Episode 28: The World of Harry Potter Pt 3

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Everyone returns to their seats. Belos sits behind Eda and Lilith.

Eda: Did ya have to bring him in?

RavenDragon: All will be explained.

Hunter sits beside Varian.

(The opening theme plays through then the scene changes to Varian and Hunter walking down a hallway with Harry. They heard voices coming from Snape's potion closet.)

HARRY: You two better go ahead.

HUNTER: Are you sure?

HARRY: I don't want you two to get in trouble with Snape. Plus he seems to have it out for me.

Eda: Kind of like our old principal.

(Varian and Hunter went ahead without Harry.)

VARIAN: That spell you used. You've been in a mindscape before?

HUNTER: Just once. But I don't like talking about it.

VARIAN: OK. Hey, um... About what happened at the dance...

HUNTER: Oh right. That. Listen um, could we just forget about it?

VARIAN: (sadly) Oh. Sure.

HUNTER: Not that it wasn't bad. And I'm just gonna stop talking.

Hunter's face turned red and he covered his face.

Eda: That's a first.

Lilith: Oh please. You and Raine were way worse.

Eda/Raine: No we weren't!

Arianna: Did you have me and Valka help you come up with a way to ask Raine out?

Eda: Alright, moving on!

(The moon shined bright as the two headed outside. Varian's hair stripe begins to glow.)

HUNTER: Varian? Your hair's glowing.

VARIAN: Oh. Yeah, it's been doing that lately.

HUNTER: Does this have anything with what I saw in the tunnels? Those black rocks?

VARIAN: Yeah. It's an ancient power that I was born with. But I can't control it, I'm just scared that I'll hurt someone.

HUNTER: Maybe, I can teach you. I might not have magic, but I can still help.

(A black rock pops up beside Varian.)

VARIAN: Not again.

HUNTER: It's ok. You said that happens when you're scared or anxious, right?


(Hunter takes Varian's hand and takes off the glove.)

HUNTER: Take a deep breath. And focus on the rock. Have it do what you want.

(Varian breathed in and focused his power on the black rock making it disappear.)

Varian: How did you know that would work?

Hunter: Most magic on the Isles is connected to emotions.

VARIAN: I did it. I did it. (Hugs Hunter tight.)

(They both turned red.)

HUNTER: You did good. (Hands Varian back his glove.)

VARIAN: Thanks. I'm gonna go for a quick walk in the woods. Want to come?

HUNTER: I'm good.

(Varian walks away. Soft music begins playing.)


A million thoughts in my head

Should I let my heart keep listening

Eda: Didn't know you had a good voice there blondie.

Hunter: Will you cut that out?


'Cause up 'til now I've walked the line

Nothing lost but something missing

(Flashes of his time as the Golden Guard played in his mind.)

I can't decide

What's wrong, what's right

Which way should I go

(Goes straight to Hunter staring out into the distance.)

If only I knew what my heart was telling me

Don't know what I'm feeling

Is this just a dream?

Ah oh, yeah

(Flashes of when he ended up in Corona and meeting Varian popped up.)

If only I could read the signs in front of me

I could find the way to who I'm meant to be

Ah oh, if only

If only

If only

(Snaps back to Hunter in the present.)

Every step, every word

With every hour I am falling in

To something new, something brave

To someone I, I have never been

I can't decide

What's wrong, what's right

Which way should I go

If only I knew what my heart was telling me

Don't know what I'm feeling

Is this just a dream?

Ah oh, yeah

If only I could read the signs in front of me

I could find the way to who I'm meant to be

Ah oh, if only


Am I crazy? Maybe we could happen


Will you still be with me when the magic's all run out?

(Flashes of the Day of Hearts and that magical moment at the Yule Ball played.)

If only I knew what my heart was telling me

Don't know what I'm feeling

Is this just a dream?

Ah oh

If only I could read the signs in front of me

I could find the way to who I'm meant to be

Ah oh

If only, yeah

If only, yeah

If only, yeah

If only, yeah

If only

If only

(The song ends.)

Luz: Aww. You're in love.

Hunter: No I'm not.

(Hunter looked out at the woods, waiting for Varian to return. But something was wrong.)

HUNTER: Varian?

(Varian didn't return. Hunter ran into the forest to find him. He finds Varian hiding behind a tree near the maze for the final task.)

HUNTER: (whispers) Varian?

VARIAN: Shh. Look.

(The camera turned to Mad-Eye Moody doing something to the trophy before leaving.)

HUNTER: What the...? What was that?

VARIAN: I don't know.

Belos looked a little concerned.

(The scene changed to the morning of the Third Task. Students from all three schools were gathered cheering on their champion. A band was playing as the champions walked out from behind the stands.)


(Everyone quiets down.)

DUMBLEDORE: Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory, (people cheered.) and Mr. Potter, (people cheered.) tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum, and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner.

Merida: Seems easy enough.

DUMBLEDORE: I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand. Contestants, gather round. Quickly

(The four champions gathered around Dumbledore.)

DUMBLEDORE: In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep, instead you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can but be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way. Champions, prepare yourselves.

(All of them readied themselves at the maze entrance. The cannon was fired then both Harry and Cedric entered the maze followed by Krum and Fleur.)

Pitch was smiling wickedly until RavenDragon shocked him again.

RavenDragon: Don't even think about it.

(The maze hedges moved closing up the entrance then the four champions split up in the maze, trying to find the cup. The maze wasn't making it easier for them. Fleur kept coming upon dead ends. She panted like crazy until someone snuck up behind her. She let out a horror movie-like scream. Harry heard her scream. The person that attacked her was Krum.)

Lance: Anyone else getting the hebby jebbies?

Flynn: No kidding.

(Harry ran towards the scream but he hid just as Krum walked by. Krum pointed his wand as a light spell was active. The light showed his eyes all cloudy, he was bewitched. He was about to do a spell when someone had already knocked him out. It was Hunter.)

HARRY: Hunter? What are you doing?

HUNTER: Saving you. Krum was bewitched.

HARRY: How did you get in here? (Points to his palismen staff) What is that?

HUNTER: I'll explain later. Right now, I need to get you out of here.

(Harry saw the cup a few feet away and then ran towards it.)

HUNTER: (mutters) Titan, give me strength. (runs after Harry.)

Luz: Not as easy as you thought.

Hunter: Oh please. You were easier.

(Varian and Cedric popped out of nowhere chasing after Harry and Hunter. They all stopped seeing the cup in view. Harry and Cedric bolted for the cup when suddenly the maze had its branches try to stop Harry and Cedric.)

VARIAN: What kind of maze is this?!

HUNTER: (Gets on his palismen.) Get on.

(Varian gets on and they get near Harry and Cedric just as they touch the cup which teleports all of them to a graveyard. Harry dropped the cup.)

Hiccup: What was that?

Eda: Looks like someone turned it into a portal.

CEDRIC: Everyone ok?

VARIAN: I think so.

HUNTER: What is this place?

HARRY: I've been here before.

CEDRIC: The cup's a portal key.

(Harry spots a cauldron in the center near a statue. The statue had a name that Harry knew. Tom Riddle.)

HARRY: We need to get out of here. Now!

(Harry saw Peter Pettigrew then he doubled over in pain, screaming. The cauldron fire was light.)

Hunter: What the...?

Sisu: That's not good.

CEDRIC: Harry, you, ok?

HARRY: Get back to the cup.

VARIAN: Who is that?

(In Peter Pettigrew's arm was a shriveled-up form of Voldemort.)

Everyone groaned.

Eda: Someone got caught in the Boiling Rain.

RavenDragon: That's the Dark Lord. (whispered) Voldemort.

Luz: What?

RavenDragon: You can't say his name.

VOLDEMORT: Kill the spare.

PETER: Avada Kedavra!

HARRY: Cedric!

(Hunter used his powers to teleport him and Cedric away from the spell. Peter used a spell to alleviate Harry near the statue which trapped Harry in its arms.)

Gus: And I thought Eda was scary.

Eda: Hey!

VOLDEMORT: Do it now!

(Peter dropped the body into the cauldron then opened a casket and took out a bone.)

PETER: Bone of the father. Unwillingly. (Drops it in the cauldron before pulling out a knife.) Flesh of a servant. Willingly sacrificed. (cuts his hand off over the cauldron.)

VARIAN: I think I'm gonna be sick.

HUNTER: (realizes what Peter was doing.) Oh no.

CEDRIC: What is he doing?

HUNTER: A resurrection ritual. The only thing he needs now is... The blood of an enemy. Forcefully taken.

Hades: A quick way to avoid death.

(They heard Harry scream in pain as Peter used the knife to cut open his arm then took the bloody knife over the cauldron.)

PETER: And the Dark Lord will rise again.

(He dropped the blood into the cauldron. Harry screamed in pain as the cauldron caught fire then Voldemort was resurrected. He was now a pale bald man in a black robe, without a human nose.)

Winnie looked at Voldemort on the screen.

Winnie: Meh. I've seen better.

(Voldemort slowly walked over to Peter.)

VOLDEMORT: My wand, Wormtail.

(Peter hands over the wand to Voldemort. Voldemort takes it with his long bony fingers.)

VOLDEMORT: Your arm Wormtail.

PETER: Thank Master.

VOLDEMORT: Other arm!

(Peter holds out his arm with the Death Eaters mark. Voldemort pressed his wand to it and at that moment, thunder was heard.)

Amity: I don't like this.

(Other Death Eater members suddenly appeared from the smoke.)

HUNTER: What are they?

CEDRIC: Death Eaters. Voldemort's followers.

VOLDEMORT: Welcome my friends. Thirteen years it's been and yet, here you stand before me as if it were only yesterday. I confess myself, disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me. Crabbe, (rips away the mask.) Macnair, (rips away the mask.) Goyle. (rips away the mask.) Not even you, Lucius. (rips away his mask.)

Flynn: Hey Cass, I think we just found your future boyfriend. (laughs)

Cass pounces at Flynn.

Varian: And that's why you never make Cassandra angry.

LUCIUS: My lord. I hadn't detected any signs or whispers of your whereabouts.

VOLDEMORT: There were signs, my slippery friend. Had more than whispers.

LUCIUS: I assure you, my Lord. I never renounced the old ways. This I have been obliged to percentage day since your absence. That is my true mask.

PETER: I returned.

VOLDEMORT: Out of fear, not loyalty. Still, you have proved yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail.

(Voldemort conjures a silver hand for Peter.)

PETER: Oh, thank you, master. Thank you.

HARRY: (Sees Cedric, Varian, and Hunter) Guys, leave. Now.

VOLDEMORT: Ah, Harry. I'd almost forgotten you were here, standing on the bones of my father. I'd introduce you but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days.

Eda: Famous? For what?

RavenDragon: Defeating the Dark Lord when he was but a baby.

Eda: Now that makes no sense. Not even young witchlets get their magic that young.

VOLDEMORT: The boy who lived. Our lives have met your legend, Harry. Should I reveal what happened that night thirteen years ago? Should I divulge how I truly lost my powers? It was love. You see, when dear sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son, she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old magic. Something I should have foreseen. But no matter, things have changed. (zoomed closer towards Harry.) I can touch you, now.

(Voldemort pressed his cold white finger on Harry's scar, making him cry out in pain.)

HUNTER: Stop it! You're hurting him!

(Voldemort removed his finger, hearing Hunter.)

VOLDEMORT: Astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do, Potter.

Luz: And I thought Belos was scary. (To Belos) Um, no offense.

Belos: None was taken.

(Voldemort notices Hunter then goes over to him.)

VOLDEMORT: My, my, my, never seen a wizard like you before.

HUNTER: That's witch to you. I'm only going to tell you this once, release Harry now.

CEDRIC: Um, Hunter, maybe let me handle this.

(Hunter had an ice glyph in his hand behind his back.)

HUNTER: Cedric, I got this. Now, let him go.



(Hunter slams the ice glyph to the ground then some ice appears and hits Voldemort right in the face, making him groan in pain.)

Luz: You used glyphs?!

Hunter: So?

HUNTER: Get Harry!

(Cedric uses his wand to free Harry.)

CEDRIC: We got to go, now!

(Voldemort snaps out of the pain and aims his wand at Hunter. Harry jumps in.)

VOLDEMORT/HARRY: Expelliarmus! Avada Kedavra!

(Both spells clashed against each other. Voldemort's spell was strong as Harry still held his ground.)

Everyone was on the edge of their seats.

Luz: A witches' duel!

Hiccup: You've been in one?

Luz: Once. Only, Eda sort of cheated to help.

Lilith: Which wasn't surprising.

Eda: Oh please you cheated too.! Perfect, prissy Lilith cheated. Best covention yet.

Lilith: I only did that because I knew you would cheat

Eda: Still cheated. Welcome down to my level.

Lilith: Knock it off. You're making a scene.

Eda: You cheated. Hey, where's the Rhyming Coven? What rhymes with "cheated"?

Varian: Is there one?

Hunter shrugged his shoulders.

Lilith: Stop acting like a child!

Eda: You were defeated, don't get heated. Get your stank face treated.

Lilith: Rhyme one more thing. I dare you.

Raine: OK, that's enough.

Eda: Yeah, yeah, I'm done. Because my rhymes are depleted.
Lilith: Oh, that's it!

Darius, Belos, and Hunter had to help hold back Lilith from attacking Eda.

(Varian felt his powers kick in. His hair stripe started glowing then he fired moonblasts from his hands right at the spell to help Harry. Hunter used his palismen staff to help as well.)

VOLDEMORT: He's mine.

(Suddenly something swooped down and pinned Voldemort to the ground, breaking the connection of the spell.)


(Eda in her harpy form turned around.)

EDA: Who were you expecting? Kikimora?

Eda: Yes!

Lilith: Oh god.

Cora: Oh my.

Jim Prescott: You never said you could do that.

Eda: It's my harpy mode. It's new.

VARIAN: Get the cup.

HARRY: Accio!

(The cup quickly floated towards Harry then all five of them were teleported back to the front of the maze. Hunter, Varian, and Eda were hiding behind the stands while Cedric and Harry were near Dumbledore. The crowd cheered that Hogwarts had won the tournament until Dumbledore noticed something was off.)

DUMBLEDORE: Boys, what happened?

HARRY: He's back. Voldemort's back!

(The crowd went silent. Draco immediately ran off.)

DUMBLEDORE: Are you sure?

HARRY: Yes. Cedric was there too.

CEDRIC: He's telling the truth. Someone rigged the cup as a portkey. And bewitch Krum in the maze.

(Moody suddenly took Harry and led him away from the crowd. Hunter, Eda, and Varian saw this. Sisu came over to them.)

SISU: Is it true?

HUNTER: Sisu, we were there. He would have killed Cedric if we weren't there.

Eda: And you lot.

SISU: Where's Harry?

EDA: I saw some guy with a glass eye take him away.

HUNTER: We got to go after them.

(The scene changed to Moody's office as he and Harry entered it. Moody locked the door behind him and then led Harry to a seat.)

Raine: This guy is a creep.

MAD-EYE MOODY: You alright, Potter? Does it hurt?

HARRY: Not so much now.

MAD-EYE MOODY: Perhaps I better take a look at it. (He pulled up Harry's sleeve and looked at the cut.)

HARRY: The cup was a portkey. Someone bewitched it.

MAD-EYE MOODY: What was it like? What's he like?


MAD-EYE MOODY: The Dark Lord. What was it like to stand in his presence?

HARRY: I don't know. It was like I had fallen into one of my dreams.

(Moody started to twitch as Harry spoke.)

HARRY: Into one of my nightmares.

Rapunzel: What's happening?

(Moody opened his flask and tried to drink something from it but it was empty. Panicking, he went to the spare room and started looking for something.)

MAD-EYE MOODY: Were there others? In the graveyard, were there others?

(Harry didn't say anything and Moody realized he had slipped up.)

HARRY: I don't think I said anything about a graveyard, professor.

(Moody came back with a crazy look in his eyes.)

MAD EYE MOODY: Marvelous creature dragons, aren't they? (He started searching the shelves and desk drawers.) Did you think that miserable oaf would have led you into the woods if I hadn't suggested it? You think Cedric Digory told you to open the egg underwater if I hadn't told him first myself?! You think Neville Longbottom, the witless wonder could have provided you with gillyweed if I hadn't given him the book that led him straight to it?!

HARRY: It was you from the beginning. You put my name in the Goblet of Fire, you bewitched Krum. But...

MAD EYE MOODY: But, but. You won because I made it so Potter! You ended up in the graveyard tonight because it was meant to be so. And now that the deed is done, the blood from these veins runs within the Dark Lord.

(He groaned in pain then turned to face Harry. His face was messed up.)

Eda: Yeez. And I thought Odilia was ugly-looking.

MAD-EYE MOODY: Imagine how he will reward me when he learns I have once and for all silenced the great Harry Potter.

(The door was busted open)

DRACO: Expelliarmus!

(The spell sent Mad Eye Moody flying and hit the wall. Draco, Hunter, Sisu, Varian, Dumbledore, Snape, and Eda came in. Dumbledore forced Moody's mouth open as Snape poured the Veritaserum down his throat.)

DRACO: You ok?

HARRY: Yeah.

DUMBLEDORE: Do you know who I am?

MOODY: Albus Dumbledore.

DUMBLEDORE: Are you Alistar Moody? Are ya?


DUMBLEDORE: Is he in this room? Is he in his room?!

EDA: Not to interrupt the questioning, but did you think to look in the giant chest? If I were trying to hide the real body, that's where I would do it.

Luz: Eda!

Eda: Oh like I would murder anyone. Minus Odilia or maybe Snapdragon.

Lilith: Edalyin!

Eda: Eh, worth a shot.

(Snape opened the chest which continued opening like a Russian nesting doll. Dumbledore looked inside to find the real Moody inside.)

EDA: What did I tell you?

HARRY: That's Moody. But then who's...?

DRACO: Smell the flask.

(Snape smells it.)

SNAPE: Polyjuice Potion.

DUMBLEDORE: Now we know who's been stealing from your store, Severus.

(The fake Moody started reverting back to his true self, he took out the fake eye. His face and body returned to normal. The guy tried to grab Harry but Eda pinned him to the wall.)

EDA: Don't even think about it, buster.

DUMBLEDORE: Barty Crouch Jr.

BARTY JR: I'll show you mine if you show me yours. (Lifts up his sleeve to reveal his dark mark which was moving.)

Eda: I'm guessing that's their version of a sigil.

DUMBLEDORE: Your arm Harry. (Grabs his arm and shows the cut.)

BARTY JR: You know what this means don't you? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned.

DUMBLEDORE: Send an owl to Azkaban. I think they'll find they're missing a prisoner. We'll handle him from here.

EDA: Fine. (Release Barty Jr.) But I got my eye on you, Crouch.

(Hunter, Sisu, Varian, Draco, and Harry started leaving with Eda. She stuck her tongue out at Barty Jr.)

Lilith: Real mature Eda.

Eda: Hey, don't mess with Mama Eda. Am I right?

Hunter groaned.

Varian: Is she always like this?

Hunter: Annoying? Yes.

HARRY: Draco, I saw your father in the graveyard.

DRACO: Does he know about us?

HARRY: I don't know. Also, what was that magic you two were doing? And where did she come from?

EDA: Long story kid. But me and Hunter are witches from another realm. And we need to get back.

VARIAN: Would you mind giving us a minute?

EDA: Fine. But hurry up. (leaves for a bit with Sisu.)

Varian: Is there a Grumpy Lady Coven?

Hunter snickered a bit.

Eda: I heard that!

HARRY: I'm glad you two came to save me and Cedric. But are you sure you want to leave now?

HUNTER: We have our world to get back to. But this was quite the experience.

VARIAN: I'll say.

HARRY: I hope to see you both during the next school year.

VARIAN: I think we just might be there.

(Hunter and Varian left to join Sisu and Eda.)

SISU: OK then. How do we get out?

EDA: I got this.

(Eda pulled out her gem then a swirl of magic surrounded them. They were brought out of the book and are now in the library.)

Merida: Nice.

HUNTER: Well, that was easy.

EDA: Not quite. It only works once you reach the end of the story.

RAPUNZEL: We are so glad you guys are ok.

SISU: How long were we gone for?

HICCUP: It's only been a day.


VARIAN: It felt like a whole week.

EDA: Time works differently in the books.

Hiccup: And you know this how?

Eda: Yeah. A few of those books were some me and Val went in.

(Luz tackled Hunter in a hug.)

LUZ: Welcome back.

HUNTER: Will you get off? (breaks free)

King: I forgot. Luz is a hugger.

LUZ: Hunter, we were all worried about you.

HUNTER: I'm fine. Really. I just needed some time.

VARIAN: From what? Hunter?

HUNTER: Look, remember when I said that I've been in a mindscape before?

(Sisu and Varian nodded.)

HUNTER: The one I was in before was my uncle's. And I learned some things while I was in the mindscape. I was heartbroken and confused. And when we got out, I just ran away and never looked back.

Gus: What did you see?

Hunter: Um...

RavenDragon: I pulled you guys here before Hunter and Luz had entered Belos's mind.

RAPUNZEL: If you need a place to stay for a bit. You can stay here.

HUNTER: I don't know.

EDA: Kid, it might be the safest bet right now.

HUNTER: Why? What's happening on the Isles?

EDA: Well, The Day of Unity is approaching but it's not Belos doing the planning. Kikimora is. Something happened at the castle and no one has found Belos. It's like he just disappeared. And with the Golden Guard gone...

HUNTER: Kikimora stole the throne.

Raine: I knew she was crazy.

Belos: I knew I should have gotten rid of her.

Eda: I don't blame you. The woman is a nutcase.

EDA: She ready put a bounty on you around the Boiling Isles.

HUNTER: I'll stay here. But what about Willow, Gus, and Amity?

LUZ: They're at Hexside. One of the Coven Heads is there. He can be trusted.

(Suddenly, the book started glowing, then a gem popped out and floated in front of Hunter.)

HUNTER: What the...?

EDA: Looks like the library has chosen its new Keeper.

HUNTER: Me? But I'm a powerless witch.

VARIAN: Just take it.

(Hunter grabs the gem. Even his sigil disappeared.)

Eda: That's a new one.

A/N: I know the Owl House series final come and the show ended. But I say we keep the fandom alive and Owl House never dies!

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