Episode 19: Saving Varian

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RavenDragon: Y'all ready for Christmas?!

Everyone minus the villains cheered

RavenDragon: After the episode, we will be hosting a grand Christmas party followed by a Secret Santa on Christmas Morning. So before we start...

RavenDragon uses magic to make an enchanted Santa hat appear.

RavenDragon: Everyone picks a name and that person will be who you are Secret Santaing.

They hear something.

Webs: What was that?

RavenDragon: Jacob Marley, if this is another joke, you can stop now!

The lights go out for about five seconds then they turn back on.

Wolf: That was weird.

RavenDragon: Wait a minute, where's my..? Ok, which one of you stole my bag?

Cass: Ask Fitzherbert.

Flynn: Oh sure. Blame the former thief. I didn't steal her old bag.

RavenDragon: That bag happened to contain dangerous potions and spellbooks. If it falls into the wrong hands, it would be a disaster.

Merida: Who would be stupid enough to steal from a witch?

Barely: Would a masked figure be the answer?

Ian: How do you know that?

Barely: Because there is one sneaking away.

The masked figure tried to get away but RavenDragon swung down and tackled him to the ground. She pulled off the mask to reveal that it was Lance Strongbow.

Flynn: Lance?!

Lance: Hey Flynn...

RavenDragon: Really? You had to steal my bag?

Lance: Sorry, force of habit.

RavenDragon: Hand it over.

Lance hands over the bag. He sits back down in his seat.

Flynn: You just had to steal a bag from a witch, Arnwaldo.

Lance: Don't call me Arnwaldo!

(The opening theme plays through then the scene went to the Northern Markets with Throk and Queen Mala with the Iron Mason, looking at weapons.)

THROK: This batch will be acceptable if you'll be so kind as to box them up for us.

IRON MASON: I'm sorry, but those weapons are spoken for.

MALA: Spoken for by who, Iron Mason?

(Some Dragon Hunters showed up.)

DRAGON HUNTER: #1: Pay him. Or don't. Doesn't matter.

(Throk got in the hunters way then weapons were drawn but a hooded figure appeared.)

Flynn: Seriously Lance?

Lance: That's not me!

Flynn: Really? You're wearing the same thing right now.

RavenDragon: No spoilers!

HOODED FIGURE: Hunters. Have you all taken leave of your senses? (grabs a bludgeon.) On your knees before royalty.

(He whacks one of the hunters down to his knees.)

HOODED FIGURE: My apologies. They are simple Hunters. Not known for their strength of mind. Go before you get us all killed.

(The hunters run off. Throk and Mala watched the hooded figure.)

HOODED FIGURE: You're lucky I came when I did. This place isn't safe anymore.

Flynn: Oh great.

(The scene changed to the Defenders of The Wing Island with the Dragon Riders, Merida, Hiccup, Moana, Mirabel, Flynn, and Dagur.)

HICCUP: So, this hooded stranger, he risked his own life to save you?

MALA: If it weren't for him, who knows what would've happened?

HICCUP: And you've bought weapons on this island before?

MALA: Yes, for many years.

HEATHER: It never used to be like that. That island was always a peaceful place to trade.

DAGUR: Not with all those hunters.

HICCUP: Heather, we should go see what those Hunters are up to.

DAGUR: I'm coming too. I worked with the hunters for a while. I know where they might be.

HICCUP: Ok. Thank you for fillin' us in, Mala. It was good that you sent for us.

MALA: Actually, I summoned you for another reason completely.

Snotlout: Oh no.

(The twins come running out of the bushes.)

TUFFNUT: Hiccup. You are not gonna believe this. (sees Moana.) Moana. Hey. What are you doing here?

MOANA: I wanted to join Hiccup. I needed to get away from Maui, he is driving me crazy. Also, I wanted to see you again, Tuff.

RUFFNUT: (clears her throat.) This may be the greatest day ever.

TUFFNUT: To me it already is.

Moana blushed.

Maui: I'm not that annoying.

ASTRID: All right, out with it.

TUFFNUT: East, A. This is too good to just blurt out. The village is setting up for some big, crazy-looking to-do.


RUFFNUT: We asked a couple of the natives, "What's the deal?" And do you know what they said?

FLYNN: Probably something like, "It's none of your business."

Cass: And yet, you butt into other peoples business.

Flynn: You just love rubbing your face in this.

TUFFNUT: Many of them said that, at first. But then, they said it was for... The Trials.

MERIDA: Like marriage trials?

MALA: Not exactly. These trials are tests to choose the new king.

TUFFNUT: And they involve fire, poisonous reptiles, volcanoes.

MIRABEL: Anything that causes a painful death?

RUFFNUT: Exactly! How lucky are we?

Lance: I hate to be the poor chump that gets to do them.

Kuzco: How's the sucker that has to do them?

FLYNN: I'd hate to be that guy. So whose funeral are we planning?

(Snotlout comes out running in panic.)

SNOTLOUT: Hiccup! We have to get out of here. Pronto... (Sees Mala) Oh! (laughs) Hey, babe. How's it goin'? I was just thinking about you. Looking forward to watching me die a horrible gruesome death? Did you know about this?

Ryker: Well, that answers it.

Flynn: At least it'll be quick.

Snotlout: I don't get any sympathy?

Lance: No, no, he's right. He probably won't make it past the first trial.

Snotlout: Gee thanks.

FLYNN: Nice knowing you Snotlout.

(Dagur elbowed Flynn hard.)


HICCUP: Mala, will you please excuse us?

MALA: Of course. (leaves)

SNOTLOUT: I'm not swimming across some lava pool just so I can become a king.

Hades: Hey! In the underworld, lava pools make great hot springs.

TUFFNUT: No, no, no. It's not a lava pool anymore.

SNOTLOUT: It's not?

TUFFNUT: No. It's way better. You see, there's no way Snotlout could survive what they've got planned. He simply doesn't possess any of the physical or mental prowess to successfully complete these trials.

SNOTLOUT: Oh, yeah, really? Is that what you think?

RUFFNUT: Oh, it's a fact.

SNOTLOUT: All right, that's it! We're staying. You all better start practicing your bow. 'Cause you're looking at the future king, baby.

FLYNN: Future king? Ha! Like that'll happen! The day that happens is the day I become the court jester for Cassandra! (laughs)

Flynn: Why did I say that?

Cass was laughing.

Lance: Should've quit while you're ahead.

THROK: Or you both could do the trials.

FLYNN: Woah there pal! I'm with the princess of Corona.

THROK: As a competition.

SNOTLOUT: Or you're just chicken.

FLYNN: You know what? I'm in.

SNOTLOUT: And whoever loses, has to eat some of Astrid's cooking.

Flynn: That's just torture!

Astrid: And quit draggin my cooking into your bets.

FLYNN: You're on!

MIRABEL: This isn't going to end well.

HICCUP: Heather, Dagur, and I have to go check on something in the Northern Markets. I need the rest of you to stay here and help Astrid make sure Snotlout and Flynn don't get themselves killed.

(The three of them take off to the Northern Markets.)

RUFFNUT: What'd he say?

TUFFNUT: Make sure Snotlout and Flynn get killed.

RUFFNUT: Copy that.

Hiccup: That's not even what I said.

Jim L: You sure you want to leave Flynn's fate in the hands of those two.

Hiccup: The twins may be a bit crazy but they come in handy.

(The scene changed to the outskirts of the Northern Markets with Dagur, Hiccup, and Heather in disguise.)

HEATHER: Perfect. No one'll know its you.

(They started walking but Toothless tried to follow.)

HICCUP: No, bud. Three strangers with hoods is one thing. But three strangers with hoods, and a Night Fury, a Razorwhip, and a Gronkle might not be so stealthy. Stay here.

(They entered the market which was crawling with hunters.)

Nick: The hooded guy wasn't lying.

HICCUP: That's a lot of hunters. Whoever that hooded stranger was, he's right. It's not safe here.

(They head for the booth where the Iron Mason was. But they saw another hooded figure there grabbing one of the swords.)

HUNTER # 2: These weapons are spoken for.

HOODED FIGURE: Really? Is that so? Because this beauty happens to be mine.

(The hooded figure attacks the hunter causing a panic.)

HICCUP: We need to go now.

(Hiccup, Dagur, and Heather get out of the market and head for the docks by the forest.)

DAGUR: Think that was the hooded figure Mala was talking about?

HICCUP: That's not him. She said the figure was smaller than that guy.

Flynn: Oh please, who would be crazy enough to pick fights with guards? (coughs) Lance.

Lance: I told you that wasn't me.

(They got a little closer to the docks where some hunters were along with the smaller hooded figure.)

HICCUP: I think we found him.

(Someone put a hand over Hiccup's mouth. Dagur and Heather drew out their weapons and turned to see the hooded figure from before.)

HOODED FIGURE: Easy. I'm not here to fight. (Takes his hood off to reveal that it was Lance.) I'm a friend.

Flynn: Ha! I told you so! Do I know my best buddy or what?!

Everyone: We get it!

(Hiccup got out of Lance's hold.)

HICCUP: Who are you?

LANCE: Names Lance Strongbow. Flynn Rider's old partner.

HEATHER: Why are you in the Northern Markets?

LANCE: I'm looking for someone. And it seems you found him for me.

HICCUP: What are you talking about?

(Lance points to the hooded figure at the docks. The hooded figure took off his hood to reveal that it was Varian.)

Rapunzel: Varian?!

Astrid: You know that kid?

Flynn: He's a friend of ours. And an alchemist.

Varian: And for the record, I'm fourteen.

Snotlout: No offense kid, but you're skinny enough to be a ten-year-old.

Varian: Excuse me?!

Hiccup: Snotlout, leave him alone.

Snotlout: You were the same, Hiccup.

RavenDragon used magic to take Snotlout's voice.

RavenDragon: That'll shut him up. And for the record Snotlout, never make fun of anyone's body shape.

DAGUR: So, the hooded figure is a fourteen-year-old kid?

LANCE: That's Varian. Don't let his age fool you. Kid's smarter than people give him credit for.

HICCUP: And from the looks of it, he's working with the Dragon Hunters.

Flynn: That's a new low for ya Hair stripe.

Varian: Will you stop that?!

Hiccup: Flynn, will you quit bothering Varian?

Flynn: What? I'm just messing with him.

HICCUP: Lance, why are you after Varian?

LANCE: Sorry, king's orders. Varian disappeared from his house a few weeks ago, after he was placed under house arrest.

HEATHER: House arrest? For what?

LANCE: Classified information. Since Rapunzel and Flynn are away, the king asked me to find Varian.

HICCUP: And the first thing you do is pick fights with the hunters?

LANCE: That was just to mess with them. A thief's got to have a little fun.

(Toothless, Windshear and Shattermaster appeared, Lance screamed.)

LANCE: Are those... (stutters) dragons?

HEATHER: Are you afraid?

LANCE: (scoffs) No, just surprised that's all.

Sisu: Yeah, surprised.

Lance: Ok, a talking dragon?! That is not normal!

Sisu: Watch it!

HICCUP: We need to get Varian alone. There has to be some kind of explanation to why he's with the hunters.

LANCE: Just watch yourself. Varian isn't defenseless.

DAGUR: You make it sound like the kid is a bad guy.

Toby: This guy? Dangerous?

(The scene changed to the Defenders of the Wing at a lava pool where both Snotlout and Flynn were. Throk came in with the Eruptidon.)

RUFFNUT: Wow. I guess even dragons love a good fiery demise.

MIRABEL: I don't think he's here to watch.

(The Eruptidon shot out a couple of lava balls into the lava pool which harden into a few rocks floating in it as a path.)

ASTRID: That's their first test.

MOANA: Walking across hot rocks? My tribe does that for the coming-of-age ceremony for the new heir. Except its hot coals and there's no lava pool and we do it barefoot.

Flynn: Did you say barefoot?

Moana: Yes. It's not that bad. It's like getting a hot stone massage.

Lilo: Cool. I wanna try.

Nani: Uh...

Moana: Maybe wait til you're a little older Lilo.

ASTRID: The minute they start to scream you two and Barf and Belch pull them out or Snotlout and Flynn's fiery demise is on your heads.

RUFFNUT: I'm good with that. Right, brother?

TUFFNUT: I'll work through it.

(The two take to the air.)

MERIDA: It'll be Rider that gets to scream first.

Flynn: A little fate would be nice!

Varian: Technically...

Flynn: You stay out of this!

(Flynn and Snotlout lumber up.)

SNOTLOUT: You guys ready for some hot coal action?

FLYNN: If hot coal action means screaming in pain while I beat you? Then yes.

SNOTLOUT: You'll be eating those words.

(The two start running across the hot coals while trying not to wince in pain. Ruff and Tuff were above them. They reached the other side, but their boots were burnt.)

FLYNN: Man! Those were my good boots.

(The village cheered for them.)

Lance: Oh yeah! That's my best friend right there!

Flynn: Despite the fact that my boots were burned, I think I did ok.

(The twins land on the ground.)

TUFFNUT: Wow, Snotters. Tell me that was as painful as it looked.

SNOTLOUT: Didn't feel a thing. (groans)

FLYNN: Not a thing?

MERIDA: (sighs) This is gonna be a long day.

Moana: You might want to ice your feet with water before the next trial.

(The scene changed to the Northern markets with Lance, Hiccup, Heather, and Dagur in a hidden alley.)

LANCE: Any sign of him?

HEATHER: Nothing.

LANCE: (groans) I should have grabbed him the second I saw him on the docks.

HICCUP: I have to disagree with you there.

LANCE: You guys don't know Varian. He's dangerous.

DAGUR: Then why would you tell us why?

LANCE: I told you it's...

(Shattermaster, Windshear, and Toothless came with Varian being dragged by Toothless.)

LANCE: Never mind.

Flynn laughs

Flynn: Outsmarted by a couple of lizards?! (laughs) That must be really embarrassing.

VARIAN: What the..? Lance!

LANCE: That's right kid. Now if you don't mind, I'll be taking you back to Corona.

VARIAN: I'm not going anywhere with you!

LANCE: Then you shouldn't have run away.

(Hiccup got in between them)

HICCUP: Lance, wait. Maybe you should back off a bit.

(Varian pulls out one of his alchemy balls.)

VARIAN: You should have listened to your friend.

(Varian throws it at lance which blinded him. Varian makes a run for it.)

HEATHER: We'll get Lance. You go after Varian.

(Hiccup and Toothless run after Varian.)

Lance: I should have seen that coming.

Varian: Well, I did warn you.

(Hiccup and Toothless continue chasing Varian through the woods. Varian whistles, then a Changewing comes out of nowhere and grabs Varian.)

HICCUP: What the...? Was that a Changewing?!

(Hiccup gets on Toothless and flies after Varian.)

Flynn: Changewing?

Fishlegs: Camouflaging dragons that spit acid and can hypnotize you if you stare into their eyes for too long.

Flynn: I thought that would be the dragon for Cassandra. Or maybe one that has an icy personality like hers.

Cass: Hey Raven girl! Is it possible to zap Eugene here?

RavenDragon: Yeah no. But I can do this.

RavenDragon turns Flynn's lips into a zipper.

Cass: That'll work.

(The scene changed to the Defender of The Wing with Snotlout, Flynn, and the others over a water filled maze with eels.)

THROK: This will be your second of three trials, Snotlout Jorgenson and Flynn Rider.

FLYNN: A maze? No problem. I'm great at mazes.

MIRABEL: Uh... you might want to look down.

(Flynn sees small different colored eels in the water.)

FLYNN: A maze with eels. Ok, nothing to worry about, right?

THROK: If you like deadly poisonous eels, then yes.

Cass: Oh! This is too good! I like this guy already.

TUFFNUT: As infants, they bite hard, but as adults, they bite harder.

SNOTLOUT: Thanks, Tuffnut. Got it.

THROK: If you like, you may take a weapon into the maze.

(Snotlout grabs a mace and Flynn grabs a sword.)

SNOTLOUT: Awesome. Will it help my chances?

FLYNN: You mean my chances?

THROK: (laughs) No.

Cass: (laughs) Nice. Any chance I can move there?

Throk: Possible.

Cass: Yes!

(Flynn and Snotlout enter the maze.)

ASTRID: Get ready to get him out of there.

FISHLEGS: We're on it, Astrid.

(Fishlegs and Meatlug fly above the maze.)

MOANA: Should I be nervous?

TUFFNUT: They'll be fine. As long as they don't get bit.

(Flynn runs ahead through the maze dodging the eels that jump at him. He makes his way to the finish line first but Snotlout was stopped by three giant eels.)

Cass: Oh come on! I was hoping he would get bit.

(Fishlegs rushed over to Snotlout.)

FISHLEGS: Quick get on!

SNOTLOUT: Get out of here, Fishface. I got this.

(Meatlug got spooked and accidentally let Fishlegs fall into the water.)

FISHLEGS: No. You definitely do not get this.

(The others watched as Snotlout beat the eels and got out of the maze with Fishlegs.)

FLYNN: I don't believe it.

TUFFNUT: What just happened?

RUFFNUT: The impossible.

Snotlout smirked.

(The scene went back to Hiccup and Toothless chasing after Varian.)

VARIAN: Come on, faster!

(Hiccup spotted a dragon trap that Varian was heading for.)

HICCUP: Varian, stop!

(Varian didn't listen and ended up getting stuck in the trap. Varian struggled to get out. Hiccup and Toothless landed in front of Varian.)

Varian turned bright red.

HICCUP: I tried to warn you about the trap. Let me help you.

VARIAN: No. I can do this on my own.

HICCUP: Alright, what is your problem? You're working with the Dragon Hunters, you blinded Lance, and you ran away when I just wanted to talk.

VARIAN: What are you talking about? Dragon hunters? I'm not working with them! I needed the information from them about the Iron Mason's weapons. They're using Gronckles to make the weapons more effective.

HICCUP: They're making Gronckle iron. That's impressive. But why did you run away from Corona? Lance told us that you were under house arrest.

VARIAN: (sighs) If you get me down, I'll tell you.

(Hiccup cuts Varian out of the net.)

Lance: Told ya that guy was too smart.

Varian: So?

VARIAN: Thanks, um.

HICCUP: Hiccup. My name is Hiccup.

VARIAN: Right. You asked about me. Well, the thing is...

(Lance appeared from the bushes and grabbed Varian.)

LANCE: Gotta him! Thanks for keeping him busy.

HICCUP: What? No. I was just talking to him.

LANCE: Say no more. I'll be taking Varian back to Corona.

VARIAN: Let me go!!

(Heather and Dagur ran towards Hiccup.)

DAGUR: Hiccup, it's a trick! That's not Lance!

(Lance took off a metal to reveal that he was actually Gothel.)

Lance: What the...?

Rapunzel: No, no, no, no. She can't be back.

HEATHER: Who are you?

GOTHEL: Can't stick around long. I need the boy.

HICCUP: Take your hands off Varian!

(Gothel tightens her grip on Varian.)

VARIAN: I said, let me go!

(Varian's hair stripe starts to glow then some black rocks appear in front of Gothel making her let Varian go.)


(Heather and Dagur took their dragons while Hiccup and Toothless followed Varian.)

Rapunzel: How did you do that?

Varian: Um... well... something the stripe in my hair glows but that has never happened before.

VARIAN: Keep going!

HICCUP: Who was that?

VARIAN: Mother Gothel. She's the reason why Rapunzel missed eighteen years of her life. And now she wants me because of my powers.

HICCUP: Powers?

(They stopped running.)

HICCUP: What powers?

VARIAN: (takes off his gloves) These powers.

(More black rocks popped up beside Varian.)

Lance: That's new.


VARIAN: I get it. I'm a monster.

HICCUP: What? A monster? I don't think that.

VARIAN: I can't control it. I don't even know why.

HICCUP: Varian, I understand if you're scared but running away doesn't solve anything. So, maybe it'll help if you tell me what really happened.

VARIAN: (Sighs) It started after these black rocks appeared in my village. I wanted to help but my dad told me to leave them alone. So, I would practice my alchemy on some of them in secret. But my dad caught me, and we ended up having a bad fight. I did see the amber growing on the rocks, but my dad did, he pushed me out of the way to save me.

HICCUP: What about Rapunzel? Did she try to help you?

Varian just glared at Rapunzel.

Hiccup: Alright, what did you guys do?

RavenDragon: Well, you know how the battle between Moses and Ramese was happening. During that, Rapunzel got to be queen for a day since Arianna and Fredrick left for their anniversary.

Rapunzel: How exciting!

RavenDragon: Don't get too excited. A blizzard hits Corona and let's put it this way, you sort of broke the promise you made to Varian.

Rapunzel: What?!

VARIAN: (scoffs) Rapunzel. She's the reason why I don't trust the royal family. I ran all the way to the castle and begged her for help. She refused to help, and the royal advisor had the guard just throw me out of the castle back outside in the middle of a blizzard and she just watched. When I got back home, I was too late. The amber had completely encased my father, all because I didn't listen to him!

(A few tears escaped Varian. Hiccup put his hand on Varian's shoulder gently.)

HICCUP: It's not your fault Varian. You were just trying to help your people. And believe, I know what that's like.

VARIAN: (sniffled) You do?

HICCUP: Yeah. Before dragons came into our lives, we used to fight them alot. But after I met Toothless, I realized that dragons weren't all dangerous as my dad told me.

VARIAN: How did your dad take it?

HICCUP: Not so good. But then he changed, they all did. It wasn't easy but we made it work. Dads might not know what's best for you all the time, but a parent's intentions almost always come from here. (Hiccup pointed to his heart.)

VARIAN: Yeah, I guess. (smiles) It's nice to talk to someone that understands me.

HICCUP: Yeah. But when did you start getting your powers?

VARIAN: Two days after my dad was encased in amber. My blue hair stripe started glowing then some of the rocks just started to disappear. I thought I could use them to save my dad but I can't control it. The palace guards showed up and told me that the king wanted to see me. When I asked them, they said that they know about my powers and the king thinks I'm causing all this damage. So, I panicked and...

HICCUP: You ran away.

Rapunzel: Varian, I had no idea about any of this.

VARIAN: I'm just tired of being treated as the guy that ruins everything. And if being out here means I can find out more of my powers.  Then maybe, I won't be a monster.

HICCUP: Varian, you're not a monster. All I see is a scared kid just trying to save his father.

VARIAN: Really?

HICCUP: Really.

Varian: Thanks.

Hiccup: Anytime.

(The sound of Dragon Hunters were heard coming their way.)

HICCUP: Varian, listen to me. Get out of here fast. I'll hold off the hunters, giving you time to escape.

VARIAN: What? But what about Gothel?

HICCUP: Get your dragon and get out fast. I'll handle Gothel. Go now!

(Varian got on his dragon and they flew off. But he and the changewing just went a few feet then hid. Gothel appeared with a few hunters.)

GOTHEL: Where's the boy?

HICCUP: Safe. Away from you. (uses his gem to summon his powers.)

GOTHEL: Cute. (Summons some magic of her own) I got some magic of my own.

Rapunzel: Ok, I was not expecting that.

(Heather and Dagur were in chains along with their dragons.)

GOTHEL: Unless you want me to harm your friends, I suggest you do as I say.

(Hiccup just let his powers die down then the hunters cuffed him and Toothless.)

GOTHEL: Where is the boy?

HICCUP: You'll have to kill me before I betray Varian.

(Varian heard what Hiccup said and he was touched.)

GOTHEL: Very well. (to the hunters) Take them to the ship! I'm sure Ryker will be pleased with the riders and dragons.

(The hunters dragged them away as Varian just watched.)

Heather: I'm not liking where this is going.

VARIAN: No. What have I done? Everywhere I go, more people get hurt because of me.

(Some slow music starts playing.)

Lance: Looks like Varian gets his song.

Flynn unzips his mouth.

Flynn: I think we can skip this.

RavenDragon: Yeah, no. Keep that mouth shut.


It's finally come, come to knock down my door

I can't hide this time, like I hid before

The storm is awake, the danger is real

My time's running out, don't feel, don't feel

(Varian walked towards the cliffside and looked at the docks.)

"Fear will be your enemy and death its consequence"

That's what they once said to me and it's starting to make sense

(Varian looked at his gloved hands.)

All this pain, all this fear began because of me

Is the thing they see the thing I have to be?

A monster, were they right?

Has the dark in me finally come to light?

Hiccup: Varian...


Am I a monster full of rage?

Nowhere to go, but on a rampage

Or am I just a monster in a cage?

(The hunters tossed Hiccup, Heather, and Dagur into a cell.)

GOTHEL: The boy will come for you. And when he does, he'll be mine.

(The scene went back to Varian.)


What do I do? No time for crying now

I've started a storm, got to stop it somehow

(He got on his dragon and flew in the opposite direction.)

Do I keep on running? How far do I have to go?

And would that take the storm away or only make it grow?

I'm making my world colder, how long can it survive?

Is everyone in danger as long as I'm alive?

Was I a monster from the start?

How did I end up with this frozen heart?

Bringing destruction to the stage

Caught in a war that I never meant to wage

Do I kill the monster?

Varian: May I be excuse?

RavenDragon: Ok, I know this hard Varian.

Varian got up and left the room.

Hiccup: Let me talk to him.

Hiccup leaves the room to find Varian in one of the guest rooms.

Hiccup: Hey, you ok?

Varian: I don't know. I'm scared. Maybe I am a monster.

Hiccup hugged Varian tight. Varian started to cry a little.

Hiccup: You are not a monster. Gothel is the real monster. I got you.

Varian: (sniffles) You know, I always wanted a brother.

Hiccup: Well, you got one now. You can sit with me if that makes you feel better.

Varian: I'd like that, very much.

The two got back into the theater. Hiccup gave Varian his spot then Hiccup sat in between Varian and Milo.

(Varian started getting flashbacks of him and his father.)


Father, you know what's best for me

If I die, will they be free?

(He then slowly remembers a few memories of his mother.)

Mother, what if after I'm gone

The cold gets colder

And the storm rages on?

(He hears Hiccup's voice in his head.)

HICCUP: (Echoed) Varian, I understand if you're scared but running away doesn't solve anything. You're not a monster. All I see is a scared kid just trying to save his father.

(Varian had his dragon turn around.)


I'm done running away.

Hiccup smiled at Varian.

Hiccup: I told you. You're no monster.

Varian: Thanks for having my back.


No, I have to stay alive to fix what I've done

Save the world from myself and bring back the sun

If I'm a monster, and it's true

There's only one thing that's left for me to do

But before I fade to white

I'll do all that I can to make things right

(Varian follows the ship but he takes off his gloves.)

I cannot be a monster

I will not be a monster

Not tonight

(The song ends)

Milo: You do have a good voice.

Varian: Thanks.

(The scene changed to The Defenders of the Wing at nightfall. A feast was being held for Snotlout.)

FLYNN: Ok, I'm stopped at the eel maze.

MERIDA: You're done?

FLYNN: I do not want to deal with an angry girlfriend who happens to be the princess.

Rapunzel: That's a good thing.

MIRABEL: But Snotlout can not continue doing these trials. He has been incredibly lucky so far.

ASTRID: Sooner or later, his lucky will run out.

SNOTLOUT: Is that so? (Snaps his fingers and two guards come) Excuse me? Escort them back to their tents.

ASTRID: Snotlout, don't do this!

(Mirabel, Merida, Astrid, Flynn, and Fishlegs were taken to their tents.)

Astrid: Remind me to skin him alive.

Snotlout mimed a scream

MOANA: And I thought Maui had a big head.

TUFFNUT: Well, Snotlout thinks way over his head. And it backfires every time.

(Moana giggled at Tuffnut's joke.)

MOANA: I should join your adventures more.

Tuffnut: I wouldn't mind.

Moana blushed at Tuffnut.

Ruffnut: Oh brother.

(The scene changed to an island where the hunters had Gronckles in cages. Heather, Dagur and Hiccup were in chains. The hunters didn't see Varian and his dragon sneak in.)

HICCUP: (whispers) Varian? What are you...?

VARIAN: (whispers) I'm saving you.

HICCUP: (whispers) No, you can't be here! It's a trap!

GOTHEL: (off screen) You should have listened to your friend.

(Varian turned around to face Gothel.)

GOTHEL: But it won't matter now.

VARIAN: Let them go Gothel!

GOTHEL: Or what? You'll stop me? Ha! You can barely control those black rocks.

Gothel gets shocked.

Rapunzel: Thanks.

RavenDragon: My zapping finger was getting twitchy.

VARIAN: I don't need my powers to stop you.

(A plasma blast was fired which missed Gothel. She turned around to see Toothless and the other dragons free.)

HEATHER: The dragons.

(Gothel started to back up but she bumped into Varian's Changewing. The Changewing scared Gothel then she disappeared.)

DAGUR: She's gone.

HICCUP: Let's get out of here before the hunters come back.

(Varian had his Changewing use its acid to free Hiccup and the others. They took to the air and left the island.)

Dagur: Saved by a fourteen year old. Wasn't expecting that.

(The scene switched to morning with Varian, Hiccup, Heather, and Dagur flying back to the Defenders of the Wing island.)

VARIAN: Thanks again for letting me come with you guys. Even though I was the reason you all got caught.

HICCUP: Varian, it's ok. It's not your fault. Plus you need a place to stay.

(The sound of a dragon growling was heard.)

HEATHER: It's coming from the volcano.

HICCUP: That's not good.

(They make their way to the island and land.)

Lance: What's the last trial?

Cass: Man eating wolves?

Ruffnut: Screaming Death.

Shang: A battle to the death.

FLYNN: What's Hairstripe doing here?

DAGUR: Long story.

HICCUP: PLease tell me Snotlout is still alive.

ASTRID: Oh, he's alive. And if he passes this last trial. He'll be king.

HICCUP: I thought you guys were supposed to make sure...

MERIDA: We were, but Snotlout's ego put a kink in our plan.

HICCUP: What does that mean?

(Merida points to Snotlout who was getting a massage from Ruffnut before facing Throk.)

Hiccup: This isn't going to end well.

Snotlout folded his arms.

SNOTLOUT: All right, Throkie. What do you got? Man-eating boars? Spiders? Whispering Death? Screaming Death? Whatever it is, I'm ready.

THROK: Nothing so treacherous, Snotlout Jorgenson.

(Throk grabbed a bow and arrow and had it pointed at Mala.)

FLYNN: Um, I don't get it.

VARIAN: He has to get to the queen and let the arrow pierce his flesh instead.

FLYNN: OH... Now I dodged a bullet.

HICCUP: Thoughts?

MIRABEL: His luck is about to run out?

Lance: You know there's less painful ways to win a lady's affection.

(Snotlout makes his way to jump in front of Mala as Throk was ready to fire the arrow. Moana used her powers to spook the Eruptidon which made Throk distracted and mess up his shot. The arrow missed Snotlout and Mala quickly caught it.)

SNOTLOUT: What...? What happened? Am I king?

MALA: No, Snotlout, unfortunately not.

SNOTLOUT: What? That wasn't even my fault. He's a lousy shot.

MALA: We do not take into account the reason for failure, only that it occurred.

SNOTLOUT: What?! You mean, I walk on lava, fought giant eels, and I lose because this guy can't shoot straight?

MALA: Yes. If it's any consolation, I am equally as crestfallen.

SNOTLOUT: I guess that helps a little bit.

MALA: Come Snotlout. For your bravery and valor, tonight you will be my guest of honor.

FLYNN: King for a day. And that means I lost the bet.

SNOTLOUT: Yep. Hope you got an iron stomach.

(Flynn crossed his arms.)

Cass: I don't even have to do anything, and I still win.

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