Episode 29: Adventures Out There

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(The opening theme played through then the scene opened to the training grounds with Hiccup, Jim L, Mulan, and Merida sparring with each other.)

MERIDA: Ok, I'm all for a sparring session but I think you could slow down a little bit, Hiccup.

JIM L: I'm beginning to agree with Merida. You've been pushing it lately. You should rest.

HICCUP: I'll rest knowing Viggo is stopped.

MULAN: Well, you'll need to stop for now. Tonight's when every new hero is given a spirit animal to transform into from The Great Spirits.

Koda: Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Kenai: Easy Koda.

HICCUP: The what?

(Everyone hears the sound of drums from far away.)

MULAN: Looks like you'll get your answer. You go ahead, we'll join you at the ceremony later tonight.


Milo: The spirit animal ceremony.

Eda: Oh, now that sounds interesting.

(The scene changed to a clearing in the forest with every new hero including Mei, Varian, and Hunter. Hiccup and Toothless joined them.)

MIRABEL: I see someone decided to show up late.

HICCUP: Har, har.

HUNTER: What's going on?

MIRABEL: Don't look at me.

(Kida was looking a little impatient.)

HICCUP: Kida, what's wrong?

KIDA: Sorry, I'm just worried about Milo. Him and our friends left to help Mr. Whitmore with something. But it's been over three weeks and I can't help but worry.

Milo: Great. I'm gonna miss it.

Kenai: You already got yours.

Milo: I meant for Kida.

HICCUP: Why not talk to Mister Whitmore? Maybe he has something about what happened.

KIDA: I suppose so. But I might need some backup.

HICCUP: Toothless and I will go with you.

VARIAN: I'll come too.

HICCUP: Oh no. After your last little adventure, you are staying.

Varian: Man. You disappear into one book and suddenly you can't be trusted.

KIDA: Thank you, Hiccup.

(Just as they were about to leave, Merlin appeared from a blue cloud of smoke along with Kenai "From Brother Bear" in human form.)

MERLIN: Heroes. Tonight, some of you will receive your spirit animal from the Great Spirits. Kenai?

(Kenai shifted into his bear form.)

ALL: Woah!

Eda: Now that is awesome. A lot better than being cursed with one.

Lilith: Are you ever going to let that go?!

Eda: Let me think about it. Nope!

Lilith groans.

KENAI: Alright, alright. This is what the great spirits have done for me and my people. When each of us comes of age, the spirits reveal to us a totem that helps guide us through our lives. Some of us use courage to guide us. Others, patience. Or like mine, love. Now then, tonight at the mountain where the lights touch the earth, the great spirits will bless you with your spirit animal.

KIDA: (whispers to Hiccup) Good. Which means we'll have time to find Milo.

HICCUP: (whispers) Let's go now.

(Hiccup, Toothless, and Kida left the clearing only to have Lucky follow them.)

Varian: Oh sure. I don't get to go but Lucky does.

Hiccup: Lucky!

Lucky: What?

HICCUP: Lucky...

LUCKY: Oh no, you are not talking me out of this.


(Hiccup used his gem to create a portal that brought Kida, Toothless, and Lucky to Mr. Whitmore's manor.)

LUCKY: Woah.

Pru: That's one big house.

(They walked inside and headed to the living room where Mr. Whitmore was.)

WHITMORE: Kida, Hiccup. What a surprise! And I don't believe I've met this young lady.

LUCKY: Lucky Prescott. I'm Hiccup's cousin.

KIDA: Mr. Whitmore, is there anything you can tell us about where Milo and the others are? It's been a week and I'm worried about them.

WHITMORE: Well, after the Kraken incident, I sent Milo and the crew to the Southwest to investigate something that happened to my friend, Sam McKeane. Best man to find hard-to-find items. Only this time, something found him.

Milo: Makes sense.

KIDA: What was it?

WHITMORE: I'm not sure. Milo and the others haven't returned.

LUCKY: Why don't we go find them?

WHITMORE: If you say so.

(Kida used her gem to open a portal to Saguaro City Medical Clinic. They walked inside to find a woman with red hair and glasses in Sam McKeane's room.)

The women smirked.

LUCKY: Excuse me? Who are you?

"JANE": Please call me Jane. I'm the one that found Mr. McKeane like this.

HICCUP: What happened to him?

"JANE": He said he was attacked by a sandstorm made up of killer coyotes who were made of sand. Good thing I showed up when I did.

Hiccup: Sand coyotes?

Milo: We've seen weirder things.

LUCKY: And why are you here?

"JANE": My wagon got robbed on my way home. The bandit just appeared out of nowhere and took everything including my horse.

KIDA: And do you know the name of this thief?

"JANE": Butch LePray.

Cora and Jim Prescott gasped.

LUCKY: What?

HICCUP: Who's Butch Lepray?

LUCKY: Only the most dangerous bandit, the scourge of stagecoaches and banks from Sarsparilla to Calliope Bay. My grandparents on my mom's side told me about him. He robbed them blind during one of their performances. That man shows no mercy to anyone. He'll appear out of nowhere, take everything, and poof! He vanishes without a trace. Some say he's not even a man, just a shadow with no soul. But he's real and no one has ever caught him.

Abigail: Eep!

KIDA: Why?

"JANE": Because no one has ever seen his face and lived to tell. I'm just lucky to be alive.

Abigail: Double eep!

"JANE": I'm gonna get Mr. McKeane his dinner. Mind watching him?

KIDA: Not at all.

(Jane left the room just as Mr. McKeane woke up.)

MCKEANE: Oh good. She's gone.

KIDA: Mr. McKeane, did Milo and the others visit you?

MCKEANE: They did. They asked about that clay amulet I found right after those sand coyotes attacked.

HICCUP: Where did you find it?

MCKEANE: In a pot I had in a crate in my shack. But it went missing.

LUCKY: Do you have any idea who might have taken it?

MCKEANE: I'll tell you the same thing I told your friends. That shifty-eyed backstabbing rattlesnake Ashton Carnaby! He runs a trading post outside of town.

KIDA: Then that's where we'll go.

MCKEANE: You best be careful. He's slicker than a sweaty toad in a rainstorm!

Merida: Sounds like a crook to me.

(The scene changed to the trading post.)

LUCKY: Whoa. This guy must collect a lot of hidden treasures. Most of these should be in a museum.

(Kida picked up a clay figure from a shelf that looked like an Atlantean Guardian.)

KIDA: It's just like an Atlantean Guardian.

HICCUP: I don't know.

KIDA: Either way. I am buying it.

(A man steps out from behind the counter.)

CARNABY: Ho, ho, that's what I like to hear. Because I want to sell it! The name's Carnaby. Now, that painting's of Crystal Guardian who crawled from the earth with weapons of blue fire. He was a great teacher and healer of the sick. Or so the legend goes.

Cookie: Shift eyes indeed.

Hiccup: I'll say.

KIDA: How much is it?

CARNABY: Well, that's a museum-class piece.

LUCKY: More like you're trying to scam us.

CARNABY: I've had offers.

KIDA: (hands him a bundle of cash.) Is this enough?

CARNABY: Sold! One Crystal Guardian.

LUCKY: Mr. Carnaby, where do you get your artfacts?

CARNABY: Here and there.

LUCKY: Right. We're looking for a crate that may have been taken from Sam McKeane.

CARNABY: Like those other folk I ran out of my trading post.

Audrey: Mole?

Mole: Why assume that it was me?!

HICCUP: Other folk?

CARNABY: They came here asking about that crate of pottery but I told them I haven't seen it. Kicked them out after one of them licked one of the pieces here.

Milo: Yep. It was Mole.

(They heard a loud crash. They turned to see Jane who bumped into a shelf of vases.)

"JANE": I am so sorry Mr. Carnaby.

CARNABY: It's alright.

LUCKY: Hang on, you knew the crate contained pottery. We didn't mention it.

CARNABY: Well... I... I...

(Toothless sniffed around the store until he found the crate behind the counter. He pulled it out.)

KIDA: You had the crate all along!

CARNABY: So? McKeane found it in the desert and while he was in the hospital I found it in his shack.

LUCKY: In other words, you stole it!

HICCUP: Did Milo and the others know?!

CARNABY: Fine. They found out about it too and tried to return the pot to the Mogollon Rim but they never came back.

KIDA: (Grabs Carnaby by the collar.) Take us there. Now!

Merida: I like her.

Eda: I'll say

(The scene changed to all six of them flying towards the cave entrance. Suddenly, a sandstorm appeared out of nowhere, the storm had multiple glowing red eyes.)

LUCKY: I'm guessing that's the sand coyotes.

HICCUP: Inside now!

(They managed to get inside the tunnel and when they reached the end, they found different statues from different cultures all in the same place.)

Milo: Holy cats! That crystal guardian was Atleantian. His teachings influenced all these cultures.

HICCUP: Whoa. A little bit of Atlantis goes a long way.

KIDA: But where's Milo?

"JANE": Oh dear. You lot were easier to fool.

(Carnaby grabbed Lucky and tied her wrists up then pushed her to the ground.)


Jame Prescott: Lucky!

KIDA: Let her go.

(Jane took off her glasses and then smashed them while smirking.)

"JANE": Finally. I got what I wanted, the Prescott heir. She'll make us even richer than selling these artifacts.

(Carnaby threw a sleeping power gas that knocked out Hiccup, Toothless, and Kida.)

LUCKY: (turns to Jane) You set us up! I bet you did the same to Milo.

CARNABY: She's onto you boss.

LUCKY: Boss? You weren't attacked by Butch Lepray. You are Butch Lepray!

(Butch removed her shift revealing her pants and she put on her hat.)

BUTCH: The pleasure is mine. Carnaby put them with the rest! I'll take the girl.

Snotlout: That's Butch Lepray?

Butch: What?! Did you think I was a boy?!

(The scene changed to Kida and Hiccup waking up in a cave all tied up.)

HICCUP: (Groans) I should have known that Carnaby was a two-timing snake.

MILO: (Off screen) Join the club.

(They saw Milo and the others all tied up.)

KIDA: Milo? What happened?

DR. SWEET: Carnaby. He and Butch tricked us.

Kida: I would love to get my hands on him.

Hiccup: Kida...

(Canaby showed up.)

CARNABY: Enjoying yourself?

KIDA: You will not get away with this!

CARNABY: Let's see, I trap you and your friends in this cave and then I take all the treasure for myself. I think I'll get away with it.

DR. SWEET: I knew there was something shifty about you. Didn't I say? I said "I don't trust that Carnaby. Don't like him one bit. Don't like his attitude or his shifty little eyes."

Hiccup: If this is your way of saying I told you so. Then I agree with you.

Dr. Sweet: Glad someone is on my side.

CARNABY: Well, you and your friends will have a long time to discuss how you feel about me (pulls out dynamite from his bag) while I'm getting rich.

HICCUP: Are you mad?!

MILO: Mr. Carnaby obviously we've had some sort of miscommunication here. I don't see any reason why we can't...

(Everyone hears a sort of grumbling sound.)

MILO: What's that sound?

Hiccup: Oh no.

Astrid: It's either the Whispering Death or the Screaming Death.

Viggo: Screaming Death?

Hiccup: Long story.

CARNABY: I'm not falling for that.

(Carnaby was just about to put the dynamite on the cave entrance when something suddenly appeared through a portal, the Thunderdrum that Moses tamed and Moses himself.)


Milo: Wasn't expecting that.

(Moses attacked Carnaby, knocking him to the ground then he untied everyone.)

KIDA: How did you find us?

MOSES: I just overheard the gods speak of someone stealing artifacts. I decided to investigate but found Lucky being kidnapped.

HICCUP: Is she ok?

MOSES: She's alright. I freed her but Butch got away.

(They got out of the cave but the dust coyotes howled and surrounded them.)

CARNABY: What is this?

MILO: Retribution.

(The coyotes circled Carnaby creating a sand tornado; their magic turned him into a sand coyote.)

Maui: Never anger the gods.

Jack: Or spirits.

(The coyotes began to swarm the others.)

DR SWEET: Anyone out here got a doggy bone?

(Hiccup saw two of the coyotes looking at Carnaby's bag. He picked up the pot and then put it back on the pedestal. A strange man appeared beside the coyotes.)

HICCUP: Who is that?

MILO: Chakashi, the Nashonee wind spirit.

KIDA: What happened to Carnaby?

CHAKASHI: He is with us now. You seem like good people. I'm sorry. The secrets of the ancient ancestors must remain a secret. You will not be allowed to leave.

Jack: And now you guys are next.

(The coyotes formed a sand tornado above them.)

KIDA: Chakashi, we also carry a great secret. Thus, we can keep yours as well.

CHAKASHI: What is this secret? Prove to me that it is as great as what you see around you.

(Milo looked at his friends but they shook their heads not to tell Chakashi anything about the isle.)

MILO: We can't.

CHARKASHI: Very well. You have decided your fate.

(The sand tornado circled them and then lifted them off the ground.)

Fishlegs: Oh thor. (covered his eyes)

(Instead of turning them into sand coyotes, the tornado brought them back outside from the cave. Charkashi appeared.)

CHARKASHI: If you had told me your secret, I would have known I couldn't trust you with mine.

AUDREY: Hm. It was a trick question.

CHARKASHI: Must be the coyote in me. (walks up to Kida) Kida of Atlantis, you and I are not so different. Your people touched the corners of the globe, teaching and healing, doing great good.

KIDA: But they also did great harm, almost destroying the world and themselves! My father feared the temptation to abuse our power would be too great. So he hid it away.

CHARKASHI: The secret you carry is neither good nor bad. A strong leader must have the wisdom to know when to share that knowledge.

KIDA: It would be wonderful if my people did not need to remain hidden. To have them walk the surface of the world again.

CHARKASHI: It is your choice.

(The man disappeared.)

Jack: Show off.

Bunny: Jealous?

Jack: You wish.

AUDREY: Whoa! That was impressive.

DR SWEET: I'd be more impressed if Charkashi had dropped us on the ground and not on the mountaintop.

MILO: I'm guessing Mr. Whitmore asked you guys to look for us.

KIDA: I got worried when you didn't come back.

MILO: I'm ok.

Kida held Milo's hand.

MOSES: Don't you two need to get back for the spirit animal ceremony?

KIDA: (gasped) We forgot about the ceremony!

MOLE: And just how are we supposed to get down?

HICCUP: Say, Milo, up for your first dragon flight?

MILO: Really?!

(Milo, Kida, and Audrey joined Hiccup on Toothless while Dr. Sweet and Mole joined Moses on his Thunderdrum and they flew through a portal back to the island.)

Mole: I hate heights.

Atlantis cast: We know!

(The scene changed to nightfall at the mountain peak. Almost everyone had gotten their spirit animal except for Kida and Hiccup.)

KENAI: Is that everybody?

(Kida, Hiccup, and their friends arrived just in time.)

MILO: Hang on Kenai. Kida and Hiccup are ready.

KENAI: OK then, Kida you first.

(Kida walked up to where Kendi was then an eagle spirit flew up to her and into her gem.)

KENAI: Looks like my brother's spirit animal, the Eagle of Guidance is yours now.

KIDA: I'll use it to help me lead my people.

Kenai: Sitka...

MILO: Your next Hiccup.

HICCUP: OK then.

(Hiccup walked up to where Kenai was just as Kida was leaving. Toothless tried to join him but Moses stopped him.)

MOSES: He'll be ok.

(A blue light beams down on Hiccup then suddenly the light changes to what looks like the northern light with multiple spirit animals circling above Hiccup. Some of the spirits were different dragons. The dragon spirits flew around Hiccup before they went into his gem. The lights disappeared.)

KENAI: That's a new one.

MILO: You mean this has never happened before?

KENAI: I think I would remember someone getting more than one spirit animal.

Merlin and Fairy Godmother looked at each other with shock.

Fairy Godmother: (whispers) Is it time?

Merlin: (whispers) Not yet.

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