Episode 14: The Tale of Two Brothers

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RavenDragon: One sec before we start the show.

RavenDragon gets out of her Halloween costume and makes the Halloween decorations disappear.

Skellington: Aww. I liked the decorations.

RavenDragon: Sorry Jack.

(The opening theme plays through then the scene went to Moses Village. Preparations for a festival were happening. Tarzan, Sisu, Kida, Tiana, Milo, Toothless, Hiccup, and Raya come into the scene with food for the festival.)

RAYA: What's with all the decorations?

MILO: Moses and his people throw this celebration every year. Everyone is invited.

Fishlegs: What celebration?

Moses: Sorry, no spoilers.

TIANA: And everyone brings food to the event. Mostly something that they have in their kingdom or land. I just need to pick up more orders from everyone else. You guys think you could handle things here?

SISU: We got this. Just go.

TIANA: Alright. (Leaves)

HICCUP: What exactly do they celebrate?

(Moses comes over to them.)

MOSES: Our freedom from the Pharaoh. My people were slaves until God has given me the strength to free my people.

Lucky: Free them from what?

Moses: You'll see.

MILO: Thanks again for letting us help.

SISU: Alright, enough of the mushy stuff. Can we get to the fun stuff now?

MOSES: Well, we still have a lot to do. The decorations, the food, the performance...

KIDA: Performance?

MOSES: Esmeralda and Tzipporah do a special performance to start the celebration. They are looking for a third dancer. Rapunzel was supposed to do it but she and Flynn went to Corona.

KIDA: I'll do it. It sounds fun.

Esmeralda: You say that now.

Kida: Why?

Esmeralda: Tzipporah doesn't go easy on the newbies.

Tzipporah: Hey!

(The sounds of destruction came from the village.)

LILO: (off screen) Stitch! Get back here!

TARZAN: Sounds like Lilo.

(The camera turned to Stitch running away from Lilo and she was chasing him. Stitch zoomed past Moses and hid behind Toothless.)

MOSES: Let me guess, bath day?

LILO: Yep. I've been chasing Stitch all morning. And I know he's trying to get out of it!

STITCH: Naga. No water.

Astrid: Looks like Goober has some competition.

Lilo: He hates baths?

Hiccup: Loathes them. It's practically a battle just to get him in the tub.

Lilo: Even with the dragons?

Hiccup: Even with the dragons.

Gobber: It's a badge of honor! Besides, I like it.

Hiccup: (mutters) If the village wanted Gobber to smell rotting fish.

(Toothless used his mouth to pick Stitch up. Stitch struggled.)

LILO: That was quicker than the last time I caught him. Think Toothless could help me keep Stitch from escaping?


LILO: No escaping this time Stitch.

(Stitch growled in defeat. Moses looked back at the village but he thought he saw Rameses, his brother standing in front of him.)

MOSES: (whispers) Rameses?

(Rameses then just disappeared.)

Moses: It can't be.

Mirabel: Who was that?

Moses: Someone from my past who I thought was gone.

HICCUP: Moses? Are you alright?

(Moses snapped out of his trance.)

MOSES: I'm... I'm fine. Just thought I saw something.

(Moses walked away.)

HICCUP: I heard him say something. Who's Rameses?

MILO: Um, that is something for Moses to share. His story is not a happy one.

(Hiccup followed Moses who was leaving the village.)

Isabella: Where's he going?

Esmeralda: You'll see.

(The scene changed to deep within the woods. Hiccup continued following Moses from a distance. Hiccup found Moses sitting by a giant golden tree with different colored orbs on the branches.)

Everyone looked in awe.

Fishlegs: What is that?

Merida: That is the Tree of Memories. The orbs are all of our memories of our stories and campers from the past.

HICCUP: Woah, what is this place?

(Moses stood up and saw Hiccup.)

MOSES: You found me. And this is the Tree of Memories. It holds all the memories of past and present heroes. Sometimes I come here to get away and look back at some old memories.

HICCUP: May I ask you something? Who's Rameses?

(Moses sighed in sadness.)

MOSES: He was... He was my brother.

Kida: Brother?

Moses: He was my brother but... things changed between us.

HICCUP: Your brother? What happened to him?

MOSES: He was... corrupted. By power. We were the sons of the Pharaoh of Egypt. He was the eldest and the heir to the throne. But his pride cost him everything. His people, his family, and our relationship.

HICCUP: But what happened between you two?

MOSES: (sighs) I wasn't who I thought I was.

HICCUP: What do you mean?

MOSES: Like you, I was adopted by the Pharaoh. I was the son of a Hebrew. My mother saved me from death by sending me adrift in the river. I found out the truth and I left Egypt. But when I returned, Rameses became the new Pharaoh. I thought he would help me free my people, but I was wrong. His heart went black and he refused.

Mirabel: What?

Moses: It's true.

Hiccup: I guess I'm not the only one that's adopted.

HICCUP: But I don't understand. If your brother was evil...

MOSES: He wasn't really. We were so close when we were young. I tried to reason with him and I thought I had finally had my brother back. But he tricked me. He planned to kill all the newborn Hebrews. But God had other plans in mind. Rameses released my people and we left Egypt.

HICCUP: And Rameses? What happened to him?

MOSES: He did find us and he almost killed me but the White Witch stopped him. I begged her to let me try just one more time. But when I looked at him, I no longer saw the man I called my brother. I asked the White Witch to imprison him with the other villains.

HICCUP: Hang on, how did you know I was adopted?

MOSES: Your memories.

HICCUP: Right.

MOSES: But now, it's like I can still see him.

HICCUP: But what does he have against you?

MOSES: What I'm about to show you is something that I am not proud of.

RavenDragon: I'd have blindfolds and earplugs ready in case this becomes too much.

(Moses grabbed an orb and it sucked them into the memory. The memory was of Egypt and Hiccup and Moses were there.)

HICCUP: Where are we?

MOSES: Egypt. My old home.

(The camera turned to the river where a boat with Ramese, his son, and the high priests were just floating along the river.)

HICCUP: Is that Rameses?

MOSES: Yes. And with him are the high priests and his first born son.

HICCUP: Can they see us?

MOSES: No. This is but a memory. No one can see or hear us.

Moses turned away.

(Past Moses appeared by the river bed.)

PAST MOSES: Rameses!

(Rameses looked at Past Moses.)

PAST MOSES: Let my people go!

RAMESES: [laughs] Still gnawing away at that bone, are we? (turns to his men.) Carry on.

PAST MOSES: You cannot keep ignoring us.

RAMESES: Enough! I will hear no more of this Hebrew nonsense. Bring him to me.

(Three of the guards jumped into the river and marched towards Moses.)

Bunny: That's not good.

Toothina: I can't look (puts on her blindfold.)

(The Hebrews gathered at the river as Past Moses stood there. The guards came closer. Then the wind picked up and the voice of God was heard.)

GOD: Take the staff in your hand, Moses.

(Past Moses gripped his staff then made his way to the river. He dipped the staff into the water then suddenly the river began to turn to blood. Everyone looked in shock. One of the guards put his hand in the water. The young prince did the same.)


HICCUP: It's...

GUARD #1: Blood!

(The guards screamed and panicked as they ran back to the boat. Rameses stared in disbelief as the guard climbed; some of it was splashed onto Rameses.)

Fishlegs whimpered.

Tuffnut: That was awesome.

Hiccup: Tuff, it's not.

Jack: It's one of the reasons why Moses refuses to use his powers.

RAMESES: Hotep! Huy! Explain this to me!

HOTEP: Rest assured your Majesty.

HUY: uh, yes, we were going to demonstrate the superior might...

(Hotep put some water into a bowl and handed it to Huy.)

HOTEP: of our gods.

(He secretly took some red dust from his robe.)

HOTEP: By the power of Ra!

(He just threw the sand into the water making it look like blood.)

Merida: Now that's just wrong.

HICCUP: They fooled your people.

MOSES: They did. Making them believe that we had the power of gods.

HICCUP: But then how did you turn the river to blood?

MOSES: I just listened. And that river also bore the blood of thousands of children that the Pharaoh had slayed. All I did was show them what their actions have done. And it was only the beginning of God's wrath.

HICCUP: The beginning?

(Storm clouds rolled in through Egypt but that wasn't all. A chorus began to sing softly.)

Flynn: That can't be good.

Donkey: Now I'm suddenly terrified.


Thus saith the Lord:

Since you refuse to free my people

All through the land of Egypt...

(Thousands of frogs started to leap out of the water and hop into the palace. The chorus grows louder.)

I send a pestilence and plague

Into your house, into your bed

Into your streams, into your streets

Into your drink, into your bread

(Hotep and Huy found bugs in their food and drinks.)

Upon your cattle, on your sheep

Upon your oxen in your field

(The cattle started dying then the palace became swarmed with black flys as Rameses refused to give in.)

Into your dreams, into your sleep

Until you break, until you yield

(Frogs and bugs began to swarm all of Egypt. People screaming and running in fear.

I send the swarm, I send the horde

Thus saith the Lord

Everyone gasped.


Once I called you brother

Once I thought the chance

to make you laugh

Was all I ever wanted...

(A thunderstorm rolled in then fire started to rain down on the city)


I send the thunder from the sky

I send the fire raining down

(Past Moses stood at the side watching)


And even now I wish that God

had chose another

Serving as your foe on his behalf

Is the last thing that I wanted...


I send a hail of burning ice

On every field, on every town

(Fires broke out all over the city. People screamed and ran to find cover.)


This was my home

All this pain and devastation

How it tortures me inside

All the innocent who suffer

From your stubbornness and pride...

(Rameses just sat in his chair with a stone-cold expression.)

Jasmine: He doesn't even care that his people are suffering?

Moses: Rameses is stubborn. But he never let's go of his own pride.

(A locust swarm came and attacked the crops devouring everything.)


I send the locusts on a wind

Such as the world has never seen

On every leaf, on every stalk

Until there's nothing left of green

(Rameses still refused to give in. His people suffer. The water dried up making the people dig for water.)

I send my scourge, I send my sword

Thus, saith the Lord!

(A plague began to infect their bodies covering them in huge red bumps. The guards collapsed to the ground in the palace, but Rameses made them stand.)


You who I called brother

Why must you call down another blow?

(Rameses looked at Moses but he turned away angrily.)

Hiccup: It's getting worse.

Moses: I've given him every chance to just let my people go but he only wanted more people to suffer.


I send my scourge, I send my sword


Let my people go


Thus saith the lord

(Thus saith the lord)

(Rameses flipped a table over then ordered the priests out. They scurred away as Rameses looked at Moses with pure hatred in his eyes.)


You who I called brother

How could you have come to hate me so?

Is this what you wanted?


I send the swarm; I send the horde...

(The plague infects more people. Some scream in pain while some hide to avoid getting infected.)


Then let my heart be hardened

And never mind how high the cost may grow

This will still be so:

I will never let your people go...


Thus saith the lord


Thus saith the lord


Let your (my) people go!

(A darkness spread all over Egypt.)

Moses: (whispers) Forgive me.

(The orb brought Hiccup and Moses out of the memory.)

HICCUP: Moses...

MOSES: I know. I loved Rameses but he chose a dark path to walk on.

(Moses kneeled in pain.)

HICCUP: Moses! What's wrong?

(Moses panted in fear. He looked at his gem which had turned slightly dark and was split in half.)


MOSES: It's a curse. When Rameses and I fought, his blade split my gem in two. He has the other half, and he used its power to summon the wrath of the gods. Many lives were almost lost. After Rameses was banished, I asked Merlin to place a spell on my half to block all my powers so Rameses would never use its power. But it was dark magic. If Rameses would ever return, my gem would grow dark until...

HICCUP: Until what?

Everyone gasped.

Milo: Why did you never tell us?

Moses: I didn't want to worry anyone. I didn't think Rameses would return.

RAMESES: (off screen) He dies.

(The screen turned to Rameses coming out of the shadows.)

RAMESES: (chuckles) Since a slow and painful death.

MOSES: Rameses? How?

RAMESES: Let's just say a little bird freed me. I see you're still standing. (turns to Hiccup) Another one?

MOSES: Rameses, this is between us. Leave Hiccup out of this.

(Moses tried to stand but he fell to the ground.)

Rameses: This is going to be too easy.

RavenDragon shocked Rameses.

RavenDragon: I've been waiting to do that.

RAMESES: I believe this battle will be over quicker than you think, brother.

(Rameses held the other half of the gem in his hand and was about to blast Moses when Hiccup jumped in a shielded Moses.)

HICCUP: We have to go. Now!

(Hiccup helped Moses stand and they ran off as Rameses was distracted.)

RAMESES: Run all you want Moses! That's all you do! You can't not escape me for long!

Flynn: Talk about foreshadowing.

Everyone: Flynn!

Flynn: What?!

HICCUP: Moses, we have to get this curse off you.

MOSES: I've tried. No spell can remove it.

HICCUP: Does this camp have a library? Maybe there's something you haven't tried yet.

MOSES: There is. But we'll never make it on foot.

(Something rustled in the bushes then a wild Thunderdrum jumped out looking angry.)

HICCUP: A Thunderdrum?

MOSES: A dragon?

Snotlout: One that can ruin your hearing.

Moses: You guys have had that happen?

Dragon Riders: Don't ask.

HICCUP: One that lets out a long ear-splitting roar. They say it gets its power from Thor himself.


HICCUP: One of the gods that my people believe in.

(Moses slowly walked over to the Thunderdrum. The Thunderdrum growled.)

HICCUP: Careful. They tend to carry a grudge.

MOSES: I've watched you tame dragons before. Let me try with this one.

HICCUP: Alright.

Moses: You trained one before, right?

Hiccup: My dad used to ride one. Don't ask how I got him to train it. It wasn't easy.

(Moses walked closer as the Thunderdrum looked ready to attack.)

MOSES: It's alright. I won't hurt you.

(Moses reached out his hand to the Thunderdrum. The Thunderdrum's anger slowly disappeared then it inched closer and placed its head onto Moses's palm.)

HICCUP: Huh. Not bad.

MOSES: Think you could teach me how to ride?

HICCUP: Flying will get us to the library faster.

(Moses and Hiccup get on the Thunderdrum then they take flight.)

Lilo: That was so cool!

(They kept flying until Moses had them land near a giant willow tree.)

HICCUP: Why did you stop here?

MOSES: We're here.

Mirabel: I'm confused.

Moses: Just wait.


MOSES: Appearances can be deceiving.

(Moses tapped on the bark twice then a door opened up.)


MOSES: Come. We'll be safe here.

(They walk through the door. They walked down some steps then they entered a huge library with a few enchanted books. Some of the books fly like birds.)

Everyone looked in awe.

Lucky: That's one beautiful library.

Belle: I spend most of my time there.

HICCUP: I don't believe it.

MOSES: Believe it. This library contains more knowledge than one man. Some are scrolls from the Jade Palace.

HICCUP: The spell has to be in one of these books.

(A shout was heard, and something was knocked over with a thud)

HICCUP: What was that?

MOSES: Po, is that you?!

PO: (distant) Yeah! A little help?

Crane: Really Po?

Po: What?

(Hiccup and Moses find Po in the scroll section. He was tangled up in one of the longer scrolls. Some were scattered on the floor in front of him.)

MOSES: What happened?

PO: I was trying to grab some scrolls that Shifu needed and well, I kind of got a little, tied up.

(Moses and Hiccup help Po out of the scroll.)

PO: Thank you. So what brings you here?

HICCUP: We're trying to find a spell that can remove a curse.

PO: What kind of curse?

MOSES: One that blocks the gems powers.

PO: Well, for starters you're not going to find what you're looking for in any of these books. It's in one of these scrolls.

HICCUP: Which one?

PO: I have no idea.

Hiccup: Seriously?

Po: The scrolls aren't exactly labeled

Jack: That explains why we can't find anything in the scroll section.

MOSES: Then we better start looking.

(Each of them took a section and started to look at the scrolls. Hiccup spotted a scroll on a very high shelf. Hiccup tied some vines together to make a rope then swung it to the scroll. He pulled it off the shelf, but it hit Po on the head.)

HICCUP: Sorry.

PO: I'm good. I'm been hit with much worse.

Hiccup: Like what?

Po: Punches, metal balls, and other stuff that you do not want to know.

(Hiccup picks up the scroll.)

HICCUP: Would this one work?

PO: Yep. That's the one.

(Hiccup opens the scroll.)

MOSES: I was afraid of this, the only way to reverse the curse is to have both half of the gem reunite.

PO: Let me guess, it's your gem.

MOSES: My brother has the other half. And getting it from him won't be easy.

PO: Come on, how tough can your brother be?

Moses: With the gem, very tough.

HICCUP: You know Moses's power is from the Gods, right?

PO: So, I'm a Master of Chi. I can easily take him.

MOSES: I've seen what he can do with that power. He's just lucky that he hasn't used the power of Anubis.

PO: Who?

HICCUP: The Egyptian god of death.

MOSES: With that power, he could raise an army that would destroy us all.

Hiro: That's not possible.

Puss: Eh. Wouldn't be the first undead army I've faced.

Dulcinea: That was a skeleton army.

PO: Ok, that sounds very bad.

MOSES: I shouldn't have brought you into this. I'll fight Rameses alone.

PO: What?!

HICCUP: Moses, you can't.

MOSES: I have to.

(Moses walked out of the library.)

Abigail: I can't look.

(Moses had just stepped out when the earth shook. Then Rameses appeared floating with the other half of the gem in his hand.)

RAMESES: I told you I would find you.

MOSES: Rameses, please. I will not fight you. You have to stop this madness.

RAMESES: I will not be dictated to or threatened. I am the morning and evening star. I am Pharaoh. And when I am done with you and the Hebrews, I will destroy every single hero on this island.

MOSES: Rameses!

RAMESES: And there shall be a great cry on this island.. Such as never has been or ever will be again!

(Flashbacks of the drawing on the egypt walls of what the past pharaoh had done to the Hebrews flooded Moses with fear.)

MOSES: Leave them out of this!

RAMESES: I think I'll start with the boy, the one that helped you escape.

(Moses became flooded with anger and attacked Rameses, leaving a small cut on Rameses's cheek from his staff.)

Everyone gasped.

RAMESES: (laughs) There's still some fight left within you. (Draws out his blade) I'll fix that!

(The two brothers started to battle each other. Rameses was stronger with the gem piece. He sent Moses flying and he crashed towards a tree hard. Moses panted in pain as he looked at his gem piece which was now almost dark. Rameses held his blade above Moses.)

RAMESES: Goodbye, brother.

(He was about to strike when Hiccup came in and blocked the blade with the Dragon blade. Po joins in and snatches the gem piece.)


Everyone cheered.

PO: You want this? Come and get it!

(Rameses charged at Po but he threw the gem to Hiccup then got Rameses in the Wuxi Finger Hold.)

RAMESES: I will not lose!

PO: Sorry pal. But you lost. Skadoosh!

(A large wave of energy surrounded Rameses then he was sent to the Spirit Realm.)

Hiccup: What.

Lucky: Was.

Mei: That?

Po: The Wuxi Finger Hold. Sends anyone to the Spirit Realm. No one can escape there.

HICCUP: What the...? (Sees Moses not moving.) Moses!

(Hiccup grabbed the other half of the gem and put the two halves together. Suddenly his hands started to glow white, and the gem was now whole again. Moses wakes up)

MOSES: What happened? Where's...?

PO: Sent Rameses to the Spirit Realm. I'm sorry.

MOSES: No. I'm sorry. I thought I could reach Rameses just one last time but now, I realize that the brother I once knew was long gone.

PO: Evil or not. He was your family.

MOSES: It's alright. I have my people.

Rameses: Oh, come on!

Moses: Beaten by a panda and a Viking. That must burn brother.

Rameses: It was a mere fluke!

RavenDragon: (Mutters) Yeah right. Sore loser.

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