Episode 30: When You Wish Upon A Star

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RavenDragon: And now we have just a few more members to bring in. Oh and Branch, I think you might know them.

Branch's face went pale.

With a snap of RavenDragon's fingers, Asha, Valentino the Goat, Asha's friends, her mother, her Saba Sabino, King Magnifico, Queen Amamda, Floyd, Clay, Bruce (Spruce), Viva, and John Dory appeared in empty seats.

Magnifico: What the...? Who dares use magic?!

RavenDragon: Hey! King Ego! You're in my kingdom now! So zip it!

Asha: (giggled but then she looked around.) Where's Star?

RavenDragon: Strange. I thought I brought him too.

Star zoomed around the theater which surprised everyone.

Asha: Never mind.

RavenDragon: Anyway, long story short, it's a show showing your adventures, and enjoy.

(The opening theme plays through then the scene changes to the camp around sunset. Everyone was gathered outside by the lake.)

HICCUP: Why is everyone out here?

MERIDA: We're out here to wait for the wishing star.

HICCUP: The wishing star?

TIANA: Every one of us has wished and prayed on the wishing star to help our dreams come true. It's become a ritual here to wait for the star to rise and then make a wish.

King Magnifico: Why wish on a star when you have me to grant your wish?

Merida: Is he serious?

Tiana: I don't know.

JACK: And it gives Aster a night to visit.

LUCKY: Aster?

JACK: The guardians and I call him Starboy.

Asha: Aster?

Star floated next to Asha.

Asha: Is that your name?

Star nodded then in a flash, Star turned into a human boy around Asha's age with tan skin, white hair that sparkled, and wearing golden-colored clothes with a sparkling cape.

Aster: Hello Asha.

Everyone was surprised.

Dahlia: That's a new one.

HICCUP: Another guardian?

JACK: Not quite. But he's like my little brother. Mostly because we both love to pull pranks on Bunny.

Bunny: (groans) Now I remember him!

Aster: (laughs) Come on Bunny. You like my pranks.

Hiccup: Now I see it.

Flynn: Great. One Jack Frost is enough.

HICCUP: So another you? And now I'm interested.

JACK: Trust me, you'll love him.

(The scene then changed to the City of Rosas, homed to King Magnifico.)

Rapunzel: The kingdom does look beautiful.

(The scene changed to the gates of Rosas as some new visitors arrived by boat. The four new visitors waited by the gate. Just as Asha and her goat, Valentino arrived.)

ASHA: I'm here! I'm here! (She stopped running) Whew! Just one second. Let me catch my breath.

Asha: Yeah. I sometimes give tours to new visitors who come to Rosas.

Moana: And you sometimes run late?

Asha: No... Ok, maybe once or twice.

ASHA: OK. Hola, shalom, salam. Everyone ready?

(Asha leads the visitors into the town as an upbeat song begins to play.)


Welcome to Rosas

Come on, come this way

Where the greatest creations are all on display

(The visitors were in awe of the city.)

There's no other place just as full of surprise

Where your dreams and your reality can collide

(Asha danced with some of the villagers.)

You wanna dance on beat?

Or to have hair touch down to your feet?

(Asha saw two little kids playing on a toy rocket.)

Go to outer space?

Well, hey, you've come to the right place

(Asha brings the tour group to the center of the city where everyone is.)

'Cause here in the city of Rosas (Oh, ah-ah)

You can turn all your wanting to wishing

No what-ifs and no wonders

Isabella: She kind of reminds me of Mirabel.

Mirabel: Isa!

Isabella: Oh come on. You do the same thing for new arrivals in the Encanto.

Asha: Ooh!


Oh, here in the city of Rosas (Oh, ah-ah)

It's unlikely that you'll be unhappy

With so much to discover

(Some of the villagers showed the new visitors what made Rosas wonderful. A juggler juggled three balls and Valentino. A florist showed off her flowers. A baker presented the visitors with fresh baked goods, and a wood crafter showed off his skills and made a wooden craving of Magnifico.)

A home for me (Me)

For you (You)

And all of us (Us)

The city of Rosas

(Asha brings the group to the statue of Magnifico.)

Jack: Someone needs an ego check.

Magnifico: Hey! I happen to look very handsome.

Belle: Oh great. Another Gaston.


So like, we have this king named Magnifico

And he built Rosas many years ago

With lightning for hands and eyes that can glow

No, no, no, I'm totally kidding! But he is powerful

He's just like us with a twist


And someone that I'd like to kiss (Oh dear)

(Asha shows the tour group a villager drawing out King Magnifico in chalk.)


A magic swish

And there you have it, poof, there's your wish!

Oh and, hey did I mention when you turn eighteen?

You get to give your wish in a ceremony

And he keeps them safe, every wish he acquires (Wish he acquires)

And once a month he grants someone's greatest desire (Greatest desire)

Mei: Giving up your wish at eighteen?

Asha: It's tradition.

Gabo: And Asha here is almost eighteen in a few months. She'll give Magnifico her wish just like our friend Simon did.

Milo: What was his wish?

Simon: I'm sorry. I can't remember.

(They all walk passed a memorial of the king granting the people their wishes.)


It could be you someday

(Asha opens her journal to a page where she has a drawing of Sabino.)

or my saba Sabino's

Oh, I can't wait!

MALE #1:

Does it hurt?


Do you cry?


Oh, no, and you won't even miss it when you say "goodbye"

(The people rolled out the carpet to welcome the new visitors, rose petals were scattered everywhere. Asha and the villagers danced in the square.)

Rapunzel got up from her seat and started dancing along.

Asha: Is she always like this?

Flynn: Yeah.

Mirabel, Isabella, and almost all of the princesses joined Rapunzel.

Asha: Oh what the hey? (gets up from her seat and joins them)

'Cause here in the city of Rosas (Oh, ah-ah)

You can turn all your wanting to wishing

No what-ifs and no wonders

Oh, here in the city of Rosas (Oh, ah-ah)

It's unlikely that you'll be unhappy

With so much to discover

(The visitors joined in the dance.)

A home for me (Me)

For you (You)

And all of us (Us)

The city of Rosas

(Everyone cheered and celebrated.)

MALE #1: I'll give him my wish!

WOMAN #1: Do you really forget your wish once you give it?

ASHA: You forget without regret.

WOMAN #2: I want to meet the king!

ASHA: Well, you're in luck. There's a wish ceremony tonight. You're welcome to stay and watch.

(Asha hears the bell ring.)

ASHA: And that's my cue! Enjoy!

(Asha runs to the castle.)

Mirabel: So you're a tour guide?

Asha: And...

Dahlia: The apprentice to our velvety sweet buttercream of a king.

Asha: Dahlia. Please don't say it like that.

Gabo: And Asha here gets to cheat the system.

Asha: What? No, I'm not.

Gabo: Come on, everyone knows that the king's apprentices get their wishes granted, and usually their families' wishes too.

Rapunzel: Is that true?

Dahlia: No. Not always.

Asha's friends nodded.

Dahlia: Maybe, always.

Gabo: Not to mention, her Saba is turning 100 today and he is still waiting...

Asha flicked some popcorn at Gabo.

(The scene changed to up in the castle, King Magnifico watched the people of Rosas gather for the ceremony from his study.)

Gothel: Oh. Hello.

Rapunzel groans.

(Asha came into the room then she curtsied in front of Magnifico.)

ASHA: Your majesty? Two new visitors want to give you their wishes to you tonight at the ceremony.

MAGNIFICO: (turned to face Asha) Wonderful.

ASHA: And I was wondering if you could grant a wish to someone close to me.

MAGNIFICO: Oh. Who might that be?

(Magnifico summoned all of the wishes he had every the people of Rosas. The wishes were in orbs and they showed everyone's wishes.)

Rapunzel: Are those wishes?

Tiana: There's so many.

Cinderella: Oh my.

Snow White: Goodness.

MAGNIFICO: Who's wish do you want me to grant?

(Asha looked through all the orbs until she found the wish. She held it and saw that it was her Saba's wish.)

ASHA: My Saba Sabino's. It's his birthday today, and he's 100 years old.

MAGNIFICO: That's impressive.

ASHA: My Saba has waited for a long time for his wish to be granted and I was wondering if you could grant it tonight.

MAGNIFICO: May I see it?

(Asha hands Magnifico the wish. Inside the orb was her Saba's wish, playing guitar for all of Rosas to hear.)

Sabino: (gasps) It's beautiful.

Naveen: A musician's wish? That's wonderful.

Belle: What an amazing dream.

Asha: See Saba? Your wish is beautiful. You deserve to have your wish granted.

MAGNIFICO: It is a beautiful wish. But, it's too dangerous.

(Asha's expression changed.)

ASHA: Dangerous?

MAGNIFICO: Your Saba longs to create something to inspire the next generation — great wish but too vague. Create what? A rebellious mob, perhaps? To inspire them to do what? Uh, destroy Rosas, maybe?

Hiccup: All that from a wish just to play music for Rosas? That can't be right.

Sabino looked away in shame.

ASHA: My Saba would never do anything to hurt anyone.

MAGNIFICO: You think that.

ASHA: I know that.

MAGNIFICO: Well, you're young. You don't know anything, really. Whereas it is my responsibility to only grant the wishes I am sure are good for Rosas.

(Magnifico waved away the wishes away.)

ASHA: So, most of these wishes will never be granted?

MAGNIFICO: Yet I still protect them like all the others.

ASHA: Can't you just give back the wishes you aren't going to grant? Then, I don't know, the people can try to pursue them themselves.

MAGNIFICO: You've completely missed the point. People come here because they know they can't make their own dreams come true The journey's too hard. It is too unfair. They give their wishes to me, willingly, and I make it so they forget their worries.

Tiana: That's not always true. Sure you have to work hard you achieve your dream but it's worth it in the end.

ASHA: You make it so they forget the most beautiful part of themselves. And they don't know what they're missing. But you do. And now I do. It's not fair.


ASHA: No! My Saba is good. The people of Rosas are good. They deserve more than...

MAGNIFICO: (loudly) I decided what everyone deserves!

(Asha steps back from the king. Magnifico takes a deep breath.)

MAGNIFICO: Know your place, Asha. You serve me as my apprentice, you do not question me about the wishes. I decide who deserves to be granted their wish, not you. Do I make myself clear?

ASHA: (scared) Yes, Your Majesty.

Flynn: This guy reminds me of Gothel.

Esmeralda: I was gonna say Frollo.

Eda: I was gonna say Belos. You know, 'cause he thinks wild magic is dangerous and...

Lilith: We get it, Edalyn.

MAGNIFICO: Good. Now, it's time for the wishing ceremony!

(Magnifico started to walk away and Asha followed behind him.)

Rapunzel: (to Asha) I think you were right, Asha.

Asha: Thank you, Princess.

Rapunzel: Just Rapunzel is fine.

(The scene changed to the wishing ceremony, Magnifico appeared on the stage, showing off his magic to all of the people of Rosas.)

MAGNIFICO: Are you ready, Rosas?!

(The crowd cheered. Queen Amamda sat on the sideline of the stage and Asha was sitting on the other chair, looking a little off. Her friends, mother, and Saba were in the front of the audience. Asha's mother waved at Asha. Asha gave her mother a small wave but she turned away from them.)

MAGNIFICO: Another beautiful night in my kingdom. Good to be seen.

(Asha looked up at the stage with worry.)

MAGNIFICO: First things first. We have two new citizens ready to give their wishes. (The couple walked up to the stage and bowed to the king.) Helena, Esteban, you're going to be very happy here, I promise you.

Asha: I can't believe I listened to him.

(Magnifico held out his hands then the couple cupped their hands onto his hands.)

MAGNIFICO: Now make a wish and hold it in your heart.

(The couple's chests glowed then their wishes appeared in their hands and the wishes were in magic orbs. The couple gasped seeing their wishes as the crowd cheered for them.)

MAGNIFICO: It's a real weight off, isn't it? (He then turned to Asha with a smirk.)

(Asha looked away from the king.)

MAGNIFICO: OK then, who is ready to have their wish granted?

(The people cheer.)

MAGNIFICO: Now, I have been challenged today to take a chance and try something new. (mutters) Thank you, Asha.

(Asha moved in her seat, feeling uncomfortable.)

Tuffnut: Maybe he had a change of heart?

MAGNIFICO: And it is with clarity and an open heart full of love that I grant today's wish to someone who has very patiently waited long enough.

(Asha saw her Saba's face light up hearing this.)

MAGNIFICO: Sania Osman.

(The crowd cheered except for Sabino who was disappointed. Sania came running to the stage.)

Tuffnut: Ooh.

Ruffnut: You had to ask.

MAGNIFICO: Sania Osman, (he summons her wish) I mean it when I say it truly is my great pleasure to grant your heart's desire, (he grants her wish) to sew the most beautiful dresses in all the land!

(A pair of golden scissors was placed in Sania's hands)

SANIA: My wish has come true.

Gisela: That's a great wish too.

(Asha looked up just as Magnifico came to her.)

MAGNIFICO: Asha, consider this a warning the next time you get any ideas. Oh but don't worry, I'll still protect your Saba's wish and your mother's, forever.

(Magnifico walked away while Amanda followed him. Asha felt terrible.)

Asha: I'm sorry Saba.

(The scene changed to Asha's home. Her mother, Saba, and herself were gathered around the table. Her Saba poured some tea for Asha's mother. Asha looked at her Saba.)

ASHA: Saba, I need to tell you something.

SABINO: Tell me what, child?

ASHA: I don't think, um, your wish... will ever be granted.


SAKINA: Why would you say something like that?

ASHA: Because the king told me so. I asked him if he would grant your wish at the ceremony for your birthday but... he said it's too dangerous to grant.

SABINO: My wish is dangerous?

ASHA: No. That's the thing. I don't think it is.

SAKINA: You... You saw it?

Elsa: Why is that a surprise?

Asha: No one is allowed to see the wishes except for the royal family and the king's apprentice.

Magnifico: And the apprentice isn't allowed to tell people about the wishes. (glares at Asha)

Jasmine: Hey back off! She just wanted her grandfather to have his wish and you refuse to grant it.

ASHA: I did. And you should know what it is.

SABINO: No. No. Don't say anything.

ASHA: but it's so, so beautiful.

SABINO: Well, clearly Magnifico feels otherwise, so...

ASHA: Saba, what gives him the right to decide?

SABINO: He... He is the King, and he has made everything possible for us.

Magnifico: See? Sabino understands it. Remember Asha, know your place.

Mirabel: Hey! Leave her alone!

Asha smiled at Mirabel.

ASHA: If you had seen them, if you had felt them like I did, you would understand. (stands up from the table) It's not just yours, Saba. There are so many wondrous, powerful wishes that will never be granted,


ASHA: just floating there...


ASHA: Helpless.

SAKINA: Sit down, calm down.

ASHA: I can't! I can't just sit here with you, Saba, knowing your incredible wish and not tell you.

SABINO: Then don't.

ASHA: What?

Everyone looked confused.

SABINO: You are excused from the table.

ASHA: Saba?

SABINO: Why? Why would you want me to know a wish that can never be?

ASHA: But I didn't... But it's your wish.

(Sabino stood up from the table.)

SABINO: Are you trying to break my heart, child?

ASHA: No. No. I... I would never, ever try... (crying) I'm sorry.

(Asha bolted out the door. Valentino followed after her.)


Most of the princesses felt bad for Asha.

(Asha ran through the woods until she stopped by a tree to catch her breath. She wiped away her tears.)


Isn't truth supposed to set you free?

Well, why do I feel so weighed down by it?

If I could show them everything I've seen

Open their eyes to all the lies then

Would they change their minds like I did?

But when I speak, they tell me, "Sit down"

But how can I when I've already started runnin'?

Oh, this is where we've been, but it's not where we belong

And I may be young, but I know I'm not wrong

(Asha walked through the village with Valentino followed behind her.)

So I look up at the stars to guide me

And throw caution to every warning sign

(Asha looked at a man who was reading. She knew his wish; she pictured him climbing the tallest mountain and putting a Rosas flag on the mountain top.)

Milo: And explorer? Amazing! What's so dangerous about that?

Magnifico: No one is allowed to leave Rosas.

Rapunzel: Seriously?! You're caging innocent people and keeping them from their dreams!


If knowing what it could be is what drives me

Then let me be the first to stand in line

So I make this wish

To have something more for us than this

(Asha then turned to an elderly woman sweeping. She pictured the woman's wish too; sailing on the ocean as a captain.)

Moana: A voyager!

Eric: the sea brings out the most wonderful things.


So I make this wish

(Asha walked into the city then Asha looked at a woman who was sitting by a fountain, surrounded by birds. Asha pictured the woman's wish which was to fly among the birds.)

Peter Pan: Now that's a big wish.


To have something more for us than this

(The birds all around Asha took to the sky as she looked up at the stars.)

Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah

More than this, oh-ah-ah-ah

(Asha sat down near a little fountain near the moral of Magnifico.)

I never knew I needed room to grow

Yeah, I did what I was told when someone told me "no"

(Asha stood up)

Now I've got all of this freedom in my bones

But I've still got the lid on, so it doesn't overflow

(Valentino stuck his tongue out at the moral of Magnifico.)

Sisu: Wow. Even the goat hates him.

Asha: (startled) Did... Did that dragon just talk?!

Raya: Sisu!

Sisu: Sorry.

Asha: Oooookay. I must have hit my head.

Olaf: Doesn't look like it.

Asha and her friends freaked out seeing Olaf.

Olaf: Hi. I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs.

Asha: Hi? Okay, I have a bunch of questions.

RavenDragon: Save your questions for the break.

(The scene shifted to Asha climbing steps to a balcony view.)


'Cause I've got reservations and hesitations

On where I should even begin

I'm past dipping my toes in

But I'm not, no, I'm not past diving in

If I could just be pointed in any given direction

On where to go and what to do

(Asha turned towards the giant tree.)

My legs are shaking, but my head's held high

The way you always taught me to

(Her voice cracked, remembering the times her father would take her to the tree and the two of them would look at the stars from there.)

Asha had tears in her eyes.

Cinderella: A willow tree?

Asha: It's special. It's the same one my father and I would climb and look at the stars.

(Asha ran to the willow tree.)


So I look up at the stars to guide me

And throw caution to every warning sign

(Asha climbs the tree to a strong and sturdy branch.)

I'm sure there will be challenges that find me

But I can take them on one at a time

So I make this wish

To have something more for us than this

So I make this wish

To have something more for us than this

(The wind blows her way moving her hair and flower petals all around her.)

Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah (So I make this wish)

Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah (To have something more)

More than this, oh-ah-ah-ah

(Asha looked up at the brightest star in the sky.)

So I make this wish

To have something more for us than this

Jack: Not bad, Asha.

Elsa: You have a great voice.

Asha: Thanks.

Aster: And you wished on my star.

(Within seconds, a bright golden light engulfed the night sky. Asha had to cover her eyes to avoid being blinded by the light. The light spread throughout the entire city, making everyone feel full of joy and hope. The light pulled Asha and Valentino into a portal and then the two of them disappeared from Rosas.)

Asha: What just happened?

Magnifico: Such power...

RavenDragon shocks Magnifico.

(The scene changed to the forest at the magic camp island. Asha and Valentino were now in the forest, only they didn't know that they weren't in Rosas. Asha started walking through the forest as Valentino followed behind.)

ASHA: (chuckles) What was that? You felt it too, didn't you? It... It was electric. It was joy and hope and possibility and wonder inside the most loving light. Can light be loving? Either way, that was amazing. (Finally realized that they weren't in Rosas.) And we're not in Rosas anymore. Where are we?

(Asha heard voices near the lagoon. She followed the voices. She hid behind some bushes to see Mirabel chatting with Ariel who was in her mermaid form.)

ASHA: (whispered) A mermaid?

(Asha stepped on a twig which got Mirabel and Ariel's attention.)

MIRABEL: Hello? Is someone there?

ARIEL: Jack if that's you, come out.

Jack: Hey! That's hurtful.

Belle: To be fair, you do pull a lot of pranks on us.

(Asha stepped out from the bushes.)

MIRABEL: Oh. Sorry, we thought you were someone else.

ASHA: Where? Where am I?

ARIEL: This is our camp. (steps out of the water and turns human.) You must be new.

ASHA: How...? How did you just get legs when you just had a tail?

(A little ball of light zoomed around them.)

Aster: And here's me!

Bunny: Oh brother.


ASHA: Ahh!

(The little light stopped then looked at Ariel.)

ARIEL: Hi Star.

MIRABEL: Wait. You know this little light?

(Star took Mirabel's glasses and tried them on.)

ASHA: It looks like a star.

(Star put the glasses back on Mirabel and tapped her nose.)

MIRABEL: (giggles) Curious little thing.

ASHA: This is crazy. I know I wished on a star but... No that's not possible. I'm seeing things.

Asha: Is that really what I look like freaked out?

Dahlia: Little bit.

(Valentino bleats at Star then he points to himself, saying that he wishes to talk. Star squealed and started sprinkling some stardust on Valentino.)

ASHA: (sees Valentino) Whoa, what are you doing? Valentino don't eat that.

(Asha tried to get the stardust away from Valentino but he already ate some of it. He tried to speak but he just bleats. Star tapped Valentino's head.)

VALENTINO: It didn't work. When does the magic happen? Ah!

ASHA: Oh, something's happened.

VALENTINO: I'm talking! I am talking. Ha! Who knew my voice could be this low?

Valentino: About time!

Everyone was startled.

ASHA: Okay, I have a few thousand questions, starting with, "How did I manage to connect with a star all the way across the sky?" And ending with, "How did I end up in a strange magic camp with a talking goat and a mermaid?!"

MIRABEL: Calm down. I know this seems a little weird, but we know someone who can help.

ASHA: Who?

ARIEL: Just follow us.

(The scene changed to the lake where everyone else was including Merlin and Fairy Godmother. Star zooms around the crowd then he is surrounded by a bright light. When the light faded, Star turned into a human boy around Asha's age with tan skin, white hair that sparkled, and wearing golden-colored clothes with a sparkling cape.)

JACK: Aster! (Flies up towards Aster.) Great to see you!

ASTER: Jack Frost. Still miss my fun pranks and schemes?

JACK: Definitely. What took you so long? You usually show up within seconds.

ASTER: I know. But I had a little tag along.

Asha: Really?

Aster: Hey! It was a new one.

(Asha, Ariel, Mirabel, and Valentino came out of the forest.)

MIRABEL: Sorry we're late. We got a little sidetracked.

ANNA: A little sidetracked?

MOANA: Who's the girl and the goat?

ASHA: Oh right. Sorry. I'm Asha and this is Valentino. We're not sure how we got here and we need to get back home.

(Merlin approached Asha.)

MERLIN: Where are you from, Asha?

ASHA: The city of Rosas. Our ruler, King Magnifico built it years ago. He grants the people of Rosas their wishes if they are good and worthy by magic.

ALADDIN: Grants wishes? Is he a genie?

Genie: You called?!

Aladdin: Genie...

Genie: I'm kidding.

ASHA: He's a sorcerer. And I'm his apprentice.

ARIEL: You know magic?

ASHA: Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Magic's forbidden to be wielded by anyone other than Magnifico.

Jack: And I thought Bunny was boring.

Bunny: Hey!

MERLIN: How did you get here?

ASHA: I just wished on a star and the next thing I know, I'm here.

(Aster flies closer to Asha.)

ASTER: And that star was me! Hi!

ASHA: Ahh! Are you the Star?

ASTER: Call me Aster. But this has never happened before. Normally, when someone wishes on my star, I don't drag them into my light.

MERLIN: Come with me.

(The scene changed to Merlin's tower which was filled with spellbooks, potions, and magic artifacts from every tale. Merlin, Asha, Jack, Hiccup, Mirabel, and Aster were in the tower.)

Everyone: Whoa!

Merlin: I only let very few into my tower. Some of the artifacts in there are too powerful.

(Asha was in awe.)

ASHA: Woah! Are you the ruler of this place?

MERLIN: I prefer the term Headmaster. But something like that.

(Merlin summoned a few books from the shelves and started looking through them. He started muttering, trying to find the answer.)

Asha: Wow. That's an amazing trick, Mr. Merlin.

Merlin: Just plain Merlin is fine, my dear.

(Asha looked at all the artifacts. She then spotted the owl, Archimedes thinking he was stuffed.)

ASHA: What a beautiful stuffed owl.

(Archimedes moved.)

ARCHIMEDES: (stammered) Stuffed? I beg your pardon!

ASHA: (Screamed) It talks?!

ARCHIMEDES: And certainly, a great deal better than you. (Flew to his birdhouse.)

ASHA: Did I say something offensive?

JACK: Nah. Archimedes is just too sensitive. And a grouch.

Merlin chuckled.

Merlin: He's always like that.

MERLIN: Yes, well... (puts the books away.) I'm afraid I don't know what or how you got here.

ASHA: Will I be able to return to Rosas? My mother and Saba must be worried.

MERLIN: Until I can figure out how you got here. I'm afraid you might be here for a while.

ASHA: No, no, no, no. I can't stay. I'm the king's apprentice and I'm already on thin ice with him.

MIRABEL: What makes you say that?

ASHA: Because I asked him to grant my Saba's wish for his 100th birthday. But he said it was too dangerous and I kind of challenged him. And now thanks to me, his wish will never be granted, and neither will my mother's.

MERLIN: Bah! And what gives him the right to say that? Magic can't always solve your problems or your dreams.

ASHA: It's just how it's always been.

MERLIN: My dear, I believe you are going to enjoy your time here. Mirabel, would you mind escorting Asha to your cabin?

MIRABEL: Si, Merlin. Come. You'll love it here.

(Mirabel guides Asha out.)

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