Episode 15: Into the Unknown Pt 1

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(The opening theme plays through then the scene changed to the main cabin where most of the heroes were playing a game of charades. Anna was up and she was acting out what she picked.)


MERIDA: Grizzly Bear!

TOBY: A troll!

FLYNN: Monster?

OLAF: Brown bear?

JACK: Angry face?

A couple guess in their heads.

PO: Shifu on a bad day?

(Everyone looked at Po.)

PO: What? You haven't seen Shifu in the morning.

CLAIRE: I got it! Hans!

(Anna gestered that she was close.)

Hans: Really?

Anna: None of your business Hans.

Milo: I was gonna say Frollo.

Merida: Ursula.

Snotlout: I would have said Gobber.

Gobber: Watch it.

ELSA: Unredeemable monster!

DAGUR: Backstabber!

RAPUNZEL: Worse mistake of your life!

ESMERALDA: Wouldn't even kiss you.

Hans: Hey!

Mantis: If the shoe fits...

(Mushu bangs his gong.)

MUSHU: TIme's up!

ANNA: Villain.

ALL: Oh!

MULAN: Kind of counts.

Everyone: Yes.

KRISTOFF: Ok, who's next?

GENIE: I believe that would be me.

(He gets up and reaches into the basket and pulls out a piece of paper. He reads it then throws it down)

GENIE: Lightning round, boys against girls.

FLYNN: Get ready to lose.

SISU: Don't get cocky.

JIM L: You do know arrogance gets you killed, right?

JACK: Well we have never lost.

Toby: He just jinxed it.

Jim L: I warned him.

MUSHU: And go!

(Genie shifts to a unicorn. Flynn was about to answer but Rapunzel beat him to it.)

RAPUNZEL: Unicorn.

(Genie shifts to ice cream.)

LILO: Ice cream.

(Genie shifts into a castle.)

BELLE: Castle.

(Genie shifts to Oaken.)

ELSA: Oaken!

(Genie shifts to a tea pot.)

JASMINE: Tea pot.

(Genie shifts to a mouse.)

GADGET: Mouse.

(Genie shifts to Elsa)

ANNA: Oh, Elsa.

(Mushu bangs his gong)

The girls: Yes!

Flynn: Oh come on!

Sisu: I hate to say I told you so. But I will. I told you so!

Flynn: I get it!

MERIDA: You were saying?

FLYNN: (groans) I know.

JIM L: I told you so.

FLYNN: I get it!

ANNA: Okay, Elsa, you're up.

(She gets up and grabs a piece of paper from the basket. Elsa puts the paper down and tries to act it out.)

Elsa: I forgot. I'm not that good with charades.

Jack: I think it's easy.

ANNA: Okay, um, oh a dark knight? Guardian angel? Mashed figure?

OLAF: Polar bear?

MERIDA: Can we stop with the bears, please?

LUISA: Floating on air?

ANNA: Helping... Helping people? Trees? Treepeople? Oh wait, that's not a word.

Kristoff: Really?

Anna: It was a good guess?

FLYNN: Um? A thief?

JIM L: Seriously?!

HICCUP: You had to guess that?

FLYNN: What? It's a good guess!

BELLE: And I thought Gaston was brainless.

FLYNN: Now that's just harsh, Belle.

Flynn: You guys just love to tease me.

Esmeralda: You make it too easy.

ANYA: You gotta give us something else.

(Elsa was about to give another hint but she suddenly hears a voice calling to her.)

ANNA: Oh! Uh, alarmed?

RAPUNZEL: Distracted?

MERIDA: Um, worried? Panicking?

CLAIRE: Disturbed? Oh, come on! You definitely look disturbed.

(Mushu bangs his gong.)

MUSHU: And... It's a tie.

Everyone: Really?

FLYNN: Rematch anyone?

HICCUP: I'm good.

ANNA: Elsa, you ok?

ELSA: I think I'm just going to turn in for the night.

JACK: You sure, snowflake?

ELSA: Jack, I'm fine. Just tired.

(Elsa leaves the room.)

Kristoff: Anyone else find that odd?

Jack: Little bit.

ANNA: Did Elsa seem off to you?

KRISTOFF: She seemed normal. For Elsa.

TIANA: Jack, go check on her.

(Jack leaves the room.)

ANNA: Found the one she was acting. (Reads the paper) "Ice?" Oh, come on! How did I miss that?

Jack: That would have been my second guess.

(The scene changed to Elsa in her cabin. The voice she heard was getting louder and louder and it would not leave her alone. Music starts playing.)


Ah ah oh oh oh

Ah ah oh oh oh oh oh oh

Snotlout: Not again.

Everyone: Shut up Snotlout!


I can hear you but I won't

Some look for trouble while others don't

(She stares at herself in a mirror)

There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day

And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away, oh oh oh

(Elsa walks outside.)


Ah ah oh oh


Oh oh


Ah ah oh oh

Elsa: What is that voice?


You're not a voice

You're just a ringing in my ear

And if I heard you, which I don't

I'm spoken for I fear

Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls

I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls

(Elsa walks towards the lake.)

I've had my adventure, I don't need something new

I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you

Into the unknown

Into the unknown

Into the unknown

Flynn: I feel like we are going to go on another adventure.


Ah ah oh oh

Ah ah oh oh oh oh

(Elsa sighs)


What do you want? 'Cause you've been keeping me awake

Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake?

(She looks at a reflection of herself)

Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me?

Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?

Some people looked confused.


Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow

(Her powers start to push her towards a fog of her own powers.)

Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go...

(She walks through and the screen shows images of the enchanted forest with her powers)

Into the unknown?

Into the unknown

Into the unknown


Ah ah oh oh

Ah ah oh oh

(Elsa shoots more of her powers in the air.)


Oh oh oh

Are you out there?

Do you know me?

Can you feel me?

Can you show me?

(Her powers then changes into the four spirits of the forest)

Anna: The enchanted forest?

Hiccup: You know that place?

Elsa: Our father told us stories about it when we were little.


Ah ah oh oh

Ah ah oh oh

Ah ah oh oh

Ah ah oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

(Some of her powers changed into an orb and headed the opposite direction.)


Where are you going?

Don't leave me alone

How do I follow you?

(She follows it until she stops at a cliff.)


Into the unknown?

Oh oh oh

(The music ends and her powers formed small little crystals with the symbols of the four forest spirits. Anna came out of her cabin with Sisu and Raya.)

ANNA: What the..?

RAYA: Sisu. Is this your magic?

SISU: Not me. Not even water dragons have that much power.

Kristoff: Really?

Sisu: Every water dragon has a unique magic that makes them special.

(Elsa looked at the symbols.)

ELSA: Air, fire, water, earth.

(The crystals suddenly dropped to the ground making a shattering sound. Then the fire from the lanterns disappear and the water from the lagoon and watering holes vanish.)

ARIEL: The water's gone!

(The wind picks up in a rage and forces everyone out of their cabins.)

Astrid: What's going on?

Hiccup: I don't know.

(Elsa runs to the campgrounds)

ELSA: The air rages, no fire, no water. The earth is next.

(Everyone panics and runs towards the mountain where the panda village is. Montray, Chip, Dale, Zipper, and Gadget were caught in the wind.)

MONTRAY: Crikey! A little help!

(Hiccup caught them.)

MONTRAY: Thanks mate.

ELSA: Head for the mountain!

(Everyone runs as the ground shakes.)

Shrek: What's got the weather so angry?

Elsa: They're the spirits of the Enchanted Forest. And they are still angry.

(The scene changed to everyone in the panda village.)

KRISTOFF: Everyone made it out.

CRANE: Then how did all that happen?

ANNA: I don't know. But I got a letter from Grand Pabbie. Arendelle was also affected by the sudden weather change. The people are safe and no one was hurt.

(The camera turned to Elsa and Jack.)

JACK: So you've been hearing a voice and you didn't think to tell me or Anna?

ELSA: I didn't want to worry you.

Anna: Elsa, we promised each other not to shut each other out.

Elsa: I know.

JACK: Just tell me what's going on.

ELSA: I woke the magical spirits at the Enchanted Forest.

ANNA: Hang on, The Enchanted Forest? The one Father warned us about?

ELSA: Yes.

ANNA: Why would you do that?

ELSA: Because of the voice. I know it sounds crazy... but I believe whoever is calling me is good.

ANNA: How can you say that?

ELSA: I know. It's just that my magic can feel it. I can feel it.

Flynn: And it's another life threatening adventure. Just great.

Merida: Would you shut it for once?!

DOLORES: Um, guys? Something is wrong with Mirabel.

(Mirabel stood frozen with her eyes shut.)

ELSA: MIrabel, you ok?

(Elsa touched Mirabel's shoulder then her eyes opened but they were glowing white. It lasted for a few seconds then her eyes went back to normal.)

ELSA: What happened?

MIRABEL: I saw fragments of the Enchanted Forest. The past isn't what it seems. A wrong must be righted. The truth must be found or Arendelle is doomed.

Tuffnut: Why must she speak in riddles?

ELSA: Then I must go to the Enchanted Forest and find that voice.

JACK: Not alone, you're not. I'm coming with you.


MERIDA: And me.

ANNA: Kristoff and I are coming.

OLAF: I'll bring the snacks.

Everyone laughs at Olaf.

ELSA: We can't use our gems. The forest is blocked off so we'll have to swim to Arendelle.

HICCUP: Or I could help.

ELSA: Hiccup, that's sweet but I don't think Toothless can carry all of us.

HICCUP: I think I can fix that.

(The scene changed to Hiccup and the Dragon Riders flying to Arendelle. Rapunzel was with Astrid, Merida was with Hiccup, Kristoff was with Snotlout, Elsa was with Heather, Anna was with Fishlegs, Jack was flying by himself, Olaf and Sven were being carried by the twins.)

KRISTOFF: Is it safe to be up this high?

SNOTLOUT: Why did I get stuck with this guy?

HICCUP: It was either you or the twins. And I don't think Anna wants her boyfriend to be fried.

Anna: Thank you.

Kristoff: And now I'm scared.

Jack: You've climbed mountains and now you're afraid of heights?

(Elsa hears the voice again and she sees the wall of mist.)

ELSA: Down there.

(The dragons landed in front of the wall of mist.)

JACK: Do we walk through it?

(Kristoff tries to walk through it but it pushes him out.)

KRISTOFF: I'm going with no.

(Elsa walked closer to the mist, she reached out her hand and the mist parted for her.)

Elsa: What?

Anna: How?

ANNA: Promise me, we do this together, okay?

ELSA: I promise.

(All of them walked into the mist. The mist closed the opening.)

MERIDA: Anyone else find this spooky?

(Almost everyone raised their hand.)

Everyone raises their hands.

Snotlout: This is more creepy than Melody Island.

Anna: What happened there?

Hiccup: Long story.

Snotlout: We were almost eaten by a Deathsong dragon.

Heroes: A what?!

(But then the mist started to push them forward.)

JACK: Take it easy!

RAPUNZEL: No pushing!

(They ended up on the other side but the mist locked them out.)

HICCUP: And we're locked in. Probably should have seen that coming.

SNOTLOUT: Well that's just great!

Camilo: Talk about bad luck.

Mirabel: Camilo!

(The camera turns towards the forest that gave off an autumn style.)

ELSA: This forest is beautiful.

(Everyone started to look around. Anna, Jack and Kristoff saw a giant bridge not far from there.)

ANNA: The dam. It still stands. Mirabel must have seen it in her vision. But why?

KRISTOFF: I don't know, but it's still in good shape. Thank goodness.

ANNA: What do you mean?

KRISTOFF: Well if that dam broke, it would send a tidal wave so big it would wash away everything on this fjord.

ANNA: Everything? But Arendelle's on this fjord.

Anna and Elsa gasped.

KRISTOFF: Nothing's going to happen to Arendelle, Anna. It's gonna be fine.

(Kristoff hugs Anna then he slowly pulls out a ring.)

KRISTOFF: (clears his throat) You know, under different circumstances, this would be a, uh, pretty romantic place. Don't you think?

(Anna pulls away from the hug.)

ANNA: Different circumstances? You mean, like with someone else?

KRISTOFF: What? No! No. I'm saying... Just in case we don't make it out of here...

ANNA: You don't think we're gonna make it out of here?

(Jack slapped his hand on his face, shaking it in disbelief.)

Anna: Was that a wedding ring?

Kristoff: Maybe.

Gobber: Are you kidding me? You're practically dying up there.

Naveen: Just tell her how you feel.

KRISTOFF: No. No! I mean, no, we will make it out of here. Well, technically the odds are kind of complicated.

JACK: Oh god.

KRISTOFF: My point is... (starts to kneel down) In case we die...

(Anna grabs his shirt.)

ANNA: You think we're gonna die?

Every guy groaned.

Jim Prescott: You're not supposed to say that when proposing to the love of your life.

Cass: This is worse than the time Flynn tried to propose to Rapunzel on her coronation.

Hiccup: Did you say yes?

Rapunzel: I kind of turned him down. I had just gotten out of my tower for the first time in eighteen years. I wasn't ready.

Merida: I don't blame you.

KRISTOFF: No, no, no!

ANNA: Where's Elsa?

KRISTOFF: We will die at some point.

ANNA: I swore that I wouldn't leave her side.

(Anna runs off.)

KRISTOFF: And she's gone.

JACK: Nice going Romeo.

Dr. Facilair: I didn't need my cards to see that coming.

Kristoff: Can I please try?

RavenDragon: Um, not yet.

Kristoff: Man! I had the ring already.

Anna: Really?!

KRISTOFF: I panicked ok! It's not like you were gonna propose to Elsa. Are you?

JACK: In the future, yes.

Everyone but the villains: Aww.

Elsa: Jack, that's so sweet.

(The screen changed to Elsa and Merida. They were walking until they heard a strange chitter. Anna came running towards them.)

ANNA: Elsa! There you are. You okay?

ELSA: I'm fine.

MERIDA: Let's find the others.

(They all meet up but Olaf, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut.)

HICCUP: Has anyone seen the twins?

ELSA: Olaf's not here either.

(They heard Olaf scream then a tornado comes their way and sucks them in.)

Milo: How is that possible?!

TUFFNUT: Hey, guys. Meet the Wind Spirit. Isn't this awesome?!

FISHLEGS: Not really!

(Everyone was getting blown around in the tornado.)

RAPUNZEL: Ooh, I think I'm gonna be sick.

OLAF: I'd hold your hair back, but I can't find my arms.

(Shows Olaf's arms stuck behind his head.)

Chip: Now I'm getting dizzy.

(Kristoff knocks into Sven and Sven was on top of Kristoff riding him.)

Everyone laughs.

(The wind spirit started to wrap around Elsa and then spit out the others. The wind formed a huge ball trapping Elsa.)

JACK: Elsa!

(Elsa used her powers to bring herself down then the wind started to shape pieces of memories, Elsa could hear the voices then used her powers freezed certain figments into statues.)

ANNA: Are you okay?

ELSA: I'm alright.

Everyone was looking at the statues.

JACK: What are they?

ELSA: When I was in there, I saw pieces of the wind's memories from my father's story.

OLAF: Water has memory.

(The wind spirit comes back but is calmer.)

OLAF: I think I'll name you Gale.

(The wind starts to fly all around everyone.)

Jack: I'm starting to like this spirit.

Bunny: Oh great, not another one.

RAPUNZEL: Curious thing.

ELSA: Feel better now?

(The wind shows them the statue with Elsa's father and a girl saving him.)

Elsa almost had tears in her eyes. Jack rubs her back, hugging her.

ANNA: Father. That's Father.

ELSA: This girl. She's saving him.

KRISTOFF: She's Northuldra.

(The wind then shows them another statue of the same girl and another girl.)

Anna: Another one?

JIm Prescott, Viggo, and Cora knew who that was.

HEATHER: Who is that?

TUFFNUT: Hey H, she kinda looks like you. Maybe a sister?

MERIDA: Is he always like this?

FISHLEGS: Welcome to our world.

Ruff/Tuff: Rude!

Moana chuckled a bit.

Tuffnut blushed at her laugh.

HICCUP: I think that's my mother.

ELSA: So she must have been there when the forest fell.

(Hears a loud horn. Then Anna grabs the ice sword from the statue. The dragon riders ready their weapons)

HICCUP: What are you going to do with that?

ANNA: I have no idea.

(The trees began to shake; something rushed the bushes. Anna cuts the bush away and then Northuldra people walk towards them.)

HONEYMAREN: Lower your weapon.

(Arendelle soldiers bang their swords on their shields)

MATTIAS: And you lower yours.

ANNA: Arendelle soldiers?

Anna: That's weird. That soldier looks familiar.

YELENA: Threatening my people, Lieutenant?

MATTIAS: Invading my dance space, Yelena?

Hiccup and Merida: Dance space?

ANNA: Why does that soldier look familiar? (Waves the sword.)

MATTIAS: Get the sword!

(They charge at them, but Elsa and Jack use their powers to stop them.)

MATTIAS: That was magic. Did you see that?

YELENA: Of course, I saw it.

HEATHER: (whispers) You two chose a nice, cold greeting.

Everyone looked at Heather

Jack and Elsa: Really?

KRISTOFF: They've been trapped in here this whole time?

ELSA: Yep.

MERIDA: What do we do now?

OLAF: I got this. Hi, I'm Olaf.

(The Northuldra looked scared.)

OLAF: Oh, sorry. Yeah, I just find clothes restricting.

Flynn: You're a talking snowman.

Olaf: Yea

Rapunzel: You scared them

Olaf: Oh.

OLAF: Bet you're wondering who we are and why we're here. It's really quite simple. It began with two sisters. One born with magical powers. One born powerless. Their love of snowmen, infinite.

Anna and Elsa looked at each other.

(Olaf starts telling Anna and Elsa's story while acting as them.)

OLAF: Oh and then Elsa woke up the magical spirits and we were forced out of our kingdom. Now our only hope is to find the truth about the past but we don't have a clue how to do that except Elsa's hearing voices, so we got that going for us. Any questions?

(All of them look confused.)

OLAF: I think they got it.

Everyone kinda laughed.

(Elsa and Jack remove the ice beneath their feet)

MATTIAS: Are you really Queen of Arendelle?

ELSA: I am.

YELENA: Why would nature reward a person of Arendelle with magic?

MATTIAS: Perhaps to make up for the actions of your people.

YELENA: My people are innocent. We would have never attacked first.

MATTIAS: May the truth be found. (See Anna trying to figure out who that soldier was) Um, What are you doing?

ANNA: That's it. Lieutenant Mattias! Library, second portrait on the left. You were our father's official guard.

Hiccup: How do you know that?

Anna: I spent my whole life inside the castle without anyone to talk to. So I sometimes talk to the portraits on the walls.

Snotlout: That's not weird at all.

Anna punched Snotlout.

Hans laughed but RavenDragon shocked him.

MATTIAS: Agnarr, what did happen to your parents?

ELSA: (sighs) Our parents' ship went down in the Southern Sea six years ago.

MATTIAS: (SIGHS) I see him. I see him in your faces. Soldiers. We may be getting on in years, but we're still strong. And proud to serve Arendelle.

(They stood by Elsa.)

ELSA: Wait, please. Someone is calling me here. If I can just find them, I believe that they might have the answers to free this forest.

JACK: We just want to help.

YELENA: We only trust nature. When nature speaks... (The tree gets on fire.) We listen.

Twins: Whoa!

HICCUP: Please tell me that was Hookfang.


(The fire spreads to more of the forest.)

RYDER: Fire Spirit!

YELENA: Get back everyone!

MATTIAS: Head for the river!

(The fire spirit traps Elsa and Jack. They start putting the fires out and chasing after the fire spirit.)

Everyone got worried for them. They are winter not summer.

(The reindeer run away.)

RYDER: No! No! No! The reindeer! That's a deadend!

HICCUP: Toothless, come on.

KRISTOFF: Wait up!

(Both Hiccup and Kristoff chase after the reindeer and lead them away.

Kristoff and Hiccup high five.

(Anna see Elsa and Jack surrounded by fire.)

ANNA: Elsa, get out of there!

ASTRID: Anna, we have to go now!

ANNA: Not without my sister!

(Anna runs after Elsa but thankfully Astrid had Stormfly grab Anna before she could do anything crazy.)

Elsa: Thanks.

Astrid: Anytime.

(Jack and Elsa kept chasing the fire spirit. They reach the Northuldras' village and use their ice powers to block the fires. The fire spirit was cornered in a small hole.)

JACK: We got him.

(The fire spirit was now shown as a little salamander.)

Everyone was awed.

Dagur: And it sets on fire. Cool.

(The fire spirit was still angry and tried to shoot fire at Jack and Elsa but Elsa blocked it. The fire spirit slowly calms down and looks at them weirdly. The spirit slowly crawls towards them, Elsa lowers her hand for the spirit to climb on. The fire spirit climbed onto Elsa's hand but the flames started to hurt her a little but it was slowly putting out the flames of the spirit and the flames disappeared.)

JACK: Not bad snowflake.

ELSA: Jack.

(The Northuldra people stare at them.)

ELSA: They're looking at us, aren't they?

JACK: Yes they are.

(The voice calls out. The fire spirit hears it.)

The six perked up.

ELSA: You hear it, too. Somebody's calling us. Who is it? What do we do?

(The fire spirit takes off. Rapunzel and the others caught up with Elsa and Jack.)

MERIDA: You two ok?

JACK: We're fine.

RAPUNZEL: You heard that voice again?

ELSA: Yes.

(Anna hugs Elsa tight.)

ANNA: Thank goodness.

ELSA: Anna, what were you doing? You can't just follow me into fire. You could have been killed.

ANNA: You don't want me to follow you into fire, then don't run into fire.

Jack: You're sister makes a good point.

Elsa: Who's side are you on?

Jack: Yours.

Elsa: Thank you.

ANNA: You're not being careful Elsa.

ELSA: I'm sorry. Are you ok?

ANNA: I've been better.

ELSA: Here. This should help. (Wraps a scarf around Anna.)

(The Northuldra notices the scarf.)

YELENA: Where did you get that scarf?

RYDER: That's a Northuldra scarf.

ANNA: What?

HONEYMAREN: This is from one of our oldest families.

Anna: That would mean...

Elsa/Anna: Our mother was Northuldra.

ANNA: (looks at Elsa.) It was our mother's.

(The two ran back to the statue of the girl saving their father. She wore the same scarf.)

ANNA: Elsa.

ELSA: I see it. It's Mother.

ANNA: Mother saved Father's life that day.

(Everyone gathered around Elsa and Anna.)

ELSA: Our mother was Northuldra.

(Gale flew past them then the statues, trees, and Olaf started glowing.)

Everyone laughed a little at Olaf.

Mirabel: But the trees are beautiful.

(The Northuldra start singing their song. They each placed a hand on their shoulder. Olaf joined in too. Yelena takes Elsa and Anna's hands.)

YELENA: We are called Northuldra. We are the people of the sun.

ELSA: I promise you we will free this forest and restore Arendelle.

Anna: That's a big promise.

YELENA: The earth giants roam at night; you shall stay here for the night and then leave in the morning.

HICCUP: Thank you.

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