Episode 26: The World of Harry Potter Pt 1

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(The opening theme plays through then the scene changes to the library with Belle, Rapunzel, Flynn, Hiccup, Jack, Merida, Anna, Elsa, Varian, Raya, and Sisu. They were each taking some of the books out of the shelves)

FLYNN: (Groans) Why did you drag me into helping?

RAPUNZEL: Eugene, we told Belle that we would help her reorganize the library.

Cass: Now this is so worth it.

HICCUP: And when was the last time this place was organized?

BELLE: 100 years ago. Things have just been tossed in since then.

SISU: Yeez.

JACK: And here I thought I wouldn't get to spend time with my girlfriend.

ELSA: Jack, come on. It's only for a bit. Then we can do a normal date night, tonight.

Elsa and Jack blush.

Abigail: Aww!

Lilo: Yuck.

FLYNN: Hey, knock it off you two. We have a child present!

VARIAN: Eugene. I'm 14. Besides, the only child I see here is you.

(Hiccup, Jack, Merida, and Sisu laughed.)

Everyone laughed.

Flynn: Not funny!

Dagur: It is.

Hiccup: Nice one, Varian.

Varian: Thank you.

FLYNN: You have got to be kidding me, Hairstripe.

JACK: Nice one V.

(Varian headed to the back of the library. Some of the shelves were covered in cobwebs and dust. He tried grabbing one of the books but he lost his balance on the latter and he almost fell until he felt someone catch him. He looked up to see that his savior was Hunter. He was wearing a patched up old cloak)

Lance: Looks like the knight's back.

VARIAN: Hunter? How did you get in here?

HUNTER: (Puts Varian down.) I had to stay hidden and I may or may not have followed you. I found this place and I've been hiding out ever since. No one comes into this part of the library, not since the last Keeper passed away.

VARIAN: "Keeper?"

HUNTER: It's an old legend. A powerful witch that wrote every spell book, scroll, and story in here. Most of this case is filled with unfinished stories.

Hiccup: Who was the last keeper?

RavenDragon: Can't say.

VARIAN: And you know this how?

HUNTER: I've been hiding out in this library for weeks now. I've been reading up on old legends.

VARIAN: Well, I am glad to see you again but I'm helping my friends organize this place. Maybe I can start with this case.

HUNTER: I don't think it's a good idea.

VARIAN: Wait, where's your white cloak?

HUNTER: I burned it. I couldn't even look at that thing again.

Hunter took off his mask.

RavenDragon snapped her fingers then Varian was sitting next to Hunter.

Varian: Hi.

Hunter: (stuttered) H-h-hi.

VARIAN: But why?

HUNTER: I... I can't say. Varian, don't!

(Varian grabbed one of the books from the shelf.)

VARIAN: See? Nothing happened.

(Varian opened the book but suddenly, a flash of red, blue, yellow, and green appeared from the book.)

HUNTER: What's happening?

(Sisu came over to see what was going on. She saw Hunter and Varian and the book which was now floating above them.)

SISU: Hang on!

(The book suddenly pulled them in, then the book closed.)

Flynn: What was that?

(Raya, Hiccup, Jack, and Belle run over to see the mess.)

RAYA: Sisu?!

BELLE: What was that?

JACK: (Picks up the book.) I think we have bigger problems.

Belle: Where did they go?

Rapunzel: What was that book?

(The scene changed to a tunnel of light with Hunter, Varian, and Sisu screaming as they traveled down the tunnel. Hunter and Varian's clothes began to change into black robes but Hunter's robes had a bit of red and Varian's robes had a bit of blue. They landed in the middle of a forest.)

VARIAN: Where are we?

HUNTER: And what are we wearing?

SISU: Speak for yourself.

(The camera turned to Sisu who was now in human form but she looked younger and she was wearing black robes with a bit of green on it.)


SISU: No, it's another teenager. Of course it's me!

Raya: Sisu!

Sisu: What?! It's my personality!

VARIAN: What happened to you?

SISU: My type of dragons can shapeshift into people. Although, not young people.

HUNTER: Ok, we need to focus on how we got here and how we get out of here. Wherever "here" is?

VARIAN: Um... We might want to run first.


(Varian points to an angry dragon, an Hungarian Horntail coming their way.)

Hiccup: What the...?

RavenDragon: The Hungarian Horntail. Temperamental and unpredictable. Also known for their short temper and one of the deadliest dragons in the wizarding world.

Fishlegs: And you know this how?

RavenDragon: Had a run in with one. Gave me a nasty scar on my leg.

SISU: What is that thing?!

VARIAN: Just run!

(Varian, Sisu, and Hunter ran from the forest with the Horntail chasing them.)

HUNTER: You two keep going! (Has Flapjack changed to his staff form.) I'm gonna draw that thing away.

VARIAN: Hunter, wait!

(Hunter rode his staff then flew off in the opposite direction. The Horntail followed Hunter.)

SISU: He's going to get himself killed!

VARIAN: Stay here!

(Varian runs after Hunter.)

Sisu: Are you kidding me?!

Flynn: Are you trying to get killed?!

(The camera went back to Hunter flying on his staff being chased by the Horntail. He zoomed through the trees, dodging the Horntail's fire blasts.)

HUNTER: That all you got, scaly?

(Suddenly, about five adult wizards used their wands to chain the Horntail. Hunter saw them then he quickly hid behind some trees, watching the wizards drag the Horntail away. He felt someone touch his arm and he punched that person.)

VARIAN: Ow! That's one killer left hook.

HUNTER: Varian? I am so sorry. Wait, what are you doing here? I told you to run!

VARIAN: You could have been killed. I was just trying to help.

HUNTER: I had it under control.

VARIAN: Not from where I was standing.

Hunter: I've been training in the Emperor's Coven for years.

HUNTER: Where's Sisu?

VARIAN: She's where I left her.

HUNTER: Come on.

(The two ran to Sisu who was staring at something. The camera turned to what Sisu was staring at, Hogwarts Castle, the Wizard School.)

Everyone: Whoa!

Hades: Now that's a nice castle.

RavenDragon: Don't even think about it, Hades!

Hades gets shocked.

HUNTER: What is this place?

VARIAN: I thought you might know. This looks like something I don't know, witch like.

HUNTER: Um, I've never been anywhere outside the Boiling Isles.

(Hagrid, the groundskeeper spots them)

Flynn: And who is this guy? A giant?

RavenDragon: He's half giant. (Whispers) God Rest His Soul.

HAGRID: Oy. What are you three doing about here?! Don't you know that the Forbidden Forest is forbidden to Hogwarts students?

SISU: (To Varian) Is he talking to us?

HAGRID: Right then. Let's get you back to Hogwarts.

(Hagrid leads them to the Courtyard then he leaves them.)

VARIAN: So this castle is a school. But what kind?

SISU: Well for one thing, it looks like all the students are wearing the same clothes as us and the fact they have magic.

HUNTER: (pulls his hood over his head to cover his ears) If this place is like the Emperor's castle then there has to be a library. I'll head there and find something about this place.

VARIAN: And you're covering most of your face why?

HUNTER: This place is crawling with humans. I can't have anyone seeing that I'm a witch.

RavenDragon: (mutters) If only he knew.

HUNTER: Just stay low and don't draw any attention.

SISU: Yeah sure. I'll just turn into a dragon in front of all these people.

HUNTER: Sisu...

SISU: I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

Raya: Sisu!

Sisu: What?! I like to joke!

(Hunter walks away. Varian noticed another boy with glasses being laughed at by other students.)

SISU: What are they laughing at?

VARIAN: I don't know. But I'm going to find out.

(Varian walks over to the boy. He saw another boy with blonde hair and wearing the same robes as Sisu in a tree.)

DRACO: Why so tense Potta?

(Harry Potter just rolled his eyes.)

DRACO: My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. (Climbs down.) He disagrees, he thinks you won't last five.

Lance: Who's the spoiled brat?

RavenDragon: First off, that's my childhood friend, Draco Malfoy. Second, watch the brat comment! He lives with a very strict father who forces him to be a little cruel.

Lance: So you're in this?

RavenDragon: Nope. I graduated from Hogwarts before Draco entered his fourth year there.

HARRY: I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy! (Shoves Draco.) He's vile and cruel. And you're pathetic.

(Harry walks away from Draco but he bumps into Varian.)

VARIAN: I am so sorry.

HARRY: No, no. It's fine.

(Varian sees Draco about to draw out his wand.)

MAD-EYE MOODY: Oh no you don't sonny!

(Mad Eye Moody casted a spell that turns Draco into a ferret.)

Hunter: Woah!

RavenDragon: Transfiguration magic. Comes in handy.

SISU: Did he just...?

MAD EYE MOODY: That'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned. (Uses his wand to levitate the ferret up and down.) You stinken, cowardly, scumy...

(Professor Mcgonagall comes over to see what the commotion was.)

MCGONAGALL: Professor Moody! What are you doing?

MAD EYE MOODY: Teaching.

MCGONAGALL: Is that... Is that a student?

MAD EYE MOODY: Technically, it's a ferret.

The villains laughed.

Hades: I'm starting to like this guy.

(Everyone minus Varian and Mcgonagall were laughing like crazy. Harry was just smirking seeing what Malfoy was getting what was coming to him. Mcgonagall got annoyed then she turned Malfoy back to normal.)

DRACO: My father will hear about this!

MAD EYE MOODY: Is that a threat?!

(Draco ran off scared.)

MCGONAGALL: Professor.

MAD EYE MOODY: I can tell you stories of your father that will...!

MCGONAGALL: Alistar! We never use Transfiguration as a punishment. Surely Dumbledore has told you that.

MAD EYE MOODY: Might have mentioned it.

MCGONAGALL: And you will do well to remember it.

(Mcgonagall walked away as Mad Eye Moody dragged Harry away.)

Merlin: Who is that?

RavenDragon: Professor Mcgonagall. Deputy Headmistress to the school and the Transfiguration Teacher. Also the House Head of Gryffindor.

VARIAN: Tournament?

SISU: I don't know.

(The scene changed back to the camp with Hiccup, Belle, Merida, Jack, Elsa, Anna, Raya, Flynn, and Rapunzel trying to figure out what that hidden section in the library was.)

FLYNN: You know out of most of the weirdest things I've seen on this island and I mean a lot of weird things. A book that can imprison someone, that's a new one.

RAYA: All I know is that Varian and Sisu could be in trouble.

BELLE: I think I've heard of something about a Storybook Keeper.

HICCUP: Storybook Keeper?

BELLE: It's an old legend. But there hasn't been one in centuries.


BELLE: No one knows. The Storybook Keepers are mysterious, no one knows how they are chosen or why they disappeared.

Rapunzel: Woah. Then how did those three get inside that book?

(A portal suddenly opened up in the library.)

HICCUP: What the...?

JACK: (Summons his staff) We got company.

(A woman with gray hair, a gold fang, and a staff with an owl walked out of it with another human and a weird dog.)

RavenDragon: Whoops. I knew there was someone missing. One sec.

RavenDragon snapped her fingers then Eda, Luz, King, Lilith, Raine, Darius, Eber, Gus, Amity, and Willow appeared in their seats.

Eda: Whoa! That felt weird. Wait, Adrianna?

Adrianna: Eda?! It's been too long.

Eda: You can say that again. (Sees Rapunzel) That's your kid?

Hunter: Oh great. The Owl Lady is here.

Varian: Is she dangerous?

Hunter: Eh. She's powerless now.

Eda hissed at Hunter.

Luz: Cut it out you two.

MERIDA: Who are you?

EDA: Easy hot shot. I'm just looking for an old friend.

HICCUP: Who are you?

EDA: I'm Eda Clawthorn, the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles. And this is King, my son, and Luz, my apprentice.

RAPUNZEL: Well, as much as we would love to help, we got our own problem. Two of our friends are trapped in this book.

EDA: Oh, one of the unfinished books. Yeah, I remember when me and Valka got sucked into one of these. The only way to get out is to help finish the story.

Hiccup: You were friends with my mother?

Eda: Val? Yeah we used to get into a lot of trouble. (laughs) Well, her more than me.

Raine: Says the most wanted criminal on the Boiling Isles.

Eda: Alright, alright, I got it, Raine.

RAYA: So how do we do that?

EDA: Not us. Only the people that were sucked into the book.

KING: Any book on a King of Demons?

RAPUNZEL: Aww! He is so cute!

KING: I am not cute!

King: First Luz, now her?

Luz: To be fair, you are cute.

HICCUP: Then how can we help them?

EDA: They'll be fine. As long as they don't get eaten or killed.

ALL: What?!

EDA: Look, if you read what's there so far, maybe the book might allow extra guests.

Flynn: And that worked?

Eda: Only once. How did you think Iduna and Agnar got their first kiss?

(The scene went back to Hogwarts at the library with Hunter. He was looking around for any information until Varian showed up.)

VARIAN: Find anything?

HUNTER: (jumps) Don't scare me like that!


HUNTER: It's a school for witches and wizards. They're split into four houses, Gryffindor for the brave, Hufflepuff, for the kind, Ravenclaw for the smart, and Slytheran for the cunning. Which explains the colors.

Lilith: Like the coven system?

RavenDragon: Sort of. Instead of being sorted by their magic, they are sorted by their personality. Red is Gryffindor, yellow is Hufflepuff, blue is Ravenclaw, and green is Slytheran.

Flynn: Really?

RavenDragon: Yep. I'm a Hufflepuff.

VARIAN: One of the students mentioned something about a tournament.

HUNTER: According to one of the books, it's called the triwizard tournament. Three schools compete in three events. Three champions are chosen, one from each school. And according to their government, only wizards and witches that are seventeen can join the tournament.

VARIAN: Only seventeen?

HUNTER: There was an accident with a young student.

Eda/King: Yikes!

VARIAN: Actually I think I bumped into one of the challengers. But he looked my age.

HUNTER: (Hands Varian a copy of the Daily Prophet with the article on the four champions) The kids name is Harry Potter, he's a fourth year wizard and somehow his name was picked as Hogwarts second champion.

VARIAN: Then how do we get out of here?

HUNTER: We're in the book. My guess is that we just go with the story until we figure out how to get out. The sooner the better.

VARIAN: I don't know. This place doesn't seem so bad.

Sisu: Well, I don't want to be stuck in a teenage body.

HUNTER: Well, I'm not sticking around witches that use wild magic.

(The two started walking out of the library until Hunter stopped when he heard something.)

VARIAN: What is it?

(Hunter gestured to Varian to follow him. They spotted Harry and Draco in the back of the library, talking.)

HARRY: Are you alright?

DRACO: I'm fine. But I should be concerned about you. How are you holding up after Rita's article?

HARRY: Mad but I'm terrified. The first task includes dragons. Hardly no one in Hogwarts trusts me and they all think I put my name in the Goblet of Fire even though I didn't.

(Draco leaned forward and kissed Harry on the lips.)

Raya: Looks like Varian and Hunter aren't the only couple here.

Varian/Hunter: We are not a couple!

Luz: Ooh!

(Draco pulled away.)

DRACO: You better now?

HARRY: A little. But you know we can't let anyone know about our relationship.

DRACO: I know. But we've been careful. Just don't get killed.

HARRY: No promises.

(Both Harry and Draco left.)

Eda: What was that about?

RavenDragon: Gryffindor and Slytheran houses both hate each other's guts. Plus Harry Potter is known as the Boy who Lived because he survived the Kill Curse from He Who Shall Not Be Named. If anyone knew that Harry Potter was in love with Draco Malfoy, the Dark Lord would kill them all and the Wizarding World would be in a tizzy.

Raine: That's awful.

(The scene changed to the big arena with all three schools in the seats cheering for their champion. Fred and George Weasly walked around taking bets from other students. Varian and Sisu sat together.)

SISU: So what exactly is this event supposed to be?

VARIAN: It's supposed to have dragons. (Look around for Hunter.) Where's Hunter?

SISU: That's weird. He was here a second ago. Well, he's gonna miss this.

(Albus Dumbledore appeared.)

DUMBLEDORE: Attention everyone! This is a great day for us all. Each of the three tasks involve incredible danger. Please stay in your seats.

Luz: Like what?

RavenDragon: Can't tell you. Spoilers.

(Hunter finally joined them after Fleur, Cedric, and Krum fought their dragon and got the egg.)

VARIAN: Where were you? You almost missed the whole event.

HUNTER: I was trying to find us a way out. We can't stay here.

SISU: Will you two stop? The old guy is about to speak.

DUMBLEDORE: Three of our champions have now faced their dragons, and so each one will proceed to the next task. And now, our fourth and final contestant.

(Harry comes out from the cave as the crowd cheered. He saw the golden egg not far from him. He tried to get to it but the Horntail appeared in front of him, chained.)


(The Horntail was angry and Harry dodged most of its attacks.)

Eda: Woah! And I thought the Bonesburrow Brawl was crazy.

(The crowd gasped and some screamed from the close calls.)

HERMIONE: Your wand, Harry! Your wand!

HARRY: Accio, Firebolt!

(He stayed down in some of the ditches, avoiding the fire blasts until his broom, the Firebolt came into view. He jumped onto the broom as the crowd cheered. He zoomed around the arena dodging the fire blasts but the Horntail broke free and chased Harry.)

Hiccup: Oh great.

(Harry flew out of the arena and the dragon followed him. The game of cat and mouse kept going around the school. Everyone else couldn't see them.)

SISU: Where are they?

(Things went quiet moments later. Everyone waited to see if Harry survived. Then everyone saw Harry flying back dragon free. Everyone clapped and cheered as Harry grabbed the golden egg. He was tied for first place with Krum in the tournament.)

Everyone minus the villains cheered.

(The scene changed to the Gryffindor common room where all the Gryffindor students were celebrating Harry's victory. Fred and George lifted Harry onto their shoulders.)

HUNTER: I can't believe he survived a dragon attack.

NEVELLE: Well, he is the famous Harry Potter.

SEAMUS: Open the egg Harry.

RavenDragon snapped her fingers and earplugs appeared in her ears.

Po: What's the earplugs for?

HARRY: You want me to open it?


(Harry opened the egg and a loud ear splitting shriek came out. Everyone including the portraits covered their ears.)

Everyone covered their ears.

Luz: My ears!

Eda: (groans) Make it stop!

(Harry quickly covered the egg back up.)

Darius: What was that?

Hiccup: And I thought the Screaming Death was painful.

HUNTER: Ok, that was painful.

(Harry and Ron made up after their argument. But he left the common room, Hunter and Varian decided to follow him. They found him with Draco. The two hugged each other.)

DRACO: You're alive! I thought you were...

HARRY: It's gonna take more than a dragon to stop me.

(Draco kissed Harry on the cheek.)

Luz: Aww. They're just like me and Amity.

DRACO: You sure you're ok?

HARRY: I'm fine. Really. I just needed to get away from all the praise.

DRACO: I think I know just the place.

(Varian bumped into something which alerted Draco and Harry.)

DRACO: Who's there?! Show yourself!

(Hunter and Varian walked out of the shadows.)


Varian: We're so dead.

Hunter: Huh?

Varian: It's an expression.

HARRY: It's ok Dray. They aren't a threat.

DRACO: If they don't go telling anyone about us.

VARIAN: Whoa. Easy, we're not like that.

Luz: What? Why?

RavenDragon: Draco's family are a little homophonic.

Luz: Oh.

VARIAN: My name is Varian and this is Hunter. We just wanted to see who was down here. And we won't tell anyone what we saw.

HUNTER: What's the big deal?

HARRY: Look, Gryffindor and Slytheran have been rivals for years. If word gets out that Gryffindor's Golden Boy is dating...

DRACO: A Deatheaters son. It would make us targets and my parents would disown me for falling in love with a guy.

HUNTER: "Deatheaters?"

HARRY: You two aren't from England are you? The accents are a give away.

VARIAN: You could say that. What was that screeching from that egg?

HARRY: I'm not sure.

HUNTER: Sounded like sirens.

Varian: And you know this how?

Hunter: I spend most of my time in the castle studying and training.

VARIAN: "Sirens?"

HUNTER: Mermaids. You can't hear their singing voices above ground which explains the screeching.

DRACO: You sure you're a Gryffindor? You sound more like a Ravenclaw.

HARRY: Draco, be nice.

To Be Continued....

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