Chapter 25-Hitman on the Job Part 1

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Ruby turned off her scroll and looked at the sun to tell the time. It was exactly 12 o'clock.  Sitting down on the edge of the rooftop, she waited until sunset. She looked down at the city below. The city was almost quiet, only some cars can be heard driving in the city. The last incident shook the people. The city is not safe anymore to the eyes of the public. Some citizens even moved to other cities, especially cities controlled by the ten master clans. The citizens in Atlas were not like any other Kingdoms in Remnant. They were essentially cowards. They lived in the kingdom luxuriously, minus the lower class. They are not like the other kingdoms who had to deal with hordes of grimm everyday, they can sit back, relax and let the military and the nobles take control to keep them safe. But.... how long will anyone will keep them safe?

As Ruby waited, she also waited for Otto to send coordinates to collect her equipment, she checked the rest of her equipment and holstered all the weapons in her trench coat. She had her silenced pistol, her glasses, her trusty knife, throwing knifes, and some mags for her pistol. A good loadout for a girl such as herself. 

After some time, the sun was setting and the coordinates of her weapons were already sent. Not wasting anymore time, she used her semblance to jump from rooftop to rooftop to the location. Anyone looking up would only see a blur. In a minute, she arrived at the designated location. It was another alleyway. She opened the dumpster in the alleyway and found a suitcase. She opened it and saw her sniper. She closed the suitcase and carried it with her. She checked the location of the research facility and saw that it was in the city of Rockfell, It was a little far from the capital.  Rockfell is another industrial city for producing military equipment and goods for the citizens. Before Ruby could blow a fuse, Otto gave a note for Ruby. Luckily for him, Ruby decided to stop planning on a more sinister way to give her boss a piece of her mind, for now.

The note read:"Sorry for not saying this sooner....I didn't tell you to location of the research facility prior, for that I'd like to apologize...But, look on the bright side! I'm giving you another gift other than your daily paycheck! cool right?...I'll be blunt...I'm giving you your own vehicle for you to travel long distances on land since there's gonna be more missions after this one...he...he..he. I'll remember to up your paycheck okay? With that all aside, you can look inside the stack of boxes behind you. Have fun! ps. I know your kinda underage and never drove a vehicle before so...the thing has autopilot. Enjoy!"

Sighing...Ruby turned off her scroll and moved the stack of boxes and saw the vehicle hiding behind it. 

A motorcycle, with a helmet stuck at the side of it. Ruby got on the motorcycle, strapped her suitcase on the motorcycle behind her and put on the helmet. Suddenly, a screen appeared on the big gas tank of the motorcycle. It showed the different configurations of the motorcycle. Ruby tapped the autopilot to drive her to Rockfell. Then, the motorcycle gave Ruby a warning to hold on the handles and put her foot on the pedals. She did just that and the motorcycle started moving to the location. She got out of the alleyway and quickly raced through the streets. Ruby could adjust the motorcycle to obey the traffic rules but whats the fun in that?

She sped through the empty streets while the autopilot did its job on driving the motorcycle. Ruby only needed to hold on. She made a mental note to learn to drive the motorcycle manually.

In minutes, she was out of the capital and on the highway to Rockfell.  Speeding through the Highway, Ruby could only see the long road and the vast land. A beautiful yet a depressing scene to see someone alone traveling on a vast road alone.

After an hour, she arrived at the city. It was crowded with many people, typical for developing city near the capital. Rockfell was deemed the city of industrialization. Many industrial factories can be seen in the city. It was also a seaport for trading primarily with the kingdom of Mistral. It was uncommon for convoys to travel to Mistral with airships, but with using airships, the goods are guaranteed not be stolen by anyone. The seas of Remnant are mostly safe, but with an exception of some pirates roaming on the vast sea, supplies that were carried from the air are much safer than from sea.

Ruby parked her motorcycle on a parking space and activated the security mode system. It is a system that will literally make people be electrocuted when they touch the motorcycle other than her. After turning it on, she took her briefcase and went up to the rooftops and located the research facility. It was a couple kilometers away. Using her semblance, she traveled from rooftop to rooftop, taking only minutes to arrive at the designated location.

Ruby was on a rooftop a couple of buildings away from the location. The target was another military base, with a runway for airships. The base was technically used as a research facility, an airport, and  a military base for the city of Rockfell, according to Otto's sources. Not a hard job for Ruby to handle.

She opened her briefcase and assembled her sniper.  she tried to find a place to enter while using her sniper to scout. Luckily Ruby founded an exploit in their defense. Every now and then, Trucks would come in and out the Facility carrying supplies and other goods, every 15 minutes, but the trucks were never checked by the security at the entrance.

She dissasembled her sniper, put it back in the suitcase and waited for another 15 minutes. finding  another, She waited until the convoy passed the building. When the convoy passed the building, Ruby swiftly jumped down from the rooftop with her semblance and landed on top of the last truck in the convoy silently. She went on the back of the truck and found a person, guarding the supplies. The guard was surprised, but Ruby quickly silenced the guard with a shot from her pistol. She hid the body inside a crate and hid herself in the truck. She reloaded her weapon and waited until the truck entered the facility.

Ruby's POV

I hid behind the crates and waited to get out the truck in the right time. While waiting I contacted Otto from my scroll. 

"Otto, can you tell me who is the engineer that I will be meeting?", I asked Otto through my scroll quietly.

"Certainly, Ruby. You will be meeting an engineer who worked with the Atlas Military for 2 years.

Her name is Teria Wang. Shes 14 years old, one year younger than you.  She is deemed a prodigy, understanding technical engineering in a young age. She is one of the leading engineers of the gunship project. Teria joined the military for only one reason, to find her sister. When she was 10 years old, her sister was taken by bandits. Teria believed the military could eventually find her sister.  Unfortunately, she overheard something sinister. The bandits were actually scientists of Atlas, taking young people to be experimented. Teria was furious but she couldn't do anything without being thrown in a jail cell, so she contacted me. She wanted help in exchange for the gunship. I agreed so I assigned her under your wing after you save her from the crutches of the Atlas Military. I'm sorry I cannot give you her contact, she is under the military's strict security." Otto replied with a laid back yet serious voice about the engineer. It seems that I'm gonna have another person to deal with. Hopefully she isn't like Neo. My wallet couldn't take it anymore. I pity you my friend.

Thanking Otto,I turned of my scroll and waited for the truck to stop. In minutes, I felt the truck had stopped moving. I went out and saw the truck stopping in one of the hangars. I hid behind some crates and assess the hangar.

It seems that the hangar is used to store supplies for the base. I need to find a way to get to the research facility..Maybe I could find an exit..I sneaked through the hangar while hiding behind crates and trucks while my pistol was unholstered. I exited on the southern side of the hangar.

With the cover of darkness, I walked to the research facility storing the gunship. The facility is a converted hangar strictly guarded by the military, but...every security has it exploits. the northern side was as always heavily guarded. The southern side...not so much. 10 guards in the middle of darkness...I hope they're ready...

3rd POV 

It was a cold night on the military base, many guards were tired and exhausted. They've been guarding the facility for a long time and they didn't get a raise or even rest. Only a couple of guards were still fit on guarding the place because they knew about the gunship. 10 guards were guarding the south side. The were chatting with each other. They were tired of standing guard..they're actions will end them. Without warning, a throwing knife killed a guard. The other guards frantically pulled out their weapons and tried to locate the intruder, but..they only see rose petals..then in pure darkness came a girl with silver hair with blue eyes, piercing through their souls. 

The girl pulled out her pistol and shot another guard, threw a knife killing another, shooting 2 rounds with her pistol killing two. The rest tried to shoot their weapons,but they were not fast enough.  The girl did not hesitate to kill. She shot the rest  killing 4 of them leaving one alive. the last one tried to run away but the girl threw another knife through his feet immobilizing him. he tried to scream, unfortunately....The girl started choking him by the throat. The guard struggled to break free while trying to use his hands and feet to get out of the girl's grip, but it was no use. In seconds, the last guard was killed. The girl named Ruby Rose killed them easily like a janitor cleaning the floor. She reloaded her pistol, picked up her suitcase and continued her work.

Ruby walked inside the facility and she hid behind some boxes. she looked around the new area and she finally saw the gunship she's looking for.

The gunship looked like nothing Atlas ever designed before. It was the pinnacle of Atlas engineering. The ship was designed a couple of months ago, and was recently built. But, it hasn't gone on testing. The Military wanted it to be shown on the Vytal Festival as a show of force for the military. With its futuristic design and technology, the kingdoms will think twice on ever fighting against Atlas.

Ruby searched around the facility and spotted the engineer shes looking for, Teria Wang. But getting to her won't be easy. there are cameras everywhere and many guards were guarding the place. Then, Ruby had an idea..but she must enact it quickly.

Ruby waited behind the boxes. She heard footsteps of an engineer approaching, looking for parts in the boxes. She neared the supplies and suddenly...Ruby stabbed her in the head. She hid the dead body inside one of the boxes and took her lab coat which had the same size as Ruby's trench coat only a little bigger. Ruby wore the lab coat covering her trench coat and walked up to the upper deck of the hangar where she once saw the Teria. 

There was an office on the upper deck for the engineers. Ruby went inside the office . SHe made the head engineers confused.

"What are you doing here?""Shouldn't you be at work?""What is it?""Who are you?" The head engineers ask confusingly seeing an unknown engineer entering the office, but they did not know whats coming for them.

Ruby pulled out her pistol and said two words before she sends them to hell...

"Say Goodbye..."

she unloaded a full magazine killing 7 of them with a headshot. She reloaded her weapon and faced the last engineer she left alive with her gun lowered.

"Are you Teria Wang?"Ruby asked,

"Yes..yes I am...."Teria replied, while she nodded, her body was shaking. The 14 year old girl was scared, no..terrified..She never seen someone killing people so fast and without mercy. Ruby was like a perfect killing machine. But Teria was thankful. She despises the other engineers. They always think that they are the most smartest engineers in Atlas, designing the best weapon in the world, while in reality, most of the parts were designed and built by other companies. They also like to look down on other and bully Teria because she is a prodigy. She never regretted their deaths.

"Teria, can the ship fly?"

"Yes, I can guarantee it. But there is one problem, The engineers. I can fly the ship out the hangar without any problem, but the other engineers still have information about the ship."

"I can kill them."

"But the security?"

"It is not a problem, Teria. I can handle them. I only need you to wait for me to board the ship at the runway."


With the plan in motion, they begun their next step of the mission. Teria walked out the office and went inside the gunship. Ruby waited for the signal.

In the gunship, Teria prepared all the necessary equipment for travel and asked some engineers in the gunship to leave. The other engineers were confused and some were reluctant, But she convince them to do something else for her. All of them complied because she is the head engineer after all. She got in the cockpit and started the ships computer system.

She turned on the engines and made all the engineers and security alerted. They were confused. The ship wasn't supposed to be turned on before testing. Then, the hangar doors started opening. Security could not do anything. The only way to open the hangar door was with a remote inside the ship itself or the operator, aka the head engineers. But, there was no sign off them, courtesy of Ruby. The Engineers tried to open the ship but it was futile. The ship was locked tight. After the hangar doors were opened, Teria taxied the ship outside and immediately took off using vertical take off from the ships engines. All the guards tried to down the ship but the gunship had shields. They couldn't do anything to stop the ship from fleeing.

Suddenly, the hangar doors started closing again. Someone inside the hangar initiated the lock down system. 

The hangar is in full lock down,

 And the lights were all turned off,

Leaving all the people inside in darkness,

Let the genocide begin.

To be continued.......

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