Episode 20: The Holiday Feast

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North: Miss Dragon? I need to head back to the Pole.

RavenDragon: Right. (Teleported North back to the North Pole) After this, we'll be doing a Christmas dinner.

(The opening theme played through then the scene changed to the island where it was snowing thanks to Jack and Elsa. Everyone started enjoying the snow, even the lake was frozen with solid ice for some to skate on.)

JACK: And as usual, Jack Frost and Elsa the Winter Spirits have done it again.

ELSA: I'm sorry, "spirits?"

JACK: You are one now.

ELSA: Fair point.

(Most of the princesses and princes were on the lake, ice skating. Even The Madrigal family, Lucky, Moses, Po, Kida, Varian, Tulio, and Miguel were having fun.)

Jack: I think we out done ourselves. Hey RavenDragon, can I...?

RavenDragon: Make it snow? Not in the theater.

Jack: Man!

LUISA: I think I'm getting the hang of this.

(Luisa suddenly lost her balance and ended up falling on top of Tulio.)

TULIO: Get... Off...

LUISA: Sorry. (Got off Tulio.)

(Lucky started skating until she saw Hiccup watching her.)

LUCKY: Hey Hiccup, are you going to join?

HICCUP: No thanks. Me and ice don't mix well.

Jack: It can't be that bad.

Hiccup: I have a metal leg and I slip on ice all the time and always end up landing on my back.

Lucky: Yikes.

LUCKY: If you say so.

(Familiar horses and two riders come into view for Lucky to see. She got off the lake and ran to them)

LUCKY: Pru?! Abigail?! What are you guys doing here?

PRU: We missed you. And we wanted to come for a visit. Plus Spirit missed you too.

(Spirit nuzzled his snout on Lucky's face.)

LUCKY: I missed you too boy.

ABIGAIL: We also rode past some kind of festival setup in the dining hall.

(Belle stopped in front of them.)

BELLE: Oh, you must mean the Holiday Feast.

Mirabel: Holiday Feast?

Mulan: It's one of the best traditions we have.

HICCUP: What's that?

BELLE: The holiday feast is how we celebrate the start of winter. It's also how we get to know each other by creating a special dish that's from their kingdom or town. After the feast comes a winter ball. Everyone is dressed in gorgeous gowns and suits and have fun dancing with their loved one.

LUCKY: That sounds so cool.

PRU: Only Abigail and I don't have any gowns. But I'm sure Lucky has some.

LUCKY: Yeah, but they're not me.

Hiccup: Not you?

Lucky: Aunt Cora gets me the most poofy dresses I've ever seen.

BELLE: I know someone who can help with that.

(Hiccup sees Varian looking a little down.)

HICCUP: You girls go with Belle. I'll be right back.

(Lucky and her pals left with Belle as Hiccup went towards Varian. Until he slipped on the ice and fell on his back.)

HICCUP: I hate ice.

Snotlout and Kuzco laughed hard as Hiccup turned bright red.

Jim L: Knock it off!

Snotlout and Kuzco both stopped.

(Jim L helped Hiccup up from the ice.)

JIM L: You ok?

HICCUP: I'm good. Other than my pride being bruised.

JIM L: You remember what happened in Gatto's Keep?

HICCUP: Trying my best to forget it.

JIM L: Well... We have another problem. Some of the potions that Blinky threw in, sort of made him human now.

HICCUP: Is he ok?

JIM L: He's ok but it's going to be a few weeks until the spell wears off.

Blinky: What?! Human!?

RavenDragon: It's not so bad. You get to walk in sunlight without turning to stone.

Blinky: At least there's an upside.

HICCUP: Where is he now?

JIM L: I invited him to stay for the holiday feast.

HICCUP: I bet it beats being poke by the other trolls.

JIM L: Yeah but I think Aaarrrgghh would disagree. He's been a little alone. And there's one more thing, some kind of evil troll marked me. He called himself Angorot.

HICCUP: I don't think I've heard of Angorot.

JIM L: Neither have I. Blinky's looking into it.

(Hiccup almost slipped again but Jim L caught him.)

HICCUP: I'm good. I'm good. Metal legs and ice don't mix well.

(Varian skated over to them.)

VARIAN: I saw. Maybe I could make something to help you with that.

HICCUP: Thanks but I'll stick to flying.

Varian: At least I have you.

Hiccup: Thanks.

VARIAN: Sorry. I need something to take my mind off all this snow. It reminds me of my dad.

HICCUP: Varian, I promise, I'll do everything I can to help your dad.

VARIAN: Thanks. I just miss him the most around this time. Winter is mine and dad's favorite. We would make apple cider for the village, make cookies that turned into a food fight with the cookie batter. And we would go ice skating on the lake near the house.

HICCUP: You ok Varian?

VARIAN: Yeah, I just need to be alone.

(Varian runs off in tears.)

JIM L: Poor guy. I wish there was something we can do.

(Hiccup's eyes lit up.)

HICCUP: Actually, I got an idea. You and I are going to Old Corona, we're getting Varian's dad free.

Varian: Really?!

Hiccup: I keep my word.

Varian hugged Hiccup tight.

JIM L: What about the feast?

HICCUP: We'll be back by then. Right now, Varian needs us.

JIM L: Alright. We'll be back on time. I hope so.

(The two get on Toothless and leave for Old Corona.)

RavenDragon: Oh, I almost forgot.

RavenDragon used magic to change her outfit to a glittering white dress decorated in holly leaves and candy canes. And in her hair was a snowflake hair pin.

Giselle: That is gorgeous!

RavenDragon: Thank you.

(The scene changed to the dining hall all decorated with holly leaves, snow falling inside, with a tree all aglow, and Lumiare getting everything ready for the feast with Cogsworth, and Miss Pots.)

Everyone: Woah.

Jack: That is some of our best work.

(Lucky and her PALs walked in with Belle, gasping at how beautiful the dining hall looked.)

LUCKY: Woah!

BELLE: Yeah. My friends know how to make guests feel welcome.

(Tiana and Kronk rush out of the kitchen with trays of plates filled with food.)

KRONK: Hot plates, coming through!

BELLE: Do you two need any help?

TIANA: No, no, no. We got it.

(Tiana and Kronk put the dishes down.)

TIANA: Anything you girls need?

BELLE: Do you know where Giselle is?

TIANA: She's helping in the kitchen. We needed more helpers and Gisella volunteered.

Cinderella: Sounds like Gisella.

(Gisella came out of the kitchen with a tray of drinks.)

BELLE: Gisella, you still working on the gowns for the winter ball tonight?

GISELLA: Yep. I just came here to give Tiana a hand.

BELLE: Lucky and her friends need new gowns. Do you think you could make something for them?

GISELLA: Of course.

Lucky: If I had known this place existed before, I would have asked you to make my dresses years ago.

Gisella: Thank you.

(The scene changed to Jim L and Hiccup flying above Old Corona village.)

JIM L: We're here.

(Toothless landed in front of Varian's house.)

HICCUP: This is the place.

JIM L: Hiccup, look.

(The camera shows more black rocks had shown up and destroyed almost half the buildings)

HICCUP: I don't think Varian is the cause of these black rocks appearing.

JIM L: What do you mean?

HICCUP: Varian told me that his powers were controlling black rocks but he's been away from Old Corona for a while and it looks like these rocks were here before Varian found out about his powers.

JIM L: Then where is everyone?

HICCUP: The king must have ordered everyone to evacuate the village.

Eugene: Talk about a ghost town.

Zero barked.

Eugene screamed.

Skellington: It's just Zero. And the ghost town thing was a bit of an insult.

(They open the doors to Varian's house, the house looked abandoned. Hiccup pulled out his Dragon Blade to light the way.)

JIM L: Where exactly is Varian's lab?

HICCUP: He said that the lab is in the basement.

(They headed for the basement. Inside was Quirin trapped in the amber.)

Varian looked away.

Hiccup hugged Varian tight.

HICCUP: I got this one.

(Hiccup used his dragon blade to gently cut the amber.)

JIM L: How do you know how to do that?

HICCUP: A Deathsong Dragon. You just need to find the weak spot in the amber and it'll break.

Merida/Moana: Deathsong?

Hiccup: Tuffnut named it.

Tuffnut: Cause you hear its song, you're dead.

Varian: So it's like a siren. Those mythical creatures that use their song to lure sailors to a watery grave.

Ariel: That's offensive!

Varian: Sorry.

(The amber cracked then it fell apart, freeing Quirin.)

JIM L: It worked.

(Quirin groaned then slowly stood up.)

Varian had tears in his eyes.

Hiccup: You ok V?

Varian: (sniffles) Yeah. Just a little dusty eyed.

QUIRIN: What happened? Who are you? Where's Varian?!

HICCUP: Easy Quirin. You just got out of the amber. Varian's safe.

QUIRIN: How do you know me?

HICCUP: My name is Hiccup, I'm a friend of Varian. He talks alot about you.

QUIRIN: Is he ok?

HICCUP: He's fine but he's a little tense from his powers.

QUIRIN: (To himself) This shouldn't be possible.

JIM L: What are you talking about?

(A rustle sound was heard.)

HICCUP: What was that?

QUIRIN: We have to get out. Now!

Rapunzel: What was that?

(The doors burst open and almost half the royal guard surrounded them.)

JIM L: For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!

(Jim L immediately summoned his armor and had his sword at hand.)

JIM L: Now might be a good time to use the Dragon Amulet.

HICCUP: (pulled out the Dragon Amulet.) For the honor of the King, Night is mine to command!

(Hiccup and Toothless fused together into the Dragon Hybrid form.)

Varian: That never gets old.

(The guards marched towards them but they stopped when they heard the Captain of the Guards come in.)

CAPTAIN: Where's the boy?

HICCUP: What are you talking about?

CAPTAIN: Quirin's son. He was supposed to be on house arrest...

QUIRIN: My son did nothing wrong Captain.

CAPTAIN: He attacked the Princess!

HICCUP: He just wanted her help. He just wanted to save his dad. Your men threw him out of the castle in the middle of a blizzard!

QUIRIN: They did what?!

Varian sunk in his seat.

Hiccup: You good?

Varian: Hey, you just don't want to get my dad's bad side.

CAPTAIN: The king requested that Varian should be brought to the castle. Seeing as how these rocks are also the boys fault.

QUIRIN: Varian has nothing to do with the black rocks! I warned the king years ago that taking the flower would be a grave mistake, but he didn't listen!

(More black rocks popped up then someone threw a smoke bomb in front of the guards, making them cough like crazy.)

PERSON: Come on!

(Quirin, Jim L, and Hiccup raced past the guards and made it outside.)

HICCUP: Varian?

(Varian appeared from the shadows.)

HICCUP: I thought you were back at camp.

VARIAN: I followed you and Jim L to Old Corona. I guess some guards spotted me. Why did you...?

(Varian stopped talking when he saw his dad.)


(Quirin walked over to Varian and hugged Varian tight. Varian teared up and hugged his dad back.)

Everyone: Aww!

(The two pulled away.)

QUIRIN: Son. (puts his hand on Varian's face.) I missed you.

VARIAN: (Sniffled) I missed you too. I'm so so sorry. I should have listened.

QUIRIN: Varian, it's not your fault. I never should have lied to you. I was just protecting you.

VARIAN: From what?

QUIRIN: Yourself. Just like the princess has the sundrop, you have a piece of the moondrop.

VARIAN: The Moondrop?

(The sounds of the guards were heard.)

JIM L: Continue the conversation later. We gotta go, now!

(Varian's Changewing appeared along with Ruddigar the raccoon.)

VARIAN: Get on!

(Jim L and Quirin got on Varian's Changewing and took off. Hiccup followed them.)

Varian: The moondrop?

Quirin: I'll tell you soon, Varian.

(The scene changed back to the campgrounds. Varian and the others landed.)

JIM L: That was close.

VARIAN: Hiccup...

(Varian hugged Hiccup.)

VARIAN: Thank you so much for freeing my dad.

HICCUP: I told you, I would free him.

Rapunzel: Varian, I'm sorry I didn't help you.

Varian: I guess I can forgive you. But it's going to be a while for me to trust you.

Rapunzel: I'm ok with that.

(Varian let Hiccup go then he turned to his dad.)

VARIAN:So the moondrop?

QUIRIN: I suppose you deserve to hear the truth. For starters, I wasn't from Corona. I grew up in the Dark Kingdom.

VARIAN: I've never heard of it.

QUIRIN: That's because it holds a dangerous power, the moonstone. Once upon a time, a single drop of moonlight fell from the heavens...

(The scene changes to a flashback to the story of the Moondrop.)

Flynn: Sounds similar to the story of the Sundrop.

QUIRIN:(narrates) And from the small drop of moonlight, formed a single, seductive opal stone. It had the ability to destroy any and all who would seek to possess it.

Cass: You were saying?

Flynn: Never mind.

Varian: Shush! I'm trying to listen!

(The scene changed to the Dark Kingdom with the opal surrounded in a cage made of the black rocks.)

QUIRIN: (narrates) Centuries passed, this opal's defenses spread, and from that grew a kingdom. A kingdom founded by the old kings, for generations their bloodline was tasked with protecting the world from the opal's limitless power.

(The scene went to King Edmund who had almost grabbed the stone from its cage.)

QUIRIN: (narrates) But it was King Edmund, the last of the Dark Kings, who tried to end this legacy and destroy the stone. But failed.

(The moonstone unleashed a powerful energy surge that spread throughout the kingdom.)

Rapunzel gasped.

Cass: Imagine if someone got their hands on that!

Flynn: I guess that's why Gothel wants Varian.

(The scene changed to the whole kingdom being evacuated.)

QUIRIN: (narrates) After King Edmund's failed attempt to destroy the stone, he ordered all of his subjects to leave the kingdom and never return. After the kingdom was emptied, he sent his most trusted soldiers out into the world to ensure that this power was to be kept secret. These knights called themselves the Brotherhood. I was one of the members.

(The scene went back to Varian and Quirin. Quirin removed his glove to show Varian the symbol of the Brotherhood.)

VARIAN: I don't believe it. But what does that have to do with my powers?

QUIRIN: I had gotten a letter from one of the other members saying that they found something that shares the same power as the moonstone. That blast caused the moonstone to split its power, and that other half bloomed into a flower that held not only the moonstones power but the sundrops power too.

Rapunzel: Whoa!

Flynn: That's a new one.

VARIAN: When the king removed the Sunflower, it not only awakened the power of the moonstone, it also gave some of its power away?

QUIRIN: Yes. You were just a baby when you fell really sick, and your mother sent out to find that flower. She found it and it cured you but it also gave you that blue hair stripe. Your mother and I agreed to keep your powers a secret. We didn't want what happened to the princess, happen to you.

VARIAN: I understand now Dad. Thanks. But I still have no idea how to control it.

HICCUP: I have an idea. (pulls out a blue gem and gives it to Varian.) This gem will help you keep your powers under control.

VARIAN: Really? Are you sure?

HICCUP: It's not the moonstone but it'll work.

(Varian put the gem on and he felt his powers become completely under control.)

Varian: Thanks.

(The scene changed to nightfall at the dining hall that was lit up and the tables were filled with different types of food and drinks. Everyone wore suits and ball gowns and were dancing.)

Cora: Oh wow.

Giselle: I told you. These gowns are my best work.

(Varian, Jack, Hiccup, and Jim L just stood on the sideline as everyone else danced.)

JACK: I can't believe Anna tricked me into wearing shoes again.

VARIAN: Again? Wait, he's never worn shoes?

JIM L: That's Jack Frost for ya.

(Elsa, who wore a glittery white gown, walked over to Jack.)

Elsa: I love the dress Gisella.

Edna: Darling, that is gorgeous!

Giselle: Thank you.

ELSA: Anna talked into wearing shoes?

JACK: Was it obvious?

ELSA: Wanna dance?

(Jack takes Elsa's hand and they head to the dance floor. Luck and her friends walked to Hiccup dressed in their new gowns.)

HICCUP: Lucky? I hardly recognize you. You look great.

LUCKY: I guess it's not so bad. Don't tell Aunt Cora I said that. I'll never hear the end of it.

HICCUP: Deal. Now go have fun.

(The girls run off.)

Cora: Will you finally wear those dresses I made you?

Lucky: Don't push it.

HICCUP: Aren't you going to dance with Claire?

JIM L: Uh.. maybe in a bit.

VARIAN: You know that's called chickening out.

JIM L: I'm not chicken. I just... I can't dance.

HICCUP: It doesn't matter if you can dance or not. Just go and have fun. Besides, I think Claire is looking for you.

(Claire was looking for Jim L.)

JIM L: Alright. I'm going.

(Jim L joins Claire.)

Toby: You know that's also called wussing out.

Jim L: I am not wussing out.

Flynn: The screen says otherwise.

(Varian left to grab some holiday punch but he bumped into Hiro Hamada and he ended up spilling fruit punch on Varian's shirt.)

HIRO: Oh, I'm sorry.

VARIAN: It's fine. I got it.

(He grabbed one of his chemballs and placed it on the stain. The stain was gone.)

HIRO: Whoa. You're good. I'm Hiro.

VARIAN: I'm Varian, an alchemist.

HIRO: Nice. Um, I was wondering if you would want to...

(A slow song started to play.)

Fred: Looks like Hiro has a crush!

Hiro: Will you stop Fred? It's not a crush.

RavenDragon: If only Tadashi was here to say you were totally crushing on Varian.

Hiro: That's almost impossible.

RavenDragon snapped her fingers then Tadashi appeared in the theater.

Tadashi: What just happened?

Hiro: You just... What? How?!

RavenDragon: Magic.

Honey Lemon: Tadashi! (hugs him tight)

Tadashi: Hey Honey Lemon. Um.. could I...?

Honey Lemon: Oh right. Sorry.

Tadashi sits next to Hiro.

(Varian blushed like crazy.)

HIRO: Do you...?

VARIAN: Want to dance? (holds out his hand)

(Hiro turned red too.)

Tadashi: Aww! My baby brother has his first crush!
Hiro: It's not a crush. I mean sure Varian is smart and the hairstripe is kinda cute and I'm a sucker for big blue eyes. What am I saying?!

Tadashi: It's the crush! You got your first crush!

Varian blushed.

Flynn: Sounds like the V-man has the same crush on Hiro.

Varian: It's not a crush. But Hiro is kinda cute, and really smart, and I like his cute smile. What am I saying?!

Hiccup: Alright, enough messing with the boys!

Tadashi: Perks of being a big brother. And for the record, I'm fine with you liking boys, Hiro.

Quirin: Same with you, Varian.

HIRO: (stammers) I-I-I-I would love to.

(Hiro takes Varian's hand and they both get on the dance floor and start dancing.)

Tadashi/Flynn: Aww!

Varian/Hiro: Shut up Tadashi/Eugene!

(Hiccup smiled watching Varian and Hiro dance. He stepped outside for some fresh air. A terrible terror flew his way carrying a package and a note.)

HICCUP: What's this?

(He opened the package and inside was an old book. He took the note and it was from Viggo.)

HICCUP: Why would he send me this?

(The terrible terror started to fly away. Hiccup put the book and the note inside his bag then headed inside.)

Hiccup: What was that book?

Arianna: That was Val's old journal. She would write all of her old adventures in there or any spells she's been working on.

Hiccup: Really?

Arianna: My sister Willow and I hung out with her and Iduna.

(Hiccup got back inside and he saw Merida in a gorgeous gown watching everyone else dance. Hiccup walked over to her and he started blushing seeing her beauty.)

HICCUP: You look amazing.

(Merida blushed)

MERIDA: You think so? I don't wear a lot of gowns or makeup.

HICCUP: It doesn't matter. You look beautiful with or without the gown. (he turned away in embarrassment.) Oh gods. Why did I say that?

MERIDA: (laughs) It's fine. Besides, I thought it was really nice. You want to dance? I gotta warn you again, I might step on your feet. Um, foot. Sorry.

HICCUP: I'm used to it. And I don't mind.

(Hiccup and Merida walked towards the dance floor and they started dancing.)

Snotlout: You two are so weird.

Merida punches Snotlout in the face.

Merida: I've been waiting to do that.

Hiccup: Thank you.

(The two continued dancing then Hiccup pulled Merida closer then they kissed on the lips.)

Princess minus Merida: Yes! Finally!

Merida: Alright, alright, I get it!

Fergus: That's my daughter!

Merida: Dad!

Gobber: Now you two get a better kiss!

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