Episode 21: Kim Possible

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RavenDragon: Now that we've got the new year, we can get back to the show.

Hiro: Wait! Tadashi isn't going to leave, right?

RavenDragon: He can stay.

Hiro hugs Tadashi tight.

Tadashi: Perfect. And I get to tease Hiro and embarrass him in front of his new boyfriend.

Hiro pulls away.

Hiro: Hey!

Kim Possible: Alright, quit the brother rivalry.

RavenDragon: And you'll like this one Kim, because this one is about you and Ron.

Ron: Booya!

Kim Possible: Ron!

Rufus peaked out of Ron's pocket but he saw Ricky the cat and Rufus ran with Ricky chasing him.

Ron: Rufus!

RavenDragon: Ricky, no! Bad cat!

RavenDragon swooped down and grabbed Ricky.

RavenDragon: I am so sorry Ron. This is one of my familiars, Ricky.

Ron: Just make sure he does not eat Rufus!

RavenDragon: Don't worry, he'll behave.

Lucy, her other cat leapt onto RavenDragon's lap.

(The opening theme plays through then the scene changed to the training grounds where most of the warrior like heroes were training. Shang, Blinky who is now human, and Mulan were each overseeing the sparring sessions.)

MUSHU: Come on people! Pick up the slack!

KIDA: Why must the little lizard with the big mouth be here?

MULAN: Mushu, we agreed you would let me and Shang handle training.

MUSHU: Hey someone's gotta whip these chumps into shape.

SISU: And if you don't stop with the yelling, I'm gonna toss you into the ocean!

MUSHU: Alright, alright, I'll tone it down. Yeesh!

Mushu: You don't have to rude, you know.

Sisu: Hello?! I'm bigger than you!

JIM L: Have you guys seen Hiccup? We were supposed to be sparring.

FLYNN: Come to think of it, I haven't seen Varian either. I'll go find him before he blows something up.

RAPUNZEL: Eugene, I'm sure they're fine.

FLYNN: Either why, I'm looking for them.

(Flynn walks off.)

Ron: And you think I'm paranoid?

Kim: Ron.

(The scene changed to the library with Varian, Hiccup, Toothless, and Copper, the Changeling. Varian was pulling out some scrolls from a shelf.)

VARIAN: Come on, come on, there's got to be something here about my powers.

HICCUP: Varian, your dad mentioned that the scroll for both the sundrop and moondrop was split into four pieces. We're not going to find anything in here.

VARIAN: Well, maybe there's something in here that might help me control it better. Every time I get stressed, more black rocks appear and I can't put more people in danger.

HICCUP: Maybe instead of the scrolls, we try one of the books.

(Varian put back the scrolls then climbed down.)

Flynn: Figures we'd find you two together.

Varian: Very funny.

(Hiccup pulled out Valka's old journal from his satchel)

VARIAN: What's that?

HICCUP: My mother's journal. Viggo sent it to me. Said it might help.

VARIAN: With what?

HICCUP: I'm not sure. According to almost everyone, my mother grew up here. Maybe I find something here to help with my powers.

VARIAN: Open it.

(Hiccup was about to open the journal when they heard something in the back.)

VARIAN: What was that?

HICCUP: I don't know. (Hands Varian the journal.) Stay here.

(Hiccup walked away.)

North: I got a very bad feeling about this. I feel it in my belly.

Bunny: Oh brother.

(Varian just waited but then he saw a shadow move.)

VARIAN: What the...? Hiccup? Was that you?

(A man appeared behind Varian. The man was dressed in all black with yellow eyes.)

MAN: Hello.

(Varian jumped back in fear.)

VARIAN: Who are you?

MAN: I'm Pitch Black. And these... (his nightmares appeared surrounding Varian) are my little friends.

North: Told ya.

Jack: Pitch?!

Hiccup: You know him?

Tooth: He's the boogie man. And our enemy.

Oogie Boogie: This guy?! Ha! I'm better.

Pitch: I have an army of nightmares and I've almost put all the world living in fear. You're just a gambling potato sack.

Oogie Boogie: Rude!

VARIAN: What are you?

PITCH: Your worst nightmare. Get him.

VARIAN: Stay away from me!

(Varian's powers kicked in and the rock destroyed every nightmare.)

PITCH: Interesting.

Jack: Oh no.

(Varian ran to Copper but he was asleep. Varian tried to run but more nightmares appeared, stopping him.)

VARIAN: Get away!

(More black rocks appeared around Varian. He saw the rocks getting bigger.)

VARIAN: No, no, no, no. Don't lose control, don't lose control!

(The rocks slowly started to shrink. But Pitch smirked. He got closer to Varian. Until Toothless jumped in front of Varian then Hiccup came running towards them.)

HICCUP: Varian! (To Pitch) Get away from him!

(Varian's face went pale seeing Hiccup coming towards him.)

VARIAN: No Hiccup! Get back!

(Varian accidentally blasted some moonlight right at Hiccup and he ended up hitting a bookshelf and Hiccup was knocked out.)

VARIAN: Hiccup!

(Pitch grabbed Varian then he disappeared.)

Varian started having a panic attack.

Hiccup: Give him room!

Hiccup took Varian's hand.

Hiccup: V, it's ok. I'm alright. I know you would never hurt me.

Varian started breathing normally then Lucy somehow got out of RavenDragon's balcony, and she started rubbing against Varian's leg.

Varian: Hi there.

Varian kneeled down and started petting her.

RavenDragon: That's my other familiar, Lucy. She's a sweetheart. My guess is that she saw you were in distress and wanted to help.

Varian: Um, would it be alright if she stays with me for a bit?

RavenDragon: I'm ok with it. Besides, I think she really likes you.

Varian gently picked Lucy up and placed her on his lap. Lucy snuggled into Varian.

(The scene changed to outside the library with Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable coming inside.)

RON: You know for an ex-thief, Flynn's a little paranoid over a kid.

KIM: At least we'll get a break from Mushu the Tyrant.

(They got down the steps and they saw the destruction from Pitch's visit.)

RON: Woah! Who trashed this place?

(Hiccup groaned then he started to wake up.)

HICCUP: Ow! My head.

(Kim ran over to Hiccup and helped him up.)

KIM: You, ok?

HICCUP: I'm fine. (realizes) Varian!

KIM: Calm down. We'll find him. What happened here?

HICCUP: Someone attacked Varian. I tried to help but I guess Varian got scared and accidentally hit me with his powers. He's been having a hard time controlling them.

RON: Did the someone that attacked you two tracked dirt too? Because there's a bunch of black stuff on the floor.

(Kim picked up a small bit of the sand.)

KIM: What is this stuff?

Jack: Nightmare sand. Pitch has a little trick where when he touches Sandy's dream sand, he can turn it into nightmares.

Ron: Oh great. Add that to my long list of nightmares.

Kim: Ron, chill.

(Ron bumped into Copper who woke up. Ron screamed.)

RON: That is one giant lizard!

HICCUP: He's a dragon. And he's harmless.

RON: It's a fire breathing dragon. How is it harmless?!

(Copper got annoyed and spat out some acid at Ron.)

HICCUP: Get down!

(Kim tackled Ron to the ground, missing the acid.)

KIM: Acid spitting?


Varian: Just don't agravet him.

Ron: Yeah, good advice. But still!

KIM: Jack might know something about the black sand.

RON: Expect he's with the other guardians helping out Tooth.

HICCUP: I'm sorry, who are you guys?

KIM: Oh right. I'm Kim Possible and this is my best friend Ron Stoppable. We've dealt with kidnappings before. We'll find Varian.

RON: Tiny detail KP, we don't even know where to start.

KIM: Unless you got a tracking potion, we're not gonna find him.

HICCUP: Tracking potion?

KIM: Some kind of potion that can help track down anyone as long as they have something of that missing person.

Fishlegs: That's actually cool.

Cass: It would have made my dad's job of catching Eugene so much easier.

Flynn: Har, har. Very funny.

RON: Unless you got a time machine, we're not getting any of that potion.

HICCUP: What do you mean?

KIM: Unfortunately, Ron's right. From what Merlin's told us, only one person was able to make that potion. A woman named Valka. And she never shared the recipe. She didn't want the potion falling into the wrong hands, I don't blame her.

Hans: Mind if I have some?

RavenDragon zaps him.

Arianna: She made that potion to help enemies and lost friends. Mostly my little sister Willow. And Iduna. Those two always got into trouble.

HICCUP: Hang on. (Opens the journal and flips through the pages until he finds the page with the tracking potion recipe.) Would this be it?

(Kim looks at the page.)

KIM: The potion! But how?

HICCUP: Valka is my mother. And the recipe is in her journal.

RON: Um, you do know how to make a potion?

HICCUP: How hard can it be?

Snotlout: This is gonna be good.

Ricky scratched Snotlout's arm.

Snotlout: OW! What the heck?!

RavenDragon: (giggles) Looks like I'm not the only person that hates Snotlout.

Snotlout: Call off your devil cat!

Ricky hissed at Snotlout.

(The scene changed to Hiccup's cabin with him, Toothless, Copper, Kim, and Ron.)

RON: Um, is that safe?

(Shows Kim and Hiccup working on the potion.)

KIM: Ron. It's fine.

(Hiccup adds in the final ingredient.)

HICCUP: It's ready.

(Kim takes the bottle and pours the potion onto the sand. It started glowing then the sand started taking off.)

HICCUP: We'll take the dragons.

RON: Hang on. There is no way I'm getting on...

(Copper grabs Ron with his talons then flies off with Ron screaming.)

Copper was laughing.

Ron: Not funny!

Rufus was laughing too.

Ron: You too buddy?

KIM: That is one determined dragon.

HICCUP: They're incredibly loyal.

(Hiccup helps Kim onto Toothless and they fly after Ron.)

Varian: I'm touched.

(They followed the sand to another island then the sand started going down a small hole. They landed or in Ron's case, faceplanted.)

RON: Ow!

KIM: Ron, shh. The sand leads down there.

HICCUP: We'll have to go on foot.

RON: Wait, down a dark scary tunnel? I'll pass.

KIM: Ron. Let's go. Hiccup, you sure you want to come?

HICCUP: I've faced Dragon hunters, I think I can handle this.

KIM: Remind me to tag along next time.

(The three of them jumped into the hole.)

Kim: What? It's been a while since I foiled some bad guys plot.

Ron: No thanks. Drakken, Monkey Fist, Killian, and every bad guy we've faced are enough for me.

(The scene changed to them walking down the tunnel.)

RON: KP, I got a bad feeling about this.

KIM: Ron, it's fine.

RON: Something's crawling on me!

(Hiccup pulled out his dragon blade to shine some light and it was just Rufus on Ron's back.)

HICCUP: I think it's a bald rat.

KIM: It's just Rufus. Ron's pet naked mole rat.

RON: He's family, not a pet.

HICCUP: I'm not even going to ask.

Kim: Good choice.

Ron: Hey!

(They reached the end of the tunnel which led to Pitch's evil lair with all the giant bird cages.)

RON: Now this just screams evil lair. Better than Drakkin's lair.

Drakkin: Now that's just defensive.

RavenDragon zaps Draffin. Shego laughs.

Shego: Can you do that everytime he says something stupid.

Drakkin: Shego!

RavenDragon zaps him again.

RavenDragon: I don't do requests for villains but for Shego, I'll make an exception. Mostly because Drakkin is annoying.

KIM: Alright, split up. We can search for Varian faster.

(They split up but they didn't notice someone was watching them.)

Ron starts shaking in fear.

Rufus: Scary.

(Ron stuck with Hiccup as they searched for Varian in each cage.)

RON: Think this villain has a thing with birds?

(Hiccup didn't even answer him.)

RON: Ok, never mind.

(Hiccup kept searching the cages until he spotted Varian's goggles in one of the cages.)

HICCUP: Varian's goggles. He wouldn't leave these behind.

(Suddenly, Pitch's nightmares surrounded them.)

RON: What are these things?!

(Kim showed up and roundhouse kicked some of the nightmares.)

Mulan: Whoa. Where did you learn to fight like that?

Kim: Cheerleading. Comes in handy. And Ron knows Monkey kung fu.

Po: You know Kung Fu?!

Ron: It comes and goes.

KIM: That explains the sand. But where's Varian?

(They heard Pitch's evil laugh echo. Then they spotted his shadow.)

PITCH: Lost something? Or someone?

(Pitch appeared from the shadows with Shego and Varian who were in chains.)

KIM: Shego? Working with the boogie man?

RON: What happened with Dr Drakkin?

SHEGO: He's on vacation. Plus Pitch here is a little more intimidating than him.

Drakkin: Hey!

HICCUP: You know them?

KIM: Shego's one of my enemies. Pitch Black is Jack's enemy. (To the villains) Let the kid go!

PITCH: Why should I? The boy has incredible power. Power that can now control.

(Pitch tightens the chains making Varian shout in pain then black rocks start appearing in front of them.)

RON: What the...? How is he doing that?

HICCUP: Knock it off! You're hurting him!

KIM: Let the kid go now!

SHEGO: Hmm. Nah.

(Shego readyed her powers.)

Ron: Right, forgot about Shego's powers.

Rapunzel: I'm confused.

Kim: Long story.

KIM: (Gets ready to fight) Bring it Shego. You boys get Varian.

(Shego tackles Kim and the two start wrestling each other.)


(The nightmares charge at them. Ron screamed. Hiccup used his powers to deal with some of the nightmares but Ron just ran with the rest of the nightmares.)

Kim groaned.

(Pitch used his powers to trap Varian in his worst nightmare, making him scream in fright and causing more rocks to appear.)

HICCUP: Hang on Varian!

(Hiccup charged at Pitch with his Dragon Blade but Pitch slipped into the shadows with Varian.)

HICCUP: Oh, come on!

(Pitch laughs)

PITCH: (echos) You want the boy? Come and find me.

Jack: Careful. He likes playing games.

(Ron comes back with the nightmares hot on his tail.)

RON: Little help here!

(Hiccup was about to stop the nightmares until a familiar blue light appeared and it was Jim L.)


(Jim L used his sword to take out the nightmares.)

RON: Who's the knight?

JIM L: Trollhunter.

HICCUP: How did you know where I was? And how did you get here?

JIM L: Turns out, our amulets are linked. So we can teleport anywhere to help each other.

Toby: That's a new power. And a timesaver.

HICCUP: (Pulls out his amulet.) Well, that's new. But we still need to go after Pitch.

RON: You two go, I'll help Kim.

(Jim L looked over at Kim and Shego fighting then turned back to Ron.)

JIM L: I think she's got this. Come on!

(Hiccup, Ron, and Jim L ran towards the next tunnel.)

Varian started shaking until Lucy rubbed her head against his chin and it calmed him down.

(They found Pitch who had Varian locked in a cage, still trapped in his nightmare.)

HICCUP: Ron, get Varian. Jim and I will handle Pitch. (pulls out his amulet.) For the honor of the King, night is mine to command.

(He transformed into his hybrid form.)

RON: Whoa! Major upgrade!

(Jim L and Hiccup both charged at Pitch. Pitch summoned his scythe and their weapons clashed. Ron snuck over to the cage.)

RON: Rufus, you're up.

(Rufua got out of Ron's pocket then used his teeth to open the cage door.)

Ron: And another perk of having a naked mole rat.

(Ron and Rufus high fived.)

RON: Booyah! Now let's get the kid.

(Jim L and Hiccup were still in combat with Pitch. Hiccup used his wings to get above Pitch and used his powers on him.)

HICCUP: I could get used to this.

(Ron tried shaking Varian to get him to wake up.)

RON: Come on kid. Wake up! (groans) What does it take to wake up Mini Sleeping Beauty here?

Varian: Hey!

Aurora: Really?

Ron: What?

Flynn: I like it. It suits him. Plus, it's cute.

Varian turned red with embarrassment.

(Kim then appeared in the room and kicked Pitch in the face, knocking him out.)

JIM L: Thanks.

KIM: No big.

Claire: I like her.

Ron: She's Kim Possible. She can do anything.

RON: Guys! Varian's not waking up!

(Jim L, Hiccup, and Kim head over to Varian.)

RON: How do we walk him up?

KIM: Hang on. (Pulls out some dream sand from her pocket.) This might help.

RON: Dream sand?

KIM: Jack told me it works to wake a person up from their worst nightmare.

(Kim sprinkled the sand over Varian. Varian started to wake up.)

VARIAN: What happened? Hiccup? Did I hurt anyone?

HICCUP: You're ok Varian. And no, you didn't.

KIM: Let's get out of here.

Quirin sighed in relief that his son was safe.

(The scene changed to the camp training grounds.)

RAPUNZEL: You two are ok!

VARIAN: We're fine. Just a little tired.

FLYNN: From what?

KIM: Long story short. He got captured by Pitch Black, but we saved him.

RAPUNZEL: Thanks Kim.

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