Episode 13: A Fright to Remember

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RavenDragon: Hang on. Time for a little change in decoration.

RavenDragon used magic to have Halloween decorations cover the theater.

Everyone: Wow.

Puss: Most frightening.

Donkey: Yep. Nothing better than Halloween.

RavenDragon: And one more thing.

RavenDragon brings in Winnie, Mary, and Sarah Sanderson and the Nightmare Before Christmas cast into the theater.

Winnie: What witchcraft be this, sisters?

Mary: I do not know. But I smell children.

RavenDragon: Welcome Sanderson Sisters and members of Halloween Town. And no sucking the lives of children!

Winnie: Another witch? How hast thou brought us back in the living world?

RavenDragon: Just a little teleportation spell. Anyway, this is a halloween episode, so if any of you are squeamish, feel free to blindfold yourselves.

Jack S: Now this is a halloween miracle.

North: Oh great. Skellington's here.

Winnie: Will we stay?

Mary: We do not want to repeat last time.

Sarah: We turned to dust. Dust, dust, dust, dust...

Winne elbowed Sarah in the stomach.

RavenDragon: Thank you. Now then, enjoy this spooky episode. Oh, and there's spooky treats too on the snack table.

(The opening theme played then the scene changed to the forest at night. Jim Lake, Toby, Hiccup, Jack, Mulan, and Lucky were out in the forest.)

LUCKY: So where exactly are we?

TOBY: I think we're lost.

JACK: We're not lost. Just taking the scenic route.

Bunny: So lost?

Jack: Very funny Kangaroo.

Bunny: I'm a bunny!

MULAN: I told you I should have led.

JACK: Will you relax?! I know where we are.

HICCUP: And just where is that?

JACK: Um... Well...

TOBY: And we're lost.

(They walk til they reach a small swamp and a house there too.)

LUCKY: Who lives there?

JACK: (realized) Oh no.

Miguel: You had to pick there?

Jack: Hello?! Future!

Mirabel: I'm confused. Who lives in that?

MULAN: Let's get out of here. Now!

HICCUP: What? What's going on?

JIM L: Shrek lives there. And he sees us in his swamp then we're in big trouble.

HICCUP: What's so scary about him?

TOBY: Hello?! He's an ogre! He'll grind our bones up after peeling off our skin.

SHREK: (Off Screen) Actually, that's giants.

(Toby shrieks as the camera turns to Shrek who was behind them.)

Jack S: And I thought I could scare kids.

Shrek: That was the old me.

TOBY: We're dead, we're dead, we're dead.

JIM L: Tobes. Not helping.

(Shrek laughs then stops)

SHREK: You guys are too easy.

JACK: Ok, ok. You got us. Hiccup, Lucky, this is Shrek. He always scares the newbies. And sometimes the rest of us.

TOBY: I knew that.

SHREK: Says the guy that screamed like a little girl.

Toby: I do not scream like a girl.

Claire: Look out, Blood Goblins!

Toby shrieks.

Claire and Jim L laughed

Toby: That wasn't funny!

LUCKY: Sorry if we were trespassing.

SHREK: Na! I don't mind. Come inside, I got some swamp rat soup on.

JACK: We're good.

HICCUP: I'll pass.

SHREK: Your loss.

(They see the door slightly open.)

SHREK: Hold the phone. Who left the door open?

MULAN: You don't think someone is inside?

SHREK: Now who would be stupid enough to break into an ogre's house?

Fiona: I'll give you two hints.

Donkey: I heard that!

(They walk in then almost half the camp was in there trying to scare Shrek.)

SHREK: (Flatly) Oh wow. Terrifying. I don't know how I'll ever sleep now.

JACK: Hey everyone.

DONKEY: What?!

MUSHU: Come on!

FLYNN: You said this was gonna scare him.

HICCUP: (Sarcastic.) Yeah, he's shaking in his boots.

Oogie Boogie: Meh. I've done better.

RavenDragon: No one cares, ya overstuffed potato sack!

Oogie Boogie: Now that's just plain mean.

DONKEY: Admit it Shrek, you were a little scared.

SHREK: Donkey, how many times do we have to go through this? Ogres don't get scared.

HICCUP: Will someone explain what in the name of Thor is going on here?

JIM L: Donkey and Mushu do this every time. They try to scare Shrek and it backfires.

MUSHU: Oh please! I bet any one of us could out last you!

SHREK: Oh really? And what are you proposing there lizard?

MUSHU: First off, it's dragon, DRAGON! Not lizard! Second, tonight all of us tell scary stories all night long.

PUSS: Yes! Stories to make your blood run cold.


PUSS: Stories to terrify you.

MUSHU: Yeah!

PUSS: And whoever shall last through the night, shall be named the King of Scares.

DULCINEA: (clears throat) Or queen.

Snotlout: Good luck scaring Hiccup. He's unscarable.

Merida: I doubt that.

Shrek: No one can be that unscarable.

Gobber: Every time I would tell a scary story, the others would be screaming and Hiccup, well nothing.

SHREK: I accept.

DONKEY: We doubly accept.

SHREK: Does anyone else want to join our little contest?

(Half the camp agreed.)

MULAN: I got patrol tonight so I'll pass.

TOBY: Same.

JIM L: Come on, Tobes. It'll be fun.

TOBY: That's what you said last time and I still have nightmares!

Claire: Drama king.

Toby: I heard that!

JIM L: Suit yourself.

(The half that didn't agree to the bet left.)

MUSHU: Now, let's get started!

SHREK: Whoa. Hey, hold on. I didn't say we were doing this here.


SHREK: You name the terms, I name the place.

DONKEY: Ok, fine! Where we gonna do this?

Fishlegs whimpered.

Astrid: Will you relax Fishlegs? I'm sure it's somewhere scary.

(The scene changed to the old Villains castle. Thunder roared and lightning flashed.)

Astrid: I take it back.

RAPUNZEL: The villain's castle?

JASMINE: But it's forbidden.

MOANA: So? You're willing to turn down a challenge?

Merida: Glad I am not alone.

SHREK: If you're all too scared to put in big boy pants and go in, I'll just claim my winnings and be on my way.

DONKEY: Now wait a minute! We can handle it.

SHREK: Great. Let's go.

(Shrek opens the doors to the castle. They all go in.)

Cinderella: I got a bad feeling about this.

Kida: We'll be fine. I hope so.

MIRABEL: It doesn't look that bad.

(The door suddenly slammed shut.)

FLYNN: You were saying?

JIM L: Well, at least it's not dark.

(The lights flickered and the candles went out.)

LUCKY: You had to jinx it.

Toby: I told you Shrek would do anything to scare us.

Shrek: That's not me.

(Hiccup pulls out his dragon blade, giving them some light.)

HICCUP: Now we have light.

SHREK: Perfect. Follow me.

MUSHU: Now hold up! You can't just go barging into some creepy, spooky joint like you own the place.

SHREK: And why not? It's not like there's anyone here to stop us.

DONKEY: I still don't know about this, man. I'm getting a creepy Haunted Mansion vibe.

(The scene changes to Maleficent watching them from the Evil Queen's magic mirror.)

MALEFICENT: So the heroes are here. Perfect.

(She opens the book that has the rest of the villains.)

Maleficent smiled snisterly.

MALEFICENT: Now I'll give them a real scare.

(She tries to touch one of the pages but the magic blocks her from releasing the villains.)

MALEFICENT: Rats! A blood lock. I need the blood of the one who trapped us in that book. Or rather, a descendant. And there's one villain that hasn't been banished in this book, or three.

Sarah: She's talking about us, Whinnie!

Winnie: Of course she is, you fool!

(The scene changes to the heroes in one of the rooms that Shrek picked.)

SHREK: Alright, the sooner I scare the lot out of you all, the sooner I can cozy in my bed.

PUSS: I find myself agreeing with boss. This night promises to be entertaining.

DONKEY: You know what? I just figured out what you came as. You came as a kiss-up!

(Puss yowled and drew his sword.)

CLAIRE: Knock it off you two.

Fiona: Those two always butt heads with each other.

Donkey: Not always!

SHREK: Anyone else think they've got what it takes?

MERIDA: I got this one.

(The princesses groan.)

MOANA: You're not gonna tell that story again are you?

MERIDA: Please. It scares you lot.

LUCKY: What story?

MERIDA: The story of Mor'Du.

Fergus: (laughs) I love that one!

Elinor: Oh god.

SISU: Who? Never heard of him.

MERIDA: Right. You guys are new.

(Merida starts telling the story. Hiccup hears something coming from the hallway. He sneaks away but JIm L follows.)

Snotlout: This can't be good.

(Maleficent used the mirror to spy on them.)

MALEFICENT: Now for the witches.

(Maleficent lit the Black Flame Candle. The Sanderson Sisters appear.)

Mary: It's us!

Winnie: Now we can get our revenge!

RavenDragon shocks them.

RavenDragon: I warned you.

WINNIE: Sisters. We are back in the living world!

MARY: But how?

MALEFICENT: You're welcome.

WINNIE: Maleficent! (bows to her) Mistress of Evil. Thank thee for returning us to the living world.

MALEFICENT: Save the gratitude for later. Right now, I need to free the rest of the villains from their prison.

WINNIE: Allow us to serve you. What is it you need?

MALEFICENT: The blood of the one who imprisoned us. In this case, a descendant.

MARY: Who exactly?

Winnie: (groans) Why was I cursed with such idiotic sisters?!

Sarah: Just lucky I guess.

WINNIE: The White Witch, you buffoon!

MALEFICENT: Correct. And I might have a feeling I know which one is the descendant. The mirror never lies. Bring the descendant to me.

WINNIE: Consider it done. Come Sisters!

(The Sanderson Sisters disappear.)

Everyone looked confused.

Kida: The White Witch?

Pocahontas: She's the one that locked the villains away. No one knows who she was.

(The scene changed to Hiccup and Jim L.)

JIM L: You good?

HICCUP: I thought I heard something. It's probably nothing.

(Zero the ghost dog barked and floated towards them.)

Fishlegs/Snotlout: Ghost!

Astrid: Chickens.

Isabelle: Aww. It's a cute ghost.

Zero barked.

JIM L: Zero?

HICCUP: You know this ghost?

JIM L: He's Jack Skellington's dog. But he's in Halloween Town. I don't know why Zero's out here.

(Zero barked again at the shadows. Jack Skellington appeared from them.)

North: Oh great.

Skellington: You're still mad at me?

North: For ruining Christmas?! Yes!

SKELLINGTON: Sorry for the scare. But I came to warn everyone. The Sanderson Sisters are back.

JIM L: That's impossible. They were destroyed 300 years ago.

SKELLINGTON: Well, someone brought them back.

Po: Maleficent did.

HICCUP: Who are they?

SKELLINGTON: You never heard of the Sanderson Sisters? They are the worst and terrible witches that ever lived. Whinnie, Mary, Sarah Sanderson had planned to suck the lives of all the children to keep them young forever. Their book contains some of the worst and evil spells. And they managed to get one child's soul, Emily Binx, the little sister of Thackery Binx. They also transformed him into a cat and cursed him to be immortal with his guilt. As punishment, they were hanged by the living. Before they died, Whifred casted a curse where they would return if the Black Flame Candle was lit.

Winnie: And now we run amok!

Sarah: Amok, amok, amok, amok...

Winnie: Enough! (elbows Sarah in the stomach.)

HICCUP: We need to warn the others.

WINNIE: (Off screen) Leaving so soon?

(The camera turns to the Sanderson Sisters.)

WHINNIE: We're just getting started. (Laughs wickedly.)

SKELLINGTON: I'll go warn the others. Just get out of the castle and fast! Follow Zero!

(Skellington disappeared. Jim L and Hiccup followed Zero.)

WINNIE: Let the hunt begin! Sistahs!

(The Sisters chase after Hiccup and Jim L.)

Winnie: Oh I miss this.

Oogie: Meh.I've done better than Sandy Sister.

Winnie: Silent, you potato sack!

Winnie used her powers to shock Oogie and he fell out of his seat.

Winnie: Haven't lost my touch, sistahs.

HICCUP: This is the weirdest night in my life.

JIM L: I've seen weirder. Trust me.

Hiccup: How weird?

Toby: Would you believe goblins and trolls?

Gobber: I knew it! Ha! I was right!

Poppy: Hello? Two trolls here!

(They bumped into Claire, Mirabel and Merida.)

JIM L: What are you guys doing here?

MERIDA: Skellington warned us that the Sanderson Sisters are back. Everyone managed to get out but the Sisters got your cousin.

HICCUP: Lucky.

CLAIRE: We tried to follow them but we lost them.

Pru/Abigail: What?!

Lucky: I'm right here guys.

JIM L: We don't even know how those witches got free. None of us lit the Black Flame Candle.

CLAIRE: We need to find them. They could be anywhere.

MERIDA: Well. The castle was designed for all the villains. They each have their own chambers, including the Sanderson Sisters. We find their room, we find Lucky.

(Zero barked.)

JIM L: I think Zero might know the way.

MIRABEL: You guys go ahead. I need to talk to Hiccup for a bit.

(Claire, Jim L, and Merida left.)

HICCUP: You ok?

MIRABEL: I saw something when Winifred grabbed me. Flashes of her life. But I couldn't tell what they were.

Winnie: My memories are not for anyone to see.

HICCUP: Maybe there's more to them than what's been told.

MIRABEL: Come on.

(The scene changed to a dusty old library filled with different books.)

MIRABEL: There must be something in here.

(They search the bookshelves. Hiccup pulled out one book that had all three names of the Sanderson Sister.)


MIRABEL: Open it.

(Hiccup slowly opened the book. A swirl of green, red, and purple magic circled them and they were pulled into the book.)

Mirabel: What just happened?

Rapunzel: Was it cursed?

Winnie: No. Tis but a memory book that my sisters and I enchanted to hold our memories.

Moana: Kind of like the Tree of Memories.

Mary: Not exactly.

Winnie: The book contains memories of us before we became villains. Not everyone gets to have their stories told.

(Hiccup and Mirabel ended up in Salam, 1653.)

HICCUP: Where are we?

MIRABEL: I think we're in Salam.

HICCUP: Then where's

YOUNG WINIFRED: Out of my way!

(Sixteen year old Winifred Sanderson marched furiously through the village pushing everyone and everything out of her way.)

Winnie: That's me. Don't I look so young and beautiful?

Hans: Oh as beautiful as the stepsisters.

Winnie: And thou art some prize?!

Anna snickered.

MIRABEL: I'm guessing that's...

VILLAGER #1: Winifred Sanderson.

VILLAGER: #2: Wicked witch!

(Most of the villagers whimpered in fear or called her names.)

MIRABEL: Come on.

(Hiccup and Mirabel followed young Winifred to her house. Inside, young Mary and Sarah were waiting for Winifred to return.)

Merida: What's got you in a bad mood?

Winnie: I'd rather not say.

Mary: Wasn't it because the Reverend forced you too...

Whinnie: Shut up!

Mary: Sorry Winnie

HICCUP: What's wrong with her?

MIRABEL: I think we're about to find out.

(They watched as young Sarah and Mary held up a banner to celebrate Winifred's sixteenth birthday.)

WINNIE: This is the worst day of my life!

(Sarah and Mary panicked and tossed the banner aside.)

SARAH: But Winnie, we made you a treat. Try some.

MARY: Tis divine!

WINNIE: I cannot eat. I am too troubled.

MARY: Didst the Turner boys lock thee in the hat barrack again?

Rapunzel: Again?

Mary: We were a favorite among Salam.

WINNIE: Worse. I've been told I'm getting... old, and I must marry... John Pritchett. (Gagged)

(Mary and Sarah gasped.)

MIRABEL: Her? Getting married? But she's only sixteen.

HICCUP: Some villages have their children be married at the age of sixteen.

Milo: That's actually true.

Anna: But she can't marry someone she hasn't met.

Merida: This is the three clans all over again.

Winnie: Thou has been betrothed?

Merida: I got out of it.

Mary: Anyone else?

Isabelle, Anna, Belle, Jasmine, Esmeralda and Astrid raised their hands.

WINNIE: Reverend Transkei arranged it. He said it was his duty since father died.

SARAH: Didst thee say no?

WINNIE: Of course. Then I took the Lord's name in vain twice.

MARY: (chuckles) Thou art most wicked, Winnie.

WINNIE: Only a truly wretched man can make me say such things.

(Winnie takes a plate and smashes it on the ground.)

Merida: This guy must be horrible.

Winnie: Thou has no idea.

Lucky: I can't help but feel sorry for them.

Snotlout: And how is it that they can't see Hiccup and Mirabel?

Moses: They are in a memory. They can't be see or heard by anyone in the past.

MARY: There, there, there, Winnie. Let us forget the Reverend and John Pritchett.

(Winnie whimpered.)

MARY: Wouldst thee like to open thy presents?

(Winnnie's mood quickly changed as Mary fetched her present.)

SARAH: You will love it.

(Mary hands Winnie the box.)

SARAH: We searched for the largest one we could find.

(Winnie opened the box that had a spider inside it.)

WINNIE: It is adorable.

RavenDragon stuttered.

Lance: Spider! (shrieked)

Winnie: Tis not that scary.

(Someone banged on the first door.)

WINNIE: It is the Reverend. Hide. Act as if we're not here.

(Winnie hides behind the wall near the door as Mary and Sarah hide behind their bed.)

REVEREND: Open this door!

SARAH: We're not here!

(Winnie shushed Sarah as she went back to hiding. Winnie fixed her skirt and hair before opening the door.)


(The whole village gathered at the house calling her a devil.)

Anna: She seemed so calm.

Winnie: I'm used to those imbeciles.

(Reverend Transkei walked through the crowd.)

MIRABEL: That must be the Reverend.

HICCUP: This guy? Not too bright if you ask me.

REVEREND: Winifred Sanderson. I will mercifully give thee one more chance. Atone for thy disgusting words and agree to marry John Prichett.

(John Pritchett smirked.)

MIRABEL: This guy? No wonder Winifred holds a grudge.


JOHN: Oh, praise God.

(Everyone turned to him.)

JOHN: I apologize, Reverend. It is only she is so ugly and unpleasant.

WINNIE: And thou art some prize?

(The villagers gasped as her sisters giggled. Even Mirabel and Hiccup struggled to not laugh.)

Belle: He's worse than Gaston.

REVEREND: Oh, it is true, he is quite odd. But how dare thou sayeth so.

VILLAGER #1: She cannot speak that way to a man.

WINNIE: I refuse to marry that lout. If I shall marry anyone, it will be Billy Butcherson.

Heather: So that guy was her lover?

Billy Butcherson appeared from the ground.

RavenDragon: Sorry Billy.

Billy: Not a problem. And to answer your question, I am not that withering hags lover. We shared one kiss and that was it!

Most people freaked out seeing Billy.

Toby: Zombie! Please don't eat us.

Billy: Do I look like the type of zombie that eats people?! I've been asleep since 1983 and til alive... ish since Winifred awakened me.

(Young Billy Butcherson looked confused.)

BILLY: What? Why me?

WINNIE: Because we are soulmates.

BILLY: Since when?

WINNIE: Since we shared that kiss in the graveyard.

(The whole village gasped and groaned.)

Rapunzel: I'm guessing the village didn't approve.

WOMAN: #1: She relishes in her petulance.

WINNIE: Correct. Goodbye.

(She closed the door but the Reverend stopped the door from closing. He was angry that his face was turning red.)

REVEREND: Thou has defied the authority of the Church. If thou doth wish to continue in such flagrant disregard of all that we hold sacrosanct, thou shall not do it here. We want no more like thee. I banish thee from Salem.

(The girls gasped as the whole village clamored.)

REVEREND: Forever.

Everyone gasped.

Merida: Banishment?! Over her choice not to marry?!

Esmeralda: And I thought Frollo was bad but the Reverend is so much worse.

REVEREND: Take the girls.


(One of the men marched into the house and dragged Sarah and Mary away, screaming.)

WINNIE: You can't do that. Take your hands off my sisters.

MARY: No! Stop it! This is our home.

REVEREND: Oh, not anymore. The kind Smiths have agreed to take thy sisters and turn them right!

WINNIE: Stop! Thou cannot take my sister!

(Winnie tried to chase after them but some of the villagers held her back.)

Abuela knew the pain Winnie went through.

Winnie covered her eyes as Mary comforted her.

(The book teleported Mirabel and Hiccup out of the memory.)

MIRABEL: The Sandersons hold a grudge because of what the Reverend did. No wonder they're a little testy.

(The door burst open and the Sanderson Sisters marched in.)

HICCUP: Oh no.

WINNIE: Surprise! (cackles) Looking for this?

(Mary pulls Lucky in front of them.)

HICCUP: Let her go!

WINNIE: Not until we have what we need. The blood of the White Witch.


SARAH: Let me bewitch them, Winnie.

WINNIE: No! I have a better idea.

Lucky: I'm not liking where this is going.

WINNIE: Hand over the boy, or thy girls life is mine! (pulls out the life potion.)

JIM L: (off screen) Not on our watch!

(The camrea turned to both Jim L and Claire, who had her Shadow Staff. Jim L pulled out his amulet.)

Toby: He's gonna do it, he's gonna do it!

Hiccup: Do what?

Jim L: You'll see.

JIM L: For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!

(The amulet glowed then armor appeared on Jim L and the Sword of Daylight was in his hand.)


MARY: Winnie, isn't that..?

WINNIE: Impossible! What kind of magic hast doth possess?!

CLAIRE: The kind that will send you witches six feet under.

Hiccup: What was that?

Blinky: The troll hunter amulet. Master Jim is the first human troll hunter.

Hiccup: Troll hunter?

Jim L: Long story.

Snotlout: Didn't you have a thing for trolls, Hiccup?

Hiccup: I was four.

(Lucky stomped on Mary's foot making her let go then Lucky ran out of the castle.)

WINNIE: I'll have your guts for garters, girl!

MARY: Sorry Winnie.

(Chaire summoned a portal that got both Sarah and Mary.)

WINNIE: You little witch!

(Winnie summoned her green lightning then tried to blast Claire but Jim L shielded her.)

Winnie: Confound it!

(The portal opened up again and spat out Sarah and Mary.)

WINNIE: Enough of this!

(Winnie blasted them out of the way then grabbed Hiccup. She used her finger nail to scratch Hiccup's arm and got some blood on the nail.)

WINNIE: We got what we wanted. Sisters!

(The three of them disappeared in a puff of smoke.)

Skellington: Why did they need Hiccup's blood?

LUCKY: They're gone.

MIRABEL: At least this is all over.

HICCUP: Now let's get out of here.

CLAIRE: Way ahead of you.

(Claire opened a portal that brought them all outside.)

MIRABEL: That's a timesaver.

(They see everyone else outside.)

DONKEY: So much for a scary story night.

PUSS: There's always next time.

Donkey: And I'll win it.

Shrek: You wish.

(The scene changed to Maleficent and the Sanderson Sisters.)

MALEFICENT: Did you get it?

WINNIE: We did, Mistress. Allow me.

(Winnie dropped the blood onto the book then it started to glow red and opened.)

MALEFICENT: The blood lock is removed. Now then, time for a little reunion. (Cackles)

Fairy Godmother/Merlin: Oh no.

Jack Skellington: Happy Halloween, everyone!

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