Chapter-14 A start of a plan

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Ruby's POV

It was two days after we were picked up by Hiroko, the trip to Atlas was fine. I talked to my team a couple of times in the journey. It was almost time to leave the Airship. I checked all my equipment and waited at the command room. When all of my team was inside, Hiroko from the cockpit came up to us.

Hiroko:"Well...this is it... we are now approximately far east in Atlas territory, you all will drop in some plains not so far from their capital. We can't land in the capital at all since they have tight security."

Neo:"are you saying that we are dropping?"

Hiroko:"yeah.. Sorry but I can't risk landing the ship.. This airship is kinda wanted."

Neo:"I have a bad feeling about this."

Miyuki came up to Neo and pats her back.

Miyuki:"Don't worry Neo! You know my semblance can control the blizzard!"

Neo:"Oh I forgot about that..welp...I'm ready!"

Sinon:"Well thank you Hiroko for the transport."

Hiroko:"Your very welcome. If you are in need of help, don't be afraid to ask my assistance."

Ruby:"Noted. Okay team get ready to disembark."

Sinon:"Ready as ever."

Neo, Miyuki:"Ready!!!"

Hiroko:"Okay then... Opening the drop door!"

With a press of a button, The drop door of the ship was opened. We all could see the plains right below us.


We all ran at the drop door. we jumped and Miyuki with her semblance, creates a blizzard beneath us to make a soft landing. After we all landed, I looked behind and already saw the ship long gone.

Sinon:"The temperature is freezing here!"

Neo:" so cold!"

Miyuki:"Don't you worry. Lend me help you guys."

Using her semblance again, Miyuki used her affinity with fire creating a force field around our body to keep us warm. Miyuki really is useful in these kind of situations.

Ruby:"Thank you for the assist, Miyuki."

Miyuki:"Its the least I could do."

Sinon:"So, Team Leader...Whats our next step of the plan."

Ruby:"We go to the Capital and find a place there to stay. Neo, before we enter the city, can you use your semblance to change Miyuki's appearance?"


Miyuki:"Wait, Ruby. Why do you want to change my look?"

Ruby:"You said that your the heir of one of the families right? Someones bound to notice you in the capital."

Miyuki:"Oh...I forgot about that. Okay Ruby!"

Ruby:"We need to get moving....lets go."

After our conversation, we ran to the capital on foot. there is no time to waste.


Nearing the Capital, We see the prestigious Academy of Atlas dwarfing all the other buildings. the city, is really big. It had a lot of skyscrapers. The city is technologically advances. It really shows why Atlas has a big military...

but they are fools, the people here are fools to begin with... these people are spoiled brats...Why do I say such things?.they enslave people to do their bidding, hahaha you can't even make a technology to mine dust? thats foolish!......they live in a continent save for any harm...from any grimm... Yes.. they can make weapons that are technologically better...but...are they really affective against grimm??....they never faced any kind of threat everyday against these forsaken monsters...They don't have the experience in fighting defensively because they live in this little continent...They will die like rats against someone that can attack their cities.

But..I can't think of that now...

We went in the capital and walked around the city. Luckily Neo had already used her semblance to conceal Miyuki's identity, so nobody recognized her. We went to a modern Hotel that Miyuki knew, it was a small hotel outside most of the bustling streets. Its a good place for a temporary base.

We came in and we were greeted by the manager. We checked in a room. Apparently we got the top floor. Inside, it was just your average room, with 4 beds, chairs, sofas, a table and theres bathroom.

We sat in the room.

Ruby:"So..Miyuki, since you once lived here in Atlas, can you tell us about the families and those in power in this continent?"

Miyuki:"Sure... So in the capital, the leader of this the headmaster of Atlas Academy which means the leader is General Ironwood. The most influential dust producer and the biggest company in Atlas is the Schnee dust company, now own by Jacques Schnee, he controls most of the dust industries. On the far east and west cities of the continent are own by the Yotsuba and Saegusa separately. The city of Asagi is controlled by the Yotsubas and the city of Muyatagami is controlled by the Saegusa. The two of them are relatively new cities in this continent. It lives using a new technology using the dust located there. They call it the Neutron Dust. The dust can create its own unique power, creating waves of sound if activated. The dust made way for these cities to grow as large as the capital, but there workforce is still the same as the capital, slavery. The leader of the Yotsuba is Yotsuba Maya, my aunt so to say. The leader of the Saegusa is Saegusa Kouichi. The two of them are in a faction called the ten master clans. The other 8 clans are spread throughout Remnant, but they're powers are insignificant than the two of them."

Ruby:"Thank you for the explanation. Now as you all know, we are targeting the heirs of the families and Jacques Schnees son. We must find information about the whereabouts of them. Miyuki, is there any other information about the families?"

Miyuki:"Yes. Even though we are targeting the current heirs, the families still have more children to become the next heir. Keep in mind, these heirs are role models to the wealthy people of their cities, We need to be careful if we kill them. If we can, We should kill all they're offspring."

Sinon:"That can be possible...But we must see the situation is in our favor or not...but now...Miyuki, You once said to me that 2 of our current targets is in Atlas Academy."

Miyuki:"Yes...sorry for not telling you all but our two targets are current;y attending the academy here. So Ruby, whats are next course of action?"

Ruby:"We should infiltrate the academy."

Neo:"But how can we really do that?"

Ruby:" enrolling"

Sinon:"But what about Miyuki?"

Ruby:"Its going to be fine. Miyuki, can you dye your hair and use contacts?"

Miyuki:"Yeah, I can do that."

Ruby:"We will infiltrate as surnames."

Neo:"Sure...I have an idea...lets still use our team name Reminisce."

Ruby:"Okay...that can be arranged. Today we should get ready for the enrollment tomorrow."


After their meeting, all of them went to prepare their own stuff.

Ruby and Sinon went out to by some dust bullets so she could carry some bullets that are not 'lethal' for the initiation for the academy.

Neo layed on her bed and slept for the day.

Miyuki was watching TV in the room to pass time. was a normal day for team RMNS for the preparations for the upcoming mission ahead.

Meanwhile........(In Beacon)

After the incomplete STRQ and RWBY teams see Crescent Rose and realize that Ruby Rose, is 'dead'.

All of them mourned for Ruby's Death and blaming themselves for her absence.

But suddenly, Summer fainted. She was having an hallucinations of her daughter. The realization scarred her mind, it scarred her very soul. She couldn't take her heart beating out of her chest.

She also blamed herself for her daughters death. Summer thought that many years have past and she decided not to come back to patch to take care of her daughter, she stayed in Mistral without caring that her daughter was in pain.

With tears now flowing in their eyes, Tai and Qrow together carried Summer to the infirmary, followed by whats left of team RWBY and the professors, Ozpin and Gylnda. They laid Summer on one of the beds. The doctor there checked on her condition.

Qrow:"How is she doc?"

Doctor:"Luckily, She is in a stable condition. The cause of her fainting was her shock and fatigue. It is the only explanation for this kind of situation."

Tai:"Is she going okay?"

Doctor:"She is going to be fine, but she needs rest. I suggest you all leave her for now."

Ozpin:"Thank you doctor."

Doctor:"No problem. this is my job after all."

All of them went outside.

Ozpin:"Now I want some explanation from you all."

Weiss:"what is it professor?"

Ozpin:"With the look on all your faces, I sense guilt. You know.... a day before you all left, Ruby did came back to the dorms."

Blake:"Wait...but how?!"

Ozpin:"She did....but she ran away.....and you why? She heard a conversation between her friends and teammates."

Yang:"NO..NO...NO!!!!!! ITS ALL OUR FAULT!!!"

Qrow:"What do you mean Ozpin?"

Ozpin:"Before Ruby came back to the dorms, Mrs. Xiao Long, Mrs. Belladonna, and Mrs. Schnee had a conversation with team JNPR, about Ruby... and you know what I found? They were mocking her and they were gossiping among each other about Ruby not being capable of being a huntress, her being useless and etc. coincidentally, Ruby was right there, behind the door, listening to them.."

Yang, Weiss, and Blake with overwhelming tears on their faces, dropped to the ground and cry hysterically.This information only confirms their own guilt. It was was literally was literally the consequences of their own actions that lead to their leaders death......

Ozpin:"And you know what I found again? This conversation started because of a notebook. A FUCKING NOTEBOOK. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! RUBY ROSE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE IT!!!! IT WAS SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR GOODWITCH FOR SCORING...........................................ahh....ahh....ahhh........I can't take this anymore............Glynda come with me."

Gylnda nodded slowly and followed the Professor.

They left 3 girls crying hysterically on the ground and 2 men still in guilt of how they treated their own family member...........................

now forever gone in an abyss,

A dark dark place...

a place that reincarnated Ruby....

To something that never they could imagine.......

A killer......

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