Episode 2: Welcome to Camp Magic Pt 2

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(The ship landed on the island.)

MONGER: Everyone off the ship and follow me!

(Everyone follows Monger into the forest that sparkled like diamonds.)

Fishlegs: How have we never seen this place?

Merlin: It's hidden.

HICCUP: How are these trees sparkling?

ALADDIN: Magic. The whole island was created by powerful magic and it's hidden so no villains can see us.

(Monger leads them all into a small outside theater.)

MONGER: Find a seat and sit down!

(Everyone gets to a seat. Hiccup sits between Aladdin and Milo.)

Ariel: Here we go.

Rapunzel: I love this part.

(Blue smoke appeared on stage then a elderly man dressed all in blue with a cane in his left hand popped out of the smoke. Then a woman dressed in pale purple clothes appeared from sparkles.)

MERLIN: Welcome everyone to Camp Magic! I am Merlin, a sorcerer from Camelot and headmaster of the camp.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: And I am Fairy Godmother, a fairy that can make anyone's dreams come true, the camp headmistress, and teacher of magic.

Mirabel: So they run the camp?

Snow White: Always have.

MERLIN: It's wonderful to see all our old campers. And some new campers that have joined us. We have the Madrigal Family.

(A light shines on them.)

Mirabel: What's he doing?

Elsa: They always introduce the new campers in style.

MERLIN: Luca and Alberto

(A light shines on them.)

FAIRY GODMOTHER: The Rescue Rangers,

(A light shines on them.)

MERLIN: Kida of Atlantis

(A light shines on Kida who was waving her hand.)

Kuzco/Snotlout: She's hot.

Kida: I'm taken!

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Lilo's friend, Stitch.

(A light shines on Stitch.)

MERLIN: MK and Nod

(A light shines on them)

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Raya, Sisu, and Namaari

(A light shines on them.)

Sisu: I look good as a human.

MERLIN: And our last new camper, Hiccup.

(A light shines on Hiccup as he just smiled.)

Jack: Nervous, Hiccy?

Hiccup: I'm not nervous. And don't call me Hiccy.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: As our tradition goes, tonight we will have a party to welcome the new campers to our camp. Which will be held at the Temple of Heroes.

Snotlout: That's a stupid name.

RavenDragon casted a spell on Snotlout to glue his mouth shut.

RavenDragon: That's better.

Astrid: How long will that last?

RavenDragon: Until the end of the episode.

Astrid: Rats!

MERLIN: And at the stroke of midnight, when the full moon light hits the center of the temple...

(Merlin then waved his cane which was a wand and showed everyone a vision of what would happen at midnight.)

MERLIN: The new campers will each receive a special gem with powers to give to them.

Abula: Just like our family miracle and our casita.

Merlin: Exactly.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: And a week after the welcome ceremony, the new campers will share their stories to the camp by song or dance. And as tradition goes, Merlin and I will choose four campers to start the show to share their stories in song or dance.

HICCUP: (Whispers to Milo) This is a tradition?

MILO: (whispers to Hiccup) Yep. All the new campers do it. But not everyone gets picked to open the concert. It's actually rare for a new camper to open the concert.

MERLIN: And now for the choosing! Behold! (waves his cane and a giant golden goblet appears) This goblet will reveal which four campers will open the concert.

Fishlegs: Fascinating.

RavenDragon: (whispers) I knew my Harry Potter side would come in handy.

(The goblet lit with blue fire and spat out a small piece of paper. Merlin catches it.)

MERLIN: Our first camper is... Jack Frost!

(Jack does a flip in the air before joining Merlin and Fairy Godmother on the stage.)

Peter: Show off.

Jack: You do it too.

Merida: Snow cap, Fairy boy, cut it out!

(The goblet's fire changed to a vibrate purple then spat out another piece of paper. Fairy Godmother catches it.)

FAIRY GODMOTHER: The next camper is... Princess Rapunzel of Corona!

(Rapunzel stood up and went up to the stage.)

Flynn: Nice work Blondie.

Rapunzel: Thanks Eugene.

Camilo: (snickered) Eugene?

Flynn: Not funny.

(The goblet's fire turns orange then spat out a third piece of paper. Merlin catches it.)

MERLIN: Our third camper is... Merida of Clan Dunbroch!

(Merida walked up to the stage, She passed Hiccup and the two locked eyes.)

Tuffnut: Looks like H here just got bitten by the love bug. Right sister?

Ruffnut: I agree, dear brother.

Hiccup/Merida: We are not in love!

Anna: I know love when I see it. And that is true love at first sight.

(The goblet's fire turned green and spat out the last piece of paper. Fairy Godmother catches it.)

FAIRY GODMOTHER: And our last camper is... Oh my. It appears one our new campers has been chosen,

(Most of the campers looked shocked.)

MERLIN: Well, who is it?

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Hiccup Haddock.

(Hiccup looked nervous.)

Hiccup sank in his seat.

Tuffnut: Hiccup? Singing? That'll be something.

MILO: Come on! Go join them!

HICCUP: I-I-I shouldn't.

ALADDIN: It's a big honor. Come on.

HICCUP: I'm going, I'm going.

(Hiccup gets up and walks to the stage.)

Jack: Scared, Haddock?

Hiccup: You wish.

MERLIN: Now that's settled. All campers will report to their cabins to unpack then head to the Dining Hall for lunch.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: The new campers will be assigned to a cabin by either me or Merlin. Monger, you are excused. You may return to your post.

(Monger leaves.)

HICCUP: Where is he going?

JACK: Monger patrols the island. He picks the best fighters here to help keep us safe.

Mirabel: That explains his attitude.

(The scene changed to outside where many cabins were. Everyone was unpacking and sharing their adventures with each other. Hiccup and Toothless were looking around for their cabin.)

HICCUP: Which one is..?

MILO: (Off screen) Hiccup!

(Hiccup turns to see Milo waving at him.)

MILO: Over here.

HICCUP: Must be it.

(Hiccup and Toothless walked over to the cabin where Milo was.)

Hiccup smiled knowing that he had a good friend helping him out.

(Milo lead them inside where the room had two big bunk beds and a tiny bed in a small corner. Two other guys were sitting on one of the bunk beds. One of them just wore a loincloth around his waist.)

Ruffnut: (dreamily) Who is that hottie?

Jane: My husband.

Ruffnut: Man!

MILO: Welcome to our cabin. Everyone gets a cabin based on who they are. Our cabin is for those who live for adventure.

Gobber: Well, that fits Hiccup. The lad can't stay still in one place for too long.

Bunny: Same with Jack Frost here.

Hiccup/Jack: Hey!

JIM H: So you're the new bunkmate? Names Jim Hawkins.

MILO: He found a planet filled with treasure in the center of it.

Snotlout's eyes widen when hearing treasure.

Iago: Did someone say treasure?

Jim H: Don't even think about it. The planet was rigged to explode if anyone took it. We were lucky to escape with our lives.

(Tarzan walks over to Hiccup to get a closer look at him.)

HICCUP: Um, hi.

MILO: Yeah. That's Tarzan. He was raised in the jungle by gorillas. He does this with everyone he meets.

HICCUP: Good to know.

(Tarzan reaches into Hiccup's satchel and grabs out a book.)

HICCUP: Hey! Careful with that! (Snatches it back)

MILO: What's that?

HICCUP: Sorry. This has information on every dragon I have encountered. I can't risk it falling into the wrong hands.

Viggo grinned.

RavenDragon zapped him and Riker.

Riker: I didn't even do anything!

RavenDragon: I know but it's so fun.

MILO: How many exactly?

HICCUP: So many.

MILO: Um, can I..?

(Hiccup hands him the book. Milo started flipping through it looking wide eyed with knowledge.)

MILO: This is amazing! So many dragons and yet they are all different.

HICCUP: And deadly. Some of them are easy to train but some are harder to gain their trust. Especially when they have encountered Dragon Hunters. Harder that one the hard way.

Fishlegs: It's true.

Milo: Dragon Hunters?

Hiccup: They hunt dragons and sell them for a profit.

Kida: Just like those men that came to Atlantis for our crystal.

TARZAN: Hunters?

HICCUP: They sell dragons for a profit or force them to work for the hunters.

MILO: Judging from the book, I'd say you have dealt with hunters before.

HICCUP: You could say that. Between hunters and keeping my team from destroying our base, I don't get a lot of time to myself.

JIM H: Well, now you do.

Tuffnut: Is he talking about us?

Ruffnut: Nah. It's mostly Snotlout.

MILO: Alright guys. Give him some space and let him unpack.

(Hiccup takes the bottom bunk and placed his satchel on the bed.)

MONTRAY: Hey! Do you mind?!

(Hiccup lifts up his satchel.)

HICCUP: Sorry! I didn't see you.

MONTRAY: That's alright mate. Montray Jack is me name. Adventuring is me game.

Gadget: So that's where Monty was.

HICCUP: You're in this cabin too?

MONTRAY: Yep. The tiny bed is mine. I came over here just to meet you. And apologize for scaring you on the ship.

HICCUP: It's fine. But why were you being so possessive over cheese?

MONTRAY: I have these cheese attacks whenever I smell cheese. It's a curse most of the time.

Chip: Most of the time?

Montray: Alright, all the time!

(Tarzan looks at Toothless with curiosity.)

MILO: Come on. We better get to the Dining Hall.

JIM H: Can't miss Tiana's famous cooking.

(Montray climbed onto Hiccup's shoulder.)

MONTRAY: Mind if I hitch a ride, mate?

HICCUP: Not at all.

(All six of them headed to the Dining Hall. The minute they walked in, the whole place looked like something out of a musical.)

Everyone looked mesmerized.

HICCUP: Oh. My. Thor.

MILO: Yep. Pretty nice.

(Just as Hiccup was about to get in line for food, he bumped into Kuzco and made him spill his food over himself.)

Kuzco: Seriously?!

Hiccup: It was an accident!

Kuzco: I got my eyes on you, runt!

RavenDragon spotted Viggo feeling bad for Hiccup.

RavenDragon: (Whispers) All will be revealed.

KUZCO: Are you kidding me?!

HICCUP: It was an accident.

KUZCO: Listen here runt!

(Just as Kuzco was about to speak, Tiana got out from behind the counter.)

TIANA: Let me stop you right there. He said he was sorry, now get!

KUZCO: (Growled) This isn't over!

RavenDragon: Oh, I forgot.

RavenDragon used magic to move Kuzco to the villain section and muted him.

Hiccup: Thanks.

HICCUP: Thanks. I'm Hiccup.

TIANA: I'm Tiana. I help in the kitchen.

(Tiana handed Hiccup and the others bowls of gumbo and a small plate of beignets.)

TIANA: Made them myself. I always make a batch of my gumbo on the first day. Enjoy!

HICCUP: Thanks.

(Milo and Tarzan got to join Jane and Kida. Jim H goes to join Peter. Hiccup brings Montray to a mini table where the rest of the Rescue Rangers were. Hiccup walks to an empty table. Until Jack joins him with Rapunzel and Merida.)

JACK: Mind if we join you?

HICCUP: I don't mind.

Merida: Smooth Snow Cap.

Jack: Stop calling me that

RAPUNZEL: Nice to meet you, Hiccup. I'm Rapunzel and this is Merida.

JACK: How are you liking Camp so far?

HICCUP: It's different to what I'm used to but it's a good thing. But I'm nervous about the singing part.

RAPUNZEL: Every camper gets nervous for the concert. But we got each other's back.

Rapunzel smiled.

(The scene changed to nightfall. Everyone was gathering at the Temple of Light for the ceremony to happen.)

Anna: This is gonna be great!

Hiccup: How does the ceremony work?

Milo: You'll see.

(The crowd watched as the moonlight hit the center of the temple. The floor opened up to reveal a giant golden crystal floating in the air.)

Everyone went speechless including the villains.

Stoick: What is that?

MERLIN: Behold the Crystal of Light. We bring it out once a year for our new campers to earn their gems. Will the new campers please step forth?

(Hiccup was about to join them but Toothless stopped him.)

HICCUP: Toothless, I'll be ok.

(Hiccup joins the group, he stands next to Ian.)

Toothless groans with worry.

Sisu: Relax Toothless, the whole thing looks harmless.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Now then, place your hand on the crystal.

(Every new camper places a hand on the crystal.)

MERLIN: Close your eyes. Think of what you want, your heart's desire.

(They all close their eyes and think of their desire)

Everyone waits for the magic to happen.

(The crystal glows bright, listening to their desires. The gems appeared on the wrists of the Madrigal Family, the Lightfoot brothers, Raya, Sisu, Namaari, Luca, Alberto, the Rescue Rangers, Stitch, MK, Nod, and Kida. They remove their hands from the crystal.)

MERLIN: Just one left.

Hiccup looked nervous.

Jack: Hope it's something good.

(The crystal glows brighter, golden light surrounds Hiccup. The light travels to Hiccup's right wrist where a small tattoo laid hidden.)

Astrid: Hiccup, where did you get that mark?

Hiccup: I-I don't know. I've always had that mark.

Stoick hid his shock.

(The light removed the tattoo, unlocking a power that Hiccup never knew he had.)

MILO: What's happening?

JACK: I don't know.

(An emerald green gem appeared on his wrist. Hiccup opens his eyes and lets go of the crystal.)

Hiccup: What just happened?

Moana: That's never happened before.

Fairy Godmother and Merlin looked at each other.

MERLIN: Oh my.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: This changes everything.

(The screen goes black.)

RavenDragon: That's the end folks. Until next time!

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