Chapter 23-Another 'Calm' day

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3rd POV

It was a beautiful day in Vale, the sun was shining, and Beacon Academy, the sign of hope to the city of Vale. Training Huntsmen and Huntresses to fight off the horrible creatures known as grimm. It was a peaceful day to say at least.

Ozpin was in his office, working on some academy affairs and some other things that a headmaster would do. Gynlda Goodwitch, can be called the assistant of the headmaster, was teaching combat class as a professor, so Ozpin was alone to finish all the work for today. In a couple of months, the Vytal Festival would be held in Vale. Ozpin and the other instructors were preparing for the event.

The Vytal Festival was an event celebrated by all of the kingdoms . During the festival, the various cultures of the world are celebrated with dances, parades and a combat tournament. The host kingdom of the festival rotates every two years, and the host opens its borders to visitors from the other kingdoms. This year, The kingdom of Vale will be hosting the event. This festival was a sign of peace after the great war. The kingdoms will not compete with military firepower but with talent and skill. The festival held a combat tournament, where every students from their respective kingdoms fight for supremacy. Preparing the Festival was always tiring, but it was crucial and an exciting event for all the kingdoms in Remnant.

Preparing for the Festival was done without any problems. The disappearance of the White Fang made it quite easy. It was quite suspicious that the White Fang stopped their activity in Vale, but most people believed it was the cause of the destruction of their base of operations in the outskirts of Vale.

While doing his normal work, Ozpin was still searching for a new member for the former named team RWBY. The team name is _WBY until Ozpin can find a new member, but it was not an easy task to find a new member for them.


Team _WBY were in class, professor port as usual was bickering his past experiences, but as always, everybody never listened to him. Team _WBY condition was not so great, it can't be called good either. Since they've lost Ruby, they always felt guilty. Nobody ever saw them smiling.

Blake has become more quiet than she already is. People always found her reading a lot of books in the library.

Weiss's grades started to plummet. She was starting to be more lazy and likes to sleep all day. It was really weird for the heiress to do that. She tried contacting her sister, but her sister was always too busy to answer so she could only write letters to her sister.

Yang, even though she wanted to stop by the bar and drink her sorrows away, she was stopped by his uncle, Qrow. It was really unusual when the one who influenced her to drink stopped her from drinking but he had a good reason. They needed to be there for Summer.

Summer's state was been getting worse ever since. She wanted to go back to see her little rose but when she heard that she was assumed dead, she was broken, mentally. She started having nightmares day by day and its getting to the point that she cries everyday. She pushed everyone away, especially her own husband, Tai. When Summer heard from Yang his husband's attitude towards her daughter, she slapped him in the face and tried choking him, fortunately Yang and Qrow stopped her. Summer always stayed in a room that Ozpin gave her. She never goes out at all, even if she was hungry. She blamed herself for the death of her daughter.

Time to time, Yang and Qrow will take turns going in her room. they didn't want the same incident a couple of weeks ago happen to her again.


Summer's POV

I was given a room in Beacon. The room was decent, with a bed, a desk and a chair. The room had a bathroom. I sat on the bed.

.......I don't know what to do.......

.....My little Rose.......

Why can't I save you? Why can't I be there for you? Why did I leave you? Why was I not there for you when you need me the most? Can I even call myself a mother? Its all my fault.

..It hurts so much......I can't stop thinking about you Ruby.....Im a failure....

Maybe I can be with you...My rose....In heaven...Maybe, just could forgive me.....

3rd POV

Summer suddenly stood up and frantically tried to find something. She then had an Idea. Summer went to the bathroom and found a razor blade, usually for shaving. She grabbed it and started cutting herself on her arm. it made her bleed, but she didn't want to stop at all. minute by minute, Summer made slices after slices on her arm but suddenly,
Qrow came to check on her.

Qrow: Summer! is everything okay?

Qrow went inside her room and saw that the bathroom door was opened. He peeked in and he was horrified to see the scene unfolded in front of him. His former teammate was covered in blood across her arms, but what made him terrified that Summer was about to slice her throat. In seconds, Qrow went straight to Summer and grabbed the razor blade of her. Qrow hugged her arms and body so she couldn't move.

Qrow: Summer! what are you doing!? Do you want to kill yourself?!

Summer: I--t...wwasss..the only..way..too..s--ee....Ru--by....

Summer was really weak since she has lost a lot of blood. Qrow quickly brought her to the infirmary to patch her up. After what had happen, Qrow went to the headmaster and told him what had transpired. You could say that the headmaster was horrified. He ordered Qrow to watch over her. Summer's mental state needed to be monitored. Qrow nodded and he also told Yang what had happened. They pledged to take care of her.

Flashback End

All in all, it was a bad site to see. But the effects of Ruby's departure was yet to be realized. Team JNPR was torn apart so to say. Between Jaune and Prryha with Ren and Nora. Ren and Nora was devastated when they heard their dear friend was assumed dead. Ever since that incident, Ren and Nora never talked to their teammates ever since.

Ruby was like a rainbow after a rain. She was always the person to lighten up the mood. She was energetic, funny, and even goofy sometimes that made people giggle and laugh. She really did made everyone happy when she was around. that was why the student's in Ruby's class are more depressed. Even though they didn't know her personally, she always wanted to say hi and greet them. Even if she was shy. Nobody except team _WBY, JNPR and SSSN known personally about Ruby's disappearance.

In a couple of minutes, the bell rang signaling that classes were over. All the students went out the class to the cafeteria for lunch. team _WBY went grabbed their lunches and eat their food in their usual place with team JNPR. They all eat their food silently except for Nora and Ren having some conversation. After a couple of minutes, Yang finishes her food quickly and went to get lunch for Summer. Yang got her food and went so Summer's room. Yang knocked on the door.

Yang: Mom, its me Yang....can I come in?

Summer didn't answer her call.

Yang:I'm coming in.

Yang opened the door and saw Summer. She was siting on her bed looking pictures of Ruby when she was still little while crying. She was in a terrible state to look at. Her hair was messed up, her face was stained with tears and she never changed clothes for over 2 days. She had bangs over her eyes.

Summer's room was really dark. She didn't bother opening the curtains. Luckily Qrow and Yang helped her to clean the room time to time. Yang brought Summer's lunch and put it on the desk.

Yang: Mom, I brought you up okay?

Summer only nodded to Yang while still looking at the photo of Ruby.

Yang: Im going to go out.. Get some rest, okay mom?

Yang went out Summer's room and outside was her Uncle Qrow, waiting for her.

Qrow: Hey Summer's condition?

Yang: Mom's condition is okay...I hope that she can get more rest.

Qrow: Thats good...its better to have some good news than bad ones right now....


Suddenly, Yang's body started to tremble. she looked to the ground and started crying. She was a strong girl, but nobody can ever stop themselves from bottling up their feelings.

Yang:i-ts a-ll my fau--lt!...--i-f I hav-en't do--nne tha--t t-o her!!! w-ee wou---ld ha--ve b-een a ha--ppy fa--mily!!! SShe wou---ld h-have be-en al-live with us!!!

Yang wailed miserably while trying to use her hands to wipe out her tears, but her tears won't stop falling. Qrow hugged her while stroking her hair, trying to comfort her. Yang's emotions were in turmoil.

Usually Yang always got really mad when someone touches her hair, but now, she didn't care anymore. She only wants her sister to come back. Her thoughts were as bad as Summer. If she had been a good sister, she would comforted her depression, she would have always stayed by her side and even be the person that she can rely on, it was a sisters duty, even if they were step sisters. She blamed herself for not paying more attention to her and to be the sister that Ruby always wanted. She was mad at herself for only thinking of her mother that left her to go manage her tribe than her own sister that was always there to comfort her.

......Now...with her emotions in turmoil, She had dark thoughts to kill herself to meet her sister......Just like Summer....

Meanwhile In Atlas...

Ruby's POV

After the Massacre, me and the rest of the team went back to the academy and slept in our dorm. Nobody noticed we ever left.

On the next day, we were walking on the streets of Atlas. Classes were canceled because of the certain 'incident' yesterday. The streets were quiet, really unusual for a capital of a kingdom, but its nice in my opinion. Altough there were no people in the streets, some stores are still opened. We went out because Neo wanted to get some ice cream....I really don't understand why she likes it so much...

Neo: Today will be a wonderfull day!!

Sinon: excited much?

Neo: Yup! Finally I can get ice cream for once!

Miyuki: I agree with you there, Neo. Its been a long time since I ate an ice cream cone.

Ruby: Sooner or later, your going to get fat and diabetes.

Neo:Hey! don't destroy my mood with that kinda crap! I am a grown woman so i eat whatever i want! besides, I ate 10 buckets once and I didn't get fat!

Ruby:Yes, you are a grown woman but your short.

Neo: Hey! your short too, Ruby.

Ruby: Yeah but your shorter that me.

Neo:Oh come on! My height doesnt matter!

Sinon:I'm worried about your health Neo...10 buckets? Im sorry Neo but thats too much....

Miyuki: I agree.. thats too much sugar...

Neo: But..But! Its my favorite food! Its smooth, cold, and it has flavor!

Sinon: Your describing pudding...

Neo: No..well...I..Im just saying that ice cream is delicious and I can eat it whatever I want to!

Ruby: Whatever you say Neo...But I'm just going to buy you 1 ice cream cone.

Neo:But...but..please..I need more..too help you and stuff..

Ruby: Help me with what? ice cream is just death weight for your body.

Neo: Please...I need it for me to function properly...please Ruby-sama..please.... I can help with chores, homework, missions, come on Ruby......I...want more ice cream....

Whats with the -sama thing? is it some kind of frase or something?.....Neo then gave me puppy dog eyes...Oh come on! thats so unfair! that is supposed to be my line..once..

Ruby: 'must resist the eyes.....




....nope, can't do it. Its too effective.'

Alright, alright... I'm buying you more..but only 1 bucket..thats it..

Neo: You..mean it...

Ruby: Don't make me change my mind...

Neo: Yeah!! Thank you My dear Partner!

Ruby: Yeah...yeah , whatever.

Sinon: Well thats one way to push someone.

Ruby: Yeah....but if you see her eyes face to face...You'll understand.

Sinon: I believe you.

We went to the ice cream shop in the capital and bought 1 bucket of ice cream for Neo and the others just got an ice cone. We got out and walk around the city. Then, I smelt something familiar.....cookies? Oh theres a bakery over there, should I get one?...its such a waste of money. Suddenly I felt a tug on my shirt.

Miyuki: Ruby, what are you looking at?

Ruby: Ohh.. its nothing...

Miyuki: Are you sure?

Ruby: Yeah...

Suddenly, i felt that my scroll was vibrating. I picked it up from my pocket and saw that Hiriko was calling me.

Ruby: Hey Hiriko.

Hiriko: hello Ruby, yesterday was fantastic, good job. are you and your team free right now?

Ruby: Yeah..we're in the city right now.

Hiriko: alright, can you go to these coordinates? I'll send you the coordinates through your scroll.

Ruby: Whats the occasion?

Hiriko: You'll see....

Hiriko ended the call.

Miyuki: So, who was it Ruby?

Ruby: It was Hiriko, she wants us to go some where.

Sinon: not another mission...can't we take a break once?

Ruby:We can't complain Sinon.....Its our Job......


We went into some kind of building in the capital. We all went up the building using the elevator to the rooftop. At the rooftop we saw Hiriko and with someone else, what is she doing here?

Hiriko: I see you all arrived..

Ruby: Yes, so wha-

??: Onee-chan!!!

What in the world?!

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