Episode 4: ShowTime

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RavenDragon: Everyone ready for the big concert?!

Everyone: Yes!!

RavenDragon: Heads up, there will be two songs in this episode.

(The scene changed to the cafeteria where Hiccup, Jack, Merida, and Rapunzel were sitting together.)

RAPUNZEL: Today is the day! Today is the day!

MERIDA: Calm down, blondie. We know.

JACK: You nervous Hiccup?

HICCUP: A little. But I think we will be great.

MERIDA: You have the song ready?

(Hiccup hands them the song.)

HICCUP: All set.

Heather: I hope we get to see it.

Belle: That's if Hiccup lets you come.

JACK: I like it.

RAPUNZEL: It's perfect. And I can't wait for all our friends and families to see it.

HICCUP: (Hesitant) Oh.

RAPUNZEL: Your family is coming? Right?

Fishleg: Of course we would go, right?

HICCUP: I... haven't told them.


JACK: Why?

HICCUP: I told you how my dad is strict with me, he would blow his top off if he even sees me up on that stage. And my friends don't even know about the singing thing. I'll get made fun of again.

MERIDA: There must be someone that you would like to invite.

HICCUP: Actually, there is someone I would like to invite. My blacksmith teacher, Gobber. He's the only one that has heard me sing before.

Stoick: Gobber?

Gobber: It's true.

JACK: Perfect. Because I'll be delivering the invitations after lunch, I can drop one off for Gobber.

HICCUP: You deliver the invitations all by yourself?

JACK: Not alone. Aladdin, Hercules, and Ariel help. We each get a section. Ariel gets the ocean and islanders, Aladdin gets the royals from Agaraba to Corona, Hercules gets the royals from Dunbroach to Arendelle, and I got all the new campers' locations.

Pepa: So we'll be getting the invites?

Jack: Yep.

Bruno: This'll be fun.

JACK: If there's only one else, let me know.

HICCUP: Actually there is one more. His name is Dagur.

(Jack almost spat out his water.)

JACK: Dagur? The heir of his tribe?

HICCUP: How do you know him?

MERIDA: He goes to camp here.

Riders: What?!

Dagur: Even berserkers need a break.

Hiccup: And you never told me?

Dagur: Hello?! Secret hidden island! No one is supposed to know.

HICCUP: I never knew about that.

JACK: Really? 'Cause he talks about you a lot. He sees you as a brother. But we haven't seen him in a while.

HICCUP: It's a long story.

JACK: Now that I think about it. I think he's in the back talking with Anya, his girlfriend.

Snotlout: Dagur has a girlfriend?!

Dagur: Yes, I do.

Anya: I'm right here.

HICCUP: Good to know.

MERIDA: Before you go Jack, we should practise one more time with the song.

JACK: If you say so.

(The scene changed to the lake where Hercules, Aladdin, Ariel, and Jack were waiting for Monger.)

ARIEL: Where's Monger? We were supposed to leave an hour ago.

ALADDIN: I don't know, he's usually here.

Kira: Why are you waiting for him?

Ariel: He has to give us the invites.

(A puff of blue smoke appeared in front of them. Merlin and his owl, Archimedes appeared from the clearing.)

ALL: Merlin?!

MERLIN: Sorry I'm late. Someone here refused to help with the invites.

ARCHIMEDES: Do I look like a messenger owl to you?!

MERLIN: Archimedes, we do this every year for the concert.

ARCHIMEDES: I don't understand why we have to do it.

MERLIN: Because, Monger had an emergency to attend to in his home.

Anna: So that's why he isn't here.

Tuffnut: Is someone going to explain the talking owl?!

Snow White: That's Archimedes. Merlin's owl friend.

Merida: And a grouch.

(Hiccup came flying in withToothless.)

HICCUP: I didn't miss it, did I?

JACK: Nope. Merlin's giving us the invitations. And you get to help. There's too many places for me to go to for the newbies, mostly hot places that weaken me.

HICCUP: So you want me to do your deliveries?

JACK: Just the warm places.


Jack: Thanks Hiccy.

Hiccup: Don't call me Hiccy.

(Merlin used his magic to give each of them a bag filled with the invitations.)

HICCUP: How does this work?

JACK: The gems open a portal to the campers home when you whisper the name of the place into the gem. Like this. (whispers) Portorosso.

(A blue portal opened in front of them.)

Mirabel: The gems can do that?!

Rapunzel: Yep. And it comes in handy for visiting families.

JACK: Good luck.

(Jack walks into the portal.)

HICCUP: OK. I can do this. (whispers) Colombia.

(A green portal opens in front of Hiccup)

HICCUP: Ready Toothless?

(Toothless purred. They walked into the portal and appeared in Colombia right in front of the Madrigal house.)

Rapunzel: That house is beautiful.

Isabele: That's our home.

HICCUP: This must be where MIrabel and her family live.

(Hiccup knocks on the door but the door opens on its own then the walkway moves him inside.)

HICCUP: What the..?

Fishlegs: That was weird.

Mirabel: Did we forget to mention that the house is alive?

Vikings: What?!

HICCUP: Is this house..?

JULIETA: (Off screen) Alive? Yes.

(Hiccup turned around and the camera turned to Julieta and Agustin)

JULIETA: You'll get used to it. You must be Hiccup.

HICCUP: How did you..?

AGUSTIN: Mirabel writes to us about her day at camp. She mentions you alot.

Luisa: Crushing on the viking?

Mirabel: What?! No! He's just a friend.

(Hiccup takes out six invitations.)

HICCUP: These are for you and your family.

(Hiccup hands them to Julieta.)

JULIETA: Thank you.

HICCUP: I should go. I still have more invitations to deliver.

JULIETA: Are you sure you don't want to stay for lunch?

HICCUP: No thank you. I'm good. (Whispers) Whitmore Manor.

(A portal opens in front of them.)

JULIETA: (Hands a small bag to Hiccup.) For the road. Some arepa con queso.

Mirabel: Hey RavenDragon, got any arepas in your snack table?

RavenDragon: I do. By the way, they are delicious.

Camilo: Don't mind if I do.

Doloros grabbed his arm and pulled him back into his seat.

Isabele: You'll eat all of them!

Camilo: Worth a shot.

HICCUP: (Takes the bag) Thank you.

(Hiccup and Toothless walked through the portal to Whitmore Manor. They stood in front of the door and it was raining hard.)

HICCUP: When we get back, remind me to punch Jack for getting us wet.

Jack: How was I supposed to know?!

Milo: It always rains that hard in the summer.

(Hiccup knocks on the door and a dark skinned muscular man opens the door.)

SWEET: Good lord! You'll catch a cold in this weather. Come inside, quickly.

(Hiccup and Toothless walked into the manor soaked to the bone.)

HICCUP: Are you Mr Whitmore?

SWEET: Mhm? Nope. Names Sweet, Joshua Sweet. Medical officer.

Ruffnut: Oh, he's hot.

Sweet: I don't know if I should be flattered or distrube.

Audrey: I'm thinking both.

HICCUP: Nice to meet you. But any chance you could lead me to Mr. Whitmore?

SWEET: Sure. But I think you and your lizard pet might want to warm up a bit.

(Toothless growled at Sweet when he said the word pet.)

HICCUP: Toothless, down. Sorry he doesn't like being called a P-E-T.

SWEET: My bad. Come on.

(Sweet leads Hiccup and Toothless into the large living room.)

SWEET: Just wait here and warm yourself up. I'll bring Mr. Whitmore to meet you.

Milo: How is it that you barged on me with a physical check up when we first met, but with Hiccup, you're easier on him?

Sweet: What? He's younger than you. Plus you two look like you could be related.

Hiccup/Milo: I don't see it.

(Sweet leaves the living room. Hiccup was about to sit down in a chair when another man with goggles sneaked up behind him.)

MOLE: (French accent) Who are you?!

(Hiccup jumped back and Toothless growled and stood in front of Hiccup.)

HICCUP: Who, What are you?

MOLE: That is not important!

Hiccup: What's his story?

Atlantis Cast: You don't want to know!

Hiccup: Oh...kay

(Sweet comes back with Mr. Whitmore.)

SWEET: Mole, what have I said about scaring our guests? (Pulls out a bar of soap.) Back, back, I got a bar of soap and I am not afraid to use it.

MOLE: Not the soap!

(Mole runs away.)

Gobber: What a chicken.

Hiccup: Oh please. You're the same Gobber.

Gobber: I don't know what you're talking about.

HICCUP: Who was that?

WHITMORE: Don't worry about Mole. He's harmless.

HICCUP: You must be Mr. Whitmore.

WHITMORE: That's me. And I assume the invitations that Milo and Kida sent are here.

HICCUP: Right. (Hands him the invitations.) These are all the invites.

WHITMORE: Thank you. You must be on your way.

SWEET: Now hang on a minute. We can't send a kid out in the middle of the storm!

HICCUP: I'm eighteen, first of all. And Second of all, I just have one more stop to make and I'll be fine. Toothless and I have been through worse.

Jack: How worse?

Hiccup: If you count being held hosits by the Outcast tribe, almost killed by a skrill, flying into a water spout...

Rapunzel: We get it.

HICCUP: (whispers) Hawaii.

(A portal opened in the middle of the living room.)

SWEET: Jiminy Crickets! Did that just happen?!

WHITMORE:  Yep. That's what the gems do. Plus it makes it easier to avoid nasty weather.

Tuffnut: Easy travel huh?

Ruffnut: I wonder if we could...

Hiccup/Dagur: No!

Hiccup: The last thing I need is you two traveling thor knows where causing pranks.

HICCUP: It was nice meeting you Mr. Whitmore.

WHITMORE: You too, boy. Tell Milo and Kida I said hello.

HICCUP: Will do.

(The two walked into the portal and ended up in front of Lilo's house in Hawaii,)

Lilo: That's my house.

Elsa: Jack, why would you not want to go there? It's beautiful.

Jack: Hello! Winter spirit and warm weather do not mix.

HICCUP: Alright. Last place.

(Toothless started to smell something and followed the scent inside the forest.)

HICCUP: Toothless?

(Hiccup follows Toothless into the forest and they come across a giant red ship.)

HICCUP: What is this?

Jumba: That is our ship. Landed on Earth to capture Experiment 626. But now Pleakly and Jumba live with Lilo's Ohana.

(Hiccup walks up to the ship and is about to knock when Jumba steps in front of him.)

JUMBA: You should not poke around my ship.

HICCUP: (Sceams) What in the name of Thor are you?

JUMBA: I am Jumba.

(Toothless growls at Jumba.)

JUMBA: Is that one of my experiments?!

Hiccup: Does my dragon even look like one?

Pleakly: Looks like it.

HICCUP: What? No.

(Jumba pulled out a blaster and was about to blast him when Nani came running.)

NANI: Jumba, stop! It's not an experiment! Put the blaster down.

JUMBA: Never get to have any fun.

Hiccup: and Blasting me is his idea of fun?!

Lilo: Sorry in advance.

HICCUP: Thank you for the save.

NANI: Any time and sorry about Jumba. He's a little on edge since Lilo and Stitch left for camp.

HICCUP: You must be Nani, right? I met Lilo and she wants you to come for the concert.

NANI: Perfect.

(Hiccup hands the invitations to Nani.)

NANI: I guess I'll see you there.

Lilo smiled.

(The scene changed to nightfall as the concert hall lit up. Every family and friends for each of the campers had begun to sit in their seats. Backstage, all the campers were getting ready for the show.)

BELLE: Alright! Ten minutes til curtain!

RAPUNZEL: This is so exciting!

MERIDA: Raps, dial it down a little.


Audrey: This must be pretty big.

Milo: Yep and the finally is even bigger.

(Hiccup peaked through the curtains to see Gobber sitting beside Fergus the Bear King and North.)

JACK: I told you I would get him here.

HICCUP: Thank you Jack.

BELLE: Five minutes!

JACK: Showtime.

Bunny: This'll be good.

Jack: Why? Cause you love me?

Bunny: Shut it Frostbite!

(The stage had one spot light shining in the center of the stage then Genie appeared.)

GENIE: Welcome to the 50th Camp Concert!

(Everyone applused.)

GENIE: Wow what a crowd!  Aright, let's get things started with our four campers, Jack Frost, Merida, Rapunzel, and Hiccup Haddock.

(The curtains opened as Genie disappeared. Music started playing as four spotlights shined on them.)

Jack: Here we go.


it's pretty hard to be me in a village where your value's determined by the weight you can hoist over your head

'cause i'm skinny and i'm weak and

I'm starting tobelievethati'm just asuseless as theythink i am

My dad won't even let me outside when everyone's fighting

And, God it's embarrassing

No i will not stop nagging 'cause if i can just kill a dragon

I can finally prove that i'm a man

Most of the heroes feel bad for Hiccup.

Viggo even felt bad.


Then i look into the eyes of a creature that i'm meant to despisе

And that's when i realize that thеy're really something different


It's time to take my life into my own hands

But I've got to look inside to truly understand


My destiny,


My enemy,


My past,


And the world around me


Yes, I think it's time for something different


It's pretty hard to be me locked up here in this tower

My whole life spent wishing I was somewhere else

But it's true that mother knows best though it's starting to feel

Like a prison, I'm penned and bound

But there are lights that come on my birthday

And I ask to go see them the day that I turn 18

Next thing I know she starts screaming at me and I cant believe

That my feet might never touch the ground

Then a man climbs into my tower

And he doesn't seem very dangerous

And he offers to take me to see the lights

Could it be time for something different?


It's time to take my life into my own hands

But I've got to look inside to truly understand


My destiny,


My enemy,


My past,


And the world around me

Yes, I think it's time for something different


It's pretty hard to be me when my mother controls my whole life

I'm a puppet dangling from her strings

Suddenly I'm a princess with rules expectations no weapons

Who does she think I am

She doesn't care if I don't think I'm ready for marriage

My only option is rebellion and

She never listens now my bow is broken

The tapestry's torn and I'm running as fast as I can

Now I've come across a spell and I'm going to change my mom

It's time to break tradition it's time for something different


It's time to take my life into my own hands

But I've got to look inside to truly understand


My destiny,


My enemy,


My past,


And the world around me


Yes, I think it's time for something different


It's pretty hard to be me, the invisible boy

I come and go with the seasons and ride on the wind

I don't mind being by myself having fun causing trouble

But 300 years is pushing it

Was I anyone before I was me? weird question I know

But I just cant stop asking it

They all walk right through me and I can't help but feeling

Like nothing I do really matters in the end

Then I'm chosen by the moon and I could win back all those secrets

Of who I used to be, was I ever something different?


It's time to take my life into my own hands

But I've got to look inside to truly understand


My destiny,


My enemy,


My past,


And the world around me


Yes, I think it's time for something different


Don't let your mother,


your father,


the moon


Ever decide what you do

Your life belongs to you

Are you meant for something different?

It's time to take my life into my own hands

But I've got to look inside to truly understand


My destiny,


My enemy,


My past,


And the world around me


Yes, I think it's time for something different

(The second the song ended the crowd cheered and clapped.)

Everyone cheered.

Rapunzel: That was amazing!

Merida: Best song I've done.

Hiccup: Thanks (Blushing)

(They take a bow then head backstage.)

JACK: That was epic!

HICCUP: I can't believe I did that.

(The other campers came over to congratulate them.)

Elsa: Now that was great.

(The rest of the act went quick and then came the finally song.)


A Dream is a wish your heart makes

When your fast asleep


All those days

Watching from the windows

All those years

Outside looking in

All that time


Never even knowing

Just how blind I've been


I will ride, I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky


When we just trust

(Trust and believe it, you'll see that)

(We'll lead the way)

When we just trust

(Trust and believe it, you'll see that)

(We'll lead the way)


Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind


Who is that girl I see

Staring straight back at me

When will my reflection show

Who I am



We are men


We must be swift as a coursing river


We are men


With all the force of a great typhoon


I don't care


What their going to say


Let the storm rage onnnnnnnnn


Far away,

Long ago,

Glowing dim as an ember,

Things my heart used to know,

Things it yearns to remember


And a song someone sings

Once upon a December


Ha ah ah

Whistle while you work

Do do do do do do do do do

Do your best and take a rest and sing yourself a song


Everybody everybody everybody

Wants to be a cat


Everybody everybody everybody

Wants to be a cat


I know every mile will be worth my while

I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong


Poor unfortunate souls

So sad (so sad)

But true (but true)

You poor unfortunate soul

Now sing




I've climbed a mountain

I've crossed a river

And I'm almost there


I know you I walk with you once upon a dream...

I know you that look in your eye is so familiar a gleam.


Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and beast(beauty and the beast)


I can show you the world

Shining shimmering splendid


Tell me princess now when did you last let your heart decide?


A whole new world

A dazzling place I never knew

But when I'm way up here it's crystal clear

Now I'm in a whole new worlddddd


I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see wanna see them dancing.

Strolling along down the street.


Up where they walk up where they run...

Up where they stay in the sun.

Wondering free wish I could be part of you world


God help the outcasts, hungry from birth.


(You'll be in my heart)


Show them the mercy they don't find on Earth.

The lost and forgotten, they look to you still.


God help the outcasts, or nobody will.


See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me

And no one knows, how far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go


We all the strength of a raging fire

Mysterious as the dark side of moon


For the first time in forever


They'll be music they'll be light


From this day on, now and forever more


This is the night

What a beautiful

And they call it Bella Notte

Anything your heart desires

Will come to you oooooooooh


Never stop never stop


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