Chapter 9: Fourth Member of Team Seven

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Author's Note:

Hey guys I am so sorry that I didn't update for the longest time. You see, I like to have a few chapters down ahead of the one that I post, and I reached a road block in an upcoming chapter. Now that it's summer for me I should be able to crank out chapter more often. I'm terribly sorry but enough of me talking. On with the story!

~Violet Out


Epsilon sighed. She was on her way to the ninja school that she still couldn't believe she was going to. While she was getting ready in the morning, she had contemplated the meaning of her dream, but concluded that it was a manifestation of her growing fears. So now she had nothing to think about. She lifted up the end of the scarf on the front because it had gained some weight. Right when she was about to leave, she had the idea to stitch her leaf ninja plate to the end of her scarf, so that's what she had done. She quickly looked up at the sun and slightly panicked on the inside. If she didn't hurry she'd be late for the orientation.

She sprinted to the classroom and as she was about to enter, she was squished against the doorframe. She looked to the side and it was Sakura and Ino. When the two rampaging girls finally shoved their way through, they had forced Epsilon to the ground. "I'm first!" They shouted in unison and then proceeded to pant heavily.

"I win again Sakura." Ino taunted.

"Give it up. I had to look back to see you, my toe was at least a tenth of an inch ahead." Sakura retorted.

While the two continued to bicker, Epsilon stood up and brushed herself off. She put a hand on each of the girls' shoulders and squeezed. "Hey, what do you think your-" They froze and their eyes widened when they saw her expression.

"I suggest you watch where you're going for now on." Epsilon then brushed past, leaving the the two spooked girls behind her. She glanced up and saw Naruto staring at Sakura. She sighed as Sakura ran past her.

"Hi Sakura, what's up?" Naruto asked cheerfully.

"Move it!" She said through gritted teeth and shoved Naruto out of his seat and, incidentally, onto Epsilon who grunted from the impact.

"Good morning Sasuke." Sakura said nervously with her hands clasped in front of her chest. He turned his head just enough to look at her from one eye. "Mind if I sit next to you?"

Ino grabbed her arm. "Backoff forehead. I'm sitting next to Sasuke."

Sakura's sweet expression vanished as she glared at Ino. "I was here first!"

"I walked into the classroom before you did. Everybody saw it."

"Dream on."

"Actually," another girl intervened. "I got here before either of you."

"So did I, so I'm sitting next to 'Sasuke." A different girl added.

"No I am!" A new shrill voice added.

Epsilon growled and pushed the unnoticing Naruto off of her and tried to escape from the crowd, but was unable to.

Just stab one!

No, no. That would be unwise with so many people around.

You're right. Use that jutsu you taught yourself.

She shook her head to rid herself of these thoughts. True, she had practiced a jutsu but it was purely experimental. No testing out in the open.


That must have been Sasuke's thought. She felt something watching her and guess that it was the Hokage's magic ball and shook a fist in it's direction. She was so done with school already. While in her thoughts, she hadn't even noticed that Naruto had moved to crouch right in front of the raven haired boy, inches away from his face.

If her plan for Sasuke to hate her was going to work she was going to have to find her phone quick. She skirted around the group and down a level so she could get at just the right angle.

"Naruto!" Sakura shouted. "Stop glaring at Sasuke!" Naruto turned toward her for a second before turning back to his rival. After a few more seconds, lightning began flashing along their gaze. The entire fangirl group then began arguing at once, yelling insults to Naruto and such. 'Now.' Epsilon thought.

She slammed her hand down onto the desk below, making the person sitting there jump and bump straight into Naruto. Then she snapped pictures. "Hey are you alright?" The guy she had made jump turned around. "Sorry, did I bump you?" Epsilon turned to the fangirls with a flat expression, but couldn't help and chuckle at their faces.

Naruto and Sasuke were kissing. Mission accomplished.

After a delayed reaction they turned away and gagged, not believe what had just happened. Epsilon continued to snap pictures.

Naruto slowly turned around to face at least 15 angry fangirls. "Naruto." Sakura said angrily. "You are so dead."

"Hey woah!" Naruto put his hands up in defence. "It was an accident!"

The pinket cracked her knuckles. "You're finished."

Out of the corner of Epsilon's eye, she spotted Sasuke glaring at her. So he had seen her create that scenario? Even better.


Epsilon very wisely chose not to sit by Sasuke, but only sat a row below because there were no other seats. She boredly rested here chin in her palm. "As of today," Iruka began. "You are all ninjas. To get here, you faced difficult trials and hardships, but that's nothing. What comes next will be far more difficult. Now you are only genin, first level ninjas. All the genin will be grouped into three man squads. Each squad will be led by a jounin, an elite ninja." That's when the fangirls in the back began talking about who was going to be in Sasuke's group, but Epsilon didn't listen to their banter.

Groups of three. That'll only slow me down.

Epsilon's eye twitched. Sasuke's voice again. For some reason she currently couldn't hear anyone else's thoughts, only his, and that irritated her.

"We want each squad to have a balance of strength and abilities, so that's how we set them up." Iruka spoke. "I will now announce the squads." She tuned out. She listened for the name Zeta but that was it. She already knew all the other groups. "And those were all the squads." He finished. She blinked a few times. She hadn't been placed in a group. She was about to speak up when Naruto abruptly stood up, gaining the attention of the entire class.

"Iruka-sensei, why does a great ninja like me have to be in the same group with a slug like Sasuke?" He said it more as if it was a statement rather than a question.

Iruka looked up from his paper. "Sasuke was tied for the best score out of all the graduating students." He placed his hands on his hips. "Naruto, you had the worst scores. To create balance, we put the best student, with the worst student." Naruto growled and clenched his fists in frustration.

Sasuke, without even bothering to look at Naruto, said, "Just make sure you don't get in my way, loser."

Naruto turned angrily to him. "Hey, what did you say?!" Sasuke had spoken perfectly clear, but to be honest his words were quiet.

"Hard of hearing?" He spoke dully, intentionally taunting the blonde.

"Knock it off Naruto! Sit down!" Sakura yelled at him.

Iruka cleared his throat. "After lunch, you'll meet your new jounin teachers. Until then, class dismissed." Everyone began to leave, until Epsilon spoke up.

"Iruka." Now everyone's eyes were on her and she felt fairly uncomfortable, but she kept her composure. "You didn't place me in a group."

Iruka furrowed his eyebrows and flipped through his paper of names again. "You're right Zeta." He looked up. "Well the teams are mostly even, so how about you pick a group?"

Yes, this was her chance. She could pick a totally random group that is never again seen in the manga or anime, therefore eliminating any chance for- "She'll be in my group Iruka-sensei!" Epsilon froze. She slowly turned in the direction of the voice, and when she figured out who had said it, her image cracked and shattered.

Naruto was standing on a desk with his hand held high in the air.

Epsilon whirled around to face Iruka, sending him a pleading look. He must had taken it the wrong was because he nodded. Her soul nearly floated out if her body as Naruto yelled, "Alright!"

"Since that's decided, everyone can head to lunch now. Classes dismissed." Kids poured out of the room around Epsilon who had sunken to her knees. This could not be happening.

Slowly, she made her way outside. "Sasuke where are you?" Sakura called and Epsilon had the urge to yell at her that he doesn't want to be found, but that would make her presence known so she decided against it. "Why would he go running off to fast?" She wore a concerned face that made Epsilon's eye twitch. "Since we were in the same group and all I thought we could sit and have lunch together and get to know each other."

Naruto came up behind her. "Hey Sakura!" Said female turned. "Since we were in the same group I was thinking we could have lunch together and get to know each other."

Sakura wrinkled her nose. "Why would I eat lunch with you? How could that thought even cross your mind?"

Naruto tried to reason with her. "But we're in the same group, so you know I just thought-"

"Naruto." She cut in and glared at him. "You're annoying." She then turned around and reverted back to that sickly sweet tone of hers. "Sasuke, where are you?"

"But I, uh..." He trailed off as he realized she wasn't listening anymore.

Epsilon just sighed as he walked away. Seeing that no one was nearby, she took this time to walk around and consult with the voices.

Hey, uh voices?

Oh would you look at that? She's talking to us.

Quite the development. Maybe she is smarter than we had thought.

'Stop treating me like a child.' She hissed at her inner voices. She had no idea why she wanted to do this in the first place.

Heh! Now she thinks she's in change.

Because I am. You're in my head, so you're in my territory.

I like this new attitude of yours. You were so wimpy before.

Epsilon thought back on it. They weren't really wrong. Whenever she would take the pills she created to get rid of the voices, her personality would become bubbly. Not weak or wimpy necessarily, but she wouldn't be strong willed or witty. 'I'm not talking to you so you could tell me useless things about myself. I'm talking to you so can answer my questions.'

Then ask away.

How many versions of you are there?

We are different beings, dear.

There are ten of us.

Well what about the other?

Eleven of us then.

Eleven? Something tugged the back of her mind but she couldn't access the information. 'How come it's getting harder to block... you, out?'

Heh. Wouldn't you like to know?

We're getting stronger while we are in this world.

Hey! Why'd you tell her?

One last thing. What do you mean that you are not me?

It's exactly as it sounds. We are not your inner voices as you think we are.

Heh! Don't tell her anything else! Besides her knight in shining armor is here!

Epsilon looked up. Her knight in shining armor? She spotted Sasuke with his back to an open window. She wrinkled her nose. Was he supposed to be her knight? Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a flash of orange. Naruto had just landed on a nearby building and was glaring at the Uchiha. Farther up, she saw Shikamaru and Choji arguing with Ino. 'Maybe one of those four?' She thought Shikamaru was cool and all, but none of them she could have been considered her knight in shining armor.

Once again consumed by her thoughts, she completely missed when Naruto hopped in the window and closed it behind him. There were scuffling noises, then a long pause. Finally Sasuke came out, but in actuality she knew it was Naruto.

Epsilon imagined that feeling from when she had been fighting Neji. How time had been slowed to a crawl and she was able to land multiple hits on him. When she sprinted now, she resonated that feeling, and everything slowed down. Before the disguised Naruto was able to close the window, Epsilon darted inside.

It was dark and not much could been seen. The only thing visible was a writhing tied up Sasuke who hadn't even noticed her presence yet. "Some ninja you are." She spoke boredly.

The raven haired male looked in her direction and his eyes widened for a fraction of a second before narrowing. He had a gag around his mouth, but even if it was off she had a feeling he wouldn't have said anything anyways. He only sent her a sharp glare that could have meant multiple things.

"Let me guess, you were beaten by Naruto. You underestimated him and he got the jump on you right?" His lack of any kind of response told her that she was right. Of course she knew this already, but she had to make it seem like she didn't. "So what are you going to do about it?"

He looked away and mumbled something incoherent. She sighed and bent down to untie his mouth restraints. Once they were off, he repeated, "That's none of your business is it really?"

Epsilon wasn't really taken aback by the answer considering his personality and all. She just crouched down and rested her elbow on her knee and chin in her palm. "Well excuse me princess. I guess you don't need any help then."

She stood up and began to walk back to the window when he called out, "Hold on!" She turned and quizzically raised an eyebrow. He looked away and once again mumbled something she couldn't hear.

"Look," She turned on her heel and slapped the side of her hand onto the upturned palm of the other. "If you're going to say something, make sure people hear it the first time so you don't have repeat it." She placed her hands on her hips. She knew he wouldn't--

"I said come here and untie me." She blinked a few time. Today was just full of surprises wasn't it?

She had the urge to smirk but covered it with a scowl. "Now why would I do that?"

He was quiet for a few minutes before finally coming to a silent conclusion. "We're on the same team."

She was offended. "Oh so you're going to pull that on me now? You ran from Sakura when she wanted to have lunch with you because she was on the same team. And now you're going say that?" She then blinked a few times and her eyes widened. She didn't mean to say that aloud. She just sighed and pulled a kunai from her pouch, slicing the ropes from his sides. "Just... Just go."

She held open the window for him, to which after a few seconds of suspiciously staring at her, he darted through. She let her arm drop and allowed the window to close behind him.

Great job.

You really butchered that didn't you?

Shut up.

Epsilon was frustrated. Everything about him hating her that she had been building up until that point had crumbled before her eye. She had yelled at him, showing that she actually pays attention to what he does, and letting him go hinted that she cares. Both of which were not things she wanted him to believe she was doing. Her head then shot up. Wait a second...

Voices, can you do a scenario check for me?

A what-now?

Scenarios check is like going over a situation over and over again checking all possibilities.

Heh heh! The only one that can do that sort of thing is me!

I hate to admit it, but he's right.

The only way I'll do something like that for you is if you do something in return for me! In the future of course! Heh heh!

Epsilon bit her lip. This was the voice that had tormented her the most when she was younger. It was the most twisted one that seemed to enjoy anything destructive. On the other hand though, apparently this was the only voice that could do it. With widened eyes, she realized that what she asking the voices to do, was not something her mind would ever be able to do alone.


What a great choice.

She could almost see something grinning down at her, malicious, and manipulative from between metal bars with a seal on the front.

Do a scenario check on when I slammed my hand down on the table in the classroom. I want to know if the kid would have leaned backwards without me having to do anything.

The voices were silent. Epsilon had wanted to do a check on that point in the story because she knew that that's what happened in the manga and anime. If she hadn't changed much than it would have happened anyways, no harm done. If not though... She had changed the plot line significantly enough.

Heh heh! I've got news but you're not going to like it.

Just tell me already.

The boy would have leaned back alright, but not enough to push Naruto into Sasuke.

A bead of sweat ran down the side of her face. Her being in this world changed it already and she had only been in it a few days. And yet the event happened anyways because she was there. So she simultaneous altered the plot line and corrected it at the same time.

While she thought, she walked back to academy. Lunch time must have been over a while ago. Shaking her head, she sprinted toward the school building. Spotting a window that was ajar, she hopped through it and cleanly landed on the other side. Luckily it was her classroom, but the only people in it were Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto. Sasuke, who was sitting, only quickly glanced at her entrance and the others didn't seem to notice.

"He's late." Naruto poked his head out the sliding doors.

Sakura leaned against one of the front desk. "Naruto! Just sit down!" She yelled unreasonably loud.

He turned his head just enough to see her. "I don't want to. How come our teacher is the only one that's late? I'm ready to roll. Believe it!" He turned fully toward her now. "The other groups already met their new teachers and took off on some adventure or something, and Iruka-sensei is gone too."

"We know okay." Sakura spoke in an exasperated tone. Naruto then grabbed the chalk board eraser and began dragging the chair. At the sound of thumping she looked up. "Hey what are you doing?!" Sasuke glanced at him annoyed already. Sakura stood up and walked to Naruto. "Naruto!" She placed her hands on her hips as he wedged the eraser in the opening of the door at the top.

"That's what he gets for coming late!" He jumped off the chair. "Surprise!"

"You're asking for trouble. You know you shouldn't do that." She chided. Epsilon knew that on the inside she was all in for it.

"Hn. Our teacher's a jounin, an elite ninja. You'd think he'd fall for that?" Sasuke spoke dully.

"I say he will." Epsilon spoke up and they all turned to her.

Sasuke gave her a second glance. "Well I say he won't."

"I know he will." And with that last comment a hand pulled open the door, and the eraser fell on his head. All was silent as the eraser hit the floor.

Then Naruto started laughing and pointed at the grey haired male while Sasuke sent Epsilon a suspicious glance as she sat on top of an upper desk. "I got him!" Naruto shouted. "He totally fell for it!"

"I'm sorry Sensei." That was fake Sakura again. "I told him not to do it but he wouldn't listen. I'd never do anything like that." Inner Sakura probably had congratulated Naruto by now.

He actually fell for that cheap trick. Sasuke thought as he sighed. Is this guy really a jounin?

Epsilon raised her hand in greeting to the ninja who nodded in recognition. "Hm. How can I put this?" He placed a hand to his chin and looked upwards. "My first impression of this group: You're a bunch of idiots." Epsilon could see their mood deflate right before her eyes, even Sasuke.

She hopped down from her perch and stood next to their teacher. "Come on guys. Up to the roof with Kakashi." Kakashi's eyes widened slightly before sighing. He waved his hand in a 'go on' gesture and poofed away, presumably to the roof. She stepped into the doorway and looked behind her. Her team was staring at her like she had grown a second head. "Well? Come on." She then turned and headed towards the stairs with Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke following in suit.

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