Episode 22: First Date Craze

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(The scene changed to Merida's cabin with Elsa, Mulan, Rapunzel, and Kim.)

MULAN: Have you guys seen Merida?

KIM: She's down at the archery range. Said she needed more practice.

RAPUNZEL: I thought she and Hiccup were going to have a romantic date.

MULAN: You know they haven't had a proper first date. Between Hiccup's missions, Merida's sparring sessions and her parents' letters pestering her about the marriage contest. They haven't had a normal first date.

Merida: Right.

Hiccup: We forgot.

ELSA: Nobody said the first date would be easy. Remember mine and Jack's first date?

KIM: Yeah. Hans showed up and put you under a love spell when you were queen.

MULAN: Beats being humiliated by your own grandmother.

RAPUNZEL: Eugene and I never had that problem.

KIM: That's because your first date was the lantern festival on your eighteenth birthday.

RAPUNZEL: That's right. But I think we can help them get a perfect first date.

Lucky: I wanna help.

Hiccup: Hey! You too, Lucky?!

Lucky: What? You need all the help you can get.

(The scene changed to Hiccup's cabin with Milo, Montray, Tarzan, Jack and Jim H. Hiccup was reading Valka's journal when Tarzan swung above him.)

TARZAN: What are you reading?

(Hiccup jumped in surprise.)

HICCUP: Don't sneak up on me like that!

JACK: You've been reading that journal all night. Those bags on your eyes look a little bigger.

HICCUP: Don't you start.

Snotlout: I'll say. I haven't seen bags like that since me and Ruff pulled Loki pranks on Hiccup only all day.

Hiccup: You just had to bring that up!

Snotlout: Not our fault you're easy to prank.

Moana: You didn't do any?

Tuffnut: That was the one Loki day I missed because I was sick.

MILO: It's been weeks and you haven't taken Merida out on a real first date.

HICCUP: What are you talking about? We hang out.

MONTRAY: Yeah from the balls and training. You haven't had a romantic date where it's just the two of you.

JIM H: Yeah. I mean I took Mirabel on a picnic date last week and it was great.

MILO: What if you took her on a flight on Toothless?

HICCUP: I can't. I need to head to the breeding grounds anyway. With winter still around, Toothless and I need to head to the island and help with the migration. It's a tradition Toothless and I do.

Jack: You are such a wuss.

Hiccup: I am not!

Toby: Yeah wussing out right there.

Jim L: Tobes, knock it off.

JACK: Alright. (Grabs the journal from Hiccup.) Come on.


JACK: (Grabs Hiccup's hand.) Let's go. And bring the lizard with you.

(Toothless whacked Jack in the head with his tail. He did a dragon- like laugh.)

JACK: I walked into that one.

(Jack dragged Hiccup out of the cabin.)

Jack: Rude.

Toothless growled.

(Rapunzel dragged Merida by her hair and they met up with Jack and Hiccup.)

MERIDA: This is crazy Rapunzel! And I can't believe you tied me up with your hair!

RAPUNZEL: Come on, you and Hiccup need a proper first date.

JACK: Exactly. And Hiccup, you really need to get out of the cabin and get your nose out of that journal.

MERIDA: Aren't you two rushing this? Hiccup and I are fine.

RAPUNZEL: Nope. Starting now, you two are spending the day. No journal looking, no training. And no Dragon Hunter missions, I already let Astrid know.

HICCUP/MERIDA: Seriously?!

Flynn: You two just got Rapunzelled.

Cass: She did the same thing with us but in a prison cell.

RAPUNZEL: Yes. Now have fun!

(Rapunzel and Jack walked away.)

MERIDA: And I thought Snow's cupid plan was bad.

HICCUP: Tell me about it.

MERIDA: I guess spending one day with you would be fun.

HICCUP: Well, I still need to head to the breeding grounds to help with the migration. The dragons go through the worst of Hunter territory.

MERIDA: I'll come with you. It might not be the romantic date Rapunzel wanted but we'll be spending time together.

HICCUP: Sure. But you cannot tell anyone about the island.

MERIDA: Promise.

(Hiccup got on Toothless then pulled Merida on and they took off.)

Rapunzel: Well, that's one way to do a real date.

JACK: I think the plan worked.

RAPUNZEL: Yep. Snow isn't the only love cupid here.

(Flynn walks up to them.)

FLYNN: What are you two up to?


FLYNN: Blondie, I know when you're up to something. And Jack, who did you prank this time?!

JACK: No one. We finally got Merida and Hiccup to go on a real date.


Rapunzel hit Jack with her frying pan.

Jack: Ow! Again, with the pan!

Rapunzel: It's my weapon.

FLYNN: Think that might work on Varian?


FLYNN: I've been trying to get him outside more. But nothing is working.

JACK: Easy. Just get him with Hiro. He's a nerd too.

FLYNN: Now that I think about it. He and Varian were dancing at the holiday ball.

RAPUNZEL: Perfect! Be right back!

(Rapunzel runs off.)

FLYNN: I'm already regretting this.

Varian/Hiro: Seriously?!

Tadashi: Oh, I'm going to enjoy this.

(The scene changed to Varian who was in the same cabin as Ron and Rufus.)

RON: You sure you don't want to go out? I mean you've been spending a lot of time here since...

VARIAN: I'm fine really.

(Ruddigar shows up with a letter in his mouth.)

VARIAN: Hey buddy. What's that?

(Varian takes the letter and reads it.)

RON: What is it?

VARIAN: It's from Hiro. He wants me to meet up with him.

RON: Someone's got a date!

Varian: You too?

Ron: What?

VARIAN: It's not a date! It's just two friends hanging out.

RON: Bro, it's a date.

RUFUS: Hmm. Hmm. Date.

VARIAN: It's not a date. And I'll prove it.

(Varian leaves the lab.)

RON: It's a date.

Kim: Ron!

Ron: It is.

Hiro: No, it's not. And for the record, I'm with someone else.

Tadashi: Wait, what?!

Hiro: I was only blushing because you guys were embarrassing me.

Varian: Oh. I didn't know. I'm sorry.

Hiro: It's ok, V. I do like you but as a friend.

Varian: Yeah, I can live with that.

Rapunzel: Oh, I messed up badly.

Varian: Not really. I mean you did make me realize that I'm into guys.

(The scene changed to Hiccup and Merida flying.)

MERIDA: I get why you like being up here. You just feel...


(Merida smiled and Hiccup blushed.)

Princesses: Aww!

HICCUP: We should be close.

(They heard the sound of a dragon in distress.)

Rapunzel: Oh, come on.

Gobber: I told you that getting those two on a date would be hard.

HICCUP: That's coming from the trading routes. Come on.

(They changed directions towards the trading routes where a Scauldron was caught in a whirlpool.)

MERIDA: What was that?!

HICCUP: Toothless, fire into the mouth.

(Toothless shot a plasma blast at the mouth of the whirlpool and it just faded enough for the Scauldron to escape.)

MERIDA: Woah. Was that a sea monster?

HICCUP: Not a sea monster. A powerful Tidal Class dragon, the Submaripper. I've only read about them in the Book of Dragons. Much scarier in person.

Jack: You don't have to tell us that.

MERIDA: What's it doing here?

HICCUP: I'm not sure. They prefer open deep water, not shallow water. But I do know that they are extremely territorial. If it's not gone, then the trade ships won't make it out. My village needs trade to survive.

MERIDA: Then we go for a little swim. Remember, the gems give us the ability to swim underwater.

(Hiccup landed Toothless on a sea stack then he and Merida jumped into the water. The camera showed them underwater with mermaid tails.)

HICCUP: This is weird.

MERIDA: And riding dragons aren't weird?

HICCUP: Fair point.

(They swam to get a closer look at the Submaripper and thankfully, it was asleep.)

Flynn: When you said it was much scarier in person. You weren't kidding.

Hiccup: Yeah. You do not want to get caught in its mouth.

(They swam closer, and Hiccup noticed the dragon proof chains on the dragons' legs and tail.)

HICCUP: That dragon didn't wander in the straits. It's chained. Viggo, he chained it here. He's telling me to back off or Berk faces the consequences.

MERIDA: Can we free it?

HICCUP: Maybe. But I don't know how to break them.

Hiccup glared at Viggo.

(The scene changed to Varian who was heading towards Hiro and Baymax.)

HIRO: Oh, hey Varian. What are you doing here?

VARIAN: Oh, you gave me this letter and... What's with the giant marshmallow?

BAYMAX: Hello. I am Baymax.

HIRO: Baymax is a healthcare companion that my brother Tadashi made. 

VARIAN: That's really cool. (Blushes) Um, Hiro, I was wondering if you would want to hang out for a bit.

HIRO: Yeah. I have some time.

Varian: At least we get to hang out.

Hiro: Yeah.

VARIAN: Time for what?

HIRO: I have a date. Karmi from my school is coming for our date tonight.

VARIAN: Wait, you have a girlfriend?

HIRO: Yeah. (realizes) You thought I had a crush on you? I like you but as a friend. I'm not into guys.


HIRO: I'm really sorry, Varian.

VARIAN: No. It's my fault. I'm just so stupid.

(Varian runs away.)

HIRO: Varian!

Hiro: Again, sorry.

Varian: It's not your fault.

(The scene changed back to underwater with Merida, Hiccup, and the Submaripper. Hiccup pulled out a vial of Changewing acid.)

MERIDA: What is that stuff?

HICCUP: Changewing Acid. This will help with the chains.

(Hiccup hands Merida another vial.)

HICCUP: We just need to get close to the dragon without waking it up.

Snotlout: Sounds easy.

Hiccup: Really? You want to do it?

Snotlout: Never mind.

(Hiccup and Merida swam towards a different side of the dragon. They poured the acid on the chains which broke instantly.)

MERIDA: It's working.

(They were about to break the last chain until a bunch of boulders started crashing into the water.)

HICCUP: Viggo. He's trying to rile up the Ripper.

MERIDA: You take care of the chain, I'll handle the Hunters.

HICCUP: But...

(Merida kissed Hiccup on the lips then pulled away.)

MERIDA: I'll be ok. Besides, I'm one of the best fighters in my kingdom.

(Merida swam off towards the Hunters' ship.)

Hiccup and Merida both blushed.

Elinor: And here I thought you wouldn't agree to marriage.

Merida: Mum!

(The scene changed to Varian running until he reached a cliffside. He kneeled down and took out the note. He ripped it to pieces.)

VARIAN: I'm such an idiot.

(Raya came up to Varian. She tapped Varian on the shoulder, and he jumped.)

VARIAN: You scared me!

Namaari: She has that effect on people.

Raya: Hey! You're just as bad as me.

RAYA: Sorry. You must be Varian. I'm Raya. (She sees Varian's tears.) What's wrong?

VARIAN: I had a small crush on Hiro and well...

RAYA: He was taken. (sighs) Hey, it's going to get better.

VARIAN: Like you would get it.

RAYA: Actually, I would. (Sits down beside Varian.) I fell in love with another girl. One who stabbed me in the back and took the Dragon Gem and released an ancient evil that doomed all of our lands. And I was no younger than you.

VARIAN: Lands?

RAYA: Yeah. My home was called Kumandra. But after the dragons disappeared, everyone wanted the Dragon Gem, so our home was split into five lands. Tail, Heart, Talon, Spine, and Fang. All named after a different part of the dragon.

Hiccup: So, you guys...

Raya: Live with dragons in harmony? Yeah. But that was centuries ago, until the Druun turned every dragon and person into stone.

Sisu: Hey. We fixed the world. And my brothers and sisters are back.

VARIAN: Did you ever see her again?

RAYA: Yeah. But I spent the last six years looking for Sisu and the rest of the gem pieces. It wasn't until I got to Fang for the last piece that I tried to make peace with her. But it didn't go so well. She shot Sisu and the water disappeared, making the Druun invade Fang. I was blinded by rage and revenge; I almost struck her down but at the last second, I saw a glimpse of my old friend and she actually helped fix the world.

Snotlout: And I'm lost here.

Fishlegs: Same. What exactly are Druun?

Sisu: A plague. Born from human discord. They've always been here. Waiting for a moment of weakness to attack. They're like the opposite of dragons. Instead of bringing water and life to the world, they're like a relentless fire that consumes everything in its wake until there's nothing left except ash and stone.

Fishlegs whimpers.

Moana: And I thought Te Kai was destructive.

RAYA: And after the Druun were gone and Sisu came back, I kissed her, and we became lovers.

VARIAN: Really? What did your dad say?

RAYA: My Ba was shocked at first, but he was supportive of my relationship with Namaari. And someday, you'll find the right guy.

(Soft music starts playing.)

Donkey: Oh goodie. Another song!

RavenDragon: Well, this one is for people like Raya, Varian, and me.


They called me out of touch

That's how I would appear

But I've always felt too much

The anger pain and fear

I kept it bottled up

Until the cover blew

But you can relate that, yeah

You've been there too

(Raya stands up then flashbacks of her and Namaari start showing all the way up to their kiss.)

Now I live out loud

And love as proudly

As I can in life

It's my greatest weapon

My sharpest knife

I will raise my voice

And shout it far and wide

I will love while it lasts

I will love with pride

Namaari smiled and held Raya's hand.

RavenDragon snapped her fingers and SabrinaCiper appeared beside her.

SabrinaCiper: Hey love. What's going on?

RavenDragon: I wanted to show you this part. And I love you.

The two shared a short kiss then they turned to the screen.

(Varian stood up and remembered all the bad memories of him and his inventions almost destroying his village.)


Before the new life I found

I always stood apart

Afraid to get shot down

If I had bared my heart

(He then remembers Hiro.)

All at once I feel

I need him here and now

And I want to tell him this

But I don't know how

When I've kept my guard

'Cause love was hardly

In the life I've known

It's the biggest trial

The great unknown

Can I raise my voice

When time's not on my side?

Can I love while it lasts?

Can I love with pride?

Varian looked a little disappointed that Hiro doesn't have the same feelings for him.

Hiccup: Hey, it's ok.

Varian softened up a bit.

(Varian starts walking away.)


There is no path to chart

No clear way to begin

(Raya grabs Varian's hand and he stops.)


Who cares about the start

When you have everything to win?

When push comes to shove

You choose to love him

As your final stance

It's your great adventure


Your biggest chance


I will raise my voice

No, I'll no longer hide


Let us love while it lasts

Let us love with pride


Live out loud

Love as proudly as I can


I will raise my voice

And take the rest in stride

I will love while it lasts


I will love with pride

(Love with pride)

(The song ends.)

Some clapped, some were in tears.

Lance: (teary) That was beautiful. (Blows his nose.)

VARIAN: Thanks for the talk, Raya. Now, I have someone to talk to.

(Varian goes back to the camp.)

Hiro: So, I guess that person is me.

Varian: Yeah. But I think I can handle being your friend.

(The scene changed back to Merida who was underwater in her mermaid form. She was hiding behind some rocks and saw the Dragon Hunter ship.)

MERIDA: Now for some fun.

(Merida summoned her bow and arrows. She aimed one of her arrows that was lit with fire. She fired it at the sails, and they caught fire. She fired more arrows to make the Hunters panic.)

MERIDA: (laughs) Now this is fun.

Rapunzel: Really?

Merida: You people think royal balls and horse riding are perfect dates, but I prefer more action.

Raya: She's not wrong.

(The camera turned to Hiccup who was just about to pour the acid onto the chain when the Submaripper started waking up. It saw Hiccup and it was mad.)

HICCUP: Oh no.

(The Submaripper opened its mouth and a whirlpool started sucking Hiccup towards its mouth. He grabbed onto a rock, gripping it tight trying not to get eaten.)

Fishlegs: Oh Thor, oh Thor. (Covers his eyes)

(He lets go of the rock then manages to swim out of the current before the Submaripper closes its mouth. He swam towards the tail then quickly poured the acid on the chain, breaking it. The Submaripper noticed the chains were off then it started to swim away.)

HICCUP: That was close.

(He sees Merida coming.)

MERIDA: You got it free?

HICCUP: Yep. And the Dragon Hunters?

MERIDA: They're a little busy dealing with some fires that I lit on their ship. Perks of having different elemental arrows.

HICCUP: Well, not how I pictured our first date going.

MERIDA: You kidding me? This is better than the so-called dates I was forced to go on with the other Lord's sons. And I had to deal with one that had an ego as big as Kuzco's.

Kuzco: Hey!

Merida: I tell it like it is.

Kuzco gets zapped by SabrinaCiper.

RavenDragon: See? Fun!

HICCUP: Now let's get out of here.

(The two teleported to the sea stack now in human form and flew off on Toothless. The scene changed to nightfall over the island. Hiccup and Merida were sitting by the enchanted lake, watching the stars.)

HICCUP: At least this way we get some peace and quiet.

MERIDA: Yeah. It's nice.

(Merida snuggled closer to Hiccup.)

Everyone minus the Villains: Aww!

(The scene changed to Varian who was talking to Hiro.)

HIRO: Varian, look about what happened...

VARIAN: It's ok Hiro. I should've asked before. And I understand that you only like me as a friend.

HIRO: I'm glad. And I know for a fact that you'll find someone too. Besides, having you as a friend is great. Finally another nerd besides me.

VARIAN: (laughs) Yeah. It's nice to share my alchemy with someone who actually gets it. If it was Eugene or Lance, I'd have to explain over and over again or keep them from touching anything dangerous.

HIRO: Does that happen a lot?

VARIAN: It's mostly Lance.

Lance: Hey! I listen!

Flynn: Right, like how you stole RavenDragon's bag?

Lance: Fine, you're right Eugene.

Flynn: It's bad enough that the kid calls me it! I don't need you to start!

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