Episode 9: Last Auction Heroes

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(The opening theme is played then the scene goes to a Viking bar full of Dragon Hunters. A cloaked figure sat behind two hunters.)

DRAGON HUNTER #1: Grimborn auction? What's on the block this time?

DRAGON HUNTER #2: Dragons.

DRAGON HUNTER #1: Think of what we could do with our own dragon. It's hide alone.

Some of the dragons growled.

Snotlout: Okay, I'm lost here.

RavenDragon: Just watch.

DRAGON: HUNTER #2: Only the richest vikings dare to show up.

DRAGON HUNTER #1: So, how do you know about it?

DRAGON HUNTER #2: Because I have this map. (shows it to the other hunter.) Got it from a gold baron.Told him I'd let him live if he showed me what it was. [scoffs] Idiot.

(The hunter gets up to leave.)

DRAGON HUNTER #2 : Don't let that out of your sight.

(The hunter leaves then the cloaked figure quietly snatched the map and ran out of the bar. Removing his hood to reveal Eugene.)

EUGENE: Oh, I am good.

Rapunzel: What's Eugene doing there?

(Eugene jumped onto Toothless and they got away.)

HICCUP: Did you get it?

EUGENE: Once a thief, always a thief. Plus those two hunters were so stupid. They didn't even see me.

Jack: I thought you were going to cut down on the thieving.

Eugene: I do it sometimes.

(The scene changed to an island where Viggo had set up his dragon auction.)

VIGGO: This auction will not only bring us wealth, but will cement my reputation as the most prolific dealer of dragons, both living and not. But everything must go off with perfection. How is security coming along?

RYKER: Catapults are doubled. Watchtowers are going up. No riders will spoil the auction.

VIGGO: See what you can do when you put your mind to it, big brother?

(Ryker growls at Viggo.)

VIGGO: Any news on our special guest?

RYKER: Are you sure he's coming?

Milo: Wonder who he's talking about?

Hiccup: All I know is that it can't be good.

VIGGO: Positive. The second you have confirmation of his arrival...

RYKER: I will let you know.

VIGGO: Of course you will.

(The camera turned to the water where Kida was watching. She looked at the security measures around the island.)

Snotlout: So those guys are helping us?

KIDA: Ok, nothing but small dragons. Where are you keeping the big ones?

(The scene changes to the campgrounds where Hiccup and the riders were)

HICCUP: Thanks to the information from Dagur and Johann. We might just be able to put a dent in Viggo's auction.

KIDA: Not quite.

HEATHER: What did you find?

KIDA: Extra ships on the perimeter. Guards everywhere. Catapults and watchtowers on the cliffs. Arrow launchers on every sea stack within a half mile. No way in or out.

Flynn: Wow. This guy must hate you lot

Riders: Shut up, Flynn.

TUFFNUT: Just think positive.

HICCUP: And how do you suggest we do that?

TUFFNUT: Rapid-fire. Mug, half-empty or half-full?

Moana: Are they..?

Astrid: Always like this. Yes.

FLYNN: Definitely empty.

FISHLEGS: I'm sure Hiccup has an idea. You do have an idea, right?

SNOTLOUT: Let me guess. Cruise right into the place and announce ourselves.

HICCUP: I think we need someone to get close to Viggo. Keep him busy while we find the rest of those dragons.

Shang: That's a good plan.

MILO: How's that going to work?

HICCUP: It has to be someone Viggo wouldn't suspect, because he's never seen him up close.

(Everyone looks at Snotlout.)

DAGUR: You're kidding, right?

HICCUP: He's the only one who was never captured by Viggo or Ryker. He's the only one they don't know.

FISHLEGS: He's the only one who's clueless enough to actually pull it off.

Snotlout: Hey!

Gobber: This is gonna be a disaster.

SNOTLOUT: I'd hate to be caught dead with that guy. [laughs] Wait, what?

FLYNN: Maybe someone else should go with him.

JACK: Perfect. Thanks for volunteering Eugene!

MIRABEL: Oh for crying out loud! I'll do it.

Snotlout: And I'm ok with this.

MILO: Well unless one of us has a pile of gold hidden around here, we won't see the dragons, let alone bid on them.

HICCUP: Actually...

Astrid: You're not serious about asking your dad?

Hiccup: It's not like I'm doing anything wrong. Besides, I'm sure about it.

(Changes to Berk where both Stoick and Gobber were laughing at Hiccup's crazy plan.)

Hiccup: Not. A. Word.

STOICK: [sarcastically] Oh, sure. Yeah. Take Berk's entire cache of gold. (Laughs)

(Hiccup still looked annoyed as Gobber put his prosthetic arm and leg on the table. Stoick glared at him and Gobber stopped laughing.)

GOBBER: Not funny, Hiccup.

STOICK: If you weren't my son, I'd lock you up right now. You have no idea what you're suggesting, Hiccup.

Snotlout: And cue the speech.

Hiccup: Why do you assume I'm gonna give a speech?

Astrid: You always do.

Hiccup: Fair point.

HICCUP: Viggo Grimborn is the most ruthless Viking we've come in contact with. If we don't do something to disrupt this auction, Viggo will make so much gold, he'll be able to buy an armada of dragon-hunting ships and reinforce his empire. No dragon will be safe, and eventually, he will set his sights on Berk. And on our dragons.

Merida: Wow, I could have asked you to tell my mom that I don't want to be married.


HICCUP: "Well" what?

STOICK: Well, son, I'm assuming you didn't fly all the way here without a plan.

Hiccup: And it works.

Viggo glared at Stoick.

Viggo: (whispers) We'll see who the ruthless Viking is soon.

(The scene switches to the Training Academy.)

STOICK: A special envoy, you say?

HICCUP: Exactly.

(Fishlegs told them to give it a second)

STOICK: Going into the auction under an assumed identity.

HICCUP: Exactly.

Audrey: Ten bucks say that his tone will change seeing Snotlout as the "special envoy."

Flynn: You're on.

STOICK: Well, he's gonna have to be smart, crafty, quick on his feet, and , most importantly...

(Snotlout shows up in his disguise.)

STOICK: Not Snotlout!

Audrey: Called it!

(Stoick sighed in anger)

HICCUP: Now, before you shoot this down, and by the way, you have every reason in the entire archipelago that you should, there is a method to my...

STOICK: Madness?

HICCUP: Yes. I need you to trust me on this, Dad. It's foolproof.

STOICK: "Fool," maybe. "Proof?" Not quite with you on that.

Dagur: Wait for it.

(Hiccup gives his dad a glare.)

STOICK: Don't look at me like that, Son.

(He looks at Hiccup and caves in.)

Dagur: And there it is.

Jack: Remind me not to get on Hiccup's bad side.

STOICK: Fine, on one condition.

(The scene changes to the docks of Viggo's island.)

GOBBER: Hear ye, hear ye, the honorable... Uh... Sir Ulgerthorpe.

Hiccup: Really Gobber?

Gobber: You try finding a good name for Snotlout.

Tuffnut: Should've said Sir Muttonhead.

Snotlout: Hey!

(Snotlout comes in disguise carrying the chest of gold. Along with Mirabel who was now wearing viking clothes. Mirabel clears her throat.)

GOBBER: And his lady friend, Lady Freya.

SNOTLOUT: Don't just stand there babbling to the peasants. Carry my gold.

(Shoves the chest into Gobber's hands.)

Isabelle: If that plan doesn't go well, permission to bury Snotlout in the ground.

Astrid: Yes.

(They walk to Viggo and Ryker.)

MIRABEL: (Whispers) I'm having second thoughts about joining.

GOBBER: (Whispers) If Sir Ulgerthorpe gets on your nerves, I'll handle it. I've spent 18 years dealing with him and the twins.

Mirabel: Thank you. I don't know how you guys handle him?

Fishlegs: Trust us. Snotlout is trouble.

Snotlout: Name one time.

Astrid: That time you stole a bunch of Changwing eggs and nearly destroyed the village.

Fishleg: That time you released the Skrill from the ice.

Hiccup: The time you flew the three of us into a water spout and crash landed us on Outcast island.

Ruffnut: The time you overworked Hookfang cause of your dad's motto.

Tuffnut/Ruffnut: "Rest is for the weak!"

Snotlout: I said name one!

(They reach Ryker and Viggo)

VIGGO: Sir...

SNOTLOUT: Ulgerthorpe. Learn the name. Live the name. Love the name.


SNOTLOUT: Does it matter?

(Gobber shows him the gold.)

Luisa: I think it's working.

(Snotlout almost walked away until Viggo stopped him.)

VIGGO: There is one thing. I feel like I know you from somewhere. Do I?

(Snotlout looked worried.)

Camilo: That didn't take long.

RYKER: My brother asked you a question. Does he know you from somewhere?

MIRABEL: We've heard of your dragon auctions from just outside the archipelago. And we just couldn't help but bid.

SNOTLOUT: Freya, please. The gentlemen are speaking.

GOBBER: It's none of your beeswax who he is or where you know him or don't know him from.

(Snotlout pushed Ryker aside.)

SNOTLOUT: Beeswax? (Laughs)

(He then slapped Gobber twice in the face.)

Riders gasped.

Gobber: That's it!

Snotlout screamed and ran around the theater with Gobber chasing him.

Sweet: Should we help?

Stoick: It's best to just let Gobber handle it. The last you want is to get in between Gobber and his rage.

(Gobber looked pissed as Mirabel gasped. Viggo and Ryker just looked confused.)

SNOTLOUT: You do not speak for me. Do you understand?

(Gobber's hook arm began to twitch. Mirabel mouthed don't do it.)

SNOTLOUT: Do you understand?!

GOBBER: Yes, Sur Ulgerthorpe. Please accept my humble apologies.

RavenDragon: Alright, that's enough, you two.

RavenDragon magiked them back to their seats.

SNOTLOUT: Try getting good help these days. Very hard. All right, be a good boy and tip the attendant.

(Snotlout walks away.)

MIRABEL: Apologizes for my boyfriend's behavior.

(Mirabel quickly walks away. Ryker almost pulled out his sword when Viggo stopped him.)

VIGGO: We don't want to refuse the man's money, now, do we?

(Gobber handed a coin to Viggo.)

Mirabel slaps Snotlout.

Mirabel: That was for your behavior.

Gobber: I like this lass.

(Ryker saw Johann's ship docked.)

RYKER: I'd turn it around. You've no business here.

JOHANN: Says who?

RYKER: You haven't the gold nor the constitution to stomach this.

JOHANN: While you certainly speak the truth, Mr. Ryker. I do bring your brother an offering.

RYKER: What kind of offering?

(Ryker opens the ship's door.)

RYKER: Get Viggo. He needs to see this.

Everyone looked confused.

JOHANN: You must have misunderstood me, Mr. Ryker. I've simply brought an offering. I'd just as soon offload it and be on my merry way, if it's all the same to you.

RYKER: Yeah, well, it's not all the same to me. Get Viggo.

(Viggo walks onto the ship.)

VIGGO: There's no need, big brother.

JOHANN: Mr. Grimborn. What a pleasant surprise.

(They go down into the ship to find dragons in dragon proof cages.)

Rapunzel: Poor things.

JOHANN: As I was endeavoring to explain to your brother, I wanted to present you with these dragons for your auction as a sign of respect. And as an exchange for future safe passage in my trading lanes. Maybe?

Mushu: Talk about your meak mouse.

Montray: Watch it.

VIGGO: Trader Johann, perhaps I've judge you a bit hastily. This is a splendid and most generous gesture.

(As Viggo walked away, he noticed a floorboard squeak. Underneath were the riders, Toothless, Kida, Dolores, Flynn, Jack, Aladdin, and Merida hiding.)

Mei: So that's how you guys were gonna sneak in.

JOHANN: The downside to an old ship. Not nearly the quality and excellence you have, no doubt, come to expect from the vessels in your fleet. Perhaps when the day comes that you feel the need to part—

(Viggo shushed Johann. He then dropped the coin between the floorboard til it clinked to the bottom of the ship. Viggo looked at Johann.)

Tuffnut: He's onto us.

The Riders shush Tuffnut.

JOHANN: The trade has been a bit, shall we say, "sluggish'" lately. My stores are as empty as a tree following a ring-tailed lemur migration.

Snotlout: Wake me when something exciting happens.

Merida: This guy can talk.

Hiccup: You have no idea.

(Viggo then smashed the floorboard and found nothing underneath. When he walked away Toothless uncovered everyone.)

Viggo: (whispered) Clever dragon.

(Some dust landed on Tuffnut's nose. He was about to sneeze when Fishlegs covered Tuffnut's mouth.)

VIGGO: We accept your terms. (To his men) Offload Trader Johann's dragons and place them with the others.

(Viggo leaves.)

JOHANN: My poor heart will surely not withstand any more of these harrowing moments.

Kida: What's with him?

Astrid: Trader Johann is someone who is a bit of a scaredy-cat.

Kida: That explains it.

(The scene changed to where Snotlout, Mirabel, and Gobber are.)

SNOTLOUT: Where is this simpleton? Does he make it a practice of disrespecting his best clients like this?

MIRABEL: Cut the act, Snotlout. We're alone.

SNOTLOUT: I'm in character, Mirabel, so, no.

MIRABEL: Gobber, I'm gonna be needing a mace in about two seconds.

GOBBER: Trust me, I'm willing to let ya smack him around.

Snotlout: I'm not that annoying.

Vikings: Yes you are!

(Something rustled in the bushes. The camera turns to a big dragon that walks over to the scrap metal and eats it.)

GOBBER: Look at that big guy.

SNOTLOUT: Ugliest dragon I've ever seen.

GOBBER: I think he's magnificent.

SNOTLOUT: Of course you do.

Anna: Looks like Gobber isn't leaving empty handed.

(Gobber bends down and feeds it some scrap metal. It accepts Gobber.)

MIRABEL: Amazing.

(Ryker shows up and kicks the dragon.)

RYKER: Out of my way. Grump. Fat beast.

(Gobber growled at him.)

Gobber glared at Ryker.

MIRABEL: Will you be auctioning off the ugly, fat one as well?

(Ryker laughed)

RYKER: Who would buy him? Besides, he eats all the scrap iron and is the only dragon that can bite through a dragon-proof cage. But Viggo likes having him around. Says there's a use for everyone.

MIRABEL: (whispered) Good to know. (To Gobber.) Keep him busy.

(Mirabel snuck into Viggo's tent.)

Viggo looked curious.

(Mirabel opened her bag and Tink flew out.)

TINK: Finally.

MIRABEL: Help me find the auction list.

(Mirabel looked on the desk while Tink looked on the shelves.)

SNOTLOUT: Did you find it?

(Mirabel jumped.)

MIRABEL: What are you doing here?!

Mirabel groans.

SNOTLOUT: Gobber and Ryker are busy so I'd figure I'd help.

TINK: Found it!

(Tink grabs the auction list.)

MIRABEL: Give this to Hiccup.

(Tink flies out and Snotlout leaves. Before Mirabel leaves, something catches her eye. A hidden drawer under the desk.)

MIRABEL: What the..?

Viggo just stood silent.

(Mirabel opens it and finds a black gem inside.)


(Mirabel heard someone coming and hid. She peaked out to see that it was Viggo. He saw the drawer open then closed it. Mirabel used her powers to see what he was feeling. He felt guilt and sadness buried deep.)

RYKER: Viggo, the auction is starting.

VIGGO: Coming.

(As soon as Viggo left, Mirabel snuck out.)

Fairy Godmother: (turned to Merlin) We should tell him.

Merlin: Not yet.

(Hiccup got the list from Tink. Meanwhile, Flynn, Aladdin, Ruffnut, Dolores, Kida, Tuffnut, and Fishlegs were looking for their dragons.)

FISHLEGS: Once we find our dragons, we wait for Hiccup's signal.

TUFFNUT: Yeah. Then we release the rest of the dragons. We get it. Is this guy serious?


DRAGON HUNTER 1: Did you hear something?

FLYNN: Hide!

(They ran and hid behind one of the covered dragon cages.)

Flynn: I can't look.

FISHLEGS: (whimpering) We're gonna get caught and thrown into a Whispering Death hole.

ALADDIN: A what?!

TUFFNUT: Fishlegs. It's all in your noggin, my man.

RUFFNUT: If you believe we're gonna get caught then we're toast.

(The guards almost got them but Merida, Jack, Heather, and Astrid stopped them.)

ASTRID: Keep looking!

TUFFNUT: We rest our case.

Heather: That was a close one.

(They drag the bodies away as the others continue looking for their dragons. Kida lifted up one of the covers and found a Speed Stinger in a cage. Fishlegs pulled her away from the cage.)

FISHLEGS: Careful.Some of the dragons are very aggressive.

KIDA: Good to know.

DOLORES: Someone's coming! Hide!

(Everyone hid behind the covers of a cage as guards started coming.)

Fishlegs: We should bring her along more often.

(The guards rolled one of the cages out to the auction unaware that the twins, Flynn and Aladdin were hiding there.)

Flynn: Oh boy.

Astrid: And I thought Snotlout was gonna screw up the plan.

(The scene changed to nightfall at the auction. Viggo and Ryker were on the stage as everyone else was seated. Ryker gestured to the hooded figure beside Mirabel.)

RYKER: Our special guest.

(Viggo stepped closer as a cage was wheeled in on the stage.)

VIGGO: Friends, buyers, honored guests, I believe we have assembled the most unique and comprehensive group of dragons in the archipelago. I think you will agree.

(Viggo removes the cover and the twins, Flynn, and Aladdin are revealed. Everyone looked in shock.)

Tuffnut: Busted.

FLYNN: Gentlemen, sorry to disturb your lovely auction. So we'll just be taking our leave.

(The guards pointed their weapons at them.)

FLYNN: Or not.

(Viggo turned to Snotlout.)

VIGGO: I thought I recognized him. He's a Dragon Rider! Seize them all!

(The guards grabbed them except for Mirabel who had disappeared from the crowd.)

Dagur: That's not good.

(Some of the guards checked the cages. They caught Fishlegs and Dolores. Kida was still hidden. She found all the dragons that belonged to the riders.)

KIDA: Alright. Let's get you all out of those cages.

(A guard tried to grab Kida but she turned around punched him right in the stomach. Another guard grabbed her from behind and took her away.)

Kida: Almost had it.

(Down in the catacombs, Hiccup and Toothless were almost done releasing a Quaken until some guards showed up.)

HICCUP: Toothless, make'em count.

(The guards had Heather, Astrid, Merida, and Jack with them all tied up.)

MERIDA: Sorry Hiccup.

HICCUP: It's ok, Merida.

(A guard tried to grab Hiccup but Hiccup moved out of the way and punched him in the face.)

ASTRID: Since when does Hiccup..?

MERIDA: I've been giving him some defense lessons.

Gobber: It's a miracle!

Hiccup: Gobber!

Hiccup's face turned bright red.

(Toothless ended up getting muzzled and chained by some other guards. Hiccup ran to Toothless but someone grabbed his arm. He turned around to see that it was Viggo. The scene changed to all of them locked in a cell. Viggo was there with a guard holding the chest of Berk's gold.)

VIGGO: Assuming this is all Berk's gold. I'm guessing that Berk will take quite the hit on his bottom line. That is most unfortunate. But please know that it is all going to a wonderful cause. As are your dragons. All of them.

(He showed them Toothless who was chained up.)

HICCUP: Toothless!

VIGGO: This one will fetch a considerable price. Almost a pity to sell him. But I'll get over it.

Hiccup started to panic and he couldn't breathe.

Merida ran to Hiccup and calmed him down.

(Just as they were rolled Toothless out of sight, Viggo took another look at Hiccup and spotted his gem hidden under his sleeve. His face turned a little white but then he just turned around, open the cell door and dragged Hiccup out.)

HICCUP: What do you want?

VIGGO: Let's just talk, somewhere private.

(Viggo had Hiccup follow him away from the others.)

Viggo: I hate to impose but could you..?

RavenDragon: Oh, Of course.

RavenDragon used her magic to teleport Hiccup and Viggo into a guest room.

Hiccup: What the..? What are you planning, Viggo?

Viggo: No plan. I just... (sighs) You have a right to know.

Hiccup: Know what?

Viggo: Stoick isn't your father. I am.

Hiccup started having a panic attack.

Viggo calmed him down.

Hiccup: How are you my real dad?! Is this a joke?!

Viggo: Please, let me explain. Your mother, Valka, was my wife. We fell in love. She wasn't into strong blunt men, she liked smart, strong, and caring men like me. I never wanted to lead the Dragon Hunters. Valka and I planned to stay at the camp and build our family there. We got married and we had you, our son. Until when you were just a year old, some men took you and Valka away. Ryker had me return to the Hunters and be their chief. I never stopped looking for you both. I loved you and your mother too much to lose you both.

Hiccup: Then why? Why tell me now?!

Viggo: I didn't know until just now. I'm so sorry Hiccup. Please my son.

Hiccup looked close to tears then he just stood there. Viggo hugged Hiccup tight.

Viggo: Can we start over? Give me another chance?

Hiccup: I'm not the type to hold a grudge for long. But I'll try.

Viggo: That's all I ask.

They pulled away and RavenDragon magiced them back to their seats.

(The others looked worried.)

FISHLEGS: We have to get out of here and stop them from selling our dragons.

KIDA: We will, Fishlegs. But I'm more worried about Hiccup.

TUFFNUT: This guy is killing me.

FISHLEGS: I'm killing you?

SNOTLOUT: Please! Guards! Don't you know who I am?

DOLORES: They know who you are, Snotlout. That's why you are here with us.

Hiccup: Oh gods.

Flynn: Seriously? How do you survive with this guy?

Hiccup: Compared to what Viggo and Ryker put us through, I'd rather just leave Snotlout on Berk but that's just punishing my dad.

ASTRID: Hey, Gobber, what do you think these walls are made of?

(Tuffnut rammed his head against the wall.)

TUFFNUT: It feels like iron ore. It's tough to run through.

RUFFNUT: You should try again.


FLYNN: It's iron ore alright. The guards in Corona have bars just like it.

Mirabel: How do you..?

Flynn: I've spent a lot of time running from them.

(The scene changed to Viggo's office where both he and Hiccup were.)

HICCUP: What else do you want Viggo? You have Berks gold and our dragons.

VIGGO: That gem. Where did you get it?

HICCUP: Like I would tell you anything.

VIGGO: Not even if it meant the truth?

HICCUP: What truth?

VIGGO: About your mother, Valka.

(Hiccup looked shocked.)

Stoick turned pale white.

Heather: What's he talking about?

HICCUP: How? How do you know my mother?

(Viggo doesn't say anything and gives Hiccup a picture. The picture had Viggo, Valka, and baby Hiccup in it.)

HICCUP: What is this?

VIGGO: 18 years ago, I lost my wife and my year old son to some intruders. I never thought I would see any of them again until now.

HICCUP: What does this have to do with my mother?

VIGGO: (sighs) Hiccup, your mother was my wife. You were that baby. You're my son. And I'm your father.


Vikings: What?!

Astrid: Hiccup is...

Fishlegs: Viggo's son?! That can't be true! Hiccup a hunter?! No way!

Viggo: I'm afraid it's true.

Tuffnut: Hiccup, a traitor?!

Hiccup: I'm not a traitor!

HICCUP: No. You're lying!

VIGGO: I'm not.

HICCUP: Then prove it!

(Viggo grabbed a small box out of a drawer.)

VIGGO: Your mother spelled this box to open only with our magic and any one related to us. Touch it, if it opens then you'll believe me.

(Hiccup touched it and it suddenly opened.)

Everyone gasped.

HICCUP: I don't believe this.

(Hiccup felt his chest tighten and he started to get dizzy. He would have hit the floor if Viggo hadn't caught him.)

VIGGO: Easy there, Hiccup. I know it's a lot to take in.

HICCUP: I'm a dragon hunter.

VIGGO: No, you're not. You're a dragon rider, I'm not going to sell Toothless. I know that dragon means so much to you.

HICCUP: Why are you being nice to me now?

VIGGO: Because, I have so many years to make up for lost time. And I know we have been enemies but I'm changing that right now.

Viggo looked at Hiccup and smiled at him.

(They suddenly heard a commotion coming from outside.)

VIGGO: Sounds like your friends have escaped. Go with them.

HICCUP: But the gold...

VIGGO: Will be safe. I'll return it soon. I promise. Now go.

HICCUP: You're just letting me go?

VIGGO: I'll explain everything another time, but I can't let Ryker know about you.

(Hiccup just nodded and ran out the door.)

Snotlout: Viggo being nice? Did I miss something there?

Hiccup: Nope.

(Hiccup found Toothless but Mirabel was riding him.)

HICCUP: Did you..?

MIRABEL: Found a dragon that eats dragon-proof bars. Gobber has him now. Let's go.

(Hiccup got onto Toothless and they joined the others who had freed all the dragons.)

ASTRID: DId you find the chest?

HICCUP: It wasn't there.

GOBBER: I'll take the heat from Stoick.

HICCUP: Thank you Gobber.

Gobber: Just doing my job.

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