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Ruby's POV

Ruby:'ahhh....Cookies.... the best food ever!!!'

I was walking from the bakery and bought my favorite food, COOKIES!. I was alone because no one would join me to go to Vale to buy some cookies. I was sad, but whatever. At least I have my favorite food!. Walking on the street maybe dangerous now a days because the white fang has been quite active these days stealing from dust shops all over the place.  Luckily, I brought my baby, Crescent Rose to protect me from any harm. I love my weapon.

And then... in front of me i see people with grimm masks trying to steal from the dust store. I must arrest them. I ran inside the store and saw a couple of white fang soldiers and a man with a fedora. Roman here!. finally, I can arrest him.

Roman:"oh.... little red. It is nice seeing you again! come to spoil my plans?"

Ruby:"you bet i am! I'm not going to let you get away!"

White Fang soldier:"how can a kid stop us!"

Roman:"Don't underestimate her. She's a huntress in training in beacon and I'm afraid that she is quite skilled with her scythe."

Ruby:"You bet I am! now stop what your doing!"

Roman:"well...well... little red. Don't get to feisty. I have an mission to complete and you are standing in my way! Get her!"

Roman then try to shoot me with he's cane but I dodged. grabbing my Crescent Rose, I made it to a scythe and rushed at Roman. Two white Fang members blocked me with their sword, so I swinged my scythe at them. they try to block it, but my scythe is more sharper than their swords. my scythe broke their swords and they became weapon less. I then knock those two out with my scythe and face Roman.

Roman:"I shouldn't  have bring those newbies in this mission! well no matter. little red, prepare to dance!"

Roman rushed me with he's cane trying to strike me on the head, but i blocked. since we are in the store i try to be as careful as possible not to breaking anything but thats gonna be hard since i have a really big scythe, but catching Roman is more important!. disengaging from the dead lock I trade bows after bows with Roman. I can't seem to break his defense!. Roman then backfilpped and shots his cane. I blocked it again. I realize that this battle is getting no where! wait where are the other white Fang members? oh no! their running away with the dust!

Roman:" Surprised Red? i told you no one is getting in my way!"

Ruby:"No.... but its okay! I'll catch you instead!"

Roman:"hahaha... I'm sorry little red but don't you forget my henchman! Neo will you please?"

Neo came out of a hiding spot in the store and used her semblance to get her and Roman away! No..... I was fooled. Now I'm sad. after the incident the shop keeper came up to me with an angry face.

shop keeper:"You are suppose to save my store!"

Ruby:"I'm sorry! they are too skilled!"

shop keeper:"NOOO... you made it worse! look at the damage you made with your scythe! It was better that they stole the dust then paying for damages! I should have called the cops on you but you have good intentions. So get out of here brat!"

with no words, i got out of  the store. I felt guilty for what i have done. But I did the right thing! I tried to stop a robbery, but I made it worse. Is it wrong to do the right thing. wait... I just remembered, wheres my cookies! they were in my pocket a second ago. oh no.... it was crushed when i was fighting Roman. Can this day get any worse!

3rd POV

Ruby got out with a bullhead from Vale. She saw Qrow and Tai at the courtyard of beacon. she ran at them and tackled them to the ground.

Ruby:"Uncle, dad! what are you doing here? do you miss me? well do you?"


Tai:" Ruby get off of me! can't you see we are in an important mission!"

Ruby:"ohh sorry dad. So whats the mission?"

Qrow:" its classified kid."

Ruby:"but I wanna know!"

Tai:" listen to your uncle Ruby. I'm here for an important mission so can you please not bother us!"

Ruby:" okay dad"

with a depressed face, Ruby went to the Dorms to see her team.

Qrow:" hey Tai, I think you went to harsh on the kid."

Tai:" sorry Qrow, I was not thinking straight. This mission is really important for me."

Qrow:"yes... it is important for us and Ruby too. You can at least tell her about it. she is your daughter Tai."

Tai:"yes but we need to focus on the mission. Ozpin has information about her location right?"

Qrow:"yes, now lets go meet him."

Ruby's POV

why is everyone so mad at me? this is the worst day ever. I'm just gonna go to my team. Maybe i can rest from this hectic day. is this day gonna be more worse? I hope not. I hate bad luck.


I went to the dorms and saw team JNPR, Sun dan Neptune going inside my teams dorm. What are they doing there? are they doing a sleepover? I wanna join! but when i got near the door, I heard something that will change my life forever.

Jaune:"hey guys! why did you call us?"

Prryha:"yeah, is it important?"

Weiss:"yes it certainly is!"

Yang:"its not really important but Weiss keeps nagging about it."

Neptune:"well what is it Weiss?"

Weiss:"does anyone of you have my notebook?"

Everyone in the room:"no.."

Weiss:"but...but my notebook has been borrowed by all of you for homework!"

Sun:"yeah but I think I already returned it to you."

Everyone in the room except Weiss and Sun:"yeah us too" 

Weiss:"Wait if everyone of you didn't take my notebook that means.... RUBY STOLE IT! she will regret what she did for stealing my notebook!"

Blake:"calm down Weiss, its just a notebook."

Weiss:"You don't understand Blake. That notebook is my hard work and I'm not going to lose it from anyone especially from her!"

Nora:"Why are you so mad at Ruby?"

Weiss:"she is incompetent, she sometimes steal peoples stuff, doesn't appreciate my hard work and she is an air head! I can't stand her!"

Yang:"Weiss you over step your boundaries. But truthfully your right, my sister is kinda annoying sometimes."

Neptune:"I agree with Weiss."

Blake:"she is quite annoying really, I can't read my books if shes in the room."

Prryha:"she is such an airhead, I can't stand her." 

Weiss:" She isn't supposed to be at Beacon at such a young age!"

Nora:"guys, you are a little harsh on her."

Ren:"yeah, I agree with Nora. This is outrageous."

Jaune:"but she is kinda annoying."

Weiss:"Yes but she deserves it. She isn't fit to be a huntress at all."

Yang:"although I'm her sister, I agree with Weiss."

Blake:"shes useless."

what?! what am I hearing.....they....they.... my friends....they think I'm trash... I'm useless..why?why?! I thought that i have friends, friends that care for my well being, friends that I care for, what have I done?! what made me deserve this? Am I a burden, a trash....why is this day full of bad luck!!!! first I was yelled at by the shopkeeper for doing the right thing, I was yelled at by my dad for doing nothing and now this..... my heart can't take it anymore! WHY CAN'T I BE HAPPY!?

3rd POV

with a tear stained face, she ran away. She ran and ran with no aim. she can't think straight. She didn't know what to do. when she opened her eyes, she was in a forest, Emerald forest to be exact. Ruby sat near a tree and cried.

The occurring events were unbearable for her.

but unknown to her, her emotions attract many grimm to her location. Ruby has Crescent Rose. but she is too heartbroken to use it.

Ruby:'grimm.... I must fight... but I don't have a power to do it. Maybe this is the end, I loved my life but everybody is only faking their love. Maybe now I can finally meet my mother..."

The grimm close in on Ruby, they were ready to rip her apart. they pounced on her. she screamed in agony. The grimm slices her left arm and right foot, scratches her chest and now prepared for the final blow. Ruby could barely breath, she only said her last words.

Ruby:"goodbye cruel world."

The world is cruel in mysterious ways.

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