumps over a couch and quickly falls asleep.

While Gosalyn has concerns for Darkwing, "what about you Darkwing"

"I'm a vigilant, I don't sleep, but think you should get some sleep"

She goes to lay down on a couch but after a few seconds, darkwing started to notice she was crying again.

He walks over and sits down next to her, "hey, what's wrong"

She turns around to reveal her eyes got watery as she wipes them.

"No, My dad's evil, everything's all gone wrong"

"I know everything seems bad now but it will get better, trust me I know what's to find out that the person you care about turns evil but i promise you I'll find someone who would love you and your spirit"

She looks up at him, "and you know they say when you have that much spirit it makes everyone else fell empty inside"

Then something happened, "ah" she hugged him tight, he was surprised but he hugs her back.

Then he lets her go, "ok now why don't you get some rest now"

"I can't sleep, can you do something for me"

"Sure what is it"

"Whenever I have trouble sleeping, my dad used to sing to me this song"

"Oh gee I don't know I don't do lullabies"

"I cant teach you it"

"Uhh ok"

She starts to hum, "close your eyes little blue girl, inside you lies a rainbow"

He was surprised for how beautiful she singed, "yellow blue indigo too, red blue purple too green blue and pink too"

"Oh it's us a nice school but uh..I hope you don't mind I add lyrics of my own, ahem, Rest your head, little girl blue, Come paint your dreams on your pillow. I'll be near to chase away fear, So sleep now and dream 'til tomorrow, I'll be near to chase away fear,
So sleep now and dream 'til tomorrow"

A minute later, they both fell asleep together, what they didn't know was that Launchpad was watching them.

"Okay, it's okay, got to add tissues to get list


"Energy spike detected" Wanda woke up Darkwing as he carefully gets up without waking Gosalyn.

"The ramrod has been powered up"

"For the last time. Feels like that might be important"

Then he and Launchpad looks at the computer scanning the map.

"Looks we got a clear entrance to the lab, we could surprise tarsus"

"Just like in episode 143"

Just then Gosalyn woke up, hearing everything, "and free that everything will be okay"

Darkwing makes a nervous look then looks back and smiles.

"Let's just say after this your dad will be locked up for awhile"

"Well what are we waiting for let's go" Launchpad says.

"I-I think I'll sit this one out"

"We'll that is the plan" Darkwing say as he bends down and touches her shoulders.

"Taurus will have these guys looking for you"

"It's okay, I think I just get in the way"

She sulks on the couch as Darkwing look ls ay her, feeling bad then he and Launchpad took off, darkwing was going solo as Launchpad tries to sneak in and shut the ramrod off while Darkwing distracts.

"I am the terror that flaps in the Night" he then knocks on the door, " i am the last bite in the soggy cereal of sin" he starts punching the door, "and I am calling you out, Taurus, so let me in but when the door opens, he gets a powerful punch by liquidator.

As he blackened out, back in the tower, gosalyn was feeling sad and scared as she hugs her knees, she hears a strange laughter coming from the closet, she opens it and out came Quackerjack.

"AH" she screams

Darkwing wakes up, he finds himself tied next to Launchpad.

"Huh Launchpad?"

Launchpad smiles nervously, "hey DW"

"Where are we?" Darkwing asked as he was next to the ramrod as it's been activating.

"Oh good you're awake now" he turns to see tarsus staring at him, "now you can witness my moment of triumph"

"You won't get away with this so easily, I got Gosalyn far away where you won't get her"

Then he noticed Taurus smiling, "oh I wouldn't say so about that" he snapped his fingers and he saw gosalyn was tied up by Quackerjack.

Two hours ago, tarsus was heading to his office when he saw director buzzard.

"What are you doing"

"Not not director buzzard, I'm trying to get my daughter back"

"When I hired you to crack the solego curcuits for fowl's master plan, I didn't expect all this"

"Sir please I am busy finding my daughter"

"First you kidnapped a child then you create more chaos, I told you we're trying to rein in chaos not create more of it, this is not how things work in the real world, I don't know what you were thinking when you took that child in, what did you exactly plan to do with her, if I didn't know she would've changed you I should have never had let you take her in, I should've just took that child to the orphanage when I had the chance"

Taurus started to get angry, "you're just like Scrooge, and Thaddeus and my daughter and that thieving coward Darkwing duck" he then hits Bradford across the room, knocking him out.

"Now if you pardon me, I got to get my daughter back" he passes by portraits of him and gosalyn together.

"After I get rid of you, I'm going take Gosalyn to another dimension one where she and I can be together forever"

He turns to see Gosalyn, avoiding to make eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you Gosalyn honey" he gets him her face making a pouty one.

"But it's for your own protection, you wouldn't listen to me, I am your father after all, I know what's good for you, now when your out of the way"

he turns to Darkwing and Launchpad getting ready to push them in.

"I'll continue my plan for world domination to all leaders of the world, take my daughter to a new version of reality and there's nothing you can do to stop me"

"You're right" Gosalyn says, "he can't stop you"

Then When all hope seems lost, gosalyn looks up, "but i can" she pulls out a crossbow she made behind her father's back and shots a arrow at Darkwing, tearing the rope and once he was released, he helped untied Launchpad as Tarus growls and turns to his daughter to see her released from the rope and kicks Quackerjack.

Tarsus bulb went after her, darkwing and Launchpad took care of the supervillains.

"GOSALYN! This is no way for a young lady to act"

Then he turns around to see her behind him, "all my life you been teaching me to be your perfect little daughter, you shut me out form the world, I became quiet and afraid because of you but not anymore, I'm not going to stay quiet or afraid anymore"

He just looked shocked, "everything you ever told me was a lie, you lied to me, you lied to me about mom, you lied about the ramrod and you lied about grandpa, you killed my only family but now I'm going to avenge him"

He sees her jumping on he ground and goes to the ramrod.

She looks at her dad then back at the ramrod, looking up, she turns the key and pulls out scrooge and the boys out.

"Oh, a sea monster did not eat my ice cream" Scrooge says.

"What does quackerrooney even mean" Louie asked.

"Why are our heads so round" dewy added.

Then the ramrod grew a muck bigger rift as it started to become more dangerous, sucking everything in.

"We need to destroy the rift" huey says.

Then Darkwing was about to get up when he was grabbed by Taurus.

"YOU-YOU RUINED EVERYTHING, do you realize what you have done, thanks to you my daughter is afraid of me"

"No dad!" He turns to see Gosalyn angry, "this is your fault and now I'm going to end it" he sees her pulling her crossbow at the ramrod.

"Gosalyn no!" Taurus says as he drops "please I know I done some bad things but please don't destroy the ramrod it means a lot to me, let me show you the wonders of it"

She still didn't listen to him, "you dare disobey me, good daughters listen to their fathers"

Then became a moment of silence, "you're not....my real father, you never were my father, you never have been and you never will be" she then destroys the ramrod.

After the ramrod was destroyed, Taurus was being arrested by officer carbara.

"NO! NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM, I AM TAURUS BULBA THE WORLD'S MOST GENIUS SCIENTIST ALIVE" he struggles to free himself as officer carbara forces him in the car.

Then he looks back to see Gosalyn, she was dramatized about this whole experience, she was in a security blanket, not looking in his eyes.

"Gosalyn, gosalyn baby please, let's just talk this through, honey, I-I'll be back, don't you worry, duckling I'll be back baby I swear, daddy loves you okay"

After he gets taken away, gosalyn was being taken by officer carbara as she walks Gosalyn to her car.

"I'll take you to the police station just until the orphanage opens tomorrow morning"

"Wait..." she then heard a familiar voice, "I'll take her in"

She brightens up as she thought she saw Darkwing but instead, she just saw a duck with a broken arm in a purple shirt waving at her.

"I'll take her in" he says.

"I don't know about that" office carbara says suspiciously.

"Hey it's a lot better then handling the paperwork right"

Then office carbara realized he made a good point, "uhh why not, you look like you could be trusted you are an actor after all, what happened to your arm"

"Oh I was just driving my motorcycle when I was saving this little girl from these thugs"

Gosalyn's eyes open wide when she looks up at him and sees him wink, she knew he was Darkwing and she was about to know his secret identity.

"Oh you Poor sweet man well drake mallard if Gosalyn is okay with it then-"

She then she ran up to him.

"Oh I think she likes that idea" drake says.

"Well it's getting late now, you best take her home now, have a good night"

After she left gosalyn and drake looked at each other.

"Hey" he waves at her then she hugs his chest, he was surprised then he hugs her back rubbing circles.

"Don't worry gosalyn, I'm going to take care of you I promise"

After that one moment, everything changed, in this universe, darkwing decided to adopt gosalyn.

They let go and looked at each other, "but you have to wearing the dress"

She looks down at her dress and laughs at his joke.

"Hey I'm with you too, I never wanted to be perfect"

"Let's go home" he takes her hand and they  walk.

"I have a friend that'll be driving us"

Just then they saw Launchpad crashing his car in a fire hydrant.

"Hey DW, hey gosalyn"

"Oh boy" drake rubs his head and rolls his eyes playfully as gosalyn laugh.

And that's a story of how a new family was born.

The camera pans up to the stars, how one change in the timeline, changed the future.

This is their story, this is your story but no..
this is my story.

I am the guide and this is....


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