Episode 8: Red Panda Madness

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(The opening credits played then the scene changed to nightfall in the forest. Tarzan, Moses, and Hiccup were walking from Moses's village.)

HICCUP: Thanks again for the tour Moses.

MOSES: No problem. I figured you could use a real tour of my village.

HICCUP: I'm glad I got to see it.

(Something rustled in the bushes.)

TARZAN: Someone's watching us.

RavenDragon: Oops. I forgot someone. Hang on.

RavenDragon snaps and brings the Turning Red cast into their seats.

Ming: What just happened?!

RavenDragon: Long story short, it's a show and enjoy.

(Something jumped out of the bushes but it was too fast to see.)

HICCUP: What was that?

TARZAN: I don't know. Never seen it in the forest before.

MOSES: It's gone now.

(The scene changed to the next morning all the new campers were gathered by the lake with Merlin.)

MERLIN: Now that you all have your gems, I'll begin teaching you all how to control them and their forms.

Hiccup: Forms?

Jack: The gems adapt to whatever form we have. Mermaid, fairy, even animal forms.

Belle: Then it's shared with other campers.

MERLIN: And to demonstrate these gems, I have asked Ariel and Tiana to show you.

(Ariel popped up in the lake in her mermaid form while Tiana showed up in her frog form.)


ISABELLE: Beautiful.

ARIEL: Thank you. This form appears once you hit water. It comes in handy for quick escapes and it's faster to travel in the water.

Kira: That is handy.

MERLIN: Alright, who's first?

(Almost everyone jumped in the lake and the transformation happened to them.)

Snotlout: Oh, me likey.

Every girl punched Snotlout.

Terk: Now that's funny!

(Hiccup was about to join them, he heard Toothless growl at something.)

HICCUP: Toothless? What is it?

(Hiccup looked at where Toothless was growling. He saw a thirteen-year-old girl with bright red hair staring at them. Hiccup smiled at her, but she ran off.)

HICCUP: Hey, wait!

(Hiccup runs after the girl)

Jack: You guys remember seeing another red head?

Mirabel: No.

Jim H: I didn't see her in the beginning.

Meilin buried herself in her seat.

(Hiccup and Toothless chased after the girl. They kept running until the girl tripped and hurt her ankle. Hiccup saw this and helped her up.)

MEI: Thank you.

HICCUP: What are you doing out here?

(Mei winced in pain.)

HICCUP: You're hurt.

MEI: I'm fine.

Ming started getting a panic attack.

RavenDragon: Jin, can you take your wife out in the hall for a bit?

Jin: Yes ma'am.

Jin takes Ming out of the room.

HICCUP: Let me help.

(Hiccup did a small healing spell he had learned from Rapunzel. Mei stood on her leg.)

MEI: Thanks. I'm Meilin Lee.

HICCUP: My name's Hiccup. Now mind telling me why a little kid like you is out here?

MEI: I'm thirteen. I'm not a kid.

Hiro: So, I'm fourteen, that doesn't mean I'm an adult yet.

HICCUP: You didn't answer my question.

MEI: Please don't tell anyone else about me.


MEI: Because... (Sighs) because I'm a stowaway. I ran away from home.


Elsa: Why would you run away?

Mei: It's a long story.

HICCUP: Why would you run away?

MEI: Because of this.

(Mei takes a deep breath then poof, she turns into her red panda form.)


Girls: Aww!

Mei blushed.

MEI: It's a blessing from my ancestor, Sun Yee. But now it's somewhat of a problem with the time change. My family knows a ritual that will banish my panda from me. But I started to enjoy it and it cost me my friends. So, a few days before the ritual, I ran away from home and came here.

HICCUP: I don't understand. Why would you get rid of this?

MEI: It's what my mother wants. The panda is dangerous, out of control.

HICCUP: Is that how your mom sees the panda?

MEI: I guess.

HICCUP: What do you see the panda as?

MEI: Well, everyone thought the panda was cute. My friends still loved me even with the panda. I guess, it's a part of me that I never knew was there. My whole life I've been my mom's perfect little girl that I never got to see who I really am.

Mirabel, Hiccup, Moana, and Isabelle understood how Mei felt.

HICCUP: I know what it's like to be someone you're not. I tried my whole life to be what my dad wanted so he would be proud of me. But then I met Toothless and forged my own path with him. Mei, this is your choice not your moms. The panda brings out a new side of you that not even you see. You can forge a new path with your panda and show your mom that your more than a smart girl.

MEI: Thanks for the pep talk.

HICCUP: Come on, I'll give you a ride back to camp.

(Hiccup gets on Toothless and helps Mei on and they fly back to camp.)

Ming looked mad at Mei.

(They landed in front of the Dining Hall.)

HICCUP: You hungry?

MEI: Starving.

(Just as they entered Mei saw her whole family with Merlin.)

Mei's face went pale.

MEI: (Gasps then turns away) No. No. This isn't happening, this isn't happening.

HICCUP: Mei, are you ok? What's wrong?

MEI: That's my family.

Rapunzel: Why are you nervous?

Mei: It's stressful.

(Ming saw Mei with Hiccup and she looked furious.)

MING: Mei-Mei!

MEI: Oh no.

(Ming marched over to her and Hiccup.)

MEI: Mom, I can explain...

MING: You ran away from your family and you let people see your panda!

Merida: She's something.

Mei: She's always like this.

Merida: Kind of like my mom.

MEI: Mom, no one was scared of the panda. I've been keeping it under control.

MING: It doesn't matter! Tonight is the Red Moon and we are going to do the ritual here. Mr Merlin is letting us do the ritual and he is having someone help us.

MEI: I...

MING: It's for the best Mei-Mei.

MEI: Yes mother.

Merida: It's worse.

MING: Come along Mei-Mei.

MEI: Yes mother. (turns to Hiccup) Sorry.

(She goes with her mother.)

Most of the cast felt sorry for Mei.

(The scene changes to nightfall. The Lee family gathered in the center of the camp. Mei wore a ceremonial robe as she sat in the center of a drawn white circle. Hiccup, Jack, Merida, Mirabel, Elsa, Rapunzel, Moses, and Aladdin watched.)

MERIDA: I can't believe we never knew about Mei.

MIRABEL: I can't believe that Mei's family thinks their gift is dangerous.

(Mr. Gao showed up then Mei's aunts started playing their instruments then chanted.)

Astrid: What are they saying?

Milo: It's a chant to their ancestors. That chant helps open the spirit realm where Mei will go.

Hiccup: That's actually impressive.

MEI: What are they saying?

MR. GAO: The door will open only if we sing from our hearts. It doesn't matter what. I like Tony Bennett, but your grandma, uh, she's from old school. Now close your eyes. Focus on the sounds of their voices. Let them guide you.

(Mei did as instructed. When she did, the circle started to glow.)

Everyone: Whoa.

MR. GAO: Oh, Sun Yee, revered ancestor, hear us now.

(Mei opened her eyes and turned to Hiccup. Then looked at her parents who joined the chant.)

MR. GAO: Guide this girl through her inner storm.

(The moon turned red.)

Jack: Hey North, how many colors does the Man in the Moon turn?

North: Just four. Blue, gold, red, and black.

(The circle glowed brighter and the wind picked up. The circle is shaped as yin and yang but panda form. Mei started floating in the circle.)

MR. GAO: Louder! Louder!

(The Lee family chanted louder for the ritual to work.)

MR. GAO: And return the red panda spirit from where it came!

(Mr. Gao raised his sword to the moonlight and the gem collected the light and sent a beam to Mei's head making her fall asleep and enter the spirit realm.)

ALADDIN: We gotta help her.

(Aladdin tried to interfere but Hiccup stopped him.)

HICCUP: Wait. This is Mei's choice.

Rapunzel: Hiccup has a point. We can't interfere with what she wants.

(The scene changed to the spirit realm. Mei was in a bamboo forest. She followed the leaves blowing towards a clearing. The leaves flew towards a bright light and that light turned into her ancestor Sun Yee.)

MEI: Sun Yee.

(Mei bowed in respect. Sun Yee used her ribbon to create a portal. When Mei walked towards it, she saw her reflection as her old self. When she put her hand through the portal she saw her panda being separated from her.)

Milo: That's how they got rid of their pandas.

Juleta: Isn't that painful?

(Mei didn't hesitate and put both hands in the portal then pulled herself through the portal as it began to separate her from her panda. She pushed herself through the portal. In the real world, everyone saw her panda spirit being separated from her body. Mr. Gao held up a pendent and it started sucking in the panda.)

MING: You can do it. Keep going.

Ming looked proud at Mei for doing the ritual.

(Mei conuted pushed through the portal. She was almost through when she turned around and looked at her panda. Flashbacks of her time as a red panda hit her. She remembered how her and her friends hustled the panda and how everyone in school loved her panda. She also remembered running away from home and sneaking aboard the ship. The flashback stopped when she met Hiccup and heard his words.)

HICCUP: (Echoed) Mei, this is your choice not your moms. The panda brings out a new side of you that not even you see. You can forge a new path with your panda and show your mom that you're more than a smart girl.

(Mei listened to Hiccup's words.)

MEI: No!

(She and her panda clashed together again. Outside a cloud of pink smoke surrounds everyone. Mei got her panda back and she was in her panda form. She turned to Hiccup.)

MEI: Thank you.

Everyone but the Lee family cheered.

Rapunzel: That was amazing.

Merida: Way to change your fate.

(All of Mei's family saw her in her panda form.)

MING: Mei-Mei. It's ok. We can do it again.

(Mei pulled away from her mother.)

MING: Mei-Mei?

MEI: I'm keeping it.

Lee Family: What?

Ming: Mei-Mei, you can't!

Mei: It's my life mom.

GRANDMA: What did she say?

LILY: She's keeping it?!

MEI: I'm keeping it!

(Mei runs to Hiccup and the others.)

MEI: I need to get to Toronto. I have some friends I need to apologize to.

MIRABEL: I think we can help with that.

Ming: No!

Mei: Future mother.

GRANDMA: Stop them!

ALADDIN: Time to go!

(Aladdin and the others ran. Mei joined them.)


(Ming fell to the ground panting while her mother and cousins surrounded her. Then Ming heard a voice.)

VOICE: Come to me.

(Ming stood up.)

Aurora: Oh no.

Mirabel: Who was that?

Cinderella: The most powerful villain, Maleficent.

(Ming followed the voice ignoring her family. She followed it to the castle. She walked in and continued following the voice to the black book.)

MING: Hello? Is someone there?

VOICE: Open the book.

(Ming touched the book and opened it. She turned each page until it stopped at Maleficent.)

Aurora: No!

MING: Who... Who are you?

MALEFICENT: I was once a powerful sorceress until those people imprisoned me in this book. Anyway, I heard about your fight with your daughter. I can help you.

MING: How?

MALEFICENT: Your daughter thinks the red panda is a good thing to keep, show her the true nature of the red panda. Release it.

MING: I... I can't. The pendant is unbreakable.

MALEFICENT: I may have just the spell if you set me free.

Rapunzel: Don't listen to her!

Elsa: She's lying.

MING: How do I set you free?

MALEFICENT: My scepter is hidden behind the stone wall. Grab it and repeat what I say.

(Ming went to the stone wall and found a hidden compartment where the scepter was. She grabbed it and went back to the book.)

Merlin: So that's where her scepter was.

MING: I'm ready.

MALEFICENT: Good. Now repeat after me, "One thing more and all is done,"

MING: One thing more and all is done,

MALEFICENT: "to turn back time, the moon and sun."

MING: to turn back time, the moon and sun.

MALEFICENT: "Undo fates by endings told."

MING: Undo fates by endings told.

(THe book started to glow.)

Aurora fanited in her seat.

MALEFICENT: "Tip the scales from the brave and bold."

MING: Tip the scales from the brave and bold.

MALEFICENT: "Let heroes be silenced!"

MING: Let heroes be silenced!

(The book shakes then green smoke oozes out and then Maleficent walks out of the book.)

MALEFICENT: Free at last!

Mei: What have you done mom?

Mirabel: Oh my.

Everyone gasped.

(Maleficent takes the scepter from Ming.)

MALEFICENT: Now then, I can break the pendant but you have to do the rest.

MING: How?

MALEFICENT: Your anger. Use it. Think about how your daughter lied to you.

(Ming felt her anger then her pendant started to crack.)

MALEFICENT: Think about the ritual.

(Ming's pendant cracks more and more.)

Grandma Lee: No.

Jin: Ming.

MING: How could she do this to her own mother?!

(The pendant broke and her panda spirit returned to her.)


MING: Mei-Mei!

(Ming turned into her panda.)

Mei: Oh no.

Jack: This isn't good.

(Mei and the others had entered Toronto.)

ALADDIN: We're here.

ELSA: Where are your friends?

MEI: At the SkyDome at the 4-Town concert.

JACK: Fastest way there is by rooftop.

MEI: I'm on it.

(Mei jumped from rooftop to rooftop all the way to the SkyDome. The others followed from behind.)

Rapunzel: That was fast.

(Mei spotted her friends in the center then jumped down in her panda form then turned back to normal.)

MIRIAM: Mei? What are you doing here?

MEI: I couldn't do it. The panda is apart of me, and you guys are too.

MIRIAM: Mei, you threw us under the bus.

Abby, Priya, and Miriam look at Mei.

Mei: Forgive me?

Miriam: Always.

The four hugs.

MEI: I know and I'm sorry. I've been, like, obsess with my mom's approval my whole life. I couldn't take losing it, but losing you guys feels even worse.

ABBY: Is that why you ran away?

MEI: I needed some space from my family. And let's just say someone managed to help me out.

(Mei looks up at the Skydome seeing Hiccup and the others watching.)

MEI: 4-Town forever?

MIRIAM: (sighs) 4-Town forever.

PRIYA: 4-Town forever.

ABBY: 4-Town forever!

(The three hug.)

Everyone: Awww.

MIRIAM: Your mom must have gone nuclear.

MEI: Who cares? What's she gonna do? Ground me?

(The girls laugh. Hiccup looked down at Mei.)

JACK: Look at that Hiccup. You helped out Mei.

HICCUP: Honestly, I'm an only child and Mei is like the little sister I always wanted.

Mei: Really?!

Hiccup: Yes.

Mei jumped out of her chair and hugged Hiccup.

Mei: Good. Cause I always wanted a big brother.

(Mei and her friends were enjoying the 4-Town concert. Mei even almost to Robaire's hand until Mei heard her mom scream.)

MING: Mei-Mei!

(Mei got scared and turned to the skydome seeing her mom in her giant red panda form.)

Jack: That's her mom?

Jin: Well her panda was big.

Mirabel/Hiccup/Mei: That big!?

(Ming pushed the skydome open to poke her head in.)

MIRABEL: Oh my god. Is that..?

HICCUP: Mei's mother.

ELSA: How did she unleash her panda?

MERIDA: Forget that! Those kids down there are in trouble.

MING: (Angerly) Mei-Mei! Where are you?!

(Ming sees Mei and her friends.)

MEI: Mom?

Snotlout: Awkward.

Rapunzel hits Snotlout with her frying pan.

MING: Mei-Mei!

(Mei screamed and ran. Soon everyone in the skydome ran out as Ming pushed herself inside. Jack and the other came down from up top. Mei's family came in as all the kids ran out.)

JIN: Mei! Mei!

MEI: Dad?

GRANDMA: We have to save your mother!

JIN: We have to do the ritual again.

MEI: What happened? She's huge!

JIN: Well she was big.

MEI: That big?!

MING: Mei-Mei!

(Ming grabbed her daughter.)

Everyone gasped.

Maleficent: That went better than expected.

Maleficent got shocked

RavenDragon: I've been waiting to do that!

RAPUNZEL: Oh no, you don't!

(Rapunzel threw her hair and wrapped it around Ming's arm and pulled.)

HICCUP: Keep her busy!

(Hiccup mounts onto Toothless and gets Mei out of her mother's paw.)

MEI: Thanks.

(They landed on the ground and Mei was super mad.)

Merida: Now she's mad.

(Mei's family rushed over to her but she turned into her panda.)

MEI: I'm not your little Mei-Mei anymore! I lied, Mom!

MING: What?!

MEI: It was my idea to hustle the panda. My idea to go to Tyler's party! My idea to embrace the panda! It was all me! I like boys! I like loud music! I like gyrating! I'm 13! Deal with it!

Rapunzel: Now that's telling her!

Everyone looked at Rapunzel.

Rapunzel: What? I spent 18 years in a tower with a crazy fake mom that only wanted my healing hair to make her young forever. You tend to have a lot of pent up feelings.

(Ming went into shock for a few seconds. Then she growled and roared loud enough to wake the dead.)

GRANDMA: The ritual! Everyone in positions. Mei-Mei, keep her busy.

MEI: Oh I'll keep her busy.

MERIDA: And we're your backup.

(Jin ran in a circle with a chalker to draw a circle.)

JIN: Mei! Keep her in the circle!

(Jack helped Mr. Gao up to the top of the skydome. Ming stomped towards Mei as she ran.)

MING: Get back here!

MEI: Make me!

Ming: Unbelievable.

RavenDragon: It's the future. I didn't make it.

MING: You think you're so mature! Lying to me! Blaming me!

ALADDIN: And I thought Jafar had anger issues.

MING: How could you be so, so...crass?!

MEI: Now!

(Rapunzel, Mirabel, and Merida used their powers to hold Ming in place.)

RAPUNZEL: We got her!

Everyone cheered.

(Jin finished the circle.)

JIN: Start singing now!

GRANDMA: Ladies!

(They started chanting but the circle alone glowed very dim.)

GRANDMA: Sing louder.

CHEN: We're trying.

Mr. Gao: You have to sing from the heart.

(Miriam saw 4-Town and got an idea.)

MIRIAM: Come on!

(Ming growled and swung her tail, hitting Mei. She climbed up the tail.)

MEI: All I wanted was to go to a concert!

(She switched back and forth in her panda form.)

MING: I never went to concerts! I put my family first! I tried to be a good daughter!

Merida: That explains a lot.

(Mei got angry.)

MEI: Well, sorry I'm not perfect! (She jumped high in the air above her mom.) Sorry, I'm not good enough! And sorry I'll never be like you!

(She turned in her panda and charged right at her mom's head, knocked her into the stage and fell unconscious. Mei started to fall then Toothless grabbed her leg.)

HICCUP: Did you get her?

(Toothless looked at his paws seeing Mei then smiled and they landed on the ground.)

Merida: That's telling her off.

Hiccup smiled at Mei.

(Mei looked at her mom. Then at the red moon which was almost fading.)

MEI: Hurry!

(Mei ran to her mom and pulled at her tail.)

MEI: Mom! You have to get in the circle!

(She struggled pulling Ming into the circle.)

MEI: Wake up! I'm sorry! Please!

(Mei struggled as her family watched. Hiccup pointed his gem at the red moon light then he turned into a red panda and ran to Mei and grabbed a piece of Ming's tail.)

HICCUP: Keep pulling Mei.

MEI: Hiccup? How did you..?

HICCUP: I'll explain later.

Snotlout: Did not see that coming.

(Mei's grandma looked at Mei and Hiccup trying to save Ming.)

GRANDMA: Sun-Yee, give me strength.

(She took the bracelet off her wrist then smashed it to the ground. Mei Grandma turned into her panda and ran to help.)

GRANDMA: Pull, Mei-Mei!

MEI: (Gasps) Grandma?

GRANDMA: I am not losing my daughter. (Turns to the aunts.) Don't just stand there!

(One by one, all the aunties had unleashed their pandas and ran to help.)

Rapunzel: How did..?

Mei: I guess since I started accepting my panda, my family has too. And now they're embracing the panda.

CHEN: Make room for your elders, Mei-Mei!

MEI: What?

PING: We're with you!

MEI: What are you doing? What if you can't turn back?

HELEN: You're mom needs us!

LILY: She's family!

GRANDMA: Less talking, more pulling!

Everyone waited at the edge of their seats.

(Ming started moving as everyone began to chant but the circle wasn't glowing.)

MR.GAO: Louder! Sing from the heart!

JACK: It's not working.

ALADDIN: Now what?

(Mei then heard her friends beatboxing then she looked up to see 4-town singing Nobody Like You.)


Oh, never met nobody (Nobody)

Never met, never met, never met (Like)




(The song helped the circle glow and light up like a beacon.)

Everyone: Whoa!

Mei: Told ya 4-Town was great!


Get up

I've never met nobody like you

Had friends and I've had buddies, it's true

But they don't turn my tummy the way you do

I've never met nobody like you

(Mr. Gao raised his sword and the red light hit Ming, making her float.)


You're never not on my mind, oh my, oh my

I'm never not by your side, your side, your side

(Mei and her family joined the circle. Mei nudged Hiccup to join me and he did.)


I'm never gon' let you cry, oh, cry, don't cry

I'll never not be your ride or die, alright!

(The song ended and Mei and Hiccup were both in the spirit realm.)

Mirabel: Where's Mei's mom?

(They both ran into the bamboo forest. They heard crying and followed it to find a girl around Mei's age.)

MEI: Mom? Are you okay? We have to...

(The girl looked at Mei with tears in her eyes.)

MEI: Mom?

Mirabel: That's her mom?

YOUNG MING: I'm sorry. It's all my fault.

(She went back to sobbing.)

MEI: What happened?

YOUNG MING: I... I hurt her.


YOUNG MING: My Mom! I got so angry, and I lost control. I'm just so sick of being perfect! I'm never gonna be good enough for her. Or anyone.

Ming sinked in her seat.

(Ming went back to sobbing. Mei touched her shoulder and Ming looked up at her.)

MEI: I know it feels that way. Like, all the time. But... it isn't true.

(Mei got up from the ground and helped Ming up. They walked as Ming went from young, to a teenager, and finally back to an adult. MIng wiped away a stray tear. They found the rest of Mei's family. Grandma hugged Ming when she saw her.)

MING: I'm sorry.

GRANDMA: Shh! You don't have to apologize. I'm your mother.

Ming and Grandma hugged.

(Mei's grandma turned to Hiccup and Mei.)

GRANDMA: May Sun-Yee guide you and keep you safe.

(Then Grandma and the aunties went through the portal getting rid of their panda spirits. Ming was next and her panda was gone.)

MEI: You should go with them.

HICCUP: I'll stick around. Besides, I've never been to a spirit realm.

(Ming stopped and turned back to Mei.)

MING: Mei-Mei, please. Just come with me

Merida: She does not give up.

MEI: I'm changing, Mom. I'm finally figuring out who I am. But... (gasps softly.) I'm scared it'll take me away from you.

MING: Me too. I see you, Mei-Mei. You try to make everyone happy, but are so hard on yourself. And if I taught you that... I'm sorry.

(Mei cried a little.)

MING: So, don't hold back. For anyone. The farther you go, the prouder I'll be. (Turns to Hiccup) Thank you, for keeping my daughter safe.

HICCUP: Your welcome, Mrs Lee.

MING: I want you, Hiccup, to continue protecting my daughter. She seems to have taken a shine to you.

HICCUP: I promise. I will.

(The portal disappeared. Suddenly Hiccup's gem glowed then a fiery red ruby appeared.)

Merlin and Fairy Godmother looked at each other.

Cinderella: That's never happened before.

Merlin: (Whispered) Only when Valka had her gem.

MEI: Is that... for me?

HICCUP: Yeah. I had no idea I could do that.

MEI: I guess this means I have more than my panda to control.

HICCUP: Little bit.

MEI: I'm glad I met you Hiccup.

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