Episode 1: Reaching for the Stars and the Supernovas

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The hostess of the show was getting touched up by her production assistant, in preparation for filming... even when the cameras were already up and running.

"Is everything all set, Emily?" The female asked her assistant.

"Everything's all set, Kristal." Emily replied, who was mostly off-screen at the moment.

"Then let's get this season moving!" Kristal said, sitting up from her chair. "Welcome, one and all to the beginning of a special season of the hottest reality show on television!" She introduced the entire viewing audience to the show. "It's been a bit of a while, but after some... 'special negotiating' with another production crew, we're back! We've brought back many of your favorite and not-so-favorite competitors for another shot at the grand prize!" She informed whilst she walked across the airport in Ottawa. "We're just about to pick up SOME of our contestants from all across the world in this private jet. It's been two years since our first season, and one since our last. Imagine all of the shenanigans our contestants might have gotten into..." She thought with a smirk.

"It's also pretty worthy to note that some of the crew are currently handling a bit of a surprise that we have in store for everyone. Since I'm feeling a bit generous for you lovely viewers... you'll get to see some of it for yourself later in the episode." She said with a little wink directed at the fourth wall.

"Who will compete in this jam-packed season? What the hell have our contestants been up to for the past two or so years? Most importantly, what IS that surprise you viewers and the contestants will see? Find out right here and... RIGHT NOW!" Kristal enthusiastically announced with a sparkle coming out from her teeth.


"We're currently in Ottawa, Canada to pick up our first four participants!" Kristal announced. "Here comes our favorite naive watermelon, Jake! I assume you're ready for All-Stars?"

The black-haired boy walked in seemingly excited for the oncoming season.

"Hi Kristal! You bet I'm excited for this!" Jake said excitedly. "Hoping I'll be able to win for Miriam!"

"Y'know, now that I think of it..." Kristal thought. "Why did Miriam refuse entry into the season anyway? I assume it's probably because of her probably being satisfied with her victory, right?"

"Actually... she was eager of participating even though she did win." Jake informed her, looking saddened thinking about it. "But the current back problems that she's been having was too much to deal with for an entire season..."

"Well, that's unfortunate... Would have loved to meet her..." Kristal sighed. "While I do wish her the best recovery, you should probably go wait inside the jet. After all, the fun is just beginning"

Jake obliged to Kristal's order, heading inside the jet and over to his seat.


"Hello, Jake!" Emily greeted the watermelon-sweater boy, now sitting with him in an interview room. "I know Miriam isn't here due to unfortunate circumstances, but do you mind telling us what did she do with the million that she won last season?"

"Sure! I don't think she'd mind. She spent the majority of it on a beach house." Jake informed her. "With what she had left, she helped me move out of my parents home. I honestly really owe her for that..."

"You oughta know, the Disventure Camp really LOVED your relationship with her during the first season!" Emily told him. "Do you two still keep in contact?"

"All the time!" Jake answered. "We're basically like neighbors! We even went on a trip a few months ago... though we ended up having to chop it short."

"And why's that?"

"A combination of Miriam getting sick and the back problems that ended up having to refuse to participate this season..." Jake stated.

"Jake, in this entire session, not once have you mentioned Tom." Emily observed. "You know the fans loved you two together... What happened to him?"

"Yeah... can we end this interview now?" Jake suddenly got moody when his ex-boyfriend got mentioned.


With Jake introduced, Kristal moved on to the next two. "Now here comes Season 2's emerging lovebirds, Ally and Hunter!"

The gamer girl arrived, panting a bit as she came in. The player followed after her more slowly.

"Thank god we made the airport in time..!" Ally gasped in breath. "C'mon, Hunter! Let's board before it's too late!"

"Before is an understatement." Kristal deadpanned. "You two are already late!"

"Oh, that's my fault... Sorry, Kristal..." The raven-haired boy apologized, before realizing an error he made, shuffling around his bag for something. "Crap! Sorry Ally, I only realized now that I forgot to bring my Switch with me!"

The ponytailed brunette gasped. "What? But I reminded you to get it just before we left!"

"I... kind of got distracted at the time..." Hunter sheepishly rubbed his back.

"Well that's just great..." Ally groaned in disappointment and frustration. "Now what are we supposed to do in our free time?"

"Well, if it makes you two feel any better..." Kristal announced, "Electronic devices of any kind are officially prohibited in the campsite!"

"Wait, what?" Ally was surprised. "Why's that?"

"We in the production crew decided that all competitors shouldn't have any contact with the outside world until the competition's over." She told her in response.

"Well, uh..." The player said awkwardly. "At least that's some sort of silver-lining, right?"

"But..." Ally didn't seem too relieved though. "It feels as if you usually ignore me when I try asking you for a favor..."

"Enough disagreeing already." Kristal stated impatiently. "Now get in the jet. We have a schedule to stay loyal to!"

A bit taken aback from Kristal's words, the couple went inside without much rebuttal. As they walked inside the plane, they noticed the only other person sitting inside.

"Jake! It's really nice to meet you in person!" Hunter greeted the naive boy.

"The pleasure's all mine!" Jake greeted back. "Miriam said you two were her favorites when she watched the season... though, I do kind of wonder... wasn't there someone else you two were friends with? Tess, was it?" He then asked.

"Oh, her?" Ally said. "She went to study in New York after our season ended..."

"We haven't seen her in months, and unfortunately, I think the studies are holding her back from competing this season..." Hunter sadly stated.

"Oh, that's a bit disappointing... I was hoping I'd get to meet her..."


"So, Gamer Girl..!" Emily said, looking interested in what's in store. "How have you been dealing with all of the haters you've received?"

"Oh, my fans are pretty great! They'll always have my appreciation... Though, there's been a lot of haters recently..."

"Yeah, especially after me and Ally announced our dating to the public." Hunter added in.

"I just hate having to deal with them all the time..." She sighed sadly. "They can be pretty vicious..."


The final contestant in Ottawa rushed in in a hurry, seemingly exhausted.

"Ah, the former secret agent, Tom!" Kristal introduced him. "Now what took you so long? Shouldn't agents like you be sly and fast?"

"Oh, my apologies!" Tom apologized. "I met a familiar face from the TSA. Both of us were officers in training, and—"

"Oh, I'm sorry myself, did I ask..?" Kristal snappily asked.

"Well, you actually did, yeah..." Tom said.

"Move it buster! We're losing time here!" She then ordered him, with the now irritated agent moving forward.

As he walked by, he noticed a familiar face, and both parties seemed to feel awkward about it.

"Um... Hello..." Tom greeted uncomfortably.

"Tom..! Uh... I'm... How have you been?" Jake asked, feeling equally as awkward as he did.

"Uh... Mostly busy with work in all honesty..." He scratched his head.

"Honestly, I kinda wished that you've tried to call..." Jake sighed.

"Sorry... my mind's been a bit occupied lately." Tom lied. "Mostly with... other matters. We can talk later, though."

Tom then left Jake alone, not exactly helping his situation with him. He smiled as the agent exited, then his face drooped into a frown.

After Tom went into his seat, Kristal turned on a walkie-talkie and started to speak to the other end secretively.

"So, Marcus... Nina... How's the bus roadtrip throughout Canada?" Kristal asked within the talkie, a bit curious on his current venture.

"Goin' swell, Kristal." He replied from the talkie. "The two of us are just about to arrive to our first stop over at Ottawa. Our first surprise contestants' wait for us to come in is right about to end."

"Better hope we don't get a flat tire while we're out here..!" Nina then added in with a snarky tone.

We then cut to a bus stop somewhere in Ottawa, Ontario, where our first surprise contestants were awaiting their bus. A lanky, ginger-haired male wearing green-lensed glasses wearing significantly different attire than his previous on-screen appearance. He now dons a blue sweater with the classic burger from his older shirt imprinted on the left side. It has red on the sleeve edges, alongside keeping the green jeans and sneakers. He also bore a red undershirt and trimmed his hair slightly to look more neat. The other person was a dark-skinned lady with dark and more curly hair and ponytail. Her hair tie was orange instead of beige and she had a different apple-themed shirt than before, with green and red apples rather than only being red ones. Her short changed color to a similar green as the redhead's to reflect this, but the sandals stayed as is. Both individuals also seemed older, at around the age range of 22 and 23.

"So..." The redhead started to asked, rubbing his back. "Feeling anything on returning to these kinda shows, Leshawna?"

"Harold, hun, I've never felt more confident before!" Leshawna stated with plenty of confidence. "I may have been out of the picture for a while, but this time, the 6 years that passed since World Tour. Plus, Chris's already in prison, so this season can't be as challenging, of course. How bad could it all be?"

The uber-nerd Harold, on the other hand, looked a bit more cautious about the situation than she did. "Well, to be fair, I've watched the previous two seasons of the whole 'Disventure Camp' series that the new show-runner did. Needless to say, the challenges look practically as dangerous as ours did, especially the snow challenge in Season 2."

"Relax." The sass tried to reassure her best friend. "Nothin' will be able to get through our faces if we just stick together."

Harold tried to think of what his best friend had stated, right before the bus to pick them up arrived.

"Welp, looks like that's our ride." Leshawna commented, picking up her bags. "Let's get rollin'."

Harold obliged, picking up the stuff that he brought along as well and entered in the bus with her.


Over at the interview room, Emily was of course, interviewing the returning contestants.

"So... You must be Harold and Leshawna! It's been a long while since you've last competed in one of these." Emily commented before giving them their first question. "What are your strategies for the competition this time?"

"Easy." Harold was quick to answer first, being the know-it-all that he was. "This time, I'm gonna make sure to lay low, and only expose my mad skills when needed. Plus, I'm making sure no one tries to bring my own self down this time." He then scoffed upon thinking of the first person that he described that came to mind. "Especially DUNCAN..."

"As for me, I'll be playing the game the same that I've ever had." Leshawna claimed. "It got me far twice and it could work again now that Ale-jerk-dro could be outta the picture. Though, if there's a situation where I might have to change my game-plans, I'm gonna have to."

"There have been some rumors going on about you two getting together, especially after that one exclusive clip from World Tour after the final Aftermath..." Emily stated, wasting no time on making things interesting. "Is all of that true?"

This did get the girl irritated easily, likely having received that question for a while. "How many times do I have to address this? Me and Harold are JUST BEST FRIENDS. Nothing more to it! Right, Harold..?!"

Harold was a bit dejected from hearing that, still holding onto his known crush on her, but nodded in agreement.

"Are you absolutely sure, though..?" Emily teased the duo, which wasn't taken so kindly. "I heard Harold still has that intense feeling for your greatest... ass-ets~!"

"Oh, one more of that out from your mouth, and I'm forcing you out of this set!" Leshawna threatened Emily as she stood up from her chair, with the string-bean trying to restrain her.

"Yeesh, what a feisty one we've got here..." Emily said, partly shocked from her response.


Back over at the bus stop, Leshawna and Harold both entered in the bus, taking a look around it.

"Looks just about as any old broken-down bus does..." Leshawna commented, with Harold adding in... "You think they could have gotten something more regular for us returnees?"

Leshawna shrugged at the question, though their conversation was quickly cut off. "Ah, fresh new morons to have some fun with! Hope you dummies are prepared for what's coming later on..!" Nina was quick to state, which of course, creeped the two out.

"Gosh! Is your puppet usually like that?!" Harold asked the bus driver, who seemed nonchalant about Nina's antics. "Eh. Usually... You'll get used to it sooner or later though. Go hang around in one of the seats while you wait for the others to be picked up."

Harold and Leshawna looked at each other with unease. "It's... best that we just listen to those two." The lively girl told him as they walked over to one of the bus seats.


The next two female contestants in waiting sat down in an airport in New York. the orange-haired girl looked uncomfortable, and her girlfriend seemed to notice.

"Ellie? Are you alright? You seem a bit down..." Gabby asked, looking concerned.

"It's just... I feel really strange having to go back to where it all began..." Ellie commented.

"In a good way or a bad way?" The animal lover asked, which the overworked girl looked a bit unconfident about.

"It's... kind of like both in a way. On one hand, I'm glad that the producers wanted to give me another chance, but the bad memories of what happened on my first go-around keep coming back to bite me..."

"You shouldn't worry about it too much." Gabby said in a comforting manner. "I'm sure we'll find our way to shine this year!" This made Ellie smile a bit, as someone else walked in. He had green hair tied to a bun, now having a white hair tie to replace the darker one that was already broken during Season 2. He seemed to have kept the beard that he grew, albeit looking a bit shaved. He wore a similar sweater that he did in season two across his waste, now looking more dark green than turquoise, with the signs on his sweater getting the lighter turquoise coloring instead. His white shirt seemed to have some rips and tears on the sleeves, indicating that he might have made those himself. He swapped his leggings for beige shorts and wore turquoise sandals, but his markings during his time in the forest during Season 2 remained in place.

"Ah, greetings you two." The green-haired man greeted. "I assume I'm not late to come over?"

"Seems so, Kai. The plane's a bit late than expected." Ellie told him. Seems like the two girls know him already. "Granted, you don't use electronics, so I don't think you would have known."

"Fair enough." Kai shrugged.

"Glad you could make it to the season though!" Gabby excitedly stated. "We were meaning to try to hang out with you more!"

"I was honestly thinking the same." Kai agreed. "I was a bit distracted on continuing to find myself within nature, but hopefully this could give us time to truly connect with one another."

Ellie then looked over at the window, seeing the plane arrive. "Looks like our ride's here."

Kai walked inside the plane first, meditating to himself.

"Oh, hey!" Ally greeted him. "You were from our season as well, right?"

"Indeed I was." Kai confirmed. "Ally, was it?"

"You got that right! It's really nice to properly meet you!" Ally said, introducing herself and her boyfriend. "And that's considering me and Hunter... never really talked with you much during that... You being an early boot and all..."

"The pleasure's all mine." He said, shaking their hands politely. "And neither of you should worry about that. I don't particularly blame you two for voting me off the last time we both participated."


"Kai, our resident nature lover! One face that I wasn't actually expecting to come back!" Emily said, looking a bit surprised. "What mainly motivated you to come back?"

"Nature was communicating with me that there was a sign coming from Tipiskaw again..." Kai explained. "Being one with it myself, I had to go investigate what's with its calling this time."

"I... uh... see. Interesting..." Emily said, feeling a bit weirded out by his nature demeanor. "Now, I see you've already formed a bond with Gabby and Ellie from Season 1. How'd you get to know them?"

"It's quite simple, actually." Kai said as he started to explain. "Me and Gabby first met each other during a Burger King protest. We hit it off as friends pretty easily, with our shared love for nature. From there, she introduced me to Ellie, who did seem pretty cool from the times we hung out with each other."

The zen guy's face then turned to one with a bit more worry as he thought of something else. "Though, her energy tells me that she might behave quite differently while she's participating in the competition... I'm not quite sure why exactly, but I'm gonna have to keep an eye on her to see what's up."


Ellie and Gabby walked into the plane with their bags, and were immediately met with angered glares from both of the remaining Season 1 competitors inside.

"Um... hello?" Ellie asked, confused. "Is NOBODY here gonna at least give me a simple greeting..?"

"Obviously NOT." Jake said bitterly.

"Look, I could have forgave you for EVERYTHING you've done in the last season, but THOSE INTERVIEWS?!" Tom said, infuriated. "That was just too far of you!"

"Seriously, are you all still upset about that?" She asked.

"How could we not be?!" Jake glared. "You dragged all of us on international TV!"

"Alright, fine... hold your stupid grudges. It's not like me or Gabby care anyway..." Ellie groaned as she walked off, with Gabby looking more stressed and following along.


"Ellie, from the looks of it, some insiders claimed that your fellow competitors from your season are quite pissed off about what you've said in your post-season interviews." Emily said with a smirk. "How exactly do you feel about that, hmm?"

"Those happened almost TWO years ago!" Ellie claimed. "If they were able to get over all of my actions in the season, then they should get over what I've said there. It's not like I've said anything THAT bad..."

"Oh... REALLY now?" Emily said, as she looked over to the monitor to show footage of Ellie's post-game interview.


"I heard that Tom still ignores Jake's calls, but can you really blame him for that? Dealing with Jake should count as a community service sentence from court. I've already given my two cents on him during his elimination episode, so I'm not delving further into his already weak mindset. Though, Tom isn't any better either. He's the dictionary definition of a himbo. Who in their life would go onto Reality TV as a secret spy? That's literally gonna blow your entire cover into smithereens inevitably!"

"The purple team was one big disaster waiting to implode on itself. I'm actually glad I was able to switch teams with the opportunity given to me. Nick's practically as much of an idiot as Tom was, if not, more than he was. How could someone like him be so stubborn to believe a six-year-old over an alliance that he's stuck with since the beginning of the game? His attitude isn't better either. He's the exact stereotype of a spoiled rich kid who never even received a whooping over anything. It's no wonder why he was voted off third..."

"If Nick was bad, then Ashley's probably worse. How does she not see through Fiore immediately after everything? Probably must've been her toxic positivity... Alec and I knew from the start of the season that she's a manipulator. Then again, Ashley lived in a farm for her entire life, so I'd expect her intelligence to match her home life."

"Grett is honestly one of, if not, the worst person I've ever come to interact with in my season, let alone my entire life. I've heard rumors that she's flipped herself 180, but knowing who she is, I doubt that's the case..."

"Alec told Fiore that he wished his son was more like her. Firstly, your standards on children has to be alarming, knowing that Fiore herself is a demon child. Secondly, if I was in Alec's son's shoes and heard what he said on international TV, I would outright consider running away from my household and cutting off contact with the idiot... Needless to say, he's one real piece of work..."


"Honestly, Ellie..." Gabby said nervously. "Maybe you went a bit too far with your ranting..."

"Well, with how college and rents were, I needed the money from the interviews." Ellie defended herself. "Besides, all of what I said was explicitly the cold-hard truth."


The next two contestants were over in Toronto, Ontario, a bit further from Ottawa but still an important city. One seemed to be a light-skinned goth girl, still keeping her turquoise hair dye from her teenage years, now being mixed with her natural dark brown hair and it overall being fluffier. Her outfit was a more different gothic outfit, this time being a blue and black dress with a skull and teal roses being on the center. The midnight blue-eyed goth also wore a teal undershirt, and kept the boots from her teenage years, now colored brown, and her leggings were now more of a transparent black. The other, more darker-skinned, freckled female with dark brown eyes looked more on the preppy side. She wore a brown cotton sweater with a lighter colored stripe in the middle, along with a tan long-sleeved uniform underneath. The sweater's own sleeves were rolled up, making the uniform look more visible. Her brown hair was now slightly tied up, making it look a bit on the shorter side. She kept her green pants but traded her sandals away for more work-styled shoes, kind of fitting for her.

The goth seemed a bit nonchalant about the situation, whilst the overachiever seemed... more stressed than usual, and the former took notice of this.

"Courtney?" The goth asked, looking concerned. "Usually, you're so... fired up for these kinds of competitions. I mean, I get it if it's Chris that you're worrying about, but he's practically been replaced now. What's with the mood?"

"Do you not recall how much hate mail I've gotten since All-Stars finished airing..?!" Courtney asked her in an anxious manner. "Just look at the internet at the time! MOST of the fans were practically bashing my head on a pike, even some of them wishing the unspeakable! Nowadays on reality television, if I do even one minor slip-up around here, who knows if I might get bashed to hell?! Besides, that practically single-handedly ruined my opportunity on becoming a real lawyer!"

"Okay... Are you really sure signing up for this with me was the best idea for you?" The goth raised an eyebrow. "I don't exactly think your mental state seems fit for this..."

"Gwen, you know I just can't back out of any challenge like that!" The C.I.T. (Counselor in Training) struck back, which only made Gwen's eyes roll. "Someone like me can't afford to lose something like this in a humiliating manner again! So, I'm gonna make sure that my game plan and my attitude is gonna be fully perfect and up to my standards! If the viewers and, well... especially myself now, don't like how I was previously, maybe I can just try to change things up for the better..! With my personality and actions and the like! After all, a retry at law school doesn't buy itself, you know!"

Gwen sighed as the bus arrived at its destination. "Fair enough, I suppose... I do need some funds for college classes for art anyway."


"Gwen! Courtney! I'm quite surprised that you two managed to kiss and make up!" Emily commented in the interviewing room on the two's reformed friendship, with the two girls looking a bit uncomfortable on the 'kissing' part. "I thought you wouldn't have been in the interacting range after the whole... well, you know." She referred to the entire chart incident during All-Stars, where the lawyer wannabe was voted out for it.

Visibly, the mention of the incident made Courtney feel uncomfortable, so Gwen placed her hand on her shoulder and answered for her. "Believe me, I was hesitant on the idea of forgiving Courtney for betraying my trust like that, but when we first reunited during a library visit a few years back... She did apologize and showed that she still had heart and sincerity inside her... So, that was what roped me into giving her another chance, and she's been showing improvement since we were teenagers. Times can change a person, you know." Courtney smiled slightly after hearing Gwen's answer.

"How... heartwarming." Emily sarcastically stated before muttering to herself. "Was hoping it'd be more angsty..." Nevertheless, she moved onto the next question she had in mind. "Speaking of the heart, if either Trent or Duncan make it into the season, how'd you feel about that?"

"Well, Trent and I stayed as close friends after World Tour ended, even after the whole throwing challenges fiasco we endured during the season before, so I'd be happy if he came back. Duncan, though... he's a more complicated case for both me AND Courtney... We don't really want to talk about it much."

"Fair enough..." Emily said. "Now this last question's for the oddly-quiet Courtney. What are your expectations for this season? Perhaps hoping that neither of your friends manage to kiss another crush of yours."

Flustered and frustrated from what was asked, Courtney stood up from her chair and grabbed the goth's hand. "Okay, this interview is officially OVER!"

She dragged the both of each other away, with Emily shrugging and looking a bit disappointed with the lack of answer. "And to think they used to be so drama-oriented as teens..."


Gwen and Courtney walked into the bus, and saw Leshawna and Harold sitting nearby. Leshawna took notice of the goth.

"Gwen! How's it goin', girl?" Leshawna fist-bumped Gwen happily, which she accepted.

"It's going good." Gwen commented with a smile. "Happy to see you and I competing again. Felt as if we drifted away a bit after Action..."

"In all fairness, you two WERE on opposing teams during World Tour." Harold stated, which Gwen nodded to.

"Well, maybe it could end up being different this time?" She asked with a bit of hope.

"Only time can really tell, though..." Courtney awkwardly stated, having known that she didn't have so good of a relationship with the other two.

"That's true for sure... Wishin' you two luck in the show either way!" Leshawna said, with Gwen giving a thumbs-up and Courtney nervously waving.

"Somethin's up with the counselor girl." Leshawna commented, with Harold trying to think more positive. "Maybe she finally had her attitude adjusted for the better?"


A grey-haired male who looks as if he's in the sixties walked over near another airport, looking around until he spotted a brunette lady wearing sunglasses walking in with her bag.

"Oh, Riya!" He greeted her. "You're looking great today!"

"Thanks." She said, flipping her ponytail a bit. "I know that I look magnificent."

"Though, we haven't really talked about what happened last week..." The man said, looking uneasy about the thought. "You know, on TV..? Did you really mean that..?"

"It's nothing to worry on, Connor." Riya dismissed. "I only told the fans what they wanted to hear. I've got a reputation to uphold, and you know that."

"Yeah, I know that, but..." Connor said, rubbing his head. "It still hurt regardless..."


It then flashbacked to the week before, where Riya was attending a fan meetup, and everyone was clamoring to ask her things.

"Riya! Tell me everything!" An audience member said. "There are rumors of a new special season of Disventure Camp coming. Would you perform differently than last season if so?"

"Yes to both questions." Riya got to the point.

"What was your biggest regret from the last time you participated?"

"My one and only mistake was having to choose Connor in the finale as my helper..." Riya stated.

The audience gasped in shock about her answer, knowing her relationship with him.

"Hello? It's true. If I chose someone strong like Karol or..." She groaned before muttering the person's name. "YUL... I would have won over that Oreo Twink and that Influencer! All that guy did during the finale was slow me down from the million!"


"Hey, cool cats! Long time no see to all of you!" Connor happily greeted everyone.

"Connor, hey man!" Hunter greeted. "Glad to see you again!"

Riya, on the other hand, walked off with not much words. Though, her silence was cut short.

"Oh my gosh! Riya! I'm a huge fan!" Gabby stated excitedly. "I was just watching Black Widow's Gambit, and you rocked in that movie! Congrats on the Gemmy award!"

"It should have come sooner..." Riya impatiently said. "But I guess I can accept it." She walked off with Connor to their seats.


"Riya! You've been the talk of the town ever since you've participated in Disventure Camp!" Emily said. "Tell us! How did you become so successful in Hollywood?"

"I guess people were finally able to see the talent potential I've had." Riya assumed. "After the show ended, my current producer was able to get me into a bunch of dramas on multiple networks. That, combined with how I did in my season, was able to give me the title of 'Villainess of TV.'"

"And how do you feel about that, Connor?" Emily asked.

"Oh, me? I'm just happy that she was able to succeed while on her own!" Connor said.

"What exactly happened between you two?" Emily asked. "Did you smooch up with each other by now..?"

"Well, uh... the situation's kind of complicated..." Connor said.

"We haven't been seeing each other as often." Riya stated. "You know, being busy with our separate lives..."

"What she said... But I'm kind of hoping this new season could get us closer together and help catch up on what we've missed!" Connor hoped.


Over at Geraldton, Ontario, much further than the previous two cities, there was a trio walking over towards the nearest bus stop. The first of which was a big-sized blondie wearing his classic maple-leaf shirt, but with a blue unbuttoned shirt on top. There was also a pizza badge on the righter side of it. His other attire remains mostly in-tact though, albeit his hair did seem to grow a bit longer than before. The second of which was a man looking of Indian descent, having similar attire to his teenager years, but he did grow a small goatee and his hair also got slightly longer. The last of which was a red-headed girl with many scars located in her body, likely from her many zany claimed ventures. Her hair seemed more unkempt than when she was younger, and she had some bandages wrapped around her left arm and right leg, and a small band-aid on her nose.

"Woot-Woot! Another season, another fun-time for Izzy to go wild!" The redhead named Izzy excitedly exclaimed. "And I almost got all of Team E-Scope with me as well!"

"Whoop-de-doo..!" The shorter man sarcastically said.

"Aw c'mon, Noah, ol' buddy, show some enthusiasm!" The big guy tried to help pep up his little bud. "It at least means we got another shot of winning that mill! Nothing can stop the THREE of us from winning! No-siree!" The big guy seemed confident, which made his bud chuckle a little.

"Well, least I have YOUR humor to keep my spirits up a bit, Owen." Noah stated with a smirk.

As the mini-team looked back at the sidewalk, they noticed the bus having already arrived at the bus stop.

"Aaaaand I think we should start running." Izzy simply commented, as the three rushed into the bus door. She and Noah got inside without much problems. Owen, on the other hand...

"Uhh... guys..? A little help here?"

The big guy managed to get stuck in the door due to his weight. The other two had to pull him inside, causing him to roll over with them. The other contestants, plus Marcus looked a bit concerned as Team E-Scope collided with the back of the bus. Nina, on the other hand, rolled her puppet eyes.

"We're all good..!" Owen reassured the rest of the gang in their bus, much to their relief.

"My vertebrae bones aren't though..." Noah, who was being crushed by his weight, remarked with some pain coming from his voice.


"Well, if it isn't the original winner himself! And you've bought your friends along!" Emily stated.

"Actually, Izzy and I started dating again just recently." Owen corrected her, with Izzy nodding rapidly in response, and Noah just rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I honestly thought you two were gone for good..." Emily said, now interesting in what was just revealed. "How'd you two come back together?"

"Well, it took some time in all honesty... We've only met back up with each other and started to hang out again two years ago, and the sparks between us just came back slowly the more we spent time with each other." Owen informed her. "I honestly don't regret it at all! Me and her are WAY happy being together again!"

Izzy nodded excitedly. "Yup! Nothin' can break Izzy and Big-O up again after the whole Brainzilla biz! Oh, and I also promised on no more hoofing in the kiwis. Honest and truthfully!"

"'Least that issue's taken care of..." Noah commented, that being the only major reason on why he was concerned with the two back in World Tour.

"Now, what motivated you three to come back to compete again?" Emily asked, and the newly-reformed couple were quick to respond. "For the fun of it!"

"As for me, after all of the Reality TV shows me and Owen participated in, I STILL haven't won a single one!" Noah claimed irritatedly. "This time, I'm not letting ANYTHING get in my way."

He then looked at his best friends... who already started to make out with each other very passionately. He looked at them with an irritated face, whilst Emily looked more disgusted by the making out.

"... Especially when it comes to those two making face Geoff-and-Bridgette-style during the challenges..." Noah snidely said. "Anyway, my strategical-geared brain and I are gonna make it to the big time AND the big bucks. I'm in this to win it."


Kristal started to speak from the plane speakers. "Attention everyone, we're about to make a turbulent landing. Please hang onto something and fasten your seatbelts."

The private jet immediately landed right onto Ashley's farm, in front of her and Will, both seemingly surprised by the rough arrival.

"At least they didn't land in any of our cornfields..." Ashley said in relief.

"Have fun Ashley, and make sure to kick some ass!" Will encouraged her, which she took kindly. "You betcha, babe!"

The two shared a kiss before the cowgirl left to join the competition, heading inside the jet.

"Howdy, y'all!" Ashley greeted everyone in the plane, and took her seat next to Ellie and Gabby. "How y'all doin'?"

"I'm so ecstatic for this season! WOOHOO!" Gabby cheered excitedly.

"About time there's someone here who doesn't have any hard feelings..." Ellie said, a bit more relieved now.

"Darn tootin'! I mean, don't get me wrong, what you said did hurt a bit, Ellie..." Ashley said, before getting interrupted by Tom. "Oh, it was more than hurt, it was outright SLANDER!"

"It's water under the bridge now though, we're alright!" Ashley reassured Ellie, with the couple giving out a smile.

We cut over to Winnipeg, Manitoba, where one geeky contestant was looking around outside of his home for the ride. He had light brown hair and was looking around the area. He wore a tan striped vest, with many thin green, red, and yellow stripes all around the shirt horizontally and vertically. Underneath the vest was a light yellow shirt, and he also wore brown pants with a computer keyboard implanted on the upper leggings. His shoes remained intact from his teenager days, and he was also wearing a visor that looks similar to his Drama Brothers hat.

"Alright, the Codemeister's ready for another season!" Cody told himself. "Now I just wonder when Justin's gonna..."

"You don't need to ask that now." He was soon interrupted by a very hot looking individual. His baby blue eyes were sparkling as ever, and now wore a dark green tank-top instead of a shirt, alongside some sunglasses on the top of his forehead. His hair was also more stylized than before, and traded his old necklace for a new one, which resembled a mirror now. His arms had some silver bracelets on them, and wore greener and fancier sandals.

"How's it hanging, bandmate?" Justin asked Cody, who gave him a high-five.

"Pretty sweet!" He answered. "Can't believe us Drama Bros. actually have another shot at winning the million!"

"You said it." Justin said charmingly. "At first, I was kind of against the idea, but now that Chris is gone and a hottie's gotten his spot, I couldn't really resist the temptations to come back now. Besides, I could use the money to help fund my modeling businesses and for the band."

"Yeah, am I relieved to see that he's gotten the boot..." Cody sighed in relief, but then looked a bit more solemn as he changed the topic. "Shame that Trent wasn't able to make the cut, but you know those fangirls of his..."

"Mhm..." Justin nodded in agreement with him. "They're practically crazier than how Sierra usually is. Dude's even got them swarming near his house rarely."

"Eh, I'd say they're tamer than how she was during her tenures..." Cody shrugged and shuddered a bit. "At least they don't sniff his toothbrushes or give unauthorized foot-rubs!"

Soon enough, the bus stopped over in front of the house.

"I guess we can talk more about that when we get seated." Cody said as he took notice of the bus and started to walk over with his bags, motioning Justin to follow along. "Let's get going!"

Justin didn't hesitate to follow along with his bandmate.


"Ah, the two Drama Brothers!" Emily said excitedly. "Just so you know, I was a BIG fan back in the day. I even used to own your hit albums!"

"Nice to hear that!" Cody said happily, with Justin shooting her a finger gun and a wink. "We get that all the time." The Hawaiian model commented.

"So, how has the band been doing as of recent?" Emily asked the duo. "Haven't particularly caught up with any of those shenanigans for a while."

"We're still being a hit with the ladies!" Cody said, trying to look charming. "Though Harold did have to part ways with us to focus on his own future, which was a bit of a sad occurrence for both partied... but we still came off strong even without his beatboxing." He said, looking sad upon remembering what happened with his former bandmate. "Trent's still with us, too!"

"Now, Cody, what are your current thoughts on Gwen and..." Emily shuddered a bit. "THAT girl..?"

"Gwen and I are cool with each other now." Cody replied. "We decided it would've been the best if we remained friends. After her previous two experiences, I'm not quite sure if she'd even be fine with being with boys anytime soon..." Cody's face then seemed to look as if he felt complicated, knowing who Emily was referring the girl to. "As for Sierra, you wouldn't believe how disappointed I was with her behavior during All-Stars. Though she has been taking some therapy sessions recently and her behavior towards me has been progressively getting better. So, I'm kinda glad about the fact that I can see some good in anyone who hasn't been acting as nice."

"And Justin... how are you gonna play the game this time, now knowing that looks can't always help you?" Emily asked the hunk.

"Well, this time, I might have to rely on my brain more." Justin said, pointing at his brain area. "He and I didn't seem to cooperate too well back when I was younger, but now that we're older and mentally more powerful, I think he and I are gonna have a little fun toying with the other competitors."

"Now that's one game attitude that I like to hear..!" Emily commented with a snarky-looking smirk.


We then cut over to Mexico, with the plane already arrived and Lake, alongside Rosa Mariá and her daughter awaiting her farewell.

"Adios, girls! I'll see you all when I get back." Lake told them.

"Good luck, Auntie Lake!" Rosa's daughter, Sofia said.

"Bye Lake!" Rosa also bided farewell. "But be careful on who you trust in the competition this time."

"I'll try, but..." Lake said, with a bit of remorse. "I do wish that you've come along as well..."

"I couldn't leave Sofia again... but I'm sure you'll do good in representing the both of us." She reassured. "Oh, and kick Yul in the kiwis for me!"

"With pleasure!"

"Hello!" Lake greeted everyone, and saw a few familiar faces. "Hey Hunter and Ally!"

"Lake! How's it going?" Ally greeted.

"It's going great!" Lake answered. "You've heard about the book that I've made with Tess?"

"Oh, yeah! Congrats on the publishing." Hunter congratulated Lake.

"Aww, thanks..!" Lake said with a smile.

"Oh, you must be Lake, right?" Jake asked. "It's really nice to meet you! I've also read one of your books! The Prince and the Knight? It was adorable!"

"Well, everything wouldn't have been done without Tess's illustrations." Lake gave the credit to where it was due. "I'm sure she'd appreciate all of your compliments."

The next three people awaiting pick-up seemed to be coming out of a mall in Regina, Saskatchewan, carrying a couple if bags or so. Two of them seemed to be females, one of them being a brunette with a side ponytail via a yellow hair tie and black glasses, wearing a green and yellow girl's scout uniform. She now wore a belted yellow skirt and wore orange sneakers. The other female wore a blue bandana with white stars on her head, with some of her blonde hair showing out from the front of her head, and it was considerably long on the backside. In addition, she also had a little orange-yellow petaled flower hanging on the side of her ear and pearl earrings. She had orange overalls with a yellow long-sleeved sweater underneath. She kept her cowgirl boots and red skirt, but now having a silver-buckled belt wrapped around it. The last person was a headband wearing male with relatively medium-length hair and seemed relatively fit for his age. He wore a red and white track suit with the letters T and Y over at the upper right. He also had sweatpants on, being more white than red, and wore red and reddish-brown sneakers.

"Whew! That was one big shopping rush!" The blonde said, looking a bit exhausted. "Are ya handling the bags well over there, Tyler?"

"Doin'... just fine, Lindsay!" Tyler said, the clumsy joke trying to keep a good balance on the many bags he was carrying.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry some of the bags he has?" The short, side-pony brunette asked her best friend, who she didn't seem too worried. "Beth, I'm sure he'll be fine! Tyler's like super strong!"

"But he's also super clumsy..." The wannabe replied, which by the time she said that, the jock already tripped over a rock and dropped all of the bags. He groaned as he sat back up. Beth just gave a look at Lindsay in response.

"Well, he was doing pretty fine with those before..!" The dumb princess defended herself, or well, tried to at least.

The bus soon stopped in front of them as its doors opened up.

"Umm... Can we take a pit-stop to put our shopping spree stuff back home?" Lindsay looked at and asked Marcus. Nina just facepalmed in response.

Over in Brazil, the plane landed in the nearest airport, with the same finalist duo that Riya described in her meetups from last week boarding on. The former noticed a familiar close friend of his and gasped

"Is that award winning author, Lake?!" He asked in awe.

"Aiden! James!" Lake ran over to them. "It's been a long time since we've seen each other!"

"A pleasure as always." James said politely.

"Rosa and Sofia told me to say hello for them!"

"Aww..!" Aiden appreciated the thought.

"We gotta go on a trip together at some point." James suggested before pulling out his phone. "Reunion selfie!"

The three happily took a picture and went to their seats... not before Aiden saw an old enemy of his.

"Oh, it's you..! I know what you've did last season, and I'm still awaiting for an apology for almost letting me DIE!" Aiden exclaimed at Riya, who didn't seem to care. "Keep waiting, loser... and you might as well go clean a dirty floor while you're at it!"


"James, you've won a million dollars in the last season and now we're watching you travel the world with Aiden!" Emily said in interest. "Tell us, how have you been spending your prize money?"

"Well, we've been enjoying every moment of it." James answered. "You know Aiden has a thing for traveling. We just arrived to Brazil to visit my sister and I even bought her a new car."

"Boriiing..." Emily yawned. "Now Aiden, do you still hold a grudge against James for using you to gain followers for his Instagram?"

"Well, I kind of used to, but after watching back through the episodes, I realized it was all a misunderstanding." Aiden told her. "I was a bit rash back then, believe me. James and I talked about it maturely and now we're good! My hubby is vewwy sowwy..!"

Emily was visibly disgusted by this. "Eugh... uh... good for you two." She said before facing the camera. "Okay, can we cut to the chapstick commercials now..?"


Over at the nearby city of Saskatoon, one coupled pair was waiting for their ride as well, sitting over at a bench. One seemed to be of Asian descent, donning black hair with some red dyed into it, tied into a long ponytail via a yellow ponytail. There was also a little bee hairpin over at the righter side of her head. Her outfit consisted of a yellow and black striped shirt, also resembling a bee. She wore brown shorts that were somewhat longer than the ones she used to wear, with a black and gold belt, and sandals that were colored similarly to her shirt. The male on the other hand, was from Spanish descent, and his hair seemed spikier than usual, and he seemed to grow a small beard. His outfit seemed relatively similar to his younger ages, aside from the added lighter red stripe on the bottom of his shirt, the maroon-colored shorts, the extra bracelet on his other arm, and green socks. He also seemed to given himself a bull tattoo on his left arm and his sexy goatee grey bigger.

"A new season of this crummy show means another time to be driven insane by all of those losers..." The raven-haired woman groaned. "And to think I only agreed because I was SPECIFICALLY robbed from a Million Bucks more than THREE TIMES!"

"Relax, Heather, mi amor." the Spaniard rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. "We still have each other to stick by, and we'll show those who have dishonored us in the past our true power."

"Oh, that's reassuring..." Heather began, before snapping... "As if you've already done so to me in our PREVIOUS season, Ale-steal-dro!"

"Well, it's not exactly my fault that you've decided to play dirty with me at the time." Alejandro shrugged. "Besides, aren't we considered even after all of that? That is among one of the reasons why I've stuck with your sexy cheek by now."

Heather tried to strike back, but couldn't come up with anything and crossed her arms to herself, flustered and frustrated.

After a few more minutes of silence, the bus came in.

"Let's get this over with..." Heather sighed as she and Alejandro stepped inside. Of course, they both were met with glaring faces from almost everyone. Only Tyler and Cody didn't seem too upset with them.

"Why am I not surprised that we've earned a tough crowd here..?" Heather asked herself out loud, which Justin was quick to reply. "Oh, I don't particularly know... because you've contributed to most of our eliminations in the past?"

"Oh, zip it with that already..!" Heather said, already storming off to her bus seat with her boyfriend. "It shouldn't matter much to you considering you barely even SPOKE during that time!"

As they walked, Noah gave a glare at the Spaniard. "Just to let you know, I didn't forget what you've done, slippery eel..."

"The feeling is mutual, former teammate." Alejandro simply stated in response before continuing on.


Emily: "Ahh... the classic villainous duo!" Emily introduced them. "So, as for as everyone's concerned, how's your relationship going? Knowing that you two practically backstabbed each other countless times and all..."

"It's practically an on-off thing for us." Alejandro stated. "But somehow, fate always ropes us back together, which I'm not against! After all, when mi amor are together, we're happy!"

"Happy MOST of the time." Heather quickly corrected her boyfriend.

"Your argumentative spirit is what I like most about you, you know~!" Alejandro tried to flirt with her, much to Heather's frustration.

"Like he said... ON AND OFF! End of discussion!" She angrily stated.

"Come on now, don't let the sharp eyes of passion distract us from what's set on stage." Alejandro said in a charming manner. "After all, there's an interview and a million likely at stake."

"Distract US?!" The Queen Bee said with disbelief. "YOU'RE the one distracting ME, eel!"

"Is that so?" Alejandro asked. "From my eyes, you're adding fuel to the glazing fire between us."

"Why you... UURRRRGHH!!" Heather groaned loudly as Emily watched in entertainment. "Oh, how I missed those two being on International TV..!"


Over in London, one librarian was waiting for his plane ride. A fellow contestant from his season soon approached him, looking... a bit odd than he last saw her.

"Grett! You, uh... look different?" He said, looking surprised by the change.

"Thank you... I guess?" Grett said, trying to sound genuine, but her tone made her sound more suspicious if anything. "I have... worked on myself... both on the inside and the outside."

"Well then... I suppose the rumors about you are true..." Alec thought to himself out loud.

"I may have made some mistakes last season..." Grett admitted, which Alec agreed with. "We all did."

"This time, I'll use this season to to end my game on a less sour note than before."

"Say, was what you said on Twitter too, on regretting the things that you've committed?" The librarian questioned her.

"In all honesty, it was kind of shocking seeing myself on TV and how annoying I used to be... Although I will admit that I might have exaggerated a bit on social media, I did have to do so." Grett claimed. "How else could I have sold those online courses on personal acceptance and my new vitamin supplement?"

"I appreciate the honesty, I suppose..." Alec stated.

As they conversed, a blonde male approached them, carrying luggage of his own. He seemed to have shaved off the beard that he had in his last go, and wore a pink collared shirt. He wore light beige pants attached with a brown leather belt with a gold buckle on it. He wore brown sneakers and had a watch on his right wrist.

"And what have you wankers been talking about..?" The rich man asked the two, and Alec immediately knew who he was. "Oh... it's you..."

"Trust me, I'm not happy to see you either, librarian..." He rolled his eyes, and then looked a bit weirded by Grett's appearance. "And also, how come Grett looks... different than usual..?"

"I've... mostly been changing myself for the better, Nick." She stated. "I haven't been as great of a person as I thought previously, so I'm trying to make my stay in the season the best that I could experience."

"Good for you, I suppose..." Nick sighed, but then turned towards Alec. "But you... Just so YOU know, I haven't forgotten what you've claimed about me! Mark my words, our rivalry isn't over!"

Alec simply responded by rolling his eyes in annoyance. Just then, the jet arrived, surprising the three.

"A private jet?!" Alec exclaimed. "Since when did they accumulated the budget for that?!"

He and Grett eyed at Nick, the only rich person amongst them.

"Oh, don't look at me! I wouldn't even accept an offer to work for those cods!"


"Alec! It's been two years!" Emily said. "What caused you to come back to the show?"


"You are one of the few who haven't made any major TV appearances after your Disventure Camp journey. Mind filling us in on what we've missed?" The interviewer asked.

"Nothing at all." Alec simply said. "I'm just not much of a fame monger as most of the others."

"Can you divulge about your little wife situation?" She teased him. "Rumors about getting drunk in the streets and all?"

"No. Let's change the subject." He deadpanned at her.

"Really? Well... what about THIS photo?" Emily showed Alec a picture of him... being just as what the rumors have said.

"Okay, we are DONE here!"


"Alright, next destination—" Kristal announced briefly before...

"Wait! You forgot someone!"

"Uh... who..?" She asked Grett, confused.

"Yul! He's in town for a business meeting, but he told me that he's running late."

Some of the Disventure Camp cast members looked confused.

"Huh?" Connor asked, being one of them. "How do you know Yul?"

James, on the other hand, seemed like he already knew. "Does he know..?" He sarcastically asked his hubby.

"Ugh! Finally! A dumb marching band just blocked our exit for five minutes straight!" The Korean Dancer, Yul, came in feeling a bit irritated. "I kept telling him to run 'em over, but he was too much of a scaredy cat..."

Grett gasped upon his arrival. "Hello baby!"

"Baby?" Hunter looked aghast.

She immediately rushed over and kissed the two, disgusting and shocking just about everyone in the plane.

"I'm sorry, but what was THAT..?!" Ally asked in shock.

"I didn't appreciate getting JUMPSCARED immediately like that, thank you!" Nick exclaimed.


"Grett! Many of us wonder, how did you meet Yul?" Emily asked, who then muttered to herself quietly. "Not exactly sure if he's... boyfriend material anyway..."

"His manager introduced us during a brand deal. Long story short, the both of us really hit it off! He's been my spicy abed boyfriend ever since."

"Weren't you concerned after his behavior during his original season?" The interviewer asked. "How exactly did you make it work with him?"

"The Yul I know is very different from the one seen on television. Same with myself. We all have the right to change, you know?"

"Of course." She agreed. "I did notice your demeanor has changed in a significant manner. Did your criticisms about your body and weight contribute to your shift in personality?"

This question had Grett offended. "Is THAT supposed to be a professional question..?! If I was your boss, I would've had you fired by then!"


"That's right! She's my girlfriend!" Yul confessed.

"Girlfriend?" Riya said confused. "Aren't you gay or something?"

"Not gonna lie, I kind of thought you were gay too..." Jake admitted. "You did give me those vibes anyway."

"Well, you ALL thought wrong!" Grett stated.

"As if I'D ever have thoughts of dating the same gender..!" Yul dismissed the others' claims without a care.


"Yul! Alright, nobody's heard from you since your appearance in last season's finale, and now suddenly you and Grett are in the spotlight as an official couple?!" Emily said, looking amazed. "Tell me EVERYTHING."

"After my season, I've had some trouble finding new dance contacts. My old manager said it's because of my attitude, but personally, I'd blame him for that." Yul claimed. "He made me look like one huge idiot on international television!"

"Honestly, I'd have to agree with the manager here..." Emily said, giving him a look. "Wasn't it YOUR decision to say all of those things..?"

"Um, I'm sorry, but that's blatantly misinformation? I only said the things my manager advised me to say and now look where that got me?!" Yul ranted. "So, it was out with the old, and in with the new. No biggie."

"Do you really expect anyone to believe that you've changed..?" She asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry about it one bit." The dancer reassured her. "I'm back to show everyone who I REALLY am!"

"And I heavily doubt it..." Emily rolled her eyes.


The bus immediately stopped over at the last remaining Total Drama contestant willing to compete, who was lying over in his cell at Edmonton, Alberta's prison. The man waiting for the ride had a mohawk that used to be neon green, but has been fading away in color recently. He also started to grow a beard. He currently wore a prisoner's outfit as he was still in jail at the time, but underneath, He did gain some tattoos on his body and gained a nose ring. He wore a tank top with a skull implanted on it. His shoes seemed like it showed some age, and wore black jeans as well, with a skull belt surrounding it.

"Perfect timing for an escapade..." Duncan muttered to himself with a smirk upon noticing the bus outside his jail window. He took out a flat file, and quickly took off the bars from the window.

Slipping away from the window, he left a cardboard cutout of himself and the normal-looking window. From there, he slowly snuck over to the inside of the bus scot free.

"Took ya a bit." Marcus commented on his arrival, which Duncan scoffed, taking off his prisoner's outfit to reveal his current outfit.

"Making a prison escape isn't easy..." Duncan stated, wiping some sweat drops from the conditions of his cell. "I'll be frank... You're lucky I've already gotten all of that preplanned, or you would've replaced me with someone else by then. Just make Kristal remembers to pay for my bail."

As he walked over, he eyed at Gwen and Courtney. Gwen gave him a dirty look whilst Courtney just tried to ignore him. "Typical of you two to do that..." He rolled his eyes and walked off.

"Duncan! My man!" Owen excitedly greeted him as he was walking over to his seat, which did give Duncan a little smile on his face as he fist-bumped one of his remaining friends. "Glad you could make it! Musta been rough in prison, though..."

"Well, it was at first, but I quickly got used to it." Duncan shrugged.

"Ya think they might find out about your disappearance though..?" Owen asked with worry, knowing that Duncan was now an escapee.

"Tch, like it or not, I'll be a free man either way. I've got a free bail on my hands on being invited to this season." He said with an eye roll. "Plus, with a million probably on the line and Chris away, how could I not refuse? It's a win-win situation even if I end up losing."

"Well, now that ya mention it... Yeah, that's a fair point." Owen stated, and after Duncan got seated, the intercom on the bus went off. "Well, it seems we've gotten everyone in here now. Strap onto your seatbelts and sit tight. Our final destination's gonna be Camp Tipiskaw, but considerin' it ain't in Canada, I hope y'all are ready for a long drive. I'm sure the host will be glad to see you all, though... and your OTHER fellow competitors." Marcus informed the older veterans.

"And also, we are not responsible if any of your bums end up getting carsick." Nina sassily stated as the bus started to take off. "You all had contracts signed, you know!"

"Hang on a minute, did he just say OTHER competitors..?!" Leshawna asked with a raised brow.

Over in Italy, Fiore was located in a Catholic boarding school, having gotten herself into detention for 'shooting tranquilizers at the Nuns' as shown from what she was writing on the chalkboard... multiple times. When the plane dropped in, the demon child grinned at her one chance to get out of the dump.

"A plane?" The nun supervising her wondered out loud, with Fiore throwing a book at her to distract her and booked for it.

Climbing over the wall, and falling off of it, Fiore made the run for the plane. The nun was right behind her, though.

"Stop! I'll call the police!"

"CLOSE THE DOOR!" Fiore yelled as she barely made it in. Meanwhile, Kristal already had a way to officially get the child on board, bringing out some cash. "Keep quiet about all of this, and it's all yours."

The nun didn't waste time to accept the bribe. "No worries, I didn't see anything!"

"Is doin' something like this even legal..?" Ashley questioned Kristal's ethics.

Some of the people looked confused at Fiore, her being a child and all in a competition filled with mostly teenagers or adults

"That's a child!" Yul exclaimed.

"And that's an ugly, pimply bitch!" Fiore roasted him soon after, leaving the controversial dancer speechless.

The plane started to fly its way back over to Canada. Everyone seemed to be minding their own businesses in differing ways, but Fiore looked at her sitting-mate Alec, feeling as if the silent treatment was uncalled for.

"Are you really going to ignore me for the entire flight?"


"Oh, come on... are you REALLY that angry?!"

"You DO know that you're the one to blame for most of the problems I've had in the last two years, RIGHT..?" Alec finally spoke up, feeling irritated at Fiore's pestering.

"You have no one to blame but yourself..." Fiore snapped back.

Soon enough... the plane was almost at its destionation.

"Wake up! We're about to land!" Lake alerted the sleeping Aiden and James.

"We're currently almost towards Camp Tipiskaw, and thankfully, we've been clear for landing!" Kristal announced.

The plane landed nearly in front of the camp, with everyone boarding hopping off of the craft.

"Ahh, I've missed the camp's air!" Gabby exclaimed happily, though some of the others weren't so keen on coming back.

"Not ALL of us do, Miss Crazy..." Nick groaned.

"Now, before we get down to the BIGGER details... I've got one special surprise to show everyone!" Kristal announced towards the cast.

"Special, huh?" Aiden wondered.

"What's so excitin' about it?" Ashley asked.

"Oh, you'll all see..." Kristal smirked as the bus that Marcus drove arrived into the scene. He and Nina came out from the door.

"Alright Kristal. We've got it all ready." Marcus confirmed

"Just move on with it already, those losers are probably getting impatient!" Nina rushed her.

"Alright! Now you eighteen aren't exactly the ONLY competitors for this year..." Kristal told them, making them raise an eyebrow. "Of course, this IS supposed to be our biggest season yet, and by biggest, I mean it! Through some special contract and production agreements, we managed to rope in fifteen contestants that I'm sure some of you may recognize! Let's bring them out!"

The first person to come out of the bus was the big guy himself, Owen.

"He-Hey everybody!— OOF!"

Who... managed to get stuck through the door gap. Again.

"Again..? Um... Someone help me here?"

It didn't take long for the next person to kick Owen off of the door gap and onto the floor.

"There, is that better?" Gwen asked with a smile.

"Yup! Thanks for that!"

"The Total Drama franchise's first ever finalists, the Lovable Foodie OWEN and the Loner Goth GWEN!" Kristal announced. Their arrival made mostly everyone shocked to the core, especially for two of the guys standing amongst them.

"No fricking WAY..!!" Jake said shocked. "You REALLY MANAGED TO GET THEM INTO THE SEASON?!"

"Yes. Yes I did." Kristal confirmed.

"Wait, you watched the show too?!" Jake asked. "I thought I was the only one!"

"Well, guess great minds think alike, but either way... THIS IS SO EXCITING!!"

"Haha, didn't know we had big fans around here..!" Owen smiled sheepishly.

"You're telling me." Gwen teased him slightly.

"Now, save the fanboying for later. We've still got a lot more to go!" Kristal stated. "Up next are World Tour's finalists, Queen Bee Heather and Arch-Villain Alejandro!"

Heather and Alejandro both exited the bus at the same time. They struggled a bit before pushing themselves through.

"Would've liked a 'ladies first,' thank you..." Heather mockingly stated.

"My sincerest apologies..." Alejandro faked.

"No way!! YOU EVEN GOT THE MOST ICONIC VILLAINS IN THE HISTORY OF TOTAL DRA—" Aiden and Jake exclaimed before Kristal shushed them again.

"Typical fans... they really just can't get enough of us." Heather scoffed as the three went to stand in-between to Owen and Gwen, the latter looking bothered by the villains' presences, while the former doesn't mind.

"Moving on! Next up is the Former Delinquent-Now Criminal and Runner-Up of Total Drama Action, Duncan! Along with him are Luscious Leshawna and the Psychopathic Izzy!"

"Yo." Duncan greeted everyone and stood next to Owen without much words, giving each other a nice elbow bump.

"'Sup y'all, Leshawna's in the camp, and this time, I'm gonna win this year!" Leshawna boldly stated to everyone, standing next to her friend, Gwen.

Izzy backflipped out of the bus as usual it is for, yelling whilst doing so, and landed on Owen's shoulders, much to his joy.

"Next are Lovable Lame-Brain Lindsay, Uber-Dweeb Harold, Serious Overachiever Courtney, and the winner of Total Drama Action, the Kindhearted Wannabe Beth!"

"It's so nice to meet everyone here!" Lindsay said excitedly, waving to the Disventure cast. Beth nodded in agreement.

"Super incredulous!" Beth added in. "I hope we'll all get along fine." She and Lindsay joined up with the rest of the Total Drama cast.

Harold picked his nose as he walked along and stood with Leshawna, who shoved him by the shoulder to stop him from nose-picking, which he obliges.

"Sorry..." He apologized, dusting the boogers off his shirt.

"Just tryin' not to let you become a potential bullying target again, String Bean." Leshawna told him.

Duncan laughed a bit at that. "Yeah, when dweebs fly..."

This earned him a sharp glare from both Harold and Leshawna.

"Hello, everyone." Courtney said, trying to act nice towards them to help herself get a good impression amongst the newbies. Though, they definitely raised eyebrows for the majority of the cast.

"Wasn't she more of an... aggressive type? What's with the act there?" Jake asked with the person next to him, Ashley, shrugging in response and answering... "I didn't watch much of the show."

"Following them are Casanova Cody, Sucky Sporty Tyler, Eye Candy Justin, and finally, Sarcasm Spasm Noah!"

"What's up, everyone?" Cody finger-gunned the cast standing aside. "Another chance to win it all AND to score any ladies around!"

"Most of us either are taken over here or have a differing sexuality, thanks..." Ellie scoffed at Cody's attempts to woo the gals.

"Oh, uhh..." Cody immediately became embarrassed and slid over to Gwen. "My apologies then."

Gwen gently patted Cody with a smirk.

Tyler immediately tried to jog his way... "Alright! This time is Tyler Ti— WOAH!" but he ended up tripping on the first step. "Augh... I'm good."

He slowly dragged himself over to Lindsay upon falling.

Justin gave a brief smile and did his signature hair flip at the cast, with the likes of Owen, Jake, Tom, Lindsay, Ally, and Riya all being affected by his immense beauty. He walked over to his (former in Harold's case) Drama Brothers. "A pleasure to meet all of the new faces here."

"T-The pleasure's all mine, sir..!" Tom said, having been captivated by his charms until Gabby tapped him thrice. "Oh! Uh... Likewise, sorry."

Justin chuckled a bit. "Happens all the time. It's all good."

Last but certainly not least, Noah read the book that he had in hand while at the bus, and looked at Kristal.

"You got the memo about my life threatening allergies?" He asked her.

"Your contract already stated every single one of them." She informed him. "Not sure how you even got that much, but I won't judge."

"Whatever." He sighed as he went over to the big guy and his crazy girlfriend.

"Now we've TRULY gotten everyone here!" Kristal said excitedly. "Now you can all chat around with one another later, but for right now, let's get some business dealt with, starting with meeting our production crew! You've already seen Marcus and Nina. They'll be taking our resident voted out campers to the Losers' Motel via the Bus of Losers!

"Howdy everybody." He greeted.

"Missed me, morons?" Nina teased.

"A bus? Well that's a lot more humane than the past few times Chris tried to send us off..." Gwen said.

"Oliver, our assistant director, will be in charge of ensuring that all challenges are safe." Kristal introduced him as he walked over.

"Hey, Oliver, buddy! Congrats on the promotion!" Connor congratulated him.

"Aww, thanks Connor!" Oliver said happily. "I'll be here to help with whatever's needed, guys!"

"Thank god there's at least someone making sure that this isn't a death trap..!" Courtney sighed in relief.

"And finally, Emily!" Kristal announced, as the familiar female from all of the contestant interviews walked in.

"Oh great, the Blaineley rip-off's back..." The bookworm groaned. "Is she here to bore us to death with more questions?" Owen laughed at his comment.

"Lots of grudges here..!" Emily stated.

"Emily will be our production assistant and will also help with digging up any drama from the confessionals!"

Harold snapped his fingers in disappointment knowing that he likely wouldn't get away with rigging the votes again like he did with Courtney.

"Though, the season wouldn't be complete without any interns around!" Kristal said. "Please welcome former Season 1 hosts, Derek and Trevor!"

"Hey guys!" Trevor greeted everyone. Derek didn't seem too thrilled about it all, but the other looked optimistic.

"What are they doin' here?" Ashley questioned, with Nick agreeing. "Weren't those blokes in prison at the time..?!"

"Come to think of it, I did hear something like that happen in the news two years ago!" Beth suddenly realized.

"Of course they were... but I paid their bail!" Kristal admitted.

"Does money solve everything these days?" Gabby asked in confusion and eyed at her rich enemy. "Try asking that to someone your own size." Nick told her.

Fiore laughed at the two interns' predicament. "Oh how the mighty have fallen!"

"I guess you two can call ME boss now!" Oliver teased them, which already got on Derek's nerves.

"Oh my GOD, Trevor, I told you that this was a mistake!" Derek told his co-worker.

"Well, not like we had a lot of options, Derek..." Trevor rolled his eyes. "It was either that or continue living in prison for the next few decades..! Besides, they've served broccoli there three times a day!" Derek just crossed his arms in frustration upon realizing that this practically was the better choice of action.

"So, uh... one question." Lindsay raised her hand. "How are teams gonna be decided?"

"I was just about to get to that, thanks Bombshell!" Kristal said in a snarky tone. "Teams will be decided by random this time! Open this peanut can and the color of your team will pop out alongside your team's campsite."

The interns carried over the box of peanut cans as Kristal explained.

"But what about cabins?" Cody asked. "We've had those in our Island season."

"Come to think of it, ours too." Hunter added in, with Ellie giving him a glance. "Gee, you must've been real lucky to have one for the ENTIRE season..."

Kristal started to laugh when they mentioned cabins. "Cabins... of course..!" She said ironically.

"And one more thing, all electronic devices, luggage, and personal belongings won't be allowed for the season." Kristal announced, before turning over to Noah, who was still reading his book. "Meaning that I'll be confiscating this for now, thank you!" She snatched the book away from him, much to his annoyance.

"What?! I did NOT agree to that!" Riya rebelled.

"Great... Now how am I supposed to win when my only enjoyment material left's gone..?" Noah sarcastically whined.

"If a million dollars isn't enough to motivate you all, we've TRIPLED the cash prize this time!" Kristal announced. "Meaning that there's now THREE MILLION DOLLARS up for grabs!"

The entire cast gasped at this revelation.

"Okay, give us the peanut cans!" Courtney rushed her. "Now I feel like playing!"

"I thought you've never asked..!" Kristal said, starting to throw the peanut cans to each of the 33 campers in the cast, with each one of them starting to open theirs.

Owen, Izzy, and Noah did so first, with the former having a small cyan flag pop out with a map while Noah had a magenta flag.

"Guess we're gonna be separated for a bit." Noah said. "You two... Just try not to stir any chaos while I'm gone."

"No promises!" Izzy exclaiked.

"I'll miss ya, lil' buddy..." Owen said in sadness, giving his best bud a bone-crushing hug.

"Now I really FEEL like a peanut..." Noah groaned in pain.

Ellie and Gabby opened theirs, with Ellie getting a cyan flag while Gabby got a yellow flag, much to her disappointment.

"NO!" The tree hugger yelled in despair.

"It'll be fine, Gabs..." Ellie comforted her. "We've been separated before. We'll be okay."

Harold and Leshawna opened theirs, with Harold getting the yellow flag and Leshawna getting Cyan.

"GOSH!" Harold yelled frustratedly.

"So much for tryin' to stick together..." Leshawna sighed.

Aiden, James, and Lake soon opened theirs. Much to their disappointment, all three of them were separated.

"Aw, man... Neither of us are even on a team at all..?!" Aiden groaned. "You two try not to get into any trouble, okay..?"

"No worries, I won't." James promised, with Lake joining in too. "Neither will I."

More and more people opened their cans, with some people like Gwen and Heather unhappy to be stuck on the same team for the fifth time, joining Magenta, while others were ecstatic on sticking together, like Cody being with the goth and Riya and Connor sticking together.

Eventually enough, all of the teams have been formed and everyone had set off to their destinations with the maps received from the cans. Kristal watched as the thirty-three departed.

"God, I've missed this show..!" Kristal said as she turned back to the camera. "Finally, the biggest season in both franchises' history is about to start! The eighteen most iconic Disventure Camp participants and fifteen equally as iconic Generation 1 Total Drama contestants are back! This time, here to compete for triple the usual cash prize! Though... the conditions won't be what they're expecting, especially for the more seasoned veterans..."

"There will be no cabins, no showers, no bathrooms NOR dining hall!"

Upon the mention of the lack of dining hall, Owen yelled out of despair of there being no food to even be served for them. Kristal rolled her eyes as she lit up a lighter and burned up the cabin beside her.

"From start to finish, participants will only be supplied with a camping tent and basic supplies given to them. New challenges and new twists await us in the longest and most difficult season yet!"

"With the three teams of eleven formed and looking for their camps within the deep forest, we're all wondering... who will be voted out first? You're all gonna have to find out next time, in..." Kristal said before starting up her outro.



Current Teams

Magenta Team: Fiore, Jake, Ashley, James, Ally, Hunter, Gwen, Heather, Beth, Cody, and Noah

Cyan Team: Ellie, Tom, Nick, Aiden, Yul, Kai, Owen, Duncan, Leshawna, Izzy, and Tyler

Yellow Team: Alec, Grett, Gabby, Riya, Lake, Connor, Alejandro, Lindsay, Harold, Courtney, and Justin

Eliminated: None (So Far)

A/N: WHOO WHEE! That was one long chapter to write, and longest one probably to date! I hope you're all as excited as I am on seeing this being written to life! This fic has been an idea of mine for a while, as I was always interested in the idea of a TD + DC Crossover fic. These characters and the interactions with what I've got planned are gonna be REALLY FUN to write..! Also, this fic is another side project of mine, so like my other side fic, it'll be updated whenever I have the time and priorities available to do so. 'Till then, I'll see y'all soon!

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