Episode 25: The Day of Hearts

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RavenDragon: Oh I almost forgot.

RavenDragon snapped her fingers and the whole theater was covered in hearts and fairy lights for Valentine's day. Her clothes changed to a pink dress with red and white heart gems. SabrinaCiper appears beside her.

RavenDragon: I thought we could watch this one together.

SabrinCiper: (kisses RavenDragon's cheek) You are so sweet.

Rapunzel: Oh, the Day of Hearts! So romantic!

(The opening theme played through then the scene changed to the camp which was decorated with hearts and fairy lights on each cabin. Isabelle and Rapunzel were working together with growing red roses in the gardens.)

RAPUNZEL: I just love the Day of Hearts.

ISABELLE: I don't get this day. What's the big deal?

RAPUNZEL: Right. You guys don't know the history. It's a Corona holiday. Centuries ago, Corona was engaged in a years-long war with its rival kingdom, Saporia. Corona's then-king, Hertz Der Sonne, created a complex system of tunnels to move his knights and supplies wherever he needed. He then made a detailed map of these tunnels and their secrets in a secure journal. At the height of the war, Der Sonne's sworn enemy, General Shampanier, launched a full-scale invasion on Corona.

ISABELLA: And that's it?

RAPUNZEL: Not quite. Shampanier fought her way through the castle to face King Herz Der Sonne himself. Their battle waged for hours with neither side relenting. That is, until Shampanier discovered that the book's final pages contained Herz' profession of love for her. It was then she realized she held similar feelings for him as well. And soon, the two were married. And a lasting peace was brought to the newly united nations forevermore. And our kingdom commemorates this day, the Day of Hearts, each year by displaying the book, so all those who have found true love may sign its pages.

Mirabel: Aww! That's so romantic.

Rapunzel: Yeah it is.

Astrid: I'll pass.

ISABELLE: And where's the book?

RAPUNZEL: My parents are bringing it. It'll be here right before the Enchanted Rose Love Exchange.

ISABELLE: So that's why you asked me to help grow the roses. What makes them enchanted?

RAPUNZEL: They change color reflecting the lover or the person you are crushing on.

ISABELLE: And the lantern?

(Rapunzel sees a small lantern floating towards her.)

RAPUNZEL: Oh that's just Eugene's little way of sending love notes.

Jack: Never pegged you for a cheesy romantic.

Flynn: Says the spirit that confessed his love for an ice queen by making a giant ice heart.

Jack: You are so annoying!

Cass: Welcome to the club.


RAPUNZEL: Oh come on. You never had someone send you love notes?

ISABELLE: Not really. I almost got married.

RAPUNZEL: "Almost?"

ISABELLE: I said yes for the wrong reason. I was doing it for my family to be this perfect girl.

Mirabel: Yeah. And I may or may not have ruined her proposal.

(The scene changed to the dining hall with Tiana making heart shaped beignets and placing them on the table to cool. Until Stitch steals them when Tiana's back is turned. She turned around and saw the empty plate.)

TIANA: (groans) Stitch! I told you to stop stealing the beignets!

(Stitch laughs then runs out with the food. Moana, Hiccup, Toothless, Lucky, and Jim L walked in.)

MOANA: Stitch made off with another plate of beignets?

TIANA: At this rate, I should have had Toothless guard my treats.

HICCUP: Bad idea. He'd eat them in a heartbeat.

(Toothless whacks Hiccup with his tail.)

HICCUP: Real mature, bud.

Toothless did a dragon-like laugh.

Hiccup: Don't you start, bud.

TIANA: Anyway, I still have more to make. Along with the few love treat requests I've got.

JIM L: I can help. I'm pretty good in the kitchen.

TIANA: I'll take all the help I can get. Oh, I almost forgot, Lucky, someone sent you flowers. I think you have a secret admirer.

(Lucky found the flowers and a card.)

LUCKY: Well, it is really sweet. But I don't think my dad would be ok with me having a boyfriend just yet. But the flowers are sweet.

Pru: I bet it was Javiar that sent them.

Lucky: Pru!

MOANA: At least someone is getting gifts.

HICCUP: Well, I do have to head back to the edge to check on the riders. Maybe you would like to tag along. I'm sure Tuffnut would be happy to see you again.

MOANA: (Blushes) You know about my crush?

HICCUP: I do now.

MOANA: Ok, fair.

Moana: Was it that obvious?

Hiccup/Merida: Little bit.

Ruffnut: I found it obvious.

JIM L: Just be back for training. I do not want a repeat of losing the Kill Stone.

HICCUP: Kill Stone? Ok, what exactly did I miss?

JIM L: Well, we found the second stone and we lost it to Agorot, a bounty hunter that hunts Trollhunters.

HICCUP: And now I think you should come along. And not just because you might attract that bounty hunter.

JIM L: I'll be fine.

LUCKY: Will you just go?

(Moana, Hiccup, and Toothless leave.)

Jim L: Maybe I should have gone with them.

(The scene changed to Varian in his lab with Ruddiger, Ron, Flynn, and Kim.)

RON: You know, it wouldn't kill you to be away from your lab for the day?

VARIAN: (Distracted) Uhuh.

RON: And he's not listening to a word I am saying.

VARIAN: (Distracted) That's nice.

FLYNN: I got this.

(Flynn grabbed one of Varian's chemballs and was about to throw it at Varian.)

VARIAN: Eugene, don't even think about it! And put it down, that's one of the goo bombs that traps pests.

Flynn: How did you know?

Varian: It's you.

JACK: Like rats?

VARIAN: And annoying people that touch my stuff.

FLYNN: Oh like you still have one hooked up in here?

VARIAN: I do. And you're standing above it Ron.

(Ron moved out of the way.)

RON: Remind me to never make you angry.

Kim: Ron.

Ron: What?

Flynn: Hairstripe, angry? (Laughs) Yeah, no, no. I don't see it. Besides, with that face, he looks too adorable.

Varian: You are skating on very thin ice.

KIM: Varian. Ron does have a point.

VARIAN: Hey, I'll get out. As soon as I'm done.

FLYNN: Right.

(Rapunzel comes running in.)

FLYNN: Oh hey blondie. What's...

RAPUNZEL: Someone stole the journal of Herz Der Sonne!

Flynn: How could someone steal it?! That book is more heavily guarded than the crown. Not that I've stolen it before.

VARIAN: (Faces Rapunzel) What?! How?!

RAPUNZEL: I don't know. I just got a letter from my dad saying that someone stole it.

FLYNN: Maybe we should head back to Corona and find the culprit.

VARIAN: Count me out.

RAPUNZEL: Varian, I know the guards hate you but we might need your alchemy.

VARIAN: I guess. Just don't tell the king about my powers or that me and my  dad are here.

RAPUNZEL: I'll keep my word.

Varian: So how did someone steal the journal?

RavenDragon/SabrinaCiper: No spoilers.

(Rapunzel used her gem to open a portal to Corona then she, Varian, and Flynn walked through the portal which led to the throne room.)

FREDERICK: Rapunzel.

RAPUNZEL: Hi dad. We got your letter about the journal being stolen. We can help find it.

FREDRICK: No need. Guards?

(Two of the guards grabbed Varian's arms.)

VARIAN: Hey! What the...? I didn't steal it!

Arianna: Frederick!

Frederick slumped in his seat.

Arianna: I'll deal with you later!

Anya: I don't think I've seen you mom that angry.

Rapunzel: yeah.

RAPUNZEL: Dad, Varian was with me and Eugene.

(The Captain of the Guards comes in.)

CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDS: Well, some of the chemicals we found match the same ones Varian uses. So until the book is found, Varian will be placed in a jail cell for your safety.

VARIAN: Rapunzel!

RAPUNZEL: Dad, stop. Varian didn't steal the journal. Just let him go.

FREDERICK: I'm sorry Rapunzel. But it's for his own good.

(The guards drag Varian away as Rapunzel just stood there with Flynn.)

Varian: I'm beginning to see why my future self distrusts Corona now.

Rapunzel: Oh man.

SabrinaCiper: Is this where...?

RavenDragon: Yes. And I got our little guest hiding in the back. Talk about your white knight.

(The scene changed to Hiccup and Moana on Toothless heading for the edge. The sun was still in the sky but it looked almost sunsetish.)

MOANA: Is it normal for the sun to still be out?

HICCUP: (Groans) I forgot it was the Midnight Sun. Constant sunlight for two weeks. And this is day eight. Things tend to get a bit crazy with no sleep for a week.

MOANA: How crazy?

HICCUP: Let's put it this way, last time this happened Snotlout thought he was a dragon.

Snotlout: I don't remember that.

Astrid: That's because I knocked you out after you touched my axe.

MOANA: Well, it can't be that bad.

HICCUP: I did give them the simplest job possible. Wash their dragons. There's no way they can screw that up.

Dagur: You sure about that?

Hiccup: Oh gods.

(They landed on the Edge and found Ruffnut and Tuffnut just sitting around watching the other riders.)

HICCUP: What are you two doing?

RUFFNUT: Watching.

MOANA: Watching what?

(The twins pointed to Heather who tripped over her own feet and a bucket of water was splashed onto herself.)

MOANA: Lack of hand eye coordination?

TUFFNUT: Yep. So tired she can't see straight. (noticed Moana) Ah. Moana? What a... surprise.

MOANA: Yeah. I asked Hiccup if I could tag along.

Snotlout: Seriously? Even Tuffnut gets the girl?! Though it can't be any weird that our host and her girlfriend. She's cute though.

SabrinaCiper: First off, ew! Second, I'm taken. Third, I'm non-binary!

RavenDragon: Goddess. Allow me.

RavenDragon snapped her fingers then Ricky jumped down and scratched up Snotlout's face.

RavenDragon: Good kitty.

HICCUP: Maybe you guys should get some rest.

FISHLEGS: I think we're ok.

(Astrid comes flying in on StormFly. Acting all happy.)

HICCUP: Astrid?

ASTRID: Hello, everyone. What a glorious day to groom our amazing dragons.

FISHLEGS: Technically I think it's night.

ASTRID: Well then what a glorious night.

MOANA: This isn't normal.

HICCUP: No it isn't.

TUFFNUT: Uncontrollable euphoria. Classic sleep-deprivation symptom.

Astrid looked embarrassed.

HICCUP: And you know this how?

TUFFNUT: Uncle Gorstagg. He had insomnia for 27 years.

RUFFNUT: Yeah, we're experts in the field.

SNOTLOUT: We're not all going to end up like Astrid, right?

TUFFNUT: Sleep deprivation is a multifaceted disorder.

RUFFNUT: Multifaceted, lots of facets, wide array of symptoms. Uncle Gorstagg. He got totally paranoid.

FISHLEGS: Really? Paranoid?

Flynn: Wait for it.

(The others look at Fishlegs weirdly.)

FISHLEGS: Why are you all looking at me like that? Don't look at me. There's nothing to see here. Walk away. Walk away. Just walk away.

HICCUP: Oh gods.

Flynn: There it is.

MOANA: So Tuffnut, there's this event happening at the camp and I was wondering if you would be my date for it.

TUFFNUT: Oh. Um... I would....

RUFFNUT: He can't!

HICCUP: Ruffnut, it's just for one day.

MOANA: Please.

HICCUP: I mean you two can stay here with the crazies.

RUFFNUT: On second thought, got room for one more?

Fishlegs: And there goes our dignity.

(The scene changed to the prison cell where Varian was. Flynn managed to get in front of Varian's cell.)

FLYNN: You good, Hairstripe?

VARIAN: Yeah, no. I'm being framed for stealing the journal and now the King just threw me in prison.

FLYNN: Listen, I can break you out.

VARIAN: No. I don't want you to get in trouble. Just find the real thief.

FLYNN: Ok, just keep your head up, kid.

(Flynn leaves.)

Rapunzel: Eugene!

Flynn: What? I offered!

(Varian sulked in the corner when he saw a red cardinal by the barred up window chipping at him.)

VARIAN: Huh? What are you...?

GUARD #1: (off screen) Intruder!

GUARD #2: (Off screen) Stop!

(Varian ran to the cell door and heard the groans of the guards. One of them came into view but he was then knocked out. Someone else started coming towards Varian, he had golden armor, a white cloak, and he wore a mask.)

VARIAN: What? Who are you?

(The red cardinal flew through the window then squeezed through the bars and landed onto the stranger's shoulder. He pulled out the keys then he opened the cell door.)

VARIAN: What? Why did you...?

GOLDEN GUARD: You want to catch the criminal or not?

Lance: Hey, check it out. Looks like Varian's got his own knight in shining armor.

Varian: Lance!

VARIAN: Excuse me?

GOLDEN GUARD: The criminal you're looking for is someone I've been chasing after. Your expertise in potions will come in handy.

VARIAN: Potions? You mean my alchemy? Why?

GOLDEN GUARD: It would seem that the criminal has gotten his hands on what seems to be your work.

Arianna glared at her husband.

Rapunzel: See dad?!

VARIAN: Well, you're criminal just got me arrested by the king. He thinks I stole Herz De Sonne's journal.

GOLDEN GUARD: That's what he stole? (scoffs) What's so special about it?

VARIAN: It holds the map for the... Tunnels under the kingdom. I know where to find him. But you have to let me help.

(The Golden Guard looked at the Red Cardinal that chipped at him.)

GOLDEN GUARD: Very well.

VARIAN: Then can I at least get your name?

GOLDEN GUARD: Just call me The Golden Guard.

(The Golden Guard grabbed Varian's hand then he teleported them at the speed of light to behind the castle, outside.)

Hiccup: That's new.

The Golden Guard who was sitting up top in the back just smirked underneath his mask.

VARIAN: What the...? How did you...?

GOLDEN GUARD: Less talk, more searching.

VARIAN: And here I thought you were going to be more fun. I'm Varian by the way.

(Varian opens the sewer hole that was a few inches from them.)

VARIAN: Come on.

(Varian heads down first then the Golden Guard follows.)

Rapunzel: I thought you didn't want to get in trouble with my dad.

Merida: Give the kid a break.

(Varian grabbed a big thin stick then tied a few vials around it which were glowing.)

GOLDEN GUARD: What's this?

VARIAN: Well, we need to see where we're going. We don't want to set off the deadly booby traps down here.


VARIAN: These tunnels have been forgotten for so long. No one comes down here.

(The two started walking through the tunnels.)

Flynn: How are you supposed to find your way down there?

Varian: Eugene, this isn't my first time using tunnels.

Flynn: Right. Your explosive boilers.

GOLDEN GUARD: This place looks ancient.

VARIAN: Ancient technology of pre-Corona-era. I'm also a bit of an inventor.

(The two walked into a strange room then the entryways shut and the walls began to move.)

VARIAN: We're gonna get squished!

Quirin looked nervous.

Fishlegs: (covers his eyes) I can't look.

(Varian looked around and saw the axle on the right side turning, then looked down at the bone at his feet.)

VARIAN: We can use this to wedge into the axle to stop it from turning.

(The Golden Guard takes the bone then uses his magic to quickly teleport himself close enough to the axle then jams the bone in, making the walls stop.)

Everyone sighed in relief.


VARIAN: There should be some sort of release mechanism behind the wall.

GOLDEN GUARD: (Looks at the Red Cardinal) Think you can fit?

(The red cardinal chipped then flew up to the small opening.)

GOLDEN GUARD: Be careful, Flapjack.

VARIAN: "Flapjack?" That's what you named him?

GOLDEN GUARD: That was already his name.

(The bone didn't hold long then the walls started moving again.)

VARIAN: (Yelps) Ten on the doom scale! Ten on the doom scale!

Lance laughs.

Varian: It's not funny!

Lance: Little bit.

(Varian's powers suddenly activate, then a black rock pops up and it jams the axle, stopping the walls.)

GOLDEN GUARD: What was that?

VARIAN: Um. Well...

(The door ways began to open. Flapjack flies out of the hole and lands on the Golden Guard's shoulder.)

Flynn: Well at least you're alive.

GOLDEN GUARD: That black rock. Was that you?

VARIAN: Can we please just stay focus?

GOLDEN GUARD: And you think I'm hiding things.

VARIAN: You could tell me a little more about this criminal? But you won't tell me anything. You know what? I wouldn't be surprised if you had been the one to set me up!

GOLDEN GUARD: I am not at liberty to tell the son of a farmer anything.

VARIAN: Says the stranger that just hides behind a mask. You know what? I think I can find this guy on my own.

GOLDEN GUARD: You need me. Without me, you won't last long down here.

VARIAN: Oh please. I have survived much worse!

GOLDEN GUARD: Fine. Don't come crying to me when you get killed. Bye!

Cass: Ok, he's about as annoying as Eugene is.

Flynn: Hey!

(Music starts playing as the two start to walk away from each other.)

Flynn: Another song for Varian? Nice. You do have a good voice.

Varian blushed.


Who does he think he is?

Some storied hero come from far away

There are no heroes here

Just folks dying to live another day.


What is his true intention?

What game is he playing?

I hate to admit it but he's right

We need someone to lead the way

Flynn: Wow. You two don't trust each other.


How much longer must I hold in my urge to pick a fight?

How much time before I get his smug face out of my sight?

I'll keep the cards close to my chest

I have the upper hand

Does he know?


I hid my past


I passed his test.


So here we go


I'll play the helpful host.


I'll let him think he's in control


I'll keep my secrets close

Oh but I'm keeping him closer

Lance: You know, despite you two not trying each other, you both have good singing voices.


Who does he think he is?

A self-assured arrogant charmer

He'll never have me fooled

I'll thicken up my armor

Varian: Why did I say that?

Raya: Bouncing back for a new crush?

Varian: I don't even know the guy!


He's got me seething 'cause

Despite the role he's playing

He is nothing special

Just some kid of a random farmer


How much longer must I spend each moment on the attack?

How much time before I get his prying eyes off my back?

I'll keep the cards close to my chest

I have the upper hand

Can he tell?


It's ride or die


The die is cast


So give him heck.


I'll play the helpful host.


I'll wait til his surface starts to crack


I'll keep my secrets close


Oh but I'm keeping him closer


But doesn't he remind you of someone?

All bright-eyed and eager to learn


Doesn't he remind you of someone?


(Keep watch over your shoulder)

He keeps watch over his shoulder


At every turn

I'll keep the cards close to my chest

I have the upper hand

Set to win!


I'll best the odds.


I'll do my best.


So let's begin.


I'll be his helpful host


I'll wait my turn and call his bluff


I'll keep my secrets close

Oh but I'm keeping him closer




(The music ends)

Flynn: See? He has a good voice.

Varian: So does the Golden Guard.

Rapunzel: What was that, Varian?

Varian: Nothing!

(Varian kept walking until he stepped on a rock that was actually a switch then the ground opened up and Varian fell through. He screamed until someone grabbed his hand. He looked up and saw the Golden Guard on his staff. They flew out of the hole and landed on safer ground.)

VARIAN: How did you know where I was? And is that Flapjack on there?

(The Golden Guard's staff vanished and Flapjack was on his shoulder.)

GOLDEN GUARD: He's my palismen.

VARIAN: A palismen?

GOLDEN GUARD: A witches companion for life. Look, I get you don't trust me. But if I don't return home with the criminal then Emperor Belos will have my head. He doesn't take kindly to failures.

Mulan: So he serves an emperor? Something tells me that this emperor isn't nice.

VARIAN: It's not that I don't trust you. I just... (sighs) The last person I tried turned their back on me when my dad was in trouble. And the king thinks I'm responsible for stealing the journal.

GOLDEN GUARD: And everyone thinks your...

BOTH: The villain.

(They both looked at each other.)

VARIAN: I guess we're more alike than I thought.


Everyone: Aww!

(They continued walking down the tunnels. Varian noticed something sticking out of the Golden Guards bag. It was the journal.)

VARIAN: Is that Herz De Sonne's journal?

(The Golden Guard noticed the journal slipping out.)

GOLDEN GUARD: Varian, let me explain...

VARIAN: It was all you. You stole it! And to think I started to trust you!

GOLDEN GUARD: Listen, I didn't want to lie to you but I had no choice. Look, the truth is, I'm hiding from someone.

VARIAN: How can I trust you now? You won't even take off that mask.

(The Golden Guard sighed then he pulled off his hood revealing his blond hair and pointy ears. Then he took off his mask to reveal his face. He had magenta eyes and a scar on his left cheek.)

Flynn: Was not expecting that.

Varian blushed seeing The Golden Guards face.

HUNTER: My name is Hunter. And I'm a half witch.

VARIAN: Where did you come from? I've never heard of witches with ears like that. (Covers his mouth.) Did I just say that out loud?

HUNTER: (chuckled) It's fine. I have never seen a human with magic powers before. So we're even. I'm from the Boiling Isles, but I left.

VARIAN: Running away from someone? Your emperor? What about your parents?

HUNTER: I never knew my parents. Emperor Belos took me in, gave me a staff with artificial magic, and gave me a purpose to serve the Emperor's Coven. Where I come from, every witch has to be in one of the nine covens and those who refuse are wild witches. I'm the youngest guard in the coven but I never go out much. I mostly study and train.

RavenDragon: (whispers) Told ya those two make a good couple.

SabrinaCiper: (whispers) Like us. (Kissed RavenDragon on the lips.)

VARIAN: How did you get here?

HUNTER: I don't know. One minute I was leaving the castle and into the forest. The next I tripped over something and I woke up just outside a big house covered in these weird black rocks.

VARIAN: You ended up near my home. But why did you take the journal?

HUNTER: I stayed hidden in the shadows when I heard some people talking about the journal and its map of these tunnels. I thought maybe I could just borrow it for a bit to find the right tunnel to hide in. But I got caught and I was scared so I may or may not have thrown one of the potions I brought with me at the guards and escaped with the book. But then I saw you getting dragged away to the dungeons and I didn't want you to pay for my mistakes.

VARIAN: Hunter...

(They suddenly heard voices coming from far behind the tunnels. Hunter gives the journal to Varian.)

VARIAN: What are you doing?

HUNTER: They can't know about me. I have to stay hidden.

Rapunzel squealed.

Rapunzel: A forbidden love. So romantic.

HUNTER: Promise me. Promise you won't tell anyone about me.

VARIAN: I promise. But, will I see you again?

HUNTER: Someday.

(Hunter then runs off. Rapunzel and Flynn come over where Varian was.)

RAPUNZEL: Varian, what happened? Why did you escape your cell?

FLYNN: Is that the journal?

VARIAN: Yes. Turns out the same thief kidnapped me and I managed to get the journal back.

FLYNN: Where's the thief?

VARIAN: He got away.

Lance: You do not have a career in lying.

Varian: Oh stop it, Lance.

FLYNN: Well we should get back. And I think the king owes you an apology.

VARIAN: It's fine. Let's just leave ok.

(Varian looked back at where Hunter ran off then he just went with Rapunzel and Flynn.)

Rapunzel: Aww. You've got a new crush!

Varian: It's not a crush!

(The scene changed to the camp at night with everyone getting ready for the Enchanted Rose Love Exchange.)

FLYNN: What happened to you Hiccup?

HICCUP: Sleep deprived dragon riders. Don't ask.

FLYNN: Wasn't going to.

(Everyone started to exchange roses with their loved ones. The roses changed different colors.)

RavenDragon: Almost forgot. (pulls out an enchanted rose and hands it to SabrinaCiper.) For my goddess.

The rose changes to the colors of the Non-Binary pride flag.

SabrinaCiper: Thank you.

(The camera turns to Varian who was just standing alone, thinking about Hunter. He then saw one rose that was still on the table. Varian picks it up then the rose changes to a golden color.)

RavenDragon: Happy Valentine's Day!

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