Author's Note

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Now I understand why author's write these. It's not to finally update and get reader's hopes up, only to crush them by finding out it's a Author's note (although that's fun as well). It's to show how much we as writers appreciate you. I know, I know, reading these stupid Author Notes are not fun and you'll probably skip it and just wait for the next update, trust me I do the same thing too, but only now when I've reached 1k reads with this story when I never thought it would get above 50 reads, do I truly understand why authors do this. It's because we want you as a reader to know how much your appreciated. Even though it may be a silly story to you, it means a lot to me. It's wonderful to know the feeling that what you're writing is being read and appreciated. Unless you've written a story and well and gone though this, I don't expect you to understand, and that's okay. All you guys need to know as readers, is that your view, favorite, comment, etc. means the world to me, even though it may not seem like it to you.

So, thank you, for everything.

~Violet out!

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