Episode 16: Into the Unknown Pt 2

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(The scene changed to the Northuldra village.)

MATTIAS: Hey, back at home, Halima still over at Hudson's Hearth?

ANNA: She is.

MATTIAS: Really? She married?

(Anna shook her head no.)

MATTIAS: Oh, wow. Why didn't that make me feel better?

Gizelle: You still love her.

Mattias: Not a day goes by without me thinking of her.

ANNA: What else do you miss?

MATTIAS: My father. He passed long before all this. He was a great man. Built us a good life in Arendelle. But taught me to never take the good for granted. He'd say, "Be prepared. Just when you think you've found your way, life will throw you onto a new path."

ANNA: What do you do when it does?

MATTIAS: Don't give up. Take it one step at a time and...

ANNA: Just do the next right thing?


Anna smiled.

(The camera turns to HoneyMaren and Elsa by the fire.)

HONEYMAREN: I wanna show you something. May I?

(Elsa hands her the scarf)

HONEYMAREN: You know, air, fire, water, and earth. But, look, there's a fifth spirit said to be a bridge between us and the magic of nature.

ELSA: A fifth spirit?

HONEYMAREN: Some say they heard it call out the day the forest fell.

ELSA: My father heard it.

Everyone was wondering who or what is the fifth spirit.

ELSA: Do you think that's who's calling me?

HONEYMAREN: Maybe. Alas, only Ahtohallan knows.

Mei: What?

Anna: Ahtohallan. It's...

RavenDragon: Anna. No spoilers.

ELSA: Ahtohallan. (sings) Dive down deep into her sound

ELSA/HONEYMAREN: But not too far or you'll be drowned

HONEYMAREN: Why do lullabies always have to have some terrible warning in them?

ELSA: I wonder that all the time.

(A sudden rumble.)

JACK: What was that?

RYDER: Earth Giants.

YELENA: What are they doing down here?

(Everyone starts hiding and puts out the fire. Elsa and Jack hid behind the trees while the others hid behind some large boulders. The Earth Giants walked past the village but one of them sensed Elsa.)

Anna tensed up.

(Elsa figured that she could try to settle them down. She started walking towards the giant but Jack grabbed her hand and pulled her behind a boulder.)

JACK: Please tell me you were not about to follow them.

ELSA: What if I can settle them like I did the wind and fire.

RAPUNZEL: Or you could have been crushed before you got the chance.

Jack: Possible.

Elsa: Gee thanks.

JACK: Remember, the goal is to find the voice, find the truth, and get home.


(The riders, Anna, Hiccup, Merida, and Olaf joined them.)

HEATHER: That was too close.

ELSA: The giant sensed me, I don't want to put anyone in danger. We need to leave.

ASTRID: Go. We'll stay in the village in case the giants come back.

ELSA: Anna, you stay here too.

ANNA: But...

JACK: I'll keep her safe. And Olaf will too. Right?

OLAF: Snowman's honor.

ANNA: Ok, just promise me when you find the truth, send me a message.

ELSA: I will.

(The two sisters hugged then Elsa's group left the village.)

Kristoff: At least I'll get the chance to propose.

RavenDragon: Um, not yet.

Kristoff: Oh come on!

(Morning began to rise. Elsa started calling out to the voice but no answer. Olaf tried to help but he was a little too pitchy making the others cover their ears, including Toothless. Even the fire spirit was startled by Olaf's voice.)

JACK: Olaf, maybe only one of you should do it.

OLAF: I agree. She's a bit pitchy.

MERIDA: (Sarcastic) Yeah. Elsa's the one being pitchy.

Hiccup: It's better than hearing Gobber sing

Gobber: I happen to think I have a great voice.

The village of Berk just stayed quiet.

(Gale came back.)

OLAF: Hey, Gale's back.

(Gale shows them a ship with the Arendelle flag over a hill. Elsa runs to the top and her face turns white seeing the ship.)

ELSA: How can it be?

HICCUP: What is it?

ELSA: Mother and Father's ship.

Anna and Elsa gasped.

Anna: But how?

OLAF: But this isn't the Southern Sea.

ELSA: No it isn't.

(They run to the ship and walk through a giant hole inside the ship. The ship was abandoned.)

MERIDA: Why is their ship here? How is it here?

ELSA: It must have been washed in from the Dark Sea. What were they doing in the Dark Sea?

JACK: How did the ship get through the mist? I thought nobody could but us. Unless...

HICCUP: No one was on it.

Everyone was silent.

ELSA: There's gotta be something here. Wait, look around. Every Arendellian ship has a compartment. Waterproof.

OLAF: That's very clever. Although, it does make me wonder why they don't just make the whole ship waterproof.

Everyone thought about that.

Hiccup: He has a point.

(They kept looking around the ship for the compartment. Jack found it and pulled something out. Two scrolls, the first one had ancient languages.)

RAPUNZEL: What language is this?

ELSA: I don't know. But look, that's my mother's handwriting.

JACK: "The end of the ice age. The river found, but lost. Magic's source. Elsa's source?"

Anna: Ok, I'm lost here.

Jack: Same.

MERIDA: Anyone get that?

ELSA: She's talking about Ahtohallan. Here. (Pulls out the second scroll) It's a map. They traveled north and planned to cross the Dark Sea to Ahtohallan. Its real?


ELSA: Ahtohallan. It's a magical river  said to hold all the answers about the past.

OLAF: Reinforcing my "water has memory" theory.

ELSA: (whispers) Water has memory.

(She kneels down and uses her powers to move the water.)

Hiccup: What is she?

JACK: Elsa?

ELSA: I want to know what happened to them.

(Her powers form a statue of her parents, she hears their voices and tears begin to form.)

Everyone but the villains (of course) started to get teary-eyed.

Po: Any chance we could..?

RavenDragon: Have tissues? On it! (uses her powers to summon tissue boxes for all the guests.

IDUNA: Ahtohallan has to be the source of her magic.

AGNARR: We keep going for Elsa.

IDUNA: The waves are too high!

AGNARR: Iduna!

IDUNA: Agnarr!

(Elsa breaks into tears and runs out of the ship.)

JACK: Elsa! (Runs after her with the others.)

At this point everyone was in tears (but the villains). Jack was holding a crying Elsa.

JACK: Elsa, what are you doing?

ELSA: This is my fault. They were looking for answers about me.

RAPUNZEL: You are not responsible for their choices, Elsa.

ELSA: No. Just their deaths.

HICCUP: No it's not your fault. Yelena asked, why would the spirits reward Arendelle with a magical queen? Because your mother saved your father. She saved her enemy. Her good deed was rewarded with you. You are a gift.

ELSA: For what?

Everyone facepalmed.

JACK: If anyone can resolve the past, if anyone can save Arendelle and free this forest, it's you. We believe in you, Elsa. Just like your sister believes in you.

Merida: And so do I.

Rapunzel: Me too.

Hiccup: Me three.

Elsa smiled.

ELSA: Honeymaren said there was a fifth spirit. A bridge between the magic of nature and us.

JACK: A fifth spirit?

ELSA: That's who's been calling me from Ahtohallan. The answers about the past are all there.

RAPUNZEL: So we go to Ahtohallan.

ELSA: Not we. Me.

JACK: What?

ELSA: The Dark Sea is too dangerous for all of us.

JACK: Okay. : We'll do what you can from here. Just promise us you won't go too far.

ELSA: I'll be alright.

(Elsa kisses Jack then heads for the shores of the Dark Sea.)

Elsa was still kind of crying but she was getting hugged by her new friends and her sister.

(She takes her boots and cloak off then ties her hair into a ponytail. First try she gets to run across the dark sea, she gets thrown back to shore.)

Elsa and Jack: Come on!

(She was soaked. She tries again and this time she uses her powers to freeze a wave but the ice broke and she fell underwater. She saw Nøkk, the Water Spirit (The horse), it was still full of anger.)

Jack: You can do it Elsa.

Elsa looked at Jack. He had his eyes locked on the screen.

(Nokk disappears. Elsa heads for the surface but Nokk is stalking her and drags her down with its hoofs. Elsa freezes Nokk and disappears. She heads for the surface once more but Nokk gets her again. It has Elsa's arm in its mouth and drags her through the waves. Elsa creates an ice rein and lassos Nokk and gets on its back. The spirit tries to kick her off but then calms down and so does the water so he takes her to Ahtohallan.)

Everyone cheered.

Maui: Now that was epic.

(Ahtohallan comes into view)

ELSA: Of course. Glaciers are rivers of ice. Ahtohallan is frozen.

(The voice calls out again)

ELSA: I hear you. And I'm coming.

Snotlout: And another song?!

Snotlout got shocked.

RavenDragon: Snotlout. This is a musical. There will be songs. And it's my favorite, so don't ruin it!


Every inch of me is trembling

But not from the cold

Something is familiar

Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold

I can sense you there

Like a friend I've always known

I'm arriving

And it feels like I am home

(Elsa arrives at Ahtohallan. The Water Spirit leaves. Elsa lets her hair down.)

Jack's mouth fell open.

Bunny: Close your mouth, mate. You'll catch flies like that.

Jack closes his mouth.

Elsa giggled.


I have always been a fortress

Cold secrets deep inside

You have secrets, too

But you don't have to hide

(Walks into the cave)

Show yourself

I'm dying to meet you

Show yourself

It's your turn

Are you the one I've been looking for

All of my life?

Show yourself

I'm ready to learn

Ah ah ah ah

(The cave lits up as the voice singed)


Ah ah ah ah ah

(Elsa chases after a light.)


I've never felt so certain

All my life I've been torn

But I'm here for a reason

Could it be the reason I was born?

(Uses her ice powers to create ice pillars to the other side)


I have always been so different

Normal rules did not apply

Is this the day?

Are you the way?

I finally find out why!

Jack holds Elsa's hand.

Jack: You are just full of surprises.

Elsa blushes

(She uses her powers to move fallen pillars as she walks into a room.)


Show yourself

I'm no longer trembling

Here I am

I've come so far

You are the answer I've waited for

All of my life

Oh, show yourself

Let me see who you are

(The entrance was shattered into crystals that represent the four spirits and merge into one giant crystal.)

Come to me now

Open your door

Don't make me wait

One moment more

(Elsa moves them into the ground then a white spot shines in the center.)

Oh, come to me now

Open your door

Don't make me wait

One moment more

(She steps into the center then a giant snowflake forms underneath. In a flash of light, she sees every memory from her family.)


Where the north wind meets the sea

Ah ah ah ah

(The voice was Elsa's mother calling for the spirits to help her.)

There's a river

Ah ah ah ah

Full of memory

ELSA: Mother.

(Iduna comes into view as a memory. Elsa had tears in her eyes.)


Come, my darling, homeward bound


I am found

(Elsa's dress began to change. It was longer, white with small crystals of all four spirits and what looked like a long cape at the end.)

Cinderella: That's beautiful.

Edna: Yes. Darling. You look magnificent in that dress. The crystals are a nice touch.

Bob Parr: I thought you hated capes.

Edna: On superheroes yes. But on a queen, she makes it work.

Elsa: Thank you.


Show yourself

Step into your power

Grow yourself

Into something new


You are the one you've been waiting for


All of my life

(All of your life)

Oh, show yourself


Ah ah ah

(Her powers create a mist.)

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

(Music ends and she releases the mist.)

Everyone clapped and cheered.

(The mist transports Elsa to her memories in the form of ice and snow.)

Anna: That's pretty cool.

(She walks past memories of her and her sister as kids, her singing let it go, the Duke of Weselton dancing around her, and even when Anna met Hans. She smashed the ice statue of him.)

Hans: Why did she?

Hans gets shocked. Everyone else laughed.

(She passed some of her memories from camp. One was of her and Jack racing against each other. Elsa reaches her parents' memories. Iduna tells Agnarr about her past. Elsa sees her parents as kids. She even spotted young Iduna and young Valka.)

ELSA: Hiccup's mother.

Hiccup smiled sadly.

YOUNG VALKA: Iduna, be careful. This isn't the enchanted forest.

YOUNG IDUNA: The day I'm careful is the day you marry Viggo.

YOUNG VALKA: How did you..?

YOUNG IDUNA: I've seen all the love poems he sends you. So corny.

YOUNG VALKA: (laughs) And what about you and Agnarr? I've seen the way you look at him. Also he sends you so many flowers that they take up most of the place in your cabin. And for the record, Viggo's poems are not that corny.

YOUNG IDUNA: As your best friend, I can tell you that they are.

ELSA (whispers): Our mothers were close friends.

(she sees a memory of her mother hiding in a cart with her father knocked out.)

Anna: This is it.

(Elsa hears her Grandfather next.)

SOLDER #1: King Runeard, I'm sorry. I don't understand.

ELSA (whispers): Grandfather?

RUNEARD: We bring Arendelle's full guard.

SOLDER #1: But they have given us no reason not to trust them.

RUNEARD: The Northuldra follow magic. Which means we can never trust them.

ELSA: Grandfather?

RUNEARD: Magic makes people feel too powerful. Too entitled. It makes them think they can defy the will of a king.

Elsa: He's afraid.

ELSA: That is not what magic does. That's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted.

Jack: True. We have a body of fear and he can't be trusted.

Pitch Black: What?

(King Runeard and his soldier walk through a wall, Elsa uses her powers to make an entrance and follows them.)

RUNEARD: You see, the dam will weaken their lands, so they will have to turn to me.

(Elsa keeps following them while hearing her mother's lullaby with the warning. She keeps going until she reaches a chiff and listens to what Runeard says.)

RUNEARD: They will come in celebration. And then, we will know their size and strength.

(Elsa looks back at the entrance then back at the memory.)

RUNEARD: As you have welcomed us, we welcome you... our neighbors, our friends.

Everyone got really uncomfortable.

ELSA: No turning back.

(She takes a deep breath and jumps down to the bottom. She starts feeling cold, she looks at her hands, they are turning to ice. She looks around and then hears the memory of the day the forest fell.)

Jack: Oh no.

Anna: She's turning to ice to save the forest.

NORTHULDRA LEADER: King Runeard, the dam isn't strengthening our waters. It's hurting the Forest. It's cutting off the North...

KING RUNEARD: Let... Let's not discuss this here. Let's meet on the fjord. Have tea. Find a solution.

(She spots Valka watching from the bushes.)

Hiccup: What is she doing?

(Elsa sees the Northuldra leader waiting for the king to show. Elsa looks behind her, King Runeard pulls out his sword and runs towards him.)

YOUNG VALKA: Watch out!

(The Northuldra leader turned around. But Runeard had killed him.)


(Valka used her powers to attack Runeard. One of his men launched an arrow at Valka. It grazed her shoulder making her wince in pain.)

Hiccup: The dam was a trap.

Jack: And your mother knew.

(Elsa tried to move but her body was turning to ice. She didn't have much time left.)

ELSA: Anna, Jack.

(She releases the last bit of power she has to send the message to Anna and Jack then freezes into ice.)

Everyone: NO!!!!!!

(The scene changed to the village.)

ANNA: How could you let her go alone?!

JACK: Elsa wanted too. She'll be fine, I hope.

OLAF: Love makes people do crazy things.

(They see a glow of Elsa's magic. It circles around them and creates the moment when King Runeard attacks the Northuldra leader and Valka trying to warn him.)

OLAF: What is it?

JACK: Elsa found it. The truth about the past.

ANNA: That's my grandfather. Attacking the Northuldra leader, who wields no weapon. And look, there's Valka. She was trying to save the leader.

FISHLEGS: But why?

ASTRID: It was a trick. The dam wasn't a gift. The king tricked the Northuldra into lowering their guard then the king attacked them.

OLAF: But that goes against everything Arendelle stands for.

Anna: It does.

ANNA: That's why everyone was forced out of Arendelle. So we would do the right thing. We have to destroy the dam.

RAPUNZEL: But Arendelle...

ANNA: Has no future if we don't fix this.

TUFFNUT: Uh, guys, I think something is wrong with the snowman.

(They turn to see Olaf fading away.)

ANNA: Olaf.

OLAF: I don't think Elsa's coming back. She went too far. The magic that brought me to life, it's fading away.

RAPUNZEL: Jack, can you save him?

JACK: My powers can slow down the fading but not for long.

Elsa and Anna gasped.

HEATHER: Wait, where's Hiccup and Toothless?

(Both of them weren't here)

MERIDA: You have got to be kidding me!

Astrid: This is why we need to keep an eye on Hiccup.

Hiccup: Hey!

(Hiccup runs to the river where the Earth Giants were sleeping)

HICCUP: Wake up!

(They don't hear him.)

HICCUP: Oh for the love of Thor, WAKE UP!!!

(The Earth Giants hear her and wake up. They looked angry and went after her.)

HICCUP: That's right. Come and get me!

(Hiccup gets onto Toothless and they fly off while the Earth Giants follow.)

Snotlout: Are you crazy?

Hiccup: Have you met me?

(The Earth Giants chase after Hiccup. One of them throws a boulder at Hiccup but misses.)

HICCUP: That'll work. This way guys!

(Lieutenant Nattias and his soldiers are up on a ledge and see Hiccup leading the Earth Giants.)

MATTIAS: What is he..? (Looks at the dam) No, he's leading them to the dam!

Anna: You better not make this harder.

(The camera turns to Anna and Merida running in the forest as the rest of the dragon riders flew in the sky looking for Hiccup.)

ANNA: Maybe he figured out how to destroy the dam.

(They hear Toothless roar.)

FISHLEGS: There he is.

ASTRID: And he's not alone. Look!

(They see the Earth Giants chasing Hiccup towards the dam.)

MERIDA: He never makes anything easy does he?

ASTRID: Not even close.

ANNA: Astrid, get me to the dam. He'll need help.

(Anna gets onto Stormfly and they head for the dam.)

Everyone was on the edge of their seats.

(Hiccup reaches the dam but Lieutenant Mattias and his soldiers guard the entrance. Hiccup gets off of Toothless.)

HICCUP: Stay here bud.

(Hiccup faces Mattias.)

HICCUP: Lieutenant Mattias.

MATTIAS: Hiccup, what are you doing?

HICCUP: The dam must fall. It's the only way to break the mist and free the Forest.

MATTIAS: But we've sworn to protect Arendelle at all costs.

(Stormfly lands in front of the soldiers. Anna and Astrid get off.)

ANNA: Arendelle has no future until we make this right. King Runeard betrayed everyone.

MATTIAS: How do you know that?

ANNA: My sister gave her life for the truth. Please. Before we lose anyone else.

Everyone: Just do it!

(Mattias decided to help. Him and his soldiers clashed their swords to their shields to get the Earth Giants angrier and they started to throw their boulders. Hiccup and Anna run across the bridge then stop in the middle.)

ANNA: Destroy the dam! Come on! Throw your boulders.

(The Giants boulders hit the dam, breaking it.)

HICCUP: That's it.

(The boulders kept hitting the dam until it began to collapse.)

ANNA: Hurry!

(The two ran across the collapsing dam but Anna was closer to the end. Hiccup kept running then jumped towards the edge. He couldn't grab on then Rapunzel lassoed his hand with her hair.)

RAPUNZEL: Hold on!

(Rapunzel pulled Hiccup up. They watched as a huge tital wave was heading for Arendelle.)

Lucky: I can't look.

Pru and Abigail: Neither can we.

(In Ahtohallan, Elsa turns back to normal but she passes out and falls into the water below.)

Jack: Elsa!

(Nokk sees her and saves her. He brings her to Arendelle and they both stop the flood from hitting the kingdom.)

All of Arendelle cheered.

(The mist was finally lifted from the Forest. The Northuldra, Arendelle soldiers, and the heroes were able to get out of the Forest.)

MATTIAS: 34 years...

YELENA: Five months...

MATTIAS: And 23 days.

Kristoff: You kept track of the days?

Mattias: Yes.

(A snowflake appeared beside Anna. She gasped then ran to the shore where Elsa was waiting with Nokk. Anna hugged Elsa tight.)

ANNA: You're alive! And Arendelle?

ELSA: Still stands. The spirits all agreed, that Arendelle shall stay.

ANNA: Really? Did you find the fifth spirit?

ELSA: Well...

ANNA: It's you. You're the bridge.

ELSA: Well, a bridge has two sides and Mother had two daughters. Anna, you and I have done everything together.

Everyone awwed.

(The others joined in. Jack's jaw dropped seeing Elsa.)

RAPUNZEL: I'm guessing we missed alot.

ELSA: You could say that. (looks at Jack) Jack? You okay?

(Jack snapped out of it.)

JACK: I'm, I'm good.

Hiccup: Real smooth Jack.

Jack: Har, har.

KRISTOFF: Actually there's something I need to do first. (Kneels down on one knee) Anna, you are the most extraordinary person I've ever known. I love you with all I am. (Pulls out the ring) Will you marry me?

ANNA: (in tears) Yes!

Kristoff gets out of his seat and runs to Anna and kisses her. Everyone cheered for them.

JACK: About time.

ELSA: Anna, I'll be staying in the Enchanted Forest.

ANNA: What about Arendelle?

ELSA: I have an idea.

(The scene changed Arendelle for Anna's coronation. The whole kingdom was gathered including all the heroes from camp.)

KAI: Presenting her Majesty, Queen Anna of Arendelle!

(Anna walks out in her new look. (From Frozen Two))

Everyone clapped.

(Anna walks out smiling as everyone claps. She got off the stage and headed into the crowd.)

ESMERALDA: How's it feel being queen?

ANNA: Different but a good kind.

(She sees Sven wearing a bowtie. Even Olaf was wearing a suit.)

OLAF: Charmed, I'm sure.

(Anna chuckled. She then sees Kristoff dressed in a suit. Even Jack was wearing one and shoes too.)

ANNA: Did you boys get dressed up for me?

OLAF: It was Sven's idea.

JACK: Kristoff made me wear the shoes.

Bunny was laughing his head off.

KRISTOFF: One hour. You get one hour of this.

ANNA: It's fine. I actually prefer you in leather.

JACK: Can I take off the shoes?

ANNA: In one hour.

(Jack groaned. He saw Hiccup, Flynn, and Toothless snicker.)

FLYNN: You walked into that one.

Jack: I guess I did.

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