Episode 12: Midnight Scrum

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(The opening theme began to play, then the scene changed to the barn where Lucky was with Spirit and Governor and her stack of Boxcar Bonnie books.)

LUCKY: What'll it be? Boxcar Bonnie and the Comedian's Caper again? Or Boxcar Bonnie and the Haunted Belfry again?

(Hiccup comes over with Toothless.)

HICCUP: How about Boxcar Bonnie and the Girl Who Went Crazy Talking to Herself?

LUCKY: I wasn't talking to myself. That would be crazy. I was talking to the horses.

HICCUP: Either way, you need to get out of here Lucky, before they start answering back.

Lucky: That can't happen. Could it?

Astrid: Clearly you've never seen the twins.

LUCKY: I know. But I can't help but worry about Spirit.

HICCUP: Mr. Granger told you that Spirit just needs another week to recover. In the meantime, I got a better idea. I'm heading back to the edge and I talked to your dad about bringing you along.

LUCKY: Really?! Is he ok with it?

HICCUP: He's fine with it. As long as I look out for you.

Snotlout: Another one?

Hiccup: Watch it!

LUCKY: Perfect. But what about Spirit?

HICCUP: Pru and her dad will look after him.

LUCKY: Ok. But I'm riding Torch.

HICCUP: A week of lessons and you're already a dragon rider.

LUCKY: I might be just as good as you.

HICCUP: Slow down there.

(The two laughed. As they got on their dragons and flew through a portal.)

Abigail: I wish we could have come.

Pru: And you think horses around other dragons would be a good thing?

Abigail: Ok, good point.

(They reached Dragon's Edge. Lucky looked amazed.)

LUCKY: This is pretty cool.

HICCUP: You think that's cool? Wait till you see the inside.

(They landed inside the clubhouse. The rest of the riders were inside.)

ASTRID: Hiccup! Where have you been?!

HICCUP: It's a long story Astrid but I'm ok.

FISHLEGS: We thought something happened to you.

HICCUP: Why would you think that?

(Astrid held out a piece of paper that had a bounty on Hiccup.)

Everyone gasped.

Hiccup: You have got to be kidding me!

HICCUP: What the..?

ASTRID: Viggo put a bounty on you Hiccup.

SNOTLOUT: Now every bounty hunter from here to the archipelago is gonna be looking for you. (laughs)

(Torch smacks Snotlout, making him fall to the ground.)

LUCKY: Nice shot.

Snotlout: Rude.

Astrid: I'm starting to like Lucky.

ASTRID: Hiccup, who is that and where did that Typhoomerang come from?

HICCUP: This is my cousin, Lucky. And that Typhoomerang happens to an old friend.

FISHLEGS: Is that Torch?

ASTRID: I don't believe it.

RUFFNUT: That fact that Torch is here or that Hiccup has a cousin?

(Astrid glared at Ruffnut then she stopped.)

FISHLEGS: I wonder if Viggo's paying the bounty with Berk's gold?

TUFFNUT: That much irony should be illegal.

Jack: The twins always like this?

Hiccup: Sometimes it gets worse.

TUFFNUT: I demand a bounty be placed on us and let the hounds be released!

HICCUP: Tuffnut, enough about the bounty. Mine and yours. We have other things we need to do.

HEATHER: I hate to say it, Hiccup, but it might be a good idea to lie low for a while, until this cools off.

HICCUP: No way. That's playing right into Viggo's hands.

LUCKY: And even if you didn't, bounty hunters will still come after Hiccup, especially if they know all of the places you've been.

SNOTLOUT: Hey kid, the adults are talking here.

(Lucky groaned at Snotlout.)

Hookfang whacks Snotlout with his tail.

ASTRID: Hiccup, you can't still be planning on going to the party?

HICCUP: It's Berk's 400-year anniversary. You know what my dad would do to me if I missed it?

SNOTLOUT: And he's finally gonna nail you for losing all of Berk's gold. [laughs] It's gonna be epic.

LUCKY: Or he might just leave it be until the party's over. I mean, 400 years sounds like a big deal. But Astrid might be right, Hiccup. A crowded, public event is a good way for bounty hunters to slip in undetected.

HICCUP: I appreciate the concern, Lucky but I'm not hiding from anyone. We're going to the party.

Puss: I don't know.

Jack: Puss, it's a party, what could go wrong?

(The scene changed to Berk. The whole village was getting ready for the big party.)

GOBBER: Can you believe it, Stoick? Four hundred years. Makes you proud to be a Berkian.

STOICK: Yes, it does.

GOBBER: (clears his throat) Now, what else do we need on my list?

(Gobber pulled out a long list that almost reached the ground.)

Naveen: That is one long list.

STOICK: [sighs] I don't have to remind you, do I, that Berk's gold was lost to Viggo?

GOBBER: No, Chief. I was there.

(The dragon riders arrived on Berk.)

GOBBER: Don't be too hard on him about the gold, Chief. It wasn't all his fault. We were lucky to get off that island in one piece.

(Both Stoick and Hiccup faced each other.)

Snotlout: This is gonna be good!

Hiccup: Raven, could you..?

RavenDragon:On it!

RavenDragon used her magic to take Snotlout's voice.

RavenDragon: Should've done that 10 episodes ago.

(Hiccup looked a little nervous. Stoick's expression softened up.)

STOICK: How's life at the Great Beyond, Son?

(Snotlout popped up.)

SNOTLOUT: Ha! Funny you should ask, Chief. There's actually a...

(Hiccup quickly pushed Snotlout away.)

HICCUP: Yeah, it's great, Dad. How could it not be great? It's the Great Beyond. Right, guys? It's the Great Beyond. Right, guys?

(The riders muttered in agreement.)

HICCUP: So, how are things here?

STOICK: They've been better.

HICCUP: Yeah, about that. Uh, listen, Dad...

STOICK: We can discuss it later, Son. Always remember, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

HICCUP: Yeah. Got it. Loud and clear.

STOICK: Now, go enjoy yourselves. A party like this happens only once in 400 years.

(Stoick walks off.)

Snotlout folds his arms in disappointment.

Lucky: See? Told ya.

SNOTLOUT: That's it? What a rip-off!

TUFFNUT: Okay, you heard the man.

RUFFNUT: The party is on!

(The three of them walk away.)

Milo: A party for 400 years? Man, I wish I could see it.

ASTRID: Aren't you gonna tell him about the bounty?

HICCUP: No, I'm not. He has enough to deal with right now.

LUCKY: Hiccup, you're gonna have to tell him sooner or later.

HICCUP: Maybe. Just not now.

Flynn: I got a bad feeling about this.

Aladdin: You're not the only one.

(The scene changed to nightfall and the party was in full swing. Gobber had his face painted and his hook arm was replaced with a flag.)

GOBBER: We Berkians have come a long way in 400 years. For a long time, we were at war with the dragons, hunting them, killing them.

Hiccup: Laying it on a little thick, Gobber.

Gobber: Hey!

GOBBER: But that all changed one day, when some of our youngest Berkians had the guts to step up and take a stand. Ladies and Vikings, the time has come to look towards the future of Berk. I give you Hiccup and the Dragon Riders!

(Hiccup and the dragon rider appeared in the night sky as everyone awed. Every one of the riders wore face paint of different colors including Lucky.)

HICCUP: All right, guys. Let's give 'em a show to remember.

Rapunzel: This is so exciting!

Abigail: And Lucky's in the performance!

Pru: Awesome.

(First up was Astrid and Heather. Both flew towards each other then jumped off their dragons to each other. They clanged their wrist armor together then landed on the backs of their dragons as the crowd cheered.)

Astrid and Heather high-fived.

Poppy: Whoa!

Merida: Impressive.

(Changed to Snotlout and Hookfang who were on fire.)

SNOTLOUT: Comin' in hot!

(Hookfang used his body flame to light a bonfire in the town square. Everyone cheered.)

Toby: Awesomesauce!

(Changed to the twins who were using Barf and Belch to make a viking shape out of the gas.)

RUFFNUT: You're making the nose too big.

TUFFNUT: Everyone loves a strong, authoritative nose. Light it up, Belch!

(Belch lit the gas and the Viking shape lit up in the sky.)

Jack: Not bad.

Ruffnut: Work approved by Jack Frost!

Tuffnut: Indeed.

Bunny: Don't give Frostbite here any ideas.

Jack: Aww. Didn't know you care.

Bunny growled.

(Fishlegs then appeared flying right through the eye of the shape.)

FISHLEGS: Whoo! Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, Fishlegs!

Everyone laughed.

Mushu: Now that's a performance!

Astrid: How did we miss the lizard?

Mushu: Hey! Dragon! Not lizard! I don't do that tongue thing.

Mushu does it.

Mulan: Mushu!

Mushu: Alright, alright. I'll stop.

(Changes to Lucky and Torch. Torch did his spin move which created some sparks that looked like fireworks. Lucky then jumps up in the air, does a backflip and then lands on Torches' back. The crowd cheered wildly.)

Pru and Abigail cheered.

Jim Prescott: That's my girl!

Astrid: You sure you aren't a dragon rider?

Lucky: I've done tricks on Spirit before. My mom was a part of a circus before she married my dad. So I get that from her.

(Toothless and Hiccup flew into the crowd as they all cheered. Hiccup noticed three men whispering and staring at him.)

HICCUP: Bounty hunters.

(Hiccup and Toothless turned around and landed in front of the men, scaring them. Until No So Silent Sven stops him.)

SVEN: Please don't hurt them Hiccup.

HICCUP: Wait, you know these guys?

SVEN: Sure, they're my uncles. Whispering Waldo, Mute Marvin, and Soft Spoken Sam. They're just ship-lagged from their long journey.

HICCUP: Sorry, Sven, And you too, Muttering Mavin, Wailing Waldo, and... Never mind. Welcome to Berk.

(Hiccup and Toothless left. Unaware that two bounty hunters were watching and waiting from the shadows.)

Hiccup: Oh great.

(The scene changes to the Great Hall with Hiccup and Lucky.)

HICCUP: All right, I admit it. Living with a bounty on my head is more stressful than I thought. First Viggo gets our gold, now this.

LUCKY: Then talk to Viggo about this. He is your biological father.

HICCUP: I can't risk it. Besides, if my dad found out that I'm Viggo's child, he'll have a field day. Like he said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

LUCKY: And you're just going to listen to that advice?

HICCUP: Lucky, things are different here. And I haven't told the other riders. The last thing I need is to be treated like a traitor.

Some felt sympathetic towards Hiccup.

Viggo: (whispers) Hiccup...

HICCUP: I need some air.

(Hiccup leaves the Great Hall. Lucky looked a little worried for Hiccup. A mintue later, Lucky hears something.)

LUCKY: Hiccup?

(Lucky leaves the Great Hall. She finds two bounty hunters dragging an unconscious Hiccup to their ship.)

Hiccup: Not. A. Word.

(Lucky sneaks onto the ship and makes sure that she doesn't get caught.)

Cora: Lucky...

Lucky: What? Like I'm not going to leave him.

(The scene changes to the morning. Hiccup was down in the hold and tied up. Hiccup wakes up.)

HICCUP: What the..? (Sees his hands and legs tied up.) Oh great.

(Lucky sneaks over to Hiccup.)


HICCUP: Lucky? How did you get here?

LUCKY: I snuck on.

Pru: Yep. That's Lucky.

(Hiccup struggles to break the ropes.)

HICCUP: Find something sharp to cut the ropes.

(Lucky looks around the boxes until she finds a small knife.)

LUCKY: This'll work.

(Lucky started cutting the ropes when they heard the sounds of footprints.)

Astrid: Oh no.

Flynn: And this is the part where you get caught trying to escape.

HICCUP: Someone's coming. Go hide.

LUCKY: The ropes cut enough for you to escape.

(Lucky hides behind some boxes as the men come.)

AMOS: He's awake! Quick, Berthel, knock him out again.

HICCUP: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

AMOS: Why not?

HICCUP: Because you might accidentally kill me and Viggo wants me alive.

Aladdin: Really?

Hiccup: You try coming up with an excuse in a situation like that.

Dagur: Not your best work, Hiccup.

Hiccup: Not helping Dagur.

BERTHEL: Is that true?

AMOS: Well, what does the poster say?

BERTHEL: I lost it.

AMOSBerthel, you had one thing to do, hold the poster.

BERTHEL: Holding things is not my strong suit. You know that. (gestured to his hook hands.)

Tuffnut: This guy gave Gobber a run for his gold.

Peter Pan: Same with Captain Codfish.

Hook: It's Captain Hook!

RavenDragon: (groans) Loki, give me strength.

AMOS: Maybe we'll knock you out later.

(Lucky came out from behind the boxes.)

LUCKY: You know, if I were you two, I'd release him.

AMOS: (laughs) This is your recuse?! A little girl?!

LUCKY: Actually, our friends will be here any minute. With their dragons.

HICCUP: Their fire-breathing dragons.

AMOS: Your bluffin'.

(A loud thud was heard.)

LUCKY: Does it look like we're bluffin'?

(Amos and Berthel ran up to the deck, screaming.)

Heather: I can't believe they bought that.

Flynn: Wow. (laughs)

(Hiccup breaks free from the ropes.)

HICCUP: Thank Thor, the riders are here.

LUCKY: I don't know. That was awfully fast.

(They heard fighting along with Amos and Berthel screaming in fear and the sound of them hitting the water.)

Merida: How did you guys get there so fast?

Fishlegs: I don't think that was us.

HICCUP: Come on.

VOICE: Isn't this my lucky day?

(The camrea turned to the men who was actually Savage, the Outcast.)

HICCUP: Savage?

LUCKY: You know this guy?

HICCUP: Long story.

(Savage walked down the steps, laughing like a manic. Hiccup and Lucky dodged him and they managed to get up to the ship.)

LUCKY: We're trapped.

Hiccup: I can never catch a break.

Jack: Welcome to my world

(Savage tackled Hiccup to the ground.)

SAVAGE: Slippery one, aren't you?

HICCUP: Wait, Savage, you don't want to do this.

(He tossed Hiccup onto his ship. He then grabbed Lucky by her arm.)

SAVAGE: Can't have you warning anyone.

(He tossed her onto his ship. He then jumped onto his ship and sailed away.)

Spirit almost panicked.

Lucky: Spirit, it's ok boy. I'm right here.

(The scene changed to the camp. The dragon riders were already there along with Toothless who was on the back of Torch.)

FLYNN: How could you lose a skinny viking?!

ASTRID: Hiccup's out there with dozens of bounty hunters looking for him. We need all the help we can get.

MOANA: Luckily for you guys, some of us know the sea. We'll search from the water while you guys search in the air.

HEATHER: The Deep Sea Channel is calm this time of year and cuts right through to Viggo's island.

ASTRID: We'll follow the channel and hope he's on it.

Moana: At least we're able to help.

TUFFNUT: In the interest of full disclosure, Ruff and I have a price on our heads as well. (holds out a poster of the twins.)

RUFFNUT: We've been dropping these all over the archipelago.

FLYNN: Are these two serious?

SNOTLOUT: And after we get Hiccup back, I'm going to collect your bounty.

Stoick and Hiccup both groan.

(The riders took off as Moana, Kida, Flynn, and Tarzan dove into the water and transformed into their mermaid and mermen forms and swam. The scene changed to Savage's ship. He tied Hiccup and Lucky to the mast of his ship.)

SAVAGE: That'll hold you two good.

HICCUP: Savage, think about what you're doing. I'm the only one standing between Viggo and his rule. Once you hand me over–

SAVAGE: Quiet! I've been disrespected my whole life, but now, I'll be a Viking of legend.

LUCKY: You really think Viggo will respect you? He's playing you for a fool.

SAVAGE: At least I'll be a rich fool.

Gobber: Still a fool.

Mei: This guy is kind of...

Pru: Crazy?

Abigail: Gullible?

Hiccup: Try both.

HICCUP: If gold is what you want, Berk has more gold than you can imagine. Stoick will pay you double what Viggo is offering.

SAVAGE: (laughs) Nice try, Hiccup. Berk has no gold. Everyone knows that.

LUCKY: News travels fast.

HICCUP: (whispers) You still have that gem I gave you?

LUCKY: (whispers) Yeah. Why?

HICCUP: (whispers) Just trust me.

(Hiccup slips out from the ropes then helps Lucky. Hiccup trips up Savage.)

HICCUP: Head for the water.

(They tried to jump but Savage pulled them back onto the ship.)

Hiccup: Come on!

Lucky: Seriously?!

SAVAGE: Gonna swim home with your hands tied?

(Savage pulls off Hiccup's peg leg.)

SAVAGE: Now, you can't run either.

(Someone hit Savage on the back of his head, knocking him out. It was Flynn, holding a frying pan.)

FLYNN: Gotta love frying pans.

HICCUP: Flynn!

(Moana and Kida climb out of the water.)

Flynn: And Flynn Rider saves the day!

Merida: Oh brother.

(Kida cuts Hiccup and Lucky free.)

KIDA: Your friends told us about the bounty. We're here to rescue you.

HICCUP: You have no idea how happy I am to see you guys.

LUCKY: (hands Hiccup his peg leg.) You might need this.

(Hiccup puts his leg back on.)

HICCUP: Let's get back to the camp. There are bounty hunters everywhere.

MOANA: The island's magic can keep you hidden. For now, you're safe.

(A masked bounty hunter appears in front of them.)

HICCUP: Is anyone not after me?!

Tuffnut: Dagur, Alvin...

Hiccup: They get it Tuff.

(The masked man attacked but Kida jumped in and held off the man. She kicked him towards the mast, making him unconscious.)

KIDA: Now, you're safe.

LUCKY: Now that was amazing.

FLYNN: I could have done that too.

(Kida felt something hit the back of her neck then collapsed.)

MOANA: Tranquilizer darts.

(Two more hit Flynn and Moana. Hiccup looked to see that it was the masked man. The screen went black.)

Maui: Karma!

Moana: Knock it off, Maui.

(The scene changed to the dragon riders on Savage's ship minutes after Hiccup and Lucky were taken. Stoick was there too on Skullcrusher. Stoick had Savge pinned to the ground.)

STOICK: Where is he taking my son?!

SAVAGE: I don't know where he is. One minute I was holding his leg, and the next, I woke up and he and the girl were gone. I swear it.

KIDA: He's telling the truth. A masked viking took us by surprise. He must have Hiccup and Lucky.

SNOTLOUT: You let some random guy beat you?

FLYNN: He was very skilled.

Milo: Skilled or not, he still got you guys.

STOICK: Where is he taking Hiccup?

(Savage didn't say a word. Before Stoick could do anything, Torch scared the answer out of Savage.)

SAVAGE: Sleipnir Island. Ryker is waiting there with the gold. I don't know what they're gonna do to them.

(Stoick let Savage go.)

SAVAGE: It's his own fault he got grabbed, not mine.

(Moana hit Savage over the head with Flynn's frying pan.)

MOANA: Huh? That is satisfying.

Flynn: Told ya.

Jack: Was that before or after Rapunzel did the same thing to you?

Flynn: Shut up Jack.

KIDA: We're coming with you.

FISHLEGS: Well, someone has to fly on Toothless. I think he and Torch are almost at it again.

FLYNN: I'll do it. I mean, how hard can it be?

HEATHER: It's your funeral.

Hiccup glared at Flynn.

Flynn: What?! Like I'm gonna do anything wrong!

(Flynn got on Toothless. He pressed on the device that opens the tailfin then Toothless shot up into the sky while Flynn screamed.)

MOANA: That was quick.

(Astrid pulled Kida to the side.)

ASTRID: I thought there were four of you.

KIDA: Tarzan stayed in the water in case something went wrong. If anyone can find Hiccup and Lucky, it's him.

(They left the ship.)

Astrid: He can do that?

Terk: Why do you think we call him the King of the Jungle?

(The scene changed to Sleipnir Island where the masked viking was dragging Hiccup and Lucky to Ryker. Hiccup almost made a break for it but the masked viking wrapped a chain around his neck.)

MASKED VIKING: Don't do that, again.

(He continued dragging them both to a cliff where Ryker was waiting.)

RYKER: Finally. Hiccup Haddock. No dragons to save you, no friends to save you. All alone. (sees Lucky.) The girl?

MASKED VIKING: A stowaway.

(Ryker almost grabbed Hiccup but the masked viking yanked the chain pulling him away.)


(Ryker dropped the sack which was full of rocks instead of gold.)

Pru: It's a trick?

Hiccup: See? You can't trust them.

(The masked viking looked angry.)

MASKED VIKING: No gold, no prize.

(A familiar yell echoed.)

Terk: Here we go!

(Tarzan swung in and kicked the masked viking, making him let Hiccup and Lucky go.)


(Hiccup and Lucky ran as Tarzan swung after them. Ryker and his men followed.)

Lucky: Now I get the whole "King of the Jungle".

Terk: See?! Does my best bud know how to make an entrance or what?!

(Hiccup and Lucky ran through the forest.)

HICCUP: There's gotta be a dragon on this island somewhere.

LUCKY: Well, we need to think of something fast!

(Tarzan spotted them from the trees, he swooped down and grabbed them. Tarzan hid them in the trees.)

TARZAN: Quiet.

(The hunters couldn't find them, and they went away.)

HICCUP: That was close.

Heather: I'll say.

TARZAN: We have to leave now.

HICCUP: Agree.

(Tarzan helped them down but the masked man pounced on Hiccup.)

MASKED VIKING: I'll take you to Viggo myself.

(Hiccup grabbed the mask. He regionized the viking.)

HICCUP: Wait, I know you. You were at Viggo's auction.

Riders: What?!

(Tarzan pushed the man off Hiccup.)

HICCUP: Thanks.

(The sound of dragons roaring rang in the skys.)

LUCKY: Hiccup, look.

(They see the dragon riders, Moana, Flynn, Kida, and Stoick coming their way.)

Hiccup: At least it's over.

Ryker: (whispers) Not yet.

(They landed on the island.)

MOANA: Are you guys ok?

LUCKY: Other than dragon hunters looking for us, we're ok.

FISHLEGS: I don't see any hunters.

HICCUP: We gave them the slip. Let's just get out of here before they come back.

FLYNN: Please. I don't know how you handle this dragon.

Toothless growled at Flynn.

Flynn: Oh come on! Does every creature hate me?!
Peter Pan: Most likely.

(They leave the island.)

STOICK: Hiccup,

HICCUP: I know what you're going to say dad. I should have told you about the bounty.

SNOTLOUT: You should have seen Stoick. He was mad, well madder.

Stoick: You don't mess with a Haddock without paying the price.

Dagur: Learned that one the hard way.

STOICK: Yes, but it's more than that. We're allies, peers. The people of Berk depend on us to keep them safe. And if we're gonna do that, we can have no secrets between us.

HICCUP: I understand.

LUCKY: Those hunters are still going to keep looking for you, cousin.

HICCUP: I know. Which is why I'm going back to the hidden island. The hunters wouldn't think to look there. I'll stay there until the heat dies down. Until then, Astrid will be in charge of the Dragon Riders until I get back.

STOICK: Alright. Just be safe, Hiccup.

HICCUP: I know dad.

FLYNN: Would a ball and chain work to keep you from wandering off?

HICCUP: Not unless you want to be dragon food.

FLYNN: Never mind.

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