Episode 2: Tipiskaw Gone Buck Wild!

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"Previously on Disventure Camp..." Kristal started to narrate the recap, as the scene then changed to the private jet flying across the world and gathering many of the participating veterans. "We went around the world in my very expensive private jet to gather up all of the players for the most epic season yet! Some reunions were friendly, but others... not so much."

The scene then changed to the private jet landing over at Camp Tipiskaw. "We finally arrived at Camp Tipiskaw, where our FIRST eighteen contestants received the surprise of their lifetime..."

It changed again to each of the fifteen past Total Drama contestants coming out of the bus. "They weren't the only ones competing for the cash prize, which has been tripled... They would also be competing alongside fifteen of Total Drama's most famous contestants from the first three seasons!"

Soon enough, the scene shifted to everyone receiving their peanut cans and opening them up to reveal their new teams. "We've decided the teams 'Aftermath Aftermayhem' style, with the color popping out of the peanut cans deciding which team each of the thirty-three campers will be participating on, and are now on their way to their respective camps!"

"Now the important question is..." Kristal narrated as the camera shifted over to a display of each of the thirty-three campers in their respective teams. "Who will suffer the humiliating title of being the first booted out of the camp?"


Over at one of the forest walkways, some of the teammates grouped together... weren't so happy about being paired with one another. Fiore and Ashley in particular, were glaring daggers at each other.

"Of all of the chances for us to be on the same team..." Ashley groaned, remembering how she was responsible for the majority of the Purple Team's eliminations.

"Well at least I'm not COMPLAINING about it!" Fiore snarled back at her. Ashley rolled her eyes and walked a bit further ahead, with the child pouting.


Confessional - Fiore (The Manipulative Child) (Magenta Team) (DC1)

"Only five minutes have passed since I got back into this dump and my game's ALREADY at a shoddy start!" Fiore whined. "Jake and Ashley obviously don't like me and it's clear that some of the other veterans might have watched my season before coming in!" She pouted, unsure of what she's supposed to do. "I was hoping to fool some of these newbies with my cute act, but now I'm gonna have to think of a new strategy..."


"Honestly, I can kinda relate to that." Beth agreed with Ashley's situation. "I know one person that I obviously don't wanna to be stuck with..." The farmgirl glared at Heather, who glanced away from her.

Though the Queen Bee, seeing how Fiore's all alone, took her chance to approach her.

"So... Fiore, was it?" Heather asked for her name, who was quick to answer. "Yeah... and what's YOUR business, Queenie..?"

"Listen, we're both in terrible positions by now, aren't we?" Heather asked, which Fiore's eyes rolled. "If that wasn't obvious enough..."

"Well, I'm gonna be giving you an offer you can't refuse... If you and I both combine our minds together, we can rise to the top of the flagpole in this team and they won't even know what hit them." Heather explained.


Confessional - Heather (The Queen Bee of Mean) (Magenta Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT, TDAS)

"In all honesty, I can sort of see a part of myself in the kid." Heather admitted in the confessional, releasing the soft spot that's usually been hidden within her. "Both of us were competitors who took our seasons by storm and we haven't exactly had the BEST of our own pasts, and I've known this since I've watched her seasons..! I'm in severe need of allies right now and Cody's the only other person on this team who actually tolerates me." She explained as she thought to herself. "So, if I can get on her good side as fellow outsiders, we could perhaps take control of the team when those idiots are least expecting it!"


Confessional - Fiore (The Manipulative Child) (Magenta Team) (DC1)

"On one hand, I know that Heather can be deceiving and underhanded when she needs to... I'm not stupid, of course!" The child thought to herself. "On the other though, I'm really, REALLY need new allies, and knowing how much of a recognized player she is, how am I supposed to refuse?! Though, if she tries to double-cross me, then I'll make sure I'll be the one who does it first!"


After some thinking to herself, Fiore shook Heather's hand in approval. "Consider that offer taken." She smirked at her before the two went to catch up with the rest of the team.

Meanwhile over at the Cyan Team, Izzy was still piggybacking on Owen, playing around with his hair. "Honestly, I'm SUPER excited to come to our camp! It's gonna be just like that camping challenge in Season 1!" Izzy exclaimed, being as hyper as ever. "Like, c'mon! Seeing you all being scared by that bear costume was probably the BEST part!"

"Girl, that bear costume almost costed us the challenge!" Leshawna replied. "If it wasn't for those Besties for the Resties, your bum woulda been on the Boat of Losers earlier."

"Wait, where did SHE even get a bear costume from?!" Nick asked, a bit weirded out by the events Izzy described. The wild gal was quick to answer the question though. "Oh, right! Never told any of you about that... I stole it from Chef's junk of stuff!"

"That... certainly explains a lot on why those two seem to dislike one another..." Aiden thought out loud. "But aside from that, it's SO exciting to really meet all of you in person! I'm a big fan of Total Drama."

"Aww, that's real sweet!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Haha! Yeah!" Owen agreed. "Really appreciate that there's a lotta people who really love all of us!"

"I remember you Duncan, Owen, Izzy, Leshawna, and... uh... whatever your name was!" Aiden pointed out every one of the older veterans that he recognized. Mostly everyone smiled at the fact that they've had a fan around, with the sole exception of the jock, who seemed pretty dejected...

Confessional - Tyler (The Clumsy Sporto) (Cyan Team) (TDI, TDWT)

"Man, this STINKS!" Tyler dejectedly slumped a bit. "I thought for sure that World Tour would've been the season where I could finally make a name for myself, but turns out I'm still forgetful to everyone around here..!" The jock then leaned back up giving a determined face. "This time, I'm gonna make sure that this season is gonna be TYLER'S season! Then everyone will know me for who I am! In fact, I'll show you all here that I can do a cool cartwheel to prove that I'm cool!"

Tyler got up from the rock that he was sitting on and backed up a bit... then he tried doing a cart wheel before tripping over a loose shoestring of his and crashing onto the floor.

"Back to the art-making thingamaroo then..." The jock groaned sadly.


As the rest of the group kept chattering with one another, Ellie approached over to Nick. "Hey, Nick? You're not mad about the whole interview stuff, right?"

Surprisingly enough, given who he was, Nick just gave a neutral-faced shrug. "Eh, you were just speaking from what's factually true." He explained. "If I was in your position, hell, I'd probably do the same to those blokes. Besides, I can't disagree with anything you've said, even the one involving me. So, no need to worry about all of that from me." This did make Ellie feel glad upon hearing that.

Ellie looked around to check up on her team and noticed someone missing. "Hey, uh... anyone know where Kai went off to?"

Everyone looked amongst them and realized that Kai was indeed gone from the group.

"Oh, you mean that nature guy?" Owen asked.

"Probably for the best that he disappears..!" Yul muttered, still holding his hatred for him. "Zen-Head is MEGA weird and he'd probably slow us down more anyway! Like he's doing right now..!"

"Isn't he practically one with nature or something around those lines?" Tom recalled. "I'm sure he's probably doing fine. Maybe he could've found our camp earlier than either of us."

"I really hate to butt in, but we don't exactly know if did try to find the camp for us or not..." Aiden rubbed his hand.

"Well... I'll try to find him for you all!" Owen volunteered. "Izzy, you can go on with the others until I get back."

"Aye aye, Big-O!" Izzy saluted him and leaped over towards the rest of the Cyan team whilst Owen delved a bit further into the woods to find Kai.


Confessional - Owen (The Big Guy with a Big Heart) (Cyan Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT, TDRR)

"Being on a team without Noah kinda stings..." Owen sighed in disappointment. "But at least I still got Izzy with me! I'm super glad that we both managed to work things out again! She's like one meal that you just can't get enough of..." He sighed dreamily before his stomach growled loudly. "On another note, though... All of this walking to find our team's camp, that zen dude, AND not to mention the long bus ride has really made me wanna go do the you-know-whats..."

He ran off from the camera to find a nearby bush to do his business at.


Confessional - Ellie (The Morally-Grey Workaholic) (Cyan Team) (DC1)

As Ellie was about to sit down to say something, she smelled out a scent that she detected. Knowing what it explicitly was, her mouth gagged with vomit and backed away from the confessional area.

"Okay, whose idea was it to use the forest as a toilet?!" The workaholic yelled out in disgust.

"Sorry..." The big guy's voiced could be heard in an apologetic tone. "Couldn't hold it in any longer... Plus, there weren't any actual bathrooms."


Owen continued to trek through the woods, looking for his fellow teammate. "Heeeeereee, Kai, Kai, Kai, Kaiii..!" He tried to attract his attention without much success. "Where could he even..?"

Though, he eventually found Kai meditating on a log by his lonesome, trying to calm himself down. The big guy did seem a bit curious on what the chill guy was doing on that very log. Despite that, finding him did matter more to him and his teammates.

"Oh, there ya are!" He yelled out to him, which startled him at first. "We were kinda getting worried that you've gotten lost on the way..."

"No need to worry, fellow team member." Kai reassured him. "I've only temporarily departed on my own terms."

Owen seemed puzzled, scratching his head. "Why's that, though?" He didn't seem to know too much about what Kai has been up to.

"Well, I needed to get my mind off of... well, some things, needless to say..." Kai said, trying his best to explain his situation without getting too specific. "So, I resorted to meditation to try to keep myself calm and collected. It helps that this place is pretty quiet and the environment's quite peaceful."

"Ohhhhhh..." Owen realized. "Personally, I never tried meditation beforehand... Normally when I want to calm myself down, I usually stress eat." The foodie explained as he then got a bit sheepish. "It does its job, but people usually complain that I 'ruin the scent of the area...'"

"If you'd like, I can teach you a bit about meditation later on." Kai offered. "This method of stress-relieving won't irritate anyone. I know from first-hand experience."

"Oh, that'd be awesome!" Owen excitedly exclaimed, pumping his fist. "Maybe it could also help with my troublesome temptations with food, haha..!"

"Then I suppose it's settled then." Kai nodded as he sat up from the log.. "We can go find a spot to practice later. For now, our team requests both of our presences."

"Oh, right!" Owen realized, having gotten distracted by the meditation talk. Then again, the idea did appeal to him regardless. "Onward to the Cyan camp!" He triumphantly yelled out as he and Kai went to catch up with the rest of their teammates.


Confessional - Owen (The Big Guy with a Big Heart) (Cyan Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT, TDRR)

"Kai's a pretty cool dude!" Owen complimented on him. "He kinda reminds me of Geoff, partly. Sure, he doesn't seem to be that much of a party guy, but he does know how to be a heck of a lot of chill!" He described. "Hopefully the whole meditation training stuff can help with my stress probs... Recently, they've been pretty common..."


Confessional - Kai (The Mellow Naturalist) (Cyan Team) (DC2)

"I'm honored to have someone else who's interested in what I can do." Kai said with a smile as he referred to Owen. "With Maggy not participating, I'm not completely confident that I can make as much friends around here... Especially when I'm particularly settled on a team with Yul once again and the steadily increasing unstable energy of Ellie's..." He sighed a bit as he continued. "It's basically why I went to the deeper area of the woods by myself to meditate for a while."


Over with the yellow team, they seem to be almost there to their own camp.

"Hey, guys!" Conner yelled out. "I think I can see our camp in the distance!"

"Hooray!!" Lindsay cheered as she put her hands up high as she then realized something. "Wait, I thought we were ALREADY at camp..."

"She meant a different camp, Lindsay." Lake interjected.

"Camps can exist in camps?!" The dumb blonde exclaimed in shock, with Lake giving a confused look to the nearest camper, who turned out to be Harold. "I hate to sound rude, but what's with her?"

"She has a history of not particularly being that bright in brain power." Harold explained to her. "Likely due to a low IQ of sorts."

"Oh..." Lake said, looking a bit awkward. "I see..."


Confessional - Lake (The Independent Prodigy)  (Yellow Team) (DC2)

"I'm a bit nervous on how my team's looking..." She told the camera. "I'm completely separated from both James and Aiden, and there's no sight of any other potential allies here..." She sighed, trying to smile even with the worries. "I'm sure I'll be able to survive by lying under the radar for a bit... right?"


Grett looked over to Gabby, seemingly a bit worried over her presence on the team. Alec seemed to have noticed Grett's worried look and went over to here.

"Something wrong?" He asked her, which Grett tried to decline. "It's nothing. I'm completely fine."

"Are you sure?" He asked. "How your face is looking right now isn't exactly helping your case..."

Grett sweated a bit over her being cornered like that. "You don't have to worry about me, Alec. I think it's best if we focus on getting to camp."

Alec raised an eyebrow on Grett's behavior, but shrugged it off as he went closer towards camp. After Alec left, the former sassypants sighed in relief, but still looked a bit uncomfortable.

"This is gonna be one long season..." She muttered to herself as she continued forward, trying to ignore the fact that her former rival was stuck with her.


Confessional - Grett (The New Leaf?) (Yellow Team) (DC1)

"I'm... mostly worried over being on the same team as Gabby." Grett admitted nervously. "Sure, she and I did manage to talk things out upon my strive on becoming a better person in the off-season, but..." She paused as she looked down. "I still feel as if there's some guilt over how I acted towards her lingering within me... I'm not sure if she'd ever accept me as an ally again after our last attempts to stick together... I'm starting to think coming here may be a mistake..."


Eventually, the Yellow Team made it over to the camp, and they've already begun adjusting themselves to their new surroundings.

"Yeesh, they DEFINITELY weren't kidding about it being a campsite..." Courtney sighed. "No cabins or the like anywhere but a crummy sleeping tent."

"Eh, us Season 1 veterans are used to it." Alec shrugged. "We've went cabinless for the entire pre-merge, presumably to help with the whole 'surviving the wilderness' ethic of the show."

"You guys didn't have cabins at all?" Connor asked, looking surprised. "On my season, we had those for the entire season, and safe to say, I think the Total Dramarama folks experienced the same thing."

"Can confirm." Alejandro nodded.

"Well hey, at least it gives us all some fresh air for a long while!" Gabby exclaimed, looking at the silver lining of things. "Think of it as a very long camping trip!"

"Well, I guess we better get used to it." Connor said, having started to crack some flint and magnesium to make fire for their firepit. "From what I can tell from what Gabby said, this season might be pretty lengthy..."

Some of the veterans who don't have much outdoors experience, specifically Lindsay, Lake, and Justin, seemed a bit uneasy about the idea. Others who did have such experience, like Harold, Alejandro, and Courtney, seemed a bit more confident on adjusting.

"Well, you heard 'em." Courtney sighed. "Let's try making ourselves home..." The others nodded as they went around to help set everything in place, except for Lindsay, who looked clueless. "Uhh... What exactly do I do now?"

Alec grimaced at Lindsay and her dumbness. "Just... go help Connor with the fire." She shrugged and went over to do her thing.


Confessional - Alec (The Witty Librarian) (Yellow Team) (DC1)

"To put it kindly and shortly, this team could be one hot mess..." He sighed. "We've got two hot people who could potentially manipulate some of us, the overused dumb blonde trope, a nature psycho, someone who's been REAL fishy lately, an annoying counselor, and one potentially-painstaking diva." The librarian described his team ill-willingly. "The only ones who actually seem pretty normal around here are Harold, Lake, and Connor."


Back over with the Magenta team, who already reached camp by the time and have been sitting in their logs, Ashley seemed to notice something odd.

"It's gonna rain soon... I can smell the air."

"Do you think the tent could be waterproof?" Jake asked out of concern. "If not... we're gonna be soaked for tomorrow..."

The bookworm tapped the tent's material, which slanted the tent somewhat. "From the looks of it, that's one huge doubt..." He sighed.

"Yeah, I can confirm that for you AND bookface over there." Fiore added in. "Me and Ashley won a waterproof tent on our season, and it looked ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like this!"

James sighed disappointedly. "We're in for a rough night, it seems..."

Ally then spoke up with an idea. "Oh! I think I got something! What if we cover the tent with leaves? I was playing a survival RPG the other day and it ended up working out for my avatar."

"Hey, that could work!" Hunter said about the idea. "What game was it?"


"Oh... Never heard of it." Hunter said a bit awkwardly.

"Seriously?" She said puzzled. "But I literally talked about it on the way to camp..!"

"Oh, uh..." Hunter looked rather sheepish. "I... haven't been paying much attention..."

Some of the campers seemed a bit nervous about the two's relationship, like Jake, Ashley, Gwen, and Cody.

Though one camper in particular, Beth, got excited once she mentioned the aforementioned survival RPG. "Hey, you play that Forestcraft game too?! That game was super duper fun!" She exclaimed. "I even played it with Lindsay once! I... ended up having to teach her a lot about it though since she isn't particularly the brightest bulb in the shed."

"Really? I didn't think anyone else in here would've heard about it!" The gamer said with a mix of surprise and joy. "What's your username in it?"

"'Berkshire01!' What's yours?" The smaller farm-girl asked Ally, which she was quick to respond. "'RetroFanatic.' It's a bit simple of a name, but hey, maybe we could become friends in the game after the show ends?" She offered, before eyeing at her boyfriend. "I could really use an extra player since 'a specific someone' hasn't particularly been playing games with me lately..."

"Oh, I'd love that!" Beth happily accepted. "I've been getting sort of lonely myself anyway."

"Alright, then it's settled!" Both girls gave a fist bump with one another, with Hunter looking a bit suspicious about the two bonding so quickly.

"I like your thinking there, Ally." James complimented. "Let's go harvest some leaves and try to see if it works."

"Thanks James." She thanked him, with Hunter eager to join in. "Mind if I tag along?"

"I DO mind, actually... In fact, I'd prefer if someone who ACTUALLY HAD EXPERIENCE PLAYING THE GAME could potentially follow with me..." Ally said, looking irritated at Hunter before turning over to someone else. "Beth, come on. You can help me and James if you'd like."

"Really? I'd be glad to help!" Beth accepted, following Ally and James over to the forest. Of course, this only worsened Hunter's expression.

"I guess I'll... go over there and... look for food or... something..." Hunter said, looking slightly defeated.


Confessional - Hunter (The Strategic Player) (Magenta Team) (DC2)

"Alright, I know I look like a jerk for not remembering her game, but listen... Ally plays a LOT of video games! Remembering every video game that she's ever played would practically be a LOT harder than advanced calculus..." Hunter claimed, before focusing on a similar topic. "Plus, it doesn't help that Beth and Ally seem to be getting along well pretty quickly..." He said to himself, looking away from the camera. "I'm a bit worried that Ally's affections could drift towards someone else, considering that our relationship has been getting... pretty rocky lately... but I shouldn't jump to conclusions now. I'll just keep a bit of an eye on the two and make sure I can appeal to Ally somehow, even though she can be frustrating sometimes herself..."


The remaining campers who sat over with the Magenta Camp were also hard at work, with Gwen managing to strike a fire.

"There, one fire-pit ready to go." The goth smiled.

"Nice goin', Gwen!" Ashley complimented.

"Yeah! But, uh... do we really need a fire?" Cody asked, looking a bit concerned. "It's gonna rain anyway, and we know that water extinguishes it..."

"We can find something that could cover it up for the night." Gwen suggested. "It wouldn't be that hard."

"I can go get something!" Cody offered, running off to climb a tree to find bigger leaves to protect the fire from the rain, only to be heard falling off and landing on his back with most of them cringing from the impact.

"That's... unless if you're Cody sometimes." She added in with an awkward chuckle.

"Listen guys..." Fiore butted in on the conversation. "I know most of you here don't like me that much for everything I've done..."

"You got that right." Jake confirmed, with Ashley and the Total Drama contestants who watched the first season of Disventure Camp, Gwen and Noah, glaring at her. The only exception of the group was Heather, who had already allied with her earlier, and Harold, who didn't seem to mind her underhanded tactics.

"But I would like all of you to think about potentially forming an alliance with me." Fiore proposed. "With a team as large as this, we NEED numbers!"

The aforementioned group paused for a moment... and then went into a fit of laughter, annoying her.

"Laugh all you want, but you better think of the circumstances! Hunter and Ally are a couple and James seems to be close with them... and it doesn't help that Beth's already budding with the gamer dork! If I get kicked out first, ALL of you are gonna be next!" The little kid informed them all.

"I'd rather take that risk..." Jake said bitterly.

"Love her or hate her OR me, at least put strategy first over emotion..." Heather pitched in for Fiore, which made her feel a bit reassured.

The others just stared at Heather being on Fiore's side of the argument.


Confessional - Gwen (The Socially-Balanced Goth) (Magenta Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT, TDAS)

"Okay, am I the only one here who WOULDN'T be surprised that those two would be working together?" Gwen asked the camera. "Those two are practically two peas in an evil pod. And secondly, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD ALLOW A LITERAL CHILD TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SHOW?!" She ranted at the camera. "Sure she's practically as bad as Heather like I've mentioned before, but do you know HOW MUCH LAWSUITS would you get if said child gets greatly injured during a challenge?! I don't get how Kristal and Fiore's parents never even considered such a consequence..!"


Confessional - Kristal (The Hostess with the Mostess) (DC2)

Kristal was reading a disclaimer out loud inside the production tent, likely written from the producers. "Please note that Disventure Camp NOR Total Drama don't have any responsibility on the topic of letting underaged children compete in this type of show. According to our contract, ALL responsibilities for allowing said contestants to participate despite knowing the mentioned risks go to whoever supervises the victims and will be handled accordingly. Thank you."


Ashley thought about it for a bit. "You know, you're right Fiore. In fact, I wanna discuss it privately with Jake, Gwen, and Noah. Could you give us some space?"

Fiore raised an eyebrow at that. "Okay..? Come on, Heather... Might as well try to be USEFUL around here... Green-Eyes and Gap Tooth, you can follow too or whatever."

The group of four left on their own accord, leaving the other quartet behind. Jake seemed suspicious of what Ally said.

"Okay, you can't be seriously thinking about—"

"Relax, Jake." She reassured. "I just wanted her to go away. Her darn voice was starting to get really grating..."

"Amen to that." Noah agreed, but tried to shift the topic. "But this still could be a bit bad..."

"How so?" Jake asked.

"It's easy to tell that Fiore and Heather would team up with one another, knowing the fact that they're practically outsiders and former antagonists." The bookworm explained. "If they manage to garner enough of the votes from the other group, they could kick us off one by one."

Upon realizing that, the group looked a bit concerned about their place in the game. Gwen didn't seem worried.

"Well, right now, Fiore seems to believe that we've joined up with her." Gwen objected. "So maybe we could end up being safe if we deceive against her and Heather?"

"Well, true..." Jake thought about it. "But the only question is... which one of the two should we try knocking off first?"

The group seemed to be unsure of the question. Of course, both seemed to be equally major threats in the competition, with both using their deception techniques to get far into the game. Though, they don't particularly know which one of the two could be easier to knock out in the end...

"We can think of that by the time we end up losing the challenge." Ashley proposed. "For now, we should focus on the present and enjoy the sweet silence while it lasts."

Nighttime dawned as most of the Yellow Team seemed to be freezing over the temperature, even with Connor managing to get the fire going. Justin especially didn't seem fond of that.

"Okay, why did I even think of wearing a tank-top when coming over here..?!" The model complained. "It's FREEZING over here!"

"Amigo, relax." Alejandro tried to calm him. "The temperature will surely rise when the new day dawns. It's only just a matter of time."

"Oh, YEAH... and that's coming from the person who excels in warm temperatures..." He replied bitterly, which made Alejandro give him a weird look.


Confessional - Justin (The Hunky Model) (Yellow Team) (TDI, TDA)

"You may all be wondering... Am I really jealous of Alejandro?" Justin asked the camera unhappily. "The answer is YES. Yes I am! The dude literally stole my strategy of using charms and looks to swoon over the whole competition, as if I wasn't the one who tried that FIRST! The credit for that one strategy always goes to him over ME!" He spat angrily. "He doesn't even have these eyes, this face, these muscles, or even these really sexy abs!" He pointed over to the body parts that he mentioned as he ranted. "Soon enough, I'll be the one to show that Spaniard ripoff who's the TRUE beauty around here!"


"People, you don't have to squabble." Alec told the two rivaling beauties. "I've recently found out that our pajamas have been packed in along with the maps that we've received. We'll probably need those if the temperatures continue to fall consistently."

"I'll get mine now!" Lindsay exclaimed as she rushed to find her backpack.

"You all should have been prepared better..." Riya rolled her eyes. "I brought over my alpaca fur coat, which not only makes me warm, but it also makes me look fabulous..."

"It's true!" Connor agreed. "Riya's coat 'slays,' as the kids these days would say!"

"That coat was made out of... ALPACAS..?!" Gabby shouted, now angered over the revelation similarly to how she reacted to Nick's coat in her season. Though, Harold quickly went to calm her down. "Relax, Gabby. From what I've heard, alpaca fur is usually sheered from their bodies like sheep. So, they're absolutely fine and alive by the end of the process. The fleece can be easily regrown anyway."

Harold's information did manage to calm her down slightly. "Well... if the alpacas really are alive, then... I suppose I can let that SLIDE..."

"THAT comment aside..." Riya said uncaringly, turning over to Connor. "You don't have to tell me what you've just said. If I didn't know if it slayed, I wouldn't have bought it for myself..."

"Okay, Riya, knock it off..." Connor told her.

"Oh don't get too worked up about it..." The diva said to him. "You practically have enough grey hairs already... As for me, I'm going to get some beauty sleep."

Riya left to the tent, leaving Connor a bit alone and saddened over her recent behavior. Alec took notice of this.

"Hey, are you okay?" The librarian asked him.

"Yeah, kind of..." Connor replied.

"I know this kind of stuff isn't my business, but if you need to talk to me about anything, I'll be by the lake." Alec assured him, but Connor remained adamant. "Trust me, I'm alright."


Confessional - Connor (The Kindhearted Adultescent) (Yellow Team) (DC2)

"I'm really worried about what this game has been doing to Riya..." He commented. "When we're alone, she can be really sweet, but as soon as the cameras are on, she becomes ruder and self-absorbent, kind of like an entirely different person..."


Meanwhile over at the Cyan Team, the storms were already raging on, and the entire team was already packed into the tent.

"Storm's a-comin', and I'm not sure when it's gonna stop..." Leshawna sighed.

Tom groaned as he listened to the thunder roaring. "Hope you all hate sleeping for the day..."

"Man, I hate thunder! James always makes me calmer whenever it crashes around..." Aiden ranted in disappointment. "I just wish he and I were on the same team again..."

"Yeah, I can relate..." Tyler agreed. "Thunderstorms always give me the creeps... If only Lindsay was here, I'd probably cuddle with her."

"Not to mention that I'M FREEZING OVER HERE!" Yul yelled out. "Why do I even bother with taking crop-tops with me anyway?!"

"Well, regardless of how we all FEEL towards each other..." Aiden commented, putting an emphasis on feel due to him and Yul's rivalry, "I guess you can say we all wish we were Owen and Izzy right now, huh..." The E-Boy pointed towards the couple, slightly jealous that the two had each other.

"Y'know, whenever I think of thunderstorm clouds, I always imagine 'em as blackberry cotton candy..." Owen told Izzy, who seemed enamored by the idea. "Oh, oh! If it was really thunderstorm cotton candy, it'd have those cool rock pops! Really gives them the electric feeling... just like our bond!"

"Aww..! You're really sweet, Izz..!" Owen admired her.

"Not as much as you, though!" Izzy complimented as the two cuddled with each other. Watching this made some of their teammates like Tyler, Tom, and Leshawna appreciate the bond they shared together, even with how weird both can be sometimes. Others like Yul, Ellie, and Nick seemed a bit annoyed from the affection.


Confessional - Owen (The Big Guy with a Big Heart) (Cyan Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT, TDRR), and Izzy (The Wild Psycho) (Cyan Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT)

"Izzy's like one real special person to me!" Owen admitted with Izzy sitting on a separate rock close to him. "She's the dreamboat that only keeps goin' faster and faster with signs of never stoppin' anytime soon!"

"And Big-O's one wild guy!" Izzy commented. "Guy can eat anything in one bite, and that even includes my own heart! Well, not literally anyway... Though this makes me question what would a human heart taste like, oddly enough..."

"Beats me..." Owen shrugged in curiosity. "Maybe like some kinda ketchup?"

Both lovebirds paused as they both thought of the idea before looking at each other. Before then, the two predictably started to make out on the confessional cam, falling over from their seats.


"So, what were your first rainstorms around in your competitions?"  Kai asked everyone. "Perhaps some chatter could help pass the time from the clouds' tears..."

"My first rainstorm ended up during the aforementioned challenge where we all had to camp out in the woods at night, just like how we're doing now." Owen started. "It wasn't that bad of a rain, but there was that one other time where it rained so HARD that it whisked us into a flood so bad that I drifted over to the other side of the island!" He reminisced. "I almost went INSANE while being alone, but luckily I've had my pal, Mr. Coconut on my side..."

Most of the others were puzzled involving most of the explanation involving the flood, mostly with Mr. Coconut, which Duncan was quick to explain. "I can vouch for the big guy. Dude was so insane that he's driven himself to believe that he had a friend in an ACTUAL coconut. Needless to say, it got annoying quick..."

"Hey! Mr. Coconut is as much of a real friend as I am to you..!" Owen whined.

"I'll go next." Aiden volunteered. "It was at the time when Lake got called by her parents to quit the entire competition due to not getting her work done. It was thanks to Kristal that she managed to stay in the game for a bit longer... Her and I both owe her for that."

"Now that's pretty sweet of her..!" Tyler complimented.

"Guess I'm not the only rich kid with such parental problems..." Nick sighed. "I'm glad to be away from those wankers right now as much as she is."

"How about you, worker girl?" Duncan asked her. "Anything of note happened for your storm..?"

"Not particularly." Ellie tried to lie, but Tom was quick to object out of anger. "Oh, REALLY? You don't recall backstabbing me and making me look like a moron on National TV?!"

"It's international, Tom." Kai tried to calmly correct Tom, but was turned down quickly by him. "NOT the time, man!"

"Well, it worked in the end." Ellie shrugged without a care.

"And you practically got off of that scot-free... which you SHOULDN'T have in which Fiore SHOULD HAVE been eliminated over ME!" Tom rebutted. "In fact, I would've liked it more if YOU were the one who went instead!"

"Oh, boo-hoo... Cry me a damn RIVER..." Ellie sarcastically said before Leshawna stepped in to shut them both down. "Okay, okay, ENOUGH FROM YOU TWO! We don't need any useless drama on the first day of this dump, especially when there could be a challenge tomorrow! Now can't we just save this for later and get some sleep..?"

Both looked away from each other silently out of anger while she groaned out of exhaustion.


Confessional - Leshawna (The Gold-Hearted Lively Sister) (Cyan Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT)

"Ya know, it's always pretty exhausting when I'm the one who always has to be the voice of reasoning around here..." Leshawna commented. "Can't a sister live around here without having to face any drama for a single day?"


The new day rose quickly as by then, Kristal had gathered the three teams of eleven for their first challenge. Mostly everyone seemed to be exhausted from the last night, mostly thanks to the storm that brewed.

"Welcome to your first challenge, campers!" Kristal greeted the thirty-three of them. "So... how was your night out?"

"Horrible!" Aiden replied. "Practically the worst night of my entire life..."

"Is everything okay, Aiden?" James asked in concern.

"Not really... the rainstorm soaked all of us..." The E-Boy sighed.

James went over to whisper to his boyfriend... "If you cover the tent with leaves, the rain won't be able to hit you..."

Unfortunately for the duo, James's voice tone made it very obvious that he was helping Aiden.

"Um, HELLO?!" Heather yelled over at him. "Are you seriously helping the OPPOSING team?! Where's OUR team spirit?!"

"Are you really just okay with us freezing to death?!" Aiden asked her, feeling offended.

"I've handled Antarctic temperatures with a single crop-top on..." Heather scoffed him off. "You'd be fine if you were in my shoes!"

"Oh, but I'M not someone who got myself shaved BALD and lost out on a million bucks..." Aiden remarked.

"Oh, I can change that..!" Heather butted back at him, which only made him roll his eyes.

"One question..." Riya asked. "Whatever happened to the cabins?"

"Oh, easy question!" Kristal answered. "I've burned them!"

"What?! WHY?!" Yul exclaimed in disbelief.

"Since Season 1 of Disventure Camp only came out in full just recently, they only let us film a new season around here in exchange for repairing the environment." Kristal explained.

"Okay, but how is burning wood exactly HELPFUL to the cause?" Connor asked.

"Shoulda used explosions." Izzy shrugs.

"That wouldn't help either!"

"Excuses, excuses..." Kristal said uncaringly. "If the producers come to inspect on us anytime soon, I wouldn't want there to be any cabins... Which brings us to today's challenge! Release the critters!"

Three trucks with cages within them backed over the area. One had a green happy face, the next had a yellow neutral expression, while the last had a red and angered face.

"What's in those cages..?" Fiore asked.

"Animals to help repopulate Tipiskaw's forests!" Kristal answered.

"Oh, yay!!" Gabby said excitedly, but one contestant in particular was a bit nervous.

"Oh boy..." Owen gulped to himself.

"Someone here had to make up for the mess that two specific interns here caused prior... Now let me explain the challenge. There are three types of trucks each with differing animals of differing categories. The green truck has nine completely tame animals, the yellow truck contains nine mildly harmful animals, while the last truck contains four VERY DANGEROUS critters!"

Both aforementioned interns, Derek and Trevor, were shown demonstrating the challenges. "Five contestants of each team will be transporters who must take as many animals as possible and cross the field to their respective team zone. Six other members will be attackers and stand near the end goals. Their jobs are to attempt to stop the opposing transporters at any costs from scoring their points!" Kristal continued to explain. "Green animals are worth one point, the yellow ones are worth five, whilst the red animals could give you a whopping TEN points! After all animals have been transported, the team with the most points will win a prize! The team with the LEAST will be facing elimination... Any questions?"

"So, we're playing football with animals as the balls..?" Gabby asked.

"Wouldn't that potentially hurt them?" Kai added in.

"Trust me, you should be more worried about your OWN lives!" Kristal told the two nature lovers. "Decide who will be transporting and who will be attacking and we'll get started!"

The Magenta Team huddled up together to think of a plan for the challenge.

"Okay, people." Heather announced. "Who here's good with animals out of everyone in here? We really need good transporters!"

"I'm a farmhand back at home. I think I can handle 'em pretty well." Ashley volunteered.

"Hey! Me too!" Beth raised her hand as well. "I even have a pet pig! She used to be my only friend before I went on Total Drama."

Everyone else just looked at her weirdly.

"I... wasn't that much of a social person back in the day..." Beth rubbed her back sheepishly.

"Don't worry, some of us weren't like that either." Ally reassured her.

"I guess I can volunteer as well." Jake said.

"Hey! Wait! I want to volunteer too!" Fiore yelled, jumping up and down to get the others to notice. "I'm CREAMED if you all set me as an attacker!"

"If nobody else is willing to, then I might as well make it five then. Now let's WIN this!" Heather smirked as the others nodded in determination.

"Okay, we need a solid formation here." Ellie commented towards the Cyan Team, who were also plotting for the challenge. "Thanks to Gabby, I have solid experience on animals, so I'll go. Izzy's a wildlife expert probably, so the crazy chick can go as well... as LONG as you don't do anything hectic!"

Izzy gave her a peace sign in confirmation. "Don't worry, I TOTALLY got this! Oh, and have Owen as an attacker! He isn't so great with animals."

"I can confirm..." Owen nodded embarrassingly.

"Okay, fine. Owen can attack." Ellie obliged. "At least his weight can be a good amount of help... Who else?"

"I can go as well." Kai offered for his friend. "I've got experience with such critters."

"Sounds good, but we still need two more people..." Leshawna commented.

"I can run!" Tyler offered. "Third best athlete in my high school's track team. I got this in the BAG!"

"I suppose doing this won't be too hard..." Nick commented. "I'll go."

"Great, now we got a full party!" Leshawna commented. "Now let's groove!"

Finally at the Yellow Team, the team seemed to be in deep thought on the planning. "Okay, it's kind of obvious that Gabby's going to run, but we still need four others."

Gabby squealed at her going for the team, mostly due to the animals.

"I'll go." Alejandro offered. "I can charm those animals easily."

"Then I shall go too." Justin raised his hand out of spite.

"I can go as well." Harold was the next to raise his. "I'm an expert at animals and knowing how to keep them calm. I didn't go to Animal Tamer Steve's Animal Taming Camp for no reason."

"Well, if nobody else is willing to run for the team..." Lake said as she raised her hand up. "Then I'll go."

"Seems like a good line-up." Alec commented.

"No time to waste though..." Courtney muttered. "We've got a challenge to win and we're gonna ace this!"

Soon enough, everyone got into their own positions, with Kristal holding onto her megaphone.

"The challenge starts... NOW!!" Kristal yelled through it as the Magenta Team runners looked through their options.

"Which one do we go with first?" Beth asked the other five, with Ashley responding. "Let's aim for the red animals first! Sure it may be risky, but it could bag us a good lead!"

She rushed in to look at which of the animals were available.

With the Yellow Team, Gabby carried over an iguana, squirrel, and a bird for the team from the green truck. "Come on friends, I'll find you all a good and safe home!" She gave the squirrel to Harold and the birdie to Lake.

Meanwhile, Yul was tugging the goat from the leash and was struggling to get it to move. "Move it, lamb chop!"

"I can try helping." Tyler offered, pulling along with Yul. As for Izzy, she was carrying the monkey on her back, which it didn't seem too aggressive about.

"C'mon, my ancestral roots, we're gonna fly through this TOGETHER!" Izzy talked to the monkey.

"Maybe we should go for another one..." Tyler suggested which Yul groaned from exhaustion. "Ugh, fine... Might as well go for the greener ones..."

The two boys walked off, but the goat ran off on its own.

Ashley, Jake, and Heather seemed to be struggling with the wolf, which seemed to be aggressive.

"C'mon, you big pile of fur..! Get moving already!" Heather demanded the wolf, which snarled her into letting it go. It did the same for Jake, but Ashley used the leash as a lasso, twirling it around.

"YEEEHAAAAWWW!!" She yelled as she succeeded in wrapping it around the wolf. Though, it did manage to run and caused her to pull her around.

"Any help 'round here?!" She asked, which she saw Beth carrying a raccoon on her own, who enjoyed her company.

"Sorry Ashley..!" Beth called out. "I don't want to risk scaring off my friend..."

"And do you obviously think I could help with THAT?!" Fiore, who was carrying a woodpecker, yelled out.

Three of the Yellow Team transporters arrived over at their goals, but saw the Magenta Team attackers guarding against them. The tree hugger rushed over towards her goal and punched Ally, who was guarding said goal, over and scored the team their first point.

"H-Hey! Gabby punched me!" Ally complained. "Shouldn't that be against the rules?!"

"Hey, everything's allowed here, including horseplay." Kristal told her much to her chagrin.

Meanwhile, Hunter was struggling to take the bird from Lake. "Where's the rest of my team..?" He asked worryingly, where three of the members were preoccupied with the wolf and Beth and Fiore were almost towards their team's goal.

Luckily, Hunter was able to steal the bird, but it bit him before flying away. Ally went to go check on him.

"Hunter! Are you alright?" The gamer girlfriend asked, which he rubbed his nose. "That silly bird bit me... but are you good?"

"I'm all good, but our team probably needs us..." Ally commented before heading off. "Let's get going!"

Izzy kept running with the monkey in tow, but Lindsay was ready to leap over to steal it... only to miss as she ducked.

"Better luck next time, bucko!" Izzy told Lindsay as she kept on running and made it into the goal. "TOUCHDOWN, BABY!"

Yul and Tyler ran over with their animals, a beaver and a mouse. Riya stood in-between them, ready to strike.

"Might as well try giving up now—" She said before being interrupted by Owen tackling her.

"You guys go along!" Owen directed them. "I've got her pinned good!"

The two nodded as they went off to score two points each for their teams.

The goat was still heading off which Hunter noticed that it was heading towards Gwen's way.

"Gwen!" He yelled. "Get the goat!"

Gwen nodded as she stepped away from the goat and wrapped it around her hands. "Got it!" She carried it up and ran over towards the goal for the Magenta Team.

"Whew... Glad that managed to get in..." Gwen wiped her forehead.

"Hey, wait for us!" Beth yelled over as she walked in with the raccoon. Fiore didn't have as much luck though, as her woodpecker flew off right before stepping in.

"Oh, come ON!" She yelled out in frustration.

Hunter didn't seem too impressed with her performance.

"Okay, seriously, why did we get stuck with the CHILD?" He said in frustration. "This isn't fair at all!"

"At least I wasn't in the ATTACKING group!" She snapped back at him.

"A little camaraderie wouldn't hurt, Hunter..." Alec said, standing right behind him.

"What does this have to do with you, Alec?! You're on the other team!" He told him.

"I was just saying..."

"And frankly, I didn't ask."

"You kind of already did—" Harold tried to point out before being silenced by Hunter. "Zip it, Dweeb! Look, why don't the both of you mind your own businesses?!"

"I do not appreciate your tone..." Alec told him sternly as Beth walked up to the two. "Guys, enough with the arguing! Hunter, get your head focused on the game!"

She dragged him off as Fiore looked back at the librarian. "Thanks for that..."

"Don't take this as a sign of forgiveness..." He told her bitterly.

"Look, I need your help! Almost NOBODY on the team likes me!" Fiore told him. "Heather's practically the only one who tolerates me!"

"Can't really blame them..." Alec rolled his eyes.

"Look, almost everyone's gonna boot either one of us off first! I don't know what to do!"

"You're not going to fool me with that act again, or anyone else on the matter!" Alec stated to her. "You're already on the Queen Bee's stinger, so why don't YOU go bother her instead of ME?" He walked off, leaving the child disappointed.

Tom and Leshawna stood on guard at the Magenta goal whilst Jake, Ashley, Heather, and the now-returning Beth were struggling to drag the wolf along. The two looked at each other with a smirk as Tom tackled all four of them at once.

"Leshawna, I know you can get that wolf moving! Go on!" Tom urged her to go, which she did reach for the leash. Though, it acted aggressive towards her as well. "Okay, nice wolfie..." Leshawna tried to keep it calm as she grabbed onto the leash, but it ended up dragging her over towards the goals. Riya and Alec, who were watching the chaos, nodded to each other, having thought of a plan to steal the wolf.

"Someone help me handle this beast!" Leshawna yelled out as she was being dragged along. At the right time, Alex unhooked the leash from the wolf, letting it run rampant and leaving the sister in the dust.

"You've got to be kidding..!" She groaned as the wolf started to chase Riya, who screamed upon being aimed at.

"This is not how I planned this to GOOOO!!" She yelled as she managed to lure the wolf over into their goal, netting the Yellow Team 10 points. Upon arriving, she shoved her knee up the wolf's jaw to paralyze it and walked off unscathed. "Got it!"

"Damnit..." Heather groaned upon watching. "How come we didn't think of THAT before..?"

"No time, Heather! We may have lost our lead, but we can still keep our second place!" Ashley called for the five. "Let's go for the greens and yellows!"

Ashley went for the chicken, Jake grabbed the bunny, and Heather left with the chameleon. Meanwhile, the woodpecker flew back onto Beth's head.

"Welp, another shot with this guy wouldn't hurt!" She shrugged as she went with the others. Fiore, meanwhile, got stuck with a seal.

"It's like as if this game WANTS me to suffer..!" She groaned as the seal slapped her face.

As Heather ran, the chameleon vanished using its camouflage. She seemed to notice, but wasn't affected by it. "Nice try, gecko! Nobody's fooling ME from winning anymore!" She said triumphantly as she ran towards the goal.

Lake ran with a snake in tow, but Duncan managed to tackle her, pulling the snake back and forth. Lake seemed to have the upper hand of the tug-o-war... until the snake itself got launched... right into the Cyan Team's goal.

"He shoots, he scores!" Duncan exclaimed as Lake groaned.

Ashley, after scoring with her other teammates (sans Fiore, who's still with the seal), rode on the horse. Courtney stood on guard, but the horse managed to jump over her and score five more points.

"What?!" Courtney exclaimed before groaning. "Typical animals..."

Nick and Connor were both chased by a goose and a turtle respectively (bitten in Connor's part) into their respective goals, garnering them five points each. To add onto the Cyan team's scores, Kai carried an alligator towards the Cyan goal whilst Beth surprisingly led the lion over to the Magenta goal. Eventually, Fiore managed to net the seal in for five points to also add into the Magenta team's score, having followed right behind Beth.

"About TIME!" She groaned, rubbing her cheeks from the many times the seal slapped her.

"Uh... Are you good there?" Beth questioned Fiore, who huffed in response. "None of your beeswax..!"

With Jake managing to regain the bird that bit Hunter from earlier, he was also experiencing a similar problem as he was... being pecked by it.

"C'mon, cut it out!" He tried to tell it before watching Justin, who was charming a deer into following him, get tackled by Tom and picked out by Aiden.

"Hey, big guy! Catch!" Aiden told Owen as he threw the deer at him, which he barely managed to catch it and turn it into their goal. "And the naturalist FINALLY gets his tamed animal into its natural habitat!" Owen cheered.

"Well done, Aiden!" Tom congratulated him as they both shared a high five, concerning Jake, who watched what happened. Noah seemed to observe at the three and had several thoughts running in his head on what to do about it.


Confessional - Noah (The Sarcastic Slacker) (Magenta Team) (TDI, TDWT, TDRR)

"This season's stakes are higher than ever with that three million dollar prize." Noah thought. "So if I want to make it far in the game, I'm gonna have to get myself to play a bit dirty... and using Jake's potential jealousy to throw him and to an extent, Tom and Aiden's games, is just the way to do it." He huffed as he thought of his current circumstances. "Besides, with Owen and Izzy on the other team and seeing all of the friendships and the like forming across each other, I'm gonna need all the help I can get on surviving any future votes, and I know that those two would need that as well."


The slacker approached Jake with his game-changing intentions. "Seems like the Scar-Spy's already replaced you, hm..?"

"Huh? What do you even mean by that?" Jake asked him out of confusion.

"What I mean by that?" He snarked. "Isn't it obvious? Haven't you noticed how happier he's been around Aiden than you lately?"

"No way..." The naive boy said, having doubts about Noah's claims. "Do you really think that..?"

"C'mon, I thought it was when they've been split up into teams, and I'm sure the others might have noticed too while you were boarding that plane..." He told him. "You know, I wouldn't exactly be surprised that they've talked prior to this..."

Jake still seemed unsure of what Noah had told him. Could Tom really be moving on from him right now? "Since when did you care about all of this anyway..? And aren't you gonna try to attack anyone?"

"I was just going to get to that, but as for that first point... I thought it would have been nice to give someone some info, teammate to teammate..." The snarker shrugged as he ran off to continue with the challenge.

"Well, it's not like I even care myself..." Jake sighed to himself as Heather watched from the distance.


Confessional - Heather (The Queen Bee of Mean) (Magenta Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT, TDAS)

"I didn't think Noah actually had some sort of malicious tactician side within him..." Heather admitted, looking surprised. "But if it helps twist Jake's tiny mind around into pitting himself as a target and gets me and Fiore out of the bottom of the totem pole, then I'll have to thank him for turning the tides. Trust me, I didn't want to do the convincing all on my own..."


Jake solemnly walked with his bird, until Aiden swiftly snatched it from him. "Huh?! Hey! What was that even for?!"

"Sorry Jake, but that's the challenge!" Aiden told him as he crossed the finish.

"And that was all the animals we've had! With a total of 40 points, the Cyan Team manages to win immunity from tonight's vote!" Kristal announced. "Plus, as a prize, their tent will be replaced by a WATERPROOF one!"

The Cyan Team celebrated over their victory gratefully, with people like Owen giving hugs and others giving high fives, with Tyler in particular messing his one up.

"This was a close match, but second place goes to the Magenta Team! With only 28 points in tow. You've gained immunity, but nothing else to win." Kristal told them, as most of them, especially Fiore and Heather sighing in relief. A few of the contestants, including Beth and Ally, fist-bumped with one another.

"Thank god..!" Fiore sighed.

"Next time people, focus harder so we can ACTUALLY get our hands on that prize!" Heather told the team.

"Unfortunately, that leaves the Yellow Team at a measly 24 points. So close, yet so far... You've earned a one way ticket to elimination, where one of you will become the first eliminated camper of Disventure Camp: Drama Stars!"

Most of the team seemed pretty disappointed over the loss and worried for the future elimination as well.

"I hope you all decided on your votes ahead of time..." Kristal told them with a chilling tone towards them, even with her signature smirk in play.

As the Yellow Team headed back to camp, Justin looked over at Lake, who seemed to be sweating a bit from her performance during challenge. He thought to himself for a bit.


Confessional - Justin (The Hunky Model) (Yellow Team) (TDI, TDA)

"I've seen how the redhead's done during the challenge..." Justin twiddled his fingers in the confessional in a plotting way. "And I know that her athletic capabilities could potentially make her a bit of a threat later on... I'm gonna have to try to find a way to boot her off before she becomes too dangerous to handle."


Justin walked over to Riya and Connor in an attempt to garner up votes for the elimination.

"Thinking on ideas on who to vote off, I see..?" Justin questioned the two, which Riya seemed to nod. "You know it's a pretty hard decision when there's a lot of people I've BARELY talked to to choose from..."

"Well, how about I make things easier for you two?" Justin asked them. "You know Lake, don't you?"

"Oh, yeah!" Connor confirmed. "We were in the same season as her! But why do you ask?"

"You've both seen how capable she is during challenges..." Justin told them. "Wouldn't you think this could make her a threat come the merge?"

"We're still in the teams phase, though..." Riya yawned. "Why does that matter to you?"

"Trust me, the future is much more impactful to look forward to than the present right now." Justin told them in an attempt to manipulate them. "Would you rather face her in an undefeatable position later, especially with her friends in here? Or... would you rather take her out now before the time she gets dangerous..?"

The diva and the adultescent seemed a bit unconfident now in their votes as they both looked each other, trying to see if taking in Justin's advice would be beneficial or not.

"Well, I best be going now..." The model sighed. "But if you do think joining up with me would be the right call, perhaps it'd be best to convince some of the others to vote with us."

Justin left the two worried daters behind, unsure of what exactly to do.


Confessional - Riya (The Hollywood Villainess) (Yellow Team) (DC2)

"Well... on one hand, Justin does raise some decent points on his reasoning..." The movie star thought to herself with conflicting thoughts swimming in her mind. "But is it really the right move to boot off someone without knowing how they'd even fare in the solo games? Lake DID get voted off early in the merge after all..."


Meanwhile, Lake, Lindsay, and Harold had gathered with each other to discuss on who to vote.

"Okay, I think my vote should be obvious..." Harold told the other two. "Alejandro OBVIOUSLY can't be trusted! He's a snake waiting for his prey to leech onto someone!"

"I don't particularly trust him either..." Lake said, rubbing her head. "He does give me weird vibes... Suspicious, even..."

"My point exactly." Harold nodded. "Lindsay, you're in for this too, right?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah! Right! Totally in!" Lindsay nodded in approval.

"Seems sincere to me." The dweeb shrugged. "Now I'm just hoping this works just so he can get the karma that he truly deserves!"


Confessional - Harold (The Underestimated Dweeb) (Yellow Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT)

"Obviously I'm still bitter about what happened back then..." Harold said without remorse. "That Spaniard tried to steal the luscious lady from her rightful ally AND he managed to convince me to quit out on a million bucks for nothing on top of getting my gal eliminated!" He faced towards the camera with a determined expression, slamming his fist onto his palm as he spoke. "So this time, I'm determined to bite him back where it hurts with my mad skills!"


"We'll just have to see how everything goes..." Lake told the two. "Not everything can always end up working out..."

Lindsay nodded in agreement.!As the three continued to discuss, Alejandro was listening on to their plans from a nearby tree, now knowing that he was being plotted to get booted off.

Soon enough, sunset turned into night as everyone in the Yellow Team was walking over towards the elimination area. Whilst doing do, Alejandro pulled Lindsay over to him.

"Lindsay, listen... I know you're probably thinking of voting me off right now, aren't you?"

Lindsay tried her best to hide her answer, even if it did seem obvious. "Uhh... Nope! Totally not, hehe!"

"Well, a little birdie from our team told me that... There's potentially someone more worthy to eliminate than me. After all, I am much less of a threat now that I'm alone, aren't I?"

"Well..." The blonde now seemed a bit unsure to vote for by then, with the diplomat having given reasonable points.

"Trust me. This'll only benefit you in the long run... If you're willing to listen, here's who the team thinks is more worthy of leaving..." Alejandro quietly whispered into Lindsay's ear his target of choice as they walked.

Soon enough, the entire team was now seated for elimination.

"I have a feeling this vote might be pretty multi-sided..." Kristal said with a smirk. "Since you're all returning players, I don't think I need to explain how all of this goes, right?"

"Ahem..." Alejandro coughed. "We Total Drama vets don't really understand how voting works around in this show..."

"Oh, right..." Kristal said, having forgotten about that. "Well, in that case, all of you will have to move over to the voting booth one by one to cast your votes by writing the name of the contestant you want gone in the parchment beside you. Once you're done writing, stick that parchment into the jar next to you and have the next person do their time voting. After all of the votes have been tallied, I will read the votes one by one until a loser has been decided. That loser will have to walk off to the Bus of Losers towards the Road of Shame, never to return again... EVER." She explained. "Oh, and I almost forgot! There are NO MARSHMALLOWS this time! So you're all gonna have to scavenge for some food after this ceremony ends... Now get voting!"

One by one, each member of the Yellow Team wrote down the names of who they have wanted gone onto their parchments. Some looked confident in their votes, others... not so much.

Soon enough, everyone managed to cast their votes against one another. By then, Kristal had the jar ready to read the votes.

"Remember, once the votes have been read, the decision is final. The person with the most votes must leave the camp immediately! Now I'll go read the votes."

The teammates looked toward each other worryingly.


"First vote... Lindsay."

"Me?!" Lindsay was surprised on the reveal. "But why would anyone vote me off now?!"


"Second vote... Alejandro. That's one vote Lindsay and one vote for Alejandro."

Alejandro looked away a bit, having expected at least a vote or two for himself.


"Third vote... Lindsay. That's two votes for Lindsay and two votes for Alejandro."

Lindsay looked more nervous than before, twirling her hair a bit.


"Fourth vote... Lake. That's two votes for Lindsay, one vote for Alejandro, and one vote for Lake."

Lake looked surprised by the fact that she garnered a vote so soon. She now looked worried over her position in the game.


"Fifth vote... Alejandro. That's two votes for both Lindsay and Alejandro and one vote for Lake."

Both of the two vote gainers looked at each other while Lake looked over at them, questioning her safety still.


"Sixth vote... Lindsay. That's three votes for Lindsay, two votes for Alejandro, and one vote for Lake. We're halfway through the votes..."

Harold looked at Alejandro like an eagle's eye, making him somewhat nervous, while Lindsay continued to spin around her hair.


"Seventh vote... Lake. That's three votes Lindsay and two votes for both Alejandro and Lake."

Lake seemed more uneasy upon getting her second vote in.


"Eighth vote..." Kristal looked at the vote and looked unamused upon seeing what was written. "Really? Who wrote 'River' in here..?!" She asked, showing the vote to the team.

The dumb blonde shamefully raised her hand up. "I meant to choose her... I'm not that great with names..." She pointed towards Lake, who gave a mix of surprise and unamusement towards Lindsay's inability to remember names and mainly surprised from being betrayed like so.

"Lindsay..?! But I thought we agreed on Alejandro!"

"I'm sorry!" The princess hastily apologized. "He did sound pretty convincing on his choice in all honesty..."

"...... Fine, I'll count that vote this ONE time..! So, that's three votes for the both of you and two votes for Lake. Three votes remain..."

Harold facepalmed at Lindsay's decision to swap her vote.


"Ninth vote... Lake. That's four votes for Lake, three votes for Lindsay, and two votes for Alejandro. Two votes remain."

The three who garnered votes looked nervously towards one another as Kristal prepared to announce the next vote...

"And the tenth vote and the first person voted off of Disventure Camp: Drama Stars is..."


Everyone in the team looked towards one another in suspense, concern, and worry.

"Lake. Unfortunately, that's five votes against you, and that's enough to eliminate you... We won't have to read the last one."

Lake sighed as she got up, accepting her defeat. "Well, I should've seen this coming in all honesty... With how intense the competition's gotten and having forgotten what Rosa had told me by now, I didn't think I'd get as far as I did originally... but I do wish the best of luck to all of you remaining."

"See ya." Alec simply said.

"Bon voyage." Justin said with a smirk.

"Ciao!" Lindsay greeted her goodbye. "And, um... sorry about misspelling your name like that..! And also for voting you out in spite of what we had..."

"Well, I suppose mistakes can happen." She shrugged. "So it's all good. Just make sure you remember everyone's names AND not to fall into anyone else's traps by the next time you lose, 'kay? I know you can have what it takes to get far, especially with how you did in your first two seasons."

"Well, I'll try..!" Lindsay gave a small thumbs up. "Can't promise much, but I can try my hardest!" This left Lake with a small smile as she left to the bus stop.

She gave the camera a small wave before having boarded the Bus of Losers as it drove off over to the Loser Motel.


Confessional - Lindsay (The Fashionable Idiot) (Yellow Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT, TDAS)

"Okay, so maybe accidentally writing a different name down wasn't the best show of worth for myself on the team... and neither was letting myself slip into someone else's grasp so easily..." Lindsay said sheepishly. "But I'm gonna have to remain confident that I can keep a good memory from here on out! I'm probably gonna need it anyway... This one's for you, Lake and Harold!"


Confessional - Courtney (The Perfectionistic Law Student) (Yellow Team) (TDI, TDA, TDWT, TDAS)

"I could see why the others here wanted Lake gone by then." Courtney shrugged. "She practically lacked as much bonds as everyone else in the team. So like the pack of wolves this game was, they booted her off first chance they get." The former C.I.T. looked over at the other direction. "Doesn't help that she's also pretty athletic for her own age..."


Confessional - Justin (The Hunky Model) (Yellow Team) (TDI, TDA)

"One target down and a lot more to go." Justin sighed. "See? Me and my brain DO get along well with each other!" He smirked with a devious expression. "This elimination shows that I'm not playing any more games this time around. This sexy-looking model is here to WIN!"


BONUS CLIP - Lake's Loser Motel Arrival Monologue

"Being eliminated first out of thirty three experienced players does seem embarrassing on paper, but in all honesty, I don't particularly have much regrets coming in here." Lake admitted as she was sitting down on the bench of the Loser's Motel. "Sure, I may have forgotten my advice from Rosa a tad bit, but at the very least,!I've showed the world that I can be independent without the needs of my friends and I did get to meet a couple of cute animals during my stay." She smiled upon saying her accomplishments on returning to the game. "I'm sure Aiden and James will have this in the bag even without me around, and Lindsay and Harold could potentially do great in the game as well. You four show the others who's boss for both me and Rosa!"


Voting Confessionals

Lake (The Independent Prodigy)

"Sorry, but... I'm honestly getting sort of uncomfortable feelings from you..." Lake rubbed her head as she wrote down Alejandro's name. "It's like as if your presence is a chill running down my spine..!"


Courtney (The Perfectionistic Law Student)

"Sure, there are visible threats amongst this team, but..." Courtney thought before writing down Lindsay's name. "I'd rather take out the dead-weight first then to focus on who could be big trouble..."


Riya (The Hollywood Villainess)

"It took me a lot of thinking, but I think I made up my decision..." Riya wrote down Lake's name. "Sorry Lake, but Justin's right. You CAN be big trouble, especially now that we're no longer friends..."


Harold (The Underestimated Dweeb)

"Don't think I've forgotten how you've manipulated me the last time we've met up!" Harold said as he wrote down Alejandro's name. "This is for the TRUE honor of a samurai warrior!"


Connor (The Kindhearted Adultescent)

"Well, gotta follow with Riya for this one..." He said, reluctantly writing Lake's name. "Sorry Lake... I hope we're still cool with each other even after this."


Justin (The Hunky Model)

Justin smirked silently as he wrote down Lake's name onto his parchment, giving the camera a sparkle from his smiling teeth.


Gabby (The Tree-Hugging Vigor)

"Sorry, but I don't particularly think you're the brightest enough for the team..." Gabby apologized as she wrote down Lindsay's name. "I do like the personality of yours, though!"


Alejandro (The Charming Mastermind)

"Riya informed me that you would be a threat later in the game die to your athleticism, and I'm inclined to agree with her." He said as he wrote down Lake's name. "I mean no dishonorable feelings, but I'd rather take down the stronger threats while they're still prevalent. Besides, I've listened onto your little conversation. You're not making me an early boot ANYTIME soon..."


Alec (The Witty Librarian)

"It's already been two days and I really cannot stand your idiocy by now..." He groaned as he wrote down Lindsay's name without much hesitation.


Lindsay (The Fashionable Idiot)

"Sorry... Um... I already forgot what your name was, but I have a feeling that it's probably gonna be between you and I tonight, given what Jalapeño tried to tell me..." She said as she wrote River on her parchment when she meant to vote off Lake. "Besides, me and him knew each other longer! I'm sure you'd understand, right? By the way, that red wig looks SUPER cool on you! Where'd you get it from?"


Grett (The New Leaf?)

"Hearing from Connor about you? Yeah, I don't particularly want to risk going against you in the coming merge..." Grett admitted as she wrote down Lake's name. "No hard feelings, but I didn't particularly know who else to vote against, so I just followed along with what seemed like the majority would've wanted..."


Current Teams

Magenta Team: Fiore, Jake, Ashley, James, Ally, Hunter, Gwen, Heather, Beth, Cody, and Noah

Cyan Team: Ellie, Tom, Nick, Aiden, Yul, Kai, Owen, Duncan, Leshawna, Izzy, and Tyler

Yellow Team: Alec, Grett, Gabby, Riya, Connor, Alejandro, Lindsay, Harold, Courtney, and Justin

Eliminated: Lake (33rd)

A/N: And that's a wrap for this episode! Writing the many different interactions on the shuffled teams from canon were pretty fun! If you're all wondering why I came up with those teams as is, I thought the Magenta Team having been made out of pure random pairings made them really entertaining to watch, so I wanted to see how everything would fare if each team was like that. Oh, and I also mighta estimated on the points for the challenge since I didn't really have much time to count them all. If I made any mistakes or know the actual amount, lemme know and I'll try to fix it up!

As for our first eliminated loser of the season, Lake... Sorry Lake fans, but honestly, I didn't particularly have much planned for her here. Her arc was pretty much already done in canon Season 2 and I did need a good first boot for the fic to take off on, hence why I eliminated her here to show how the stakes have really risen up since the last few shows. I could've eliminated James here, but I do have a bit more in store for him, so I spared Magenta from elimination and had Yellow lose instead. Regardless, I do hope y'all enjoyed the episode and I'll be seeing you whenever the next episode's done!

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