Episode 23: The Dragon Hunter and The White Witch

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(The opening theme played through then the scene opened to Hiccup and Lucky flying in the air on Torch and Toothless, racing. They raced through the forest and they even scared Tantor and Terk.)

TERK: Woah! Watch it will ya!


(They continued racing through the forest until Lucky saw Pru and Abigail riding Boomerang and Chica Linda. Lucky lands Torch.)

LUCKY: What brings you guys here?

PRU: Your dad and aunt were hoping you would come home for your birthday. And

Hiccup too.

Lucky: My thirteenth birthday. Sweet!

(Hiccup and Toothless landed.)


LUCKY: Well, you are technically family. And it would be great if you came.

HICCUP: I guess it wouldn't hurt.

LUCKY: This is great! And I know just the thing for my birthday, an O-Mok-See.

HICCUP: An O-Mok-See?

LUCKY: It's a riding contest.

Cora: I was hoping for a normal birthday dinner. You're thirteen Lucky, and you're becoming a young lady.

Lucky: We can do that, after.

HICCUP: Any chance I can bring a plus one?

LUCKY: I'm sure my dad won't mind. And you want to bring Merida?

HICCUP: Yeah. (blushes)

Jack: Second date already?

Hiccup: Don't push it, Frost!

LUCKY: Great! And I'll ride back with Spirit. I missed him.

(Spirit neighted in agreement and nuzzled Lucky.)

Merida: Now that's perfect.

(Merida comes in, riding on her horse Angus.)

MERIDA: Hey guys.

LUCKY: Hey Merida, I'm doing an O-Mok-See for my birthday and I was wondering if you would like to join us.

MERIDA: Sure. I love a good riding contest. Plus, it gives me and Angus a real challenge.

LUCKY: (To Hiccup) She's a keeper.

HICCUP: (Turns red) You too, Lucky?

Lucky: I'm your cousin. I got the right to tease you.

Pru: Then should we tell him about Javier?

Lucky: No!

Hiccup: You can tell me later.

Pru: Deal.

Lucky: Pru!

Hiccup: Sorry Lucky, I'm your cousin. I got the right to tease you.

Lucky: I walked into that one.

LUCKY: I won't tease ya that much. It's Aunt Cora you need to worry about.

HICCUP: Oh dear gods.

LUCKY: And you might want Toothless to stay here. Just until my birthday is over.

(Toothless groans.)

HICCUP: It's only for one day, bud. You'll be fine. Plus you got Torch to keep you company.

(Toothless huffs.)

PRU: What's with him?

HICCUP: Him and Torch don't get along well.

LUCKY: Well, they are family now. So they might try to get along.

Toothless and Torch glared at each other.

Sisu: Don't start you two.

PRU: Come on! Your dad and aunt are waiting.

MERIDA: Hop on Hiccup.

(Hiccup gets on Angus. Lucky gets on Spirit and they ride towards the portal. The portal took them back to Miradero and they rode to the Prescott House.)

LUCKY: I admit, I did miss home.

(Hiccup gets off Angus.)

ABIGAIL: While you two go help your dad and aunt, we can give Merida a tour of Miradero.

Merida: Sweet.

MERIDA: That sounds fun.

PRU: We'll meet up at the barn later.

LUCKY: Got it.

(Pru, Merida, and Abigail rode off. Lucky and Hiccup head inside the house.)

LUCKY: Dad? Aunt Cora?

JIM P: I'm in the kitchen!

(They head into the kitchen where Jim was looking at an old scrapbook.)

LUCKY: Hey dad, what's that?

JIM P: Just an old scrapbook I dug out of the attic. It's from when I went to the same camp as Val. She enchanted it so the pictures would move.

Cora: I almost forgot about that.

RavenDragon: (whispers) Harry Potter.

(Lucky and Hiccup walked over to look at the book. They did see some of the pictures move.)

LUCKY: Wow. This is amazing.

(Hiccup pulled out the journal. Jim P notices it.)

JIM P: You found your mom's old journal?

HICCUP: Viggo actually gave it to me. I'm not sure why.

JIM P: That journal is filled with all the spells and potions that Val learned or made. And she kept some mementos of her greatest adventures.

Arianna: Some of which me and Iduna were on.

Rapunzel: Really?

Elinor: And sometimes me. And I hate when you three would drag me along.

Arianna: You liked it.

Elinor: Not always!

LUCKY: Like what?

JIM P: Let's see, the annual horse race, becoming a part of our family, meeting Viggo...

HICCUP: Wait, what?

(Jim P turned the pages of the journal to a page with a white rose.)

LUCKY: That's a beautiful rose.

HICCUP: How is it still...?

JIM P: Living? Val put a lasting spell on the rose. Because it reminded her of how she and Viggo first met.

LUCKY: How did they meet? Was it love at first sight?

JIM P: More like a punch to the face.

HICCUP: Seriously?! Now I'm interested.

Viggo: Very funny.

Jim Prescott: To be fair, you two weren't exactly all love at first sight.

LUCKY: Tell it.

JIM P: Alright, I'll tell you two. When Val and I were at the same camp, she never wanted to be tied down. At least, not until she met him.

(The scene went to 30 years ago when Valka was seventeen. It went to the forest where Teen Valka, Arianna, and Iduna were hanging out. Iduna was sitting on a tree branch while Valka was writing in her journal.)

Lance: Wow! I'm seeing double. (laughs)

Hiccup: Har, har.

Lucky: She is pretty.

Cora: Pretty and stubborn.

TEEN IDUNA: I told you before Ari, nothing can get her to look up from that journal.

TEEN VALKA: (Looks up at Iduna.) Just because I'm in my journal does not mean I can hear you.

TEEN IDUNA: I'm just saying. Would it kill you to have a little fun? Or maybe fall in love?

TEEN VALKA: Ha! That's like saying Ari here will go out with Prince Trevor.

TEEN: ARIANNA: Hey, don't drag me into this. Also gross, never in a million years.

Arianna: I forgot about that part.

TEEN IDUNA: All I'm saying is, you could loosen up a bit.

TEEN ARIANNA: Alright Iduna, that's enough. But she does have a point Val. You've been working on that shapeshifting potion all week and no luck. You could use a break. Both you and Ulla.

Milo: Who's Ulla?

Varian: My mother. I didn't know she was friends with Hiccup's mother.

Arianna: Yeah. She and Val were best friends.

Flynn: And the tradition continues.

TEEN VALKA: I suppose it wouldn't hurt.

TEEN IDUNA: See? No problems.

(That was when Princess Eva, the spoiled heiress that bullies Valka, walks over to the girls.)

EVA: Hello girls. And servant.

TEEN IDUNA: And I spoke too soon.

Cass: Who's the stiff?

Elinor: Princess Eva.

Arianna: She hates Valka. Mostly because she can do better magic.

Frederick: And she loves rubbing the fact that she's better than everyone else.

Elsa: I've never heard of her.

Jim Prescott: That's because she lost her kingdom years ago.

TEEN VALKA: What do you want, Eva?

EVA: I was going to ask if Iduna and Arianna wanted to have some fun but I can see you two are busy with the help.

TEEN: IDUNA: Knock it off Eva!

TEEN VALKA: I was just leaving.

EVA: Good. At least this way we can have some fun without the peasant girl.

(Valka waved her hand then Eva tripped over a vine that grabbed her leg and she landed in a mud puddle. She screamed.)

TEEN VALKA: Whoops. My hand slipped.

(Arianna and Iduna laughed.)

Everyone snickered.

(Valka walks away from them and heads for the ocean. She jumped into the water and her legs turned to a mermaid tail and she swam away from the island.)

TEEN VALKA: Finally. Some peace and quiet.

(A ship passes by and Valka decides to swim up to it. It was a Dragon Hunter ship. She saw the caged dragons.)

TEEN VALKA: Hunters.

(Valka sneaks onto the ship. She waited til the guards left then she opened each cage and most of the dragons flew away.)

Flynn: So it's a family trait.

Hiccup glared at Flynn.

(She saw a four winged dragon chained to the shipdeck. She walked closer to it but it started growling and trying to break out of the chains.)

TEEN VALKA: Shh! Easy, easy. I'm here to help.

(She was just about to grab one of the chains when someone behind her grabbed her and covered her mouth. She squirmed until she broke free then she punched the guy in the face. Valka quickly used her magic to free the dragon but it suddenly picked her up and the guy off the ship and flew away.)

Gobber: Now I know where Hiccup gets that left hook.

Jim Prescott: Told ya.

Tuffnut: It's like Thor's mighty hammer vs Snotlout's paper jaw.

Snotlout: Hey!

(The Dragon Hunters saw them.)

HUNTER #1: Dragon!

HUNTER #2: Fire!

(They shot arrows at the dragon. Valka used her magic to block them but one dragon root arrow hit the tail of the dragon and it started flying out of control. Valka slipped out of the talons then climbed on top of the dragon.)

TEEN VALKA: Just hang on. Just a little longer.

(Valka spotted a small island.)

TEEN VALKA: We can make that.

(Valka managed to help the dragon fly straight but they crash landed on the island.)

Hiccup: So that's how you two met.

Viggo: Not hard to forget. Especially with that slap she gave me.

(She quickly went towards the tail and pulled out the arrow.)

TEEN VALKA: Dragon root. (She sees the ship on the horizon.) Great. Hunters are coming, a dragon hopped on dragon root, and I'm stuck on an island with a stranger who almost killed me.

(Valka groaned then she turned to the unconscious hunter who was seventeen year old Viggo. She walked up to him, kneeled down, then she slapped him across the face to wake him up. Viggo suddenly reawakened.)

TEEN VIGGO: Ow! What in the name of Thor?!

Hiccup covered his mouth to cover his laugh.

Viggo: Yeah, that wasn't pretty.

Ryker: Now I know why you were scared of her.

Viggo: I wasn't scared!

TEEN VALKA: Listen here, I don't like you and I don't trust you. So you can either help me hide this dragon and myself or you can deal with those Dragon Hunters yourself.

TEEN VIGGO: You think I'm with them? I'm not. I was trying to free that dragon when you just appeared.

TEEN VALKA: Just help me.

(Each of them took a side of the dragon then helped it up and started walking into the forest. They managed to find a cave where they hid out with the dragon. Valka used her magic to create an illusion in front of the entrance to hide them.)

TEEN VALKA: This should buy us some time.

TEEN VIGGO: What was that?

TEEN VALKA: Nothing! You were just seeing things! Just tell me you have an antidote to the Dragon Root.

(Viggo pulls out a vial of the cure. Valka takes it then gives it to the dragon. The antidote takes effect but the dragon let out a loud roar and some of the hunters outside in the woods heard it.)

Gobber: That can't be good.

TEEN VIGGO: We gotta go now!

(He suddenly grabbed Valka's arm and they ran deeper into the cave. They stopped to catch their breath and Viggo released his hand off of Valka.)

TEEN VAKLA: I wasn't expecting a Dragon Hunter to run away.

TEEN VIGGO: Well, maybe you don't know everything about us.

TEEN VALKA: I still don't trust you.

TEEN VIGGO: I'm not excepting you too. But if we want to get out of here alive, we're going to have to work together.

TEEN VALKA: Very well. A truce for now. But if you betray me, I won't hesitate to leave you with those hunters.

(The two continued walking.)

Jim Prescott: Right, I forgot to mention that Val has some trust issues.

Hiccup: Why?

RavenDragon: Don't even think about it. No Spoilers.

(The scene changed to them traveling deeper in the cave. Viggo had a torch to light the way.)

TEEN VIGGO: So tell me, how did you get on the ship?

TEEN VALKA: Not telling. I keep my life private from people like you.

(Valka kept walking until Viggo grabbed her arm, stopping her. She slaps him)

TEEN VALKA: I told you not to touch.

TEEN VIGGO Shush! (Points ahead to reveal a Speed Stinger pack sleeping.) Speed Stingers.

(The two started sneaking past the Speed Stingers. Viggo tried to help Valka but she just walked past Viggo.)

Snotlout: Speed Stingers. Why?

Dagur: Do I even want to know?

Hiccup: Long story.

TEEN VIGGO: Not bad.

TEEN VALKA: Not bad yourself. Come on, we need to keep moving.

(They kept walking for about five hours.)

TEEN VIGGO: We should rest here for a while.

TEEN VALKA: If you say so.

(Valka used her magic to create a little ball of light to help brighten the cave. Viggo built a fire to keep them warm.)

TEEN VIGGO: How did you do that? From before, cover up the entrance?

TEEN VALKA: It's a gift. Or as my father calls it, a curse.

TEEN VIGGO: Curse? Why?

TEEN VALKA: Like I would tell a hunter.

TEEN VIGGO: Alright. What is your problem with me?

TEEN VALKA: I don't trust many people. Sometimes they'll just stab you in the back the second they get.

Hiccup: What does that mean?

Lucky: Dad?

Jim Prescott: Just keep watching.

TEEN VIGGO: Not all people are like that. Can you tell me?

TEEN VALKA: (sighs) When I was a little girl, I was gifted with these powers. My mother thought it was a blessing but my father, all he saw was a devil. After my mother died, my father sold me to a bunch of pirates. I escaped and I've lived on my own ever since. And I learned that the only person you can count on is yourself.

Lucky: That's awful.

Flynn: And I thought me and Lance had it rough.

TEEN VIGGO: Is that how you got onto the ship?

TEEN VALKA: Something like that. And I would have freed that dragon if you hadn't stopped me.

TEEN VIGGO: To be fair, I thought you were going to harm it.


TEEN VIGGO: That Dragon Hunter ship belongs to Ryker, my brother.

TEEN VALKA: He's your brother?

TEEN VIGGO: What can I say? You can't pick your family.

TEEN VALKA: A Dragon Hunter, freeing dragons? Now I've seen everything.

TEEN VIGGO: I'm not exactly on my family's best terms.


(They suddenly heard the sounds of men chattering their way.)

TEEN VIGGO: Oh great. They found us.

(Valka and Viggo ran.)

Hiccup: What exactly did you do?

Viggo: Well... Let's put it this way. I might have released a particular dragon.

TEEN VALKA: What did you do to tick them off?

TEEN VIGGO: I ended up freeing some Whispering Deaths from their cages.

TEEN VALKA: You what?!

TEEN VIGGO: Oh like you wouldn't have done the same thing?!


Hiccup: Whispering Deaths?

Viggo: Don't ask.

(They kept running until they reached the exit. When they exited the cave, a few hunters were already waiting for them.)

TEEN VALKA: And our luck just got worse.

(Some of them fired arrows at them but Valka used her magic to stop the arrows midair. She then launched them back and the hunters dodged the arrows.)

TEEN VIGGO: How did you...?

TEEN VALKA: This is not my first time dealing with hunters.

(The two started running away from the hunters.)

TEEN VIGGO: We need to leave.

TEEN VALKA: No. You said that your brother is after you right?


TEEN VALKA: I got an idea. Follow me.

(Valka leads Viggo to a waterfall.)

Heather: She's not thinking of...

TEEN VALKA: We have to jump!

TEEN VIGGO: What?! Are you crazy?!

Dagur: Well, now I know where you get the crazy idea side from Hiccup. I always thought you were more berserker.

Hiccup: Not funny Dagur.

TEEN VALKA: Just trust me! Now!

(The two jumped then moments later they crashed into the water below. Valka's legs turned back to her mermaid tail and Viggo's eyes widened seeing Valka.)

Flynn: Ironically that is the same reaction I had when I say blondies hair glow.

Lucky/Hiccup/Mirabel/Raya/Sisu: Glow?!

Rapunzel: (laughs) Yeah.

Varian: I thought it couldn't do that before.

Rapunzel: Now it can.

(They waited til the hunters left then they headed to the surface.)

TEEN VIGGO: You just... That was...

TEEN VALKA: (laughs) Yeah. It's one of my forms. And it's how I sneaked on the ship. I'm Valka.

TEEN VIGGO: Viggo Grimborn.

TEEN VALKA: Pleasure. Right now, I need to get home. Lord knows I'm going to be in so much trouble.

(They spotted the Stormcutter coming towards them. It landed in front of Valka and it stared at her for a bit before it bowed with respect.)

TEEN VIGGO: Looks like he trusts you.

(Valka climbs on the dragon. She held out her hand to Viggo.)

TEEN VALKA: You coming or not?

(Viggo took her hand and climbed on. They flew back to the camp.)

Lucky: At least she's trusting people.

Arianna: Yeah. It took me a while to get Val to trust me.

(The two arrived back at camp around sundown. Ulla and Edalyn, the Owl Lady, came running towards Valka and Viggo.)

TEEN ULLA: There you are. Where were you all day?

TEEN VALKA: It's a long story, girls. But I'll tell you later.

TEEN EDA: Who is that? Your boyfriend?

TEEN VALKA: Eda! (Her face turned bright red.) This is Viggo, he'll be staying here for a while.

Hiccup: Who's that?

RavenDragon: No one answer, please. This is a surprise.

Hiccup: If you say so.

TEEN EDA: Well, you missed dinner. Lucky for you, I smuggled some extra grub into our cabin.

TEEN VALKA: You took your potion, right? In case your curse acted up.

TEEN EDA: I did. Now come on, foods gonna be cold by now.

(Ulla and Eda ran back to the cabin.)

TEEN VIGGO: Thank you. For saving me. (he pulled out a white rose.) Found this in the cave. I thought you should have it.

TEEN VALKA: (She took the rose.) Thank you. (She blushed.)

(The scene went back to the present day with Jim Prescott, Lucky, and Hiccup.)

Hiccup: That was something.

JIM P: And that's how they met.

LUCKY: Well what do you know? Viggo was actually against Dragon Hunters.

HICCUP: I guess.

JIM P: Hiccup, I know you and Viggo were enemies before but, he is still your father. Just give him a chance. MAybe even talk to him.

HICCUP: I'll think about it. 

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