Episode 31: He Lives In You

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(The opening intro played through, and then the scene changed to the cabin where Asha stayed with Tiana, Moana, Ariel, and Mirabel.)

ASHA: Being here and not worrying about being on time for another tour of Rosas.

MOANA: Asha, you are going to enjoy this place.

TIANA: Come on, I hope you're hungry.

(The girls leave for the dining hall. Asha stopped when she heard a twig snap.)

ASHA: Hello? Is someone there?

(No one answered Asha shook it off, and then she walked away. In the bushes, a male lion was watching them.)

Hiccup: Who is that?

Jack: Right. You guys haven't met Simba.

Simba: Hi.

Asha: Ok. That's a new one.

(The scene changed to the dining hall where Genie was serving lunch for the day. Asha sat with Hiccup, Moana, Mirabel, Tiana, Rapunzel, Flynn, Moses, Merida, and Aster. Asha noticed the gems that they wore.)

ASHA: Those are pretty.

TIANA: These gems give us our powers. You'll be getting one too.

ASHA: I... I don't think that's a good idea.

MIRABEL: Why not?

ASHA: The king has a law where no one but him can study or use magic.

MERIDA: Never too late to change your fate.

ASHA: If that were true, my Saba would have his wish granted.

FLYNN: Oh come on! Who says that your king is the only one to grant wishes?

ASHA: It's been that way for generations.

MOSES: That doesn't mean it's right. My people used to be slaves to the pharaohs until I freed them.

MOANA: Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands.

ASHA: If only it were that simple.

Almost everyone felt bad for Asha.

RAPUNZEL: If I may ask, what was your Saba's wish?

ASHA: It was so beautiful. I saw my Saba playing guitar for all of Rosas. But Magnifico thinks it's dangerous.

TIANA: I don't see anything dangerous about that wish. If he's not going to grant it, let your Saba make his wish come true. My daddy always said that dreams don't come true unless you make it happen.

ASHA: Not how Magnifico sees it. I'm going for a walk.

(Asha gets up from her seat and leaves.)

Magnifico was about to say something but he got zapped.

(The scene changed to sunset with Asha finding herself at the Tree of Memories. She was amazed at how beautiful the memory orbs on the tree were. Moses, Hiccup, Flynn, Jack, Rapunzel, Toothless, Moana, Mirabel, and Aster followed her.)

MIRABEL: I don't think I've seen the tree before. It's beautiful.

ASHA: Are these memories?

MOSES: Every camper here from past and present.

ASTER: But it's not well guarded. I mean anyone could just take a memory.

MOSES: Not quite.

(The camera turned to the forest where two brown eyes were spying on them. The camera closes up on a lion getting ready to jump.)

Isabelle: Now I'm scared.

Tiana: Oh don't worry, he's harmless.

HICCUP: I don't see anything.

(Toothless's ears flickered, and then he let out a growl.)

HICCUP: Bud? Are you ok?

(The lion then jumped out of the bushes which scared everyone minus Moses, Rapunzel, Moana, and Jack. The lion stopped acting like he would eat them and laughed along with Moses.)

MIRABEL: ¡¿Has perdido la cabeza?!

ASHA: That lion was about to eat us!

SIMBA: Sorry about that. I don't get that many visitors.

MOANA: Oh hey Simba.

ASHA: You know this lion?

RAPUNZEL: He's harmless.

FLYNN: Great. Because I wasn't scared.

HICCUP: You were screaming like a girl.

Everyone laughed.

Flynn: I do not have a girly scream. That's Lance.

Lance: You take that back, Eugene!

Flynn: Not happening, Arnwaldo.

Lance: Hey!

SIMBA: Besides, this place is my turf. I watch over the Tree of Memories.

FLYNN: Remind me to not get on the angry side of the lion.

Cass: That's a first.

Flynn: Very funny.

HICCUP: And where was that when you angered the trolls that Jim is friends with?

FLYNN: Well played.

SIMBA: I don't think I had the pleasure of meeting the new campers.

MOSES: Simba, this is Hiccup, Mirabel, and Asha. Guys, this is Simba.

ASHA: So it's just you guarding the tree?

SIMBA: Yeah. I've lived here for a while with my friends Timon and Pumbaa.

ASTER: I know I haven't been on Earth for a while but don't lions have prides?

SIMBA: No, they do. But... I don't want to talk about it.

Simba looked away from the screen. Scar smirked.

JACK: I thought you were reconnecting with that old friend of yours.

SIMBA: Nala and I got into a fight. She wants me to come home but I can't.

HICCUP: If I may ask, why are you scared of returning home?

SIMBA: (sighs) I messed up. Big time. My father... He was killed in a stampede and it was all my fault.

MOANA: Simba, it wasn't your fault. It was just a random stampede. You were just a cub.

SIMBA: I need to be alone. (leaves.)

Asha: I'm so sorry.

FLYNN: Maybe someone should go after him.

HICCUP: I'll go. (Goes after Simba with Toothless)

ASHA: What was that about a stampede?

MOSES: I'll show you.

(The camera went to Simba pacing in a field.)

SIMBA: She's wrong. I can't go back. What would it prove, anyway? It won't change anything. You can't change the past. (He looks up at the sky.) You said you'd always be there for me! But you're not. And it's because of me. It's my fault. It's my fault.

Pitch: Oh now that's an easy target.

Pitch gets zapped.

(Hiccup and Toothless caught up to Simba.)

HICCUP: Simba!

SIMBA: (turns towards Hiccup) Oh, Hiccup, right?

HICCUP: Yep. Are you ok?

SIMBA: Just... Reflecting. I can't go back.

HICCUP: But if your father's gone then aren't you the next king?

SIMBA: I'm not. My uncle, Scar is. If anyone in my pride found out that I'm responsible for my father's death... They're better off without me.

Scar was about to say something but he got zapped. His fur puffs up.

RavenDragon: (Snickers) Now that's a furball.

(He bows his head, choking back tears. The camera backs to a far view and then zooms over to Rafiki in a nearby tree. He chants annoys Simba and Hiccup. They move away. Rafiki, elated by the sight of Simba, follows him. Simba lies down on a log over a pond. Toothless nudged Simba, trying to cheer him up.)

SIMBA: Thanks for trying.

HICCUP: Sorry. Toothless figured that you needed a friend.

SIMBA: I've never seen a dragon like him before.

HICCUP: He's one of a kind.

(A rock disturbs the water; Rafiki, now in a nearby tree, starts his chant again.)

Flynn: That's one crazy monkey.

Abu looked offended.

Aladdin: He doesn't mean you, Abu.

SIMBA: Come on, will you cut it out?

(Rafiki, laughing, is doing random acrobatics in the trees nearby.)

RAFIKI: Can't cut it out. It'll grow right back! (laughs)

HICCUP: Is he serious?

SIMBA: Creepy little monkey.

(The three of them walk away but Rafiki follows them.)

SIMBA: Will you stop following us? Who are you?

RAFIKI: {In front of Simba, then right in his face.} The question is: Whooo... are you?

SIMBA: (Startled, then sighing) I thought I knew. Now I'm not so sure.

RAFIKI: Well, I know who you are. Shh. Come here. It's a secret.

(He pulls Simba's head over to whisper into his ear. He starts his chant into Simba's ear and laughs.)

Snotlout: And I thought Gothi was confusing.

Gothi glares at Snotlout.

SIMBA: Enough already. What's that supposed to mean, anyway?

RAFIKI: It means you are a baboon-- and I'm not. {laughs}

HICCUP: I think... you're a little confused.

SIMBA: (moves away.) I'll say.

RAFIKI: (Magically in front of Simba again.) Wrong. I'm not the one who's confused; you don't even know who you are.

SIMBA: (Irritated, sarcastic) Oh, and I suppose you know?

RAFIKI: Sure do; you're Mufasa's boy.

(Simba is surprised by this revelation. Rafiki disappears.)

SIMBA: Hey, wait!

(Simba, Hiccup, and Toothless chase after him. When they catch up to him, Rafiki is in a meditative lotus position on a rock.)

Po: Think this guy was friends with Master Oogway?

Shifu: I'm sure I would remember a baboon.

SIMBA: You knew my father?

RAFIKI: (Monotone) Correction-- I know your father.

SIMBA: I hate to tell you this, but... he died. A long time ago.

(Rafiki leaps off the rock over to a dense forest-like area.)

RAFIKI: Nope. Wrong again! Ha ha hah! He's alive! And I'll show him to you. You follow old Rafiki, he knows the way. Come on!

Jack: Ok that can't be true.

Koda: The spirits work in mysterious ways.

(Rafiki leads Simba through the brush. Simba has trouble keeping up due to his size.)

HICCUP: Hey! Wait up!

(Hiccup and Toothless follow Simba. Rafiki is seen flitting through the canopy ahead of Simba, laughing hollowly and whooping. Simba struggles to keep up. Suddenly, Rafiki appears with his hand held up right into Simba's face. Hiccup and Toothless suddenly stopped when they caught up.)


(Rafiki motions to Simba near some reeds.)


(He parts the reeds and points past them with his staff.)

RAFIKI: Look down there.

(Simba quietly and carefully works his way out. He looks over the edge and sees his reflection in a pool of water He first seems a bit startled, perhaps at his mature appearance, but then realizes what he's looking at.)

SIMBA: {Disappointed sigh} That's not my father. That's just my reflection.

RAFIKI: Noo. Look harder.

(Rafiki motions over the pool. Ripples form, distorting Simba's reflection; they resolve into Mufasa's face. )

Scar: Impossible!

Everyone: Whoa.

RAFIKI: You see, he lives in you.

(Simba is awestruck. The wind picks up. A deep rumbling noise is heard.)

MUFASA: {Quietly at first} Simba . . .

HICCUP: Uh, Simba. Look up.

(Simba looked up at the sky. In the air, a huge image of Mufasa forms from the clouds. He appears to be walking from the clouds. The image is ghostly at first but steadily gains color and coherence.)

MUFASA: Simba, you have forgotten me.

SIMBA: No. How could I?

MUFASA: You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the Circle of Life.

SIMBA: How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be.

(The shot of cloud-Mufasa, with glowing yellow eyes. He is framed in swirling clouds, radiating golden light.)

Rapunzel: Beautiful.

Simba: (softly) Father...

MUFASA: Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king.

(The Close-up of Simba's face, bathed in the golden light, shows a mixture of awe, fear, and sadness. The image of Mufasa starts to fade.)

MUFASA: Remember who you are.

(Mufasa is disappearing rapidly into clouds. Simba runs into the fields trying to keep up with the image.)

SIMBA: No. Please! Don't leave me.

MUFASA: Remember...

SIMBA: Father!

MUFASA: Remember...

SIMBA: Don't leave me.

MUFASA: Remember . . .

(Simba is left out in the fields. There is just a cloud left where his father's image was. The wind tosses the grass restlessly.)

Some of the heroes had tears in their eyes.

RavenDragon: (wipes her tears) Forgot about that part. So emotional.

(Hiccup and Toothless approached Simba.)

HICCUP: You ok?

SIMBA: I just saw the ghost of my father. I can't...

(Rafiki approached them)

RAFIKI: What was THAT? (laughs) The weather-- Pbbbah! Very peculiar. Don't you think?

HICCUP: (mutters to Toothless) That's saying something.

SIMBA: Yeah. Looks like the winds are changing.

RAFIKI: Ahhh. Change is good.

SIMBA: Yeah, but it's not easy. I know what I have to do. But, going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been running from it for so long.

(Rafiki whacks Simba on the head with his staff.)

SIMBA: Oww! Jeez-- What was that for?

RAFIKIi: It doesn't matter; it's in the past! {laughs}

Gobber: Reminds me of Gothi.

Gothi whacks Gobber with her staff.

Gobber: Ow! I meant the staff hitting!

SIMBA: {Rubbing head} Yeah, but it still hurts.

RAFIKI: Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or... learn from it.

(He swings at Hiccup this time with his staff. Hiccup ducks just in time.)

SIMBA: How did you...?

HICCUP: Not the first time I've almost by hit with a staff. Maybe it would help if I came with you.

SIMBA: You would do that?

HICCUP: I've fought against hunters. I can handle this.

SIMBA: Thanks.

RAFIKI: Hah, you see! So what are you going to do?

SIMBA: First, I'm gonna take your stick.

(Simba tosses Rafiki's staff to the side.)

Rafiki: Rude.

Snotlout: Any chance we can do that with Gothi?

Hiccup: And have her punish you more? I'll pass.

RAFIKI: No, no, no, no! Not the stick!

(As Rafiki picks up his staff, Simba, Hiccup, and Toothless start running off.)

RAFIKI: Hey, where are you going?

SIMBA: {Shouting back} I'm going back!

RAFIKI: Good! Go on! Get out of here!

{Laughs, hoots, and' hollers. As he holds his staff above his head.)

Scar growls.

Nala: I knew he would come home.

(The scene changed to the Tree of Memories with the others. Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa came over.)

MOSES: Nala? What's going on?

NALA: Have either of you seen Simba? I can't find him.

MOANA: Um. We thought he went off to find you.

FLYNN: Hiccup's with Simba. But I thought he would have come back.

(They hear Rafiki's laugh; he's sitting in a tree above them.)

Flynn: He's everywhere!

RAFIKI: Ho, ho, ho, ho. You won't find them here. Ha ha. The king... has returned.

NALA: (Quietly) I can't believe it. (louder, amazed) He's gone back.

TIMON: Gone back? What do you mean? (Looks where Rafiki was; Rafiki is now gone) Hey! What's goin' on here? Who's the monkey?

MOANA: Simba's going back to challenge Scar for his throne. And Hiccup went with him.

ASHA: He's not the only one.

MOSES: Asha, you don't have any powers.

ASHA: I don't need powers. Simba deserves to know the truth.

RAPUNZEL: We're coming too.

FLYNN: And by we...?

JACK: Eugene!

FLYNN: Fine!

Hiccup: Really?!

Flynn: What?! I'm not a fan of hyenas!

Timon: Join the club.

(The scene changed to Simba, Hiccup, and Toothless in the Pridelands. They slowly cross the desolate land. They reach the lip of a cliff and look out over Simba's former home. Mostly lacking in life, it is painted in grays. Seeing the desolation, a look of determination, even fury, appears on Simba's face.)

HICCUP: What happened here?

SIMBA: Scar. There's no food or water. Everything is... Gone.

NALA: Simba, wait up! (She trots up next to them on the ledge.) It's awful, isn't it?

SIMBA: I didn't want to believe you.

NALA: What made you come back?

SIMBA: I finally got some sense knocked into me. And I've got the bump to prove it. Besides, this is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?

NALA: I will.

SIMBA: It's gonna be dangerous.

NALA: (Quoting young Simba) Danger? Ha! I laugh in the face of danger. Ha ha ha ha.

Simba: Right. I forgot about that.

Asha: What's so funny?

Simba: When Nala and I were cubs, we might have snuck off into the Elephant Graveyard. And I said that in front of Zazu.

(Timon, Pumbaa, Moses, Rapunzel, Mirabel, Aster, Asha, Jack, Flynn, and Moana came into view.)

TIMON: I see nothing funny about this.

SIMBA: Timon? Pumbaa? Guys? What are you all doing here?

PUMBAA: {Bowing on one foreleg} At your service, my liege.

MOSES: We came to help.

FLYNN: Uh. We're going to fight your uncle... for this? It's kinda of... a dump.


SIMBA: Yes, Flynn; this is my home.

TIMON: Ffh. Talk about your fixer-upper. Well, Simba, if it's important to you,

(bows) We're with you to the end.

Simba: Let's hope this works.

(The camera switches to all of them sneaking up to the edge of Pride Rock. From behind a log, they observe close-ups of the hordes of hyenas.)

TIMON: Hyenas. I hate hyenas.

FLYNN: (To Simba, whispering) So what's your plan for gettin' past those guys?

SIMBA: Live bait.

FLYNN: Good idea. {Realizing} Heeey.

TIMON: (Whispers) Hate to be you.

SIMBA: Uh, Timon...

TIMON: Wait a minute...

SIMBA: Come on, Timon-- you guys have to create a diversion.

TIMON: (Incredulous) What do you want me to do? Dress in drag with Flynn and do the hula?

Flynn: (Realizing) Oh no! No, no, no!

Cass: Oh my!

Varian: What's going on?

Jack: Just watch.

(The camera switches to Timon and Flynn in hula outfits. The music sung is The Hawaiian War Chant much like the Spike Jones arrangement. Pumbaa is set up like a roast pig, even with an apple in his mouth. Jungle drum riff. This got the hyenas' attention.)

Cass burst out laughing along with Lance, Merida, Sisu, Varian, Eda, King, Jack, and Aster.

Flynn: OK, ok! I get it!
Lance: You actually...! (laughs) I can't...! (laughs)

Sisu: This is too good!



If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat,

(Timon darts onto Pumbaa's back.)

Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat.

Come on down and dine on this tasty swine.

(The hyenas close in on Timon, Flynn, and Pumbaa, their tongues lolling hungrily.)

All you have to do is get in line.

Flynn: It's working.

Merida: A little too well.


Are you achin'

(Yup, yup, yup)

For some bacon?

(Yup, yup, yup)

(The hyenas continue to stalk toward Timon, Flynn, and Pumbaa, with Simba, Nala, and the others sneaking past from behind.)

He's a big pig

(Yup, yup)

You could be a big pig too.


(Timon, Flynn, and Pumbaa flee, with the hyenas in hot pursuit.)

Lance: (laughs) From ladies' man to hyena bait!

Flynn: I get it!

(The scene transitions. Simba, Nala, and the others slink closer to Pride Rock. They pause.)

SIMBA: Nala, you, Moana, Rapunzel, Mirabel, Jack, and Moses find my mother and rally the lionesses.

MOSES: Of course.

SIMBA: Hiccup, Aster, Asha, and I will look for Scar.

(They all split up. Simba, Hiccup, Toothless, Aster, and Asha creep closer to Pride Rock. Thunder rumbles overhead. Scar stands atop a boulder near Pride Rock.)


(Scar's voice echoes. Simba peers out from behind a rock. Sarabi strides through the crowd of hyenas who are gathered below Pride Rock. They growl and snap at her heels, but she does not flinch. Simba and the others watch sadly. Sarabi climbs up to stand in front of Scar.)

SARABI: Yes, Scar?

SCAR: Where is your hunting party? (Scar paces back and forth in front of Sarabi.) They're not doing their job.

SARABI: Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on.

Raya: The pride is suffering.

Claire: No food, no water. This isn't good.

SCAR: (angrily) No! You're just not looking hard enough.

Moses rolled his eyes.

Moses: (muttered) Like Ramases.

SARABI: It's over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice. We must leave Pride Rock.

SCAR: We're not going anywhere.

SARABI: Then you have sentenced us to death!

SCAR: Then so be it.

SARABI: [incredulous] You can't do that.

SCAR: I am the king. (Scar sits, holding his head high.) I can do whatever I want.

Moses: Typical.

Peter Pan: He's more of a scaredy-cat than a lion.

SARABI: If you were half the king Mufasa was, you would nev...

(Scar flips around and backhands Sarabi. She falls.)

SCAR: I'm ten times the king Mufasa was!

{Simba appears on the ledge, growling loudly. He leaps out and runs to his mother. Scar mistakes Simba for Mufasa and is understandably frightened.)

SCAR: Mufasa? No. You're dead.

Jack: I've heard of ghosts but this is crazy.

Hiccup: Jack...

Jack: Kidding.

(Simba approaches Sarabi and nudges her gently. She groans but she stares up at Simba.)

SARABI: Mufasa?

SIMBA: No. It's me.

SARABI: Simba! [Sarabi smiles.] You're alive? How can that be?

SIMBA: It doesn't matter. [Simba bends down and nuzzles Sarabi.] I'm home.

SCAR: Simba, I'm so happy to see you... [pointedly] alive.

(Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed stand on a ledge above Scar. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed back out of sight. Simba advances on Scar, furious. While Asha and Hiccup helped Sarabi.)

SIMBA: [furiously] Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart.

(Scar backs away.)

SCAR: Oh, Simba, you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom...

(Scar stops, cornered against Pride Rock.)

SIMBA: Are no longer yours. Step down, Scar.

SCAR: (through nervous laughter) Oh, ye... Well, I would, naturally. However, there is one little problem. You see them? (Scar points up to where legions of hyenas snarl down at Simba.) They think (Scar gestures to himself.) I'm king.

Magnifico: I'm starting to like him.

Asha: (mutters) Of course he would.

NALA: [from offscreen] Well, we don't.

[Scar and Simba look at Nala and the others, who stand surrounded by lionesses. Two help Sarabi stand.]

MOSES: Your reign is over, Scar. Simba's the rightful king.

SIMBA: The choice is yours, Scar. Step down or fight.

SCAR: Must this all end in violence? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member, (Scar paces in front of Simba.) to feel the shame of knowing I took the life of someone I love.

SIMBA: I put all that behind me.

SCAR: But have they put it behind them? Do your faithful subjects know what you've done?

MIRABEL: Don't listen to him, Simba.

NALA: (to Simba) What is he talking about?

SCAR: So, you haven't told them your little secret? (Scar sits.) Well, Simba, now's your chance to confess. Tell them who's responsible for Mufasa's death.

(The lionesses look expectantly at Simba.)

SIMBA: It was me.

Scar: Too easy.

Simba: (Growls)

RavenDragon: Easy Simba. I'll deal with Scar later.

(Nala and Sarabi stare at Simba in horror. Sarabi approaches Simba.

SARABI: (heartbroken) It's not true. Tell me it's not true.

SIMBA: It's true. I'm sorry.

SCAR: (stands.) He admits it. Murderer!

(Scar stalks toward Simba.)

SIMBA: No, no. [stammering] It was an accident.

SCAR: If it weren't for you, the king would be alive. It's your fault he's dead. Do you deny it?

(Scar circles around Simba, and he stumbles toward the promontory.)

SIMBA: [stammering] I'm not a murderer.

Judy Hopps: (Turns to Nick) There's something fishy about this whole thing.

Nick Wild: You got that right, Carrots.

(Scar backs Simba toward the promontory.)

SCAR: We should believe a son who takes the life of a father? We should believe a son who takes the life of a king? A son who abandons his mother?

SIMBA: No. I'm... I'm...

SCAR: You're what? Say it! Are you the king?

SIMBA: No. No, I'm...

SCAR: Are you the king?

(Simba backs to the end of the promontory and nearly slips off.)

SIMBA: No, I'm...

SCAR: You're what?

SIMBA: I'm...

SCAR: Say it!

SIMBA: I'm nothing.

SCAR: Then bow to your king!

(Simba slips over the edge of the promontory, barely catching on with his claws.)

NALA: Simba!

(Lightning strikes, igniting a tree below Pride Rock. Sarabi paces forward, watching in distress. The fire begins to spread. The camera pans up to show Simba clinging to Pride Rock for dear life.)

Everyone was on the edge of their seats.

Moses: Please, let the truth come to light.

(Scar approaches Simba slowly.)

SCAR: This looks familiar. Where have I seen this before? Oh, yes. I remember. This is the way Mufasa looked before he died.

(Asha listened to Scar carefully. Then she reached into her bag and pulled out the memory orb of Mufasa's death in the gorge.)

SCAR: I looked down, and saw the fear in his eyes. (Scar jumps onto Simba's paws, and growls.)

(Asha couldn't stay silent.)

ASHA: It is you that betrays your pride!

(Scar turned his head towards Asha.)

SCAR: Silence, human! The traitor deserves to die.

ASHA: You're the one that murdered Mufasa!

(Everyone went silent.)

Scar looked worried.

Magnifico: Shut it Asha.

Jasmine: (to Asha) You did the right thing,

(Asha looked over at Moses who gestured for her to continue.)

ASHA: Scar tricked Simba into the gorge then he had the hyenas start the stampede. Scar was there at the gorge the whole time. Mufasa begged Scar to help him but Scar threw him off the edge and into the stampede. Scar then guilted Simba into leaving, making him think that he was the one who killed his father.

(The memory of that day replayed in Simba's head. Mufasa falling into the stampede as young Simba watched in horror. Simba snapped out of the flashback then Simba steels himself and bites Scar's mane. Scar backs away, and Simba uses the momentum to pull himself back up Pride Rock. Simba advances on Scar, who backs away.)

SIMBA: My father. Your own brother! How could you?!

(Scar turns to face the lionesses.)

SCAR: First, he kills Mufasa. And now, he wants to kill me!

ASHA: You killed your brother for the throne! Tell them the truth.

SCAR: Don't believe their lies!

SARABI: (softly) Scar... (Sarabi strides toward Scar.) you told us you didn't get to the gorge in time.

SCAR: That's true.

SARABI: (harshly) Then how did you see the look in Mufasa's eyes?

(Scar went silent.)

Nick: And the cats out of the bag.

SIMBA: Murderer!

SCAR: (to the hyenas) Kill them all!

(The hyenas charge at Simba. The hyenas swarm Simba, who fights back. Simba grabs a hyena and tosses it aside. The lionesses attack the hyenas from behind. Simba fights off the hyenas from the ground, while Nala swats one away with her paw. Jack, Moana, Moses, and Aster jumped into the fight. Rapunzel used her hair to lasso some of the hyenas and threw them. Timon and Pumbaa charge into the fray along with Flynn who was in his animal form, a bird. Timon and Pumbaa charge through the hyenas, with a bowling pins sound effect.)

TIMON: Excuse me! Pardon me! Comin' through! Hot stuff! (Timon hops off Pumbaa.) Whoo!

(Pumbaa kicks away a hyena. Timon and Pumbaa look left and right, braced for action.)

Merida: That's one way to join the fight.

(Simba runs away from a hyena, who nips him from behind. Several hyenas attack him, including one who jumps on him from a high ledge and begins biting his mane. The hyena was blasted off by Toothless. The hyenas surrounded Asha, Hiccup, and Toothless. A stick hits the hyena on the head, knocking it away. Asha and Hiccup looks up questioningly. Rafiki, standing on a high ledge, shakes his staff over his head. Rafiki jumps down in the middle of several hyenas, hefting his staff over his head like it's a sword. The hyenas charge at Rafiki one by one. Rafiki beats back two hyenas with his staff. One attempts to attack him from behind, but, without turning around, Rafiki punches it in the face.)

ASHA: There's something you don't see everyday.

Fishlegs: I like this guy.

Branch: Same here.

(Scar watches the battle turn in favor of the heroes. The hyenas begin to flee Pride Rock. The scene transitions. Simba runs along the edge of Pride Rock. He spots Scar slinking away. Scar pauses, looking back at Simba. There is a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. Simba chases after Scar, who flees up Pride Rock. Scar leaps over flames. He runs to the peak of Pride Rock and skids to a stop at the edge, sending rocks pattering to the ground below. He looks over one shoulder. Simba leaps over the flames to join him at the top of Pride Rock. Simba stalks slowly toward Scar.)

Sisu: This is getting good.

SIMBA: (growls) It's over, Scar.

SCAR: Simba, Simba, please. (Scar crouches.) Please, have mercy. I beg you.

SIMBA: Mercy? After what you did?

SCAR: (hyperventilating) But, Simba, I am (Scar crouches lower and smiles shakily.) family. (Scar stands up straight.) It's the hyenas who are the real enemy. (Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed listen to Scar's betrayal from behind the flames.) It was their fault. It was their idea.

(Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed back away.)

Nick: And throwing your loyal allies under the bus. It's gonna come back to bite you.

SIMBA: Why should I believe you? (Scar crouches lower as Simba gets closer.) Everything you ever told me was a lie.

SCAR: What are you going to do? (Scar grins.) You wouldn't kill your own uncle...

SIMBA: (glowering) No, Scar. I'm not like you.

SCAR: Oh, Simba, thank you. You are truly noble. I'll make it up to you, I promise. [Scar stands.] And, uh, how can I prove myself to you? (Scar gestures definitively.) Tell me, I mean, anything.

SIMBA: Run. (Scar's face falls.) Run away, Scar. And never return.

Moses: The same words Scar told you.

Simba: He deserves it.

SCAR: (softly) Yes. Of course. (Scar begins to walk past Simba.) As you wish...Your Majesty!

(Suddenly, Scar flicks burning embers into Simba's face. With a cry of surprise and pain, Simba paws the coals away as Scar leaps and attacks. Scar pins Simba at the edge of Pride Rock. Simba bats him away.)

SIMBA: You can't win, Scar!

SCAR: This is my kingdom! My destiny!

(Simba and Scar fight in slow motion. At last, Simba manages to roll Scar off Pride Rock. Scar tumbles down Pride Rock and lands in a heap. Simba looks over the edge. Scar weakly sits up. Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed emerge through the flames.)

SCAR: Ah, my friends.

SHENZI: (through half-laughter) Friends? (to Banzai) I thought he said we were the enemy.

(Banzai grins at Shenzi.)

BANZAI: Yeah. That's what I heard.

(Scar's eyes widen in fear. Shenzi and Banzai look at Ed.)


(Ed licks his chops. More hyenas surround and close in on Scar. The camera pans up to show the shadows of the hyenas as they devour Scar.)

Flynn: That's one way to get rid of the fake king.

Scar: No!

(Fade to a shot of dark evening clouds. Thunder rumbles. The camera slowly pans to the side to show Pride Rock. The rain begins to extinguish the fires. Simba climbs a rock and overlooks the lionesses. They look up at him expectantly, and he walks over to join them. Timon and Pumbaa approach. Simba strides past the lionesses. He nuzzles Sarabi, then Nala. Zazu lands nearby and bows to Simba. Aster, Jack, Moana, Mirabel, Hiccup, Toothless, Moses, Rapunzel, Flynn, and Asha also bowed.)

SIMBA: (turned to Asha.) I have you to thank Asha.

ASHA: I had to. They deserve to know.

SIMBA: Thank you. All of you.

(HIccup's gem began to glow then a sunset colored gem around Simba's neck.)

SIMBA: I haven't gotten a gem before.

HICCUP: You have allies now. If you ever need us.

(Simba looks up to where Rafiki is standing on Pride Rock. Simba climbs up to meet Rafiki, and Nala climbs up to stand behind them. Rafiki strokes Simba's forehead.)

RAFIKI: It is time.

(After a moment, Simba walks toward the promontory, with the lionesses watching him. He begins his ascent. Upon reaching the edge, he pauses and looks up. Above, the clouds part.)

MUFASA: (Off screen) Remember...

(Simba's expression changes to confidence. He musters himself. Then he let out a loud roar. The lionesses roared along with him.)

Hiccup: (whispers) Now that's a king.

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