Episode 17: The Pixie Hollow Games

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Everyone went back to the theater.

Hiccup: Jim, thanks again for last night.

Jim L: No problem.

RavenDragon: Alright, on with the show!

(The opening theme plays through then the scene changed to everyone gathered in the stage area from the first episode at night.)

HICCUP: What's going on?

MILO: Usually this is for the big events that are happening. Or an announcement that sounds either good or bad.

JIM L: I don't think it's Merlin or Fairy Godmother delivering the news.

(The camera turned to Peter Pan and Tinker Belle on the stage.)

PETER: Ladies and gentlemen, Tink and I have invited you all for the Pixie Hollow games in Neverland.

Mirabel: The what games?

Tink: The Pixie Hollow games. They happen once a year.

ANNA: Oh! This is so exciting!

TINK: The games happen once a year and you guys would love to see it.

PETER: Alright. Let's get going.

(Everyone minus Hiccup used their gems to turn into their fairy forms.)

Elsa: I forgot about those forms.

Isabelle: I look gorgeous.

Mirabel: Oh brother.

HICCUP: I think I'll stick to flying with a dragon.

PETER: Ok then. Follow me. Second star to the right and straight on til morning.

(They followed Peter and Tink in the sky then they were transported to Neverland.)

Antonio: It's amazing.

Lilo: Awesome.

(They flew across the island then they spotted the area where Pixie Hollow was. They landed in the arena where every fairy was preparing for the games.)

NAVEEN: This is so cool.

MERIDA: How many of you little guys are there?

TINK: There's a lot of us. But different types of fairies.

(They heard someone scream.)

TINK: That's Rosetta!

(Tink flew off to find her friends and Rosetta was panicking because she was covered in dirt.)

Anna: You're afraid of dirt?

Fawn: And she's a garden fairy. Ironic, isn't it?

(Silvermist splashed some water on Rosetta, washing away all the dirt.)

ROSETTA: Thank you.

CHLOE: You're afraid of dirt and you're a garden fairy?

FAWN: Ironic, isn't it?

SILVERMIST: What are you doing with that rock?

CHLOE: Oh! I'm in training.

ROSETTA: Training?

CHLOE: For the Pixie Hollow Games, of course.

Rosetta: She's a new arrival.

CHLOE: I can't wait to be on the team!

(Chloe slipped on the mud puddle and she landed on her ankle, twisting it.)


(Everyone gathered around her.)

PETER: Is everyone ok?

CHLOE: No. My ankle hurts.

RAPUNZEL: Looks like you twisted it.

CHLOE: I can't join the team like this.

ROSETTA: Well, maybe it's for the best.

Kida: You don't enjoy the games?

Rosetta: We always go out at the first event.

PETER: Maybe one of us could take Chloe's place.

ROSETTA: Wait, wait, wait. You actually want to be on the Garden Fairy team?

ANYA: I'm starting to think no one wants to be on the team.

ROSETTA: You got that right. It's because we stink! We've never even come close to winning. We bring beauty to the world. That's what we are good at.

RAPUNZEL: Well, that's about to change. I'll join the team.


Ursula: Ha! This is gonna be good!

RavenDragon zapped Ursula.

RAPUNZEL: It'll be perfect.

ROSETTA: Well, I'm not doing it.

(Fern appeared with Lilac and Ivy.)

FERN: Sorry Ro, but it's your turn.


FERN: You weaseled your way out of it every single year. So you're doing it.

ROSETTA: Can't you do it, Fern?

FERN: I did it last year. Slipped in slug slime and broke my arms.


LILAC: I swallowed so much mud in tug of war, I started sprouting weeds out my nose.


IVY: Trampled by my own frog. Thanks for bringing that up. (Starts crying.)

Hiccup: Yeez. You guys have some real bad luck.

Rosetta: Why do you think I weasel my way out of doing the games?

ROSETTA: Ok! Fine! I'll do it.

RAPUNZEL: See?! This is gonna be a blast!

ROSETTA: Don't get your hopes up. We would still have to pass the first event. And every garden fairy team never passes it.

Rapunzel: Then we'll be the first ones.

Rosetta: Keep dreaming. We'll be out quickly.

(The scene changed to nightfall at the area for the Pixie Hollow games. Every fairy and hero was in the audience waiting for the teams to arrive.)

FLYNN: This is gonna be so good!

JACK: Take it down a notch Eugene.

HICCUP: Eugene?

FLYNN: Hey. Ixnay on the ugene-Eay.

Hiccup: Eugene?

Flynn: Ok, ok, it's my real name. But Blondie is the only one that can call me that.

Snotlout: Wow. Talk about embarrassment.

Snotlout got hit with Rapunzel's frying pan.

(Peter flew out of nowhere with a makeshift mic in his hand and he was floating in the middle of the area.)

PETER: (In the mic) Welcome everyone to the Pixie Hollow Games!

(Everyone cheered.)

PETER: The games will last for three days. At every event, one team will be eliminated until we are down to the final four teams who will race for the championship! Let the games begin!

Vanellope: A race?! Now I wish I had joined one of the teams!

TIANA: Here come the teams!

(The first team to enter was the Fast Flying fairies, followed by the Animal fairies, Tinker fairies, and the Dust Keeper fairies. Terrence was embarrassed to be seen in a kilt.)

Fairy Gary: What's wrong with a kilt?

Terrence: It's practically a skirt.

Fergus: Oh come off it! I wear them and so do most of the other clans.

Merida: And yet you guys used them as a rope to get down on the palace tower after being sent on a wild bear chase.

Flynn/Snotlout: Thanks for the image. (gags)

(The Light fairies entered next along with the Water fairies, Healing fairies, and Scout fairies. And finally Rapunzel entered with the Garden fairies flag. She was even dressed in their colors. Rosetta entered in a long fancy dress which surprised Rapunzel.)

RAPUNZEL: Rosetta, that dress is lovely but you do know that we're competing right?

ROSETTA: Honeydew, we're not gonna last longer than one event. If I'm gonna look bad, I'm not gonna look bad. Know what I mean?

RAPUNZEL: Sort of.

Fern: You could actually try to do the events.

(A storm cloud rolls in.)

HICCUP: Is that a storm?

PETER: And here come the reigning Pixie Hollow Game champions, the Storm fairies!

(The camera shows Glimmer and Rumble, the storm fairies descending from the storm cloud as everyone cheered)

CLANK: The storm fairies are going for a record breaking fifth win this year. They're my favorite.

Hiccup: They've won four times already?

Tink: The storm fairies are the ones to beat.

PETER: Alright, let's begin the first event, Leapfrogging.

(The animal fairies bring out the frogs then put saddles on them.)

PETER: Teams, saddle up!

(Each team takes two frogs and heads for the starting line)

PETER: The first team to complete two laps wins and the last team is eliminated. Teams ready?

(The teams get ready.)

PETER: Get set. Go!

(The race begins.)

Antonio: I'm hoping the animal fairies win.

Camilo: Yeah right. My money's on the storm fairies.

Dolorus: I'm going for the Tinker fairies.

JACK: This looks fun.

ANYA: Um, look again. Rosetta and Rapunzel haven't left the starting line.

(The camera turns to Rapunzel and Rosetta. Rapunzel was sitting on her frog.)

RAPUNZEL: Um, Rosetta, you're suppose to sit on the frog.

ROSETTA: I am not putting my petuna on that slimy thing!

RAPUNZEL: But the race just started.

ROSETTA: (whine) I don't even wanna touch it!

Fern: Ro!


ROSETTA: I can't.

GARDEN FAIRIES/ANYA: Sit on the frog!

ROSETTA: Alright! Alright!

(Rosetta gets to her frog but she hovered over the frog instead of sitting on it.)

RAPUNZEL: Hold on tight!

(They started moving but Rosetta ended up falling on the frog's face making it impossible for it to see.)

Rosetta groans.

Fishlegs: Is that normal?

Vivia: Not really.

PETER: It seems the garden fairies are having trouble getting started.

(Rumble looked annoyed and moved out of the way. Rapunzel and Rosetta ended up crashing into the healing fairies team, making them unable to continue.)

PETER: And a bold move from the garden fairies!

(The storm fairies and the animal fairies were neck and neck for first place. Then at the last second the animal fairies take the lead and cross the finish line.)

FAWN: Yeah!

PETER: The animal fairies win!

(Everyone cheers as the other teams cross the finish line.)

Antonio: Yes!

Camlio: Oh come on!

(Rapunzel and Rosetta had just crossed the finish line. Rosetta got off the frog's face but she was covered in frog slime.)

TINK: See? I knew you could do it. Since the healing fairies didn't make it, you guys move on to the next event.

RAPUNZEL: (Gasps) Did you hear that Rosetta? We're still in! Yes!

(Rosetta stood there speechless. Different colored butterflies represent each team. The red butterfly leaves then the orange butterfly moves up to the top of the leaderboard.)

PETER: And the Animal Fairies are on top of the leaderboard with the Storm Fairies taking second. And in last place are the Garden Fairies. The game will continue tomorrow morning.

Rosetta: I guess I was wrong.

Flynn: One thing you should learn about Rapunzel, she never quits.

RAPUNZEL: I told you we could do it. And just wait til tomorrow. That's when we'll make our move.

ROSETTA: Look Raps, you've been great and this has been buckets of fun but...

(Fern, Ivy, Chloe and Lilac flew up to them)

FERN: Do you realize what this means?!

LILAC: You made it past the first round. That's farther than any garden fairy team has ever made!

FERN: And it would go better if Rosetta was actually trying.

ROSETTA: Hey! I was trying!

LILAC: Really?

FERN: That was trying?

Rosetta: Maybe.

Rumble: Just stick to being a pretty face.

Anya: Oh shut up, you pig!

RAPUNZEL: Ok girls, give Rosetta a chance. I'm sure we can improve tomorrow.

ROSETTA: Thanks.

CHLOE: Yeah, dig down deep and break the streak!

RAPUNZEL: (laughs) Exactly.

Lucky: So cool.

(The scene changes to Peter and Tony on day two of the Pixie Hollow Games.)

TOBY: Hey Peter. Any chance I could be your co host? For the next two days.

PETER: I could use some help. Alright. Let's get started.

(Peter hands Toby a mic.)

Toby: Awesome sauce!

PETER: Welcome to the second day of the games! We got multiple events today and the final five teams will do the teacup race to see who will move on to the final event.

TOBY: But first, Dragonfly water skiing!

(The camera turns to Slivermist and her partner taking off at the whistle on shells. Rosetta and Rapunzel came next with their shells.)

Flynn: Should we be worried?

Peter: No. it's completely safe.

RAPUNZEL: Ready for this?

ROSETTA: Ready as I can be. At least the water is clear. It's not dirty or slimy.

(The dragonfly hands them their ropes)

RAPUNZEL: Ok, so here's what you need to do. Arms straight, bend your knees, and lean back.

(Rosetta does what Rapunzel says.)

ROSETTA: Wow, this actually looks easy. I think I'm getting the hang...

(The dragonfly takes off and they begin the course.)

RAPUNZEL: Bend your knees and lean to the right!

(They leaned to the right and crossed the finish line.)

Eugene: Just like when I got flung over the wall and landed on Max.

(The scene changed to the next event. Rosetta was inside a ball as Rapunzel rolled it.)

RAPUNZEL: Ok. When we get to the center, grab a marble and carry it back. Got it?

ROSETTA: Got it.

(The game began. Rosetta was watching the over teams until she saw Rumble getting ready to charge at the other teams.)


(Rosetta made Rapunzel stop just in time. Rumble crashed into the other teams making them scatter. Glimmer grabs a marble from the center then Rumble stears them back.)

RAPUNZEL: Good call.

(Rapunzel continued towards the hole. Rosetta grabs a marble then they head back. Every team except the Tinker Fairies move on.)

Rosetta: Sorry Tink.

Tink: It's fine. Can't win them all.

(The scene changed to the arena at night for the mouse pollo event. Rosetta had the acorn then she passed it to Rapunzel who scored the goal and they moved up to second place while the scout fairies were out. Everyone cheered, Flynn being the loudest.)

FLYNN: That's my girlfriend right there!

ANYA: Hey Eugene, turn it down. You're yelling in my ear.

Flynn: And I thought Cassandra was cold hearted.

Anya: Watch it or my next move is that I sic Stitch on ya.

RAPUNZEL: That was great!


(Glimmer and Rumble walked past Rosetta.)

GLIMMER: Good game.

ROSETTA: Thank you.

(Rumble glared at her.)

Merida: I'm starting to hate that guy.

(The scene changed to the teacup race. Rapunzel and Rosetta were trying to pass the light and storm fairy teams.)

ROSETTA: Let's speed this along. (grabs some pixie dust.)

RAPUNZEL You got it.

(They put some pixie dust on the teacup handle then they sped up leaving the others in the dust.)

Naveen: Wow!

Toby: Who knew that pixie dust was that good?

(The two managed to land their teacup on the saucer but Rosetta stopped when she saw the slides that were covered in slime. Rapunzel went down then the storm fairies took another slide. The Storm fairies took first place as Rapunzel was the only one at the finish line. She saw Rosetta just walking on the rims of the slide.)

RAPUNZEL: Rosetta, you have to use the slide.


(The fast flying fairies passed them)

RAPUNZEL: It's faster if you use the slime.

ROSETTA: No, no, I'll just meet you down there.

(The dust keeper fairies passed them)

RAPUNZEL: It won't count unless we do it together.

ROSETTA: Raps, I want to but I just can't do it.

(Rosetta continued going on the rims of the slide.)

Rumble and Kuzco laughed.

Kuzco: This is too good.

Kuzco gets zapped.

(Rosetta continues going down.)

PETER: Looks like the Garden fairies come in last place.

TOBY: Well, they're still in the games.

PETER: But It's going to take a miracle for them to win the race tomorrow.

Mirabel: Well, miracles happen at the best times.

(Rosetta finally made it down the slide and stepped over the slime. Rumble was there laughing.)

RUMBLE: You really made Rumble laugh (laughs) All that stumbling because you didn't want to get dirty.

ROSETTA: Oh get lost Thunderhead.

RUMBLE: It's gonna be easy to win this year again. Of all the Garden Fairy failures this has to be the most humiliating one yet.

(Anya walked up the them)

ANYA: Didn't you hear Rosetta before? She said get lost.

RUMBLE: I'm just making a point.

ROSETTA: What point?

RUMBLE: My point is, Garden Fairies should just stick to being pretty. That's all you're good at. But hey that's all you've been doing.

(Rumble laughed then flew away.)

Anya: Can I shock him? Please?!

Rumble gets shocked.

RavenDragon: Already did.

(Rosetta sighed.)

ANYA: Don't listen to him. He just carries about winning at all costs.

ROSETTA: Well, he is right. All Garden Fairies do is bring beauty.

RAPUNZEL: I don't believe that. You were having fun during the last few events. And besides, we still have a chance to turn this around.

ROSETTA: Well, alright then.

Rosetta: You sure are optimistic.

Rapunzel: Eighteen years in a tower will do that. You just have to look on the bright side of things.

(The scene changed to the big race. The Tinker fairies were busying finishing the carts. Rapunzel waited for Rosetta and she came out completely different. Her hair was tied up, she had bandages wrapped on her hands and she was wearing the garden fairy uniform for the games.)

RAPUNZEL: Rosetta?

ROSETTA: It's me. (gets into the cart.) Anya figured I could use a better look for the race.

RAPUNZEL: Remind me to thank her for it.

ROSETTA: Also, I owe you an apology. You didn't need a makeover. I did.

Rapunzel: Now that's the spirit.

(Rapunzel gets into the cart)

ROSETTA: I also studied the race track last night. And I have a plan to win this.

RAPUNZEL: So that's why Tink was upgrading our cart.

ROSETTA: Ready to dig down deep?

RAPUNZEL: And break the streak.

(The two high fived.)

Vanelope: Now we're talking!

PETER: This is it folks, the final event! In this race there are only three challanges to pass. The jump, the pond, and mudslide mountain. Each are a short cut to take instead of the main track. But each very difficult.

TOBY: Alright, racers, take your positions!

(The racers went from storm fairies, fast flying fairies, dust keeper fairies and garden fairies. They start their engines then the green flag was waved and they take off.)

PETER: And there they go!

(The racers reach the jump but the Fast Flying fairies take it.)

VIVIA: We need to pick up more speed.

(THey zoom towards the jump. They made it but their cart crashed.)

PETER: And the Fast Flying fairies are out of the race!

Vivia: Man!

TOBY: Looks like the Dust Keepers are going for the pond!

(The team made the jump to the lily pad but the cart rolled off and they landed in the lake.)

TOBY: And the Dust Keeper fairies bite the dust! That isn't pretty.

Fairy Gary: Come on!

Terrance: At least I don't have to wear a skirt anymore.

Fairy Gary: Not a skirt!

(The garden fairies were still behind the storm fairies.)

RAPUNZEL: We'll never catch up to them now.

ROSETTA: There's still Mudside Mountain.

RAPUNZEL: Are you sure?

ROSETTA: That's my plan.

RAPUNZEL: But you're afraid of dirt.

ROSETTA: Ironic, isn't it? (hands Rapunzel some goggles.) Now put these on and pull the lever when I say.

RAPUNZEL: They match our outfit.

ROSETTA: Hey, it's me.

(They put them on)

Vanellope: How are you going to get over that mountain?

Rosetta: I think we'll find out.

(The Storm fairies take the main path.)

PETER: Looks like another victory for the Storm fairies.

(Toby sees the garden fairies go for the mountain.)

TOBY: Hold up Peter! It looks like the Garden Fairy team is going for mudslide mountain!

ROSETTA: Wait for it.

(They got closer to the mountain.)


(Rapunzel pulled the lever then the cart changed to a more alltrane vehicle for the mountain.)

ROSETTA: It's time to get dirty.

Vanellope: Woah! That looks awesome! Hey Tink, if you ever come to Sugar Rush, you gotta trick out my race cart.

Tink: I'll make note of that.

(They drive up the mountain getting splattered with mud. They keep going until they reach the top then slide down the mountain making a leap over the storm fairies and taking first place. Rapunzel and Rosetta cheered.)

PETER: I don't believe it! The Gardne Fairies take first place!

Everyone cheered.

Flynn: Now that's what I'm talking about!

(Rumble looked annoyed then grabbed Glimmer's hand.)

GLIMMER: What are you doing?!

RUMBLE: I'm winning!

(He made her blast a bolt of lightening at the garden fairies cart making it crash. Rumble passed them and laughed but Glimmer looked unimpressed.)

Anya: That's cheating!

Rumble: I'll win anyway.

ROSETTA: No! We were so close!

(Both Rapunzel and Rosetta took off their goggles.)

RAPUNZEL: Well, we can still cross the finish line.

ROSETTA: Let's do it.

(They pick up their cart them pushed it to the finish line. Queen Claireon appeared to announce the winner.)

QUEEN CLAIREON: The pixie hollow game winners are...

(Rumble looked smugged)

QUEEN CLAIREON: The Garden Fairies!

Everyone: What?

(Rapunzel and Rosetta gasped.)

RUMBLE: But Rumble crossed the finish line first!

QUEEN CLAIREON: Yes. You did. But teammates must finish together.

(Everyone turned to see Glimmer staying outside of the finish line.)

Hiccup: Well how about that?

Rapunzel: We won!

Rosetta: Yeah!

(Everyone cheered for the garden fairies.)

RAPUNZEL: We did it!

ROSETTA: We broke the streak! And Rapunzel, thanks for believing in me.

RAPUNZEL: What are friends for. 

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