Episode 11: Lucky and Hiccup and the Lion

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(The opening theme began to play, then the scene changed to the Prescott house. Spirit and Toothless were waiting for Hiccup and Lucky. Lucky and Hiccup came out.)

LUCKY: I can't wait for you to meet Pru and Abigail. And Spirit's herd.

HICCUP: Lucky, slow down. They're not going anywhere. I have only been here for two days.

LUCKY: Yeah, in the house. Come on!

HICCUP: Ok, ok.

(Lucky rode on Spirit and Hiccup rode on Toothless.)

Lucky smiled.

(They head for the barn where Pru and Abigail were.)

PRU: Lucky, what's the surprise you wanted to show us.

LUCKY: Turns out I had an aunt that I never knew about and I have another cousin.

PRU: Then where is he?

(Hiccup and Toothless landed in front of the barn.)

LUCKY: PALs, meet my cousin, Hiccup.

Merida: PALs?

Pru: It's all our names. Pru, Abigail, and Lucky

Rapunzel: Cute!

(Hiccup gets off of Toothless.)


PRU: Is that a dragon?

LUCKY: Yep. Don't worry about Toothless, he's not that dangerous.

PRU: Cool. I'm Pru Granger and this is my horse, Chica Linda.

ABIGAIL: I'm Abigail Stone and this is my horse, Boomerang.

HICCUP: Nice to meet you all.

LUCKY: Come on! Let's go!

PRU: OK, we're coming.

Merida: Is she always impatient?

Cora: Can't keep her in one place.

(Hiccup follows the girls from the air as they reach the Frontier and Spirits' herd.)

HICCUP: Whoa. It's...

LUCKY: Breaktaking.

(Shows the Frontier and Spirits herd.)

Everyone: Whoa.

ABIGAIL: We can head to our fishing spot next.

PRU: We have school, remember?

ABIGAIL: Oh right.

LUCKY: You two go ahead. I'll join you in a bit.

Jim Prescott: Lucky...

Lucky shrugged her shoulders.

(Pru and Abigail left.)

HICCUP: You must have had a lot of adventures out here.

LUCKY: Yeah. Some of them I wish I could forget.

HICCUP: Like what?

LUCKY: You don't want to know. Anyway, I'll be heading to school, just stay out here as long as you want.

HICCUP: Didn't Cora want us to help out at her tea party later?

LUCKY: There will be plenty of time to help out. Besides I told Abigail that we would come right after school.

HICCUP: You're going to convince them to go on a fast ride?

LUCKY: Maybe? It'll be quick.

Pru: And by quick ride, she means a long ride.

Lucky: (Scoffs) That's not true. Ok maybe a little.

(The scene changed to the afternoon where Lucky, Spirit, Pru and Chica Linda were racing to the Prescott house.)

PRU: We can still make it on time. Maybe. Kinda.

LUCKY: Aunt Cora wouldn't yell in front of company, would she?

PRU: It's Abigail, I'm worried about. She's gonna kill us.

LUCKY: But she wanted to help out at my aunt's tea party.

PRU: Yeah, but she wanted us all to help out together.

Snotlout: You two are definitely related.

Lucky: Is it too late to make a run for it?

Hiccup: Possibly.

PRU: Ugh! I knew we should have gone straight to your house after school. Why did I let you convince me to go on a quick ride?

LUCKY: To be fair, I said a fast ride, not a quick one.

PRU: Well, we better go faster.

Cora rolled her eyes.

(The scene changed to the Prescott house in the living room with Cora and the Daughters of Miradero Aid Society.)

CORA: I was president of our local Ladies Auxiliary chapter back in the city, and I must confess I've missed it rather sorely. So I'm delighted and honored that you have chosen me to join the Daughters of Miradero Aid Society.

ALTHEA: It's our pleasure, Cora. You're a great addition. Look at this crackerjack meeting!

(Abigail comes in carrying the tray of Madeleines and the tray of tea cups. She almost lost her balance. Hiccup takes the tray of tea cups.)

ABIGAIL: Thanks.

Pru: Never give Abigail anything fragile.

Jack: Why?

Abigail: I'm known for tripping over my own two feet.

ABIGAIL: Madeleine?

ALTHEA: Don't mind if I do.

(Althea takes one.)

WOMAN #1: That's a lovely quilt, Cora.

CORA: Thank you. It's my most prized possession. It's been in my family for generatio—

(Lucky and Pru come running in.)

LUCKY: Sorry, Aunt Cora, we were just freshening up.

(Hiccup pulls a twig out of Lucky's hair.)

HICCUP: You went out on a ride?

LUCKY: Is it that obvious?

Lucky: I gotta work on my time.

ABIGAIL: I thought we agreed that the adventure today was preparing a proper tea party together, but you weren't here. I had to make all these madeleines all by myself, with my own two hands. Well, Boomerang helped mix the batter. But still!

Cinderella: How did you get a horse in the house?

Abigail: You don't want to know.

CORA: Uh, perhaps you girls would like to discuss this in the kitchen.

(Althea gave her madeleine to Clancy the Goose.)

Jack: Is that a goose?

Jim Prescott: Yeah, Clancy was a gift for Cora. It was supposed to be our Christmas dinner but Cora got attached to him and well, we kept him.

PRU: We're really sorry, Abigail.

LUCKY: We'll do all the cleaning up by ourselves.

PRU: We will?

(Lucky nodded her head at Pru.)

PRU: We will. (chuckles) You won't have to lift a finger. Promise.

ABIGAIL: Good, because these ladies have spilled so many crumbs, I thought I'd have to get Toothless and Boomerang in here to lick them up.

Lucky: You're joking, right Abigail?

Abigail: Maybe?

Hiccup: Oh gods.

CORA: [laughs nervously] oh, she's joking. I would never allow a barn animal into my home.

(Clancy jumped onto Cora's lap, surprising herself.)

CORA: Truly, girls, this is not the place for this sort of discussion.

ALTHEA: Ha! You should see the kind of shenanigans we get up to when we hold the meetings at my inn.

MS. FLORESS: I've seen more than one horse ridden into her parlor.

(The women laughed.)

Jim Prescott: At least you're making friends Cora.

Cora: Really funny Jim.

ALTHEA: Speaking of which, we need to discuss next weekend's ride.

CORA: (stammers) Ride? As in... on a horse?

ALTHEA: Well, we tried riding swans, but they're mean little critters. (Laughs)

Rapunzel: She's kidding, right?

Cora: I don't think she is.

LUCKY: Aunt Cora? Riding? (laughs)

(She stopped when Cora growled at her.)

Cora: Fortuna Prescott!

Lucky: No offense Aunt Cora but you're usually not the type for riding.

Jim Prescott: Actually, Valka got her on a horse.

Cora: Yeah, by tricking me onto it. She was so stubborn.

Astrid: Like mother, like son.

Cora: Did she also take you on a dragon ride?

Jim Prescott: Don't remember that.

Cora: Oh yeah, she did. You were screaming like a banshee the whole flight. (laughs)

Jim Prescott: I didn't scream. I was surprised. Big difference.

Tuffnut: Kind of like Astrid.

Astrid: That was different. That was because Toothless took us on a joy ride.

Hiccup: You're never gonna let me live that down, are ya?

Astrid: Not a chance.

LUCKY: Aunt Cora! Riding!

HICCUP: Nice save.

CORA: Well, it has been quite a while, but I love being astride the... steeds. (chuckles nervously.)

LUCKY: She sure does.

PRU: Oh yeah. She's a real horsewoman.

ABIGAIL: A rodeo champion.

CORA: Oh, you girls. (chuckles) Stop, stop.

ABIGAIL: She once broke a wild stallion in six seconds flat.

HICCUP: (Clears his throat.) I think they get it.

ALTHEA: I knew you had some country girl in you, Cora, under all that city.

(Cora chuckled then glared at the girls.)

Pru: Abigail!

Abigail: What? It sounded good to me.

Cora: Well, I wouldn't say a stallion. But it was the same amount of seconds to get Valka in a dress. And that wasn't easy.

Jim Prescott: I remember that. She punched me square in the jaw for holding her down. How could a skinny woman pack that big of a punch?

Snotlout: Did you lose any teeth? Cause that's what happened to me after someone punched me in the face. (eyeing Hiccup.)

Hiccup: I tried to warn you! You asked for it.

Jack: Remind me not to get on your bad side.

(The scene changed to the ramada. Cora started rubbing her hands nervously.)

CORA: Nothing to be afraid of. I can do this.

(Cora walks up to Spirit but she sees that he is bigger than she thought.)

CORA: I never noticed quite how tall this horse of yours is.

(Spirit nuzzled Cora)

CORA: Ah! Oh, I never!

LUCKY: (Laughs) He's just trying to tell you not to be nervous, Aunt Cora.

CORA: Pish posh. I'm not a bit nervous.

Jim Prescott: Sure you aren't.

Cora: James Prescott Jr!

Jim Prescott held his hands up in surrender.

ABIGAIL: Oh, good. I thought you might be scared because you were sweating.

CORA: I am not sweating. I am merely dewy, and a lady does not remark upon such things.

Lucky: This is gonna be harder than I thought.

HICCUP: It's gonna be fine, Cora.

LUCKY: Yeah. Pru is getting you the sweetest, gentlest horse in all of Miradero.

(Pru comes in with a white horse.)

PRU: Here he is Ms. Prescott. Malu is the perfect horse for you to learn on. Just give him a scratch behind the ears.

LUCKY: No. Feed him a sugar cube.

ABIGAIL: No. To make friends with a horse, first you have to look deep into his eyes, and once you've got them all hypnotized...

(She kissed Boomerang on the nose.)

ABIGAIL: Smooch him on the nose!

Kids: Ew!

Abigail: What? It works!

Tiana: That's like saying it's ok to kiss a frog.

CORA: Gracious!

LUCKY: I don't think Aunt Cora's the horse-kissing type. Come on, we made you mounting stairs.

(Lucky leads Cora to stacks of hay formed as steps.)

ABIGAIL: And I made sure the stirrups are good and tight so you won't fall off.

CORA: Oh my. I was so focused on getting onto the horse, I hadn't even considered the possibility of falling off.

Jim Prescott: Here we go.

(Pru brings Malu to the steps.)

LUCKY: Malu's a real gentleman. Heck, he's probably more scared of you than you are of him.

(Cora gets up the steps but stops.)

CORA: I have been on a horse before.


CORA: Yes. Once, when I was a girl. Briefly.

Lucky: At least it counts, right?

ABIGAIL: Well, it's just like... riding a bicycle?

CORA: Bicycles don't bite or kick. Oh, let's just get this over with.

(Cora gets on the horse but she sits sidesaddle. She almost slid off but the girls helped her back up.)

Merida: You know it's easier to ride forward, not sidesaddle.

Cora: That's not happening.

CORA: (sighs) Why is it so high? I don't remember it being so high.

HICCUP: It might be better if you didn't ride sidesaddle.

CORA: Oh, nonsense. Note my dignified and graceful profile.

(She almost fell off but the girls caught her.)

Lucky sighs.

Lucky: She'll never change.

CORA: Now, then, where are we riding to?

LUCKY: Well, I thought we'd go around the ramada a few times.

CORA: Will the Daughters of Miradero ride be around the ramada? Of course not. (voice breaks) Now, I am up a horse, and I fully intend to see this wonderful frontier you keep going on about. Which way is it?

PRU: Right this way.

(The girls and Hiccup saddled up then rode off slowly except for Cora. Pru grabbed Malu's reins and he started moving. Cora looked scared then closed her eyes.)

Flynn: Now that's just sad.

Merida smacks Flynn upside the head.

Flynn: Ow!

(They continued riding until they reached the frontier.)

LUCKY: You can open your eyes now, Aunt Cora.

(Cora opened her eyes and looked mesmerized at the view.)

LUCKY: It sure is something, isn't it?

ABIGAIL: Especially with your eyes open.

CORA: It's absolutely breathtaking. (Sees storm clouds rolling in) But it looks like there's a storm coming. Perhaps we should head back.

ABIGAIL: No way. The storm won't hit for hours. We can stay out here all day.

CORA:  Well, if you think– What's that?

(They turn to see a tree with claw marks.)

Merida: What is that?

Tarzan: Leopard maybe?

Pru: Worse.

PRU: Woah! Claw marks.

HICCUP: A wolf?

PRU: Nope. That's a mountain lion.

ABIGAIL: Uh, we should head back.

(A branch snapped, Malu got scared then started to run. The others followed him as Cora panicked.)

CORA: Help!

PRU: It's ok, Miss Prescott. Just hang on!

CORA: Where is he taking me?

ABIGAIL: Back to the barn! Probably.

(The scene quickly changed to the ramada where Cora was still on Malu with her eyes closed.)

Cora: That's the last time I ever rode a horse.

LUCKY: Aunt Cora!

HICCUP: You ok?

CORA: I'm fine. But I think I'll get out of next weekend's ride.

(They helped her get off the horse.)

CORA: I think I have had enough riding for one lifetime.

Jim Prescott: So much for getting you into riding.

(Pru saw her dad, Al Granger ride in with Governor the foal from Spirits' herd. Governor looked injured. Spirit looked worried.)

PRU: Dad, what's going on?

LUCKY: What happened to Governor?

ABIGAIL: Yeah, and where's his mom?

AL: A mountain lion attacked the herd up on Punta Libre. His mom didn't make it.

Everyone gasped.

Rapunzel: Poor thing.

Kala knew what it felt like to lose a loved one.


LUCKY: Oh no.

CORA: Oh, the poor little fellow.

(Spirit comfort Governor.)

PRU: (gasps) We saw signs of the lion just now. Scratches on a tree up on Punta Libre.

(Spirit started panicking about his herd.)

LUCKY: Go check on your herd, boy. We'll take care of him.

(Spirit runs off to his herd.)

LUCKY: Just be careful.

Hiccup: He'll be ok.

AL: Let's make up a stall for Governor.

(Changed to inside the barn.)

LUCKY: I got it ready Mr. Granger.

(Al puts Governor down on the hay.)

Rapunzel: Aww.

Fishlegs wiped a few tears away.

PRU: Oh, Governor.

ABIGAIL: Is he gonna be okay?

AL: I don't know. That mountain lion got Governor's leg with its claws.

PRU: Mom's not gonna be back for another two days.

HICCUP: Maybe I can give it a try. I've treated a few animals.

AL: And who is he?

LUCKY: This is Hiccup, he's my cousin. I trust him.

AL: Alright.

Al: You sure about this?

Hiccup: We've handled worse dragons. AT least this time it's not a Speed Stinger.

Lucky: A what?

HIccup: Long story.

AL: You girls remember. If you see that lion while you're out riding, make loud noises and stretch yourself up as big as you can while you back away.

CORA: Out riding? Absolutely not. That creature has brought down a horse. I won't have you anywhere near it.

LUCKY: But...

CORA: Fortuna Prescott, I forbid you to go riding ever again!

LUCKY: What? You can't!

Gobber: Bad idea. If the girl is anything like Hiccup, she'll find a way around that banned.

Lucky: Seriously?!

Hiccup: Yeah. I did get the riders to meet after dark for some secret lessons without my dad knowing. And yet, when he banned us from flying he still did patrol on Thornado.

Stoick clears his throat.

Hiccup sheeplessly chuckles.

CORA: This is not an argument you are going to win, Lucky. It's too dangerous, simple as that.

LUCKY: This is so unfair.

HICCUP: Hang on, Cora. I know you're worried about Lucky but that lion might just be passing through.

AL: Hiccup's right. That cat's just passing through. Too much activity with the railroad around here for him to settle down. I guarantee, a few days from now,  he'll be a hundred miles from here.

CORA: (sighs) Fine. Then I forbid you to ride for a few days, until Mr. Granger is certain that the lion is truly gone.

AL: That goes for all of you.

LUCKY: What about Spirit? If the lion finds him...

HICCUP: I'll go look for him.

Snotlout: Is he crazy?!

Hiccup: Have you met me?

Snotlout: Ok, fair point. But still!

CORA: What?

HICCUP: I've survived wild dragons and hunters. I'll be ok. And if anything goes wrong, I'll have Toothless with me.

(Toothless went to Governor and wrapped his wing around him.)


AL: I thought dragons were dangerous.

HICCUP: Not all of them are. It's their instinct to protect.

PRU: Cool. What kind of dragon is Toothless?

HICCUP: A Night Fury.

PRU: I bet there must be more of him.

HICCUP: Sadly no. Toothless is the only Night Fury I've seen. Last of his kind.

Jack knew what it was like to be lonely.

(The scene changes to the Prescott house with Cora and Lucky. Lucky was watching out the window, worried for Spirit as the storm came.)

CORA: Lucky, hand me that four-needle, please.

(Lucky gives the needle to Cora who was working on the quilt.)

LUCKY: Spirit hasn't come back yet.

CORA: I'm sure he survived many lightning storms before you ever met him.

LUCKY: It's not just the storm I'm worried about. That mountain lion. And I know Hiccup said he would check on Spirit but, I can't help but worry.

Elsa: That's one strong bond you have with that horse.

Lucky: Yeah. It is.

(Cora looked worried at Lucky then she had an idea.)

CORA: I have a wonderful idea. With your father out of town, it's officially a girls' night. And since you taught me how to ride, I'm going to return the favor and teach you how to quilt.

(Lucky stared at Cora blankly.)

CORA: You're old enough now to make your own panel for the Prescott family quilt.

LUCKY: Um, thanks, Aunt Cora, but...

CORA: My great-great-grandmother, your great-great-great grandmother Birdie, started this quilt. It tells the story of our family. For generations, Prescott women have sewn a panel for every important family event.

Hiccup: Is there one about Jim?

Cora: Well...

Jim Prescott: Please don't Cora!

Cora: I'll tell you later.

(Cora points out a few panels as Lucky sat down.)

CORA: This is a piece of the sail from the ship that first brought the Prescotts to this land. Oh, and this was your great-grandmother's wedding dress. Your father's christening outfit. He was a tiny thing, but he screamed like a banshee the whole time. That winter, there was a terrible blizzard. We were burning the furniture just to stave off freezing. But my mother wrapped me in this quilt, and it kept me warm. I daresay it kept me alive.

LUCKY: Wow. I've seen this quilt my whole life, but I never realized it was about you.

CORA: It's about us.

Lucky: Nice.

(The scene changed to the barn. Governor was terrified from the storm.)

HICCUP: Easy there. It's ok.

(Governor calmed down a bit.)

HICCUP: Toothless, keep an eye on Governor. I'm going to go look for Spirit. And I can't risk taking you out there.

(Toothless groaned worriedly.)

HICCUP: I'll be ok, Toothless.

(Hiccup takes Malu and he rides out of the barn to Spirit's herd.)

Jack: You have a death wish or something?

Hiccup: What? No!

(Lucky snuck out of the house and ran to the barn. But she didn't find Hiccup.)

LUCKY: Must have left already.

(She spotted Toothless.)

LUCKY: Toothless? I thought Hiccup... Oh no. He's gonna get killed by the mountain lion!

(She hops onto Toothless.)

LUCKY: Come on! We have to find him.

(They race out of the barn.)

Snotlout: Yep, it's a family trait.

Lucky/Hiccup: Hey!

(The scene changed to Spirit's herd who were taking cover under a rock formation from the storm. Just then, Spirit heard the mountain lion growl. He looked closer and the lightning flashes to reveal the mountain lion sort of smiling sinisterly and screeching. Spirit ordered his herd to run, leaving him behind to deal with the lion.)

Abigail: I can't look.

Lucky looked scared.

(Hiccup kept riding towards Spirit but suddenly, Malu looked scared then bucked Hiccup off his back and ran away.)

HICCUP: Just great.

(Hiccup heard Spirit neighing in pain and ran after the sound. He saw Spirit  fighting against the mountain lion and losing.)

Spirit comfort Lucky.

Lucky: It's ok boy. I'm ok.

HICCUP: Hang on!

(Hiccup used his powers to get the lion off of Spirit. He ran to Spirit trying to help him up but the mountain lion circled around them.)

Snotlout: It's the speed stingers all over again!

Riders: Shut up Snotlout!

(Just then, Lucky and Toothless appeared which scared the mountain lion away.)

HICCUP: Lucky?! What are you..?

LUCKY: I came to help.

HICCUP: We need to get Spirit out of here. He's hurt.

(Lucky helped get Spirit to stand but then they heard the sound of twigs snap.)

Abigail: It's back.

LUCKY: Is it the mountain lion?

HICCUP: No. The steps are heavier.

(Toothless growled protectively. The creature moved closer and was revealed to be a dragon, a Typhoomerang.)

LUCKY: What. Is. That?!

HICCUP: That's impossible. That's a Typhoomerang.

LUCKY: A what?

HICCUP: I'll explain later but right now, back away nice and slow.

Fishlegs: Anyone else think that dragon looks familiar?

Astrid: A little bit.

(Both Toothless and the Typhoomerang glared at each other. The two growled at each other.)

LUCKY: What's gotten into Toothless?

(Typhoomerang looked at Hiccup and Lucky then softened up.)

HICCUP: Hang on. I know this Typhoomerang.

(Hiccup walked closer to the dragon. He held out his hand then the Typhoomerang placed its snout on Hiccup's hand.)

Tuffnut: Is that Torch?

Hiccup: It is.

Fishlegs: No way.

Snotlout: Please tell me he didn't bring the family.

Heather: And you lost me. Who's Torch?

Hiccup: he's a Typhoomerang we found when we were kids.

Snotlout: Yeah, he took a real shine to you, Hiccup.

Lucky: What does that mean?

Hiccup: Well, Toothless and I found Torch when he was a baby and he kinda sort of thought I was his caretaker.

Dagur: So you actually...

Hiccup: Don't finish that sentence!

Dagur: Alright. Yeesh, touchy.

HICCUP: Torch?

(Torch rubbed his head against Hiccup.)

HICCUP: Nice to see you again.

LUCKY: You know this dragon?

HICCUP: He's a friend.

(Torch and Toothless started going at each other.)

HICCUP: Come on you two! Knock it off.

LUCKY: (laughs) Someone's jealous.

HICCUP: Don't start.

Torch and Toothless almost went at each other.

Sisu: Hey! Cut it out boys!

Both Torch and Toothless grumbled.

(Spirit started neighting in pain and collapsed to the ground.)

LUCKY: Spirit!

(Spirit panted in pain.)

LUCKY: He's getting worse. We won't make it on foot.

HICCUP: I got an idea. Help me get Spirit on Torch. He can carry all of us.

(They both got Spirit on Torch. Toothless climbs on then Torch flies off to the barn.)

Lucky: How did Torch get here in the first place?

Hiccup: I don't know.

(They arrive at the barn. Pru helped get Spirit in the barn with her dad. Lucky and Hiccup waited outside with Torch and Toothless.)

LUCKY: How did Torch get here?

HICCUP: I'm not sure. But thank Thor he did. Spirit wouldn't have made it.

LUCKY: Yeah.

(Torch rubbed his head on Lucky's shoulder.)

LUCKY: Thanks Torch.

(Pru and her dad came out of the barn.)

LUCKY: How is he?

AL: Spirit's gonna be fine. A few days of resting and he'll be back to running in no time.

Everyone sighed in relieve.

LUCKY: I'm gonna be grounded by Aunt Cora. So not much for me to do.

(Cora came running.)

CORA: Are you two alright? (Screams seeing Torch.) What is that?!

LUCKY: Long story Aunt Cora. But we're ok. Spirit's just gonna be on break for a while.

(Hiccup touched Torch then he started getting visions of what happened to Torch's family and how he got here through an unexpected portal. Hiccup snapped out of it.)

LUCKY: You ok?

HICCUP: Yeah but, Torch has no family. Dragon Hunters.

(Lucky and Cora gasped.)

LUCKY: Oh no.

CORA: Any chance you and your friends might let him stay?

HICCUP: I don't know. Toothless and Torch don't have the best history together.

LUCKY: I can take care of him. Spirit's recovering from the mountain lion and Torch seems to trust me.

Cora: I don't know.

Jim Prescott: Come on Cora. Lucky will be fine.

HICCUP: Well, I suppose so. But I'm gonna have to teach you.

LUCKY: Deal.

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