Episode 24: The Train Tycoon

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(The opening theme played through then the scene changed to the barn with Lucky, Pru, Abigail, Merida, Hiccup and the horses listening to Lucky explain her O-Mok-See events.)

LUCKY: The one's called "The Bootlace." You skip around this first barrel and zigzag towards the second one. Then we'll shoot around this barrel and this one and this one, like lacing up a boot. And the rider and the horse with the fastest time wins!

MERIDA: Which'll be me and Angus.

PRU: No way. It's gonna be me and Chica Linda. Throwing an O-Mok-See for your birthday is genius Lucky.

ABIGAIL: Thirteen events for your 13th birthday.

Lance: Isn't thirteen bad luck?

Varian: There is no such thing as bad luck.

LUCKY: And it's going to be even better, because I get a challenge with my cousin. Plus the whole town is invited.

HICCUP: Don't get cocky, Lucky.

(Twin girls named Mary Pat and Bianca walked into the barn.)

MARY PAT: Hey Lucky. Daddy asked us to deliver you this telegram to your house Lucky. Actually he asked Bianca to do it yesterday, but she forgot.

BIANCA: No, he asked you, and you forgot.

MARY PAT: No, he asked you, and you forgot.

BIANCA: No, he asked you, and you forgot.

MERIDA: Would you lassies just hand the paper over?

(Mary Pat hands Lucky the telegram.)

LUCKY: It's from my grandpa! He's coming to town tomorrow. This is the best news ever!

Jim Prescott: Oh joy.

Hiccup: What's with him?

Lucky: Dad and Grandpa have a bit of a rough relationship.

LUCKY: I can't wait to show him everything, including Spirit and Hiccup.

HICCUP: Lucky, I think you might get the chance. The telegram is from yesterday so it means that he's coming today

LUCKY: (gasps) You're right! Let's go tell Dad and Aunt Cora!

(Lucky runs out of the barn in a hurry.)

Merida: You two must be close.

Lucky: Yep.

HICCUP: I'll go with her. We'll meet you guys at the train station.

(Spirit, Sagebrush, and Hiccup follow Lucky. She slowed down.)

LUCKY: Sorry. I'm just so excited to see him.

HICCUP: What's he like?

LUCKY: A little struct but he can be fun. He taught me to play checkers and cards and croquet and badminton. He pretended not to mind when I beat him, but trust me, he's pretty competitive.

HICCUP: Like you.

LUCKY: (laughs) You're one to talk.

HICCUP: Alright, alright. I walked into that one. Maybe he might enter the Oh-Mok-See.

LUCKY: Maybe.

(Lucky and Hiccup enter the house.)

LUCKY: Dad! Aunt Cora! Come quick!

CORA: Lucky, a young lady of 13 does not shout inside the house. Or outside the house, or ever.

Elinor: Maybe I should have asked you to teach my daughter.

Merida: Mum!

JIM P: All right, birthday girl, where's the fire?

LUCKY: (Hands him the telegram) It's not a fire! It's Grandpa! He's coming today on the morning train. Can you believe it?

(Jim Prescott's expression changed but Cora was delighted.)

HICCUP: Lucky, why don't you go meet your friends at the station? I'll meet you there.

LUCKY: Ok, I'll see you guys there! (Runs out the door.)

Jim P: Why do I get the feeling you're going to give me one of your speeches?

Hiccup: Why would you just assume that I would..? Yeah that's fair.

CORA: Oh this is wonderful. Papa's coming for a visit and you'll get to meet him, Hiccup.

JIM P: (Mumbles) If he doesn't crush his spirit first.

HICCUP: What was that?

JIM P: Nothing. Just talking about the letter from my father. This is just a classic surprise inspection. He's here to see how I'm doing with the railroad. Like I'm going to break it or something.

HICCUP: Let me guess, you and your father don't get along.

JIM P: Is it that obvious?

HICCUP: Jim, come on. It's Lucky's birthday. Can't you two at least try to get along? Lucky's really excited to see her grandfather.

JIM P: I suppose I can play nice with him.

Jim P: Told ya.

Milo: How do you do that?

Hiccup: It's a gift.

(The scene changed to James Prescott Sr on the train to Miradero. The conductor opens the door.)

CONDUCTOR: We'll be pulling into Miradero in five minutes, Mr. Prescott.

JAMES SR: Which by my counting makes this train, that I own, and eight and a half minutes late.

(The conductor just left. James then looked out the window to see Lucky, Hiccup and their friends riding.)

JAMES SR: Hmm. Hooligans.

(The train arrives at the station in Miradero. Jim P and Cora were already there waiting.)

CORA: I hope you're not going to be this sour the entire time Papa's here.

JIM P: I'm not sour.

Lucky: Dad.

Jim Prescott: Ok, ok.

CORA: I should hope not. (sees James Sr walking out of the train.) There he is! Yoo-hoo! Papa!

(James Sr walked up to Cora and hugged her. They pulled away.)

JAMES SR: Cora, my dear. It's good to see you.

CORA: Oh now I've missed you.

(James and Jim both shook hands.)

JIM P: Dad.

JAMES SR: Jim. You've got my trains running late now, do you?

(Jim P stammered until Cora glared at him to stop.)

Rapunzel: Now I get it.

Merida: Same.

JAMES SR: Now, why isn't my granddaughter here to greet me?

CORA: Lucky will be here.

(They saw Lucky, Hiccup, Merida, Pru, and Abigail arrive on their horses.)

LUCKY: If it wasn't for that Ravine, we would have definitely beaten the train.

HICCUP: If you say so.

(Lucky hears her grandpa whistle.)

LUCKY: Grandpa!

(She got off of Spirit and ran over to her grandpa. She hugged him tight.)

JAMES SR: Well, now, let me take a look at the birthday girl.

(He looked a little unimpressed seeing Lucky's clothes covered in dirt. But he lightened up when he and Lucky did their secret handshake. Lucky walked James Sr to her friends.)

Hiccup: What was that?

Lucky: A little handshake me and Grandpa made.

LUCKY: I want to introduce you to my two best friends in the world. Pru and Abigail.

PRU: Nice to meet you, Mr. Prescott!

ABIGAIL: Top of the morning, Lucky's grandfather.

JAMES SR: Hello, girls.

LUCKY: And that's Merida. And that's Hiccup, my cousin.

JAMES SR: I don't believe it. I haven't seen you since you were just a baby.

HICCUP: It's finally nice to meet you, sir.

JAMES SR: We're family. Please call me grandpa.

LUCKY: And this is Spirit.

JAMES SR: Isn't he a fine-looking specimen?

(Spirit whinnies.)

LUCKY: Spirit thinks you're a fine-looking specimen, too.

Flynn: You understood that?

Lucky: I took a wild guess.

JAMES SR: Where's his saddle?

LUCKY: You can't put a saddle on Spirit. He's a wild horse.

JAMES SR: A wild...

CORA: Oh. Papa. You must be tired after that long ride. Let's get you home, and I'll fix you a nice lunch. And I'm sure Lucky would like to clean up.

(The scene changed to the Prescott house. Jim P was bringing in the bags.)

JAMES SR: I heard you ran into trouble blasting a pass through Goose Gulch. How many days behind are you?

JIM P: (Mumbling) We'll make it up.

JAMES: Speak up, son. I can't hear you when you mumble.

Belle: Oh boy.

Jasmine: And I thought I had daddy issues.

HICCUP: Ok. Maybe I should help get the bags.

JAMES SR: Oh, no need. Let Jim get that.

(Cora comes out.)

CORA: Lunch, everyone!

JAMES SR: Easy with that trunk. Lucky's presents are in there.

(Jim P groaned.)

LUCKY: That reminds me! You have to come to my party tonight. I'm throwing an O-Mak-See. It's a riding contest with all sorts of crazy obstacle courses and jumps.

JAMES SR: A 13-year-old girl deserves a proper, sit-down birthday dinner. Don't you agree, Cora?

(Cora nodded.)

Lucky: Right. I forgot about that.

JAMES SR: You can do your O-Mok-See-ing another time.

LUCKY: But Grandpa...

JAMES SR: No "buts." I brought your favorite delicacies from home. If you like, you may invite those two friends of yours.

HICCUP: Maybe we can do both. We can do the dinner tonight and tomorrow we can do Lucky's O-Mok-See.

LUCKY: That sounds fair. Please Grandpa.

JAMES SR: Very well.

JIM P: I think I'll skip lunch. There's wood that needs chopping.

(Jim P walks away.)

Pru: Great. I hate dresses.

Raya: Tell me about it.

(The scene changed to the barn with Pru, Abigail, and Lucky.)

PRU: A formal dinner? With seven courses? And dresses? (groans)

LUCKY: It'll be fun. Not horse fun or Frontier fun, but different fun.

PRU: Yeah, way different.

ABIGAIL: Well, I'm excited. I've been looking for an excuse to wear that new dress from Giselle.

PRU: Abigail's right. All that really matters is that we get to celebrate your birthday together.

Lucky: Thanks guys. At least one thing is going right.

(The scene changed quickly to Hiccup and Jim P back at the house. Jim P was chopping up wood.)

HICCUP: You ok, Jim?

JIM P: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

HICCUP: Because you looked a little disappointed when grandpa suggested a formal dinner for Lucky's birthday.

JIM P: It's nothing really. Besides, Lucky's being very mature about all this.

(Jim P angrily chops a piece of wood.)

JIM P: Typical James Prescott. Guardian against fun. Crusher of dreams.

HICCUP: Ok, does this have something to do with the fact that your dad might have pushed you over the edge.

JIM P: Why would you think that?

HICCUP: From all the wood you got there, it looks like you want to build a whole new house instead of heating the house.

(The camera turns towards the giant pile of wood.)

Jim P: I chop wood when I'm angry.

Lucky: He's not kidding. Last time he was this angry, he chopped enough wood that lasted us two winters.

JIM P: OK yes. Why do you think I give Lucky more freedom? After the way my dad treated me, I promised myself I would never become like him.

HICCUP: Did you try talking to him?

JIM P: I've tried. But he never listens. He's so stubborn.

HICCUP: Yeah, I got one of those too.

JIM P: But you did convince him to let Lucky do her O-Mok-See for tomorrow.

HICCUP: That way, Lucky can still have her plans and Grandpa gets to do his plans for tonight.

Lucky: I should have you over more often.

(The scene changed to nightfall at the Prescott house for Lucky's birthday. Everyone was gathered in the living room, Cora was playing on the piano and Lucky was opening the gifts from her grandfather. She opened another box which had a dress inside.)

LUCKY: A dress. It's beautiful. Just like the others. (Shows three more dresses.)

Merida: Yikes.

Rapunzel: They do look beautiful.

Lucky groans

JAMES SR: Look in the bottom of the box.

(Lucky pulls out a bottle of bubble bath and a new mirror from the box.)

LUCKY: Oh. Thank you Grandpa.

(Jim P just rolls his eyes and groans. James Sr gives Lucky one more box.)

JAMES SR: This last one I think you'll like best.

(Lucky opened it and inside was a formal riding outfit with new boots and a hat too.)

JAMES SR: Now, this is how a young lady should dress to ride. Formal, elegant. No more mafficking about in rags for you, my dear.

Astrid: He's a little...

Jim P: Snippy. Yes.

HICCUP: Ok. Lucky, here's my gift. (Hands Lucky a small box.)

(Lucky opened it and inside was an amber gem.)

LUCKY: Wow. It's gorgeous.

HICCUP: I realized you never got a gem so I got you one.

(Lucky puts it on.)

LUCKY: Thanks Hiccup.

(A timer in the kitchen goes off.)

CORA: Oh, I should check the roast. Jim, would you take over on the entertainment?

(Cora leaves the room and Jim P sits down at the piano.)

JAMES SR: Jim play the piano? If memory serves, he gave up on his lessons, much like the other hobbies he picked up and discarded.

Everyone: Ooooh!

(Jim P smirked then he started playing ragtime piano music. The girls laughed and started dancing. James Sr glared at Jim P. Cora comes back looking shocked. She covered it up with a smile.)

CORA: Seats everyone. Dinner is served.

(The girls danced their way to the dining room as James Sr glared at Cora.)

MERIDA: This is not going to be good.

(Merida and Hiccup joined the others at the table. Lucky and her friends try to follow Cora's lead but they keep making mistakes. Pru grabbed a cracker and started eating it.)

PRU: Hmm. Mm. This jam is... very salty.

CORA: Oh that's caviar dear.

MERIDA: Also known as raw fish eggs.

(Pru almost choked but she swallowed it.)

Pru: Raw fish eggs?! Yuck!

Lucky: You get used to the taste after a while.

Hiccup: Be grateful it's not raw fish.

Lucky: How do you...?

Hiccup: I don't want to talk about it.

JAMES SR: So Lucky, tell how you found your cousin.

LUCKY: Hiccup was the one to save Spirit from Mr. Grayson and his men. And I returned the favor by saving him from those Dragon Hunters with Toothless

(Cora coughed then took a sip of water.)

JAMES SR: Dragon Hunters?

HICCUP: It's a long story.

(Cora shrieked when she saw Boomerang sticking his head out the window, eating Lucky's cake.)

LUCKY: Boomerang, no! That's my cake!

CORA: Lucky, stop!

(Lucky got up but her pin was caught in the table cloth and all the plates and cups were knocked off the table.)

Cora looked like she wanted to faint.

Lucky: And add that to my long list of dinner party disasters.

Hiccup: You have a list?

Lucky: You don't want to know.

(Merida snickered then she, Pru, Abigail, Lucky, and Jim P laughed it off. Hiccup looked at James Sr who was scowling and Cora hung her head in defeat. The scene changed to Lucky and Hiccup outside and they heard James Sr and Jim P arguing.)

JAMES SR: I see the same wild streak in Lucky that was in you. And you're doing nothing to discourage it.

JIM P: Well, what you call a wild streak, I call strength.

JAMES SR: You think it's "strong" to run away from your responsibilities?

JIM P: You drove me away, trying to control my life! That's why I give Lucky more freedom. I trust her.

JAMES SR: You were 18 when you fled to the frontier. And you were tough. But Lucky is a young girl from an august family. Have you truly considered what's to become of her out there?

(Lucky looked hurt.)

Merida: And I thought my mom was tough on me.

HICCUP: You ok?

LUCKY: Grandpa doesn't think I'm tough enough for the frontier. And now he's mad at my dad.

HICCUP: Lucky, of course you're tough.

LUCKY: Well. I'm going to prove it.

HICCUP: Lucky...

LUCKY: Come on, I need to show Grandpa that I'm tough to survive out here.

HICCUP: I'm going to regret this. What's the plan?

Snotlout: You two are more alike than you think.

Lucky/Hiccup: Shut it Snotlout!

Snotlout: See?

Lucky threw a cupcake at Snotlout and it hit his face.

Merida: Good arm.

(The scene changed to the next morning outside the Prescott House. James Sr left the house and Lucky was waiting for him on Spirit.)

LUCKY: Morning Grandpa.

JAMES SR: Morning Lucky.

LUCKY: Want to go for a ride? 'Cause I want to show you all of my favorite places on the frontier.

JAMES SR: Where's the riding outfit I brought you?

LUCKY: Uh... Aunt Cora needs to alter it. These old clothes will have to do for now. What do you say? Please?

Tuffnut: Wow. She's a worse liar than you H.

Hiccup: Hey!

Jack: Didn't he keep Toothless a secret from you all? And lie about being at camp?

Dagur: Jack has a point. And you guys did lie about Berk riding dragons three years ago.

Snotlout: Yeah but when we were kids, Hiccup couldn't lie to save his skin.

Hiccup: Ok, ok! We are done talking!

JAMES SR: Very well. If it's a ride appropriate for a young lady.

LUCKY: Oh, it will be a very proper ride. Your horse even has a saddle.

(Lucky rode off on Spirit then James Sr followed along on his horse. The scene went quickly to The O-Mok-See site. Pru spots Lucky and James Sr coming.)

PRU: Here they come.

MERIDA: Lucky, we just started the O-Mok-See. You and your grandpa joining?

LUCKY: I don't know. Grandpa prefers dressage over something that is tough and action-packed like this.

JAMES: (Hands Lucky his pocket watch.) Let's see what your grandpa can do.

LUCKY: Ok then. (takes the watch)

(James Sr headed to the starting line.)

Jim Prescott: Tapped into his competitive side?

Lucky: It works.

LUCKY: In three, two, one, go!

(James Sr's horse took off at a good speed as they looped around the barrels then headed to the finish line. Lucky stopped the watch.)

HICCUP: That was amazing.

LUCKY: Nice work, Grandpa.

JAMES SR: Yes, well, would've done better on a fresh horse.

Jim Prescott rolled her eyes.

LUCKY: Ok, my turn. (hands Pru the watch.)

(Lucky and Spirit stand at the starting line.)

PRU: Three, two, one, go!

(Lucky and Spirit took off and ran the course faster than James Sr did.)

PRU: Lucky wins by seven seconds!

Hiccup: Now you're showing off.

Lucky: Maybe.

LUCKY: What do you think of that, Grandpa?

JAMES: I was just getting used to the course. You won't best me again.

LUCKY: Is that so?

MERIDA: Next event, the steeplechase!

(The scene cuts to Lucky and James Sr were doing the steeplechase. Lucky takes the lead but James Sr takes another path to take a short cut.)

ABIGAIL: Oh, no! He's heading right for the salt flats!

PRU: Wait! That way is dangerous! PRU: Wait! That way is dangerous! Oh, if he gets stuck, he'll never get out!

(Lucky saw James Sr heading for the salt flats.)

LUCKY: Grandpa, stop!

JAMES SR: Nice try!

(It was too late. James Sr and his horse got stuck in a salt flat. The horse got into a panic and knocked James Sr off the saddle, and he landed in the salt flat.)

Lucky gasps.

(The horse got out of the salt flat.)

LUCKY: Grandpa!

JAMES SR: Help! Help!

(Lucky rides over to her grandpa.)

LUCKY: Grandpa!

JAMES SR: Lucky!

(Hiccup comes over with a rope.)

HICCUP: I got an idea. Spirit, the tree.

LUCKY: Just hold on, Grandpa!

JAMES SR: I can't!

(Spirit kicked the dead tree over the salt flat.)

Everyone was on the edge of their seats.

JAMES SR: Go get help!

HICCUP: There's no time.

(Hiccup ties the rope around Lucky's waist. And he held the other end.)

HICCUP: Be careful, Lucky.

(Lucky nodded her head then started walking on the tree towards James Sr. She got close enough to grab his hand. She grabbed his hand.)

LUCKY: I got him!

(Hiccup started pulling Lucky back and it freed James Sr from the salt flat.)

Hiccup/Lucky: Yes!

LUCKY: Grandpa, are you ok?

JAMES SR: I... I seem to be in one piece.

(Lucky hugged James Sr tight.)

JAMES SR: Thank you Lucky. You too, Hiccup.

(Spirit neighed)

JAMES SR: And Spirit. That was... That was very brave.

LUCKY: It's not the first time I've been brave. I saved my friends, the train from an earthquake and blizzard. And I did protect Hiccup and Spirit from that Mountain Lion. Grandpa, I am tough enough to live out here. Plus, Hiccup's been giving me dragon riding lessons.

JAMES SR: You are tough. I see that now.

Jim Prescott: Oh no. I know that look.

(The scene changed to the Prescott House at sunset. Hiccup, Merida Lucky, and James Sr enter the house.)

LUCKY: Dad! Aunt Cora!

(Jim P and Cora come over.)

JIM P: Lucky, where have you and Hiccup been?

CORA: Papa?

JIM P: We've been getting worried about you.

JAMES SR: Clearly not worried enough.

Jim P: Here it comes.

JAMES SR: This frontier is wild, and my granddaughter's becoming wild to survive it. If we don't correct things, she'll never fit into city life again.

LUCKY: But, Grandpa!

(James Sr puts his hand up to stop her.)

JAMES SR: She'll have no marriage proposals, no chance of a university education. The two of you are jeopardizing her very future and her destiny as a Prescott. And, Cora... you disappoint me the most.

CORA: Uh, but, Papa...

JAMES SR: Your sole responsibility has been to ensure Lucky's proper upbringing. And you failed.

HICCUP: Enough! It's not Aunt Cora's fault!

JAMES SR: It doesn't matter. I'm taking Lucky back to the city with me...

(Lucky gasped.)

JAMES SR: Tonight. You'll enroll in a proper boarding school, like your cousin Julian. With luck, the damage can be undone.

Lucky: Thanks for trying to help Hiccup but once Grandpa gets his mind made up, nothing can change it.

Merida: And I take it back, he is way worse than my mother.

LUCKY: No! No, you can't make me go!

JAMES SR: That's enough, Lucky.

HICCUP: Will you just listen?! Lucky is already a fine young lady. She has an adventurous spirit and a big heart. She belongs in Miradero, and this is where she'll stay... until she's old enough to make her own decisions. And Cora hasn't failed Lucky, you're putting too much pressure on them.

JAMES SR: I am not!

HICCUP: Oh really? You and your son barely talk anymore after you drove him away, Cora was doing everything you wanted so you'll be proud of her, and Lucky wanted to show you that she is tough for frontier life and now you're pushing her away too.

Lucky: I don't think I've seen you that angry.

Hiccup: Well, I know what it's like to have the same type of person our grandfather is.


CORA: (inhales sharply) I think Hiccup is right.

(James Sr scoffs.)

CORA: I agree. Lucky leaves something to be desired when it comes to etiquette and gentility.

MERIDA: Your point?

CORA: Lucky is a wonderful young woman. And this is her home. And I won't let anyone take her from it.

JAMES SR: I see. Well, I'll make my own arrangements for a ride to the train station.

(He walks upstairs. Lucky hugs Hiccup.)

HICCUP: What's this for?

LUCKY: Sticking up for me and for being a great cousin.

Everyone: Aww!

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