Episode 7: For The Dancing and The Dreaming

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(The opening scene started then changed to the princesses decorating each cabin and the Dining Hall in different colored lanterns and flowers. Hiccup, Milo, and Jim H walk out of their cabin.)

HICCUP: What's going on here?

MILO: Must be for the Summer Love Ball.


JIM H: The Summer Love Ball happens once every five years in honor of the golden moon. Its light choses two souls destined to be together.

Snotlout: I wonder if it would work with me and Astrid.

Astrid: I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

HICCUP: Really?

MILO: Yep. And we even have our Golden Cupid, Snow White. She helps match up people with their crush or potential lover.

JIM H: I'm hoping to ask Mirabel to the ball. But I think you will Hiccup since you two must be together.

HICCUP: Woah, woah, woah! Mirabel and I are just friends. Besides, I have a crush on someone else.

Jack: That someone being a redhead and is a master with a bow and arrow.

Merida and Hiccup blushed.

MILO: That someone being Merida?

HICCUP: What? I don't know. Maybe. But we're only friends

JIM H: Come on, Hiccup. We all see it. Besides, the last guy that said he and his crush were only friends, they ended up under the golden moonlight and fell in love.

HICCUP: Was that someone you?

JIM H: No. Jack and Elsa.

Hiccup: You were saying Jack?

Elsa: That was true.

HICCUP: Good to know.

(The scene changed to the Dining Hall where the dragon riders were waiting for Hiccup.)

ASTRID: Where is he?

FISHLEGS: Maybe he's running late.

TUFFNUT: Really? Cause I think I see him over there.

(The camera turns to Hiccup sitting with Moses, Milo, Montray Jack, and Tarzan.)

SNOTLOUT: Wow. He already forgot about us.

Hiccup: I didn't forget you guys!

Snotlout: Really? Cause that just proves it.

Hiccup: Oh for the love of gods.

MOSES: Do you think your friends would join us Hiccup?

HICCUP: I don't know. I don't want them to make things awkward or the twins and Snotlout causing who knows what kind of trouble.

MONTRAY: You worry too much mate. What you should be worried about is how you gonna ask Merida to the ball.

HICCUP: I'm not that worried.

MILO: Well good luck. No guy has ever caught Merida's eye and no one ever will. She broke the tradition of her kingdom for having the sons of the other kings fight for her hand in marriage.

Merida smiled.

Astrid: I like her already.

TARZAN: Maybe try asking Snow for help.

HICCUP: I don't know.

MONTRAY: Well, I'm gonna ask her for some help. Chipper has a huge crush on Gadget and he wants to ask her to the ball but he's afraid she'll turn him down.

Chip: Monty!

Montray: Hey, you weren't gonna do anything about it.

Gadget: Chip? You like me? Like like me?

Chip: I do. I've been waiting to tell you for a while.

Gadget ended up kissing Chip on the lips.

MILO: I think she's with Elsa and Rapunzel.

MONTRAY: Thanks mates.

(Montray leaves them. Astrid watched Hiccup from her table)

ASTRID: We'll wait till he is alone.

SNOTLOUT: Fine with me. The mouse scares me a little.

Montray: Well you're no gentlemen yourself.

Snotlout: Hey!

(The scene changed to the forest where Hiccup, Toothless, Jack, and Milo were.)

JACK: What if you took Merida out on a flight on Toothless and then ask her to the ball?

HICCUP: I don't know. Maybe it's too much.

MILO: You could just walk up to her and ask her.

HICCUP: Maybe.

Snotlout: How is it that you can face off against Viggo but you chicken out when it comes to getting a date?

Hiccup: Can someone slap Snotlout for me?!

Heather punches Snotlout in the face.

Hiccup: Thank you, Heather.

MILO: Come on. It's easy.

(Astrid came flying in and then she landed in front of Hiccup.)

ASTRID: Hiccup, we need to talk. Alone.

HICCUP: Can you two give us a minute?

JACK: Sure.

(Jack took Milo and they hid in the trees.)

Anna: He said alone.

Jack: What?

ASTRID: Hiccup, you need to come back to the Edge. We need you.

HICCUP: Look, I want to leave but something about this place just made me feel like I belong. And somehow the Dragon Hunters know about this place.

ASTRID: I know. But your dad's been asking questions about where you are.

HICCUP: Just cover for me, please.

ASTRID: Fine. But you still have to come back to the Edge.

HICCUP: I'll try. But I can't promise that.

Snotlout: There's a shock.

Hiccup turned around and punched Snotlout in the face, making him fall unconscious.

Hiccup: That felt good.

(A terrible terror flies onto Hiccup's shoulder with a note on it's leg. Hiccup takes it and reads it.)

ASTRID: What is it?

HICCUP: I gotta go.

(Hiccup runs off.)

ASTRID: We're not done talking about this!

Mirabel: Does that always happen?

Riders: Yes!

(Hiccup ends up at the entrance of the Temple of Heroes.)

HICCUP: Why would Merida send me a message to meet here?

(The doors to the temple opened on its own. HIccup walked inside the temple.)

Ruffnut: What's with the giant hut?

Moana: It's a temple. The Temple of Heroes

Shang: The temple is used to honor the heroes of the past and present. Only by accomplishing a great heroic deed will earn them a place in the temple.

Snotlout: What kind of heroic deed?

Milo: No one knows. It just happens.

(Inside the temple, it shined brighter than Asgard itself. A small river flowed in between the cracks of the floor. Golden statues of each hero were everywhere and doors leading to different rooms of other heroes from the past.)

Everyone: Whoa!


(Hiccup's eyes widened when he saw a statue of Valka.)


Milo: That's your mom?

Hiccup: Yeah. I don't remember her. She was gone when I was really young.

(Hiccup walked up to the statue. He stared at it, he didn't even see Merida walk up to him.)

MERIDA: (off screen) You ok?

(Hiccup jumped back a little seeing Merida.)

HICCUP: Hey. Sorry I was just...

MERIDA: Looking at Valka's statute.

HICCUP: Wait, how do you know about her?

MERIDA: She's actually a legend around here. She grew up here.

Hiccup: What?

Aladdin: It's true.

Hiccup: I didn't know about that.

HICCUP: Wait a minute. She grew up here?

MERIDA: Yeah, of course she did.

HICCUP: Anyway, I got your letter saying that you wanted to meet.

MERIDA: Hang on, I got a letter from you saying that you wanted to meet. Ugh! We just fell for one of Snow's love traps.

Hiccup/Merida: Really?!

Snow White: Sometimes love needs a little push in the right direction.

HICCUP: OK, I never asked for Snow White's help. I wanted to ask you to the Lovers Ball my way. But I'm afraid you'd say no.

MERIDA: Actually, I secretly was hoping you would ask me.

Heroes: What?!

Hiccup and Merida both blushed.

HICCUP: Really?


HICCUP: Then would you want to go to the ball with me, Merida?

Everyone waits for Merida to answer.

MERIDA: I would love to.

HICCUP: Thank you.

MERIDA: I should get ready.

HICCUP: Yeah so should I.

(They tried to walk away but they bumped into each other.)


(They walked away separately)

Fergus: Well I'll be. You finally found someone!

Merida: Dad!

(The scene changed to nightfall. Everyone was gathering in the clearing in the forest where the ball is. Hiccup flew in on Toothless. Milo and Jack waved to Hiccup.)

JACK: You ready for your first ball?

HICCUP: I guess.

JACK: Come on!

(They entered the clearing and the place looked beautiful. Heart shaped lights hang on the trees, a band playing on a small stage. And everyone dressed formally.)

Snotlout: Wow! Now that's fancy.

Elsa: It's the Lovers ball. It's always like this.

MILO: Come on. I think Rapunzel just started her dance.


JACK: You'll see.

(They enter the ball to see everyone including the Dragon Riders dancing to Rapunzel's Kingdom Dance.)

HICCUP: OK I see what you mean.

Rapunzel: Hey, RavenDragon, can we..?

RavenDragon: Alright.

Rapunzel dragged almost every princess to join the dance. Soon, everyone else joined in except for the Dragon Riders.

JACK: Well, come on!

(Jack and Milo joined the dance.)

HICCUP: I think I'm just staying here.

(Toothless shoved Hiccup onto the dance floor and Hiccup was pulled into the dance. Toothless did a dragon-like chuckle.)

Hiccup: Thank you, you useless reptile.

Toothless pushed Hiccup out of his seat and made him join the dance.

Hiccup: Toothless...

Hiccup got dragged in by Jack.

Snotlout: Better him than us.

The other dragons pushed their riders into the dance.

(Everyone was dancing and having a blast. The dance ended with Hiccup and Merida landing right in each other's arms.)

Everyone stopped dancing and they took their seats.

Snow White: Now that was fun.

NAVEEN: Alright romantic couples, it's almost time for the golden moon to choose the two lucky souls!

(Everyone gathered together as the golden moon rose.)


FISHLEGS: Amazing.

North: Manny looks good in gold.

Bunny: I'll say.

(The moon shined its golden light on both Hiccup and Merida's gems. They glowed brightly surrounding them in golden light.)

ASTRID: What's going on?!

MOSES: It's part of the ball.

(The golden light started to fade to reveal Hiccup and Merida in a new style of clothes.)

Gobber: Ah, young love.

Fergus: Now that's something.

Merida: Dad! You're embarrassing me.

Elinor: Well, I kind of agree with your father.

Merida: Mom!

Merida turned bright red.

HICCUP: This is definitely new.

NAVEEN: Looks like Hiccup and Merida are the new golden couple! Will the couple start the dance?

(The band started playing the instrumental version of Everything Has Changed.)

HICCUP: Care to dance? (Held out his hand to Merida)

MERIDA: Of course. 

(Merida took Hiccup's hand and the two started to slow dance to the song.)

Princesses: Aww!

(Soon other couples joined the dance. Moana just watched from the sidelines until Snotlout walked up to her.)

SNOTLOUT: Hey gorgeous. Wanna dance?

MOANA: No thanks. I'm not a fan of guys with giant egos.


Astrid: Welcome to our world.

Moana: I've dealt with someone like him before.

(Moana spotted Tuffnut and walked up to him.)

MOANA: Hi. Um, do you..?

TUFFNUT: Want to dance? I'm not much of a dancer but I'd like that.

(Moana and Tuffnut take to the dance floor.)

Ruffnut smacks Tuffnut.

Tuffnut: Ow! What was that for?

Ruffnut: For going against the twin code!

Tuffnut: Can I help it if the girl is cute?

Moana blushed.

(The scene changed to Hiccup watching the stars with Toothless until Astrid and the other riders joined him)

FISHLEGS: I guess you're not coming back to the Edge?

HICCUP: I'm still the leader of the Dragon Riders but I won't be around all the time. I'll visit the Edge to help. But right now, I think I need to stay.

ASTRID: I'll look after things at the Edge. And I'll tell your dad that your at the Defender of the Wing for a few weeks.

HICCUP: Thank you Astrid.

Fishlegs: My guess is that you want to find more information on your mother.

Hiccup: Yes.

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