Episode 18: Roaming Fees May Apply

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RavenDragon: Let's bring in the Christmas Spirit!

North: Yes! (laughs)

RavenDragon used her magic to put out Christmas decorations and a giant tree in the middle of the family room.

Skellington: How marvelous!

Jack: All that's missing was snow.

RavenDragon: You can do it in some of the other rooms. Not here.

Hiccup: What's Christmas?

Anna: That's the most magical time of the year! We love this time of year.

Astrid: Like Snoggletog?

Toby: Snoggletog?

Hiccup: It is what we call Christmas.

Lucky: Oh! Now I get it.

Astrid: That reminds me, I'll make my famous Yaknog.

Dragon Riders/ Stoick/Gobber: NO!!!!!

Astrid already left for the kitchen.

Tuffnut: Every Viking for themselves!

All of Berk got out of their seats and raced out of the theater.

Dagur: What's got into you all?

Fishlegs: Unless you want to get a one-way ticket to Vahalla, I suggest you run!

Viggo: What are you talking about?

Hiccup: Astrid is many things but she is not a good cook. Trust me.

Astrid: (from the kitchen) Are you guys ready to taste it?! I made it extra runny!

Gobber: Sweet Thor in a thunderstorm! It's too late! Odin have mercy on us.

Flynn: You guys can face dragon hunters and not a drink? You know what? I'll taste it.

Dragon Riders: Don't!

Hiccup: Flynn, don't do it!

Tuffnut: That's a death sentence!

Ryker: It can't be that bad.

Snotlout: Ryker, you might be our enemy but none of us would make your drink Astrid's Yaknog.

Astrid came back with her Yaknog.

Astrid: Who wants some?

Flynn: I'll try some.

Hiccup: Flynn, I'm warning you!

Flynn drank it in one go. The dragon riders gasped.

Fishlegs: He drank it in one go!

Ruffnut: Oh no.

Flynn: See? Nothing happened.

Flynn's face started to turn green as his stomach growled like a monster.

Flynn: Where's the bathroom?

RavenDragon: Down the hall and take a right.

Flynn ran out of the room.

Hiccup: I warned him.

Astrid: It's not that bad.

Snotlout: It's worse.

Dagur: So that's why you guys panicked.

RavenDragon: Ok, while Flynn is puking his guts out, we'll start the show. And Astrid, you can put the Yaknog on the table.

Astrid put the tray down and then sat back down. The rest of the vikings sat back down.

(The opening theme played then the scene changed to the camp grounds with Jim L and Hiccup training together. Jim L had his troll armor on and Hiccup had his dragon blade.)

JIM L: You're good.

(Hiccup clashed his blade into Jim L's sword)

HICCUP: You're not so bad yourself.

(Claire, Toby, Merida, and Flynn were watching.)

Snotlout: So this guy hunts trolls?

Jim L: Protecting trolls more like it.

Blinky: Well, the trollhunter usually has a partner.

Jim L: Partner?

RavenDragon: No spoilers Blinky.

Blinky: But...!

RavenDragon: Don't make me get the Yaknog!

Blinky: Never mind.

FLYNN: I can't believe that this kid is a trollhunter.

TOBY: I know. We've seen some crazy things.

CLAIRE: Between goblins and trolls disguised as humans, this is normal looking. (signs sadly)

FLYNN: You ok?

CLAIRE: I'm sorry. I was just thinking about my little brother. He's trapped in the Dark Lands and we're trying to find a way to weaken Gunmar.

MERIDA: Is there a way to kill this Gunmar?

CLAIRE: We think so. But Blinky's having a hard time finding a solution.

Claire sighed.

Jim put his hand on Claire's shoulder and she smiled.

(Jim L and Hiccup continued sparring for a bit until Toothless jumped in and tackled Jim L to the ground and started growling at him.)

HICCUP: Toothless! Get off him.

(Hiccup pulled Toothless off of Jim L and helped him up to the ground.)

HICCUP: Sorry about that.

JIM L: Don't be. I've been tackled by worse. Your dragon was just defending you.

HICCUP: Probably.

(Toothless just growled at Jim L.)

HICCUP: Be nice. He's a friend.

Snotlout: Sounds like Toothless is jealous.

Jim L: Is that possible?

Hiccup: He was like that with Torch. But I guess he's just overprotective.

Toothless growled.

Jim L: And now I have another creature that hates me.

Hiccup: Toothless, behave.

Toothless scoffed then laid back on his rock.

JIM L: I think it's the armor. (the armor disappeared and he picked up the amulet.) Maybe he thought I was going to hurt you like those dragon hunters.

(Toothless softened up but turned away from Jim L)

JIM L: Or not.

HICCUP: Just give it some time. He'll warm up to you.

(The ground began to shake.)

FLYNN: Is that an earthquake?

TOBY: Not quite.

(Draal suddenly rolled in and stopped in front of Toby and Claire.)

JIM L: Draal? What are you doing here?

HICCUP: You know this guy?

JIM L: He's a friend. He won't harm you. Without a reason.

Hiccup: Huh?
Jim L: Draal can be a little, well, protective. But he means well.

Flynn finally comes out of the bathroom.

Flynn: I think my stomach just stopped working.

DRAAL: Apologies for interrupting Trollhunter. But Blinky and Aaarrrgghh are requesting you and others to come to Trollmarket.

TOBY: Maybe he found something.

FLYNN: Great. When do we leave?


FLYNN: You think I would miss a chance for an adventure?

JIM L: Um, Flynn. I don't think it's a good idea. The trolls don't really like humans.

FLYNN: Well, they haven't met me. (flashes a smile)

Gobber: Three gold pieces if Eugene here gets ripped to shreds.

Flynn: Hey.

Hiccup: Gobber, that's just wrong.

Cass: Kid's right. Twenty pieces if Fitzherbert gets punched in the face by a troll.

Flynn: Cass! You are just ice cold!

Hiccup: Wait a minute. Fitzherbert is your last name?

Flynn: Unfortunately, yes.

Snotlout, Tuffnut, Astrid, Heather, Fishlegs, Dagur, and Ruffnut laughed like crazy. Hiccup had to cover his mouth to keep himself from laughing.

Snotlout: This is too good!

Flynn: Ok, ok, laugh it up. I see you smirking Hiccup.

Hiccup cleared his throat quickly.

HICCUP: And you'll be in trouble the second you walk in.

FLYNN: Oh perfect! Thanks for volunteering Hiccup. You and Toothless can join us!

HICCUP: Are you kidding me?!

Hiccup: What is it with you and dragging people into your problems?!

Flynn: What? I like a little bit of fun.

Montray: There's a difference between fun and dragging people into danger.

Flynn: Schooled by a mouse. That's a new one.

JIM L: Ok, fine. Flynn, you can come but stay close.


JIM L: And Hiccup, you and Toothless could come too. In case we might need back up.

HICCUP: I guess it won't be too bad.

MERIDA: Just make sure you're back for our first date.

HICCUP: I'm sure it won't be long. (kiss Merida on the cheek.)

Dragon Riders: Oohhhhhhh!

Hiccup turned bright red.

Fergus: I won't mind having him as a son-in-law.

Merida: Dad!

Elinor: Fergus please. But you do have a point.

Merida groaned in embarrassment.

Gobber: I was wondering when you were going to kiss her. I just thought I was going to put you two under the mistletoe.

Hiccup: Gobber!

Viggo: Alright that's enough.

Hiccup: Thank you. Someone who won't embarrass me.

(Hiccup and Toothless joined Claire, Jim L, Toby, Flynn, and Draal into the woods. Draal pulled out a Horngazel and opened a portal to Trollmarket.)

HICCUP: This is safe, right?

JIM L: It's completely safe. Just watch your step.

(They enter the portal which led to a crystal staircase that glowed.)


TOBY: You think that's cool? Wait til you see troll market.

(They walked down the steps then they entered trollmarket.)

HICCUP: Ok, now this is amazing.

JIM L: Ok, stay close. And don't wander off. I'm looking at you Flynn.

FLYNN: You could have a little faith in me.

Cass: When pigs fly.

Flynn: I didn't ask you Cassandra.

Cass: It's not my fault you can be trustworthy.

Rapunzel: Can you two please stop?!

Flynn: Fine.

Cass: For now.

(They walked through troll market, some of the trolls gave Flynn weird looks.)

FLYNN: Is it just me or do these trolls look like they want to rip me apart?

TOBY: Get use to it. Trolls and humans don't get along. Just try not to do anything stupid.

FLYNN: What could I do something stupid?

(Flynn knocked over a few things off a stand.)

FLYNN: Whoops.

(The troll punched Flynn hard in the face, knocking him out.)

Cass: Yes! (laughs) I knew it! Pay up!

Gobber: Alright, alright. (gives Cass twenty gold pieces) I can't believe I lost a bet to a woman.

Cass: I just know when Fitzherbert is going to do something stupid.

Flynn: You just love seeing me in pain.

Cass: It brings me joy.

Astrid: You and I have got to spar offten.

Cass: I like the challenge.

CLAIRE: And Flynn's out cold.

DRAAL: Is that a bad thing?

JIM L: Sort of. Draal, can you drag Flynn with us?

(draal grab Flynn by the leg and dragged him with the others to Blinky's library where Blinky and Aaarrrgghh were.)

Flynn: I think I hate you.

Jim L: Feelings mutual.

(Blinky swiped everything off a desk then placed a book on it. Jim L and the others entered.)

BLINKY: Master Jim! Good, you're here. (sees Hiccup, Toothless, and Flynn who was still knocked out.) I see you brought some guests.

JIM L: It's ok. They're harmless.

(Flynn wakes up.)

FLYNN: I'm good. I'm good.

JIM L: Blinky, this is Hiccup and Flynn. And the Night Fury is Toothless. Guys, this is Blinky, my mentor. And that's Aaarrrgghh, he's a big softy once you get to know him.

HICCUP: So what excatly were you looking for?

BLINKY: If you must know, I've spent nights poring over the legend of the stones, decoding its hidden meanings. Endless, sleepless nights.

Hiccup: Nights?

Blinky: Trolls don't need that much sleep. Comes in handy for long research nights.

JIM L: The Triumbric Stones. You found something?

HICCUP: Hang on. What are they?

JIM L: The Triumbric Stones are tied to Gunmar's life force. We find them, we kill Gunmar.

BLINKY: Correct, Master Jim. However, it appears the Triumbric Stones aren't the only thing we need.

JIM L: What else is there?

AAARRRGGHH: Other amulet.

BLINKY: Aaarrrgghh is right. We also require the Dragon amulet.

Jim L: Back up. There's two amulets?

Blinky: Yes. One for the trolls and the other for dragons.

CLAIRE: The Dragon Amulet?

BLINKY: Yes. (opens the book) During the time of war, trolls enlisted the help of dragons to win the war. Mostly from the Night Fury.

HICCUP: You mean there are more like Toothless?

BLINKY: I'm afriad not. (closes the book) The Night Furys were all hunted down to near extinction. Toothless is the last of his kind sadly.

JIM L: What about the amulet?

BLINKY: This one is different than the troll hunter amulet. The Dragon amulet chooses only those with pure hearts. The dragon amulet has chosen many different creatures, it's power combines both the wearer and the chosen dragon into a hybrid.

Everyone: Whoa.

Fishlegs: Amazing.

Blinky: Indeed.

HICCUP: How do we find it?

BLINKY: That's the hard part. The Dragon Amulet has been missing for years. No one knows where it is.

TOBY: Great. Without that amulet, we're doomed.

JIM L: Let's just focus on finding the first stone then we'll find the amulet.

Flynn: Another amulet? Wow. Imagine if I got my hands on that.

Claire: Don't even think about it!

Flynn: Well, there goes my fun.

BLINKY: Right. The stones are tied to Gunmar's life force, so I searcched for stones that would have a significance to his past...

AAARRRGGHH: Birthstone.

BLINKY: Indeed. Such as Gunmar's Birthstone.

JIM L: Why is it so powerful?

BLINKY: Long ago, trolls lived underground, blissfully unaware of humankind above. Inevitably, our worlds collided. Trolls and humans each wanted the world as their own and fought for it. Blood was shed, and our First Heartstone rotted from within. And from it, Gunmar was born.

Gobber: I think the hairs on my neck just ran away.

Blinky: Our history isn't what you call a fairytale.

JIM L: Birthstone, okay. Where would we find that?

AAARRRGGHH: Birthstone gone.

BLINKY: It was plundered before any good could come from it. But then I remembered this passage. "Three forces Elemental thou must seek in marchland, caverns deep, and mountain's peak." Which is elusive, but...

HICCUP: The clue is hidden in the final stanza— "mountain's peak." The birthstone is hidden in a mountain. It's kinda obvious.

CLAIRE: You understand riddles?

HICCUP: I dabble.

Claire: I thought I was the only riddle dork.

Hiccup: Nope. It came in handy finding the treasure of Hamish the Second.

Jim L: Who?

Hiccup: One of the old chiefs sons on Berk. Men have lost their minds looking for that treasure.

Jim L: Sounds like a good adventure.

Hiccup: Yeah. But it wasn't easy.

Snotlout: You kidding? We also got cooked alive by Fireworm dragons!

FLYNN: I don't get it.

TOBY: Me either.

BLINKY: (holds up a book.) Gatto's Keep. Deep in the realm of the Volcanic Trolls is a vault of the greatest treasure untold. Treasures too powerful for the underworld to possess. Treasures kept locked up by Gatto himself. Treasures like...

JIM L: The Birthstone.

CLAIRE: So this Gatto has the stone that will help us get Enrique back?

BLINKY: Yes, and...

HICCUP: We might find the Dragon Amulet there too. Gatto hoards lots of treasures, the amulet might be there.

JIM L: Kill two birds with one stone.

BLINKY: If I could just finish a thought...

CLAIRE: When do we leave?

Blinky: And there goes the moment.

Hiccup/Jim L/Claire: Sorry.

TOBY: Wait, this sounds like a quest. This is a quest! (Pulls Jim L, Hiccup, and Claire in) Guys, we're going on our first official Trollhunters quest!

FLYNN: You guys might need someone who knows how to break into vaults. Luckily for you, I'm your guy.

BLINKY: Pack your bags. There's more to see in this world than you know.

Elsa: This feels like the Enchanted Forest all over again.

Flynn: It'll be better.

(The scene changed to the camp grounds with Jim L and Hiccup returning from Trollmarket.)

HICCUP: You sure Toothless will be fine in there?

JIM L: Don't worry, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh will watch him until we get the supplies.

(They spot Snotlout, Tuffnut, and Ruffnut flying in fast. They land on the ground looking worried.)

HICCUP: What's gotten into you guys?

SNOTLOUT: Hiding from Astrid.

HICCUP: Don't tell me, she made her yaknog again?

SNOTLOUT: Yes! She said that she "improved" her recipe. She got Fishlegs down and we had to sneak off.

Astrid: My drink isn't that bad.

Gobber: You just gave Eugene food poisoning.

JIM L: Do I even want to know what she puts in that drink?

HICCUP: It's safer if you don't know.

SNOTLOUT: Any chance we can hide out here? Please?!

HICCUP: Fine. Just don't let Dagur try her drink.

TUFFNUT: Heather already went to warn him.

(Snotlout secretly stuffs a vial of Astrid's yaknog into Hiccup's satchel without him seeing.)

Hiccup: Seriously Snotlout?!

Snotlout: Hey, you rather drink the whole thing?

Hiccup: I'll get you for this.

(The scene changed to Aaarrrgghh and Blinky bringing Jim L, Hiccup, Toothless, Claire, Toby, and Flynn deeper into Trollmarket.)

TOBY: Whoa. You've never taken us this far before

BLINKY: Because out here, Tobias, there is no protection. Beyond the barriers of Trollmarket lie unforgiving realms ripe with lawlessness.

(They arrive at a hidden room.)

BLINKY: Aha! We're here. Did everyone come prepared?

JIM L: Yeah, I've got my flashlight, horngazel, amulet...

CLAIRE: I've got a first-aid kit, matches...

HICCUP: Dragon blade, Toothless...

TOBY: And I got tacos! Extra spicy! What? I get hungry on a quest.

Flynn: I don't get how that is going to help us.

Toby: You never know.

(Aaarrrgghh groans)

TOBY: What's wrong, wingman?

AAARRRGGHH: Hate gyre.


BLINKY: You'll see.

(Jim L opens a portal on the wall then it takes them to an empty room. Then the grouund opens up and reveals the gyre. They all looked amazed.)

Hiccup: That's a gyre?

Blinky: Indeed. Fastest way for troll kind to travel.

(Toby gets closer to it.)

TOBY: That's the coolest troll-y trolley I've ever seen!


BLINKY: Yes. A gyre. Our kind's quickest form of transportation. For the last 200 years, trolls have used the vast network of subterranean sewers to get to any part of the world in record time!

(Everyone climbs onto the gyre.)

HICCUP: Uh... This thing is safe, right?

(Blinky starts up the gyre.)

JIM L: Wait, Gatto isn't in Arcadia?

BLINKY: (Chuckles) Of course not. He lives under what you humans call Argentina.

Trollhunter cast: WHAT?!

Hiccup: Seriously? Is that thing safe?

Blinky: It's fine.

CLAIRE: Argentina! That's a whole other continent, Blinky! How long is it going to take get there?

BLINKY: Less time than you'd think. Let's burn some tunnel!

(Blinky pressed the button then the gyre took off like a speeding bullet. The others screamed while Blinky was enjoying the ride.)

Hiccup: Whoa!

Fishlegs: Did you see that?!

Milo: Unbelievable!

Vanellope: That's faster than any race cart I've ever seen!

(The gyre sped up faster like a roller coaster then it suddenly stopped at the station in Argentina)

BLINKY: Ha-ha! A new record!

(All of them get off the Gyre.)

FLYNN: That was so fun! Can we do it again?!

BLINKY: Later. But you see? Was that so bad?

(Toby ran to a rock and started throwing up.)

JIM L: Yes. Yes, it was.

(Toothless growled at Blinky. Hiccup got off looking dizzy.)

HICCUP: Next time, I'm just flying Toothless.

Anna: You can stomach flying on Toothless but you get sick from that?

Hiccup: Ironic, isn't it?

Rosetta: That's my line.

AAARRRGGHH: Hate gyre.

(Toothless growled with agreement. They walked towards the entrance.)

JIM L: Out of curiosity, have either of you ever met this Gatto?

BLINKY: Uh, no, Master Jim. In fact, I've done everything in my power to avoid him. Very few ever return from his keep. So...

FLYNN: That's reassuring.

Astrid: Should we be worried?

Merida: I'm going with yes.

TOBY: Agh! It's so hot. Why is it so hot?

(They entered inside a volcanic lair where the Volcanic Trolls live.)

CLAIRE: Because we're in a volcano, aren't we?

BLINKY: Welcome to Ojos del Salado, the home of Gatto.

Flynn: Great. I don't do well in heat.

Jack: Better you than me.

HICCUP: Ok, definitely not what I was expecting.

(The group reaches two guards with metal masks on their faces.)

BLINKY: Uh, you there, we would most graciously request an audience with Gatto.

(One of the guards pointed to the top of the mountain.)

FLYNN: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Gatto lives up there.

BLINKY: Thank you, kind friend.

Aaarrrgghh: Friend?

Blinky: I don't know.

FLYNN: So are we walking up there?

HICCUP: I believe so.

(They started climbing up to the top. By the time they reached the top, Toby and Flynn were alright short of breath.)

FLYNN: This (wheezes) better... be... worth it.

HICCUP: You've climbed a tower and you run out of breath climbing a mountain?

FLYNN: Not all of us can handle the heat.

Snotlout: Clearly you haven't seen the sudden heat waves we get. Happens at the worst times.

(Toby looked around and saw no one else besides the group.)

TOBY: Are you serious?

JIM L: Okay, where's Gatto? They said he'd be here.

TOBY: Gatto's a real butt-snack.

(The mountain begins to shake.)

VOICE ECHOES: Who has awakened Gatto?

FLYNN: Oh boy.

TOBY: I am so sorry I called you a butt-snack.

(Jim L pulled out the amulet. They heard Gatto chuckle then they turned around to see that Gatto was the mountain itself. His face moved.)

Hiccup: That's Gatto?!

Lucky: Ok that is not normal!

Pru: I'll say.

GATTO: A human Trollhunter? How interesting. How unique. To what do I owe this pleasure?

HICCUP: That's something you don't see every day.

JIM L: We've— sorry, we've come for...

(Jim L saw one of the trolls wheels in a cart full of rocks. Gatto opened his mouth and used his tongue to shove the troll and the cart into his mouth. He swallowed.)

Heather: That thing just...!

Hiccup: Swallow a troll? Yep.

Astrid: It's the Red Death all over again.

TOBY: Did he just eat a troll?!

GATTO: You must excuse me. I never talk business without something to eat. Go on.

JIM L: We need— we need the Birthstone and the Dragon Amulet. If you have it.

(Gatto laughed which shook the ground a little.)

GATTO: The Birthstone of Gunmar. Very powerful. And the Dragon Amulet. I believe I have it as well. But why should I give it to you?

JIM L: Because we are going to destroy him.

GATTO: (laughs) Why do I care? Why should I give them both to you?

(Steam comes out of Gatto's mouth.)

HICCUP: He's negotiating. (to Gatto) What do you want for them?

GATTO: Ooh. An answer to a little riddle.

Flynn: That's it? A riddle?

TOBY: That's all? Whew. Good thing we have two riddle masters.

HICCUP: Hang on. What's the catch?

GATTO: Answer it correctly, the Birthstone and Dragon Amulet are yours.

HICCUP: And if we answer wrongly?

GATTO: I eat you all. (laughs)

FLYNN: I'm sorry, did he just say "eat?"

GATTO: Yes, humans. (slurps) I hear they have a gamey taste.

TOBY: He said "eat." (moans then falls to the ground.)

Lucky: That is wrong on so many levels.

BLINKY: Master Jim, we must not enter into this binding agreement. I'm beginning to catch on why so few trolls ever leave this domicile.

FLYNN: What gave it away? The fact that he is gonna turn us into a buffet?!

JIM L: We'll play.

(Jim L turned to the others.)

FLYNN: Have you lost it?!

JIM L: We need it to save Claire's brother and, besides, she and Hiccup are good at riddles.

CLAIRE: Not "bet-our-lives' good!

HICCUP: It's ok, Claire. We got this.

BLINKY: Well, I am savvy with words. (turns to Gatto) Gatto, do your worst. Riddle away.

GATTO: What begins and has no end, and ends all that which begins?

Everyone minus Hiccup and Viggo: Huh?

Flynn: Ok, I'm lost here.

BLINKY: I have absolutely no idea. Those words mean nothing. Indecipherable.

JIM L: Everyone, start thinking.

CLAIRE: "What begins and has no end..."

TOBY: School bus? Meatloaf? Hair!

FLYNN: It's a riddle, not charades.

GATTO: Ten more seconds.

BLINKY: You didn't tell us we're on the clock!

Pru: He is really enjoying this.

Rapunzel: Begins and has no end.

Kuzco: Rapunzel's hair. That stuff never ends.

Kuzco gets punched by Cass.

Hiccup: Real mature.

TOBY: Socks! Golf! Magic! Warhammer!

FLYNN: None of those make any sense!

CLAIRE: What about a loop? It begins and has no end.

HICCUP: But it doesn't end when it begins.

CLAIRE: Then what is it?

FLYNN: Wait, wait, wait! I got it! The answer is a riddle.

HICCUP: Really?

JIM L: Yeah no, that's stupid.

GATTO: Tick-tock, tick-tock. Five seconds. Prepare the chimichurri!

Toby: We're doomed.

TOBY: There is no answer. The answer is nothing. What if there is no answer?

JIM L: There's always an answer.

FLYNN: We're all gonna die.

HICCUP: That's it!

GATTO: Time's up.

HICCUP: Death! Death is the answer. It begins and has no end. And ends all things that begin. "Death."

GATTO: What? No one has ever answered that before.

Everyone cheered.

Jim L: You are good at riddles.

Flynn: Technically, I did sorta help so it's also a win for me.

Cass: Didn't you guess that the answer was a riddle?

Flynn groans.

JIM L: Yes.

CLAIRE: He's right.

FLYNN: I thought we were goners.

GATTO: And lived to tell about it. (laughs)

(The troll guards swarm around them.)

JIM L: What?

HICCUP: We had a deal, Gatto!

BLINKY: You were never going to give them to us! You hoard treasures only to lure those into your literal trap!

GATTO: Come now. A mountain has to eat, you know.

Lilo: This is why you never back out of a deal. It always comes back to bite you.

Mei: That's actually true. How do you..?

Lilo: Stitch backed out of a deal he made with me.

(Gatto opens his mouth wide.)

FLYNN: I had to say something.

JIM L: For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!

(The armor appeared on Jim L and the Sword of Daylight was in his hand.)

CLAIRE: What do we do now?

TOBY: I don't wanna be food!

(The guards shoved Blinky, Toby, and Hiccup into Gatto's mouth.)

JIM L: Hold on!

(But Gatto shut his mouth with them inside.)

JIM L: No!

Toby screamed and fainted.

Donkey: Oh my goodness!

Lucky: No!

(Aaarrrgghh charged at Gatto punching him repeatedly)

JIM L: He ate them!

FLYNN: That's messed up!

CLAIRE: They still could be alive. Coach Lawrance told us how long it takes to digest something, or someone.

JIM L: That doesn't make it better!

AAARRRGGHH: Must leave!

(Aaarrrgghh grabs Jim L and Claire and gets them out of the way. Flynn was backed up towards Gatto's mouth. Gatto used his tongue but Toothless bite the tongue and got Flynn out.)

GATTO: Get them!

Flynn: And I thought Cass was hangry.

(The scene changed to Blink, Toby, and Hiccup being swallowed and falling down from his throat into his stomach which was filled with treasures and lava acid.)

BLINKY: We appeared to be surprisingly unscathed.

TOBY: Unscathed? We're in his stomach right now! I fee; very "scathed"!

BLINKY: Great Gronka Morka! Gatto's Keep– it's his belly! That means the Birthstone and amulet must be here somewhere.

HICCUP: Along with a bunch of lava acid, that's rising!

Lucky: At least you guys are alive.

Toby: Not for long! I'm never looking at food like I do ever again.

BLINKY: Then we should make haste! Contact Jim! Tell him we have found Gatto's Keep.

TOBY: I don't think we can. My gem isn't getting a signal.

HICCUP: (snaps) Oh for the love of Thor! I'll contact Jim! You two find the Birthstone and amulet, and hurry!

(The scene quickly went to Jim L and the others escaping. His gem glowed then Hiccup's face appeared on the gem like a mirror.)

JIM L: You guys are alive! Thank god.

HICCUP: We're going for the stone and amulet. Then we'll find a way out.

JIM L: Be careful. When you find them, meet us at the gyre.

(They stopped mirror chatting.)

Hiccup: I didn't know the gems could do that.

Moana: It was Gizalle's idea.

(The scene went back to Gattos Keep)

TOBY: Look at all this gold!

BLINKY: Careful, Tobias. I encourage you to keep your hands to yourself.

TOBY: We're already in a stomach. What's the worst that can happen?

BLINKY: Boils and disembowelment, for starters. Magically cursed objects are often disguised as the most ordinary items to lure unsuspecting victims...

(Toby drops some of the coins he was holding. Blinky grabs a penny.)

BLINKY: Oh, glorious me, a Roman penny! I haven't seen one of these in ages.

(Hiccup cleared his throat then Blinky dropped the coin.)

Jim L: Blink...

Blinky: What?

HICCUP: Any idea on how to find the Dragon Amulet?

BLINKY: Like I said, only the pure of heart are able to find it. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how that works. Gunmar's Birthstone must be here as well.

(Hiccup started looking around for the amulet. Suddenly he spotted something glowing a light purple, almost like Toothless's plasma blast. Hiccup removed some of the coins that were covering up the glow. At the same time, Jim L's amulet started to glow brighter.)

JIM L: What's going on with the amulet?

(A small ball of blue light appeared out of nowhere then went inside Gattos keep and went inside what looked like the Dragon amulet.)

Blinky: That's new.

(The amulet glowed brighter then it started floating in front of Hiccup. Blinky and Toby saw this.)

BLINKY: I don't believe it. The Dragon Amulet! And it has chosen a new hybrid!

HICCUP: How does this work?

BLINKY: Just read the incantation on the amulet.

(The ground started to rumble.)

BLINKY: Forget about the incantation and the birthstone! We must leave now!

(Hiccup grabs the amulet and puts it in his satchel.)

Jim L: At least we didn't leave empty handed.

(They run towards the throat but can't climb it)

BLINKY: We can't possibly climb out of here. I'm afraid we are without an exit.

(The lava rises quickly until Toby gets an idea.)

TOBY: Guys, there may be another way, but you're not gonna like it. If this is his stomach, then there must be a "back door" too.

HICCUP: Oh dear gods, no!

BLINKY: What are you..? (realizes) Oh no! No, no, no, no, no, no.

TOBY: If we upset his stomach then we might have a chance to pass through. (Pushes a statue into the lava.)

Everyone: Eew!

BLINKY: I'd rather die in a stomach than go out through a... an alternate route.

HICCUP: I'm with him.

TOBY: Just help me out!

(They helped Toby push a chest inside the lava. The lava bubbles started exploding.)

TOBY: Throw in every gut-buster you can find!

(They started throwing in anything they could get their hands on. Blinky grabbed a few potions and tossed them in. The smoke turned blue then sent Blinky to the ground.)

HICCUP: You ok?

BLINKY: (squeaks) I'm okay, I'm okay. Sounds like it's just helium-based. (Clears his throat and his voice gets back to normal.) Oh dear. Good thing that wasn't permanent.

Blinky: What exactly did I just toss in there?

RavenDragon: I can't say.

(Toby sees something in the pile of coins.)

TOBY: Is that..?

(Toby digs out what looked like a glowing stone.)

BLINKY: Have you found it?

(Toby grabs the stone.)

TOBY: Strange.

BLINKY: The Birthstone! We found it!

Trollhunter cast cheers

(The lava rises faster, the three of them jumped onto a rock floating in the lava.)

TOBY: It's not working! We need something more, something that will really upset his stomach.

BLINKY: I fear we are doomed!

HICCUP: Hang on, what's in those tacos you brought?

TOBY: These are Diablo Maximus. The spiciest. Why?

BLINKY: That's it! I've seen what those do to the insides of a troll. Toss them!

(Toby grabs his tacos and tosses them into the lava.)

TOBY: We need something else!

(Hiccup reaches into his satchel and pulls out the vial of Astrid's yaknog. He tossed it into the lava. The lava gurgles and bubbles then it starts moving.)

TOBY: Look! It's moving towards the throat.

BLINKY: What was in that vial?

HICCUP: That would be Astrid's yaknog. That stuff can make a grown man cry.

TOBY: Yesh.

Flynn: Well at least that came in handy.

BLINKY: I hate to repeat myself, but it might be apropos. Let's burn some tunnel!

(They make it out of Gattos stomach and they were launched out of his mouth. They landed in front of the gyre where the others were.)

JIM L: You got them?

HICCUP: Yes. Now let's get out of here!

(They get into the gyre then left. The scene changed to Trollmarket in the training hall.)

BLINKY: Never in my wildest dreams did I dare think I would ever see such a sight. The Birthstone and The Dragon Amulet.

TOBY: I may never look at food the same way again.

Lucky: You guys are alive.

Jim L: Yeah, we've had a few close calls.

BLINKY: Indeed. We were all quite the intrepid heroes today.

CLAIRE: We still have two more stones left. And getting them isn't going to be easy.

TOBY: Easy? We were eaten!

FLYNN: After today, I'm holding off any more troll adventures until further notice.

Toby: I think you made the right choice.

BLINKY: And I believe we have a new ally in our quest, Hiccup the Dragon Hybrid.

JIM L: Have you tried the amulet yet?

HICCUP: Not yet.

JIM L: Give it a try.

(Hiccup pulls out the amulet. The incantation was around it.)

HICCUP: "For the honor of the King, night is mine to command."

(A swirling purple light ingolfs Hiccup then both he and Toothless became one. HIccup had scales on his arms and legs, black armor covering him, wings on his back, and a sword with purple fire.)

Everyone: whoa!

Flynn: Ok, now I'm jealous.

(Hiccup opened his eyes and looked at himself.)

HICCUP: I don't believe this.

JIM L: Whoa!

TOBY: Awesomesauce!

BLINKY: Indeed. I never thought I would witness a hybrid.


(Hiccup went back to normal and Toothless was back)

Hiccup: I don't think I'll ever get us to it.

Jim L: Not a problem. You got us. And it'll be nice having a sparring partner.

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