Mini Episode: Thanksgiving Dinner

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RavenDragon: Ok, before I start the next episode, today is Thanksgiving. So, I set up a little Thanksgiving dinner for everyone to enjoy.

Flynn: Would that also include the villains?

RavenDragon: Yes. And no funny business from you all. I'm looking at you, Oogie and Winnie.

Winnie: Can't blame a witch for trying.

Everyone left the theater to the dining room where the massive feast was.

Mushu: A little dinner?! This sorceress just loves to surprise us. Dis on the turkey leg!

Flynn: Oh no you don't! I already called dibs!

Flynn and Mushu both wrestled over the turkey leg. But Stitch steals it from them. He laughs then joined Lilo.

Flynn: Or the little blue alien takes it.

Mr. Wolf: This is why you don't wrestle with your food. You never know who might snatch it... (Shows them a plate full of food) From underneath your noses.

Flynn: Hey! Is that my plate?!

Mr. Wolf: You snooze you lose.

Mr. Snake: (laughs) Suckers!

Mushu: Alright that's it! Let me at them!

Mulan: Mushu, Flynn! Knock it off! There's plenty of food.

Diane: Wolf, Snake, quit antagonizing the others.

Mr. Wolf: A wolfs got to have a little fun.

There was even a mini version of the feast for the little people. Everyone sat at different tables with their friends and/or family. Hiccup started looking around for an empty table to sit at. All he saw was every family laughing and smiling.

Lucky: Hey Hiccup. You wanna join us?

Hiccup: Thanks, but I wouldn't want to impose.

Lucky: You are a part of the family.

Hiccup: I'm fine. I'm not really that big on crowds.

Hiccup starts to leave the dining room with his plate. Jim L watched Hiccup leave the room. 

Claire: Think he's alright?

Jim L: I don't know. I'll go talk to him.

Toby: Careful Jimbo. He might try something.

Jim L gets out of his seat and follows Hiccup. He finds Hiccup in one of the guest rooms, sitting on the bed pushing the food around in his plate.

Jim L: You good? You looked a little disappointed.

Hiccup: No. I'm good.

Jim L: Really? Cause your foods getting cold. Does this have something to do with why you left early?

Hiccup: It's just... (Sighed) seeing all those people with their families. It made me feel a little sad. 

Jim L sits beside Hiccup.

Jim L: Why? I thought you and Lucky were really hitting it off, since she is your cousin.

Hiccup: I only just found out that we're related. And the fact that I'm the son of Viggo Grimborn, my worst enemy.

Jim L: It could be worse. You could be the son of, I don't know, Strickler.

Hiccup: Who?

Jim L: An evil troll changeling that almost killed me and his dating my mother.

Hiccup: Oh gods. Talk about your evil stepfather.

Jim L: Honestly before I became the trollhunter, Strickler was the second closest thing I had to a father.

Hiccup: "Second?"

Jim L: Blinky, my mentor is the closest thing I've had to a father. My real father left me and my mom when I was just five.

Hiccup: At least you have a mother. I don't even know mine. And Stoick, well, he wasn't exactly father material. Only after I stopped the Red Death, he began to pay attention to me. But now that I know that Viggo is my real father... I just don't know what to do.

 Jim L:  Well, for starters, you could get to know your dad more. He is trying to get to know you. And so, would I.

Hiccup: Thanks for the advice.

Jim L: I'll tell you what. Why don't you join me and my friends? 

Hiccup: I'd like that.

The two left the guest room and head to the dining room. They sat down with Toby, Claire, Aaarrrgghh, and Blinky.

 Toby: Glad you two could join us. And just in time too. RavenDragon's finishing the night off with a song.

The light dim then a spotlight shines on RavenDragon who was wearing a long shiny dress that's lavender colored, decorated with flowers. She was holding a mic.


Memories are made of magic
Doesn't matter how unmemorable they seem
Ordinary moments
Like a little laugh you share
Can bring a gleam of light
In your bleakest, darkest hour

Memories are more than magic
When you add them up, they paint a picture of
All the love you've given
And the love you have received

And in that love, there's power
Love power
We can always choose to use it if we dare

Love power
Love power
And we find it in the memories we share
And we need it like the sun and light and air

So when you need some magic
This is where to go
Find the song inside you
That your memories seem to know
Let it grow
Let it glow
Woah, oh

Love power
Love, love power
It's like soaring on a magic broomstick
To the sky above

We fly on love, love power
Love, love power
Just remember the memories
That show us the power of love!

The music ends then everyone clapped.

RavenDragon: Thank you all! And Happy Thanksgiving.

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