Chapter 22-The Massacre

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Ruby's POV
I looked at Neo with a stare, and nodded slowly..there's no turning back now....I contacted my team again using the glasses.

Ruby:Okay..heres the plan. Sinon, on Neo's signal kill, kill our primary targets. Neo, you and me are going to kill everyone in sight on this floor. If possible, we must conceal our identities. Miyuki, you're going to be our surveillance. Kill anyone that will interfere our plans.

Sinon: Alright.

Miyuki: On it.

Neo: Okay.

With that out of the way.. 

I finished drinking my tea and ask the maids for the bill. After some time, the maid gave me the bill. I looked at the bill and it cost me 10 lien. Fair enough... I paid the bill and signaled Neo to be ready. She gave me a thumbs up, Now the fun shall begin.

3rd POV

Looking in her sights, Sinon saw the signal from Neo. Holding her breath, She looked down at her target, the sisters. They were siting near the window. Not wasting any more time, Sinon took the shot.

In mere seconds, one of the sisters had a bullet in her head and dropped to the ground, lifeless.
Before her sister can even react, she was shot by another bullet. The sisters are eliminated.
Meanwhile, Ruby pulled out her Tommy gun and unloaded a full drum of bullets at everyone in the cafe, showing no mercy to anyone that stands in her away. Even though some are innocents. Ruby couldn't care less. 

The maids and customers didn't have time to react and died on the spot. They were like pests needed to be taken care of. No one survived from Ruby. After she killed all of them in the cafe, she went to the one maid that gave her the bill. She took her 10 lien from her.

Ruby: Thats rightfully mine.

Standing up from her seat, Neo went outside the bar and with her umbrella, she killed anyone in sight, some were students, workers, and some other people. Meanwhile, After Sinon shot her primary targets, she started loading her sniper with explosive rounds, and shot them to the streets, creating confusion and fear. There were only some police and some guards guarding the area. They were beyond confused and all the citizens were in chaos and in disarray. the situation is beyond repairable for them. None of them can even find the source of the attacks. They tried contacting the military, but the military cannot aid them because they were needed elsewhere.

Using her semblance, Miyuki shot ice and fire bullets killing some people that were trying to go up to the floor and destroying the escalators going up to the floor. She also created fires on the surrounding area, spreading even more fear and confusion. Miyuki is a master with fire and ice. The damage that shes done can relate to a military airship firing all its arsenals. She was a prodigy of the Yotsuba family after all.

Ruby went outside the cafe with Neo and they started killing everyone, from store to store, corridor to corridor, even toilet to toilet, they killed everything that moves. When they reached the end of the hall, they saw some teenagers holding guns with Atlas robots accompanying them. 

??:Stop righ--

Ruby didn't even give time for the person to even finish his sentence and shot him through the chest. Neo quickly dashed with her umbrella and killed two teens with her umbrella. Neo sheathed her umbrella and pulled out her new weapons.

She quickly shot the robots with her pistols, destroying the robots. One of the teenagers tried to aim at Neo, but Neo shot the teenager through the heart. dashing at the remaining enemies, Neo frontfilped and killed her targets with per pistols. She holstered her pistols and looked at Ruby.

Ruby: what have you got there Neo?

Neo: Ohh, this?... its my new right?

Ruby: Yeah, it suits you, but whats with that color scheme? pink?

Neo:its pink! one of my favorite colors. Don't judge me Ruby! You also have a fetish for black!

Ruby:Its a recent development...Okay..okay, we can talk about this later,lets just continue killing..


They continued mopping the floor with blood until no one is alive except for them of course. After they killed everyone on the floor, Neo and Ruby destroyed every evindence of them being the culprits. They went to the security room and wipe all of its memories and smashed every cameras.

To escape they went to the emergency stairs . No one escaped through the stairs however, Sinon and Miyuki already dealt with that particular problem. Neo and Ruby exited through one of the exits. The chaos covered their tracks conveniently.

It was a beautiful night in Remnant. The shattered moon hovering over the kingdoms.But...this night will forever be the starting point of a new age. An age that forever will be in the history books of the future generations to come..Because, this night will forever be known as the Noble Massacre.


General Ironwood was having a tantrum. people are panicing, the city was on fire, and the citizens were in utter chaos. Ironwood already have assigned half the military to try to put down the fire that occurred at the factories. Some students were even sent by the general to help with the situation.

Ironwood: Winter, how is the situation?

Winter: Its getting worse sir. the citizens are in disarray and chaos is spreading across the city.

Ironwood: We must control the situation!! This has to be stopped! Winter, call upon some airships to ease the citizens and deploy all military personnel to find the culprit.

Winter:right away!

Winter saluted and followed Ironwoods orders. Ironwood sat on his chair in his office thinking how to end the situation.
He thought 'How could this happen?! a terrorist attack?! how could Atlas have a terrorist! Its definitely not the white Fang, we have some relation with them. Who is the culprit!!!!'

While Ironwood was contemplating he received a transmission from winter.

Winter:general, we have another problem.

Ironwood:What!? what kind of problem? this is getting out of hand.

Winter: The shopping district has been attacked! There are reports of mass shooting and more fires spreading across the west part of the city!

Ironwood:send the military there!

Winter:General..... I don't have resources to do so.

Ironwood:What!? how come!? send in the reserves and even some of the cadets! we must stop this!

Winter:Sir, the reserves are the people at the shopping district. They were the one being attacked right now, Its been reported that over a hundred of our cadets are dead.

Ironwood: Is there any hope that this situation can be resolved?

Winter:I don't know general.

With frustration, Ironwood didn't want to do this, but he must call for help.
It was in the middle of the night, he cannot ask any help from the other kingdoms because they were too far away. Other military personel from other cities cannot be dispathed to help the capital. This situation has gone to lengths that no one will expect.

With regret, He contacted the only person that is capable of ending the situation quickly.

The Families of Atlas, or by their faction name, The ten master clans. He called the leader of the faction, Yotsuba Maya.

Yotsuba Maya is the leader of the Yotsuba family, former family of Miyuki. She is one of the most influential woman of Atlas. Yotusba Maya can be called a genius but she is ruthless to the core. She doesn't show it openly, but when anyone ever angers her, there will be grave consequences.
The family itself is geared as a stepping stone or a foundation of what Atlas is today. Even though the family doesn't control the capital, it controls the City of Asagi. One of the most important city of Atlas, rivaling the capital. Asagi is focused on producing the most advanced technologies for Atlas, but only for its personal use, they never shared anyone their technology. 

There is a rivalry between the families and the military, but they never came to conflict for the sake of Atlas, but competition came day by day between them. Never once they back down to the other. It was like a cold war between factions.

 But..with the situation of the capital so dire, Ironwood had no choice but to call Yotsuba Maya.

Ironwood: Yotsuba...

Maya: Ahh..general, its been a long time since you contacted me..So...whats the occasion?....Have "any" problems?....If so i could help you, its a promise!

Ironwood: I need your help....

Maya: The little general wants my help? I'm flattered!...You know the consequences right?....ready to bow down to me?

Ironwood: I don't need your teasing right now...The capital is in a dire situation, I need your help to control the situation.

Maya:It will be done...but be aware, general..This will end everything you stand for.

Ironwood:I.......understand.....It is for Atlas.

Maya:Yes...for Atlas....well, I thank you for your cooperation, Ironwood.

Maya ended the call, satisfied with the result. The general played right into her trap.
Some of the military are loyal to her, ready to do anything she desires. She only needed the right opportunity to call them back to Asagi. It explains the shortage of manpower.
Maya sat on her chair, in her office at her family estate in Asagi. Looking through the window, she saw the beautiful city iluminating in the distance. After some time, she called a maid.

Maid: Is there anything you need Mistress?

Maya: a good girl and please call my nephew for me.

Maid: Yes mistress.

Some time passed... The maid came back with another person.

The man was Shiba Tatsuya, the nephew of Yotsuba Maya and the brother of Miyuki Shiba. He was deemed  extremely intelligent and analytical. His emotions are merely skewed in a certain direction, with one particular aspect becoming especially sensitive. He is the enforcer of the Yotsuba Family. Currently the relationship between Tatsuya and Maya is quite sour. 

Tatsuya: You called?

Maya: Its good to see you... my nephew. You've been busy lately haven't you?

Tatsuya: Just cut to the case, I don't have time to talk to you.

Maya: Getting feisty aren't you? not waste your time, the Atlas general needs your expertise in the capital.

Tatsuya: Is that all?

Maya: Yes.

After talking with her aunt, Tatsuya walked out and left. but with a little side note from his aunt.

Maya: Before you go, let me remind you something. It seems that your sister has been spotted in the capital. You should keep that in mind.

Listening to his aunt, he clenches his fist. He walked out and prepared himself to go to the capital. He thought for only one goal, to finally reunite with her sister, and fixing their bond, together.

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