Chapter 2-A "helping" hand

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3rd POV (after Ruby ran away from Qrow and Tai)

After their exchange of words, Qrow and Tai went to Ozpin's Office. Qrow still remembers Tai's sudden outburst to Ruby. He thought 'shes still a little girl. She can't take that kind of punishment.' Qrow knows that Ruby is attending Beacon and is on the road of becoming a huntress , but without the love of a mother or the knowledge to understand other people's sudden outburst and hate, she cannot progress. She cannot take a beating.

Qrow remembers these couple of years, Ruby's life has been bad. Tai, her father, has been neglecting her. Tai became more frantic, a hot head. Since the death of Summer, Tai's temper turns for the worse, but he still took care of Ruby until she was 10. At that time, Ruby seems to look more like her mother, Summer. This revelation made Tai try to neglect her. why do you ask? Because Tai doesn't want to remember the death of her wife. That lead to Qrow convincing Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon to enroll her to Beacon Academy, But Ozpin refused. He told Crow that in order to enroll to Beacon, Ruby has to have a skill in any kind of weapon and a minimal age of 15. So Crow told Ozpin that he would train her using a scythe. After a couple of negotiations finally Ozpin agrees. Ruby will attend Beacon when she is 15 years old and trained by Qrow. Ruby's rare silver eyes was just a bonus for Ozpin. This is unknown to Ruby, because Qrow never told her. So in the end, Ruby's enrollment was planned all along. She wasn't supposed to enroll to beacon at the age of 15, she wasn't ready to become a huntress in training.

Tai:" hey Qrow! Your lagging behind. Come on stop spacing out, we need to go to Ozpin's Office."

Qrow:"oh yeah, sorry Tai."

Shaking his head, Qrow followed Tai to meet Ozpin.

Using the elevator, Qrow and Tai made their way to Ozpin's office. Once their they saw Ozpin sitting in his chair with Gylnda Goodwitch helping him with papers.

Ozpin:" Qrow and Tai, you finally came!"

Qrow:" sorry we're late. We have to wait the bullhead to get gas."

Tai:"Yes Ozpin we're sorry. Can we now get straight to the point."

Ozpin:"okay. I called you here today to continue our secret mission."

Qrow:"Do you finally have the information about her location, or we're doing recon missions again?"

Ozpin:"No. I have good news, we finally have her location. She is located at a house on the outskirts of Mistral, in a village. It is said that she is a helper there."

Tai:"wait... Is she in no immediate danger?"

Ozpin:" My sources say that she is living well and healthy."

Qrow:"well thats a relief. But Ozpin, we have been trying for years searching for her location but we never found any trace. How in the world did you get it?"

Ozpin:"Don't you see we were searching in the wrong place? We were searching all around the continent of Vale and Vacuo but found no trace, Menagerie was impossible to communicate. I even told General Ironwood to find information about her. I tried asking Mistral but they refused to give me any help. So in order to find the location, I sent groups every year to Mistral to attend their academy. I tasked those group to try find any information about her. Finally we had a lead. Yesterday one of the teams send me a message."

Tai:"well come on! Now is the time to finally get her back home!"

Ozpin:"patience,Tai. We already have a lead but getting to the village will be a hard task."

Qrow:"Well, we can just fly a bullhead right?"

Ozpin:"that is Impossible."

Tai:"may I ask why?"

Ozpin:"simple, 2 words, Access Denied. I don't have control over Mistral Airspace you know? and since this is a secret mission and we were denied searching for her information in Mistral in the first place, it is impossible to use a bullhead."

Qrow:"So we go there by land?"

Ozpin:"Yes. You will be transported to the kingdom of Mistral first, then you will go by land to the location."

Tai:" ahh okay. Lets go now!"

Ozpin:"wait. I want you two to be accompanied by a group of my students."

Qrow:"isn't it dangerous Oz?"

Ozpin:" well, I have two experienced huntsman from the famous team STRQ that can keep my students save."

Tai:"You can't be serious?!"

Ozpin:"I'm serious. Its a price to pay for the location of her, Tai."

Tai:"okay,okay I get it. Which team are we gonna have?"

Ozpin:"team RWBY."

Qrow:"okay then, a team with my nieces."

Ozpin:"now go, go tell the mission to team RWBY. You all will departure tomorrow."

Qrow:"okay, thank you Ozpin. Come on Tai lets go tell the team."

3rd POV (When Ruby ran away from the dorms)

Team JNPR and WBY were at team RWBY's room. After the notebook incident is dealt with, team JNPR went back to their room. The rest did their own thing, Yang was laying down on her bed using her scroll to troll the forums, Blake was reading her book and Weiss continue to study. minutes has passed, then there was a knock on the door. Since Weiss was close to the door, she stands up and answers the door.

Weiss:"Is something the matter?"

Qrow:"Hello Weiss, is all your team inside the room?"

Weiss:"Sorry. Ruby still hasn't come back. She told us that she will be going to Vale to buy cookies."

Qrow:"Oh its okay. may I come in with Tai? we need to brief you about a mission."

Weiss:"A mission? what kind?"

Qrow:"Its search and rescue. I'll tell you the details when your team is gathered up."

Weiss:"Sure... come in."

Qrow and Tai walked inside the room and Yang instantly notices that the visitors were her dad and her uncle.

Yang:"Dad? Uncle? what are you doing here?"

Tai:"Yang, we're here to brief you a special mission."

Yang:"Is it the one that you always talk about?"

Tai:"Yes. Wait...if we tell you guys the mission, Ruby's not here so she doesn't know about it."

Blake:"I'll tell her when she comes back from Vale."

Qrow:"okay so heres the mission, its a search and rescue. We need to travel to the outskirts of Mistral to bring back a person. Tomorrow we will depart, so get ready."

Blake:"Who are we saving? and why is it at the outskirts of Mistral? Its really far from Beacon."

Qrow:"we're saving someone really important. Someone really important from our family."

Tai:"Its my wife, Summer Rose. We thought she was dead, but we were inform that she is in a village, on the outskirts of Mistral. We must bring her back."

Yang:"Ruby is gonna be really happy hearing this."

Qrow:"She certainly will. Can you guys tell her about the mission please? We need to prepare some things for the mission."


Qrow and Tai then walked out of the room and Weiss, Yang and Blake started to prepare for the long journey. they waited for their leader to come back. but, unknown to them, their leader will never come back. Their leader was long gone..........

(Ruby's torture)(day 1)

Neo's POV

We lead Ruby to a warehouse near Vale. She was pulled by the hair and threw in a dungeon. She was chained by the hands and feet. Her face seem expressionless,like a void of life.

Roman: "Neo! You'll be task to guard her! men lets beat information out of her!"

Neo:"okay"(author:bold words are Neo using a sign to communicate)

White Fang soldiers:"YES!"

Roman and the white fang soldier went in the room and tortured Ruby.

Roman was a special person to me. When I was little, I was an orphan. My parents didn't like me because I had different eyes. They treated me badly, like a human abusing a faunus. I ran from my home. I don't know where to go. Then, bandits came and kidnapped me. I don't know they're intention is, but they tortured me. But then, Roman with his men saved me. He offered me to become his henchman, so I accepted. Until now, life was good being a criminal. I just hope that Roman still remembers the promise.

(Ruby's torture)(day 2)

Neo's POV

Ruby was beaten and tortured gruesomely. her body was covered with bruises and cuts. I ask Roman why did he keep torturing her. He said that he needs information for beacon. Even though Cinder, Emerald and Mercury has infiltrated Beacon, he still wanted to torture Ruby for information. I don't know if she is going to survive. I hope that Roman remembers our promise. if not I won't keep the end of my service.

I then heard footsteps coming at me. I look up and see Cinder, Roman, Emerald and Mercury.

Cinder:"is this where she is held?"

Roman:"Yes, this is the place."

Emerald:"wow Roman, I didn't know you got the guts to capture her."

Roman:"well... even though shes a kid, shes a pain in the ass. Capturing her will give us an advantage fighting Beacon."

Cinder:"Don't get your hopes up Torchwick. Even though you captured that little brat, you still haven't got information about Beacon."

Roman:"We will see."

Mercury:"So Neo, are you guarding her?"

I just nodded. they went inside and all I can hear are screams.

Ruby's POV

This is bad. This is really bad. my body really hurts. They beat me. everything in my body hurts. I heard the door opened. I saw the students from Haven? Wait... what are they doing here?

Cinder:"ah Ruby.... what are you doing here? hahahaha don't answer the question! Nobody can save you now."

Emerald:"Don't you know Ruby? we're not from Haven academy at all. We're terrorist infiltrating Beacon. We were never your friends."

Cinder:"And now look at you! beaten and tortured! no one will save you!"

Mercury kicked me in the face. it hurt so much. No one I believed were friends. They all took advantage of me. I'm really am an idiot. I was never loved. I wasn't suppose to live!

(Ruby's torture)(one week later)

Neo's POV

That's it! I have enough. This is torture! I didn't sign up for this. Its already been a week since Ruby came here and her condition changed for the worse. I never seen someone been through like that before. I thought Roman knows his limits of being a criminal then a torturer, but I was wrong, very wrong. Every single day I see him go to the room, torture her, spitting her, and using many kinds of weapons to make her suffer. I thought Roman was my savior, but no. He is a torturer. He only uses his subordinates for his own needs.its only a matter of time Roman will throw me out. He broke our promise. He promises me to not become the bandit that has tortured me. But now he has become worse, he hurts Ruby for satisfaction and pleasure. We has become worst then the bandit who tortured me. He has become a sadist. I was working with a sadist this whole time. I need to get out of here. I'm not leaving Ruby. I'm going to help her like Roman help me, but not becoming a criminal who is a sadist. I think I finally need to use my voice. Its been a long time since I used my voice. The reason is that I want people to underestimate me not having a voice to communicate. But nows not the think. I need to enact my plan.

Ruby's POV

its been days. I can't even count how many days I've been here. Members of the white fang comes here to only torture me. they only gave me a glass of water everyday. I don't know if my body can take it anymore. I don't feel any pain anymore. It has become normal for me. Maybe now, this is the end of life. maybe I can finally find peace.

I heard a door opened, it was Neo. She came up to me and unlock my chains. Why is she doing this? She then spoke,

Neo:"Im going to get you out of here"

3rd POV

After Neo unlocked Ruby's chains. Neo carried Ruby out of the room. Since the time was night, it was the perfect time to escape. Neo brought Ruby out. Since the warehouse was near the peer. they went inside of an empty container. Neo settled Ruby down. Neo then saw Ruby's condition, her cloths were ripped and tattered. She was covered in deep cuts of a knife, burn marks all over her body. her face has slice marks, 2 on her left cheek and a big a slice on top her forehead. the look on her eyes seem lifeless. like a person who never has seen the light. Neo, who already brought a backpack with supplies for her escape, brought up bandages and tried to help Ruby, but there were so many cuts so Neo resorted to only cover the cuts that has blood still flowing. Ruby whispered to Neo with an emotionless voice.

Ruby:"..........thank you......."

Neo:"...No problem....."

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