Episode 10: Hiccup and The Unknown Cousin

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(The opening theme began to play, then the scene changed to the stables where all the horses are. Everyone was gathering up their horses.)

HICCUP: What's going on here?

ALADDIN: The annual horse race is happening in two days. So we're gonna practice the course then get the horses fed and groomed.

HICCUP: Sounds fun. Maybe I could join.

(Everyone looked a little tense.)

FLYNN: Well... See there's the thing.

KUZCO: It's a horse race. Not a dragon race. So buzz off!

Astrid: Can I punch him, please?

RavenDragon: As much as I would want to see that, I think you'll like this next part.

(Jack shot an ice beam at Kuzco and froze him in a block of ice.)

HICCUP: Thanks Jack.

Astrid high-fived Jack.

RAPUNZEL: Don't listen to Kuzco. Besides, it's just a practice race until the real thing.

HICCUP: It's fine, Rapunzel. I'll just come watch.

MULAN: You sure?

HICCUP: Positive.

Snotlout: Wow, didn't think you'd give up.

Hiccup: Shut up, Snotlout.

FLYNN: Ok. We'll meet you at the track!

(They all left. Toothless looked at Hiccup with sad eyes.)

HICCUP: It's ok Toothless. I'm fine.

(Hiccup's gems start glowing, then a bright light surrounds them and they disappear.)

Tuffnut: Did Hiccup just turn invisible?!

Cinderella: No. Our gems tell us if someone needs help. So they just transport us there.

(Hiccup and Toothless were transported to Miradero. They ended up near the barn.)

HICCUP: Where are we?

(They heard the sounds of Spirit's loud neighing. Hiccup saw Mr. Grayson and his men lassoing Spirit then saw Lucky Prescott run out of the barn.)

Lucky: Spirit!

LUCKY: What are you doing?! Let him go!

MR. GRAYSON: Just hold on there, missy.

LUCKY: That's my horse.

MR. GRAYSON: You're crazy, girl. I just wrangled this wild horse fair and square. He's mine.

(Lucky lost it and pounced on Mr. Grayson, trying to grab the rope.)

MR. GRAYSON: You little savage! Get off of me!

(He pushed Lucky off him.)

Pru: A man like him doesn't deserve to be near a horse.

Jim Prescott: (Growled) Grayson.

HICCUP: We have to help.

(Hiccup ran to help Lucky up from the ground as Toothless jumped in front of Grayson's horse, scaring it. It bucked Grayson off and he landed in the water trot.)

MR. GRAYSON: What the heck is that thing?!

(Toothless growled at Grayson's men then they dropped the ropes and ran away leaving Grayson behind. Spirit took the chance and ran off.)

MR. GRAYSON: You cowards!

Pru. Abigail, and Lucky were laughing and so were their horses.

Lucky: That was awesome!

Turo: Grayson got what he deserved!

HICCUP: Are you ok?

LUCKY: I'm ok. Spirit? Is he...? Is he ok?

(Hiccup looked around for the horse but he was gone.)

HICCUP: He must have run off.

LUCKY: He probably went back to his herd. I know where they are, I'll lead you there.

HICCUP: We'll take Toothless. It'll be faster by air.

(Toothless went over to Hiccup. Hiccup climbed onto Toothless.)

HICCUP: Hop on.

(Lucky climbed on.)

Lucky looked a little nervous.

Hiccup: Don't worry, Toothless is harmless.

Astrid: And yet when I first rode on him, he took us on an out-of-control ride!

Hiccup: Are you ever going to let that go?

Astrid: Nope.

(Toothless took off into the air. Lucky gripped onto Hiccup's arm tight and closed her eyes.)

HICCUP: It's ok. Open your eyes.

(Lucky opened her eyes and looked mesmerized seeing the sky.)

LUCKY: This is amazing. I've never seen anything like it.

HICCUP: Thanks. So, who was that man?

LUCKY: That was Grayson. He's the worst. He abused Junipero and he wanted me to sell Spirit to him after we beat him in a race. I refused to do so and now he just tried to take Spirit from me.

Many people glared at Grayson.

HICCUP: I've dealt with people like him. He won't touch Spirit again. Not if I have a say in it.

LUCKY: Thanks. I'm Fortuna Prescott. But my friends call me Lucky.

HICCUP: I'm Hiccup and this is Toothless. And don't worry Lucky, we'll find Spirit.

LUCKY: We're almost there.

(They suddenly heard Spirit neighing in panic.)

LUCKY: That's Spirit! He's in trouble!

HICCUP: Come on bud.

(They followed Spirits cries for help to a ravine. Spirit was tangled in the ropes beside a dead tree.)

Lucky looked scared.

(They landed in front of Spirit.)

LUCKY: Spirit!

(Lucky ran to Spirit as he struggled to get free.)

LUCKY: He's stuck.

HICCUP: Hang on, I'll help.

(Spirit looked at Hiccup then started to panic again.)

LUCKY: Spirit, calm down. He's a friend.

(Spirit kept panicking like crazy.)

Fishlegs: What's going on?

Pru: Wild horses can tell when something is wrong.

Lucky: Something must be wrong.

HICCUP: Calm down. It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you.

LUCKY: Wait. I've seen Spirit act like this before. Something's wrong.

(Suddenly the sound of arrows firing hit Hiccup's ears.)

HICCUP: Look out!

(Hiccup pushed Lucky out of the way as the arrows landed on the ground.)

Hiccup: (whispered) No.

LUCKY: What was that?!

(Hiccup realized what those arrows are.)

HICCUP: Hunters. Lucky, take Toothless and get out of here. I'll free Spirit.

LUCKY: What's going on?

HICCUP: There's no time to explain. Go, now!

(Dragon Hunters showed up along with Ryker.)

Astrid: Dragon Hunters? There? How?

Hiccup: I don't know.

LUCKY: What? Who are these guys?

HICCUP: Hunters. Go now!

(Lucky ran to Toothless and they took off.)

RYKER: You should have left with them.

(Hiccup drew his sword out then the hunters charged.)

Abigail: Eep. I can't look. (Covers her eyes)

(Lucky looked back at Hiccup then she stopped Toothless.)

LUCKY: I can't leave him and Spirit. I have to help them. But I don't know anything about these guys. But... I know the Frontier. (Gasps) Toothless, I got an idea. Come on, we're going back.

(Lucky and Toothless turn around back to the ravine.)

Tuffnut: Is that girl crazy?

Pru: Lucky has a thing for running towards the danger.

Snotlout: Sounds like someone we know. I wonder who.

Hiccup: Very funny Snotlout. Besides, I'm not that bad.

The Riders: Oh please!

Gobber: Don't let him fool you. Hiccup is known for getting into danger himself. It's like he has a scent that attracts trouble.

Hiccup: Gobber!

Stoick: Gobber, that's not true.

Hiccup: Thank you. At least someone is on my side.

Stoick: More like he has a beacon.

Hiccup: Oh, come on!

(Ryker had Hiccup's hands tied up. Some of the soldiers got Spirit.)

RYKER: After the damages you and your friends have done to the auction, bringing you back to Viggo will be perfect. All that's left is that Night Fury. I wonder if that little girl will give him up.

HICCUP: Leave Lucky out of this!

(Toothless and Lucky showed up.)

LUCKY: Hey! You want Toothless?! Come and get us.

(They fly off.)

RYKER: Go after her!

(The men run after Lucky.)

Pru: What's Lucky planning?

Abigail: I hope it's something good.

(Lucky and Toothless flew past a couple of trees then the hunters ended up getting trapped in nets.)

LUCKY: Yes! It worked! Now for the big guy.

(They went back to the ravine.)

Dagur: Impressive.

(Spirit bucked off the ropes then ran to Ryker and kicked him, sending him flying to the ground.)

HICCUP: You are one special horse.

(Spirit neighted in agreement. Hiccup sent Ryker and his men back to their island. Toothless and Lucky returned.)

HICCUP: Not bad for a beginner.

LUCKY: Thanks. Riding a dragon is kind of like riding a horse. Except for the wings.

Flynn: Ok, you two have got to be related.

Lucky: I don't see it.

Hiccup: Me either.

Flynn: Seriously?!

HICCUP: Don't worry about the hunters. I sent them back.

LUCKY: Good to know. (Look at the high sun.) It's noon already? (Gasp) My dad and Aunt Cora! Oh I'm in so much trouble.

HICCUP: I'll go with you. Maybe I can talk to your dad.

LUCKY: Sure. But you're riding Spirit.


LUCKY: I want to see who's faster. Plus I like a race against ya.

HICCUP: You're on!

(The two took off.)

Flynn: See?!

Lucky/Hiccup: Maybe.

(The scene changed to the Prescott house. Lucky and Toothless were the first to arrive then Hiccup and Spirit joined them.)

LUCKY: Now that was fun!

HICCUP: Ok, ok, you beat me. But I have to admit, Spirit is a pretty fast horse.

LUCKY: Same with Toothless. Hey, do you think you could teach me to ride a dragon?

HICCUP: I'd be happy to.

LUCKY: Awesome!

CORA: Fortuna Esperanza Navarro Prescott!

(The camera turns to a very angry Cora.)

LUCKY: Oh no

Lucky: She used my full name! I'm toast.

Merida: You're scared of your aunt?

Lucky: She's been trying to make me more lady-like.

Merida: That explains it.

CORA: Where have you been?!

LUCKY: Sorry Aunt Cora. But Grayson was trying to take Spirit away and well, I had some help.

CORA: (Gasps) I don't believe it.

HICCUP: You must be Lucky's aunt. Sorry for keeping her out too late.

CORA: (Stammers) It-it's fine. Would you excuse me for a moment?

(Cora rushes back inside.)

LUCKY: That was... odd.

HICCUP: Um... Does your aunt always act like this?

LUCKY: Not really. She usually loves having company over.

Jim Prescott: You'll see.

LUCKY: How about we just go inside? I'm starving.

HICCUP: I could use a bite to eat.

LUCKY: But maybe leave Toothless outside. Aunt Cora will flip her lid if she sees an animal in the house. And Toothless can protect Spirit in case Grayson tries something again.

(The two go inside the house. But Lucky saw Aunt Cora and her dad Jim Prescott with their jaws dropped.)

LUCKY: Dad? Aunt Cora? Is everything ok?

JIM P: Lucky, we need to talk. Bring your friend too.

(Lucky and Hiccup joined her dad and aunt Cora in the living room.)

JIM P: Years ago, before I met Milagro, I met another girl who was like a sister to me. And ended up becoming our sister when your grandpa adopted her into our family.

LUCKY: Ok, so what does that have to do with Hiccup?

JIM P: Lucky, that girl was Hiccup's mother, Valka. He's your cousin.


Flynn: I knew it! Haha! See I told you!

Hiccup: Can someone slap him please?

Astrid punched Flynn.

LUCKY: He's, my cousin?

HICCUP: I don't understand. I didn't even know that I had a cousin.

JIM P: You do, Hiccup. And I'm grateful that you saved Lucky and Spirit.

HICCUP: It was nothing.

CORA: I believe we have much to catch up on. Stay for lunch?

HICCUP: I would be honored.

Cora smiled.

(Cora went into the kitchen.)

JIM P: I know you two have some questions.

HICCUP: I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about my mom.

LUCKY: I'd like to hear more about Aunt Valka too.

JIM P: Sure, what do you guys want to know?

LUCKY: How did you guys meet?

(Jim pulled out a book filled with pictures of him and Valka.)

Jim P and Cora smiled.

(Jim took out a photo from the book and handed it to Lucky.)

JIM P: I met Valka at the same camp Hiccup is in. We were racing rivals during the annual horse race. She would always beat me.

LUCKY: Is that her? (Pointing to the woman on the white horse.)

JIM P: Yep. That's Valka and her horse Freya. Those two were amazing. She saved my life, I tried taking a shortcut to win the race and I ended up stuck in mud. Valka gave up the race just to save me.

HICCUP: What was she like?

JIM P: Let's see, smart, brave, kind, stubborn, once she gets her mind on something there is no stopping her.

Snotlout: I wonder who that sounds like.

Hiccup glared at Snotlout.

HICCUP: She sounds like me.

JIM P: (Laughs) She does.

HICCUP: How did you know who I was?

JIM P: Valka and Viggo visited me, and they brought you when you were just a baby.

HICCUP: Really?

Viggo looked at Jim P.

Hiccup: (whispered) So many secrets.

JIM P: Yep. You should have seen Cora when she first saw you, she almost had a heart attack.

CORA: I was in shock. Big difference.

(The three of them just laughed)

HICCUP: Mr. Prescott...

JIM P: Call me Jim. Or Uncle Jim, whatever you're comfortable with.

HICCUP: Ok, Jim. Would it be possible if I stay for a while. I want to get to know the rest of my family.

JIM P: You are more than welcome to stay. We have a guest room you can sleep in.

LUCKY: Yes! I can't wait to know more about my new cousin.

Lucky looked at Hiccup, smiling.

HICCUP: Thank you.

JIM P: But how are you alive?

HICCUP: My adoptive dad, Stoick, sort of looked after me. I didn't know about Viggo being my dad until a few weeks ago.

JIM P: Yeah. Viggo wrote to me about what happened. Hiccup, I know you think Viggo is a bad man. But maybe if you just get to know him, you'll see him differently.

HICCUP: Thanks Uncle Jim.

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