Episode 3: Music Opens the Soul

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RavenDragon: Before we start...

RavenDragon shocked Kuzco.

Kuzco: I didn't do anything!

RavenDragon: I have eyes everywhere. I saw you sneak out of your chains. Don't test me!

Flynn: I'm terrified of her now.

RavenDragon: Now on with the show!

(The screen shows the sun rising over the camp.Milo came out of his cabin yawning until he saw Hiccup and Toothless fly overhead for their early morning flight. They landed in front of MIlo.)

MILO: What are you doing up so early?

HICCUP: Toothless and I usually take a morning flight. It helps relax us.

Hiccup: It's true.

Jim H: Why do you need to relax?

Hiccup: I have to deal with the hunters, Snotlout, and the twins. It can drive you insane.

(Tarzan, Jim H, and Montray come outside.)

JIM H: Hiccup? You're already up?

HICCUP: I'm always up early. A morning flight with Toothless always clears my head.

MILO: Good thing Monger was at breakfast early in the morning. He is strict when it comes to schedules.

HICCUP: Good to know.

Monger grumbled a little.

MONTRAY: Speaking of breakfast, can we get going?

HICCUP: You guys go ahead. I'm gonna stay in the cabin and work on the song for the concert.

TARZAN: You're not going to join us?

HICCUP: Jack, Rapunzel, Merida, and I talked about what to do for the song and after hearing their stories, I got an idea.

JIM H: You should get something to eat.

HICCUP: I don't eat that much. I'll join you guys later.

Hiccup just shrugged.

Aladdin: Hiccup, is everything ok?

Hiccup: Aladdin. I'm fine.

MILO: Are you sure?

HICCUP: I'll be fine. Go.

(Hiccup shuts the cabin down.)

MONTRAY: That was odd.

TARZAN: You guys go ahead, I'm going to check on Hiccup.

JIM H: We'll bring you both breakfast.

MONTRAY: Good luck.

(The three of them left)

Milo: Now you're scaring us Hiccup.

Hiccup: It's not a big deal. I'm used to it.

Jack: You shouldn't be used to it.

(Tarzan slowly opened the door to find Toothless playing with a crumpled piece of paper while Hiccup was sitting at a desk muttering to himself.)

HICCUP: Come on Hiccup. Think. You've done this before.

(Hiccup just crumpled up another piece of paper and tossed it aside in anger.)

Rapunzel: You've written a song before?

Hiccup: Once. But I hid it from everyone.

TARZAN: You ok?

(Hiccup jumped back a little seeing Tarzan in front of him.)

HICCUP: Tarzan! You scared me.

TARZAN: Sorry. I just wanted to check on you.

HICCUP: I'm fine. I just need to focus.

TARZAN: (sighs) Maybe you need a break.

Snotlout: Good luck. He never takes breaks.

HICCUP: No. I don't need a break.

(Toothless groaned worried for his rider.)

TARZAN: Toothless seems worried about you.

HICCUP: Well, I'm fine.

(Someone knocked on the door.)

HICCUP: Come in!

(The door opened and Mirabel and Milo walked in)

Luisa: If anyone can get Hiccup to take a break, It's Mirabel.

Antonio: She is convincing.

MIRABEL: We brought you some breakfast.

HICCUP: Thanks. (Takes the plate.) Why are you here, Mirabel?

MIRABEL: Well, Milo told me that you were having some trouble with your song for the concert. So I got an idea to help you.

HICCUP: What are you talking about?

MIRABEL: Just eat and meet me at the concert hall.

HICCUP: The what?

MILO: I'll take you.

Gobber: She's good.

Mirabel blushed.

(The scene changed to the concert hall inside was a giant stage with different colored spotlights, giant speakers, and different instruments. All the newer campers were backstage practicing for the concert next week.)

Everyone was in aww.

Hiccup: That's the concert hall?!

Rapunzel: Yep. Huge.

Belle: Every camper past and present has performed there.

(Hiccup and Milo walked in through the golden doors.)

HICCUP: This place is huge.

MILO: Everyone comes for the concert, even family and friends.

HICCUP: Really?

MILO: Yep.

Astrid: So.. We get to see the show?

Milo: Only if the camper allows it.

Astrid: Oh.

(Kida spots Milo and walks over to him.)

KIDA: Milo. You came to see the rehearsal?

MILO: Like I would miss your performance. Hiccup, this is Kida. Queen of Atlantis and my girlfriend. Kida, this is Hiccup. My friend.

KIDA: (shakes Hiccup's hand) It is an honor to meet you, young Hiccup.

HICCUP: The honor is mine, your majesty.

Snotlout: (snickered) Your majesty?

Hiccup: I'm trying to be polite.

Kida: And you are. Unlike some men. (Glared at Kuzco and Snotlout)

KIDA: Just Kida is fine.

(Mirabel comes up to Hiccup.)

MIRABEL: You made it! Fairy Godmother and Merlin are getting all the new campers to practice their performances. They want to put together the list of who goes after you and the other three campers open the show.

HICCUP: So I also have to sing a solo.

KIDA: It's supposed to be about who you are.

MIRABEL: Anyway, Kida and I already went so after the Lightfoot brothers are done, it's your turn.

Kuzco: This outta be good.

Merida: No one cares about you, Kuzco!

Viggo waited to hear Hiccup's voice.

HICCUP: I-I-I don't know if I can do this. I've only sung to myself alone. I'm nervous to do it in public.

MIRABEL: I can feel your anxiety. And I get that you are nervous, but we'll be in the audience cheering you on.

HICCUP: Thanks. Wait, how did you know that I'm nervous?

MIRABEL: My gem. It gave me all my family's abilities except for my Tio Bruno's power to see into the future. It also gave me my own power, I can hear people's thoughts and feel their emotions when I'm near them.

Mirabel squealed.

Luisa: You finally got a gift.

Camilo: Meh.

Pepa: Camilo! I think it's a wonderful gift.

Mirabel: Thank you Tia Pepa.

KIDA: Fascinating.

(Ian and Barely walk off the stage.)

MIRABEL: Oh, your next.

(Ian walks up to Hiccup.)

IAN: Good luck out there.

HICCUP: Thanks.

Hiccup smiled at the screen.

The other riders waited to hear Hiccup sing.

(Hiccup walks up on the stage and stops at the microphone. Music starts playing, Hiccup takes a deep breath then sings.)


Here comes a wave
Meant to wash me away
A tide that is taking me under

(Milo, Mirabel, and Kida's eyes widened hearing how good Hiccup's voice was.)


Swallowing sand
Left with nothing to say
My voice drowned out in the thunder

Everyone in the room went speechless.

Dr Facilar: Man! That kid's got a good voice.


But I won't cry
And I won't start to crumble
Whenever they try
To shut me or cut me down

I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

'Cause I'll breathe
When they try to suffocate me
Don't you underestimate me
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless

(The music picks up.)


Written in stone
Every rule, every word
Centuries-old and unbending
"Stay in your place"
"Better seen and not heard"
Well, now that story is ending

Stoick flinched when he heard those words.

Fishlegs: Hiccup, you are amazing!

Hiccup blushed.


'Cause I
I cannot start to crumble
So come on and try
Try to shut me and cut me down

I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

Let the storm in
I cannot be broken
No, I won't live unspoken
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless

(Everyone watched in amazement. Hiccup started to use his powers to retell how he and Toothless defeated the Red Death.)

Try to lock me in this cage
I won't just lay me down and die
I will take these broken wings
And watch me burn across the sky
Hear the echo saying I...

Everyone cheered when Hiccup hit the high notes.


Won't be silenced
Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

'Cause I'll breathe
When they try to suffocate me
Don't you underestimate me
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless
All I know is I won't go speechless

(The music slowly stopped and everyone was quiet.)

HICCUP: How was it?

(Milo was the first to clap, then everyone else followed along with cheers.)

Everyone cheered and clapped for Hiccup. Snotlout's jaw dropped in shock.

Rapunzel: That was so beautiful!

Aladdin: Amazing performance!

Tuffnut: (cried) It was just soo beautiful!

Viggo looked more stunned realizing who Hiccup really was.

MERLIN: My boy, that was remarkable.'

HICCUP: Thank you.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Now that all of the campers have performed, we have decided that after our four chosen campers have gone, Mirabel and her family will go after and Hiccup will be our last performer before our grant finally.

(Mirabel and her family smiled.)

MERLIN: That is all.

(Merlin and Fairy Godmother disappeared in a puff of smoke.)

Astrid: Did they just..?

Ariel: They always do that.

(Hiccup got down from the stage. Almost all the new campers surrounded Hiccup. Ian came to his rescue.)

IAN: Okay guys, let him breathe.

(Ian pulled Hiccup away from the crowd.)

HICCUP: I never knew people would like that.

IAN: You're kidding, right? Because that was mind blowing. I'm Ian.

HICCUP: I'm Hiccup, I liked your performance too. I've never seen anything like that.

Barely: That's because my brother is a wizard.

Ian: Barely.

(The scene changed to outside where Ian, Mirabel, and Hiccup walked back to their cabins.)

MIRABEL: Now you feel better?

HICCUP: I do. And thanks to you, I can finally finish the song.

IAN: Can't wait to hear it! (Left for his cabin.)

MIRABEL: It's going to be great.

(Hiccup reaches his cabin then sits down at his desk.)

HICCUP: Alright bud, let's finish it.

(Hiccup spent the rest of the night finishing the song.)

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