Chapter 13- The Horrible Reality

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Summer's POV
We were finally back at Beacon. Its been a long time since i've been here. Maybe 16-17 years? I don't know..but that doesn't matter.. I'm finally coming back my little rose! Your mommy's back! And i promise I'm not going to ever leave you again.

We got out of the bullhead and we saw Ozpin and Gylnda...why are they sad? and why does Ozpin has a briefcase, thats unusual...Maybe i'll ask him.. Did something happen?..but wait a second...wheres my rose?..why is she not with them?.. I thought that she would want to greet me back...I need to think positive.. Maybe its a surprise.. Yeah!! Ruby is going to be happy when I see her!

Ozpin:"Hello Summer, its good to have you back."

Gylnda:"Im glad your all safe."

Summer:"I'm glad to be back. Sorry for not contacting you all in my time at the village."

Ozpin:"Its okay. We have been inform by Qrow here about your situation."

Summer:"So..umm..wheres my little Rose?"

Suddenly the two of them had really sad expressions on their faces. What happened?

Yang:"hey professor, whats with the grim faces?"

Weiss:"did something happen?"

Gylnda:".....Ozpin, can you tell her?"

Ozpin:"The truth is....your daughter, Ruby Rose has...passed away."

Summer:"............................what?..............WHAT?!.....NONONONONONONO...It can't Be....My little Rose is save RIGHT?!...SHE IS ALIVE RIGHT?!...SHE CAN'T POSSIBLY BE DEAD... IS THIS A PRANK?!"

They ARE joking?! My little rose is always alive... She always prays for my safety... Sometimes in my dreams.. I hear her voice.. Her beautiful voice... I want to see her face... I want to hug her and tell her that her mom is here.. Ozpin!!...why are you lying to me?!

Qrow:"Ozpin! What do you mean my niece is dead!!! You Found her right??!"

Tai:"Wheres my daughter?!!"

Yang:"wheres my little sis?!"

Ozpin:"Im sorry...but it is the truth..for the past couple of weeks since you all left for the mission, I tried to send staff, even teams to find her every where in Vale but to no avail, we didn't found her....but a team found something, team CFVY to be exact, found blood, on the trees of emerald forest. Then one of the members, saw a something burning. When she finally saw what was burning, it was a house. The house was already burned to the ground. When she searched the house, she saw an old woman corpse, burned. Then she found something you all might recognize.."

3rd POV
All of them looked at inside and they can't believe what they saw...A weapon, A scythe, A weapon that was only wielded by one was Crescent Rose, a weapon built only to be used by Ruby Rose...and Now without its owner...

Blake and Weiss burst into tears... Their leader is dead and they felt guilt....guilt because they labelled her as an annoying girl, an incompetent leader, a nuisence...and now....look of what they've done.. They drove someone to the grave......karma really is a bitch isn't it?....

Tai stared blankly at the weapon..if you look at him...he looked okay......but in the inside...he is in termoil..he felt horrible guilt...all this time, he was focusing on searching his wife but he didn't took care of whats in front of him... A girl that loved him as a father even though sometimes he was harsh on her... In the past, Ruby always help him...from making him coffee, cleaning up the house and even took care of him when he's sick....but what did he do to her?....he neglected an innocent girl who only and attention.. She wasn't a greedy girl....she was a perfect daughter who only wanted a hug..who only wanted someone to rely on.... She didn't want anything from him.. She only wanted love...Now....she is gone....
Yang closes her eyes and clenches her fist... The horrible truth that she came to realize...she lost the only sister she had...a sister that wanted her attention since nobody else can give it to her..but Yang pushed her sister away...she pushed her away when her sister only wanted company....only wanted to be in a team with her and the most important thing that her sister to be loved...... to be treated like a sibling.....

Qrow kneels down and pounds his head to the ground....he can't believe what he saw...a weapon that her niece forged by herself..referensing from his own..a scythe... He regrets everything he did to his wonderful niece.....he regrets for not being a good uncle...Qrow feels that he was not a role model to Ruby... He was a drunk can her niece follow his footsteps?...he regretted his actions towards her for not being there for her when she needed his help...he was always sarcastic towards her..he regretted that dearly... Maybe his actions really did drove her.... to her death..

But.....the one who took it the worse was Summer Rose.

Summer's POV
this can't be dead....I haven't even seen her face....I never looked at her beautiful face...I'm a horrible mother...why is she the one to die?!

Then I heard something..something in the distance.


Ruby:"come on zwei! Get the ball!"

I see a dog, fetching a ball and giving it to a little girl. The little girl picked up the dog.

Ruby:"Good Job Zwei! You did it!"

The little girl looked at me with her adorable eyes..

It was Ruby.


She is right there.

My innocent little daughter..




my little angel..





my beautiful sunshine..







.....My Little Rose....




I ran up to her and hugged her..

She is so warm.. 







...She is my everything....
..........            ..........





She faded away...



OH please..
.....Come back to me...

I see ruby again in front of me..

She is all grown up.

She is so beautiful.

Goodbye mother.

Don't leave me..


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