Chapter 24-Explanation and other 'Plans'

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Ruby's POV

The person in question, ran up to me and hugged me tightly.. I finally got a good look of her and she was the girl I saved from the factory, The teal haired girl. Why did she call me her Onee-chan? I don't even know her that much.

Miku: Onee-chan! I missed you!

Ruby: wait what?

I looked at her with a blank stare...her height is the same as Neo. She was hugging me very tightly. I tried to move her but she didn't budge. She really didn't want to let me go.

Miku: Onee-chan! Why are you pushing me away? Don't you like my hugs?

I looked dumbfonded. My team and Hiriko were giggling in the background. Hiriko....You better have an explanation..

Ruby: Hiriko...can you explain?

Hiriko: hehehe...this is priceless! I wish I brought a camera.

Ruby: Hiriko...

Hiriko: umm...he...he......he....I can explain! So here's a brief summary, When you brought her with me, I brought her to the airship to let her rest, and its started from there....


3rd POV

The teal haired girl was sleeping in one of the rooms in the airship belonging to Hiriko. The girl looked frail. she looked to be experimented for quite some time. half of her body is made of machine. her left arm is completely made out of metal, with a 01 marking. Her legs were also made out of metal. Some other organs and body parts are made artificial even her hair.

She was asleep for a day.

She woke up and she looked around her room. She saw that Hiriko was siting beside her, checking her body status on a monitor. Seeing Miku awake, Hiriko smiled at her.

Hiriko: Hey, your awake. How are you feeling? Is there anything wrong?

Miku: Im...okay...

Hiriko: Miku was it? Can I call you that?

Miku: Yes...

Hiriko: Do you have an original name?

Miku: I don't remember.........

Hiriko: Miku...I know this is so sudden,but, do you know what happen to you? Do you have any memory of what they did to you?

Miku: Im..sorry, but I can't remember my past. I only know that I once had a family and I was taken away from them..its the only thing that I can remember.

Hiriko: Do you still remember your family? Do you want to go back to them?

Miku: I don't remember any of my family....I only remember that they.....died when the scientist took me....

Miku teared up remembering the only memory she had. She was only an innocent girl. Even if she can't remember her family, her heart still remembered the love that they gave her. Hiriko hugged the crying girl, she stroked her hair to calm her down. After some time, Miku stopped crying and looked up at Hiriko.

Hiriko: Its okay...I once felt that love long time ago....

Miku: Hiriko?

Hiriko: Yes?

Miku: Can I ask you something?

Hiriko: Sure..What would you like to ask?

Miku: The girl who saved me...I want to know her...

Hiriko lightly laughed at the subject. She let go Miku from the hug and answered Miku's question.

Hiriko: could I say this....Her name is Ruby...and her surname is Rain, she's here to help me on a special mission in this kingdom..I don't know much detail about her because she never talks much...How can I say it?...umm..You could say that she is emotionless. She will do anything to finish the job, even killing.....I don't want to get into her bad side.

Miku: She must have had a bad memory to be like that..But deep down...I know that she is a nice person.

Hiriko: How can you say that?

Miku: She saved me...From all the people in the factory, she saved me.....I am....grateful..

Hiriko: Do you trust her? She even kills innocents.

Miku: I don't care if she kills other people..she saved me, even though I was a stranger to her...She's like family right? family members always help one another...right?

Hiriko: You could say that...Ruby's sounds more like a hero than a family member...Family members know each other on a personal level.

Miku: But! Hero's are the opposite of her! They only save people for fame and fortune! People think that they save people because they about the poor about discrimination....and other things! Heros I see Ruby as my Family! As someone I trust! She's not a hero, but a person that I can rely on. Can I call her my family? Is she going to be mad at me?

Hiriko pulled out her scroll and type in her notes about Miku's Condition. Continuing the conversation, she smiled at Miku and answered.

Hiriko: You could call her that..What if we meet her Miku? You could call her your family if you want...But I'm not promising anything if Ruby gets mad at you...

Miku: Yay! I could met onee-chan!!!

Flashback end.

Hiriko: And thats what happened! I swear that I didn't do anything wrong!! Please...spare me...

Sighing, Ruby looked at Hiriko's fearful face and nodded.

Hiriko: Thank goodness.

Ruby: Your still going to get punishment..

Hiriko: Wait a second! I thought that your not going to do anything to me! I'm your boss!

Ruby: Your not going to do anything drastic, just promise me something...just don't tell my information to any stranger..alright? or...something might you want that to happen?

Sweating nervously, Hiriko nodded quickly.

Hiriko: Certainly not! I'll take note...

Suddenly, Ruby felt a tug on her dress. She looked down and saw Miku. Miku looked very sad for some reason.

Miku: Onee-chan...I'm sorry for ruining your day...I know I'm not your sister..But..I really want to be your sister...please..

Ruby: I'm sorry, but I can't become your sister.

Miku: But why?

Ruby: I have my reasons.

Miku:...I understand if you don't want to...I'm no one to you after all...I'm sorry for wasting your time.

Miku let go of her hug and walked back to Hiriko with a sad face. Everyone was shocked by the revelation. Anyone with a bright mind would accept Miku as a sister in some way. She is really cute and is smart for her age. She can make anyone have her as a sister. But we are talking about an emotionless killer having a sister to dote on.

With Ruby rejecting her, Miku felt utterly depressed. She felt lonely again with no one accepting her as a person. Her world turned upside down in seconds.

Ruby had a good reason behind the rejection. Her own family. She doesn't like to be called a family to anyone, not anymore. Her own family never supported her. The feeling to have a family member terrifies her. She hates them, despises them. She can tolerate acquaintances, partners and friends, but never families, especially her own. She will never forgive her original family. She hates them every much. She deemed their existence to be a poison surging through her mind.

But, she doesn't want revenge, it is undoubtedly pointless. Torturing them, Killing them, humiliating them are pointless. Ruby only wants to be independent. She wants nothing to do with them. She wants to dictate her own path in life and choose her life decision without anyone slowing her down. If her former family tries to interfere her path, she will gladly push them aside.

Hiriko: Firstly, I'm sorry for Miku's action to you, Ruby. I know that families are a touchy subject for you in particular.

Ruby: ....Miku, come here.....

Hiding behind Hiriko, Miku stepped forward and walked to Ruby. She stood in front of her, with her head down. Miku had tears on her face. Ruby unexpectedly started to pat her head.

Ruby: Miku...I know that we cannot be sisters, but we can still be friends. I know it isn't as close as being sisters, but if you want to know me, just talk to me whenever I have time.

Miku looked up at Ruby and smiled, while shedding some tears.

Even though they cannot be sisters, friends are the next best thing to Miku.

Miku: Alright! we will be the best of friends! Can I have your scroll number?

Ruby the background, everyone had a heartfelt laugh. Even if Ruby rejected anyone to be her family, she still had room to trust other people, only a little.


After a while of talking and exchanging scroll numbers, Hiriko brought out a suitcase.

Hiriko: Thank you for your hard work team RMNS. You have successfully crippled the military's control over the capital. The revolutionaries greatly thanks you for your service. I have already sent you your paycheck through your surname bank accounts respectively. Ruby, I would like to give you this suitcase. Inside is a replacement for your destroyed weapons. Our top weapon builders had made you a new weapon fitting to your taste.

Hiriko handed Ruby the suitcase and Ruby opened the suitcase a saw her new weapon.

Ruby inspected the weapon and was happy by the results. The suitcase also had a couple of mags, throwing knifes totaling around 5 of them and a replacement military knife for Ruby.

Hiriko: The gun is called the silverballer. Its especially made for you, Ruby. The weapon is designed for assassinations in particular. the weapon builders made the gun to shoot almost with no sound and little to no recoil while pulling the trigger. Its the perfect weapon for you.

Ruby: Thanks for the weapons.

Hiriko: With that all aside, Ruby,Otto has a mission for you.

Ruby: What does Otto want this time.

Hiriko: I don't know. He will give the details. The rest of team are informed to be in the academy till further notice.

Neo: So let me summarize...Ruby's getting another solo mission and we have to sit back and relax?

Hiriko: Yes?

Sinon: Oh come on! We haven't seen enough action!

Miyuki: I agree on that note.

Hiriko: Don't blame me! Otto was the one that wanted Ruby on a solo mission. How about this...While Ruby's on her mission, I'm going to give you some task to exterminate some grimm. They are attacking some of our camps, so I need the rest of you to wipe them out. How does that sound?

Sinon: Sigh....Alright.

Neo: Okay!

Miyuki: Agreed.

Hiriko: If that settles it, we better be on our ways. Miku, your going with me.

Miku: But..but...I want to stay with Ruby-san a little longer.

Hiriko: No buts mister, we're going.

Miku: Okay...Ruby-san...Please call me..okay?

Ruby:Sigh......Alright, But no promises.

Miku: Yay!

Hiriko and Miku left the rooftop leaving Ruby and her team. Ruby faced her team.

Ruby: Neo, Sinon, Miyuki, go back to the academy..I'm going to contact Otto.

Sinon: Affirmative.

The rest of team RMNS left Ruby behind.

Ruby's POV

After my team left, I pulled out my scroll and contacted Otto...what does he have this time?..Better find out.

Ruby: Otto.

Otto: Ahh....My favorite hitman!..How are you doing? How's life? Is Hiriko treating you guys better?

Ruby: Cut to the case Otto. In case your wondering, Time is precious and you're going to waste it if you keep babbling like this.

Otto: And thats why I like your personality! Straight forward as always. Okay, okay...Your mission is to intercept a convoy of goods traveling to Mistral. The convoy carries information crucial for one of my clients. The Atlas military are the ones guarding the convoy, be prepared. The informant told me that 5 Atlas airships are assigned to guard the convoy while the convoy consists of 3 bullheads, one of them has something that my client wanted.

Ruby: Tell me Otto...what is the client searching.

Otto: Better find out yourself...My client didn't tell me the details, but he/she told me two things. the first one is that this convoy involves the schnee dust company...second is the one guarding the convoy is Penny Polendina.

Ruby: Alright.....But can I ask you something, who is your client anyway? This mission is quite risky to begin with...

Otto: I'll give you a hint...It involves the family that owns the schnee dust of them is the client..

Ruby: Oh and one more am I supposed to intercept the convoy when I can't even fly...I don't have a transport to do that...

Otto: Sorry...I almost forgot...But your going to have to find a way yourself.

Ruby: Otto....don't let me try to find you and beat the living shit out of you right now.

Otto: Your kidding right?

Ruby: Am I ever not serious? You want me to pummel you to the ground and spit my saliva into your bitchy face?

Otto: Hehehehe I was just kidding..Its a joke.a joke, alright? Okay..i'll tell you....It involves another mission....

Ruby: Oh my oum..I could just strangle you now you piece of shit. when does my job fucking end...Just say it...

Otto:uhh umm.. Continuing on. Some of my informants say that the Atlas Military is making a prototype of a new airship, a gunship to be exact. one of the engineers are my spies know how to fly the thing, but he can't just fly the thing out of the facility because of security, so I need your help to help the guy steal the thing and kill all the people behind the making of the ship. We want Atlas to not know how to even build the damn thing after we steal it. The gunship is important for Hiriko too, so its kill two birds in one stone.

Ruby: Okay....just give me the coordinates of the location and time schedule.

Otto: All the information is being sent...thank you for having business with you Ruby...Good luck.

Ruby: ..hmm...

Otto sent all the information about the gunship and the convoy...ah well....another mission...welp...I can't complain. As Long as I get paid, I will follow their little game......until I'm bored.

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